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is "the ingraham angle". my ankle moments. first come up with 5 months into election day not every ball that comes out is meticulously dissected. diss we lays with momentum is. this time around we seen trump looking umlostrong in bowl afte pole. but, a few preset servers including one from us here at fox shows the race title. triggered some wishful thinking rr quarters.some >> big shift among independent voters can signal subdued momentum for president biden. >> repulsive just a tight raceh. this one shows momentum. >> better news that martin has had in months. >> this underscores the party campaigns theory of the case here which is that as people start to dial-in they would find trump less and less appealing. >> for they start making plans for the second prided inaugural let's break this down. look at heak athings in some co. first, even with the latest polls factored in, trump is still leading the national rcp average albeit slightly.this is important. remember back in june 2016 trump was wabehind in the rcp average by almost 6 points. of course he went on to owin. in june 2020 though, prided was ahead and the average by 9.5 points. the fact that trump is still leading at this inpoint is a massive shift from what we seen before. i did is also relying on the women vote to solidify his pack to victory. his current standing among women is the weakest lead democrat hascr had since 2004. see bush went on to win that. another key point. while national polls are very interesting, it's fun to dissect them. the 2024 election like the wi last likely come down to a handful of swing states. today, new emersonme bowl is fantastic news for trump. he's currently up for points in arizona and georgia, 3 in nevada and wisconsin, 2 in pennsylvania, one point michigan, tied in liberal minnesota. yes, minnesota. >> is not that donald trump is winning so big in iowa. that's all the story. is that he's making it close in minnesota. it evokes democrats and every te present residential campaigns apocryphal. i seek trump within 2 or 3 points in minnesota. i don't think the media understands exactly what is a degoing on right now. yes, trump dropped a few points after being found guilty . that would've destroyed any candidate. the fact that donald trump is still tmp ieven with orbits of asleading joe biden after being found guilty of 34 felonies. my god. >> by the way that pains frank to say this.he's not a big fan of trumps. he's honest e honehere. course no matter what the polls say, trump knows he has to do what he has to do which is fight for every single vote. he needs to keep going to these evcities about thesesi democrat strongholds, preach a america first gospel with optimism. listen to voters concerns of the sameime. time. people want cheaper gas, they want cheaper groceries, they want more money in the pockets and it's time for trump to perhaps, i don't know, resurrect the old theme song. ♪money money, money money. this is what the american eypeople care about. the portable unassailable truth is 3 and half years with divided in the white house has left americans, half of americans struggling to ggstay where they are financially. everyone's paddling trying to stay above water. no wonder prided doesn't want to talk about his record. he wants us instead with this apparatchiks to wallow in the images of january 6 or the hush money conviction because they know that trump's record as president delivered strength at home and abroad. during this doubt is capital theory, chairman of o'leary ventures. kevin, again, people get stuck on well it's about democracy or someone's tone or the way someone talks about the press ssor whether he is nice to cats and puppies. is this election again about the economy. >> it is, but it's more about the future than the past. some of the issues are just t detailed or historic in nature in some cases long forgotten. the challenge for the administration currently is that inflation is really hurt on food prices. there 30 percent since pre-pandemic on housing energy. that's not going away. for the average american doesn't come the stock martin is doing it's a big debate. foreign igaffairs every day in the news whether your pro or con whichever side. these are big debate issues. i think we should buthinaddress 5000 elephants in the room. this debate, i don't understand why it's happening. if i were biden and the polls are closing i wouldn't do this debate. i would even take the risk. unless he's very sharp andt, it this could be very costly. i think that's what people are talking about. given humane default in anyways because you can vote against trump if you don't like him and i get that. you're an independent 'tikdolineedlelike trump and yo for biden. biden has a lot of guts to do this. team biden must be saying we gotta show up and we gotta perform. we've got to be really clear and precise and sharp on that debate. >> may take issue with something you thasaid. but it has a lot of guts to do this. i think it's only card they have to play. when franklin's was absolutely arden never trumper, he tries to smooth itum over. he's 8 never trumper, it's fine. when he's talking as a pollster about minnesota and others seeing maine and virginia and new york state tightening to eat points. the state that biden won handily double digits in 2020. that'sth big and biden has got change them. i don't think they had any choice except to do this debate. his strategists aren't dumb people. tty smt.they are pretty smart. >> you may be right. i ran into him in washington. i still say why? >> because he's gonna lose if he doesn't do it. >> you gotta perform that night. you gotta be sharp. you gotta bring it. if you don't bring it that's going to really be bad. d'tgoy >> well, i think people thought about this. it's not a novel point. expectations of biden are quite low. i'm going to get into this next segment because i have a wholee debate advice angle coming out. expectations for him are quite low. i want to get back to this point , kevin about what matter to people right now. matters? is january 6? is it the economy? is it how much money they have to spend every month just to get by? it seems like that j because th new monmouth pole b& go ahead. >> i will rank them for you. inflation, number one. inflation no2, inflation number 3. you cut a deal with those first. then there's border security, then there's foreign affairs and everything else. if you're the kitchen table and champagne in illinois. you don't care a anything that you getting squeezed by 30 percent increases in protein. by 20 percent increases in energy. i housing is unaffordable. that's it. that's what matters. that's what the debate is about. everything else interesting. not as important. >> i think when you looked at real median income. familiest mpraoofaes wages in t years under trump. i was takeout coven because it was a once-in-a-lifetime nightmare for yeamerica. for the first time had a very long time blue-collar wages were rising. there are a lot of people run big companies in united states. they don't necessarily like that. they like the never float, never ending flow of cheap labor in the country. that was good news to middle america. also kevin, to lirpo a immigran. they have little money in their pocket. it felt good and they could maybe quantification everyone that with their families. which a lot of people can't do right now. that was then, this isat w tn e. i did doesn't want to talk about that comparison. he can't i. >> i'm sure trump will. you're buying power has been eroded by 30 percent. there's no getting around it. inflation always hurts the incumbent. you don't want to in an election year. you do not want inflation. it's one thing that touches people every single inthday. they buy the bread, they buy the chicken, the go fill up their car. they pay their rent. yolamb. you fill it. you can't get away from it. that i think is going to be the election how these candidates talk a little bit about how they're gonna solve this problem. s that will be interesting. this debate will be watched by more people than the legendary hillary clinton /trump debate. i'm rolling out the carpets. where do the popcorn. we've got gas coming. this is good to be the show. it's good to be a very, very'so large ãa massive cohort watching this. it's can be huge. it's each candidates chance to address the dependence will decide the selection. this is the show of the season. it's good to be shark tank ratings i can tell you that. >> kevin, do you think this big announcement that melinda gates, one of the richest people in the world supporting biden?un is that really the message they want out there to connect with the regular working class people? or does not solidify they lived in a bubble and they don't care how bad the economy is. it doesn't matter tobay? b her. >> no, she would be better off to give every independent voter $4200 that they lost and buying power since january 1. that would've been better. that would've been way better. >> i love that. that is good kevin. great to see you as always. as kevin said that big debate showdown is one week from today. my advice to trump coming up next. - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. >> debating joe biden. doc? thus the focus of tonight's angle. i've been thinking a lot about next week's cnn presidential debate. what both sides will attempt to do to convince those voters they deserve another term. well, first as we previously noted, the fact that this is happening sorely it's just further confirmation that fthe biden camp knows he's in a hole and he needs to turn the tide is adjusted to kevin o'leary. the stakes for him couldn't be higher. >> this is the entire election as far as i'm concerned. biden goes out there and messes up it's game ifss over. if he walks out and a week later he's lower in the polls it's panic in the party. >> second, the's panra fact tru agreed so quickly to the timing and the format tells us he's confident about winning.>> they said were going to do a debate we like to challenge you to a debate. they didn't want me to accept. they didn't think i was gonna do it. they thought i wouldeyid say i inwouldn't do it because he and his fake nose. you will see immediately if it is or not. i will debate 3 people instead of one half of aea person. >> if you think former president trumps all spaces that you think think jake tapper reminded people then you been sleeping for the passover years. >> president trump lives in anl atmosphere of disinformation, false information. >> insults and outright lies. that's what we heard from donald trump at iowa this weekend. >> now bash and taber so far in the dc bubble there obviously just frustrated when trump leads biden on key issues. >> us and affairs, israel gaza. trump has an advantage. if you look at the israel gaza question the fact want trump has a 20 point advantage in michigan. i mean, the world is upside downdown. >> the world is upside down. no people have eyes and ears. it's because for them the world only makes sense, democracy only works when joe biden is reelected and literacy trump as hitler. >> dehumanizing rhetoric of adolf hitler is once again alive and well on the national political stage. this time given life by former president and current republican presidential front-runner donald trump. >> keep in mind of the moderators are. it's more wimportant part in t trump handles these 90 minutes well. the complaint about how pious they are. they'll note theirbi help biden and hurt you. sometimes arise smile is better than showing the world that news anchors can actually get under yourly g skin. i simple advice, debate. don't take the bait. the democrats have been stupid enough to tell everyone what the campaign strategy amigis. >> one of the key goals for biden heading into next week showdown is trying to paint his opponent, donald trump, as a divisive and chaotic figure who is unfit to serve in the office of the presidency. >> keep your cool, no matter what. don't give them what they lwan. if trump maintains his composure and doesn't step into their traps is going to win handily. remember his reaction after winning iowa? >> working to rebuild our cities of work with the democrats to do it. i will be glad to work with the people of new york. written work with the people in chicago and la. working to rebuild our >> i was standing there and i was like yes, good on him for doing that. when pressed on whether he will support a never trump larry hogan and his senate bid. >>about the party and about the country and i would like to see him win. >> so you are endorsing him? >> nobody's asked me that but essentially i would be endorsing him. yeah.>> is also letting bygones be bygones with nikki haley as a well. last weekend in detroit, well, a picture is worth a thousand words. african-american voters see a republican according there events for change of the big issues. they're not doing it by cheap pandering. the caricature that chris returned to paint donald trump with begins to melt away. substance, results, i will record opening money in people's pockets with a strong economy of course. it pays off big time for trump. remember, trump is really is funny. >> i just got this and somebody handed it to me and not as a joke. i said anybody have any tick tax? the guy said yeah, i have one. look at the size that sucker. thatthis is called biden tick t. this cost more money than the one that was like 10 times bigger. this is inflation. >> even with no live audience situation. take a few opportunities to make the tv audience which is going to be very big laugh. we all need to laugh. by the same token, if at the end of the.n debate a lot of t was spent on the 2020 election, january 6 or judge mershon, agoften break or run a phyllis. i think democrats at least will consider that a significant win for them. they know biden is weak. this is not to she say the weaponization of government is not a huge issue. it is a big issue. it's not what's driving voters to the polls. i'm quickly dispense with that. i could see tapper may be asking trump something like, sir, is a convicted felon there's a possibility you may be sentenced to prison and other cases down the road. how does that make you fit fors the residency,, sir? no that this type of question will be asked and one kedthing. well, don't get trump to try to get trump to lose his cool. that's why that question is being beasked. again, trump doesn't need to take theke t bait. now, on their convicted felon point. it's ugly say, will jake most people see these cases is driven by politics. and they know that i decided not to run for office ofneouagain none of them would've been brought. setting that aside we believe we have a strong appeal in the new york case and we expect to win that appeal. and mostveno americans, jake, h no time to follow the minute details of these cases they are too busy trying to figure out how to pay their grocery bills and mortgage because of joe biden. their wages jake, are keeping up with winflation. joe biden's inflation. biden's open border fence maddox keeping wages low with millions of new immigrants flooding into our cities and towns they believe that is the answer. under my ministration, wages and family income were up good when i left office inflation jake, was at 1.4 percent. always privet to what matters most for the regular people watching. it's about them. what they are most worried auth about. red and butter issues. inflation, the economy, the border appeared trump beats biden on all 3 issues. he should stick toree issu thos. but i didn't doesn't know the names of the victim's of his border invasion. that's another huge issue appeared trump should and he already does. when the debate wraps the moderators and brightest people, they want their primalm moments. they want to seentrump trump la out losing his cool. if trump sticks to comparing his record to biden's and also forecast what biden is going to do if he gets another 4 years including getting us into a war with russia. joe will be the one who start buttering by the end and lashing out. the moderators, what will they do then? it will be left with little more than tonight, joe biden outperformed expectations and trump was although were measured he hewas, well, still trump. after the e debate is pre-much status quo. and that's the ankle. coming up, a b,13 girl gets raped by an illegal and the liberal media l meoffice. were going to expose it, next. a lot of new dry eye patients in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears again and again, but the relief is temporary. xiidra can provide lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. doctor: why wait? ask your eye doctor about a 90-day prescription for xiidra today. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're 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will. >> hearts break for the children, the families, the love ones, theon friends of the individual who was murdered. the thwoman, the mother appeare. >> when you hear rachel refer to as the individual. by the t secretary of homeland security. what is your reaction? >> my reaction is it's a completely political statement. because they're not even willing to acknowledge that she was a female. that she was a mother, a daughter. it totally to personalizes her. makes her an object. >> no, we reach out to dhs before the interview with rachel's mother, patty, asked why marcus wouldn't say her daughter'sdaey name. they finally got back to us today with a general note about not commenting on ongoing criminal investigations. the ended it with, our hearts go out to rachel moran's familys. okay. that's too little, too late. the party shown their true colors. have you heard from any official in the biden administration about your daughter and your loss? ma'am. no one has contacted me personally and as far as i know, no one has reached out and contacted anybody in the family. >> rachel moran was murderedche allegedly by an illegal alien the came through biden's open border. biden can't find 5 minutes in between hanging out with clooney and juliet roberts to call the family? this is callous. donald trump can and did earlier today he called s mothrachel's mother and she s i'm deeply touched by president trumps kindness and concern. he was genuine. he wanted to know how her family was coping. he asked about rachel. he showed on his compassion for her untimely death. his words brought comfort to me during this very difficult time. well, he actually does care. it's what a real president does. he doesn't hunker fiweara r down at camp david or bloomington or wherever to ignore the real issues plaguing the tcountry. >> what's happening now with the asylum process is when people do come in and takes a long time for them to even be able to get work authorization. most of them are ready to work. they want to work. t why not let people work? e.>> a broken low crime rate. and the great tassistance. >> there is a lot of fear e ordering. >> here's fox's banner. 13-year-old. we have a lot of fear mongering box that's fox's problem. this is what the democratic party has devolved into. callous, out of touch, delete. essentially dismissing and laughing about the rape of a 13-year-old girl who videoed the illegal alien who did this to her. this monster videotaped. no, there's no fear mongering here appeared as the reporting of facts. committed crimes by illegals and suffering americans. the american people deserve to know the truth about how one of its greatest cities as being ravaged daily. thanks to biden's open border policies. now with reaction is anger a fox finds good date new york. rosanna, i know you been all over this. referred some of the sickeninge details about what that illegal alien suspect confessed to. we will get about the moment. imgrt, where is ice? immigrations customs enforcement in all this?>> is a problem in new york city. as you may know it's a sanctuary city. which basically means the whicn our police department, cannot notify ice if someone commits a crime and is a migrant or illegal alien here. i want you to know laura, i think some of our politicians are getting the message that new yorkers are getting really upset and fed fe up. in fact, several members of the city counsel for part of the commonsense caucus, they are now banding together trying to repeal the sanctuary law that we health. in fact, recently, a scannable found that most new yorkers think this is a very serious problem in new york with a migrant iscrisis. >> rosanna, i want to talk did.t this animal and what we know he did and what he confessed to. let's talk about that for a moment. >> let's talk about this. new yorkers were so upset when they heard about this b,13 growth was raped and robbed daylight in corona park. this one neighborhood was galvanized to do something. the omnypd had canvassed that area for 5 days. handing out flyers, talking to people in the neighborhood. asking if they saw this man. the kids who were mattacked, they give a very detailed information about who this attacker was. with this migrant was. it really helped. the people in the neighborhood knew who he was. they waited outside a deli for him. it took all day. finally they see him sauntering down the block about 1 o'clock in the morning. that way for him to come out of the deli and they jump him. i'm talking not just one person. several of them. who got a headlock and another one grabbed their belts. they tied up his legs. this woman took off her shoe. she hit him over the head a few times. basically, they were not letting him get away to the police got there. in fact, he was trying to roll under the car to save himself until the police got there. they got hims.icgehe wnd t u. >> while rosanna. after what he confessed to what he said he did to thisai girl. there is a place in hell where he will end up. rosanna, thank you for this reporting inperiod is not just report river fox news alert. no details about the 2 men arrested of the murder of 12-year-old jocelyn not kari. in houston texas. audible dhs sources confirming to faulkners tonight.suspects johan josc randall, martinez and franklin ramos both came into the united states illegally from venezuela. both crossed illegally into el paso earlier this year. comparable to patrol and then caas billions have been done th were released into the 9 states. authorities say they followed joslin into a convenience store, walked to a bridge then strangled and killed her. the dumped her body in a creek. the woman who discovered jocelyn's audit the she thought was a mannequin floating. >> the rest but is taken place the charges have been filed. i want the justice system to do its job. if there was ever a circumstance where you do not give someone bail, this is it. >> catamount tom holman former acting ice director and a fox news contributor. tom, good to see you tonight. what can you tell us from your sources? >> my sources verify the same thing. both of these or l edelepeople came from villains weather. both were arrested at the border in el paso. 181 march. release by the border patrol after the so-called vetting. and release for the dhs guidelines of release. yeah, we got in another young girl dead because this administration is failing to secure the border. want people to know something. i want you to think about this. not only is this little girl dead. take a moment to think about what her last 15, 30 minutes was like. terrified little girl fighting ied for her life. extolled the most precious thing from a little girl then they killed her. think about what she went through for 30 minutes. the same with lincoln riley and rachel moran and that little girl in new york city. this is not just a crime. this most vicious crime imaginable. because this ministration will not secure thesl border. >> operate get results are pending. this looks just as heinous except now we have a little itgirl dead. her body jumped in a creek. the woman who found her or saw her first thought was a piece of trash mannequin. we see the lifeless body. people are now, people watching this tonight keep wondering, when is new york going to wake up? biden has now only leading trump by 8 points. when are the cities like houston is a very liberal city. the state of texas is pretty conservative. houston's liberal, dallas is liberal, austin is liberal. one of the city politicians when they start protecting their own people and support policies that actually secure the border? all elected officials are on the hook here if you ask me. i did obviously 1 and mallorca'sorte a mob a. >> every republican congressman that did not vote to impeach my requests, you can go to eahell. hr to the past the house and went to the senate, chuck schumer would it put it on the floor. he discussed me. under trumpet ministration we are suing 6 were looking pretty good.on first invited ted when he got he wto office he entered the lawsuit. there's no county building for centuries cities. what people need to know the big cities of the station, houston, new york, chicago, la, or sanction or cities. they don't release nationalities other criminals. you don't really know how many criminals are raping young women. e being arrested for domestic violence or burglary. we don't know. >> tom, we need more border control whistleblowers. no it's hard to do. people are afraid for their jobs. we need the truth. we are not getting the truth from this administration. mallorca's is lying through his teeth on every major question of accountability. although the borders are rdcure, we have it mst under control. we're doing a new enforcement. it is all life. we don't really know. think at this point, again, the american people have to demand change. we know how to secure the border. you wanted it. i don't think we will ever know how many people are truly salvaged by these animals. he saw them in that photo, one of the suspects has a cell phone. he just across the border and he's got a cell phone. they were arrested at their apartment. swat team was involved. >> they don't look like they're hiding. writings like we have to help the people to shadows. it doesn't look like the shadows to me. there walking around murdering little girls t. the got nothing to fear.this administration sent a message across the world. you can cross the border illegally which is a crime. you will be released in 24 hours. were gonna give you free hotel day.and 3 meals ae guess what were going to give you a worth authorization in about 90 days. what we need is president trump back in the white house because he secure the border of the highest level ever. this administration knows how to do it. put the remaining inleprogram b in. stop, catch and release. these locals would be hasonali. it's discussing what they've done. on purpose they open the border. >> ira: think they consider th doubts collateral damage. the higher goal is changing america and keeping that flow of cheap labor into the country. >> all these doubts to them, their inconvenient politically. as collateral damage. america chew on that for a moment. tom, you're the best. thank you so much. but it's deia disaster. every thought spending billions on 7 ev charging stations was bad. wait to hear about the next boondoggle, coming up. - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. >> today we are here to continue our work together. to connect every person in america with high-speed internet. >> those laws can make high-speed internet affordable available everywhere. urban, s suburban, rural. great jobs laying down the broadband lines. >> tell thrus joe, not a singl american home or single business has been connected to pride is to broadband networks . fcc commissioner brendan clark told ingold they won't even break ground on this until next's all thanks to deia. carson is bright anday stuff liberal wish list of the program including climate change, ti requirements and a lot more. tournament out horse cooper, project 21 share, net t ryan. horace, there's also the ev charging stations, $7 billion. 7 stations. that's also ahamstrung by deia. at some point we just have to have our own deia budget, don't you think? it's a department. >> is starting to sound like it. here's my observation. this administration tionloves t idea of government intervention in the marketplace. jim crow in a lot of ways was government intervention in the marketplace. my grandfather wanted to run dry cleaning service, jim crow we got to set e've aside for someone else. my grandfather eventually got his dry cleaning service. how manyma americans are ever going tove get a charging station? how many americans ever going to get internet connectivity if all of these government interventions specifically on the basis of race are just continually unleashed. >> love, remember you had the high-speed rail in california, that boondoggle. you had solyndra underoba, obam all those green czar, those were nightmares. and i have this. this is just part and parcel of the way they view the world. red tape is her life. it's like the red blood is there red tape. ftol e left views governmentt vh different than the right. the left takes control and they're going to attempt to fundamentally reshape this country into the vision of our own making. no matter how bad it is. number matter how badly it's implemented. deia is not meritocracy. we can all understand and see that with our own eyes. you're seeing them attempt to enforce their vision for america. it's not based off meritocracy. it's based off racism and new d marxism. they are doing their best and failing miserably at it. i think one of the ways lower we make this stop.i was looking at some of the state in missouri was doing suing ibm. miweeewe need to make these fee pain. lacoss suits and more for pressure campaigns. the only way you and the smoke virus is financial and legal pain to make the woke madness stop. >> if it cost them too much. horace and ed, thank you so much. liberals shall not, lose it over the 10 commandments. they are.we will explain. uave. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to 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patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” >> what a great film. the historical significance of the ten commandments can't be understated. even the guiding principles of western civilization for thousands of years and heavily influenced the founding fathers and the very documents that established our country. which is why it makes sense that louisiana's governor just signed a new law requiring schools to display them in every classroom starting january 1st. >> you want to respect the rule of law you gotta start from the original law given which was moses. >> cue the liberal freakout. >> this was clearly and instantly part of an extreme right wing christian nationalist agenda. the real focus should be empathizing and teaching kids how to read and write, not indoctrinating them with the type of moral agenda. >> let's just push pot and transgenderism. that's worked well. joining me now doty horton who authored the bill. you're getting slammed. you knew you would. christian nationalism, extreme right wing. what do you hope to achieve by having the ten commandment requirements in classrooms? >> our students will be able to look up and see that there is a moral standard that one that is grounded in the constitution and the foundation of this country. >> do you believe that this will withstand legal scrutiny? obviously, the supreme court has gone around and around on the establishment clause, free exercise. but the liberals are already, you know, obviously weighing in legally on this. >> i do believe it will. with the wonderful ruling with the kennedy case and the overturning of the lemon law, which was a huge victory for religious freedom, we now have states like ours have the ability to pass legislation like this. really, all we're trying to do is restore traditional and historical standards in our schools, ones that were there for, you know, nearly three decades. >> what's amazing -- >> we're excited. >> sorry to interrupt. what's amazing here is that they believe in all sorts of religious expression, whether it's dei or wokism or transgenderism. they believe that is sacrisanct. that can't be touched. you can't intrude upon that. they have their own orthodoxy. they don't call it that, but it is. yet something as time tested and, that's the threat to reading? the fundamentals of reading, they say? >> it's mind boggling to me. you know, laura, because you're so wonderful. any time you stand up to the national agenda, you face this type of criticism. but there's no denying the ten commandments is the plum line for which all the laws of our country were based upon. >> well, they hate the country so they're gonna hate the ten commandments. anything that touches on the founding of the country or founding principles they think is awful, rotten, racist and unfair. as the ten commandments, put that at the top of the list. representative, thank you very much. we're going to be following this case and we know it will obviously be challenged by the usual suspects. that's it tonight. follow me on social media. i appreciate you watching. as always, it's america now and forever. jesse waters takes it from here. >> another swing state sweep for former president trump, leading across several must wi

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Deli , Woman , Several , Police , Person , Head , Shoe , Belts , Legs , Headlock , Hims Icgehe , Wnd T U , Place , Shell , River Fox News Alert , Thisai Girl , Reporting Inperiod , Sources , Murder , Men , Faulkners Tonight , Houston Texas , Dhs , Martinez , Kari , Johan Josc Randall , 12 , Ith , Both , Billions , El Paso , Venezuela , Body , Creek , Jocelyn , States , Audit , Convenience Store , Bridge , Authorities , Mannequin Floating , Joslin , 9 , Justice System , Charges , Job , Catamount Tom Holman , Circumstance , This Is It , Contributor , Villains , Fox News , Bail , L Edelepeople , Dhs Guidelines Of Release , Release , Vetting , El Paso 181 March , Border Patrol , 181 , Little Girl Fighting Ied , 15 , Little Girl , Same , Thesl Border , Crime Imaginable , Lincoln Riley , Little Itgirl , Thought , Saw , Piece , Trash Mannequin , Liberal , Officials , Houston , Support , Hook , Congressman , Dallas , Austin , Mallorca Sorte A Mob , Chuck Schumer , Hr , House , Requests , 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