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going to hand in for trace gallagher, it'd apply here in los angeles and this is america's "late news capital "fox news at night." working tonight, fox news learning that the two men charged with this regulation killing of a 12-year-old girl in houston both enter the u.s. illegally, more on that in moments. and all charges dropped against dozens of pro-palestinian protesters at columbia university. robbery men's and shear like -- are to discuss. meantime chantelle mayor of crime-ridden oakland no facing a recall on november's ballot. to make -- committee organizers garnering nearly double the required number of signatures needed. and this... >> recall that the death of america and >> is really emotional. >> jonathan: could governor burgum' staires could be why he's not picked at bb got more on this and -- but first a big debate we match is now just one week away and will -- wearing today that donald trump will be getting the final word. senior national -- national correspondent kevin hogg is live with what we can expect, fireworks would think. good evening. >> indeed, would be with you. president biden and transcends her to make history on the 2727th of june first financial debate between an incumbent and a former president. pretty incredible when you think about it. it will also be the very first debate for the two men since 2020, who knew? and the old adage, you know, "its economy, stupid," once they got once again while former president compton is solidly prediction to do -- with nearly, wait for it, seven in ten americans calling the economy only fair are poor right now under the biden administration. by the way what's more nearly six in ten 56%, say they are overly pessimistic about the economy under president biden. meantime i had of the big showdown the president will retreat to camp david for, you know, debate prep while the former president will conduct a big rally over in the city of brotherly love, philadelphia, over the and speaking of the former president will also get the final word at the debate and jonathan pointed out what president biden who actually won the coin flip will get to stand screen right by choice. and just when you thought things couldn't get any stranger, jonathan, in polling, usually as you know the economy top the list of concerns for most vot voters, well not so according to the latest fox news survey. large number of americans apparently are more concerned with the "future of democracy." elsewhere, others say stability tops the list of concerns over other hot button issues like immigration. again going to listen -- with a survey. this is the former president,'s his big lead in several states, in fact, arguably the states they will decide this election, noting that yes, he still leaves mr biden in all seven swing states. jonathan? >> trace: >> jonathan: kevin koe thank you, it will be a net. list begin fox news' on democracy 24 debate with steamboat institute fellow kaylee maggie white and former chief council for the house judiciary committee, julian epstein. good valuables. julio and let me start with you, hopes and fears that i think we all know what democrats fear the most next thursday which is a faltering president biden rather than the state of the union style president biden but what are the best hopes democrats next week, julian? >> jonathan, good to see you again, kind for having me. i think the best hope for the democrats and president biden is he's got two major issues obviously. you get the michael kovrig this question and he's got the economic performance and his performance on the issues. on the mental fitness question i think what democrats would hope is that he keeps his answers short. most of biden's problems when he meanders any sort of goes off and he's forgetful about world leaders -- make longer speeches, keep your answers short and to the point. on the second question of economic record, about her don't really like what joe biden has -- excelling, didn't like what he's selling on the economy got on foreign affairs and on foolish -- social -- issues like crime immigration and what training has been so far doing is what i think doubling down on stupid thing voters just don't understand how the location -- motors don't care about limitation to care about results, you don't like the results. but what tried -- biden should do is say i will give it to the senate p. but to the senate on the economy, on crime immigration -- there are a lot of ways you can do it, that's what i would like to see, that i think is his best chance, is behind in the selection right now, clearly. >> will see if he takes your excellent advice. kaylee captain nicole -- and my question to you, hopes and dreams -- i'm assuming republican don't want to see a vengeful backward looking former president trump, they want to look -- they want to see a forward-looking lessee driven president content without before? >> absolutely, the worst thing that trump can due for himself at that point is to give democrats what they want witches who make this election all about him. donald trump, the man or mike gambino joe biden is going to do this. we know he's going to bring up the fact that trump is now a convicted felon. we know that joe biden will bring up the january 6 capital right. you name it. we'll continue to do is remain focused on as you mentioned the policy, the issues where he does have the advantage among key demographics like hispanics, a growing number of black voters got a growing number of young voters and a growing number of suburban women voters chemicals are the demographics that he has to appeal to in this debate. you even more than biden's mental fitness, you know, my response to this it just let biden talk. the man is going to show the public what is really going on inside his head and if you just let him talk he'll do that work for you. if trump remains focused and on direction, and it's going to be a good night for him. >> jonathan: julian, want to bring fox news poll that we recently that on what matters most to voters whether it's issues and who can do a better job, 59% or respondents said that that is indeed their biggest concern, i think we can pop the graphic operator, or character in the fitness to serve. twenty-nine% and yet the poll that kevin was just showing us said that 68% of the biggest figure are concerned about the future of democracy which seems to go more to the character and fitness to serve. which are those if it is going to be one of them decides this election in your view, julian? >> lupina question of democracy rise in the numbers. is mostly spent along partisan lines. a lot of republican don't like for example law firm -- so that's not a clear and exact -- of damage for -- what is a clear advantage for trump i think as kaylee is pointing out is if trump simply asked a question are you better off than you are for career to go and when you look at all of the major policy issues, trump and republicans are ahead by double digits and sometimes on issues like immigration as much as 20 or 30 points. biden wants to train the meat in terms of a question of character. if trump is smart he will remain in terms of results. would have been the results in the last four careers. i think that is advantage trump if trump can do that and that's what i think it's so critical for the democrats not julian 21 in the last four years because voters don't like it but to say, hey, we hear your message, we're going to give it to the center on a whole series of issues in there many ways they can do that. >> jonathan: interesting. kaylee kapelos where do you have is next thursday night make or break for this campaign? >> i think there's a lot yet to be determined between no and then. we have a second debate supposedly." see if it ends up happening your magma certainly whoever has the best performance is going to see their own bump in the polls and i will just respond quickly to the point about working whether biden would even be able to make a pivot back to the center. keep in mind that biden ran his 2020 campaign on the promise to be the moderate, to be the more normal candidates and he lied to the american people. are kind and have to do is point that out at the point out the policies that biden lied to the american public about and to show that there is no going back to the center because biden has -- is far gone. >> jonathan: kaylee, julian, winnett avenue two perspectives there, it's going to be a fascinating night that is for sure. kaylee, julian, thank you so much. working tonight fox news has learned that the two men charged with the spanglish and killing of a 12-year-old girl in houston both enter the u.s. illegally. christina coleman is here live with the latest on the migraine crime racist good evening. >> good evening, jonathan, yesternight we have updates on three violent crimes allegedly committed by illegal migrants and i want to warn you the details are very disturbing. first of the arrest of two men suspected of strangling a 12-year-old girl to death in houston, then dumping her body in a swamp. dhs -- sources tell our bill melugin and jenkins told -- both suspects are venezuelan migrants were caught and released by border patrol this year. twenty-six old franklin josé peña ramos was caught after illegally rushing in to a part of this last month and released in to the u.s. with a notice to appear. the other man, 821-year-old venezuelan, was caught in march and release with a gps tracker there was only sent to monitor his whereabouts for 21 days. equity to the new york post. now both stand charged with the capital murder of jocelyn and -- floating in the creek on monday. in new york and ecuadorian migrant is being held without bail after his arrest for the rape of a 13-year-old girl. local reportedly pretty 5-year-old christian giovanni england he admitted in court yesterday to assaulting the girl at a park in queens in broad daylight. x. conforming to faksa night that landi was previously caught crossing the border in 2021 and was released with a notice to appear. he was ordered deported in 2022, that obviously didn't happen and in maryland, ice confirm the suspect in the rape and murder of rachel morin was a still -- calvary and megan who had been caught by border patrol and sent back to mexico three times in less than a single month last year mickey was finally able to evade authorities and sneak across the border and -- in february of 2023 making him a known got away, he's currently being held in the harford county jail pending trial. very disturbing, jonathan. >> jonathan: indeed. christina, thank you so much. for more an issue illegal immigrant crime is bringing new york post reporter jenny taylor and republican congressional candidate in the grand canyon state great marxist. thank you both for being here. if i can get you first for your -- i imagined that community outreach at the mortar of -- murder of this 12-year-old by these two illegal immigrants is probable there. >> yeah, absolutely. and you can imagine, you know, just every part of this story is just a horrific all the details about what happened to this young girl who was just 12 years old. i mean, she was just living at home and, you know, unfortunately snuck out of the house. her mom didn't know and she ended up with these two men who were seen in surveillance video accompanying her in to a convenience store in the later accompanying her onto a bridge where she was found under, floating in the water and unfortunately, a good samaritan had seen this but, you know, the tragedy is unfortunately the results of the situation at our southern border. these two individuals came across as very recently, what in march that one may and the one that came in march we just learned actually that they were put in to a tracking program and they were taken out of that program your mind the other one was put in a tracking program is for 21 days. where is that? and, you know, i think that a lot of border patrol sources that i have talked to tell me that the markham people should know that this is just a system of distrust, that they don't know what they don't know about people. >> jonathan: right. and, lake, we could get some people saying when we look at these kind of crimes well there are many more rapes and murders committed by u.s. citizens but there is an emotional difference, is there not when these kind of horrific crimes are committed by somebody who has no right, to be in this country, they have entered illegally. it is different. >> obviously it is different. every crime is a crime by definition, and by but joe biden has got blood on his hands when he opened up a border, he surrenders our national serenity as he welcomes 10-12 million illegals coming in as president trump set a few years ago, these countries are not always sending their best people right, you got ecuadorian began bangers, you've got venezuelan coming in motoring kids, you know, i got four boys, many folks walking today about kids and grandkids too. our children, or american kids are not the government actually because biden and emma greco open or border imported the third world and many import the third world you start to look a lot more like the third world and kids are dying and it's joe biden's fault, i'm sick of it, british or american execute -- if i need to get credit in the white house and ashley gets a border security back again. >> jonathan: and jenny, blake mentions that -- the unknown comments by resident trump in the 2016 campaign sending their repairs and murderers. he was grandly criticized for that and, of course, that was a sweeping generalization, there are good people simply trying to seek asylum but he was not factually incorrect, that i had been born out the witness and murderers are among those who have floated across the border in the last four queers. >> exactly and unfortunately we've seen just too many headlights within the last week whether it's the unfortunate and tragic murder of rachel morin, a mother out of maryland by american from el salvador who came into this country work at times. we have another individual who is from ecuador who came across the border illegally and was ordered removed and after that he allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl and another 13-year-old boy was witness to it in a box park. we have this tragic murder of laken riley at least -- list goes on and on and on and unfortunately is expected to continue not only that but there are other threats coming across the border that the fbi has even warned about which is the threat of potential terrorist attacks permit you had eight individuals who are said to be tied to isis from tajikistan who was just not in philadelphia, la and new york. >> jonathan: yeah. and, blake, i hear the anger in your voice. looking forward, the. if we do get a future president trump, how quickly do you believe that the policies of president biden that you're so angry about can be unwound and that border can be secured you marked at least to some extent. >> and start on the one that right -- trump we just executor order we implement the wheat policies that he has, help is on the way he can start regularly taken take some time to undo the damage but we need to deport millions of illegals under trump -- -- if you don't is of illegal aliens and finish the wall we're not going to help the country anymore. >> jonathan: brick -- mcmasters, denny taylor, thank you for your reporting in houston. thank you. we have dramatic new buddy cam video tonight of the moments when three sheriff deputies were shot in a rural community west of chicago. chandler's liability till tonight. good evening, ken lee. >> let not your heart be troubled those officers showing immense bravery in the myth of the treacherous situation as they confronted a heavily armed suspect, 22-year-old jonathan kay narez, on june 12th, after his mother called 911 seeing her fun was threatening to kill himself and others in the home hours of an intense standoff ensued between law enforcement and hostage negotiators attempting dozens of times to contact the man but it was left to the emergency response team to handle the threats. this stunning body cam video shows those officers being met immediately with a barrage of gunfire as they reached the front of the ho home. >> the suspect, jonathan degeneres, 32, was located inside the front door of the residence with a gunshot wound to his stomach, located near or -- were multiple firearms, a knife, pepper spray additionally, he was wearing ballistic armour. >> three officers were shot during the encounter. one in the arm, one in the body -- and his body armour and one in the face. that deputy rushed into surgery where he was later released from the hospital as his fellow officers -- he was going to do and several charges including attempted first-degree murder and unfortunately officers shot in the line of duty happens far too often permit a donor -- fraternal order of police reported nearly 2,000,080 officers shot last year. the highest murder the fob has ever recorded but thankfully, jonathan, in this instance all three officers survived. >> thank goodness for that, chanley, thank you. not get some expert legal analysis not from criminal defense attorney and federal liquidator -- litigator -- whenever we see these body cam videos there's always questions asked of worthy officers acting within their rules of engagement, the legal authority. this case it seems unquestionable believe nothing wrong here fairly accurate copy according to their training. is that your view? >> absolutely this is a case where there's a call for help on -- what we call this an illegal arena of law enforcement and defense as --'s suicide by cop. know sometimes they're individuals that want to take their own lives and then there are others who say well i'm going to have a police officer shoot me and in that mix i may take a police officer' life. this is another example like we've talked about before of serious mental illness in the united states of america, much less i can issue much more psychological overstating issue with people that may or may not have the correct treatment. the officers in this case acted appropriately, everything i reviewed in the body warn cameras says they were adequate warnings given before there was a potential breach. the barrage of fire, the gunfire that came to law enforcement officers way, was immediate which means it was premeditated. >> jonathan: a couple of other thing i want to get too quickly. sheng thao was there -- was the mayor of oakland, crime-ridden city, missing a recall now but now improperly connected to her raided by the fbi. what do we read into that. spewing if you read between the lines and i've handled quite a few public corruption investigations in my life, we have to look at 2020 when there was an ethics commission investigation on the mayor and i was taking money from a recycling company had given through straw donors in an illegal way. when we see the fbi moving in on investigation like this and walking out with white boxes full of material -- is much like a public corruption case, the alternative are alternate residents was clearly something connected. i believe there's a significant other in this case that may be imbricated as well. >> jonathan: immunity decision from the supreme court on president trump coming up which waited ago, report? i believe it goes on the side of giving more immunity to precedents when they commit acts in their official capacity. to do anything else would be to rewrite history and cause a lot of danger in the fut future. >> jonathan: great. see you in the. >> everyone: nightcap," coming up dozens of -- who barricaded themselves in a building in columbia university. what does that say about how we are dealing with anti-semitism on college campuses? more, next. >> ♪ ♪ >> change outcomes, change organizations and watched gratitude change lives. you might have vulnerable adults in their life. >> jonathan: speculation swirling over trump's vp pick. me reports finding out one person on his shortlist north dakota governor doug burgum may have a fatal flaw that grew him out. apparently, burgum isn't afraid to shed some tears in public. something trump has famously called a weakness. that be a dealbreaker -- dealbreaker for government -- burgum? what are some other fatal flaws that a vice president hopeful can have? we'll review responses in that "nightcap." >> ♪ ♪ our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> jonathan: back in april dozens of pro-palestinian protesters were arrested for occupying and barricading a building on the campus of columbia university in new york city. we all remember lucian's. today prosecutors in manhattan announced all criminal charges against those protesters have been dropped. we are now joined by pro- israel activist doctor sheila najarian starr of netflix' skin decision before and after and rubber assignments from the about of miller right here in los angeles. great to have you both here. doctor let me come to you first. when you hear something like that, all charges dropped against all of these protesters who occupied, barricaded buildings, because police officers have to go in there and smart gear to get them all out at what kind of message does that send to these protesters? >> the message to the protesters in what you did was fine, is just like your children. if you don't hold them accountable and you don't set boundaries they keep pushing further and further see what they can get away with. there is number 1. number 2 is that it's almost like the message to everyone else that columbia wants this was to be the behavior on campus. that maybe they don't want anti-semitism to go away on the campus and maybe they're just comfortable as the status quo and this is how they want their professors to be here, this is how they wanted students to behave. they are telling us they don't want to get rid of anti-semitism on the campus. >> jonathan: rabbi i may be wrong but i haven't heard a single charge against any of the protesters who occupied the campus and campus buildings at ucla here which was also another very violent protests. i have heard that some of the row israel supporters who turned up in the clash with those protesters have been charged, what are we doing here. >> jonathan: . >> john williamson, as a jew part as a matter of history, we are looking at what was going on in the 1930s in germany. jewish people had absolutely nothing, nobody protected them. it was the government saying your windows are being destroyed, you're getting a swastika it's okay. we jewish people are looking new york, los angeles, we're looking all over, -- what isn't anybody coming to us and saying well we are the people -- were other people protecting -- word america saying -- why are we allowing jewish people to go and these are going to continue going and damaging. >> jonathan: and is continuing. the large jewish capitalization i believe in the world had tracked --, anti-semitic incidents and we can put this up. since the terrorist attack on israel by hamas on october 7th, they say no anti-semitic incidents against which students on college campuses have reached alarmingly high rates increasing by 700% over the same period last year. 700% is extraordinary and nobody seems to be doing any -- much about it. we get reports on the columbia report, you know, these things. but words are cheap, action is more difficult. >> and i think the messaging that the jews are trying to get out there is this is not about us. it starts with us. it never ends with us. we are trying to sound the alarm. is not just about the jews parameters about western values, this is about democracy this is about everything we know, oliver freedoms. it starts with us. it is in and with us. we need our lives. we people to help and sound the alarm alongside us. >> jonathan: who do you want those allies to be, doctor? >> anyone that appreciates the freedoms they have in america, you know, my family escaped iran. we know what living in a government, islamist government, looks like. there was no future for us we see what's happening to the people of iran right no and they are crying out for help as well and we hear -- with testers on college campuses, we can't condemn iran because iran is funding the resistance. so they don't rakes calvin pickard the murders counted on callout gender apartheid in iran remember they condone it because there weren't axelrod to morality or lack thereof is allowing them to go completely against things that they would've called out against any other population. >> jonathan: all go very good points. rabbi and we are heading back to israel in just a few weeks you been there, you been taking such support the people there. do you believe in a few weeks time when you had back there that we will finally be a cease-fire in place? we keep seeing --'s me to get up to the line but not getting across -- across the line of the cease-fire? >> nobody in weston's revelation wants a cease-fire. we talked because that's what you have to say. everybody knows that if israel doesn't destroy hamas, this cancer is going to go all across the world. everybody is saying "we want to make peace, -- nobody wants hamas to live. do i think they're going to be a cease-fire? they only one way there's going to be a cease-fire. when hamas is dead. >> jonathan: okay. rabbi got always good to have you here. dr, wait to meet you and thank you for being here this evening by one pleasure. >> jonathan: senior state department officials say they have grave concerns tonight about iran' efforts to advance its nuclear weapons program. islamic republican is not expanding a top nuclear site at a rapid pace. here's our state department correspondent julian turner. >> the un's top nuclear watchdog confirms one of iran's most secretive nuclear site is undergoing an alarming expansion alarming top u.s. official. >> iran continue to expand its nuclear program in which they had no credible peaceful purpose we remain deeply concerned with iran's nuclear activities and we'll continue to vigilantly monitor them iran must cooperate with the iea without further delay. >> reporter: a first leaked document forced -- with brand-new centrifuges. secondary blinken set with senior -- just days after he administered netanyahu against the u.s. of slow walking arms to israel. acclaim the u.s. denies. meanwhile u.s. and israeli intelligence agencies have new alarming information about a computer modeling program iran has reportedly acquired your back u.s. officials say it could be used to help the regime build a nuclear weapons arsenal and build it faster. >> we do not see indications that iran is currently undertaking the key activities that we would -- it would be necessary to produce a testable nuclear device. >> reporter: florida republican congressman mike waltz is this new company -- of your program could be the key that unlocked around speed. >> when people talk about our break out in weeks or months for them to be able to break out of his misery having another volume which we -- uranium have a bomb. this other element, this computer simulation is how do you get the actual bomb form, build the warhead that it fits on top of the missile? >> reporter: once enough -- the engoron administers and estimates the breakout time by about 18 months, israel is excited to be as little as one year. jonathan qanon ? >> jonathan: you enter at the state department make -- coming up louisiana legislators not telling public schools that showed display the ten commandments in every classroom. in large readable font. by the measure already getting back in groups like the aclu. and still add in ohio two camels got the hump and devised a plan to make an epic escape and left onlookers shocked. and his partner denies he ate any doughnuts when the sugar covered evidence is all over his face. the day's best viral videos next. but first a live look at new york city where the empire state building has its very own the pilotte -- zip code. you learn something every night at "fox news @ night." >> ♪ ♪ a once-daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check! when flares kept trying to slow me down i got lasting steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check! and when my doctor saw damage, rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check! for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief lasting steroid-free remission. and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check! rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious 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legal system. the gop drafted legislation mandates that a poster size display of the ten commandments in large, easily readable font be required in all public classrooms from kindergarten up to state-funded universities. within minutes of the signing americans united for separation of church and state and the american civil liberties union announced they plan to file a lawsuit challenging the bill as a blatant violation of the separation of church and state mx saying in a statement "hb 71 will result in unconstitutional religious coercion of students who are legally required to attend school and are thus captive audience for school sponsored religious messages. ." proponents of the law believes the supreme court is on their side now and that they expect other states to start following suit. >> i think it shows the aclu and others are a little slow in understanding with the court -- so that's why we feel very confident in the louisiana law passing constitutional scrutiny. >> reporter: posters will be paid for -- that government money but the law also permits other historical documents to go up in the classroom including the pilgrim's mayflower compact and the declaration of independence. jonathan? >> jonathan: lauren green, thank you very much. must bring an oklahoma state superintendent ryan walters, always interesting voice on all matters education wise covid-19 ryan, thank you for being here. you're obviously in oklahoma, not louisiana but do you think the louisiana law is a good one? would you like to see it in oklahoma? >> absolutely. i'll tell you will be doing that here. we will have the ten commandments in every classroom. what we've seen in america are the democrats, the teachers unions have driven god out of schools and americans, oklahomans, president trump want god back in the classroom. reality is if you don't talk about our judeo-christian heritage, you're not teaching history. our kids have to know what made america great, what does principles were so that we can make america great again and part of that is understanding our history, absolutely competent them, -- ten commandments should be close -- displayed in every country in the country, we have to bring back got in the -- cannot allow the radical -- and we speak about our country without any kind of influence by their faith. >> jonathan: the obvious argument that will be made to groups like the aclu and the courts is that the constitution guarantees freedom of religion. this takes that hand commandments from one religion and imposes them in the view of the aclu on everybody in that classroom whether you're a hindu, whether you're muslim. so that's going to be the argument. how do you find that in the courts which is why this will end up obviously? >> sure. they still you will fight this, you don't want anyone -- any mention of god in school but here's the reality, there is historical document. the ten commandments as a crucial documents in all of western civilization. is the basis of law in western civilization. has been a foundational document this country's history and what the lab -- left is trying to do here is attack religion, faith but also, the very foundation of this country cannot allow our kids to understand look, all -- all locking from our -- are used came from somewhere. that history, you have to understand your history other civilization or you will since phishing ceased to exist and is crucial when you see the backbiting and the radical left had sent this country on we have got to get back to our foundation, that understand our history, we have -- we better have the next generation bleeding or value. >> jonathan: have to get your thoughts on another education issue, the idea of -- quoted here in la, la usd going to ban or thinking about banning phones completely from all schools. so that kids will not be allowed to have their phones come to have to put them in some safe -- some sort of say packet or something we without them throughout the day. it would prevent a lot of social media use during school hours. and that also a good idea? no parents across the country are talking about what la usd is promote -- proposing. >> it is a great idea and we've been doing that here in oklahoma but i do want to point out, you know, california has lost their mind on the policies do instituted in the schools. their school have been lawless, have not practice discipline policies in their school, have allowed a walk agenda to take place which has -- says the student are victims and they never have to abide by rules and laws so i do appreciate the fact that they're saying look at cell phones and influence of left-wing social media influencers have had a bad effect on the classroom but here's the reality they need to do comprehensive discipline reform that we have any recall when there was a list of new york -- kids, you're not going to hurt other kids, going to be -- nothing happening in telephone you school right now. >> all my kids are in the format school so my family is doomed according to ryan walters. to thank you for that pessimistic message, ryan. wait to see you tonight. i'll try to keep my kids on the right track. >> happy to have them here in oklahoma. >> jonathan: we'll see about that. thanks, ryan. >> ♪ ♪ first up into night viral videos," one man's bad day led to another -- very public and dangerous than -- to protect him in new york. or lookers cut the man on camera throwing furniture of a 20 story high-rise in midtown manhattan, the lawn chairs and several planks -- eventually police arrived and were able to put an end to the chaos. after months of plotting and scheming algae mccamus avenue clearly got pump in sandusky, ohio made the great escape. the camels who'd been living at the cedar point amusement park where they weren't amused obviously left goes truck and -- trotting along the sidewalks. so people it was decided to hide in nearby animal pens while the camels part amicably needed to the lion's. park officials are still investigating her exactly those naughty camels made their escape. >> did you eat my doughnuts? >> you didn't? are you sure? you sure? >> okay. >> okay. i'm just checking. [laughter] >> jonathan: when this boy's mom got out of the car to check on her -- she realized the donut she had in the backseat had mysteriously disappeared and the alleged evidence as you can see all over the boys adorable face mark as you heard, he denied the accusation so we'll have to believe him. were all left wondering what could possibly have happened to those doughnuts? if you're a viral video to share shared with us at fox news night on social media. >> are you crying? are you crying?! there's no crying in baseball! >> but is there crying in politics? you think crying is a fatal flaw for a vise presidential pick. what else could get someone crossed off of trump' so-called short list? let us know x and instagram at fox news night, will review responses in the nightcap. >> ♪ ♪ (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. >> ♪ ♪ >> jonathan: were back with the amount nightcap," -- and ryan walters. the next topic, ryan, north dakota governor doug burgum is on president -- former president de la cruz vp like -- list but i currently he cried a lot and people thank that might be a fatal flaw with mr trump who famously doesn't like men crying so is it a fatal flaw? rob i heard that you shared a tear when you walk in to the studio and realized it was me rather than trace gallagher tonight. is crying a fatal flaw for abp? >> is not a fatal flaw but for other things are fatal flaws. -- -- other fatal fluid -- you better be dynamic. -- >> jonathan: dr, is crying -- crying is good for us internet? >> you know, i think it is and i had the pleasure of meeting governor burgum a week ago. i think he is passionate, is poised, he's very kind. i don't think crying is a problem but i always think, what it -- what does iran think that what that's putting think up with the china think, you know? >> they don't like the chr christ. >> is it a sign-up creek -- weakness? >> jonathan: kevin koe. in touch with your feelings what say you? [laughter] if you want to cry -- i think anyway. not so sure this is a good look the beat a candid with you. >> ryan, what say you on crying. >> here is what i think. i think the baby has to have trump' back 100% and the can't back down to that will -- that has to be -- never back down. >> so no crying. all right from a couple of responses we got, jeanette said i would like -- than mumbling them blankly by joe and cackling kamala harris. tommy said no room for vp crybabies when dealing with protein and kim jong-un grammar can be -- and he said i don't think burgum being emotional is a dealbreaker, content is compassionate too just doesn't like to show it. publicly. thank you all for being here, extra watching "fox news @ night." osteo tomorrow, i'm jonathan hunt, in la. that was more affo. tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club. what the biggest companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. so tell me about your heart attack. our heart attack was... scary! never want to go through that again. but we could. with heart disease, you never know. so we made changes. green juice. yeah, not a fan. diet, exercise... statins helped. but our ldl-c (bad cholesterol)-it was stuck! stuck! just couldn't lower it enough. and high ldl-c meant a real risk of another attack. so i said, "let's ask our doctor about repatha." what can i say? listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. rick reichmuth. that will do it for all of us here. now "the five." ♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> i'm jesse watters with judge

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Americans United For Separation Of Church And State , Bill , Violation , Mx , Separation Of Church And State , School , Statement , Proponents , Messages , Audience , Coercion , Hb 71 , 71 , Court , Understanding , Louisiana Law Passing Constitutional Scrutiny , Suit , Documents , Pilgrim , Declaration Of Independence , Posters , Ryan Walters , Oklahoma State , Education , Covid 19 Ryan , Lauren Green , Wise , 19 , Oklahoma , Louisiana Law , Reality , God , Unions , Teachers , Oklahomans , Judeo Christian Heritage , Them , America Great Again , America Great , Principles , Courts , Argument , Faith , Radical , Constitution Guarantees Freedom Of Religion , Religion , Hand Commandments , Hindu , Mention , Left , Attack , Basis , Lab , Western Civilization , Foundation , Somewhere , Civilization , Locking , Phishing , Idea , Education Issue , Thoughts , Value , Backbiting , Generation , Bleeding , Phones , Usd , Parents , Social Media , Proposing , Safe , Packet , La Usd , Discipline 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