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to let a half million people who are not american citizens stay within the united states. there are rules. we'll get into it. another aggressive election year action by biden on immigration after three years of biden doing nothing or potentially making things worse with his policies. i'm harris faulkner and are you in "the faulkner focus." border security and immigration are top concerns among voters. we know this. sometimes they ratchet to first place above the economy. we've seen that. the most recent fox news issues tracker shows former president trump up by 18 points on the issue of immigration. president biden's announcement comes on the heels of his singular executive action earlier this month aimed at tightening our southern border it has not done that in my estimations and video and people you talk to at the border, it is making it worse. here is republican congresswoman kat cammack in "focus" from yesterday. >> in the wake of this biden executive order, it was really just designed to give top cover for political reasons. you know what they told me? they said it has gotten worse. biden's executive order made the situation at the border worse. why? because now everyone is rushing to the border even more so than before because they feel that they are going to be capped out. it all goes back to them trying to give top cover for electoral purposes. as a result, americans are dying and communities are less safe. >> harris: let's start with what she is talking about there, safety and death. we're seeing a growing number of high-profile examples of illegal immigrants committing violent crimes against american. this maryland mother was murdered and not forget other victims. riley, garcia, and just this morning fox confirmed the arrest of a man from ecuador who is in our nation illegally and allegedly sexually assaulted a 13-year-old little girl in new york city. add to that the growing terror threat. republican lawmakers are demanding answers over the eight suspected terrorists with ties to isis who crossed the southern border illegally into this country. fox news correspondent bill melugin is at the border near san diego today. bill. >> good morning to you. here in san diego sector we continue to see hundreds of people crossing illegally here every single day, every single night. the video we shot six hours ago, another mass illegal crossing during the overnight hours as everyone was sleeping. this was 1:00 a.m. out here. people from all around the world coming in. a lot of men from china and india in in group. the cartel likes to bring them in at 1:00 a.m. cartel smuggling clockwork we often talk about. starting to see more children showing up as well. that wasn't the only group. look at this second piece of video yesterday, same spot. dozens of chinese nationals crossed illegally here walking in on railroad tracks before surr surrendering themselves to border patrol. there is a language barrier. you will see some of them have paper i.d.s they printed out. we see this with chinese a lot. they don't bring actual passports. china doesn't share their information on their own citizens. it is hard to vet these people. we know have little about them or why they've come. keep in mind more than 30,000 chinese nationals have crossed through san diego sector since october 1st. take a look at this video, another group cross illegally yesterday afternoon primarily columbian nationals that came through here. families, single adults, most of them telling us they want to link up with family in the u.s. and want to look for work here. lastly we'll finish you off in texas. look at the mug shots. border patrol in del rio sector reporting since october 1st they have arrested 68 convicted sex offenders who have tried entering the border in that direction. of the 68, 62 of them were convicted of sexual crimes against children. 91% of these guys. their crimes including multiple child rapes and sexual assaults of children and multiple child molestation convictions. back out here live that's why there is so much concern about the gotaways. we talk about this all the time. it is such an important point. 1.9 million known gotaways under this administration the last few years. people who snuck country without ever being captured by border patrol and never know who they are. >> harris: having been down to the rio grande sector with you there are cameras that can catch some shadows of them or outlines of them but we don't see their faces enough for any kind of detection. even if we did unless they are on record as criminals already in this country the cameras don't help us. your last quick thought. >> no, they're lucky if they get them on camera. the only way they know people are coming is the -- ten seconds we have another group crossing illegally here walking on the same railroad tracks we were just showing you. it is groundhog day here in san diego sector. send it back to you. >> harris: thank you. always great reporting. art del cueto national border patrol vice president with me now. before bill could move on you saw more people, a big trail of them coming. they are coming incessantly now as though somebody turned on a spigot from a different location. what's happening? >> it comes down to this administration continues to think they are doing the right thing and they create a bigger problem. you are seeing the numbers come up. you said it best rushing to the border because they realize hey, let's hurry up and come across before the cap hits. at the same time, what it has done is it's boosted up the number of unaccompanied juveniles. remember, there is an exception for these juveniles. now you have more juveniles coming across. kids as young as 11 years old with their 1-year-old little brothers and sisters unaccompanied because there is an exception. who is causing it? cartels control the traffic. let's flood one area knowing that agents are going to have to go there and distract them and have them and then again you have the gotaways which i know it is reported at 1.9. i will tell you this, it is well over 2 million. >> harris: why do you think that? >> there is no way to have agents out there coming across. you can only get so much data but without enough agents out there to look at coming across there is no way to know. a lot of these times when you count the people coming through, you are seeing a group of 20 or you will report a group of 20 came through but they walk parallel to each other. walking a straight line and wearing carpet shoes and evading apprehensions. it is guaranteed it is well over 2 million. >> harris: leaving no footprints and parallel walking. taught to do that and taught by the cartel. mayorkas told reporters yesterday that since biden issued his border order two weeks ago, the numbers have been decreasing week over week and rather materially. i think it's too early given the dynamism of migration but we're seeing results. let's hope so because fox has learned that the backlog of court cases for illegal immigrants processed and released into is nation is 7.4 million. we broke that yesterday. that does not include the nearly 2 million known gotaways. pump up that number because those detection services and human services at the border are not able to detect everybody coming in. that's a lot of people waiting for a court date and now we have technically something that is going to look like amnesty at 2:45 eastern from biden, art. >> he is putting up even more issues and i tell you what, there is already a pathway through that. if you have are a u.s. citizen march eft to somebody from outside the country there is already things on the books. there is an adjustment of status, petition for alien relatives. that's already there. what is he going to do? expand it? is he going to waive any fees? he is sending out word come one and come all and exposing it for more individuals to come up and opening up for more fraud, more marriage and immigration fraud. so he is just creating a bigger problem. >> harris: it is curious when you look at the percentage of divorce in this country that something is going to be hindered on something that's already covered in other areas of our law, specific to marriage. yeah, i could see some fraud happening there. quickly we're watching this live now. this is southern california, one of the points where the cartels have been hitting because texas has put up its razor wire and handing its business. new mexico and california absorb some of the drug and people traffickers and people coming across with those hoping to get jobs in the country. it is non-stop 24/seven. art dell -- >> we'll continue to see this. this administration doesn't care about protecting our nation's borders. >> harris: janice dean now. i don't know about anybody traveling south of the border to try to get here. you would turn some sort of eye towards stemming the tide at this point. we're facing a dangerous heat wave according to the meteorologists in the northeast and midwest are bracing for what could be a longest heat wave in decades. they're bringing the possibility for new all-time high records. 70 million americans are under some sort of warning now. it is almost summer. senior meteorologist janice dean is in fox square with more. i mentioned people who might be trekking here, young children. where is our heart at this point? this looks like it is taking shape just like you said it would, janice. >> a lot of the country has experienced a heat wave. it started out west for many days and across the south. now it's pushing across the ohio and tennessee valley and the northeast we have had mild spring and now we have this dome of high pressure that's kind of anchored here for the next several days. it is early so we'll break records today. we have heat alerts and yes it happens in the summertime. we feel temperatures in the 90 degree range with the humidity feeling worse but it is early this year. that's the concern here and we want to make sure we are taking care of the kids and elderly and pets. we have excessive heat watches for millions of folks along the i-95 corridor and excessive heat warnings in indiana towards ohio and michigan. potential record highs. when you are dealing with record highs in d.c. at 91, that's significant. 95 in new york in syracuse. a lot of these places in new england, northern new england don't have air conditioning. heat index is what it feels like with the humidity. it will feel like 91 in new york. 100 in boston. 100 in boston and then it just continues tomorrow through the weekend and next week who things hopefully subside. a multi-day event and why we have all the heat advisories in place. local officials are telling people where the cooling stations are and pools open so people can cool off. this is a big deal. a little early and will it set up for the whole summer? that's the question we'll still have to answer. over to you, harris. >> harris: thank you very much. president trump is facing yet another gag order. republican leaders from all over the nation are rallying to protect trump's free speech. plus house republicans are investigating claims the i.r.s. whistleblowers in the hunter biden investigation are facing retaliation now. they say the culprit is the federal agency actually responsible for protecting whistleblowers. leo terrell will dig into it in "focus" next. veteran homeowners are calling newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? 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>> you are absolutely right. donald trump is fighting a two-front war, harris. he is fighting the democrats and joe biden and he is fighting the new york court system. there is that existing gag order on the 34 counts that is still in place and why? the case is over. donald trump cannot respond. but joe biden can issue, as you just articulated, $50 million worth of ads talking about the new york hush money case. that's not fair for trump. he is unable to respond. something else, harris, expect biden to talk about that case at the debate next week. the gag order is still in place. donald trump cannot respond. so he is fighting the new york court system that in my opinion is favoring the democrats and he is fighting joe biden and he got his hands behind his back because he cannot exercise his first amendment speech. >> harris: what happens if he is attacked on that debate stage with that topic and he fights back? what are the ramifications? >> i will tell you right now from a lawyer's standpoint, you bet judge merchan will be watching that debate and throw the book at him. look, this sentencing hearing is july 11th, a couple days before the convention. all bets are off. i think judge merchan and the new york judicial system will do everything to hurt donald trump. this is very important. within 30 seconds of that sentencing, donald trump should file papers with the u.s. supreme court because he cannot get fair justice in new york. >> harris: we'll move to this. house republican leaders are opening an investigation into the office of special counsel now. all of this is over claims that agency helped retaliate against two i.r.s. whistleblowers. those people are actually central to the hunter biden criminal tax investigation. the lawmakers sent a letter to the special counsel's office requesting a briefing to determine if the agency was involved in an alleged smear campaign against the whistleblowers. they wrote in a letter, quote, the whistleblowers did exactly what an honorable government employee should do. when they witnessed wrongdoing they reported responsibly and made legally protected disclosures. we're beginning to see steps toward accountability. it has not come without great cost to them. the two men testified that the d.o.j. gave preferential treatment to hunter biden. now the number is more like $4 million. >> these two whistleblowers and the judge in delaware are responsible for justice regarding hunter biden getting that trial in delaware and the tax evasion case. they are the thorn in the side of david weiss and the department of justice and the house republicans only weapon to make sure they are protected, strong letters and investigation. this shows you the power of the department of justice because these two whistleblowers are not being protected. they are enemies of the department of justice. they are enemies of the i.r.s. because they told the truth about the political side dealing between hunter biden, the department of justice, and david weiss. >> harris: they told the truth and are being punished. you talked about the power of the d.o.j. here is perhaps another example. the department of justice has asked a court to deny a request to delay former trump advisor steve bannon's prison sentence for contempt of congress. bannon argues he should remain free while he appeals. his fate is far different than that of attorney general merrick garland. d.o.j. announced its decision after the house found him in contempt. watch. >> this has been the most lawless and partisan attorney general we've ever seen. the number of people on planet earth who were sur profsed when the biden d.o.j. said they will not prosecute merrick garland's contempt citation is 0. the damage merrick garland has done to d.o.j. has no precedent in history and it is really sad. >> harris: former president trump, white house official steve bannon and peter navarro were both sentenced to four months in prison. navarro is currently serving his term. it doesn't just smack of unfairness, it is unfair. that's what you say. why? >> because you have a double standard for republicans and democrats. merrick garland holds the keys. he is in charge of the department of justice. that shows how much power they have. they are doing selective prosecution. go after republicans, bannon and navarro and won't go after the democrats. why is that tape being withheld? it hurts joe biden. the transcript has already been released but they don't want the american people to hear the audio. that is a double standard. that's to protect joe biden and the department of justice, harris, has been weaponized, no question about it. >> harris: they are omniscient in all this. you brought up the tape made by special counsel robert hur of the current president and ums and huhs. how bad is his memory? you didn't charge him. it must be pretty bad. we should hear the tape. the d.o.j. is in all of it. recent unedited video. we've seen it all now. is raising more questions and concerns about president biden's age and fitness for office. so now the white house is pushing back even harder with an odd question about what may have happened to those images. they are accusing someone of a deepfake. who are they pointing a finger to? do they have evidence of that or are they panicking? biden's campaign signaled its strategy. it may end up helping former president donald trump. power panel is next. ♪ ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) >> harris: president biden is set to hit up donors again tonight. this time he is going to virginia. bill and hillary clinton will be there and it is held at the home of former virginia governor terry mccauliffe. 20 years since a republican candidate won in the state of virginia. a recent fox poll in the state gives the g.o.p. hopes showing biden and trump are tied. another fox poll shows the one-time swing state of iowa is now heavily favoring trump. the former president is up by a whopping 18 points there. the biden campaign is still confident despite all these numbers that you see on the screen before your very eyes. >> poll after poll has shown the economy and inflation is near or at the top of voter priorities. how do you plan to address that? >> well listen, you do it by running this campaign every day talking about the work the president has actually done since he took office in the historic record of accomplishment. >> harris: all of that comes as both candidates are preparing for the first presidential debate in about nine days. senior white house correspondent peter doocy is with me now. peter, it will be here in no time. >> next thursday. starting tomorrow, harris, the rest of president biden's week is blocked off for debate prep at the presidential retreat in camp david. there won't be any trips to swing states or any remarks to the nation. it is just going to be fine-tuning the election argument as some prominent liberal strategists say they think president biden might need this debate more than president trump does. >> i'm still skeptical. i look at the poll and averages and we have all this new information that comes in. if you search hard enough you can see some change but you really have to look. i think the president needs this event. >> bill: white house are urging persuadeable voters not to believe their eyes and ears accusing anybody sharing videos of president biden freezing or wandering away or being led away by barack obama of spreading misinformation. they have not proven that president biden's appearance in these recent clips has been digitally altered in any way. their frustration seem to be that context is often missing. >> i think you all have called this the cheap fakes video. that's exactly what they are. cheap fakes video. we're seeing these deepfakes, these manipulated videos and it is again done in bad faith. >> a deepfake can be a felony. somebody is being prosecuted for altering president biden's voice and doing a robocall before the new hampshire primary this year. these clips might be unhelpful to the white house's case for re-election but it is different than a deepfake just by definition, harris. >> harris: that was really interesting. it smacks of desperation if you are willing to accuse somebody with no evidence, which is what i said before the last commercial break. peter doocy, thank you. power panel now, tammy bruce, fox news contributor, doug shown former clinton polling expert. biden is going to be with the clintons. i hope they don't touch him. i hope that they don't help him get off a stage or do anything like that because the shiny object of seeing this man do whatever it is he is doing is too much for the white house and his campaign to take. >> you are exactly right, harris. he needs the reflective glory of bill clinton who governed as a centrist, who brought people together and ran a positive campaign for re-election in 1996 emphasizing what brings us together, our commitment to traditional values, cultural, social and economic balanced budgets, welfare reform. he needs to absorb that bill clinton, not the more divisive hillary clinton or the left wing politics that predominate in the democratic party. he needs to do it on his own as you rightly suggest. >> harris: that was so much nostalgia at a time when the economy was better under a democrat, no doubt. i don't know if you can catch that, tammy. you have to bring it. it happens happened so far. >> it is so long ago. i worked on the 1992 clinton campaign. i was a child but look, he did, he liked governing, he enjoyed it, bill clinton did. before we understood his nature and not being able to control himself for eight years. that's another story. i think the people who need to be persuaded in many ways frankly don't even remember the clintons, right? they are not thinking about the clintons. they are thinking about right now and what we've experienced in the last decade. the quality of that your lives or the lack there of. so they need money because of the windfall that trump received after the convention and i think they realize carville played it down but this debate -- look, they are trying to, you know, pour cold water on the expectations of joe biden. he has done okay in things like this. state of the union address and other speeches. he has been angry and aggressive. i think that he needs this. i would also caution, harris, when it comes to the polls as i remember hillary clinton was ahead in every single poll in 2016. this remains a ground game like with virginia. it remains people holding onto their enthusiasm, knowing if it is not now it will be never. let's not -- do not get comfortable with the polls. get excited and focused and work on that. we have to remember that each state is its own local ground game and i -- trump understands this. i think it will be an exciting time. we have to hope it is not close because americans have to be united by the end result. >> harris: i like all of that optimism. you both have that. you want to get us back to a time when the country was better. i have never seen you in so much agreement though. biden might just be in trouble when these two go to lunch. the biden campaign is putting trump's criminal conviction in the spotlight. the campaign. let's go deeper. the biden campaign will spend $50 million in ads that it will run in battleground states and we want to give you a taste now. watch. >> this election is between a convicted criminal, whose only out for himself and a president who is fighting for your family. >> harris: there is just a problem here, though. the conviction does not seem to be hurting trump the way the people on the left had hoped. certainly we can take a look at the polling. soon after trump was found guilty, a poll found that 27% were actually more likely to vote for him. in a new column byron york writes it could not be a better time for a president struggling in the polls. one wrote this. makes it easier for trump to argue that biden weaponized the judicial system to affect the election. what would you tell this president and his campaign to do with the 50 million. to you continue to call trump a convicted felon? >> absolutely not. the american people had two weeks of the judge in new york and the liberal media calling trump a criminal and as car vill villanova -- carville said. speak about the southern border and revitalizing our country and double down on the conviction along with the focus on the 2020 election is to me a colossal strategic error, gross waste of money and helps trump going into this critical june 27th debate. >> everything doug said really describes the biden administration itself. a gross error. they are completely disconnected. this is an unforced error. it does remind people it was about the politics of it. it was a witch hunt. if you thought it wasn't, this confirms this is what they were waiting for. unfortunately they can't do what doug suggests. they can't do videos and commercials on the issues because they have not just failed, they have been having a malign impact. so it worked in 2020, they think it will work now. they are misreading the room. they don't understand the american experience and what we are going through now. that's why they are doing it. it will backfire like everything else. >> harris: they are misreading the room of voters because voters had three plus years under this current president to compare with the previous four. they are missing that. >> exactly. >> harris: the public are astute when it comes to personal experience. great to have you both. thank you very much. well, another judge is telling the biden administration not so fast on expanding title ix protections for transgender athletes and against women. the latest in the legal battle to protect women's sports. plus the search continues for answers on the origin of the covid pandemic. >> the propaganda involved in the origins of covid-19. the worst of the wartime propaganda where the government lied to people. they have been doing it with covid and still doing it. >> harris: that capitol hill hearing going on right now has top health officials in the hot seat. republicans are alleging a covid cover-up and they want answers. louisiana senator john kennedy in "focus" next. que hotel. or 30,000 steps tina in a mountain cabin. ooh! booking.yeah sup? 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>> we do. that's exactly the same. >> couldn't possibly be. >> same conclusion the intelligence community came to. >> that's a lie. let's stop there. that is a lie. >> harris: senator josh hawley. there he is a few moments ago and looking at this live. that hearing goes on as republican senators are pressing onward to uncover the origins of covid pandemic. when americans began dying from covid top health officials were dismissing the idea of a lab leak in china. as the cause of the pandemic. knowing how it started, as you've seen on this program, doctors have told me would have helped greatly in the race to find therapeutics and more to save lives. earlier this month dr. anthony fauci denied that accusation. >> the accusation being circulated that i influenced these scientists to change their minds is absolutely false and simply preposterous. the second issue is a false accusation that i tried to cover up the possibility that the virus originated from a lab. in fact, the truth is exactly the opposite. i have also been very, very clear and said multiple times that i don't think the concept of there being a lab leak is inherently a conspiracy theory. >> harris: this wasn't that long ago. let's look at 2020. >> conspiracy theory going around the coronavirus originated and perhaps manmade inside a lab in china. >> we know it has been debunked this virus was manmade or modified. >> just weeks ago dr. anthony fauci rejected the conspiracy that coronavirus was manmade in a lab in wuhan, china. >> both scientists and u.s. intelligence community agree this coronavirus was not manmade. that is not a possibility. >> there was no reason to believe any of these conspiracy theories that it was leaked from the lab in wuhan whether intentionally or otherwise. >> harris: if only it were just the way they said it was but it isn't. in fact, many of the experts that they accused of being conspiracy theorists were also say it could have come from nature but that it was being messed with inside the lab and that's how and when it leaked. all of their narrative began to unravel last year, though. law professor and fox news professor jonathan turley wrote this. covid lab leak is a scandal of media and government censorship. louisiana senator john kennedy, member of the senate judiciary, appropriations and budget committees. welcome to "focus." i tried to kind of explain as i remember contemporaneously why it was important to know how things started. there could be another pandemic, transparency will be critical. we have to get this right. >> well, first i would observe, harris, that clearly we are going to have to get some new conspiracy theories because all of the old ones turned out to be true. i think the conspiracy theorists are up something like 37-0. based on the classified and unclassified information i've seen, here is what i believe and here is what i think the evidence shows. number one, scientists in the wuhan lab in china were conducting gain-of-function research on how to create the coronavirus in humans. they were successful. number two, the united states was helping to pay for it. number three, there are much better than even odds that coron coron coronavirus escaped from that lab and killed 35 million people. we can't know for sure because some american scientists won't talk and the chinese won't cooperate. number five, the american people deserve the truth. and as an aside we could have that truth if we had better leadership. but instead of working on issues like this and others, the biden white house would rather send president biden to hollywood to meet with movie stars and pop singers and people who partied with harvey weinstein where he could stand on a stage next to president obama looking like jack nicholson at the end of one flew over the cuckoo's nest and why 30% are living with their parents and that's what i think. >> harris: it's also a state in california where the president just was where their leadership, gavin newsom, was doing things like breaking covid protocols and went to a michelon restaurant and going wherever he wanted to go while his people were in lockdown, locked inside and we know how punishing those lockdowns were for the young amongst us. senator rand paul is holding to account public versus private statements by scientists. let's watch and if you can stay with me for a second, senator kennedy. >> it is not a laboratory construct. we're not doing anything here. i would say this if it were a republican administration. i don't care which party it is. i agree the scientists who equate this with nuclear weapons. some people think this just started. it is incredibly partisan. for a quick answer. doctor, are you part of the right wing conspiracy or crazy republican partisan? >> i'm a registered democrat and voted for biden. >> harris: i want to come back to senator kennedy. i was taking notes on what you were saying. it is serious and jarring to hear how we haven't come that far forward. if you could tell us what the pathway looks like right now. >> well, we need a president that will go to our scientific community and government and say look, we don't want to release any classified information that will hurt america's security but within those confines, the american people need to know the truth about this. and we'll tell them the truth and i want all of you scientists who think you are smarter than the american people to stop play acting. that could be step one. president biden is not going to do that. he won't work on any of these issues. and we are going to have to wait until we have a change in leadership. >> harris: senator john kennedy from the great state of louisiana great to have you in "focus." thank you. "outnumbered" is next.

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