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president biden circumventing congress on immigration. this time shielding half a million migrants from deportation. how will he do that? we'll tell you now. i'm bill hemmer live in new york. dana has the week off today. like a ray of sunshine. >> martha: i'm martha maccallum, this is "america's newsroom." this afternoon president biden will mark the 12th anniversary of daca with a new policy rewarding some migrants who came to the united states illegally. >> bill: that will block deportations for half a million people married to u.s. citizens as well as 50,000 of their kids. it applies to people who have lived here for at least ten years and that excludes anyone with prior deportations. >> martha: the action coming less than five months before the presidential election where the border, of course, could be a deciding factor . former acting dhs secretary chad wolf thinks it's about optics. >> it certainly will be a challenged. the timing you indicated is really important here. obviously just five months from an election the president is taking action, executive action not to secure the border or not to put more enforcement measures to protect americans at the border but to allow folks that came here illegally work authorization and other benefits. it is telling about the timing here. i think it is more for a headline and more for the president to show perhaps the left wing of his party that he is doing something to help illegal aliens. >> martha: senior white house correspondent peter doocy is on the north lawn and let's go to bill melugin in california. >> good morning to you. it has been two weeks since president biden's executive order that he told migrants if you cross illegally you aren't getting asylum and you will be deported. the people crossing here in san diego sector don't seem to be buying that. look at this video. we shot this five hours ago right where we're standing. mass crossing at 1:00 a.m. people coming in from all over the world again. china and india men. cartel clockwork with the smuggling always seems to happen at 1:00 a.m. out here. we're starting to see more children arriving with single adults. keep in mind president biden's executive order exempted children entirely from it. that's not the only group. take a look at the second video here. yesterday same spot here had a large group of chinese nationals cross illegally here. 30 of them initially walking in on railroad tracks before they surrendered to border patrol. there is a language barrier for these agents and we notice a lot of these chinese show up with paper i.d.s they printed out rather than chinese passports. china does not share information on their citizens with the united states. it is very difficult to vet these folks. we have little information on who they are or why they have come here and keep in mind more than 30,000 chinese nationals have arrived just here in san diego sector since october 1st crossing the border illegally. that wants it, though, guys, look at the third group. another piece of video here yesterday afternoon. large group of mostly columbians that crossed illegally. a lot of them bringing children as well. they said they have family split out in the united states trying to link up with. they aren't claiming asylum and mostly here to work. lastly we'll finish you off in texas. take a look at the mug shots here, border patrol in del rio sector reporting since october 1st they have arrested 68 convicted sex offenders who have tried crossing the border illegally. of those 68, 62 of them were convicted of sexual crimes against children. that's 91% of the guys you are looking at here. some of the crimes child rapes and sexual assaults of children and child molesters and multiple crimes too graphic to talk about on television. back out here live as we wait for president biden's announcement later this afternoon which will shield half a mill illegal immigrants from deportation, critics will pounce on this and say it is another pull factor for illegal immigration, the idea being you cross the border illegally, get into the u.s., lay low for a little while. eventually an administration will come along and wave a magic wand and grant you legal or lawful status. send it back to you. >> martha: bill melugin at the border. >> bill: the president is marking the 12th anniversary of daca by fast tracking spouses who are not u.s. citizens to a pathway to citizenship and eventually on to the voter rolls. peter doocy has the details live from the north lawn today. good morning. hello. >> president biden is doing this because congress still hasn't passed any big immigration bills. >> you can't really change what's happening at the border unless you have legislation. unless you have real resources and funding and support that is sustainable over time to make a big difference down at the border. so there is no magical wand that can be waved to make it all go away. >> the new plan says that for a new pathway to u.s. citizenship a person must be married to a u.s. citizen. lived in the usa for ten years and must not pose a threat to public safety. this has the biden campaign manager in wilmington saying families belong together, it's that simple and where president biden's actions today are so important and also a powerful stark reminder of donald trump's unforgiveable legacy of ripping crying children away from their parents when he put in place his family separation policy. this plan does not immediately grant any of the eligible applicants voting rights, at least not right away. republican critics think that's part of president biden's long-term strategy. >> it's the democrats who are literally importing people with the specific purpose of actually impacting elections. they're doing it on purpose. we see it before our eyes. >> this is not a new power. president biden has been given by the courts or by the congress. this is something he could have done at any point. he is choosing to do it five months before the election and it could wind up benefiting half a million people. >> bill: more to come on that and we'll watch it for later today. north lawn, peter doocy. >> martha: new york police arresting an illegal migrant for the sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl. the man is from ecuador, entered the country illegally in 2021. they say he held the teen and her friend and knife point last week and assaulted the girl and then fled. community members spotted the suspect last night after days of searching. the heroic neighbors held the man down until the police arrived. good for them. >> bill: a suggestion there might be perhaps more pictures or photos or video that if you've got neighbors holding someone down. this goes with the story about this illegal being arrested in tulsa, oklahoma for a murder that happened in maryland after he was thought to have committed another crime in california. just came into the country in february of last year. traveling all the way across the country at his whim. >> martha: committed homicide in el salvador and that's one of the reasons we got him. >> bill: we'll talk to a sheriff coming up on a border county in texas about that a bit later. first let's get this. the search for answers continues. if you're waiting for answers, america, you have not gotten many just yet. the senate homeland security committee will hear expert testimony origins of covid. jamie metzl, senator marshall. senator, when are you going to be able to say that u.s. taxpayer dollars were used in the wuhan lab? >> i think first of all we need to remember why this is so important. we need to find out the origins of covid so it doesn't happen again so we honor the million americans who lost their lives and get some closure for their family. 15 million americans with long covid. so to answer your question, look, there is a lengthy amount of evidence that suggests that really proves that this virus was made in the lab in wuhan, china. we will talk about that today. and expect to try to get -- we need to get to a 9/11 style commission. get it out of the bright lights and cameras of d.c. and take it to kansas city and investigate it further. i think today we'll talk to experts and most of them are going to be talking about why this virus was made in wuhan and we funded bits and pieces of this viral gain-of-function research. >> martha: last night on rachel maddow anthony fauci is out again promoting another book about his leadership during covid and a little of what he had to say in that interview. let's watch. >> the epidemiological evidence by most qualified virologists, strongly favor, not definitively. strongly favor natural occurrence. but since it isn't definitive i keep an open mind. what they say that's incorrect is that the nih funded a grant in china and indirect grant from a firm in new york that did a sub award to do some surveillance studies on what is out there. this attack that you funded a project that turned into covid is completely preposterous. >> martha: jamie, can you let us know what you think about what dr. fauci told america last night. >> sure. first it is really my honor and pleasure to be here with you and senator marshall. we've been working on this topic together for over three years. he is a republican, i'm a democrat. this is the ultimate national issue. it has to be a bipartisan issue. dr. fauci was wrong in two regards. the first is that about the epidemiological evidence about the origins of the pandemic. the vast majority as senator marshall said of the available evidence leans toward a research-related incident origin in wuhan, a lab accident. even there are a few scientists who believe otherwise and why senator marshall said we need to get to the bottom of this. in terms of the united states funding, it is technically correct that u.s. funding didn't go directly specifically into gain-of-function research by the letter of those grants which could have led to covid-19 but we gave funding to a lab and multiple labs in wuhan where we had no idea what viruses were being held. what work was being done and who was doing that work. so we really need to get to the bottom of what happened here both with the actions of the united states government and more importantly with the chinese government. the chinese government bears primary responsibility for covid-19. >> bill: let me come back to this. fauci called it preposterous. are we going to dance around words again today during this hearing that begins in less than an hour or get some answers? fauci said how we can do better next time. when you deal with the chinese communist party, how can you? >> that's a great point. americans, we always assume a best of people. whenever you are funding research in wuhan, china, anywhere in china, you have to realize the military is intimately involved with this one way or the other. and for all we know they are developing bioweapons. we don't know that. but the epidemiology points that this came from a laboratory in wuhan. it tells us it spread over different continents before the major break-out in wuhan. everything about this virus points it was manmade. we paid for the research to develop a protein spike that was eventually used the make the protein spike for sars covid two and we were indirectly involved in lots of this research. we taught china how to do it and gave them the mice to study. that's why this is a national security issue. we need to stop doing research with our enemies. it doesn't come out good for us. >> martha: we have since learned the f.b.i., energy department declared that this was most likely from a natural source based on intelligence that they had that was not shared with the rest of us. so gentlemen, good luck today. thank you very much. great to have you both with us. >> bill: we'll be watching. thank you, men. 13 minutes past the hour. life threatening heat wave for millions will stretch from detroit to boston, massachusetts. get the latest on the heat wave. it is hot out there. >> martha: russian president vladimir putin making his first trip to north korea in more than 20 years. what this means with regard to the relationship with russia and north korea that we all need to understand. >> bill: also the white house telling americans do not believe your eyes. the administration says that videos of president biden acting strangely are not what they appear. so we will roll the tape and ask who is buying that one? >> we're seeing these deepfakes, these manipulated videos and it is again done in bad faith. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. okay everyone, our mission is to provide 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ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> bill: a.p. confirms the singer, justin timberlake was arrested last night and accused of driving while intoxicated. it happened in a town in new york called sag harbor 100 miles due east of manhattan. law enforcement official talking with the a.p. not giving a lot of information. the official said timberlake will be arraigned later today and in court around 11:00 eastern time. the eastern end of long island. you may have heard of the hamptons. all those towns where folks go and flock to go during june, july and august months. we'll try to get the story and figure out what happened last night with justin timberlake. bone scorching heat wave. potential record high temps moving from the northwest to the northeast putting tens of millions americans at risk. go to janice dean outside. where else would you be, j.d.? >> the sights and sounds of new york city. the real heat hasn't hit us yet. it is on the way. the humidity is going to make it feel oppressive. let's look at it. area of high pressure, dome of high pressure right there dominating the eastern u.s. the jetstream towards canada and the potential of showers and storms along the cold front that will help things across the upper midwest and great lakes. for nowadays of heat and humidity and record setting highs in d.c. 92 today. syracuse, 97. 94. a lot of places in new england like maine don't have air conditioning. a serious situation. it will last several days. with the humidity it will feel well over 100 degrees for all these big cities for friday and look at saturday, yeah, saturday 103 feels like in baltimore and 103 in d.c. the heat risk for saturday. the heat sitting there over parts of the ohio valley and the northeast. there is new york city for wednesday, thursday and friday. temperatures over 90 but it will feel like 100 degrees. the last june heat wave was in 2021. a couple of years. it is early and the good thing is we'll get our air conditioners up to speed and we'll know where our cooling stations are and where our local pools are. there is philadelphia on friday, 97 average high temperatures around 85. that's the forecast and again it will kind of hang on into the weekend by next week things get better. we have to get through the next couple of days. all right, bill hemmer. >> bill: we'll keep the water on stand by. folks in st. louis and kansas city and indianapolis and cincinnati have already felt it. they know what's coming our way. thank you, janice, good to have you. >> martha: it's summer. all right. so the russian president vladimir putin on his first visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he doing this? why is he getting this quality face time with kim? mainly to reaffirm on the global stage their partnership and to thank him for his support of the ukraine invasion by putin. dan hoffman is former c.i.a. station search, served in moscow for many years and the middle east and also a fox news contributor. always good to have you with us. i want to put up this piece of vladimir putin wrote an op-ed that appeared in the paper in north korean state media. he says we'll develop alternative mechanisms of trade and mutual settlements that are not controlled by the west and jointly resist illegitimate, unilateral restrictions. what do you see in all of this, dan? good morning. >> good morning. what i absolutely see is that russia and north korea not to mention china and iran are all united seeking to undermine the west. this is one of the consequences of russia's brutal invasion of ukraine where we are now confronted with the axis of tyranny and russia is allied with a nuclear pariah state another complex. tensions in the corey peninsula is greater than ever. russia needs north korean artillery and willing to trade not only military technology and intelligence, that means that north korea will be better at hacking into banks in the united states, but they are also going to confer diplomatic top cover on north korea. that's what that op-ed was about. russia recently vetoed u.n. sanctions monitoring of north korea. >> martha: it all looks like a way to build an alliance that allows them to get around sanctions, continue to trade, continue to run their countries without worrying about anything that we could put on them. so the pentagon deputy press secretary talked about this saying what is concerning to us is deepening cooperation between russia and north korea. is that strong enough language from our pentagon about what's going on here? what would you like to hear from the president on this? >> well look, i don't think it is strong enough language. we could call out russia and the state department should be throwing our diplomatic soft power around the world a lot more strongly we do supporting a pariah state. i think it is worth noting and the optic of my c.i.a. career, there are a lot of russian officials, kremlin insiders and intelligence officers and military who have to be really gravely concerned about putin saddling up to kim and what that means. i wouldn't be surprised if some of them might be willing to spill secrets to the west as a result. that's why the c.i.a. has put out those three recruitment videos and the f.b.i. as well. now is the time to recruit russians who don't think that vladimir putin is taking russia on the best path. >> martha: that's a fascinating observation and they have lost estimates half a million russians in this war. that's a lot of people in still a relatively short time. is there any indication to you that putin is on rocky ground in his own country right now? >> well, he has spilled a lot of blood and treasure on the war in ukraine, over 500,000 reported casualties. but he is going to dig that hole a little bit deeper. he knows he has to carry on the fight if he wants to stay in the kremlin. and he has dealt with his opposition, most notably by killing the leader of wagner group, who got pretty close to moscow and had a full blown mutiny against the kremlin. putin was able to with stand that and he has carried on the war. with the help of iran and china importing russian hydro carbons he can carry on further. we have to show we can help ukraine stay in the fight. we've done it with the $60 billion supplemental. ukraine needs more from the west. more from europe and nato and more from the united states. >> martha: the deepening strengths of these alliances should be concerning to all americans as we go forward. we appreciate you here today. thank you. >> bill: 27 past. really important stuff there. even those who protect the president apparently are not safe in the state of california. one of his own secret service agents forced to draw a gun during a visit there just this week. 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"washington post" is in on the act about misleading videos and nbc talks about biden going viral. karine jean-pierre was asked about the juneteenth moment on the south lawn of the white house. >> the president stood there listening to the music and he didn't dance. excuse me, i did not know not dancing was a mental -- it was a health issue. if you look at the people who are around him, if you look at the expanded video of the people around him, they were not -- there were some folks not dancing, either. >> bill: to be fair, it's the frozen smile and the 100 yard stare that had everybody wandering what's up. >> i can relate to any dance new. that's how i am myself but the larger montage. he looks out of it. he looks like there is something not registering there and when you take the totality of all of it it looks really bad. here is the other thing. the white house can try to spin this stuff away all they want to. people see what they see. as you pointed out, the most important things. we're showing the videos here and other people spinning all over the internet. but i also love that she is talking about how the white house opponents have a credibility problem. as if the without doesn't have a credibility problems and what the opponents are trying to do is change the discussion away from all of joe biden's accomplishments as a secret service agent gets robbed at gun point. and it's like okay, what accomplishments? last week you are complaining because all we talk about are the lack of accomplishments and pointing out the problems with the economy, crime and border and now you are complaining we aren't focusing on all that stuff. it is kind of -- it smells to me like losing if you ask me. >> martha: each one of these instances there is somebody who steps in to kind of adjust, right? i believe it was george clooney's brother standing next to him at that event at the white house. karine jean-pierre says there are other people weren't dancing. every single person is like -- you can tell they are breathing and relaxed and moving. so i don't know what it is. i remember in his health report the doctor said he has a shuffle. his legs are a little stiff and he said he just attributed it to age not connected to anything else. but the suggestion in the obama video she said they are just friends so they are really close and that's why that happened. charlie, what do you say to that? >> one of the first things when you go to politician school one of the first things you learn is how to put your arm around a guy. look in the audience, point to somebody. just so everybody knows, when politicians point to be somebody on stage it's nobody. they are usually just doing it to make it look like it. that's not what obama did. he didn't do that smooth thing where you go and then you whisper in his ear. that's not what he did. he grabbed him by the wrist. he also -- >> martha: brit hume almost suggested in his tweet they must be angry at obama in the biden team because he shouldn't have done that. >> i would be furious. and it kind of -- i don't know, obama has the history of back handing with biden. >> bill: a little exit stage left on that video. trump is in wisconsin, philly later in the week. interesting stuff in both places. 19 minutes before the hour. american kids at serious risk and the weapon may be in their pocket now. why the u.s. surgeon general is preparing for social media to be getting the same treatment as a pack of cigarettes. new yorkers may no longer be able to hide behind a mask. anti-israeli anarchy took over the city subways and you watched this video. it is stunning to listen to the words. the mayor calling out the cowards as he considers banning a facial covering. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on cooling tempur-breeze mattresses. ♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them. i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. i don't have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. linda, dinah, joanne, very different people... but they do have a couple things in common. they love their home, and they know their stuff. they all talked about the counseling they got, so they knew how a reverse mortgage worked... and how it could be a real financial solution for their retirement. if you're 62 or older and own your home, find out how you could access your home's equity to give you cash now, and when you need it in the future. a reverse mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards and covering medical costs. a person like me needed to get a reverse mortgage it changed my life, it was the best thing i've ever done. really? 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not just an open border. you can do anything you want anywhere now, sir. >> good morning, bill. it is good to be back. you know, to your point, you can travel freely in the united states of america anywhere you want and why we're the greatest country in the world. we can pick up and go. when we allow those entered our country illegally to do the same it's one reason why we have border patrol checkpoints along the border. not the border between mexico and united states, i'm talking about border along the highways near the border to be able to protect americans to be able to find those here illegally that have made it in illegally and have a second line of defense if you will. want to mention i was with another sheriff less than two months ago in the nation's capital of washington, d.c. speaking to the republican study committee about that murder and what we see in carroll county. it is a solvable problem and times we get a president in the white house that will be tough on the border and we increase our border security. >> bill: the sheriff in maryland said we're 1800 miles from the southern border. look at the cover of the "new york post." provocative. open border killer, joe biden let rachel morin's killer suspect in and then the newspaper writes that her blood is on his hands. is that how you see it? >> it certainly is. and look, when i started u.s. border patrol under president clinton and worked through obama and trump. all four administrations added technology and resources. what we have now this administration, this party is not even close resemblance of what the old democrat party used to be. they're in right field and dismantled border security and continue to try to sew things to the public to the media to say we're trying to do our best. now we'll give amnesty to people. hey, we're going to shut the border down if it gets to be 2500 apprehensions. we haven't been under 3,000 apprehensions since the last executive order was signed. this administration cares nothing about securing or border or protecting america and americans. >> bill: love your background. thank you for coming in today. >> martha: we're waiting for a major hearing on capitol hill. senators are about to grill medical experts on the origins of covid and we expect a heated back and forth on the lab leak theory. we spoke to some of the individuals involved earlier this morning and this get interesting. we'll monitor it as it happens. or mr. "tackled the inbox" so it's room service time at a radisson hotel! ohh, effervescent. uh, excuse me! sorry, can i just uh... oh, selfie? yeah. c'mon on in! oh! ah, no. i just wanted to order. ohhh. uh, coming into the bar. book direct at where travels come true. gonna write this down right quick. ♪ ♪ ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> martha: a general surgeon in texas pleads not guilty to four federal charges. he is accused of illegally accessing patient healthcare info before claiming that texas children's hospital is offering transgender procedures to minors. nate foye live in houston with more on this story for us today. hi, nate. >> martha, according to the newly unsealed indictment federal prosecutors allege dr. ham illegally accessed patient information with malicious intent. he pleaded not guilty to four felony charges yesterday maintaining he has done nothing wrong. he has this message for people following his case. >> if they can come after me as a whistleblower they'll come after you. we will have to take this to court and we'll have to win. >> before jury selection in his trial starts on august 20th, he will continue working as a surgeon in dallas while he and his wife await the birth of their first daughter. something that made him emotional after court. >> you know, it's -- it means a lot. but what kind of world is she going to go into if her parents are not going to be willing to stand up for doing what's right? >> federal prosecutors, martha, argue that he illegally accessed patient information before accusing the hospital of lying about performing transgender medicine on kids. according to the indictment he obtained unauthorized hipaa protected information and intentionally contacted a media outlet to grossly mischaracterize texas children hospital medical procedures in order to damage the reputation of the hospital and its physicians and promote his own personal agenda.

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Patient Healthcare Info , Texas Children S Hospital , Procedures , Minors , Houston , Nate Foye , Hi , Patient Information , Indictment , Prosecutors , Intent , Felony , Message , Whistleblower , Case , Jury Selection , Birth , Daughter , Trial , Wife , Dallas , August 20th , Hospital , Performing Transgender Medicine On Kids , Reputation , Agenda , Media Outlet , Physicians , Mischaracterize Texas Children Hospital Medical Procedures , Hipaa ,

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