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>> sandra: any moment now, we are set to hear from white house press secretary karine jean-pierre. it will be her first on camera briefing from that podium in nearly 3 weeks. i'll not has happened since then. the president has traveled overseas twice. border action has faced his first lawsuit. his son was convicted on felony charges. it is this latest moment that is getting all the attention. ♪ ♪ >> sandra: it is a video that has gone viral. we played it for our viewers so they can decide what they think of it. president obama clearly leading president biden off the stage at the l.a. fund-raiser. i am sandra smith in new york. john, it's great to beginning a brand-new week with you. >> john: there seems to be a lot of those. i am john roberts and washington. the video going viral. it appears to show president biden gazing into a los angeles grout moments before president obama felt the need to step in and say it's time to go. >> sandra: the white house is hitting back at critics who are claiming that he froze on the stage saying that the president was taking in applause from the crowd. above all, the clip isn't doing any favors for his campaign efforts. >> at the juneteenth matter, really are examples of the president's current condition. we will see more of it. he's got a lot of public events. the voters will have to make their own decision based on what they see. >> john: steve hilton on what the white house has to do to reassure voters that president biden is still dialed in. peter doocy is live at the white house. what is the white house doing in regards to this latest instance? >> if anyone has any concerns about president biden's ability to continue the duties of his job, they are putting his backup the vice president on the world stage at a ukrainian peace summit in switzerland. >> for president joe biden and me, it is one of our defining missions to uphold the international rules-based order to defend it, strengthen it, and promote it. no doubt, it must be a priority for us all. >> of the speech in campaign saw that and countered with the following, "the most incompetent in history. the american people look forward to the day biden shuffles back to delaware and kamala cackles back to california." she was there working on a critical piece of ukraine aid which is the heart of the biden of foreign policy strategy where they will loan ukrainian's money that is borrowed against the value of seized russian assets. >> we have agreed that g7 and our partners have agreed to tap the value of that stream to provide a $50 billion loan to ukraine that will be paid from those so-called windfall profits that are growing in this financial institution. >> if there are any big developments abroad in the next few days, maybe the vice president continues in this leading role. tomorrow, president biden is going to delaware and camp david david for several days of debate prep ahead of the meeting with donald trump. >> john: behind the scenes, trump will be on the campaign trail, prepping as he does that. >> sandra: let's bring in our fox news contributor steven hilton. great to have you here. if anything, you are definitely seeing the white house -- which we are about to hear from the press briefing. karine jean-pierre will be at the microphone shortly. the need to address is age and mental acuity. here is jill biden talking about it in arizona on saturday. >> joe biden is a healthy, wise, 81-year-old ready and willing to work for you every day. this election certainly is not about age. joe and the other guy are essentially the same age. let's not be fooled. joe isn't just one of the most effective presidents of our t time, in spite of his age, but because of it. >> sandra: they are feeling the need to address it. is it effective in the way they are going about it, steve? >> it is absolutely laughable. you listen to her. it reminds me of a famous press conference in the middle of the most disastrous election campaign for the labour party where there's questions about the leader. the party in the middle of it held a press conference to reassure everyone that michael -- still the leader and -- she is out there saying, don't worry, joe is still alive. it is fine. it is just ridiculous. it shows something very serious for the democrats. the more that he persists in this ridiculous attempts to convince everyone that he can do another 4 years that unknown another 4 months let alone another 4 years becomes increasingly terrible. forcing democrats to live. every democrat that goes out there and says, it's fine. he's great. they are lying. we can all see. his wife is lying to protect him. every democrat is forced to lie that is not a comfortable position for all these democrats to be in. >> sandra: we asked him about the wall street story piece needing younger voters and younger celebrity backers with the president getting help from some notable hollywood stars. most of them are over 50. that is being generous. they brought in robert de niro. remember this moment in new york city in may? he is 80. >> it is just unbelievable. there is a really interesting piece in "the new york times" this weekend. focusing on this effort, the influencers on tiktok. it has been a disaster for them. for months, they have been trying to get joe biden's popularity up on tiktok. it has gone nowhere. donald trump joined tiktok a couple of weeks ago. already has millions of followers and is getting all these viral hits. he has a way of connecting with people that is interesting, entertaining, and gets a message across. >> sandra: let's get some more in here. this is how biden is taking aim at trump's legal issues. i will ask you if this is effective. >> in the courtroom, we see donald trump for who he is. he is convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assaults, and he committed financial fraud. >> sandra: is that working? >> apparently, they are putting $50 million behind this ad. everyone will be seeing it over the summer. as everyone is getting ready for their summer and to enjoy the outdoors and all the rest of the activities we love, suddenly, they will be hit with this mean, miserable aggressive ad campaign. i don't think that'll help at all. the most serious point is, the fact that they are really using the legal cases as a political weapon really is an admission on their part that all of it was part of a political strategy. proving what trump has been saying. >> sandra: interesting analysis. this was the former president trump making a fresh appeal to black voters as he campaigned over the weekend. watch. >> we passed a historic criminal justice reform. biden of the other hand, biden wrote the devastating 1994 crime bill. talking about super predators. the black population once law enforcement more than any other population. i think it is important thing. >> this is a black church. why aren't many black people visible to the naked eye? >> trump has no chance at getting a majority of black voters. >> sandra: i should have added that we did tie in there the response from "the view" following his pitch to black voters over the weekend. it seems the left is saying as he continues to grow up in the polls with the black voters, that support is not real. i'm looking in "the washington post" 2 minutes ago posting a headline, "trump world keeps overstating speech in support among black voters." >> it is an example of the absolute arrogance that these democrats have had and their supporters in the media. taking the vote of black americans were granted just as they are with latino americans and saying, how dare they? they are not going to go for trump, because they are obviously our people. it is so contemptuous. trump is not going to win a majority of black voters. even if he doubles his score which is so far ahead of my previous republican candidates have done, that basically makes it impossible for biden to win the presidency. the fact that trump campaign is on the offensive and going in with strong messages to those areas both in terms of demographics and in terms of location, places like detroit and philadelphia, is something that is so great to see for republicans who have long said, our message of upward mobility and opportunity is for every one in particular, those populations that have been so badly let down by democrat policies. >> sandra: great to have you on. that briefing hasn't yet begun. it looks like it's getting close. thanks, steve. >> see you soon. >> john: vice president kamala harris set to speak on conflict-related violence. but as the white house policy fact sheet address plenty of companies but not what happened in israel? human rights activist is here to weigh in. >> sandra: as promised, alert to the white house, -------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------- went up to the podium. this will be the first breathing in 3 weeks. running through a list of top items out of the white house right now. not taking questions just yet. when she does, a lot has happened over those 3 weeks. we want to listen for the q&a. quick break and we will be right back. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. the heart of st. jude is to take care of children with catastrophic diseases and to advance their cure rates. but we need to be able to do that for everyone. it's a bold initiative, to try and bump cure rates all around the world. but we should. it is our commitment. 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...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> john: fox news alert. we want to jump to the fight elsewhere than national security spokesperson is reaping. in the red sea and planned sanctions that the treasury department plans on leveling. let's listen in. >> the ability to replenish its munitions and continue to target threats to international commerce when necessary including taking another strike as we did last night against an unmanned aerial vehicle that posed a direct threat to ships in the area. i thought it was important to provide a little context. these houthi attacks, they don't grab the headlines that they use to grab. they are having an impact. we are trying to have an impact on their ability. their actions are truly reckless beyond the pale. they talk a mighty good game but their actions speak louder. they don't care about palestinians in gaza. this isn't some principled stand they are taking. it is terrorism. it has to stop. as you know, the president will meet at the white house later this afternoon to talk about planning for nato's 75th annual summit in washington. the president will reaffirm article v of the washington treaty and welcome steps that allies are taking to support ukraine. the progress that nato allies are making increasing their defense spending which is more than doubled since president biden took office. quickly turning to national security advisor's trip to india where he met with senior members of the indian government and u.s. and indian industry leaders to expand key areas of cooperation between our countries today. mr. sullivan will cochair the u.s. india initiative on critical emerging technology known -- a landmark partnership to expand strategic cooperation across key technology sectors. artificial intelligence, quantum technology, biotechnology and clean energy. as the world's 2 oldest democracies, united states and india share a y unique fond of partnership. a safer and more prosperous indo specific. i want to briefly highlight the successful summit on peace in ukraine over the past weekend which vice president harris and national security advisor sullivan both attended. more than 100 countries and organizations came together to discuss the importance of reaching just and lasting peace in ukraine. the foundation of the u.n. charter. as president biden said on thursday when he signed the agreement with ukraine, lasting peace for ukraine must be underwritten by the ability to defend itself now and to deter future aggression. we will continue to provide military aid. we will continue to support the ukrainian people. >> john: john kerry updating us on new sanctions in regard to houthi in the red sea and what is going on in terms of military aid to ukraine in the u.s. support for ukraine is was voiced. >> sandra: he is about to take question from reporters and karine jean-pierre will be up. the first breathing in 3 weeks. we will be listening for that and get in as needed. >> john: vice president kamala harris set to speak on conflict related f sexual violence. the white house released in advance of her remarks. let's bring in human rights activist and author. he is also a research fellow at the hoover institution at stanford. good to have you with us this afternoon. i'm going through this that the white house provided as background to the vice president's remarks. it mentions conflict related sexual violence in ukraine. it talks about the central african republic, the democratic republic of the congo, haiti, south sudan, sudan, syria, as well as sri lanka. there is no mention in this fact sheet -- maybe kamala harris will mention it on about octoben israel. >> lets remind everyone what happened on october 7th in israel. 1,200 jewish people were killed and massacred. and burned in their homes, holocaust survivors, babies, no one was left on the tax. there was sexual violence that is missing from that brief. girls and women were sexually abused. they had sharp objects but between their legs. they were shot in the. it was an act of sexual violence as a tool of war. i think i am appalled that it is not in there. again, i went to give the vice president the benefit of the doubt. i hope she comes in and addresses that issue. but it hasn't been addressed. in a lukewarm way by someone from the u.n. who was forced to do that. there are other people who are actually indicting the prime minister who is fighting the attackers and indicting him as a war criminal. sexual violence against jewish women, when it is not addressed it does leave an aftertaste of anti-semitism in its wake. >> john: to your point about being addressed in a lukewarm way. the united nations report on reasonable grounds to believe that sexual violence occurred during the october 7th attacks. "they were reasonable grounds to believe that a conflict related sexual violence including rape and gang during the attacks on october 7th out of 2023. now, to the lukewarm response. remember that bureaucratic gobbledygook that sarah hendrix who is the deputy director of you in women spewed when she was asked why she couldn't specifically condemn hamas for what happened on the seventh grade listen to this. >> when women specifically provide and has extensive knowledge on gender-based violence and provides and supports investigations as we do with all u.n. investigations, consequently in this context and within the u.n. system, it is the independent international commission of inquiry -- which for us as a mandate to investigate all alleged violations. >> john: that was back in november. it doesn't seem to have aged any better than it did back then. >> no. the perpetrators were wearing go pro cameras and documented the sexual violence because they were proud of it. it is all over the internet. there goes your investigation and evidence gathering. the bureaucratic gobbledygook -- why wasn't that used when we were condemning -- rightfully so, sexual violence used as a tool of war in the former yugoslavia, in ukraine right n now. it is all there for us to see. there are hostages who survived the sexual violence. only 9 months away. they have been in camera talking in detail about what happened to them personally, and what they want to tap into other womene ie closed movement. what happened to all women's rights organizations and movement? when my jewish friends and say this is anti-semitism, that explains the silence, but a lukewarm response, and excusing that goes on. what about is him. evil acts of sexual violence used as a tool of war. we should condemn all of this. the challenges on vice president kamala harris. >> john: we will see what she has to say. the five pages of this white house back sheet, nothing about israel. good to get your thoughts. i appreciate you. >> sandra: five to the white house. john kerry be taking questions. he was addressing questions on rising terrorism. >> i don't have anything in terms of decision-making. i'm not sure i completely understand what he means by all those authorities. i will tell you, karine jean-pierre has said in recent days and the president has taken executive action that he believes is warranted but was really needed at the border. everyone can talk a good game. you can't really change what is happening at the border unless you have legislation. unless you have real resources and funding and support that is sustainable over time to make a big difference down at the border. there is no magic wand that can be waived to make it all go away. >> is there any more of the administration can do without congress? >> when it comes to asylum. but we really need is for congress to act. there was a deal on the table, a bipartisan deal in the senate that would have been the most sweeping changes. not just do border enforcement and security about the immigration policy itself in many, many years. it didn't go anywhere. because a certain x official decided that he didn't like it. he thought it was better for a problem than a solution. the president took executive action. i will not foreclose what he will do in the future. what we need is comprehensive legislation. >> given the fact that there are concerns about the rising threat of terrorism, is the president considering raising the terror alert level? >> i am not aware of any decision to change that. we are watching this like a h hawk. in recent days, took an air strike against some isis leaders in somalia. it is not something that we have ever stopped focusing on. as you remember, when we conduct in their withdrawal from afghanistan, we talked about sharpening over the horizon targeting capability. you have seen that bear out in places like iraq and syria and somalia and other places. it is not something that we take lightly. it is not something that we aren't constantly trying to improve and sharpen. we have not lost one bit of focus on the terrorism threat. either here in the united states or around the world. >> in jake's meetings in india, has the plot to kill an american activist come up at all? do you expect that to be part of discussions? >> i don't have more to add on the conversation -- >> sandra: clearly a few moments and a few questions where john kirby was pressed on the rising terror threat here at home and obviously, a broad. something this white house is going to continuously be pressed on as we see this on the rise. >> john: yeah, we were going to talk to her eye found it but we didn't get a chance. bill maher has suggested that this is going to be a huge problem for democrats. we don't have that sound available. he said to democrats and people who support this immigration, we don't want to be called a racist. we will not make a move on immigration. he said it is going to get them f-where it on election day. it's happening in europe. it's happening here in america and happened with brexit. people are concerned about the security aspect of all of this. we just had the arrest of the fellow from el salvador who has been accused of killing that mother of five in maryland last year. and then you have the incident of laken riley down in georgia. people will say immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than people that live in this country do. i don't think that is going to comfort the families of these folks at all. >> sandra: this is showing up in polling at top of voters minds as we get closer and closer to november. all right. >> no more taxes on tips. no taxes on tips. none. >> sandra: we are hearing more and more of this. that was in detroit over the weekend. former president donald trump is doubling down on the calls to eliminate taxes for tip workers. how could this affect americans relationships with tipping? we will ask our panel that just sat down. 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>> i agree there are some loopholes but i'm worried about the intended consequences and more dependent on the tip. >> i like the idea of people keeping their own money. you've got a debate in america. biden says take these guys money and give it to these guys to pay off their student debt. speech and says keep your own money and use it however you want to. i love that. i don't know if he gets this tax cut all the way through. if he is talking about lowering rates anywhere, that as i went back by the economy. you are getting us both sides. i am a guy who is saying tell me about lower rates. i want to see workers drive. >> is listen to the former president and his own words to spread the word on no tax on tips >> we need to spread the word so that every time you leave a tip for the next 5 montt on the receipt "vote for trump, because there is no tax on tips." >> sandra: kid rocked we do not reaction to that with pictures of receipts. people are already workers are taking their seats spread noa merritt on this. this is obviously into the hospitality sector which would greatly benefit him in states like nevada. there's been a struggle because of their rise in wages. employers have been having to pay more there. it's a struggle. >> we had kevin o'leary on our program. the big mr. wonderful money guy. an election ploy. it is a good talking point. good in nevada and some places with the high wages. it isn't enough to move the needle if you are talking about revenue. i guess it does put more money in people's pockets. >> sandra: the idea of tips was a special thank you for your service. here are some of the restaurant workers themselves on those taxes and tips how they feel. >> as somebody who has worked in the service industry, you know, it sucks to have your tips taxed. >> when you put in a lot of work and you don't get tipped well, and makes you feel like what did i do wrong? >> maybe this could be one thing. >> she just nailed it. "uncle sam has his and in everything." trump saying, i'm going to take the government's hand out of your tips. who in the world doesn't say, finally, someone fighting for america. >> i hear you. what i want is if you have to tax the tips, let's bring down the tax rates for everyone. bring it down. i am in favor of government having less money, because government doesn't spend that money wisely. we are better stewards of our money than government. >> sandra: this would allow some of the businesses to keep their wages low and it would be business friendly to them. if you take home or to pay, you are so dependent on the wages. >> isn't now an excuse for people to pay less? >> too much competition for workers. >> sandra: this is their incentive, trying to afford a home. i think this is what all those folks are talking about. they are trying to save. home prices hit a new record. a new record high nearly $400,000 for the average homeowner in america. a jump of 4.4% from already sky-high prices last year. final. >> usually when you have high interest rates, you see a housing correction. we are not getting that because 63% of the mortgages outstanding still have an interest rate under 4%. speak to the interest rate is forcing them to stay in their houses. i appreciate the solid debate. thank you very much. [cheers and applause] >> bryson to shamble awaiting the u.s. open and style finishing in the final hall. apologizing. a golf story of the week belongs to a high school biology teacher who beat the odds to qualify for the u.s. open. he teed off with some of the world's best. we are sitting down coming up next. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. this week on chewy, shop all your pet's favorites and get a $30 egift card. enjoy more savings on more food, more toys, and more treats. conservative "washington examiner" did call them out as well calling out "the new york post." ironically, several release and fakes attack the president for thanking troops -- for thanking troops. that is what they are attacking the president for in normandy and again in italy. i think that it tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate republicans are here. and instead of talking about the president's performance in office. his legislative wins. but he has been able to do for the american people across the country. we are seeing these deepfakes, manipulated videos. >> of the surgeon general is calling for this warning label. the president and the administration support addressing mental health. >> john: karine jean-pierre addressing some of the videos of the president appearing frail. lead off stage by former president obama and referring to everything as deepfakes that are done in bad faith. that is real-time video. >> sandra: i think she just took another question on mental acuity. wwe will keep listening if this comes back out. this briefing began about 45 minutes ago. john kerry did go first. this is the first that she has been asked to address that after she hasn't been at the podium for three weeks. she called the deepfakes and reference them as manipulated videos. that is why we want to be clear when we play those on this program, we play them every time we have a viral video like that, playing that out from start to finish for our viewers so they can see and decide for themselves what they are saying without manipulation. >> john: nothing manipulated in this video that we have been showing you all day where the former president grabs the current president by the wrist and basically says i think it is time to leave the stage and walks them out with his hand on his back. there it is right there. is that manipulated? >> sandra: we will definitely keep listening to that briefing for any other pertinent news and get back in there. >> john: we will be right back with a high school biology teacher who lived his dream at the u.s. open. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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