i'm kayleigh mcenany and for sean. well, it's been a rougn h week for joe biden with one bad headline after another 1. d guiy on tuesday, his son hunter, was found guilty, convicted ongun cm charges for his federal gun crimes. and then on wednesday, the flew to italy for the g7 summit and his trip, it's safe to say, was marked by bizarre gaffes s and embarrassing blunders. in fact, according to a report from the sun, this trip was such a disaster that it raised alarm among our allies with one diplomatic insider saying. he lost focus during discussions before calling his condition, quote, the worsti he has ever been in in. a non us attendee told the sun that biden's missteps were, quote embarrassing.nd keep in mind, all this is happening. russian warships arrived in cuba. that's about 100 miles from the u.s. mainland for military exercise hs. lorida right by the state of florida, our adversaries series are watching this embarrassing president. arrassinesidenand pope francis e the summit earlier today. ebiden greeted him in a ratherwa awkward way with a four headd to to forehead embrace. >> i mean, look at that. is he headbuttin foracg pope? it kind of looks like it. he left the pope looking a bit surprised. and let's not forget cerp happened at the white house's juneteenth celebration earlier this week, wherethis wes biden appeared to completely freeze while everyon e him was dancing before delivering these gaffe filled remarks. >> closing doors of opportunity ,attacking the values of diversity, equity and inclusio valuesn. if you can believe it,. baby books about black experiencebooks ab in america tn to race and rewrite history. these black soldiers were like saying this line patriots enslaved and free risked their lives in every war since the founding. the founding of our ideals. we don't know fully what american soil is quality and freedom. she know. she knows so long as i see that night, our freedom can never be secured. >> i mean, at least he found his way off the stage. th translatortransl for his remarks. i couldn't quite understand that. and that wasemarks coul far from biden's behin only disaster behind the podium this week during a press conferenced podium in italy with ukraine president vladimir zelenskyy, he snappepresidend, a reporter completely lost it for playing quotlost ie by the rule. >> take a look. thank you, mr. president. i have a question for mr.pres president zelenskyy shortly on the announcements, but if you don't mindidzelensky, like e you about your discussions on the situation in gazao talk e at the summit. you were asked just a short short afterout ike the skydiving demonstration. can you give us your assessment of hamas's response? and do you believe they are trying to work towards a deal or is this respons ae working against the deal? and what is your message to allies, those here at the the g7, about what more, iff what anything the u.s. can dothis tha to drive towards a peace agreement? thank wish you guys with a pla little play by the way the rules are a little bit. i'm here to talk about a critical situation in ukraine. >> the reporter brokeor the rules. rememberter broke th the. >> well, the white house correspondents association fire thed back after biden's outburst, saying in part, quote, at a at a conferenceesst sa at home or abroad. there are no preconditions regardin g question topics. and adding insult to injur y on biden's disastrous week.urbig a disturbing new report replet l with pictures in all alleges that biden repeatedly watcheallg his dogs attack his secret service agents. >> hmmice agen. here's reaction. former 2024 presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. you know, vivek, i'm stunned this moment with the reporter. that was josh wingrove from bloomberg that asked about gaza. i am not typically complimentary of the whiteof the press corps. go watch my 2020 press briefings. howeve corpstch myr, they ask sd questions. and yet biden totally exploded. news to biden. vivek. you're about to meet donal newsd trump at t-minus 14 days. >> get ready, buddaly. >> well, the reality is it's embarrassing as an american. forget partisan, politicssee th of it. to see this as the commander in chief, the presidenist of the united states, and at least once, that used to be the president and leaderrl of free world as we know it, i behaving in this way, it looks like we have a lobotomizedpresid president sitting in the white house today. i think that's a national embarrassmenente houset regardls of your partisan affiliation. the reality, though, kelly, is i think that that 14 days from now debate, 13 days from is really the final step for biden. either he steps up and surpasseithe us expectationr that's the final hurdle there, making him jump through as afori condition for getting the dnc nomination. so the reality is, if he behaves that way, as he did at the g-7, i expect we're the g at ae lookind new nominee for the democratic party. >> interesting. you know, vivek, you're aor brilliant communicator, probably the best we have in the party at the moment. and, you know, you've stood on the debate stagene. o you've gone toe to toe with others. and i'm curious, you know, there are low expectations for u biden with the state of the union. he did jump over those low expectation. do you think whatever he did, i don't know if it was like a red bull, whatever that routinenoughs e was. mp ove can he jump over that same hurdle on a debate stage or is it a totallurdly different dynamic? >> i think it's a totally different animal reading from a teleprompter and using your vocal cords to actually scream at the television screene versus actually being able to think on your feet while o engaging with the heart of what somebody's saying. i think the american people, especiallyrybody s on a one onsd one debate, are going to be able to see through the artifice they'veh it otherwe been projecting. president trump, i think, has been doing an outstanding jo beeb of showing up in places where he's not been expected to show up from the south bronx to the libertarian convention in d.c., where i wao ths as well. those are audiences where republicans traditionally may not be comfortable. ionally so he's warmed up and perfectly ready to face somebody in ansle uncomfortable circumstance. biden's facing scripted questions and, accusing reporters of breaking the rules. his words, not mineaking oe, fog questions that go outside of his script. so do i believe cnn is going to do everything in their power to make biden look as good as he possibly can every thing?e of course they are. that's the purpose of this debate. but even still e second p, the second purpose is for this to serve as the final hurdle where if , even that easiest of tests. >> i do believe, kelly, there is a reahink thelityl possibiliy we'll be looking at another democratic nominee later this summer for. okay. so let's let's tease that out. so bret stephens at the. "new york times" wrote a piece this week that if biden wants to win, he needs to step aside. hyou had the atlantic, a liberl publication. call him ruth bader biden ando insinuating he needs to learn when to exit. whenexit james carville's bad comments about biden and his abilities. >>omments you know, so there ism clarion call from the liberal press and from some oneral the t that this shouldn't be the nominee. so teasing this out, how does this. he has a disastrous debate performance. there's just public pressure. he steps asideon wit. >> is he forced to side? how does that looks that? t's be i think it's between then and the convention, kayleigh, the reality is anything catw thn before the convention, they've said it in august. i believe the othebedr sidethey actually knows what they're doing. if they get another nominee too earl g nominy, that's enough tir vetting, enough time for the honeymoon phase to fade. but if they're swapping in another nominee in august, say, right around the time of the convention, that's the best case scenario for them, because you get the honeymoon phasscenare with, the new candidate without the scrutiny that comes with it. so i'm not saying that's definitelys no going to happen, but play this out. this is the earliestis presidential debate in americant history and the first ever, to my knowledge, that has taken plac e before the nominating convention of either party. ask yourself why they're doing it. and more importantly, ask yourself why the democrats madth e it a condition of biden debating that they placed that date that early.e he had to skate to where the puck is going. and that's why i thinkis it's so important, kelly, that we not fixate on joe biden. weimto stand have to stand for vision. i spoke in detroit, michigan, earlievision ir today at the us. and i think it's great when republicans show up in the thinher cities of this country. my message to that group was, regardlessmy of which puppetput they put up. we have to decide what weup stand fo wr, conservatives and s americans. that's how we're going to win this electiohow wen, not by fixg on biden, because there's a good chance it may not even be him. why is it vice? just a few moments here, but do they leap frog kamal nota and someone else comes in?a diff >> so this is a greatic difficulty for the democratic party. the smartest decision, joe. >> or maybe it was jill biden actually made was selecting kamala harris as the vp. the only thing worse than joe biden for the democratic party would having kamala harris in that. however, i think they will be able to sidestepo si that problem perhaps by making her the vp again on a ticket or else by bowing s ma the temple goi of identity politics, by at least going with another candidate who checksngfndidat cn boxes that the modern democratic party requires you to check then . she's in charge of policy. i'm pretty sure she can't even spell. poliy sure shei think most amern most democrats, see that. her up.bt they'll put i think it's going to be somebody else and somebody else who might actually have a greater functioning than either kamala or joe biden, which is setting a low bartelle but is nonetheless what we need to be prepared for. >> it is an interesting time. vivek, thank you. on monday, hunter biden was convicted on three counts of gun related crimes. he now faces the possibility r bite of years in prison. but still, joe biden saysliev he won't commute his son's sentence. does anyone believe that? we'll see if he changes his mind after the election when there are no hhipolitical consequences. >> meanwhile, speaking to fox news's aisha hastie yesterday,cs trump expressed empathy for the bidens and what they've had to dea al with over hunter's addiction. >> it's a very tough situation fo ough sitr a father. it's a very tough situation fora it gother or sister. and it goes on and it's not stopping very whether it's alcohol or drugs or whatever it mar whatevmight beya tough thing. and so that's a tough it's a tough moment for their family. >> it's a tough moment for any family involved in that. here with reaction, fox news contributor tammy booth sent booth bruce, excuse me. i was called you lisa booth. she's great, too. tammy bruce and miranda devineas . tammy, look. bingo. bull's eye bingoye. f that was an incredibly good answer from trump. it is exactlroumy how he should handle this in a debate. well, absolutely. and it's not difficult. we should expect this from trump, because his time, i think, is his biggest superpower is the fact that he's genuine, that he doesn't have to think about what position should where be or, you know, where the polls are going for hiollsmo also very personal, as people will know that his brother diebd as an alcoholic and made donald trump promise on his deathbed to not indulge in drugs or alcohol. and tht indulge president agree and he said, i'll i won't do that. i'll you know, you embracedt his brother and said, okay, i'll follow that rule, making hindm the man he is today, arguably, and making him who i think will be seen as one of the best presidents in the country's history. soke he understands what it doeu to a family and he's notndig he doesn't weigh whether it's smart or not to be empatheticrr no or whether he sd have said something mean, which is what, of course, the bidens dig me and id on to president tp on his birthday, is like, you're not going to be petty. >> he gets it. but that same empathy, kayleigh, also informs i policy decisions like like ending taxes on tipndins, you've got at to care about the american people. the averag thee person, and once again, the forgotten man and woman. when it comes to policy and theo ideas of what can you do as president. sowhat you can kind of power, td of personal dynamic matters with policy, leadership, caring about the american people. because as you've seen with the biden administration and the democrats, if don't like americans, you're going to do bad things to them d. ng rig >> and that's what we're facing right now. miranda. one of the moshtt revealing ites to come out of the hunter biden trials was further verification of the laptop, which you have been on top of sincep o day one. i was banned from twitter during my tenure as press secretar wasy for tweeting the t york post story, and there were absoluteary fo crazy people acry the liberal media saying things like thi s. >> take a look through usef expose you all as fools useful idiots for the russians. >> does it surprise you at all thatthe russ this informati giuliani is peddling very wellyo could be connected to some sort of russian government disinformationrussia campaign. >> well, we know that thisow th whole smear on joe biden comesco from the kremlin. that'smes from been clear for wr a year now. >> to me, this is just classic textbook soviet russian tradecraft at work. >> here's what i want to know from you, mirand a you know, there was the steele dossier. then there was the russia laptop wasrussia l. is there going to be a 3.0 of this? p willsome other scheme from wil the intel community, this go round thi? of course, there will be, e don' kelly, for sure. we don't know what it is yet wh, but the intelligence community has been interfering with our elections, maybe, you know, longer than we know, certainly 20, 20 and 2016 with the russia hoax. so why would they? i mean, they are so afraid of donald trump. they think that he's an existing threat. so that's what they've settled with. they settled this with joe biden and they want to d o again or, you know, as vivek justhe j said, whoever they deciduse is next puppet. talk about useful idiots. all the people that you just showed on screen. they're the useful idiots of the people like adam schiff from the democratic party ord tr james clapper from the intelligence community. and yoe'u know, those 51 formern intelligence officials who wrote that dishonesttell ler specifically on the orderse bide of the biden campaign, anthony blinken, then n senior adviser and now the secretary of state. we know now that he instigated that letter and have got these five former cia directors or acting directors and all of their chums, mostly from the cia, to write that lettera t to dishonestly falselyin, that the laptop and therefore our stories were russianel disinformation, knowing that it wasn't and it specifically to give joe biden a get outspecf of jail free card and it workedd for them. so i think now, though fm., certainly donald trump is a lot smarter and knowledge more knowledgeable, let's say, not as naive as we all werledgee back then. now, i think everyone's eyes are wide open about the nefarious activities of our own intelligence community that is turning its weapons that are supposed keep american people safe on the american people. yeah, it's reprehensible. and those useful idiots in the press, remember, they won pulitzers for the russiafor reporting. >> isn't that nice? that turned out to be wrong. you know, tammthe russ.y, back i debate. biden is about to go sequester at camp david. accordinser at campg to and pren and i justd thinkth his debate preparers are really off base. they are anticipating meeting a trump that's going be wild and unscripted and loose with his wordsloos. and they also said this to politico playbook about the sto particular the president learned of the conviction while at the whit pre house just miles away, his team held a series of conversations at their campaigseriesn headquas to discuss the aftershocks of the verdict. this is according to threeof t biden officials. this is the interesting part. the generahe vaccordinl among ai is that it will not change the trajectory of the racell no but will likely become a focal point of the upcoming debatebe with donald trump. >> if they've read any reporting, trump is not goin igt to make hunter a focal point. are who are they preparing to meet on the stageheg to. yeah. we see this kind of nonsense this lack of a connectionnsense with reality a within the teamy itself. of course it's manifestingwithil national policy, international policy, the willingnesl s to putn biden in the situation he was in with the g-7 in italyuation. the things they're willing to do, it's their they seem themselves to be as confusedde as president biden. so at this point, you know,ets o look what trump has to figure out and he already has, becausee this, again, is his strength is he knowcas what he believesei in. he knows what he stands for. he knows what thn an he problem, as you've noted and as miranda's noted, is note as unaware of the nature of whof these people are.a but he also has made a final commitment to to this country through this race, knowing what would do to him. so he is and he's got the wind of our supporthe's at his back. that helps him tremendously. but the biden team, i think it's not just joe biden. it's not like he's got a team of geniuses that are backing him up in the midst of alllike s . these are the same it's the same cadre of more useful idiots who think that they're the power of the universink ther and we don't really need a president. the bureaucracy could do it. pri the the obama people can doo it. and my goodnespls, they have no idea. and this is what we se thie is, the kind of the flailing and we're going to see it in the and w thi debate. but trump has got to be prepared, as he always n will. he will be himself, which is what people love. and i think that because he's the only one who has a vision, he'll be fine. no doubt. tammy miranda, thank you. well, former president trumps to continues to unite the republican party ahead unihean parof novembetyr. the left continues to hurl vile insults. not at him, him and his supporters. take a look at what one formerbc msnbc host had to say for. rty t >> the real problem is notse the party itself. it's the voters who subscribetot to the party. 74 million of them last time he partistaround. >> this time trump ahead in the polls. not by a lotpolls not . meanwhile, according to a report tonight by cbs news, biden is planning announce anat immigration relief program progswould offer legal stature to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in the ofr united states. >> because that's the problem we have right now. not enough illegal immigrant pr. who are legal. >> all right. here with reaction, south carolina senator timreactionina. senator tim scott, always wonderful to havt alwae you, particularly tonight when really? >> yeah. thanks for being here. so thursday, you're in a meeting with former president trump. former presigas a very unifyin meeting. we know, you know, for instance, senator mitt romney was not supposed to be there. he ended up comingg ow mit was. well, in this meeting, trump said that one of hiss perp potential v.p. picks, perhaps the pick, could be in the room. g co you were in the room. >> not only that, punchbowl reportedle that were the mostoue talked about person on the short list. so the questiorsn ortlisn i havl