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los angeles and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, is the election clock ticks, gen z voters now bailing on biden and flocking to trump. governor gavin newsom coming after yours truly antolick commonsense department, requesting a correction on a certain topic. we invited him on the show to make his case but he declined. we will have more on the complaint and our response and minutes. meantime an anonymous source telling a liberal news outlet that trump trashed milwaukee during his closed-door meeting with congressional republicans but trump and republican say it's not true. could this be another out of context bloodbath hoax? the nightcap wants your comments. we begin again with gavin newsom, under fire for "a boldfaced border lie. the governor planes eat -- claims he doubled the amount of national guard of the southern border but sources say those national guard members are nowhere to be found. commonsense will break it down but christina coleman is live with more on the numbers that don't quite add up. >> reporter: good evening trace. governor newsom claims the state has doubled the amount of national guardsmen at the border and he blamed republicans for the issues there. >> the republican party has been consistently standing in the way of providing the resources to support the men and women working hard not only at the border but around the state of california and the country to address the issues related to the border. >> trace: meantime the president of the border patrol union in the san diego area says he hasn't seen any california national guardsmen assisting. he said "governor gavin newsom refuses to acknowledge the many illegal migrants pouring into california due to his policies. governor, if you are serious about closing the california mexico border, he would allow qualify you national guard to help us in enforcement operations. tonight former president donald trump also slammed newsom over the border crisis. >> how about gavin newscum. he's has come to california, we will take care of everything. everyone believed him and they are all pouring into our countries a level never seen before. >> reporter: california soldiers are reportedly helping at ports of entry, however our correspondence on the ground there it says have not seen any at the mass crossing hotspots in the state. >> trace: christina, thank you. [♪♪] the "fox news @ night" commonsense department is very worried about 390 national guard troops because they appear to be missing. california governor gavin newsom says he doubled the number of cardmembers at the southern border, doubled, that's twice the number and yet fox news correspondence matt phelan and bill melugin who cover the border every day, down at the border every day, i've not seen a single national guard member -- matt finn -- bill melugin says despite biden's executive order and governor newson's alleged flooding of guard troops, the border is still overrun. border patrol agents are still overwhelmed. sounds like those agents could use a few cardmembers about now because illegal immigrants from china, iran, yemen, nepal and several other countries are said to be wandering around waiting for their uber and lyft writes. in fact a border patrol agent who was asked about new sums national guard troops said " california isn't doing anything to help. either cardmembers are missing or newsom is bs thing. missing or bs 1 of the 2. 's office as the governor's words speak for themselves. so now commonsense gets it, it's his own fall back. whenever he mentions border security, what he really means is the acronym for border security. with that, let's bring in the author of why bad looks good, prosecutor wintery patrick, republican nominee into 30th district of california, intensive care physician, and the founder of america gravy concept, restaurant owner. thank you for coming on. dr, to you first because newsom kind of pulls these charades every so often. he gives numbers, says he's doing this and then the office comes back to say something like no, we did not say they were helping, we just had them down there to kind of protect the ports of entry. that's not really where they are needed. >> i keep saying there's this epidemic of mental illness in the country. you have joe biden who has dementia, forgets what country he's protecting, which borders he supposed to be reinforcing. gavin newsom, the governor but identifies as commander-in-chief and focusing on the border when he should be focusing on our streets and also a pathological liar. >> trace: this is your area, wendy. down there it's in your neck of the woods. that whole san diego border. >> i think it is and i think the president is focusing on the wrong border. gavin newsom is focusing on the southern border but this invisible fleet hasn't materialized. that is significant. he's under fire because he's being fact checked. for anybody who thought that viral videos are only found on tiktok, you will notice that this video went viral because of what he says and what he claims. which is something different from the announcements coming from his office. it maybe in pursuit of the shadow campaign for the white house. >> trace: maybe. speaking of bs, chef, the governor's office contacted us and said "trace shared that 20-dollar minimum wage bill has cost california 10,000 jobs. that's not true." road on june 7th. they say the california business and labor and industry alliance, the numbers are wrong but the bureau of labor statistics, they got it right because they say jobs increased by 4000. there are so many holes in this business of labor statistics report it's crazy. >> they use the timeframe from when the bill was passed to when he signed it. september of 2023 to april 1st of this year. everyone announced they were leaving and getting rid of their employees between april, may and now into june. those numbers weren't included number 1. number 2, there was an inflation in the numbers because of the holiday seasonal work that went up significantly this year but all those workers were laid off. and then number 3 overall they are just making all these things up to begin with. they are fudging the numbers. >> trace: they really are. alex, in a unanimous vote, they say the san francisco border supervisor declared the city is century city for people who are transgender, gender nonconforming, intersex and 2 spirit. a pan- indian term describing people who are neither male nor female. they also voted for a cease-fire in gaza and some of the people in san francisco have got to be thinking how about you look at homelessness, maybe look at crime. on the city council and i don't think that the cease-fire vote from you is doing them any good or us any good. >> i'm just frankly exhausted at this perpetual celebration of victimhood. where you have these people imagining victimization wherever they go and then you have these progressive politicians enabling that victimization by calling san francisco now a sanctuary city for everything. >> trace: the truth is, crime is a problem in san francisco. they have a lot of problems in san francisco. the prosecutor doesn't want to prosecute criminals. there are issues in san francisco that need to be addressed and the cease-fire, listen maybe it's a big issue around the world but it's not a big issue for the san francisco city council. >> that's exactly right. people care about what matters most of them. we used to say what's on the kitchen table, kitchen table issues, now it's literally what's there because they can afford. it's how they can afford to transport themselves given that crime is so rampant. sometimes some of these other issues are seen as a distraction because what real people care more about is themselves, their families, staying safe, food on the table, gas, groceries, the things that affect all of us. >> trace: chef, the california globe rights, small-business uncertainty reaches reaches highest level since pandemic forced business closures. the subhead line is this, 20 2% of voters reported that inflation was there single most important problem in operating their business. i mean they are month-to-month, a lot of these business owners are like we are just kind of getting by. >> it's week to week because you have to take payroll into consideration and those costs have gone up. everyone struggling to make payroll. every restaurant i'm talking to is struggling, everyone. but the thing is inflation is a catchall. you have to think about what leads to these issues, crime, taxes, regulations. the administration both state and federal want inflation to be the issue because than they can lie about it like we were just talking about with the labor statistics. >> trace: chef, doctor, wendy, thank you for coming on, we appreciate this,. meantime the mainstream media is added again taking cheap shots of republican voters for their support of former president trump. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with new video to back up our claims. >> reporter: good evening trace, great to be with you, happy friday. as you probably know, you've done this for a while, this happens every 4 years. of a democrat is running for president, gaining a little traction, having a little trouble, well the media, the mainstream press, will obviously step in to try to do the campaigns bidding. you know, pull out all the stops in an effort to give the democrat a boost in the race. don't believe me? consider this, all week long they've been suggesting that because donald trump is also up there in age, 78 today, that he and president biden are both cognitively challenged. but your eyes may tell you otherwise. now the media have also taken to targeting and denigrating gop voters, suggesting they are cultists. for backing mr trump in 2024. msnbc contributor calling gop voters the real problem, adding it's beyond the party, it's the voters that are subscribing to it that keeps me up at night. and it's not just democrats. former gop speaker paul ryan insists he won't vote for mr trump this fall, calling him unfit for office. about which texas congressman troy said... >> paul ryan, you are a piece of garbage. we should kick you out of the party. for paul wrong it is a he's not voting for donald trump, that's a problem with some of our republicans. it's guys like that. >> reporter: suffice to say the fracture in the party remains. >> trace: big time. kevin, thank you. let's bring in former bachelor contestant and founder of the kings firm gillian anderson along with political washington reporter dan lipman. thank you for coming on. julian, i want to play some sound. this is an be -- msnbc, watch. >> the real problem is not the party itself, it's the voters who are subscribing to the party. what is it about at this point half the country that says that's my party, i will vote for that, that works for me? that's the troubling part, beyond the party, the voters that are subscribing to it. that keeps me up at night. >> trace: they call them those smelly walmart shoppers. why do they keep going after the voters and not just give us their agenda? >> they are so out of touch. those walmart people, those are my people. i'm from the midwest, collar workers where i'm from. i get it. it's the policies, not the people's problem, the policies problem but the media, they want to make it not about the policies because the policies are not helping the president. the media will dance around and blame everybody else but joe biden and his horrible policies. those blue-collar people, they have economic problems. they can't pay their bills, that's what keeps them up at night. >> trace: that is exactly what keeps them up at night. dan to you, james carville melting down over hispanic males leaving the democratic party. watch. >> some of it is cosmopolitan condensation if you will. it makes people upset. we will lose hispanic people. we will [ bleep ] lose them. >> trace: cosmopolitan condensation? they are leaving for a reason. >> last i checked, insulting people for their sincerely held beliefs and the fact that they feel like washington has let them down does not work as a political message. for hispanics generally, people who are legal in the country, who are voting, they are often more hawkish on immigration because they did it the right way, they did not cross the border illegally, and so if they think that joe biden is not cracking down on the border enough, and they are going to vote for donald trump because they are saying hey, even though he's promised mass deportation, he at least gets that there's a crisis at the border. >> trace: a liberal news outlet uses an anonymous source to say that trump called milwaukee a horrible city. here's trump giving his side of the story. >> i think it was very clear. i said we were very concerned with crime. i love milwaukee, i have great friends in milwaukee but as you know the crime numbers are terrible and we have to be very careful. >> trace: i'm not saying he did not say it because i was not there but he's been taken out of context a million times. >> absolutely. i know a lot of people were there and i talked to a lot of these congresswomen and congressmen who were there and that word was not used to describe milwaukee. perhaps many other things he could have described in that way, but not milwaukee. keep in mind, those people who were there are not all, you know, don't call love trumps so of course they are going to leak things that go against a president because although they are there because they need his support, behind closed doors they are leaking these that are completely out of context. >> trace: this is the new york city subway that's gotten a lot of attention. this is the antisemitic people making this comment. watch. >> raise your hands if you are a zionist! this is your chance to get out! okay, no zionists, we are good. >> trace: turn the video off, leave the sound on and it sounds like 1938, but guess what, cbs and nbc ignored this story altogether. dan. >> it's very sad that you have media ignoring anti-semitism, the rise in anti-semitism, and then if you look at instagram and tiktok it's even worse. there is so much hate against jewish people, especially after october 7th, people forget what happened on the seventh and it's just a terrible situation. >> trace: it really is. jillian anderson, daniel lippman, thank you. less than 5 month from election day, gen z does not appear to be the election powerhouse that democrats were hoping for. gently painter is live in new york city tonight. good evening. >> reporter: it's a group of biden decidedly won in the 2020 election but a recent poll shows trump currently ahead by a point among 18-34 -year-olds. in fact back in 2020 a group of influencers known collectively as tiktok for biden got together to help win him votes. but now the group has a new name, gen z for change, and they have yet to endorse biden for reelection this year. the groups founder telling the washington post, biden is out of step with young people on a number of key issues. those issues? most notably young voters have been critical of president biden's handling of the war in gaza and they are also expressing frustration on how the president is dealing with issues like the economy and climate. >> what would you say to them, kids who want to pursue their own version of the american dream and try to achieve their wildest dreams and make it all come true? >> i would say very simply and honestly, vote for trump. with biden, this country is going to hell. vote for trump. we are doing great with youth. >> reporter: and trace, both biden and trump campaigns are on tiktok trying to reach more young voters this election. currently trump has more than 6 million followers on the social media app after just joining on june 1st compared to biden's 375,000 followers since joining early february. >> trace: chanley painter live in new york, thank you. let's bring in rnc sir get an attorney mehek cooke along with axiom strategies aaron perlini. thank you for coming on. i want to put this poll up, this is biden and trump among minority and young voters. you can it see when it comes to black voters, trumpet 18, hispanic, 47% and voters 18-34, it's closed but here's the thing , this is still, even though the numbers on the right hand are small, it's a significant shift toward president trump from 2020 and that has to be concerning for democrats. >> it is concerning for democrats. it's why you see joe biden trying to connect with voting blocks where they are. you see him trying to reach out to gen z voters on tiktok, but the larger issue is it's a policy issue. these voters are looking at the economy, looking at the border, looking at geopolitical chaos and saying we reject democrat policies. you see that in those 3 groups you laid out there, you see those shifting toward donald trump. democrats have historically had those voting blocks comfortably in their camp but now with the shift towards trump, that cavalier attitude of democrats toward these voting blocks is coming back right now to bite them. >> trace: it really is. mehek, here's what young influencer jake paul said to jesse watters earlier. >> to me it does not have to do with democrat or republican, it's about which president is going to fight for us and who's going to represent us the best way possible. and that's really what the young people in america want, we want solutions. >> trace: and right now they are just not having any solutions to point to. >> you are right. look, biden has a problem. he continues to make promises and not deliver and young voters are watching it. he has continued to fail. student loan forgiveness, biden failed. he promised to have a cease-fire which he had no authority to do in israel and he failed. biden wants to hand their birth control, that's not going to move the vote. it's the economy, young voters care about the future of our country and prosperity and biden continues to fail but president trump meets them every single time. he comes to sporting events, you saw 6 million tiktok views. as biden tries to ban tiktok. biden is a failure and a disaster and we will continue leaving the base. >> trace: first lady joe biden says biden is effective because of his age. watch. -- first lady jill biden. >> joe is 1 of the most effective precedence of our lives in spite of his age, but because of it. >> trace: any american believe that? i want you both to answer. 30 seconds each. >> i don't think the american people are thinking joe biden is better at his job because of his age. they certainly aren't knocking him for it. we will see now until election day, weekly videos of biden looking lost and confused but when voters go to the polls and show up to make their decision for election 2024, it's going to be about the economy and so even with the age issue it's about what's better and right now voters are saying trump over biden. >> trace: mehek, wrap us up. >> i think biden was wandering. he went on a walkabout during the g-7 summit so make no mistake, voters are going to continue to abandon joe biden because he abandoned america. >> trace: mehek cooke, erin perrine, thank you. coming up later in the nightcap, is it the latest liberal hoax? an anonymous source telling a liberal outlet that trump trashed the city of milwaukee during his closed-door meeting with congressional republicans. watch. >> it's a horrible city, he says, everybody comes out and says he didn't say it. of course he said it. that's according to almost everybody in the room. >> trace: trump and most lawmakers in the room beg to differ. they say his words were taken out of context. still, the media and democrats are pouncing on it. the dnc throwing up 10 billboards in the milwaukee area. biden campaign selling out horrible city merchandise and morning joe busting out local milwaukee. and milwaukee branded t-shirts at 6 in the morning. this reminds "fox news @ night" of trump's comments were taken out of context months ago and so many others. are democrats in the media once again capitalizing on out of context comments or did trump actually say milwaukee is a horrible city? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher and we will read your responses in the nightcap. [♪♪] when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ [♪♪] >> trace: forget hating summer camp, how about learning to hate at summer camp. a canadian university set to begin hosting a revolution camp, and anti-israel summer camp with subjects like the beginning of resistance and taking a deep dive into the palestinian liberation organization. senior national correspondent kevin corke is back live with that story. >> reporter: way to story indeed. according to the jerusalem post, mcgill university up in canada is sounding the alarm tonight after a student group there associated with the school's ongoing pro- palestinian encampment posted a photo of armed individuals calling for participation in that revolutionary youth summer camp on campus. they are asking young people to join and the school is very concerned about it. "this is -- this is the university's president. "this is extremely alarming and has attracted international media attention and many in our community have understandably reached out to express grave concerns." mcgill is sometimes referred to as canada's harvard and it's set to host revolution summer camp for young people, beginning monday, and a lot of folks are calling it and anti-israel encampment. now the group, solidarity for palestinian human rights, made that announcement yesterday. they said this as well, "we pledge to educate the youth of montréal and redefine mcgill's elite institutional legacy by transforming it's space into 1 of revolutionary education. the daily schedule will include physical activity, arabic language instruction, cultural crafts, political discussions, historical and revolutionary lessons." among these subjects also available during the first week, this is a 4 week camp by the way, include the beginning of resistance, pan- arabism, the palestinian liberation organization and islamic resistance, trace. >> trace: maybe they work on spelling before the hate. >> reporter: amazing but that is what it is. >> trace: thank you. so without let's bring in former trump foreign policy advisor in fox news contributor along with the foreign desk editor-in-chief welcome to both of you. here's an associate professor at mcgill university in canada, the harvard of canada saying, i don't see anything objectionable providing history and context. are you going to be outraged about a 50-year-old picture of a plo gorilla or by hundreds of people in a refugee camp being slaughtered because the israeli government doesn't know how to negotiate an feels they can kill any number of palestinians to justify liberating a few hostages? i mean they hate at this camp runs deep. >> oh my goodness. a camp for jihadi's. these are college students that will dedicate 4 weeks. collard summers are for internships and getting yourself more opportunities for the future and instead they are going to dedicate their time to being indoctrinated by lies. if they want to learn about the history of the region or of this conflict, call us, we would be happy to go over and teach them. >> trace: it's amazing. if you said listen, harvard will be hosting an anti-muslim camp or and antiblack camp, anti-asian, they would just pull those people and throw them in jail. >> i don't know about that, and that's the problem. thank you so much trace for bringing this story out because it's 1 more big data piece to the global movement against the west. some version of this is happening in the u.s. on our campuses. to have a professor on tenure-track making the claim that this is acceptable shows you the state of the humanities and social sciences in many of our universities. this is a problem for the democratic west, not just canada, not just mcgill, it's our transatlantic partners, our partners in asia. we've been having a blind spot to what's happening in higher education for better than a half-century and this is where it takes us. >> trace: it's amazing to me that the anti-semitism is no longer just accepted, it is now promoted. that really is a big problem. >> the level of organization here. they don't just come out with these glossy pamphlets. follow the money. where is this being supported? this is iran's regime. they are on our campuses in canada, in europe, in the united states. they are absolutely indoctrinating, organizing. this level of organization, and at home, inside iran they are actually executing college students for speaking out and here they have found useful idiots to carry out their propaganda. >> trace: it's incredible. this is northern israel attacks, these are from hezbollah. you look at the numbers, the map is up there. it used to be skirmishes. they said these are skirmishes between hezbollah, it's not really a war. you look at these numbers and they are multiplying every day and it's no longer just -- you got hundreds of thousands of people who have evacuated northern israel. it looks like it's getting up there. >> it is. it's getting bigger and this was never going to be a war contained only there. you have israel on at least a 3 front conflict. hezbollah, which is the most powerful well-organized well-financed of all of the iranian proxies attacking almost daily. of course you know about hamas. then you go over to the red sea, you got the houthis and you've got a broader network of iranian backed militias throughout the middle east. in iraq, in syria, attacking western targets. this is a global conflict. >> trace: and you've got the u.s. military that has it's hands full just taking care of the houthis, just trying to get around and protect these different ships. finally, abc state department says it's disappointing, state department disappointed by hamas continued haggling and delay. this is all on hamas. the u.s. government was through qatar negotiating with hamas and they will not agree to the cease-fire and people are like cease-fire, cease-fire. it's hamas. >> from the beginning the united states in the west have treated hamas as a viable government, as a sovereign state, and that is the reason why we have drag this out for as long as we have. every single opportunity they had, they turned it down and as we saw with the wall street journal that had a peace last week that said that they are trying -- we knew this, that they are dragging it out because every single palestinian death helps them in their narrative and that's how they are playing it out. >> trace: they think they will win the information war, that's why they keep dragging this out. thank you both. coming up, back to our top story, california governor gavin newsom accused of telling a boldfaced lie about the southern border saying they've doubled the number of national guardsmen there. but our own correspondence on the ground haven't seen a single 1 in recent days. we will get to the bottom of this with our next guests. i'm still ahead, 1 spry cincinnati reds fan was in for a little shock when he ran onto the field in the middle of a game. after falling into a 25-foot deep volcanic fisher, a heroic hiker came to this dogs rescue. the days best viral videos are next. 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(female vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ (male vo) ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr. ♪ [♪♪] >> trace: let's get back to the top story, a recurring theme over the last 3 years, the biden administration's southern border crisis and the resulting threats to our national security. let's bring in former acting attorney general matt whitaker and thaddeus cleveland. thank you for coming on. this statement by government knew some, to you first sheriff, is kind of amazing to me about california national guard, how he doubled the number and yet our correspondence on the ground have not seen a national guard person in the past week or 2. what do you think about that? >> i'm not surprised. that's the way the state of california has defended their portion of the border for many years. it's starkly different than the state of texas and more importantly, fentanyl crosses in california and arizona far more than in texas. it's not staying in california or arizona, it's being transported throughout the united states so not only should californians be mad but also americans should be frustrated with this. >> trace: frustrated and scared about this because we talk about this a couple of times, the eight to gq stan illegal immigrants who came across that had ties to isis. here's ted cruz talking about how the border really was just kind of unvented and let these people walk right in -- to gq stan -- >> joe biden, the biden a ministration had them, they were in our custody. had biden followed the law he would've put them on a plane and send them back. he did not. he did a bedding that was thoroughly inaccurate. >> trace: it was inaccurate and very dangerous. your thoughts, that? >> remember that not only did these eight come from tajikistan but that's the same place the ice is k terrorists that killed 150 people in moscow recently also came from. the border has created the largest national security threat that we probably ever seen in our lifetimes. i think this is bigger than 9/11 and i think we've reached a point were all americans will have to be vigilant because there are so many people that we either know our terrorist threats or are unknown terrorist threats, sleeper cells that are just sitting waiting to become operational. >> trace: the daily caller says biden a ministration, immigration officials let nearly 12,000 not risk migrants roam the country. officers release despite receiving risk classification assessments calling for them to be detained. they were warned, sheriff, they were warned and they did not care. >> the number is likely higher. they are going to put out numbers, they've told us many different stories, whether about flying people in, that the border is secure, that they need more funding, they pile on more lies and more stories. we have what happened in moscow. we are ripe for that. but not just that, we have to look at all the chinese allowed into the united states that are mainly here for the cybersecurity type warfare, whether it's in the banking infrastructure -- banking industry or the infrastructure. >> trace: the new york post writes pressure mounts on biden administration to issue national terrorism alert after arrest of suspected isis tied border crossers, the dhs last issued a national terrorism alert to the public on may 5th, 2023 concerning domestic extremist violence, an alert that expired in november of 2023. i'm not sure who they are talking about. maybe moms going to school boards, we don't know, but this seems like an appropriate time to start warning the american people that there's a lot of people that we have no idea what their intent is who are now in the country. >> instead of paying attention to, you know, catholics that are regular church attendance, i think they should pay more focus on this. while dhs may not be willing to issue this bulletin, fbi director has been very clear every time he's been in front of congress. he keeps raising the alarm saying how serious the threat is i just don't feel like the biden administration first took border security serious. they let it fall apart. now they are dealing with that but they are not going to criticize themselves by pointing out that they are the ones who gave us an insecure border but the american people will pay the price unfortunately. >> trace: it's almost as if if they put this morning out there it would be a big sign that we screwed up, we are sorry but we are trying to fix it. but they won't do that so they are risking security over the sake of making themselves look bad. do you both, thank you for coming on. >> thank you trace. god bless. [♪♪] >> trace: first up into nights viral videos, 19-year-old cincinnati reds fan ran onto the field during the cincinnati reds cleveland guardians game when a cop gave chase. demanded a backflip and ran. the officer tased him, arrested him, took him off the field. many california families now searching for more freedom by making the move to texas but what they don't tell you about the lone star state is that the phrase everything is bigger in texas also applies to the bugs. these former californians got an unwelcome surprise when they found this massive spider, a critter, in their garage. spider was relocated to a nice bush a few blocks away. this nine month old hunting dog in hawaii found herself trapped in a narrow volcanic crack after falling nearly 25 feet. it was a hiker who came to her rescue. the crack was so narrow it took the hiker hours to come up with a rescue plan. the dog was trapped for nine hours before the hiker rappelled down and then lifted the dog up. if you have a viral video to share, share it with us @tracegallagher or @foxnewsnight on social media. >> can you nip this in the bud and clarify what you meant? >> i think it was very clear what i meant. i said we are very concerned with crime. i love milwaukee, i have great friends in milwaukee, but as you know the crime numbers are terrible. >> trace: former president trump clarifying that is controversial milwaukee is horrible remark was in reference to the city's crime rate but lawmakers coming to his defense seem to have varying accounts of the comment and its context. >> he was absolutely referring to the elections and the way the elections are run in the city of milwaukee. >> i was 8 feet in front of the president and he was really discussing crime. >> trace: is that another media hoax or are republicans cleaning up after a candid moment? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses coming up next in the nightcap. friday night nightcap. 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[♪♪] >> trace: we are back with a nightcap group. tonight's topic, the latest hoax. an anonymous source telling a liberal news outlet that trump trashed milwaukee during his closed-door meeting on capitol hill but trump and republicans say it's not true. the media and democrats pounced on the report and in the hours, the dnc throughout ten billboards in the milwaukee area. the biden campaign started selling merchandise and morning joe did this... >> can i just say something? milwaukee. >> it's delicious, drink it up, drink up milwaukee. >> just before 8:00 am in our favorite city of the morning, milwaukee. >> trace: so what say you? is this another out of context blood back hoax or did trump say milwaukee is a horrible city? kevin corke. >> i doubt he said it's a horrible susie -- city. i wasn't there. probably taken out of context but i will say, they reminded me a lot of that elizabeth warren commercial, i will have a beer. he did not look authentic at all >> trace: brutal. chanley painter. >> i'm with kevin. i doubt he said it. just another opportunity for media to capitalize and take something out of context and make it a big deal. >> trace: wendy. >> i think it's a big distraction. are there not more pressing issues? if nobody sought and it wasn't recorded, he did not happen. >> trace: christina. >> i think it was taken out of context. trump is politically savvy. i don't think he intended to insinuate milwaukee is horrible. also it would be politically unwise. >> trace: shaft. >> once i heard liberal media and anonymous sources i knew it was alive. was that a plant-based beer? [ laughter ] >> trace: a thing that cracks me up is the whole concept, we weren't there, we have no idea what was said and the story differed but they lost all their credibility with the whole bloodbath thing. it was so blatantly out of context that they don't earn any right to be believed so regardless, they lose. your thoughts? >> depending on the station you watch, it's a different old guy saying something inflammatory his team is trying to explain away. what a time to be alive. >> trace: in the poll, is this another media hoax? yes 96% got 95%. says it all. out of context as usual, it's embarrassing how they even take obvious jokes out of context and keep a straight face. are they dumb or desperate? dr dan, trashing milwaukee can only be properly handled by minnesota -- [ laughter ] >> trace: susan, they are driving me closer to trump instead of away. >> trace: that's true. saying no to democrats, yon. democrats entered a hoax period. they created a hoax from everything trump says or doesn't say, hoping something sticks. and scott says, trump is right, milwaukee hasn't been the same since hank aaron. laverne and shirley left that town. that might have said it all right there. thank you all. thank you for joining "fox newsb ig@ night", i'm trace gallaghere los angelexps and we will see yu back here on monday night. 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