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tonight... >> for young people in this country who are looking to get ahead, what would you say to them? >> i would say simply and honestly, vote for trump. >> jesse: trump and the youth vote. biden and the pope. >> to be successful at anything, you just have to be what most people aren't. consistent, determined and willing to work for it. >> jesse: the key to success. a billionaire, robert kraft is here. >> i am tom brady and i am a patriot. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: aliens living in america? what we know. plus... >> bang the gavel. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: it is a birthday bash in west palm beach where 45 is celebrating 78. donald trump was welcomed onstage with a cake and the crowd is singing. ♪ happy birthday president trump ♪ [ cheering and applause ] ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ [ cheering and applause ] >> there is nowhere else i would rather be on my birthday, it is flag day, my birthday. than right here with thousands of proud american patriots from the great state of florida. [ cheering and applause ] >> jesse: joe biden sent his wishes as well. happy 78th birthday donald, take it from one old guy to another. age is just a number. this election however, is a choice. biden's right. age is just a number. you can be a young 78 or an old 81. this week, trump kicked it with wwe champ logan paul. did not come empty-handed. >> no way, we got gifts. >> this sells for a lot of money. >> no way! thank you. >> let's split it up. >> is this your mug shot? [ laughter ] your gangster! no way! no way! should be put it on now? >> yes. >> that's amazing. >> and an elvis hat one. this shirt, we eclipsed him. it was a long time ago. >> this is crazy. >> jesse: trump spent an hour away from all of the noise just to hang with the boys and he was an open book. watch. >> there are unidentified a real phenomenon in the sky, we do not know what they are, do you? >> i met with pilots like beautiful palm crews but taller. handsome, perfect people. sir, there was something there that was round in form and going like four times faster than my super jet fighter plane. and i look at these guys and they really mean it. and my believer? no, i can't say i am. there are illegal aliens out there but those are the ones that come through the borders. we have plenty of them. >> jesse: if you're wondering if aliens are real, will have something on that later in the show. trump says he is more worried about ai. >> i saw a picture of me promoting a product. and i could not tell -- the voice was perfect, the lips moved perfectly with every word. if you are a lip reader you would say it was absolutely perfect. and that is scary. i had a speech rewritten by ai out there, one of the top people. he said you're going to make a speech? yeah. he clicks it and 15 seconds later he shows me my speech. >> that's crazy... >> written so beautifully, i said i would use this. i've never seen anything like it. >> what did you say to your speechwriter that? you're fired? >> i said you're fired, vents! >> jesse: i know you wanted to know this question. has trump ever been punched in the face? >> have you ever been in a fistfight, mr president? >> probably not. i have been in little duals, nothing like that. i would like to say yes, i fought my way through school and i fought my way out of the school finance. we didn't have a lot of fighters. we had fighters but not that kind of fighter. >> jesse: just guys being guys, the whole thing lasted just over an hour. trump even gave an extra 20 because the conversation had a nice flow going r logan paul says he would like to have the same kind of sit down with biden. >> first of all he would never -- he could not do this interview. if you ask him questions like this... >> we were talking about that. >> we would like to extend the invite to joe biden if you would come onto the podcast. >> you should. do know what chance you have of getting him on here? i would say less than 1 percent. if you did, i would actually watch that one. >> jesse: biden can only take scripted questions from handpicked reporters. you throw them into a podcast for an hour work cannot walk away, that would be the least of it. biden is having a hard enough time in italy. a report says biden's condition shocked our allies at the g7 summit. one calls it embarrassing and another says it is the worst he has ever been. biden today was headbutting the pope. are you even allowed to get that close to the pope? was biden sniffing? yesterday he was wandering around a field in italy. [ applause ] >> jesse: but the biden campaign says to not believe your eyes, that is disinformation. >> disinformation is alive and well. we have to use surrogates and voices across the country to combat this and make it clear that not only do we not play this game, but to your point, president biden was out there literally representing america at the g7, saluting our troops. doing what he does as the president of the united states. so we have to combat that disinformation it hard when it happens. >> jesse: half the country thinks biden will forget where he is during the debate. 40% think biden is so frail he will struggle to get on his own 2 feet and then walk the wrong way off the stage. that is how low america's expectations are. we probably should not even air those because all biden has to do is not fall off the stage and it is a win r so just forget we even aired them. biden cannot keep up with a guy almost the same age. what makes you think biden can keep up with the voters less than half his age? he cannot. since 2020, biden has lost a 14-point lead with young voters. trump has gained 12. trump is on track to be the first republican to win the youth about since reagan in the eighties. so what is the next move? throwing a hail mary with student bailouts, birth control and beer didn't work so democrats are pivoting. they are kicking off their seniors for biden campaign and they are sending and dr jill. >> this election is most certainly not about age. joe and that other guy are essentially the same age. let's not be fooled. joe is not one of the most effective presidents are our lives, in spite of his age, but because of it. >> jesse: tonight, dr jill went to reno with a very special guest. jane fonda. >> i am way older than all of you, oh, god. i am also very excited to be here. but i'm excited because i tell you, i will do anything to get joseph biden reelected. we need to get out and reorganize, knock on doors, work the phones, send telegrams. that's a you know i'm old. what would we do without hearing aids? >> jesse: joe was wandering off in italy headbutting the pope and his wife is hanging out with jane fonda? how is this race even close? this comes after joe showed up to a black families home with fried chicken. democrats say they are banking on the baby boomers to do the heavy lifting for them. it's all they have left. after biden shattered their young, black, hispanic coalition obama has to be shaking his head like, you did what my coalition? there something in common of all of those voters. they feel abandoned by a party not fixated on them but fixated on their opponent. they never hear solutions, all the years trump, trump, trump. >> everything he says is a projection of his own shortcomings. crooked this person, he is crooked. lazy this person, he is lazy. name any subject. any subject that you can name, wacky this person. he knows he is wacky, he knows he is an imposter. so if we will do psychoanalysis of him, i think we have to have him in person in front of some healthcare professionals. >> jesse: they are out of material and it shows. even david axelrod is trying to shake him awake. >> if you are talking about democracy over the dinner table, it is probably because you don't have to worry about the cost of the food on your dinner table. >> jesse: at the end of the day, americans like black, young and old want a nice, affordable dinner with family and friends without having to worry a and while you are at the dinner, who would you rather have joined you? donald trump or joe biden? let's bring in shark tank star, kevin eleri. kevin, the logan paul interview, aliens, mug shot t-shirt, everyone is talking about it. does biden get the same traction when he goes on jimmy kimmel and no one sees it? >> to logan paul interview speaks to the power of social media and the incredible power of influencers. and you have got to engage them in any political contest, it does not matter what side of the isle you were on. so trump has figured that out, obviously. he has a massive following, is incredibly popular. he is actually popular with democrats and republicans. his show is watched by millions of people between the ages of 20 and 90. so he is his own network. so you have to think that through a little bit and biden has to do the same thing and find influencers that he thinks he can engage with and thinks that they can take this content and put it out there. >> jesse: what are you talking about? they had jane fonda, what are you kidding me? she is more influential than anybody! >> i saw your piece. but look, you have to read the room. you have to figure out. if you want to get after all these independent voters at every age, you have to go to where they go. my kids are in their twenties and don't watch television, they watch youtube enter on instagram and twitter. you have to do it all. >> jesse: so they are not watching you on "jesse watters primetime" right now? >> i swear i will make them watching jesse, i will make them. >> jesse: very good. so joe biden's wandering around in italy and trump is at a birthday party with 5000 people raising a ton of cash. how do you see this race shaping up with about two weeks to go before the debate which half the country thinks biden is going to fall off the stage? >> what i'm proud of you doing and glad to see this happening is that we have moved off from porn stars, cocaine, guns and all of this other stuff. and we're talking about policy no. the roundtable discussion trump had where we heard the tax rate proposals between 15 and 21. that is of interest to me as an investor. i'm interested in policy and interested in what will happen with regulatory environments state-by-state and the federal level. i want to hear a strategy on energy. i'm so tired of all of the other stuff and we are coming up to a debate where i don't think we want to talk about cocaine, guns and porn stars, we want to hear what you have for america. what you got? i think that is what is starting now when you are a part of it, good for you. >> jesse: we had our fill of cocaine, that's for sure. are you endorsing anybody for vice president? >> i'm just trying to make a point that in this election, the vp never mattered in past elections, it did not matter and any pollster will tell you that. but because of the long jeopardy issues of older candidates, take biden's situation. an independent may look at it and say i am concerned about long jeopardy, what do i got? who will take over the office? and in the case of harris -- don't shoot the messenger, her poll numbers and her party or horrific. and independent it is horrific. and frankly, i think that is important. biden will probably switch her out because he will not get independence if they are worried about lung cavity. and the case of trump, this is what i find interesting. the dark course in this whole thing is dog. if you think about trump's bombastic approach to leading and the trouble he got himself in an even admits he got the wrong guys and some posts in the last election, doug's track record is spectacular. people don't know this about north dakota, they are the richest americans in america. if you're an american in california you want him to turn you into a north dakota in. so i think you bring in a guy like that for his skills and you say here's a guy -- affix the border, "fix energy. that is what he does and he is not bombastic like trump. they can work together. >> jesse: i like it, big endorsement on prime time, may be your children will hear about it eventually on dvr. thanks kevin. [ laughter ] can illegal aliens vote? yes, they can. you z (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. 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>> jesse: we have had millions of strange illegals pouring since the last election. what does that mean for this election? >> we now have so many noncitizens in the country that if only one out of 100 of those voted, they would cast hundreds of thousands of votes. if a nefarious actor wants to intervene in our elections, all they have to do is check a box on the form and sign their name, that's all that's required. >> jesse: illegals voting? tolds impossible. but there are no federal requirements for states to verify citizenship of voters before they register. republicans introduced a bill that would change that. if you want to vote, prove you are a citizen first. but democrats will kill it in the senate. they say it is already illegal for migrants to vote so who cares? so let's see what happens if on illegal votes. they would get is a massive loo. title 18, u.s. code 611 makes it a felony for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, unless the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting that he or she was a citizen of the united states. that means that if a biden migrant votes, gets arrested and their lawyer says biden granted jose asylum, he thought he could vote. jose gets off scott free. in new york state, for example,, you can register to vote without an id, without a social security number, as long as you have a utility bill or a paycheck for government housing slip. and remember, if they get caught, oops i didn't know it was a legal and charges are dropped. and who was really trying to catch them anyway? and are they going to catch them after the election? biden left 10 million illegal aliens into this country. how will we ever accept the results of this election and this kind of landscape? charlie, i didn't know it was this easy. not only can you just plead that you didn't know, you can also just register if you are a migrant with on electricity bill. >> yes, it is truly incredible. it's so incredible it's hard to believe that we are not making it up. but in fact -- and my paper, the washington times has done extensive reporting on this and found that there are quite a few cases of illegals who have actually been caught voting illegally in elections. we don't know how many because democrats work very hard to conceal that number. and to start with, i think it is important to highlight an important point you just made a minute ago, which is that democrats say well, the reason we don't need to worry about this is because it is illegal for them to vote. well it is illegal for illegals to be illegally in the united states in the first place and we have millions of them here. that is why we call them illegals. so the idea that you actually have the federal government signing up these illegals for free welfare, free healthcare, free housing, free travel and then pressuring them to sign up to vote, to register to vote illegally, you cannot tell me that that is an argument against trying to stop this. the whole thing is designed to get these voters to vote illegally and democrats know exactly what they are doing and that is why they're doing it. >> jesse: they know what they are doing and johnson made a good point when he said, what happens if all the chinese nationals come here and i'll get electricity bills and pay stubs and they register and they all vote for joe biden to save china from the trump tariffs? there you go. that is the election interference right there. >> yes. and every single one of those votes deprives another citizen of their right to vote because it cancels out that vote. these people prefer illegals over u.s. citizens. >> jesse: with these open borders are disenfranchising real american voters. karlee, thank you so much and have a great weekend. tom brady and robert kraft are next. 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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: playing football builds character, look at me. i turned into one. played in middle school and high school. i was too skinny but was fast enough and loved to hit. football practice turns you into a man. you are in full pads, 90-degree weather in august and practising at night and early december below freezing. you learn a lot about yourself on the field. and it brings the guys together, especially on defence. i scent my high school hikes -- my high school highlight reel to colleges and they scent it back in the mail lack . but my daughter's play flag football and i will be having jesse junior plank football whether he likes it or not. and he will like it, he is a bruiser. talent only goes so far. work ethic is what makes you stand out, just asked tom brady. hasn't always been that way for brady, he was an afterthought in the 2000 draft falling to the sixth round. but when it went down, brady left the bench never returned. whether you love him or hate him, you cannot deny his hunger. >> i would encourage everyone to play football for the simple reason that it is hard. it is hard when you are young, to wake up in the off-season at 6:00 am to go train and work out knowing that all of your friends are sleeping in and eating pancakes. it is hard to throw, catch, block and tackle and hit kids when they are way bigger and way more developed than you only to go home that night bruised and battered and strained but knowing you have to show up again the next day for just the chance to try again. but understand this. life is hard. [ cheering and applause ] >> jesse: that is why this week, the new england patriots inducted him into their hall of fame. owner robert kraft honoured brady with a sold-out ceremony, retiring his iconic number 12 jersey. >> there is only one iconic number that will always represent tom brady. and tonight, i promise that it will never be worn again. [ cheering and applause ] is the number 12 is now officially retired. [ cheering and applause ] >> jesse: the patriots owner robert kraft joins me now from a picturesque, beautifully undisclosed location somewhere on the coast. robert, you know tom almost better than anybody in the league. what made him so different? >> i remember him coming to us some 20 years ago. and he came down the stairs from that training camp, he had a pizza box under his arm. and he came over to me and he was driving out and said mr kraft, i want to introduce myself. and i said i know who you are, you are tom brady. i remember the sixth round draft boy -- choice for michigan. and he looked me i and he said, and i'm the best decision this organization has ever made. that was in 1999, getting ready for the 2000 season. and when he came in he was the fourth quarter back. but he is one of those -- i have never met anyone like him in my life. and i just explained it like this. when he goes into the huddle, he makes average people better. he has a way to motivate them, connect with people that is so when usual. but he is the most vicious and fierce competitor. but off the field, he is the kindest, gentle -- he is a man that cares about people. and i have never met anyone with that kind of resilience. but he has a bond to be soft and that a bond to really be a killer. >> jesse: when he came to you with the pizza box and he told you right then that this was the best decision you had ever made drafting him, what gave him that confidence? >> i will never forget it. we had just given drew, the first player to ever get a hundred million dollar contract, he was our starting quarterback with two others. and you know, thank god the coach at michigan never played him the way he should. because we never would have gotten him in the sixth round. and he works hard and -- i will tell you something else that was unique about him. players want to earn money and earn as much as they can. and we have a salary cap. so when he really had won three super bowls in his first four years with us, i said, it was a moot contract. they were pushing big time. and i said look, we will give you that but i wish you would take 30 percent less because that is not going to go to my pocket, it will go around to the other players to make you better. and he is the only player and my history, i have been the league now for 30 years, who would take less money to make the team better. >> jesse: i did something similar in order to make sure that the other people were happy here at fox. i told fox i would gladly take a 30% pay cut just so that the five stays together and keeps humming along. not a lot of people know that story but i'm glad i was able to share that a. >> well that is the man's way. >> jesse: you look like you have been practising the signoff, you're good at it. what is some simple advice that people could digest tonight from you? >> i think tommy articulated it beautifully. if you want to win, it is really a team sport, it is not individual. and you need to get along with all kinds of people from all backgrounds. if you are not good and a running back, the offensive line is not blocking for you or the tight and isn't blocking when you were doing the end around. so you have to learn to get along with all people and put the team first, we need more of that in america today. and thank you for what you and your network do. >> jesse: as an eagles fan, i can say, i like you. i don't love you but i like you. >> well be let you win one big one, thank you. >> jesse: breaking news on aliens when we are back. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. when did i call leaffilter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so, you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. it's the easiest call you can make. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: donald trump may not believe in aliens but he knows people who do. >> am i a believer? no, i can say am but i have met with people that are serious people that say really strange things that they see flying around out there. >> jesse: those people aren't alone. according to a new harvard study, aliens may be living among us. right here on earth, disguised as humans. and all of the ufo sightings we hear about our just spaceships from other planets coming to visit their alien friends here on earth. so who are these aliens living among us? they are called crypto terrestrials. they are highly advanced, incredibly deceptive and capable of hiding in plain sight. there are several theories on the origins of these crypto terrestrials. some speculate on advanced ancient civilization was destroyed with only a few surviving and secrecy, possibly in the base on the moon. and we don't know for certain where these things are from or if they even exist but one thing is for certain. many believers think the government knows more than they are letting on. a pentagon official came forward this week revealing their seven minute encounter with a glowing turquoise ufo which gave off enough energy to power a city. that official is not alone. more ufo whistleblowers are breaking their silence and exposing what they have seen. watch. >> my gosh! it's going against the wind. is hundred 20 miles to the west. oh my gosh dude. wow! look at it fly! >> jesse: biological and apology professor who conducted the study, michael masters joins us now. okay professor, have you seen one of these, what are they called, crypto terrestrials living among us? >> i have not seen one personally, no. and actually the study is a very conservative approach to this question. as you did a great job highlighting and your intro piece there, this is a real phenomenon and we need to take it seriously and start asking questions about what are they, who are they, where they coming from? when are they coming from? and even could they set up shop here and be living amongst us? >> jesse: you save is a real phenomenon, how do we know it's a real phenomenon? >> if you look across time and space, these have been reported for millennia. and even if you don't want to take that at face value, look at the cockpit videos or all of the reports by military, police officers whose testimony we can certainly take seriously because they are trained to identify things that are a threat and are trained to identify things that are unexplainable and there are so many cases where the pew report just that. >> jesse: so the differences that we all see these things or hear about them visiting. the spaceship or a sighting. but this study takes it a step further and says they are living among us. does that mean like got filled is an alien and he is just disguised as a cable tv host? >> it is certainly possible. and i will look into that because you never know. but we should take the question of ufos seriously. what we're trying to do is offer a grounded scientific approach to possibilities about what they may be. so there have been other proposals as well. me personally i have written books about weather they are could be future human time travellers coming back to visit their own past and the same way i would as a biological anthropologist if i had access to that technology and that is one of the possibilities we include in this paper as well. >> jesse: i would do that as well. i would go back in time and play high school football all over again and do so much better. >> and you know what the other team is going to do because they are from the future. >> jesse: i pick off every pass, it would be great. thank you again. i need to research some of your studies little further, have a great weekend. >> thank you jesse, "talking to you. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: time for sink or swim. tonight we have joe rocking out in the marlins jersey. and emily who looks like mustard. >> sorry? ready for july 4th everyone. >> jesse: i love it, put it on the dog. the categories get in a ring. this wrestler toyed for office and if he did run he would rule with an iron fist, a flat tax and nothing but common sense. was it hulk hogan or the rock? >> i'm going hulk. >> i'm going to rock. >> jesse: okay. >> the president or vice president i will take this country over and rule with an iron fist, a flat tax, nothing but common sense. >> jesse: emmelie, you are down by one. but it is not over yet. here's the category. year, piggy. we have seen stray dogs at the border but rarely a stray pig. which fox news reporter posted a video feeding a hog? was it bill or matt? >> i'm going with finn. >> fin. >> jesse: double fin. >> there he is. that is not bill's hair. >> jesse: that is not his hair. okay. 2-1. the categories bottoms up. we know elizabeth warren loves to drink beer and she is at it again. this time enjoying a cold beverage with one of biden's cabinet members. was it pete or jennifer? >> jen. >> the witches there and that brewery. >> cheers to a bright and clean energy future for massachusetts. >> cheers to lowering energy costs! >> cheers to investing in america! >> and two beer! >> jesse: this is the last one. >> if i cringe any harder i will be a fossil. >> jesse: which paul brother said he wants both trump and biden to show up to one of his fights so they can meet young voters? was it jake or logan? >> i don't know which one is which. >> i was just thinking that. >> that's jake right? >> owe the white guys look alike >> i'm going with jake. >> i want both donald trump junior and donald -- biden. so who knows which president will actually show up and talk to people and meet the young voters? >> oldest one in the book! >> review trying to put up jake? >> i was trying to go with jake because i knew the name but not the face. >> i didn't know which one their brothers. >> jesse: she will lose gracefully. not a lot of people have lost gracefully on this show. so good job. take the hat. >> this is my county, how's that? >> jesse: you are on to something. i'm really sorry about the mustard comment. more primetime is ahead. my name's trevor. i've tried other diets in the past never lasted before too long my cravings came back especially my sugar cravings and i fell off the wagon. release worked fast. my sweet tooth is gone. i'm so happy with my progress and now i love myself. lumineux is the first fluoride free toothpaste i've ever found that actually works. my dentist was blown away with how clean and white my teeth are. my gums and teeth are so healthy. it's crazy. you can get lumineux toothpaste at walmart and target. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. >> jesse: everybody is pulled by them before it happens to the best of us. >> president joe biden: the percentage of women he registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than men who do so repeat the line. >> because of the action taken things have begun to change from from more years pause brought from more years senator john federman found himself pulling abide and watch this. >> the senate is adjourned until 3:00 pm monday bang gavel. [ laughter ] >> sean: he had a tough >> jesse: had a tough week dodging anti- israel protesters getting into a car accident. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: " we booked a christmas vacation in june ever too late things get booked up fast. you can do that with your whole life look for the week ahead and say who do i want to be in what do i want to do. i will do this tuesday or wednesday you can produce your own life. let's produce some texts. cindy from colorado " why would you tell illegals how to vote, shame on you ". i didn't think of that. joe from massachusetts " will the crypto terrestrials be allowed to vote? " definitely. nikki from texas " are you a crypto terrestrial? " i don't know what the test would be may be am and i don't even know it. shannon from corpus christi, at " pelosi says trump is lazy i'm from the south always we say is bless your heart. " ron from washington i thought she was anti- work joe biden starting wars left and a right trump started 0 wars clearly has tedious maybe it's the hearing aid thing. i love to brady's speech make your sons play football joey from oak ridge care of -- california is a sin to headbutt the pope. >> jesse: i don't know what that was was that a confession was he smelling the pope. chuck from denton. " what position did you playing football, water boy doesn't count? " i guarded the water calem tackled fiedler came near. >> surprise you played football i thought you were a tennis player. >> i do tennis to have played everything. >> was the better athlete you are got felled. >> do you even have to ask that's all for tonight dvr the show sean is next does he have trump tonight again always remember i'm water is and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] >> special edition of haight

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