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>> hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i am kayleigh mcenany with my host emily compagno and cohost of "the bottom line" dagen mcdowell. most of the "kennedy saves the world podcast." former army intelligence captain jeremy hunt. it is friday. i would be remiss if i didn't mention that. we began with the former president trump pick. everyone is asking. a ton of reporting including this "axios." you're looking at those short list of potential candidates that has been shifting for months. the former president says he is close to making a decision. just yesterday, trump held meetings with republican lawmakers from the house and the senate. here is what he told fox shortly after. >> a lot of folks surrounding you. some of them are on the short-list for vp. what is your pick for a vp in that room with you? >> probably, yeah. >> do you know who your bp is? you told us that you knew in the iowa caucuses. >> we have some really talented people. i have a pretty good idea. i think it is probably -- i will do it that way it is usually done. >> male or female? >> i will tell you fairly soon. be one who was in the room? tom cotton was in the room. marco rubio, tim scott was in the room. j.d. vance was in the room. that's go some details on the field these can dance. i want to start with senator tim scott. this is harvard polling. one of the few polls that has ranked bp contenders based on how they would affect that to get really only person who adds to the trump to get the harvard poll is tim scott to add 6 points. yesterday, this is from "punch bowl news." more than any other vp short lester according to "punch bowl." may be reading into the tea leaves. >> it is huge when you take into account outside the margin of error. everybody loves tim scott. that is the whole point. find me one person that actually doesn't like that beautiful gentle incredibly effective outstanding authentic gentleman who has done so much in the senate and beyond. perhaps part of the argument that critics wield is that he is very gentle and mellow seemingly. if they went to couple president trump with someone who perhaps has his own contrasting identity, and blaze his own trail. take for arguments sake, vivek ramaswamy. at the end of the day, in my opinion, having the slow steady dependability and authenticity and unwavering faithfulness of a man occupying the oval office in any fashion as vice president or president is pretty incredible. >> absolutely. one of my favorite questions to ask democrats is who do you fear? who knows you want to see on the ticket? i often hear nikki haley. i don't know how many times. reporting from the rolling stones. there was a cinco de mayo event at the white house. a lot of latinos therefore biden. they talk about who they feared on the ticket. we will pull this up. a former colleague of mine, this is "vanity fair." marco rubio could be -- few conversations better if i get a state of downbeat vigilance than those in the rose garden where multiple latino democrats expressed fears et cetera marco rubio could dip into the dynamics of the election of chosen as donald trump's vice presidential nominee. >> marco rubio is definitely in the running. i want to point out not just a list of contenders that we are showing. but new names who have been floated in just the last week. virginia governor glenn youngkin, president trump and glenn youngkin had their first face-to-face meeting in northern virginia just this week. it is not among the eight people that president trump's team is known to be vetting brittany senator bill haggerty has also been floated and the last week or so. and if you look at that list, if you throw in doug burgum, j.d. vance, burgum being from the critical fossil fuel producing state. this election for president trump is about the economy and is about inflation. it's about drill, drill, drill. energy policy. drive down gas prices. drive down inflation. you can starve the iranian-backed terrorists of their funding. whoever gets picked, i guarantee you will be the perfect messenger for trump's economic agenda. that's what he's running on. >> no one is stronger on energy policy than governor governor doug burgum. president trump for the first time was asked about this yesterday. listen to but he said. >> you also met with governor youngkin become a very popular governor in the party. folks are wondering if he is on the vp short list. >> he is great. i can consider that. yes. i haven't been asked that question. he would be on that list. he's very good. >> here is the case for glenn youngkin. let's bring out the real clear politics average. you see this year. you see trump, pennsylvania up to .3%. wisconsin .3%. these three states, that's the that's the rust belt. in order for biden to win, he needs to get those three transpacific states. however, however, if you put virginia into play, let's pull up our fox news bowling. you see a tie here. donald trump tied in virginia. that is a state that no republican has won in quite some time. george w. bush did it in 2004. you put virginia into play and put biden on defense. governor youngkin is enormously popular in that state. >> you have to ask yourself, what is this former president expect from his vp nominee. it will be someone, the past experience would be someone who is going to go to funerals. for the last few presidential cycles, and someone who can do well in the vice presidential debate. i think glenn youngkin will actually do better than a lot of these other candidates in the vp debate. also i think what makes them attractive and what trump already knows about x experience with mike pence is having a governor, having someone with executive experience is incredibly powerful tool. that is what i have thought that doug burgum is higher up on the list and most people give them credit for. not only for the fact that he is and then energy states, but his calm demeanor. i think trump is going to pick someone who has a contrast with him which moves rubio down it's a lot more people think it does. introducing youngkin's name into the list at this point. it is unsurprising for a president who wants to keep people guessing and wants to keep voters on their toes and engaged in the race. also check so many boxes including delivering a very, very purple at a critical. >> i think that is exactly right. jeremy don't you need to train qualities in a bp. who is going to help you cross the finish line in win? who can be your heir apparent to govern 4 years from now when they run for president? number one trend is more important then number 2. you have to cross the finish line. >> you have to have someone who's going to bring in more of those critical votes. people might mean more skeptical. you have to bring in the entire republican party in the entire conservative movement. there's a lot of people with the ferret opinions into different to governance you have to bring in voters from all walks of life. i think the key is going to be someone who can reach across and do that. one person mentioned recently senator mike pompeo who has a great job of having building with that kind of face and also able to reach a lot of the skeptical voters and folks in the suburbs. someone who can cross that line and be able to expand and win. we know that this takes our way too high. president biden has been a disaster on so many different levels. whoever steps in this going to be trump's running mate is someone who is ready on day 1 to make a difference on our country and also be able to improve our standing on the world stage. which we know is not looking good right now. >> no doubt, a ton of great picks. we will find out at the republican national mention. i hope we all get to guess. be sure to tune in tonight to "entity" at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. i am posting. senator tim scott will join me. i found out moments ago. vivek ramaswamy as well. join me at 9:00 p.m. eastern time tonight. a few moments of president biden yesterday at the g7 cemetery making all sorts of headlines. we will show you what next. ♪ ♪ i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪ >> detroit. ♪ ♪ >> social media event out for the second time in a week over a video of president biden. biden in the g7 leaders were watching a skydiving demonstration in italy when biden walked away from the group to address or greet one of the parachutists. take a look. [no dialogue] >> that wasn't biden's only awkward moment. he later snapped at a reporter during a rare joint news conference. watch. >> and you give us your assessment of hamas' response? do you believe that they are trying to work towards a deal where is this response working against the deal? what is the message to allies including those at the g7 about what more if anything the u.s. can do to drive towards a peace agreement. >> president biden: i wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit. i'm here to talk about a critical situation in ukraine. asked me another subject. >> even cnn called out the president for that response. >> he has been snippy recently about being asked multiple questions in these press conferences -- which we should be clear for former white house correspondence. these are very limited. >> is president falls far below his predecessors when it comes to interviews and when it comes to press conferences. they have a lot of questions to ask him. these reporters do not have many opportunities. they have dragged themselves to italy for this g7 summit to do one things. >> the white house correspondents association released a statement where the president can choose how many questions that he has time for or who he calls on. he's not going to dictate the subject of our questions to the president of the united states. >> he clearly is so used to being coddled. asking him questions that he wants to answer as opposed to asking the tough questions. reporters asking about a serious conflict going on in the middle east. our partner israel is clearly dealing with a lot of attacks from hamas and has been left from the north. you are not even going to actually address it at all. you are the commander in chief. a lot of times you have to looking -- voters will think is this the best representative of our country? is this the best we have to offer when we look at the united states of america? i don't think it is. >> i pose that question to you through the lens of the global eyes that are looking at the president right now and aunt ali. what are your topline thoughts of how the world has seen the president at the g7 summit? >> cannot be blonde? i don't care with the world thinks of the united states, i care what -- not to be crass. but this nonplussed president is leaving europe. the peace settlement and is heading to this probably weird elite fund-raiser and kamala harris will be overseas to act in his stead. everybody ought to pay attention to that. it is stunning optics. if joe biden got elected for another four years, that would happen. her stepping in full-time. by the end of another four years, he will not be an independent self caring mail, period. she would be doing the job of president full-time. >> i think you are absolutely right. i think people do get embarrassed when the president stumbles on the world stage. we want someone who is strong. we want someone who has a very clear vision of what our country needs and where we fit on the global stage. ate all of the way the picnic. come back here. we are having cake. he says he won't be a self caring man. he's not going to be a self caring man in 4 months. i worry that he got bids on the head by champ. >> oh, my goodness. >> i want to dig a little deeper about the vice president taking over. she has displayed during her entire tenure and inability to be flexible or arguably graceful about not having earned her spot. i deserve this respect. they cover that she declined many meetings with first spouses saying i'm the second person in command in the united states. teach me as such. in the united states can a first lady went on to become secretary of state's. the snubs she continues to display in europe on the world stage, will they affect our success there and their relationship with our allies? >> she's on the world stage trying to up her chops for commander in chief. i want to address biden with a reporter yesterday. we don't choose topics. the president doesn't choose topics. let me say yesterday, they did their job. the first reporter was from the associated press. they asked about hunter. they get to the second reporter from bloomberg. he asked about the gaza war. that's a fair topic. president biden lashed out. if you're going to lash out from the press corps that is typically friendly to you, buckle up. you have donald trump coming your way and 1.5 weeks on the debate stage. >> migrants continue to flow through demo that california's broken border. gavin newsom is blaming republicans. >> the bottom line at the end of the day, they need more resources. everybody needs more resources. the republican party -- balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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and more backed up from the national guard. matt finn is live at the border in california with more period. >> emily, i will step off camera quick to show you what we see every single day here in the san diego sector. another group of migrants who clearly cross into the united states with little to no deterrence. they are waiting now under the hot desert sun to be processed by the overwhelm the border patrol agents. here in california, governor newsom posted the video online talking about how he has doubled the california national guard. the legal points of entry which he says resulted in a record level seizure. we are standing outside of san diego watching thousands of migrants of migrants illegally cross in a week. we have not seen any california national guard out here. the video really begs the question of where he sends any of these illegals crossing points. here's the clip. >> at the border in tijuana right behind me, san diego sector. the port of entry not too far away with is the largest in the western hemisphere. we are down here within national guard meeting with customs agents as well as border patrol talking about our partnerships. 90 national guard's men and women working particularly as it relates to fentanyl in the state of california. they need more resources. everybody needs more resources. the republican party has consistently stemming away the resources for the men and women working hard not only here at the border but throughout the state of california and this country to address the issues related to the border. it's time for them to stop playing politics. it's time for the speaker of the house mike johnson to stop playing politics and do the right thing. >> the border patrol union in san diego quickly responding to newsom's video writing in part "we need help in stemming the flow of illegal migrants, not rewarding illegal migrants with tax funded programs. if you're serious about closing the california-mexico border, you would allow california national guard to help us." order to stand in a single file. they will then be processed. this past week, we have personally seen probably at least 10,000 plus migrants cross here into the san diego sector. this is a very well-known illegal pathway. it is rather stunning to sit here on american soil and watch migrants freely and easily cross into the united states, noted terrance beard we have reached out to governor newsom's office to ask if he plans on sending any national guard down here to tackle this problem that we have been reporting on for weeks if not months now. >> bringing it to the couch, kennedy, longtime resident of california, southern california right there. i'm curious your thoughts on governor newsom, us and theming. stop your politics. they better get it together. he's been there a long time and has done nothing to stem the flow at all. >> he has done quite a bit to make the problem so much awareness and to create problems in the first place. here is a person who exists to project and gas lights. he will never take responsibility. he will never take accountability for their situation he has created in california. by incentivizing people to come over the border with free health care, education, free college. don't get to enjoy thre door open points. not at the real porous areas. it's not just mexicans coming out salvadorans, hondurans. we are seeing migrants from china and the middle east. because they know that is the best easiest place to get in. he is a completely unserious person when it comes to solving this issue. >> the other part of this. a lot of it is a publicity st stunt. if he actually wants to solve the problem, he would be putting them in the areas. he would have national guardsmen in the areas to interdict the flow of drugs across the border which are killing our young people in this country. what he's trying to do is save face. we don't need more politicians to make action to save face. this is my president biden did with the peer across the gaza that delivered no aid to what's going on. it is all about these appearances, not actually solving the problem. voters are smart. this is a publicity stunt. this is not solving the problem. even border patrol folks are talking about it. >> was this a way to remind democrats that he is plan be in case biden doesn't make it until november? he was having a good hair day i decided to get in front of a camera. not only has he encouraged illegals to come into this country, in january of this year, california opened up the state's medicaid program to hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants living in california. 700,000 illegals now have access to the state's medicaid program. it cost billions of dollars every year. under estimated at billion dollars a year. this state already has a budget deficit. exactly. shut your mouth. you are lying. it's not the republicans fault. you know it. >> he attacked the g.o.p. he attacked house speaker mike johnson. we are out here doing the work, really. darrell issa said, "save it, gavin newsom, you run the largest sanctuary state in the country." our poor border patrol law enforcement. i sat down with 2 law enforcement officers in texas. not only are they chasing migrants down on foot and car, but they are seeing the plates on the children crossing the border by the cartels. i can't even get into the horrific issues of children who have been bloodied at the border by cartels. they deserve support. >> coming up, my own ownership costs in the u.s. are surging as young americans lose hope of ever owning a home. stay with us. uy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your 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the gap between income and home values have grown. no kidding. let's take a look at the numbers. 1980, the average house was $47,000. it would be $11,000 cash you had to come up with a 1980. the median income was -- the average house is 400,000. for a total of $96,000 cash up front. the median household income is 80,000. you will see how significantly, not just a little harder significantly harder. >> the liberal media wants you to believe that biden's economy is just fantastic. this recent headline reads, the u.s. economy reaches superstar status, no, really." according to salo, you have to have more than $100,000 as your income in order to afford a home. the median household income is 59,000. >> and 34 of the 50 largest metro areas and the united states, you need an income north of six figures. in 6 of those cities, you need to make more than $200,000. even if interest rates and mortgage rates are holding at 7%, they were below 3% when joe biden took office. even as mortgage rates have gone up. you would think that home prices would have eased. they have not. they have continued to skyrocket. great if you own, horrible if you don't. because there is no inventory. people are locked into their homes because they have low mortgage rates at 3%. they don't want to sell. some in out there, there are bidding wars. i almost got sucked into one recently. somebody bid more than 10% over the ask. 16 bidders on the house. you feel like you lost. i want to encourage people. you didn't lose. you have to take your time and not rush. this will be the greatest biggest investment you ever make. you might be putting money into a house that eventually falls in price. bide your time. gen z says in the redfin survey, 91% of people 18-27 years of age say housing affordability is the most important issue for them in this election. >> maybe you need new leadership where the facts are that housing prices under trump, 329,000. under biden, 420,800. >> the figures don't lie. i can personally -- my wife and i just became homeowners last year. looking at the interest rates and unfortunately, they have only gotten worse over the last year. it's a really serious issue. a lot of long tome homeowners. those complaining about something else grandma housing market fluctuates. it's far more serious than that. i am about my friends that are my age looking at this saying, it's hard to plan a career off of this. our family as a holding pattern. you don't know the long term. there's a lot of effects of this debt affects a lot of people. it is a major issue that i think a lot of political leaders and focus in the community to think about this more. >> it is superstar status according to "the atlantic." i wonder what they are drinking. >> we talked about this so many times where the disconnect. there are metrics in the economy that betray that there are some real health here. unfortunately for people whose wages are being outpaced by the cost of groceries in the cost of rent, it is an impossibility to save. people are living on their credit cards. they have been for some time. if you have missed that payment, your interest rate is 30%. if you are 30%. people are chasing their tails economically. i will tell you this. i interviewed a prisoner of war from vietnam this week on my podcast, bob jones. he survived in that camp for 5 years. he has the most incredible optimistic experience. outlook on life. he tells younger people, hang in there. it will get better. he says, trust me. now he lives in hawaii. he is gone to the other side. this economy for you will go to the other side. >> i love that, emily. >> what strikes me is the paralysis that so many are experiencing. 80% of homeowners have an interest rate at 5% or less. twice as many know sell if he goes below that. everyone is just stuck. when you look at the foreclosure rates and the americans being displaced, new jersey is twice the national average. delaware where the president is from a connecticut given the numbers are frightening on the quality of life is eroding because builders are building new homes, they are making them more tiny and cheaper materials. in order that people can afford them. but we have to look forward to for our first homes is about this big and made of something flimsy, because that is all we can afford. it is a thin erosion. >> no bottom small midwestern cities and towns are attracting young people because they can buy older homes at lower prices. it is such an exciting time to live somewhere. >> we might have identified the problem. it is the color blue. that is for democrats. up next, tom brady's epic hall of fame speech that is blowing up social media. ♪ ♪ reminder, bent finger appointment. i don't want to wait or have surgery for my dupuytren's contracture. i want a nonsurgical treatment. and if nonsurgical treatment isn't offered? i'll get a second opinion. take charge of your treatment. if you can't lay your hand flat, visit to get started. the all new godaddy airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... ...with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at >> what was the man arrested in new york with a small arsenal up to? was it a thwarted terror attack? joe biden goes on they walk about during the g7 photo op raising more concerns about whether he is dialed in or dial out. former secretary of state mike pompeo will be here. just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, reports of horrific shark attacks along the florida coast. and then died without a dad who has become the youtube dad. we've got it all for you. i am john roberts. come join sandra and me for "america reports" at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> tom brady became the newest member of the patriots hall of fame yesterday. during the ceremony, he gave an inspiring speech that's going viral. >> i would encourage everyone to play football for the simple reason that it is hard. it is hard when you are young to wake up in the off-season at 6:00 a.m. to go train and work out knowing that all your friends are sleeping in and eating pancakes. it's hard when you are on your way to practice, weighed down with all your gear. and it's 90 degrees out and all the other kids are at the puller at the beach and your body is completely exhausted from workouts. it's hard to throw, catch, blocks, and tackle and hit kids when they are way bigger and way more developed then you only to go home that night bruised and battered and strained knowing that you have to show up again the next day for just the chance to try again. but understand this. life is hard. [cheers and applause] no matter who you are, there are bumps and hits and bruises along the way. my advice is to prepare you yourself. because football lessons each is that success and achievement come from overcoming adversity. and that team accomplishment far exceeds anyone's individual goals. [cheers and applause] to be successful at anything, the truth is you don't have to be special. you just have to be what most people aren't, consistent, determined, and willing to work for it. no shortcuts. if you look at all my teammates here tonight, it would be impossible to find a better examples of men who embody that work ethic, integrity, purpose, determination, and disciplined that it takes to be a champion in life. [cheers and applause] >> you are a fan on the accounts. you have some potential way in from another champion that you want to share. >> you are reminding me of the super bowl trophy. i -- my dad as the walking embodiment of what he just said. my dad was told he was too small to be defensive end at 6-foot. he was a walk on the sec. he became captain of the team and still holds the number five record. what was so special about football? it's all about teamwork, responsibility, everything a young man needs to learn about the world and himself. it's a hardening process that builds character and having fun doing it. football is fantastic. my dad is an example. thanks for highlighting all t that. >> i got chills, because those are like lessons about dedication enjoys the process of living and just living a regimented life where you try and strive, and you don't have to be gifted from birth. you just have to care and work at it. and know how to get along and work with other people. i think that ultimately is the story for success in any pur pursuit. >> that is what he is talking about. the ability to overcome regardless of the odds. so many times in the army can we find ourselves in the middle of the woods and it's miserable. sometimes, it builds character. it is doing hard things. as value in and of itself. we want our kids to put them in situations where they are challenged and have to overcome adversity to develop that grant. that is one of the most important traits that you could have to be successful in life. >> i feel bad for tom brady. i was watching this speech. trump should tap him to be vice president. >> tom brady is very attractive to a lot of people. i think the former president should tap him to be vp. he would definitely bring in the vote. >> we will add that to the people. let's say about the parallels between the army and football? some people might hear this and we can apply it absolutely the lessons outside the bounds of the industry. are there some that might hear that and say you are talking about being at the pool versus being on the field. it's a luxury. talk to me about something that is a little more real world. >> anybody, when you are in an uncomfortable scenario. when you're in that discomfort, you push yourself to work harder and do try to overcome even obstacles in the way. i think for anybody, not running from those times might be a little anxious and a little anxiety. pushing past that makes you a more successful person. >> jocko willink said during training, you can look at all the guys and there's going to be one guy who you know is not going to make it because he's inside his own head. all the other guys are in it together and actually laughing. when you are united together, that is how you overcome. >> amen to that. stay with us, guys, more "outnumbered" next. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? 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no. i can't say i am. i have met with people that are serious people they said there some really strange things they see flying around out there. it's very possible that there is something. why wouldn't there be? >> i wouldn't there be, jeremy? >> looked. people ask about the alien thing, they want transparency like what does the government no? what's going on and how do we get access to some of that information? like my dad is a pastor in georgia. when he says i don't know what is out there but what i do know is i am getting myself up right with lord because i don't want blobs of aliens flying. >> that's right, get it on right so you are ready for anything. i feel like it's the number one reason people want to be president is because of access. >> all of the secrets. >> aliens and jfk. >> i love you said tom cruise but shorter, that's hilarious. >> he said taller. >> taller, sorry. i want to know from you how positively crestfallen were you when you heard trump say he is not a believer in aliens, emily? >> i sort of felt like wait i was hoping for his insight into the classified information to say definitively i can't tell you that and we would know it's a "yes." that's es. >> he was not going to fall for the trap of saying yes, i believe in aliens because how many headlines would that deliver? i thought that was, again, a measured answer, brilliant. >> i believe in aliens, i believe he believes in aliens come he has seen the file he has seen every file it's the first thing you do when you get into the oval office. they must make you sign something. the only time he has been -- >> but i feel like they would say something. >> very strong suggestion. they are real. >> they are real, thank you everyone for watching. don't forget to dvr the show, enjoy your weekend, guys. now here is "america reports." >> take a look at this, there are still well

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