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second term agenda. >> we have great common sense and a lot of smart people in this room in the lobby of that love our country beyond just about all else. >> john: a big afternoon we are back, hello i am john roberts in washington. this is one of those thursdays, sandra. we have a lot of energy from the news. >> sandra: you have to keep watching you never know. i'm sandra smith in new york this is "america reports" great to be with you, john. president biden back on the world stage with his foreign policy agenda in full focus but also marking the first time he is facing reporters since his son became a convicted felon. >> sandra: mike >> john: fox team coverage starting now martha maccallum with analysis. >> sandra: but starting with peter doocy on the white house north one of the president's remarks, peter. >> white house officials with all this talk about ukraine at g7 they want the world to know they have given ukraine the okay to use u.s. weapons against russian targets inside russia but we have this new map from the study of the institute of war, excuse me which shows 84% of the weapons the u.s. is giving the ukraine can't be used against targets there for example the u.s. weapons cannot hit any russian airbases in russia or the majority of russian air defenses. the biden team is hoping to lock in their support overall for ukraine with the new agreement a few minutes from now. they're hoping to make it harder for future presidents including may be trump to leave ukraine hanging. >> we are committing to support ukraine as it builds up its defenses for the next ten years. this is a demonstration to vladimir putin that he cannot outlast ukraine. he can't outlast us, he can't outlast all of ukraine's partners. >> the russians are also conducting naval exercises in the caribbean but defense official is telling us know that his routine and they did not consider it a threat to the united states right now. sandra? >> sandra: peter, how is the biden administration reacting to formal president trump being there in washington today as we just heard from him? >> if trump is going to be in capitol hill neighborhood they want people focused on the capitol riots from january of 2021 so here is a few seconds worth of their new campaign ad. >> we will give them pardons. >> fighting them to try again. there is nothing more sacred than our democracy. donald trump ready to burn it all down. >> that is something the biden brain trust is putting out there is debate prep begins so that is a theme we would expect to continue throughout the rest of this month. sandra? >> sandra: peter doocy live in the white house for us thank you. john? >> john: all right let's bring in martha maccallum anchor and executive editor of "the story" so let's listen to a little bit about what donald trump said and this cuts against the idea that politics ends of the water's edge, kind of unwritten policy campaigns a go. listen to what he said. >> we are in decline eight declining nation gang laughed out all over the world. we have a leader being left out all over the world. will turn it around fast. >> john: with the other six leaders of the g7 trump is saying he is a leader in decline. >> sandra: it was a forceful statement obviously national security number one on any president's list or in the to washington because he is running again so this is highly unusual. none of us have lived in this experience and a presidential election where the last guy wants to come back and i think it's not lost on any of us when you look at that january 6th theme to biden commercial that just came out, the campaign that just came out that these kinds of moments with the former president returning to washington talking about national security, talking about the very uncomfortable reality of russian ships off the coast of the united states, he is trying to sort of step on some of those images and say look, here i am, we are having good conversations, i am unified with the party and we take all of this very seriously and we want to have a very strong stick as teddy roosevelt would say when it comes to foreign policy, john. >> sandra: martha, great to have you on here as we do await the joint news conference that should be helping a short time from now. we do know the former president has spent a lot of time in the past 44 hours meeting with g.o.p. leaders and lawmakers and trying to unify the party and their message. there was this moment with mitch mcconnell on the trump meeting in washington yesterday and i want to get your reaction to it listen up. >> three years ago after the capital was attacked, i would support our nominee regardless what was. including him. i have said earlier this year i would support him come he hasn't earned the nomination from the voters all across the country. >> sandra: obviously an important moment what you tell us? >> mitch mcconnell has had his problems with donald trump the former president no doubt about that. trump has us at some elite unkind things about mcconnell and mcconnell has done the same about from. but mitch mcconnell, senate majority leader, minority leader of the moment, is if nothing else the ultimate capitol hill pragmatist. he wants to be on the side of what he thinks he can pass legislatively. he sees, clearly, the writing on the wall that the nominee is the former president donald trump and he wants to do what is best for his party and best for the principles and policies he likes to see enacted so i think what you're seeing here is the very practical side of mitch mcconnell today. >> john: donald trump again has her marks with the fact the russian war ships are steaming towards cuba just 30 miles off the coast of florida. he said that never would've happened on his watch. "the washington post" reported the following saying whatever russian warships doing in the caribbean? one russian reporter described the visit as retaliation for biden's decision to allow ukraine to strike inside russia with american weapons. and i'm wondering how trump would have responded if russia had pulled a stunt like that on his administration. and the fact that trump says the war in ukraine never would've happened. that "washington post" story makes a lot of sense, right? it seems logical they would send these ships. their navy has been very badly damaged by the ukraine and so this is a strong show of force by russia. i find it very odd, john and sandra, that the reaction from the white house is this is nothing out of the ordinary. you know, meanwhile the people and give us a we've never seen a nuclear sub before. so this is obviously a provocative show of force. my question is how long are they going to stay? will they become permanent fixtures 100 miles off the coast of key west? so i think it's strange and it's provocative and i don't know if that is the tone we will hear from the president when we hear from him moments from now with volodymyr zelenskyy but clearly this is intentional and it's meant to send a message. >> sandra: as dan hoffman just said it's interesting you see this all happened just months before the election and the president, former president just mentioned this, obviously we will hear with the current president has to say about this but martha, when the former president stepped out to speak a few moments ago, not only did he talk but he also talked order. it seemed right off the top that that was a priority for him. fresh off his multiple meetings with g.o.p. leaders and g.o.p. lawmakers, interesting to see where he will prioritize his messaging when it comes to the border, the economy, war and policy and where that will be. >> i think he is doing what has worked in the past. he knows this is a deep concern for americans because he sees it all over the polling. when he came down that escalator in 2015 he talked about the fact that the border needed to be secured. so i think he sees this as a very winning issue for him and also just as a deeply disturbing issue as an american citizen himself. so i think these things lined up together. i think if you were to win i would imagine you would see border action on day one. >> he will also have the opportunity to say what he did in of action to what biden did in his administration. he actually had an effect would biden has done now has not any effect. we will see you at 3:00 this afternoon. >> sandra: see you at 3:00, thank you. >> john: that will be a major point of contrast to say look, i issued executive orders remain in mexico policy and things like that and actually saw a decline in illegal immigration. biden signs an executive order, nothing on the border changes as we have seen through bill melugin in his reporting. speak to possibly it to get worst after the action taken by this president. john as we alert to pisano italy these life pictures are up right now little more activity on screen as we anticipate president biden and this joint press conference with ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy's so we will look for that and take it live. we have mike walz on deck. >> john: yes and all of that. got right here. see ya. 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's view on the president said something about for them to get that close to the united states now they are in cuba conducting war games. you kind of wonder russia seems to be laughing at biden. >> look, no, sorry don i didn't mean to interrupt you i was saying biden is finally giving zelinski permission to actually use the weapons. he trickles them in too little too late and then put handcuffs rather than just giving them what they need to win to drive this to some sort of negotiated solution but in terms of our own hemisphere, president trump was incredibly alarmed by the show of force pollutant is trying to demonstrate here by having warships right off florida's coast armed with hypersonic muscles, nuclear powered submarine, and this is layered on top of what the chinese are doing all over central south america and with spy bases in cuba as well. so look, i mean, our southern border is wide open. terrorism is back, our adversaries are by and large, are allies like israel are being severely, severely threatened. i mean, you are seeing a world where deterrence is public and it's all because of weakness in this white house. you can have the most capable military and the world, john, but if our adversaries don't fear our political will to use it effectively, then that's what we are seeing right now. around the world. >> sandra: congressman i will ask you about these meetings former president donald trump has been having on capitol hill. his first return there since leaving office, the first return since obviously the vote guilty verdict as well. he has been holding these meetings with the goal of unifying the party talking strategy and talking policy, obviously. he said this on unity, i'll get your reaction. >> tremendous unity in the republican party. want to see borders, we want to see strong military, we want to see money not wasted all over the world. we don't want to see russian ships right off the coast of florida, which is what they are at now that is on think will. want to see just success for our country. >> sandra: is there unity in the republican party? >> i thought this morning's meeting went incredibly well. there was optimistic and there was a lot of discussion about policy and hitting the ground running come january of 2025 if we would have both houses and the white house which i fully expect we will, he spent about half the meeting talking about doing tele- town halls, campaigning for house members, helping us drive turnout. i mean, the man is under full assault in the judiciary with a weaponized judiciary, he has his own presidential campaign and yet he spends half the morning talking about how he is going to help us grow our majority in the house and then from a policy standpoint of course it was border, border, border, near and dear to my heart, i cosponsor the authorization of the use of military force on the cartels was to put the cartels on their back foot, secure the border, re-energize our economy, interestingly he was talking about president mckinley, sandra. and his use of tariffs as a national security tool. mean, going back to the tariff act of 1887 he was talking about eisenhower's deportation campaign, so he is really thinking quite a bit about those first 100 days and all the work we have to do together to dig out of this holding by demonstration has put us in. >> john: let me come back to something you said a moment ago and i'm sorry, i didn't realize what you were saying when you jumped in there. you have the full capitol hill reverb behind you, sometimes it's difficult to hear exactly what you're saying in the moment there. but you said finally president biden is cutting his security agreement with ukraine and allowing them to do what it takes to strike russian forces behind the front lines. but there is a good possibility that if president trump gets reelected a lot of that may go away. >> what i was saying, john, president biden keeps giving them weapons about a year or two after they've asked for them. and then he puts handcuffs and restrictions, maybe some long-range missiles but says you cannot use them when the russians are sitting right over the border, i think for president trump's perspective and i've talked to him about this, it's how do we end this? what is the strategy? what's in line with our interests? he is very concerned with obviously with the nuclear saber rattling not just happening with russia but potentially happening with iran, north korea, china, them tripling the nuclear arsenal right now as we speak, but there is a difference in how do we end that war versus the current stalemate we are in with no end in sight, no strategy, and again, let's just go back to energy policy. to dry up two and richard to adversaries in rush's war machine by driving down the price of oil hand by the way helping inflation here at home. were killing three birds with one stone. so i think he is looking at the situation much broader, much more strategically in the next month we have the nato summit right here in washington, d.c., have 11 of 31 nato nations meaning the bare minimum of 2% of their defense. we literally with 35 trillion in debt cannot afford to continue to subsidize european security any longer in the big countries like germany, france, italy i've got to step up for their own defense. we could be allies and have tough conversations like that and i think president trump's rearing to go and do just that. >> sandra: real quick finally one other clip cut from former president donald trump's speaking a few moments ago on making america great. >> one thing in common we want to make america great again and we want to make our country great again, we are a nation into client, we are a declining nation. we are a nation being left out all over the world. we have a leader being laughed at all over the world. and we will turn it around and turn it around fast. >> sandra: and pointing out the timing of it, he delivered those remarks after his meetings on capitol hill just minutes from hearing from the current sitting president, joe biden and fasano italy with ukraine's zelinski. that's happening moments from now. i wanted your reaction to that, congressman. >> look, i think what president trump fundamentally understands is that yes, we have to have the world's greatest most technologically superior best trained military but our true strength is our economy and our economic might. and everything from shipbuilding to manufacturing to supply chains, the united states has to be self-sufficient. we have to bring them back home. there are ways to incentivize that. and also it cannot be dependent on our greatest adversary there it is the united states literally dependent on china for pharmaceuticals or the europeans dependent on russia for their energy needs. he really, truly grasps that as a fundamental level. what we are talking about are the policies to keep america great, to make america great again, and to sustain us as a global leader. i could not be more excited about hitting the ground running in january to do that. >> sandra: we will see what goes on november 5th. who comes out on top. congressman great to talk to you, thank you. >> thanks, guys. >> john: fani willis how she is contesting an appeal that would see her removed from former president trump's case in georgia and what she is saying now about her critics. >> sandra: plus supreme court handing out a supreme court ruling with access to a widely used abortion pill. shannon bream is here to break down the unanimous decision, what it might mean forroof election day think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. >> sandra: fulton county d.a. fani willis is heading back at her critics as she fights an appeal that would remove her from former president donald trump's collection interference case in georgia. jonathan serrie live in atlanta with more for us. jonathan, willis gave a speech today so how is that received? >> she did indeed, she actually got a standing ovation. this was a very supportive crowd. the speech took place at the georgia district meeting of the african methodist episcopal zion church, taking place in atlanta. fani willis proclaimed "justice is coming for the unjust" and accused her critics of racist and sexist stomach sexist attacks. >> you see i am so tired of hearing these idiots call my name as a way to attempt to humiliate me. because like silly schoolboys, the name reminds them of a woman 'real. >> fighting for pres president trump's efforts to remove her from the interference case back in march her special prosecutor nathan wade resigned after the judge ordered they cannot prosecute the case together. the defense allege their previous romantic involvement created and conflict of interest. here is what wade said about that in a cnn interview. >> what i believe is this whole conversation is a distraction. that's all. it's a tool to stop the train, to slow down the inevitable which is the trial of the defendant's named in the interference case. >> do you believe the trial happens? >> absolute. >> and awake predicted if convicted trump would pay sentencing as would any other defendant, sandra? >> sandra: live in atlanta for us, thank you. >> john: landmark ruling earlier today from the supreme court the justices unanimously rejecting a bid to ramp up restrictions on the abortion pill mefipristone let's bring in shannon bream host of "fox news sunday" and chief legal correspondent, here's what joe biden said about the bit the micro and today he said "today's ruling does not change the fact the fact fight for reproduce stomach reproductive rights continuing. when women lost their fundamental freedom when roe v. wade was overturned. part of republican elected officials extreme and dangerous agenda to ban abortion nationwide" that would seem to be and i may be's miss reading this a clear indication they will make abortion a huge election issue. how does all displays? >> it's interesting because you think the left would be happy about what happened today. it got to the merits about access to the pill but it said the standing issue these pro-life doctors who into they did not have a legal position to stand so the supreme court is not getting involved, the pill remains available it's on the market it's out there but i think democrats also felt a loss for them potentially politically because they felt like okay, we don't have the supreme court to rail on on this issue, to drag people out to the polls so taking away this pill is part of the medication abortion that now makes up for the majority of abortions in this country. >> chuck schumer tried to find the worm and the apple here listen. >> mefipristone is a safe and reliable drug that has been widely available for decades. though i am relieved by today's decisions made by the court, no one should be celebrating this decision. this decision should have been an obvious one. and let us not forget this decision was based not on the merits but on a lack of standing. we are not yet out of the woods. >> john: to your point not on merits but on standing. take the win. >> this is a day. the funny thing is because i get all these press releases whenever anything happens with the supreme court and today they are all like oh there were no dissenters, this was a unified decision yes they have unified decisions, we will get opinions again tomorrow. i may get emails from the same group saying they did a terrible job today we can't trust the court they are ruining this country but -- >> john: but when he says the should of been an obvious one, it clearly was. >> it was it was 9-0. they stuck together on that. now his point the fight is not over is an interesting twist because kansas, missouri, and idaho all try to join the case once again with the supreme grade they were not allowed to intervene but they had a lower level court that is still bubbling the case and they are saying okay, we pick it up from here because we think we have a better standing argument that we could actually show injury so their intent is to get back to the supreme court which would probably take a couple of years to get there. >> john: judge sarah not burn being considered to be the u.s. district court judge for the district of new york, republicans are probably going to give her a very rough ride. they call her a political activist judge most famous for putting a transgender biological male ex-military 6'2" tattooed and convicted and child pornographer in a women's jail. he threatens untold numbers of incarcerated women with, physical, and emotional abuse at the hands of male criminals. therefore i strongly encourage them to reject president biden's nomination. >> here's the thing. this was the recommendation this person not be sent to a woman's prison. this individual petition multiple times and the bureau said no we are not moving you into a woman's prison. this judge decided to go ahead and do that. as you mention convicted of rapig and 9-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy molestation under lindsey graham, senator john kennedy i always say you hope john kennedy is sick if you are a judicial nominee because you know he is tough on republican and democrat nominees. if he thinks you are up to no good and not up to the job, which they clearly feel like in this case come he will give you a hard time. >> john: ted cruz took a pretty good swing at her on may 22nd. >> my political ideology doesn't matter at all. >> i don't believe you. i think this case demonstrates that you are willing to subjugate the rights of individuals to satisfy your political ideology. >> john: why would you put a convicted rapist in a woman's prison question march >> it seems that she believed this individual was more a danger to a male present resin presentingn in more danger and ml prison but then again, they have been petition multiple times and had said no we don't think it's a good idea to send a convicted sex offender of this size and a women's prison. >> john: she was concerned that the prisoner may be more in danger in a men's prison but putting this person in a women's prison endangered women in the prison. >> that's the pushback she got on the hill was what about the women who are they are incarcerated they don't have an option to walk away from this person or not shower around this person. i don't know what the rules are, but many of them felt like it was not going to be protective to these women to put that individual in there. we will have governor doug burgum. he is at the top of the list for the vp pick so we will see. he will cough up any details. >> john: kind of a rotating wheel. >> it is. >> john: we will spin the wheel. >> we will see by sunday. >> john: sandra? >> sandra: the ongoing housing crisis in california now spreading to other states 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[music playing] >> sandra: fox news alert we are told they are inside the two minute window now to president biden and president zelenskyy of the ukraine and his bilateral news conference expected at any moment now as it was scheduled for about an hour ago, right john? running way behind but this will be key to listen with the message is on the world stage. as we have been reporting on the coast of florida we see some activity on the screen now. >> john: you know and literally things happen late. this is within the sweet spot still doing things official. the two leaders will show an agreement biden is signing it should be noted this is an executive action, not a treaty it does not have to be ratified by congress so when president trump gets elected we know he is not particularly hot on continuing support of this ukrainian work. he would like to see it ended so he can undo whatever biden does today with zelenskyy. >> sandra: this should begin shortly. if they are meeting on the sidelines of the group of seven summit. getting late in the evening as you noted this is key for many reasons as dan hoffman said earlier what's the message will be from president biden and our continued support of ukraine in this fight against russia as we have been noting the increase in activity the last 24 hours on behalf of russia. there'll be a lot to listen for here as we see the press secretary arriving as well. >> john: as soon as delegations come out you know you are it within a minute or so of the president coming out. this is also the first time he has faced the press since the hunter biden verdict. i am sure they chose the questionnaires carefully who will ask something related to the g7 but you know those pesky reporters you cannot always trust they will ask what you think they are to ask. they may say i have two questions mr. president, one about the security arrangement and the other is your reaction to the hunter biden verdict, so we will see if somebody does stretch out there. or if they told the line and the white house thinks they will tow it tow it. >> sandra: keith kellogg is here with us, national security advisor to president trump and mike pence, fox news contributor early apologies if we have to jump in and had to the news conference but first your thoughts on what we are about to hear. speak of that will be of good question. one of these agreements with zelenskyy, you know he cannot get a treaty through. the question is what will he entail? will it be training? do we put trainers on the ground? when you talk about a 10-year agreement, the concerns you have to start raising is what does this mean down the line? what are we going to give them? old put troops on the ground to train in tel aviv or other training sites that we've got there and to see where it goes so it's like where you going to go? i think what i would say is look, the question i keep asking is what is your desired end state of this? how would you go forward? because i'm reaching a point now where i don't think they have a plan for that. part of that plan is also how do you address this with china? because china is really providing the funding russia and the work and the mission against ukraine. so it's very, very calm look at see an end state and i hope they would get pretty hot and heavy about what does this really mean and pin them down okay, what is the end state a 10-year agreement, what do you see the end of ten years? >> john: it looks like this two-minute warning was a suggestion. as our speed limits across of america but this idea that biden has allowed ukraine limited use of medium-range artillery, rockets to strike into russian territory with the russian sailing 30 miles off the coast of florida. >> yes, john, this is kind of surprising to me look, if you are going to fight a war fight a war. if you are giving means to fight a war let the music. what they should have done years ago. and what is happening in the caribbean, by the way biden hasn't talked to them in two years. >> general, i'm sorry to interrupt you but i want to flag everyone leaders are coming out so if we could just put you on pause for a couple of minutes that would be great. w[applause] >> president biden: good evening, everyone. last year at the nato summit of lift when lithuania the united states brought together every member of the g7 to sign a joint declaration of support for the ukraine. 25 additional countries joined us quickly. each agreed to forge the long term bilateral commitment to the ukraine. president zelenskyy and i have just now signed that agreement between the united states and the ukraine. our goal in the ukraine's credible defense and deterrence capabilities for the long-term, lasting peace for the ukraine must be underwritten by ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and to deter future aggression any time in the future. the united states has to help ensure that ukraine can do both not by sending american troops to fight in ukraine but by providing weapons and ammu ammunition. expanding intelligence share, continuing to train brave ukrainian troops and bases in europe and the united states. enhancing interoperability between our militaries in line with nato standards. investing in ukraine's industrial so in time they can supply their own weapons and ammunition's. working with ukraine's partners to build a future for us that is strong, sustainable, and resilient. the supporting of ukraine's economic recovery as well as managing you covering with massive attacks and futile attempt to break the will of the ukrainian people. all of these lines of effort and others are laid out in this agreement. additionally the g7 achieved a significant outcome this week. on the matter of russia's frozen assets in europe and other places outside of russia back to 2022, two days after russia's invasion members of the g7 european unit work together to freeze $280 billion in russian central bank outside of russia. i am very pleased to share that this week the g7 signed a plan to finalize and unlock $50 billion in the proceeds of those frozen acts assets. putting that money to work for the ukraine and other reminder to putin we are not backing down. in fact, we are standing together against this legal aggression. the agreement that president zelenskyy and i just signed also lays out our shared vision for peace. piece rooted in the u.n. charter and sovereignty, territorial integrity. the piece with the broad base of support around the world that holds russia accountable in this war. we will see this vision strongly affirmed that the historic peace conference happened in switzerland this weekend. vice president harris will represent the united states. finally this agreement accelerates ukraine's integration in the european transatlantic communities. with major commitments from the ukraine to implement democratic economic insecurity in line with the european union's accessible. and nato's programs. while we take this step the united states is also intensifying pressure on russia. yesterday u.s. treasury department made clear any bank anywhere in the world that deals with sanction russian banks companies or individuals risk being sanctioned themselves. and we announce roughly 300 new sanctions on individuals bad companies that are helping russia that include key parts of russia's financial sector. i will wait until it goes over. as well as individual supply russia with items critical to its defense reduction like microelectronics. machine tools and materials. we also sanction more future energy project. in the nonnatural gas product and not yet fully operating. putin is counting on revenues from these projects. our sanctions will disrupt those plans. plus the g7 we discussed our shared concern in countries like china and supplying russia with materials they need for their war machine. we agreed taking collective action to push back against that activity. let me close with this. we have taken three major steps at the g7 that have collectively shown we cannot wait this out. it cannot divide us and we will be with ukraine until they prevail in this war. first a bilateral security agreement just signed, second the historical agreement the 50 billions of value to ukraine and third an agreement to ensure sanctions and disrupt third countries with the supply of russia's war efforts. will not increase pressure on the russian economy this is a powerful collection of actions and it will have a better two years ago it has been hard on the ukraine and people who are brave and incredible. also a testament to our world would we stand with ukraine? would we stand for sovereignty, freedom, and against tyranny? the united states from the g7, and countries around the world have consistently answered the question by saying yes, we will and we will say it again yes, again and again and again. we will stand with ukraine. thank you and i yield to my friend. >> thank you so much. mr. president biden, dear president, dear ukrainians, dear americans thank you so much in georgia for the invitation. today it's a historic day. we have signed the strongest agreement with ukraine and the u.s. since our independence. and this is an agreement on security and thus on the protection of human lives. this is an agreement on how our nations will become stronger. this is an agreement on steps to guarantee sustainable peace and therefore it benefits everyone in the world because the russian war against ukraine is a real, real global threat. i think you very much, mr. president for your leadership which is reflected in particular in this agreement and in your years of support for ukraine. i think our teams, both thank you very much for making sure the details of the agreement are really good. and of course i want to thank every ukrainian soldier, all our people who made this level of alliance between ukraine and the united states possible. and i am proud of our people and what ukraine can do and i am very grateful to all americans, to everyone in america, strengthens american leadership. so under the influence of the agreement with detailed legally binding part and this means that credibility of america's support for our ukrainian independence. secondly security commitments from the united states are based among other things on their sustainability of security and defense support not only put in duration of this war but also for the period of peace after the war. and we will definitely ensure peace. it clearly states that america's supporting of ukraine efforts to win this were. of course the agreement has good provisions on weapons for our defense where specifically on the better systems where specifically on the supply of fighter squadrons to ukraine that strive plural squadrons including but not limited to f-16s. we have worked for a long time for these. the agreement is also very specific of all the supply of the necessary weapons, and production and strengthening of the defense industries of our countries or corpo cooperation. this will not only provide security but also new good jobs for ukrainians and americans. the agreement also outlines what is needed in terms of intelligence, information. the agreement contains key aspects of protecting the lives of our people. it is very important that the agreement also addresses the issue of russia's just responsibility for this war and its attempt to destroy ukrainians. america supports both their compensation for the damage caused by russian strikes and working out ways to ensure that russian assets are used to protect and rebuild ukraine. the agreement also includes sanctions and expert controls that will make russia feel the pain for what it is doing again the freedom of people. and two more things. i am grateful that the philosophy of our security agreement is in fact that philosophy of the allies and that is why it is covered through the text of the agreement. the american support of ukraine's future and recognizes that our security agreement is a breach to ukraine's membership. it is very important for all ukrainians and for all europeans to know they will be no security in europe that tempts war and makes the future uncertain. now we are clearly defining everything we will cooperate for this victory providing the necessary security for our people. i thank you, mr. president for your leadership in this decision for 50 billion long for ukraine, it's vital step forward, and providing sustainable step forward toward winning this war. should be used for defending lives of ukrainians from russian aggressive and repaying the aggressive cause to ukraine. it is fair and absolutely right. mr president thank you. you're team i would also like to thank the united states congress for their support both chambers. thank you and thanks to every american heart that does not betray freedom and supports us. [ applause ] >> now we will

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