Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240612 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240612

>> breaking right now, the federal reserve is making a decision on which way to go on interest rates, it was supposed to come out within the last 30 seconds, but we have not received a kiss yet. but when it comes to dino cpa, it shows that inflation is continuing to ease but ever so slightly. to the point higher than that thanks 2% goal. it is way down from where it was when president biden took office, at 9%. no i am joking, it was 1.4% when joe biden took office, apparently they are leaving it unchanged, so we will see where that takes the market. the reaction is immediately down. but we will see if things will change throughout the day. so the feds are leaving rates unchanged, at this moment they're talking about the moment to put them up but they talked earlier this year about the ability to bring them down. we've seen the european central bank cut its interest rates, so maybe some good news on interest rates in the future. >> gillian: maybe in september. >> john: suspected terrorist with ty snep isis as one source has revealed to fox that the suspects entered the country through the southern border. welcome back to, "america reports." i am gillian turner. >> gillian: i am john roberts. great to be with you. >> john: i am john roberts. >> gillian: i am gillian turner, this is "america reports," the year is 2020. correct? >> john: every time i work with you -- >> gillian: officials are sounding the alarm over the wide open border, the headline of foreign affairs kind of says it all. the terrorism warning lights are blinking red again. piece written by two former obama era national security officials, democrats who are up on the hill, who are looking for answers. this is what they told us. >> isn't that pretty bad if i systems in place are literally welcoming terrorists and with open arms? >> they are not being welcomed, but it's a reminder that republicans need to stop opposing additional resources for more border patrol agents. >> does president biden had any responsibility of the fact that terrorists are allowed into the country? >> the fact that they were identified, entertained, and we know where they are, is people doing the job. >> iv the only terrorists who have come across the border? how can americans feel like they are safe if the systems in place do not work to keep terrorists out. >> we will work to keep a system safe and we should learn from every bit of work that it is that we do. >> john: despite their recent executive action migrants are still causing the border and cities are still struggling, and dozens of migrants are sleeping at the logan airport in boston. >> gillian: molly, what exactly are people sleeping? at logan airport? >> yes, these are far from their grandma's accommodations where families are sleeping on yoga mats or any sort of sleeping mats they can find overnight here. more than a hundred people i would say, families, including small babies and children, are running around. thanks the international terminal. there are various bags and suitcases and totes stone about. the number of people have been using this has been ebbing and flowing, but headlines about the issue has been making the news since january and it's no is to note that that our other airports that are sheltering migrants including in el paso and chicago. the shelter system back in massachusetts, back in the fall had forced the leaders to take drastic measures. they've been using hotel rentals and be practicing the old shouldered shoulders home. at a much more controversial measure was taking earlier this year. the takeover of a community center and boston. it forced a lot of programs there to find new spaces. that is slated to be open to the public for the summer and just a little more than a week. later this month, a former president and north of massachusetts is slated to be repurposed that will be open for a shelter for more than 400 people. one massachusetts has this unique right to shelter law under the historic strain on the system in april, the state democratic officer, signed into law a nine month limit on how long families can reside in emergency shelters. it is worth noting that the administration has announced notices will begin going out to families in july, the administration will also highlight opportunities that families have to extend their stay, beyond the 90 days cap, including meeting various requirements related to unemployment, disability, pregnancy, and avoiding any educational disruptions for children. gillian? >> gillian: wow molly, right outside, thank you john? >> john: [cheers and applause] [chanting] >> john: serial video from new york city where anti-semitic mob rates due to seats, and ended up outside of a museum honoring victims of the nova music festival. they even waived terr frogs with survivors of october 7th inside. at one point, people swarmed the new york city subway looking for " -- our next guest went to the protest to cover it as a generalist and ended up finding a police report after the mob surrounded her. let's bring in olivia, a reporter for their free press. you were down there in union square, covering the protest, here's what you wrote about in the free press. to be clear, i was in a public park, doing my job as a journalist, trying to document the movement as it is. but her mom prevented me from doing so threatening violence and grabbing my feelings, i felt the police report for harassment. a man wearing a hamas flag as a headscarf, pointed out you and shouted she is a design is, get out of here. how would you describe that scene and what you went through? >> just to clarify it was a different flag -- but they were also five for a hamas' militant wing get there, but how could i characterize this? the entire rally became about me, and at some point people were chanting my name instead of saying israel go to hell. they started saying of the vehicle to, my notebook was yanked from me, and was torn up and thrown in the air but when you actually look at what has happened nationally over the past 24 hours. when i experience was mild. when you see what was happening later that day outside of the nova exhibit in our site as well. >> john: to survivors, as you've mentioned from oct october 7th, they were trying to attend that exhibit at the museum that was honoring the people who were killed on october 7th. here's what they said about that incident. listen here. >> the people there are wanting to kill me and my friends and my country, and this is violent. and this is not our way. >> people outside our practicing -- and i felt like i am back on october 7th. i had a panic attack. >> john: i felt like i was back on october the 7th. october 7th was one of those horrific events that have ever happened to civilians. in recent memory. and yet she feels like she was back there. it says so much about what happened. >> yes, these protesters claim that they are antiwar, but they are for peace, but they find ways to justify violence of hamas. the valley started yesterday as a response to what they call a massacre which was the operation that rescued four hostages in gaza. and so, like i said, they find very creative ways to rebrand violence, as resistance. >> john: another episode happened to the director of the brooklyn museum. last night, the building that she lives in and that buildings of other directors of the museum lives, they were deceased with lead paint, signs out front saying that she is a white supremacist, scientist, eric adams the mayor of new york said the following about that. this is not a peaceful protest or free speech, this is a crime, and it is overt and unacceptable anti-semitism. i know it is 2024, but when you look at those pictures, outside of her brooklyn home, that is not too far off. especially from crystal. back in 1938, 1939. >> it is not good. and i will say the police saw what happened to me. i was shelved and hit at some point and they did not intervene so when actually try to bring the police over and they did not intervene in later when i filed a police report they actually try to discourage me from filing one even though like i said, my notebook, which i needed to do my story, it was destroyed. and so, i was glad to see eric adams make the statements but you have to wonder, how the police force has kind of allowed this moment to come. >> john: the level of hatred and anti-semitism, it was wrapped up and one big despicable package. in its voice by this protester. at union square who will vote for the darkest times in recent history in here. >> go home. >> john: i wish hitler was still here, he would've wiped all of you out. it's not just hateful it is psychotic and it should be condemned by everyone who calls themselves a member of civilized society. how can that happen, in 2024, new york city? >> unfortunately the scale of this is so large at this point, like i said if you just look at the past 24 hours, there were so many incidents that occurred. on ucla's campus, a rabbi was targeted and was called a, and was told to go back to poland or ukraine in a security guard who was trying to keep the peace was based on the head and ended up bleeding and so the scale of this is completely overwhelming. >> john: it is so disappointing and you have to wonder what is a go from here. thank you for joining us we are sorry for what happened to you but you are brave for keeping on in terms of doing your job. >> thank you for having me. >> gillian: we told you at the top of the hour, they are keeping a key interest rate on change and what does it mean for prices and for americans struggling to buy a home now, we will break it down with our money panel. >> john: man's best friend is reaching now a whole new level, a whole roll of dog is responsible for saving his owner's life, here's a hint, it involved a 4-mile run to get help ♪ ♪ nvestment portfolio and your retirement money? 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>> yes, it is interesting john because we are not talking about them buying a foreclosure, these investors are buying up starter homes in bulk, and turning them into rentals. this is mostly happening and booming real estate market here in the sun belt. especially for open research, who has been studying the information that leads the nation in this trend. >> every morning, three families rent our homes, that i hold by institutional investors, which owns more than 1,000 homes nationwide. >> experts are saying this drives up home prices in surrounding neighborhoods and makes it harder for individuals and families to get in. >> that can be tough competition for first-time home buyers because investors come in with more cash and either are buying out right with cash or with much larger down payment and they are making a much more competitive offer of. >>, recommends studying loan options and then they can try and find something they like, but institutional investors are not just buying up existing homes there is a small of a growing trend of building new homes for the sole purpose of renting them. according to a ranked cafe analysis, new built event homes surge from over 672019, to more than 27,000 last year. with the phoenix, dallas, and a growth in a metropolitan area, seen the most construction. while less is known about the short term impact of adult event, some experts believe in the long run it will be a good thing, because it is creating more housing inventory, something that we desperately need and eventually, corporate renters will become corporate sellers. john? >> john: eventually, i guess at some point. thank you so much jonathan. >> gillian: it was time to bring in our economic panel, -- steve, let's start with you, at the former president, trump, when he is in town tomorrow to meet with the republicans up on capitol hill, he will also join the business roundtable. we want to get your response on that, and the fed to decision to keep interest rates the same. >> first of all to respect with what trump will say, he will say we can do so much better with the economy. we did get a improvement in the inflation number today, and that is good. i was glad to see that, we want to see inflation back in the 2% target, we are still a long way from that. but, we could be doing better in terms of more economic growth. should be cutting taxes and not raising them. so i think donald trump will draw a very sharp distinction and asked these business leaders do you think that business conditions were better four years ago or today and i think it's pretty clear when trump was president it was better. >> gillian: robert, i assume you will disagree, before i get reaction to the effect decision, take a look at this. this is the cofounder calling on business president to reject the former president. because in short, the rule of law is on -- including business leaders who might value the last of these most highly -- take trump literally and seriously do everything they can to prevent his return to the white house. what you think about that criticism? >> well, i saw the article by veit hoffman and i supported it, i do think democracy is on the line, and i think there is a reason that democrats have outperformed all these polls since the decision of six to eight points. and there's a lot to campaign on from both sides. as steve says, there is a debate to be had on the economy, and that's where taxes should go and how corporate should be treated against these individuals and hardworking americans. it is worth having that debate. i also think we are starting to see inflation come down, it is off by two-thirds but we need to continue to see a calm down. but today's numbers, that shows that inflation was a good thing. and my guess is stephen, i agree that fred should not be cutting rates today, during september because the labor market in the consumer, the consumer sentiment is still strong i think. >> gillian: to that point steve, inflation is coming back down, everybody knows that, but the other stark reality here, and we set this all afternoon, i don't know if we still have the screen, but food, since -- is up 21%, energy 35%, and coinsurance, 51.5%. >> yes, there's no question about it, when you look at overall prices since biden came into office, i think the new number with the numbers that came out today from january 2021 to today, it's about 21% increase in prices, and yes, robert is right, at the rate of inflation has come down, but people are having a hard time affording anything, people can even go to mcdonald's or burger king anymore because they keep raising the prices, so, i think when you talk to ordinary americans, they are going to tell you, look i'm still being clobbered by inflation, it is like a big stain on a white dress. it is not going away. and i think people are still angry and financially stressed out because frankly, if prices are up 21%, i can guarantee you most americans have not getting that 21% pay raise. >> gillian: robert you get the last word with you think? >> thank you. i am not saying prices are where they should be, they are obviously not. the wages have gone on 14 straight months, north of inflation. looking at when president biden took office, inflation is up about 19.5%, wages are up about 70%. so we are seeing very good wage increases, especially in the one that got hit mostar and covid-19, such as manufacturing, help you and leisure -- we just need the trend to continue. groceries are down four straight months, the gas is finally under $3, but we are not where we want to be but we want to keep hopefully that trend being our friend, but it will not happen overnight. >> gillian: gentlemen, thank you for taking time with us this afternoon. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> gillian: john? >> we want to see us trump's running mate? >> ron desantis. >> senator nikki haley. >> okay, voters are guessing who can stand by former trump. , jason on which version of the vice president could show up to the plate. >> gillian: president biden will also touch down in italy for the g7 summit, and we have a correspondent already there. >> hello, president biden is set to sign a new security agreement, alongside 14 other countries, at least in dollars, not enforcers on the ground, a big goal of this summit is to deliver lasting support for that country ahead of pivotal election coming up in both the united states and in europe, considers have been gaining steam, but the president's mind might be on personal issues after the sun's conviction, this chip might be able to take his kids mind off of the conviction. we will tell you about that. i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? >> one of the many things i admire about my boss, is that it is so clear how much love he has for his family. and that is not just something that obviously as a human being, you see and feel in terms of how much he cares about his loved ones. but, also as a bus, it is a told that he has set across the administration. >> john: reacting to hunter biden's guilt and conviction as the president puts his family issues to the side. he is on the world stage this week at the g7 summit and injury, white house correspondent is in barley, and we save hello to you. >> good to see you john. as the president tried to put the legal issues aside for hunter biden during the summit, at least one of the children will be at his side. we saw finnegan boarding air force one heading to italy with her grandfather. the president has not spoken to reporters since the conviction, and the white house is not sharing any details about how he received or dealt with the news, the president says he will not pardon his son but they did not have a "yes" or "no" on commuting his sentence. >> i am saying that the president -- i have not spoken to the president about this but he was asked about a pardon, and was asked about the child's specific grade, and he answered this very clearly and very forthright, as we know the sentencing has not been scheduled yet, i don't have anything beyond what the president said, but he has been very clear about this. >> the president is skipping the g7 dinner tomorrow night, the white house did not have a good explanation as to why except to say he will be engaged with four foreign leaders and said it, not to read into this, early in the evening, he was slated to speak in a press conference alongside ukraine president, who he just met with in france. his presence creates a format where president biden will only be obligated to answer two questions, so we will see if he goes any further beyond that. we expect a lot of the focus in the press conference as in this summit to be on ukraine, and today the united states announce new sanctions, targeting the infrastructure tried to cut out the war machine, also at this time chinese entities that are helping russia and vaped sanctions, the stock exchange announced pretty quickly after that that able to spend our check sections in dollars and euros. john? >> john: jackie, thank you. we hope to hear you getting back from you again soon. >> gillian: jason, it is now fox news contributor and former utah congressman. thank you for taking time with us today. we are going to get into joe biden's trip but let's first ask about the white house comments, what i asked if the president would consider commuting president hunter biden's sentence. >> he was asked about a pardon and was asked about the trial specifically. and he answered it very clearly and very forthright, the sentencing has not even been scheduled yet, i don't have anything beyond what the president said but he's been very clear about this. >> gillian: it was so nice, we played it twice. >> that's okay. i love it when she says that the president has been very clear but i have not had a discussion with the president about it, and there are these outstanding questions about whether or not he will commit the sentence. what she claims to do and trying to be clear but i am left scratching my head. of course the president and a first lady of course i want to care about and love their kids. we all understand that. but donald trump loves his kids as well. and so, you have some compassion for that but at the same time, the jury has spoken and he is facing another set of a trial coming up. >> gillian: the president is now in injury at the g7 summit, this is the last chance on the world stage before their november 5th election, all eyes are on him to see if there's any stumbles or if there any gaps, or moments like this where the white house and the juneteenth celebration, the president was frozen in time as everybody else was grooving to the music at the white house juneteenth conference. or the concert rather, we had a special report last night who said he had a novel reason as to why the president look like that. listen to what he said. >> when you see that -- >> i saw old white guy standing there and these people are dancing and john says to me he is frozen -- i see a white man. i see him on the weekend and donald trump is going off about sharks and electrocution. >> john: but he basically said that the reason why joe biden was the only person who wasn't dancing and grooving to the music was because he was an old white guy. >> i will not comment directly on that but i will say, as someone involved in politics, it is probably best not to dance. although trump dance and there's nothing better than that. everybody loves it, no one can tip you created, but it goes to the cognitive capabilities of joe biden. he does not seem like he is really worth it. he is having a hard time keeping up, even when they grooving and dancing at trying to clap, he struggles to ge through that. >> gillian: take a look at at this from "vanity fair," reporting that the president is under utilizing the vice president, and her talents and abilities. and this is what they wrote, the biden administration's choice not to use the vice president on the campaign trail, if not political malpractice. kamala harris can remind people of color why they voted for president biden four years ago. so why not let her make some more? why not jason? >> because the vice president is totally incompetent. she doesn't have anything to say, they put her in front of some very big issues, the border and immigration, she was the suppose it border pushed -- she doesn't engage in it. she doesn't meet with border patrol or lawmakers or do anything -- and then she was going to be in charge of artificial intelligence, one of the biggest issues facing the world, and if you ever have been able to articulate where we are going and what should we be worried about and how we can put some rails on there so we don't get out of control, nothing. so she's been given a big portfolio, but nobody's gonna come out to see her show up and articulate about nothing. >> john: they improve the numbers have been tracking it average at her polling, and the reader's approval rating, 38.4%, remarkably is slightly better than president biden's current average in by saying that elcon must take somebody with that approval rating and put that together they have a 38% it is like somebody saying if the white sox and t the oakland 80s merge this year, maybe they could win the world series. >> may be. nobody will show up to those games and noble will show up to see kamala harris. she does not add anything. she was in eighth place, where she had to drop out of the race when she ran for president. i was only through -- >> john: she never made it to a primary. >> gillian: we do have to leave it there. but jason thank you for your time. we appreciate it. >> thank you we always enjoy. >> john: we have to go to taco bell one day. heavy rainstorms affecting florida, we have that coming up. >> gillian: plus this, i really terrifying crash left amman engine and a need of urget help, until his dog sparked a rescue. the man will join us live on the links that his dog lead to an end hero, the dog blue, took to save his life. stick with us. 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>> john: that is a lot of rain, listen up for this because this is incredible, an amazing rescue for our next guest after his truck went over the coast and crashed into a ravine, it is, a close up, taken from the top of the hill, it is a lot further down down that it looks. garrett had spent the night out there on that ravine, stranded with a busted ankle while his dog, blue, red form us through the forest and the rain for help. a search party then found him and got them to safety. he joins us now, along with his heroic dog. when i saw this story, i said we needed to reach out to you and we need you to get to tell you the story of what happened. so you are driving along the back road that is near the border with idaho and the eastern part of oregon, you go over the side, at a curve, it was raining at the time and your truck ends up at the bottom of the ravine, what happened then? >> well as far as what happened with me, i laid in the creek, overnight, because, it was foolish to try and move around, something like that, you cannot see where you are going. and, the other three stayed with me, but this one took off, headed back to where my camp was, which was closer to 6 miles away. he jogged up and got these people to look for me. >> gillian: and then what happened? clearly, he helped people find their way back to you, they got you, i have to say, it is nice to see you looking happy and healthy. >> i have been better, but i have been worse. [laughter] and, i'm glad to still be here. >> john: yes, that dog saves your life, if you would state out there longer, the west could have happened. do you have any idea why, you're doubt took it upon himself to say do you know what, brandon was at a campground and said i better run back and tell his friend he is not with me anymore, how did the dog not to do that? >> i don't have a clue. i had about that that stretch of the area for so long. they know the place at the back of their hand. as a matter fact, blue is -- we are used to -- >> john: if i were you ever let that dog do anything he wanted to do. [laughter] >> that is a pretty good point. >> john: so that dog went back to the camp, and your friend who you are camping with was there, and when he saw the dog, and you were there, he knew something was wrong that he launched a search party? >> yes, he went and got a hold of my brother, and my brother looked at the trap and said, he's probably dead. but, the deputy said sit tight young fellow. let's just sit tight. you are okay. the deputy pulled up, and as soon as it was lea light enougho see, i climbed out about 15 yards, and i had to get to a point where someone could see me because, nobody could see me from the road where i was at. and they have stopped reading by then. and, travis said, you are supposed to be dead. and i said no, not really. >> j >> gillian: , when you finally got home, what do your dog get? >> well, all my pets eat before i eat, so he just -- i treat him pretty well. >> gillian: he looks at. >> he's a good boy. >> john: you are traveling with four dogs but blue ran off to get help, two of the other dogs suffered injuries. how are they doing? >> they are doing okay. i can swing the camera over, seeking see my babies. baby. hey baby. there she is. >> john: she has the cone of shame on. >> yes she does. but she's a wonderful girl. >> john: pour thing. >> of my very best friend in the whole world. >> gillian: brandon we love hearing about your story and we loved chatting with you, but we are losing some of the connection there, but that is incredible. >> john: it's insane. how the dog knew to go back to the campground and just alert people. >> gillian: he rounded people up. it is amazing. >> john: it's an amazing story. it's like disney could not have written that. but if disney eroded the dog would've let everybody back, but he said has to be someone out there in the mountains and they were looking for him. >> i am so glad we had and here it was an amazing story. >> gillian: a new study suggesting the covid vaccine could be partially to blame for american desk, what doctors are saying about the study and how they are analyzing the data. that is coming up next. if you have generalized myasthenia gravis, picture what life could look like with vyvgart hytrulo, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds. for one thing, could it mean more time for you? vyvgart hytrulo can improve daily abilities and reduce muscle weakness with a treatment plan that's personalized to you. do not use vyvgart hytrulo if you have a serious allergy to any of its ingredients. it can cause serious allergic reactions like trouble breathing and decrease in blood pressure leading to fainting, and allergic reactions such as rashes, swelling under the skin, shortness of breath, and hives. the most common side effects are respiratory and urinary tract infections, headache, and injection site reactions. it may increase the risk of infusion-related reactions and infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart hytrulo for gmg and picture your life in motion. [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ >> john: a new study suggests covid-19 vaccines could be partially to blame for more than 3 million excess deaths in the united states and other western countries from 2020 -20 22. are washington correspondent joins us now, what did the study find? >> scientists were that excess mortality zooming high since 2020 despite the fact there's been covid-19 vaccines and under containment measures, when doctor we spoke with is convinced that covid-19 vaccines have been lethal. >> any reasonable doctor and scientist would say wait a minute, we will inject a genetic code for the killer protein of the virus and not be able to stop it, that could lead to side effects and death and the fact is it has. >> john: one of our fox news fox news medical contributors say it one of the biggest factors could have been people put into isolation during covid-19. >> it is clearly an association with countries that one to lockdowns and excess deaths. it appears that excess deaths are more correlated with lockdowns and then directly from vaccines. >> john: another one of our medical contributors say it is likely a combination of factors, the lockdown, the virus and the vaccine. >> the vaccine may have played a role, a slight role because why? we know there are certain side effects of the vaccine, myocarditis, also neurological problems, as well as blood clots >> john: the message in public health officials was you must get the shop. >> we need to get vaccinated because vaccines are highly advantageous, they are better than the traditional response you get from infections. >> john: arguing more research needs to be investigated to what contributed to excess mortality. we will be right back after this ardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ when did i call leaffilter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so, you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. it's the easiest call you can make. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit >> john: that story about who brandon garrett and blues just amazing. >> sandra: mind blowing. >> john: if i was in his situation my dog would look at me and say what are we going to eat? >> sandra: went home and taken a nap with is not, always fun being with you. thank you for joining us. >> the story with martha maccallum starts right now. >> martha: thank you very much, good afternoon everybody on martha maccallum and this is the very chilling story right now. sources tell us that eight suspected terrorists with ties

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, Way , Me And My Friends , Practicing , Events , Civilians , Panic Attack , October The 7th , Ways , Protesters , Memory , Peace , Massacre , Response , Hostages , Operation , The Valley , Gaza , Four , Last Night , Building , Director , Resistance , Episode , Brooklyn Museum , Directors , Lead Paint , Buildings , Saying , Lives , Anti Semitism , Scientist , Eric Adams , Crime , Following , Free Speech , Supremacist , 2024 , Back , Saw , Pictures , Crystal , 1938 , 1939 , Hit , Filing , Story , Statements , Wonder , Level , Protester , Police Force , Kind , Hatred , Package , Voice , Times , Go Home , Hitler , Wall , Everyone , Member , Civilized Society , Scale , Incidents , Campus , A , Rabbi , On Ucla , Head , Security Guard , Bleeding , Poland , Terms , Go , Prices , Interest Rate , Hardworking Americans , Top , Change , Money Panel , Dog , Life , Help Nvestment Portfolio , Roll , Owner , Hint , Man S Best Friend , Mile Run , 4 , Money , Smart Investor , Gains Lock , Retirement 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Minute , Protein , Death , Genetic Code , Lockdowns , Factors , Contributors , Association , Isolation , Role , Vaccine , Combination , Lockdown , Correlated , Blood Clots John , Health , Message , Myocarditis , Shop , Td , Research , Ardive Dyskinesia , Ingrezza , Mental Health Meds , Disconnecting , Thoughts , Changes , Actions , Dosing , Pill , Depression , Patients , Behaviors , Mood , Attention , Huntington S Disease , Side Effect , Sleepiness , Heart Rhythm Problems , Movements , Muscles , Suicide , Angioedema , Report Fevers , Don T , Ingrezza May , Leaffilter , Gutters , Call , Gutter Solution , Porch , Visit Leaffilter Com , Leaf , 833 , 833 Leaf Filter , Blues , Nap , Situation , Sandra , Martha Maccallum , Mind Blowing , Martha , Ties , Sources ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240612 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240612

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>> breaking right now, the federal reserve is making a decision on which way to go on interest rates, it was supposed to come out within the last 30 seconds, but we have not received a kiss yet. but when it comes to dino cpa, it shows that inflation is continuing to ease but ever so slightly. to the point higher than that thanks 2% goal. it is way down from where it was when president biden took office, at 9%. no i am joking, it was 1.4% when joe biden took office, apparently they are leaving it unchanged, so we will see where that takes the market. the reaction is immediately down. but we will see if things will change throughout the day. so the feds are leaving rates unchanged, at this moment they're talking about the moment to put them up but they talked earlier this year about the ability to bring them down. we've seen the european central bank cut its interest rates, so maybe some good news on interest rates in the future. >> gillian: maybe in september. >> john: suspected terrorist with ty snep isis as one source has revealed to fox that the suspects entered the country through the southern border. welcome back to, "america reports." i am gillian turner. >> gillian: i am john roberts. great to be with you. >> john: i am john roberts. >> gillian: i am gillian turner, this is "america reports," the year is 2020. correct? >> john: every time i work with you -- >> gillian: officials are sounding the alarm over the wide open border, the headline of foreign affairs kind of says it all. the terrorism warning lights are blinking red again. piece written by two former obama era national security officials, democrats who are up on the hill, who are looking for answers. this is what they told us. >> isn't that pretty bad if i systems in place are literally welcoming terrorists and with open arms? >> they are not being welcomed, but it's a reminder that republicans need to stop opposing additional resources for more border patrol agents. >> does president biden had any responsibility of the fact that terrorists are allowed into the country? >> the fact that they were identified, entertained, and we know where they are, is people doing the job. >> iv the only terrorists who have come across the border? how can americans feel like they are safe if the systems in place do not work to keep terrorists out. >> we will work to keep a system safe and we should learn from every bit of work that it is that we do. >> john: despite their recent executive action migrants are still causing the border and cities are still struggling, and dozens of migrants are sleeping at the logan airport in boston. >> gillian: molly, what exactly are people sleeping? at logan airport? >> yes, these are far from their grandma's accommodations where families are sleeping on yoga mats or any sort of sleeping mats they can find overnight here. more than a hundred people i would say, families, including small babies and children, are running around. thanks the international terminal. there are various bags and suitcases and totes stone about. the number of people have been using this has been ebbing and flowing, but headlines about the issue has been making the news since january and it's no is to note that that our other airports that are sheltering migrants including in el paso and chicago. the shelter system back in massachusetts, back in the fall had forced the leaders to take drastic measures. they've been using hotel rentals and be practicing the old shouldered shoulders home. at a much more controversial measure was taking earlier this year. the takeover of a community center and boston. it forced a lot of programs there to find new spaces. that is slated to be open to the public for the summer and just a little more than a week. later this month, a former president and north of massachusetts is slated to be repurposed that will be open for a shelter for more than 400 people. one massachusetts has this unique right to shelter law under the historic strain on the system in april, the state democratic officer, signed into law a nine month limit on how long families can reside in emergency shelters. it is worth noting that the administration has announced notices will begin going out to families in july, the administration will also highlight opportunities that families have to extend their stay, beyond the 90 days cap, including meeting various requirements related to unemployment, disability, pregnancy, and avoiding any educational disruptions for children. gillian? >> gillian: wow molly, right outside, thank you john? >> john: [cheers and applause] [chanting] >> john: serial video from new york city where anti-semitic mob rates due to seats, and ended up outside of a museum honoring victims of the nova music festival. they even waived terr frogs with survivors of october 7th inside. at one point, people swarmed the new york city subway looking for " -- our next guest went to the protest to cover it as a generalist and ended up finding a police report after the mob surrounded her. let's bring in olivia, a reporter for their free press. you were down there in union square, covering the protest, here's what you wrote about in the free press. to be clear, i was in a public park, doing my job as a journalist, trying to document the movement as it is. but her mom prevented me from doing so threatening violence and grabbing my feelings, i felt the police report for harassment. a man wearing a hamas flag as a headscarf, pointed out you and shouted she is a design is, get out of here. how would you describe that scene and what you went through? >> just to clarify it was a different flag -- but they were also five for a hamas' militant wing get there, but how could i characterize this? the entire rally became about me, and at some point people were chanting my name instead of saying israel go to hell. they started saying of the vehicle to, my notebook was yanked from me, and was torn up and thrown in the air but when you actually look at what has happened nationally over the past 24 hours. when i experience was mild. when you see what was happening later that day outside of the nova exhibit in our site as well. >> john: to survivors, as you've mentioned from oct october 7th, they were trying to attend that exhibit at the museum that was honoring the people who were killed on october 7th. here's what they said about that incident. listen here. >> the people there are wanting to kill me and my friends and my country, and this is violent. and this is not our way. >> people outside our practicing -- and i felt like i am back on october 7th. i had a panic attack. >> john: i felt like i was back on october the 7th. october 7th was one of those horrific events that have ever happened to civilians. in recent memory. and yet she feels like she was back there. it says so much about what happened. >> yes, these protesters claim that they are antiwar, but they are for peace, but they find ways to justify violence of hamas. the valley started yesterday as a response to what they call a massacre which was the operation that rescued four hostages in gaza. and so, like i said, they find very creative ways to rebrand violence, as resistance. >> john: another episode happened to the director of the brooklyn museum. last night, the building that she lives in and that buildings of other directors of the museum lives, they were deceased with lead paint, signs out front saying that she is a white supremacist, scientist, eric adams the mayor of new york said the following about that. this is not a peaceful protest or free speech, this is a crime, and it is overt and unacceptable anti-semitism. i know it is 2024, but when you look at those pictures, outside of her brooklyn home, that is not too far off. especially from crystal. back in 1938, 1939. >> it is not good. and i will say the police saw what happened to me. i was shelved and hit at some point and they did not intervene so when actually try to bring the police over and they did not intervene in later when i filed a police report they actually try to discourage me from filing one even though like i said, my notebook, which i needed to do my story, it was destroyed. and so, i was glad to see eric adams make the statements but you have to wonder, how the police force has kind of allowed this moment to come. >> john: the level of hatred and anti-semitism, it was wrapped up and one big despicable package. in its voice by this protester. at union square who will vote for the darkest times in recent history in here. >> go home. >> john: i wish hitler was still here, he would've wiped all of you out. it's not just hateful it is psychotic and it should be condemned by everyone who calls themselves a member of civilized society. how can that happen, in 2024, new york city? >> unfortunately the scale of this is so large at this point, like i said if you just look at the past 24 hours, there were so many incidents that occurred. on ucla's campus, a rabbi was targeted and was called a, and was told to go back to poland or ukraine in a security guard who was trying to keep the peace was based on the head and ended up bleeding and so the scale of this is completely overwhelming. >> john: it is so disappointing and you have to wonder what is a go from here. thank you for joining us we are sorry for what happened to you but you are brave for keeping on in terms of doing your job. >> thank you for having me. >> gillian: we told you at the top of the hour, they are keeping a key interest rate on change and what does it mean for prices and for americans struggling to buy a home now, we will break it down with our money panel. >> john: man's best friend is reaching now a whole new level, a whole roll of dog is responsible for saving his owner's life, here's a hint, it involved a 4-mile run to get help ♪ ♪ nvestment portfolio and your retirement money? 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>> yes, it is interesting john because we are not talking about them buying a foreclosure, these investors are buying up starter homes in bulk, and turning them into rentals. this is mostly happening and booming real estate market here in the sun belt. especially for open research, who has been studying the information that leads the nation in this trend. >> every morning, three families rent our homes, that i hold by institutional investors, which owns more than 1,000 homes nationwide. >> experts are saying this drives up home prices in surrounding neighborhoods and makes it harder for individuals and families to get in. >> that can be tough competition for first-time home buyers because investors come in with more cash and either are buying out right with cash or with much larger down payment and they are making a much more competitive offer of. >>, recommends studying loan options and then they can try and find something they like, but institutional investors are not just buying up existing homes there is a small of a growing trend of building new homes for the sole purpose of renting them. according to a ranked cafe analysis, new built event homes surge from over 672019, to more than 27,000 last year. with the phoenix, dallas, and a growth in a metropolitan area, seen the most construction. while less is known about the short term impact of adult event, some experts believe in the long run it will be a good thing, because it is creating more housing inventory, something that we desperately need and eventually, corporate renters will become corporate sellers. john? >> john: eventually, i guess at some point. thank you so much jonathan. >> gillian: it was time to bring in our economic panel, -- steve, let's start with you, at the former president, trump, when he is in town tomorrow to meet with the republicans up on capitol hill, he will also join the business roundtable. we want to get your response on that, and the fed to decision to keep interest rates the same. >> first of all to respect with what trump will say, he will say we can do so much better with the economy. we did get a improvement in the inflation number today, and that is good. i was glad to see that, we want to see inflation back in the 2% target, we are still a long way from that. but, we could be doing better in terms of more economic growth. should be cutting taxes and not raising them. so i think donald trump will draw a very sharp distinction and asked these business leaders do you think that business conditions were better four years ago or today and i think it's pretty clear when trump was president it was better. >> gillian: robert, i assume you will disagree, before i get reaction to the effect decision, take a look at this. this is the cofounder calling on business president to reject the former president. because in short, the rule of law is on -- including business leaders who might value the last of these most highly -- take trump literally and seriously do everything they can to prevent his return to the white house. what you think about that criticism? >> well, i saw the article by veit hoffman and i supported it, i do think democracy is on the line, and i think there is a reason that democrats have outperformed all these polls since the decision of six to eight points. and there's a lot to campaign on from both sides. as steve says, there is a debate to be had on the economy, and that's where taxes should go and how corporate should be treated against these individuals and hardworking americans. it is worth having that debate. i also think we are starting to see inflation come down, it is off by two-thirds but we need to continue to see a calm down. but today's numbers, that shows that inflation was a good thing. and my guess is stephen, i agree that fred should not be cutting rates today, during september because the labor market in the consumer, the consumer sentiment is still strong i think. >> gillian: to that point steve, inflation is coming back down, everybody knows that, but the other stark reality here, and we set this all afternoon, i don't know if we still have the screen, but food, since -- is up 21%, energy 35%, and coinsurance, 51.5%. >> yes, there's no question about it, when you look at overall prices since biden came into office, i think the new number with the numbers that came out today from january 2021 to today, it's about 21% increase in prices, and yes, robert is right, at the rate of inflation has come down, but people are having a hard time affording anything, people can even go to mcdonald's or burger king anymore because they keep raising the prices, so, i think when you talk to ordinary americans, they are going to tell you, look i'm still being clobbered by inflation, it is like a big stain on a white dress. it is not going away. and i think people are still angry and financially stressed out because frankly, if prices are up 21%, i can guarantee you most americans have not getting that 21% pay raise. >> gillian: robert you get the last word with you think? >> thank you. i am not saying prices are where they should be, they are obviously not. the wages have gone on 14 straight months, north of inflation. looking at when president biden took office, inflation is up about 19.5%, wages are up about 70%. so we are seeing very good wage increases, especially in the one that got hit mostar and covid-19, such as manufacturing, help you and leisure -- we just need the trend to continue. groceries are down four straight months, the gas is finally under $3, but we are not where we want to be but we want to keep hopefully that trend being our friend, but it will not happen overnight. >> gillian: gentlemen, thank you for taking time with us this afternoon. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> gillian: john? >> we want to see us trump's running mate? >> ron desantis. >> senator nikki haley. >> okay, voters are guessing who can stand by former trump. , jason on which version of the vice president could show up to the plate. >> gillian: president biden will also touch down in italy for the g7 summit, and we have a correspondent already there. >> hello, president biden is set to sign a new security agreement, alongside 14 other countries, at least in dollars, not enforcers on the ground, a big goal of this summit is to deliver lasting support for that country ahead of pivotal election coming up in both the united states and in europe, considers have been gaining steam, but the president's mind might be on personal issues after the sun's conviction, this chip might be able to take his kids mind off of the conviction. we will tell you about that. i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? >> one of the many things i admire about my boss, is that it is so clear how much love he has for his family. and that is not just something that obviously as a human being, you see and feel in terms of how much he cares about his loved ones. but, also as a bus, it is a told that he has set across the administration. >> john: reacting to hunter biden's guilt and conviction as the president puts his family issues to the side. he is on the world stage this week at the g7 summit and injury, white house correspondent is in barley, and we save hello to you. >> good to see you john. as the president tried to put the legal issues aside for hunter biden during the summit, at least one of the children will be at his side. we saw finnegan boarding air force one heading to italy with her grandfather. the president has not spoken to reporters since the conviction, and the white house is not sharing any details about how he received or dealt with the news, the president says he will not pardon his son but they did not have a "yes" or "no" on commuting his sentence. >> i am saying that the president -- i have not spoken to the president about this but he was asked about a pardon, and was asked about the child's specific grade, and he answered this very clearly and very forthright, as we know the sentencing has not been scheduled yet, i don't have anything beyond what the president said, but he has been very clear about this. >> the president is skipping the g7 dinner tomorrow night, the white house did not have a good explanation as to why except to say he will be engaged with four foreign leaders and said it, not to read into this, early in the evening, he was slated to speak in a press conference alongside ukraine president, who he just met with in france. his presence creates a format where president biden will only be obligated to answer two questions, so we will see if he goes any further beyond that. we expect a lot of the focus in the press conference as in this summit to be on ukraine, and today the united states announce new sanctions, targeting the infrastructure tried to cut out the war machine, also at this time chinese entities that are helping russia and vaped sanctions, the stock exchange announced pretty quickly after that that able to spend our check sections in dollars and euros. john? >> john: jackie, thank you. we hope to hear you getting back from you again soon. >> gillian: jason, it is now fox news contributor and former utah congressman. thank you for taking time with us today. we are going to get into joe biden's trip but let's first ask about the white house comments, what i asked if the president would consider commuting president hunter biden's sentence. >> he was asked about a pardon and was asked about the trial specifically. and he answered it very clearly and very forthright, the sentencing has not even been scheduled yet, i don't have anything beyond what the president said but he's been very clear about this. >> gillian: it was so nice, we played it twice. >> that's okay. i love it when she says that the president has been very clear but i have not had a discussion with the president about it, and there are these outstanding questions about whether or not he will commit the sentence. what she claims to do and trying to be clear but i am left scratching my head. of course the president and a first lady of course i want to care about and love their kids. we all understand that. but donald trump loves his kids as well. and so, you have some compassion for that but at the same time, the jury has spoken and he is facing another set of a trial coming up. >> gillian: the president is now in injury at the g7 summit, this is the last chance on the world stage before their november 5th election, all eyes are on him to see if there's any stumbles or if there any gaps, or moments like this where the white house and the juneteenth celebration, the president was frozen in time as everybody else was grooving to the music at the white house juneteenth conference. or the concert rather, we had a special report last night who said he had a novel reason as to why the president look like that. listen to what he said. >> when you see that -- >> i saw old white guy standing there and these people are dancing and john says to me he is frozen -- i see a white man. i see him on the weekend and donald trump is going off about sharks and electrocution. >> john: but he basically said that the reason why joe biden was the only person who wasn't dancing and grooving to the music was because he was an old white guy. >> i will not comment directly on that but i will say, as someone involved in politics, it is probably best not to dance. although trump dance and there's nothing better than that. everybody loves it, no one can tip you created, but it goes to the cognitive capabilities of joe biden. he does not seem like he is really worth it. he is having a hard time keeping up, even when they grooving and dancing at trying to clap, he struggles to ge through that. >> gillian: take a look at at this from "vanity fair," reporting that the president is under utilizing the vice president, and her talents and abilities. and this is what they wrote, the biden administration's choice not to use the vice president on the campaign trail, if not political malpractice. kamala harris can remind people of color why they voted for president biden four years ago. so why not let her make some more? why not jason? >> because the vice president is totally incompetent. she doesn't have anything to say, they put her in front of some very big issues, the border and immigration, she was the suppose it border pushed -- she doesn't engage in it. she doesn't meet with border patrol or lawmakers or do anything -- and then she was going to be in charge of artificial intelligence, one of the biggest issues facing the world, and if you ever have been able to articulate where we are going and what should we be worried about and how we can put some rails on there so we don't get out of control, nothing. so she's been given a big portfolio, but nobody's gonna come out to see her show up and articulate about nothing. >> john: they improve the numbers have been tracking it average at her polling, and the reader's approval rating, 38.4%, remarkably is slightly better than president biden's current average in by saying that elcon must take somebody with that approval rating and put that together they have a 38% it is like somebody saying if the white sox and t the oakland 80s merge this year, maybe they could win the world series. >> may be. nobody will show up to those games and noble will show up to see kamala harris. she does not add anything. she was in eighth place, where she had to drop out of the race when she ran for president. i was only through -- >> john: she never made it to a primary. >> gillian: we do have to leave it there. but jason thank you for your time. we appreciate it. >> thank you we always enjoy. >> john: we have to go to taco bell one day. heavy rainstorms affecting florida, we have that coming up. >> gillian: plus this, i really terrifying crash left amman engine and a need of urget help, until his dog sparked a rescue. the man will join us live on the links that his dog lead to an end hero, the dog blue, took to save his life. stick with us. 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>> john: that is a lot of rain, listen up for this because this is incredible, an amazing rescue for our next guest after his truck went over the coast and crashed into a ravine, it is, a close up, taken from the top of the hill, it is a lot further down down that it looks. garrett had spent the night out there on that ravine, stranded with a busted ankle while his dog, blue, red form us through the forest and the rain for help. a search party then found him and got them to safety. he joins us now, along with his heroic dog. when i saw this story, i said we needed to reach out to you and we need you to get to tell you the story of what happened. so you are driving along the back road that is near the border with idaho and the eastern part of oregon, you go over the side, at a curve, it was raining at the time and your truck ends up at the bottom of the ravine, what happened then? >> well as far as what happened with me, i laid in the creek, overnight, because, it was foolish to try and move around, something like that, you cannot see where you are going. and, the other three stayed with me, but this one took off, headed back to where my camp was, which was closer to 6 miles away. he jogged up and got these people to look for me. >> gillian: and then what happened? clearly, he helped people find their way back to you, they got you, i have to say, it is nice to see you looking happy and healthy. >> i have been better, but i have been worse. [laughter] and, i'm glad to still be here. >> john: yes, that dog saves your life, if you would state out there longer, the west could have happened. do you have any idea why, you're doubt took it upon himself to say do you know what, brandon was at a campground and said i better run back and tell his friend he is not with me anymore, how did the dog not to do that? >> i don't have a clue. i had about that that stretch of the area for so long. they know the place at the back of their hand. as a matter fact, blue is -- we are used to -- >> john: if i were you ever let that dog do anything he wanted to do. [laughter] >> that is a pretty good point. >> john: so that dog went back to the camp, and your friend who you are camping with was there, and when he saw the dog, and you were there, he knew something was wrong that he launched a search party? >> yes, he went and got a hold of my brother, and my brother looked at the trap and said, he's probably dead. but, the deputy said sit tight young fellow. let's just sit tight. you are okay. the deputy pulled up, and as soon as it was lea light enougho see, i climbed out about 15 yards, and i had to get to a point where someone could see me because, nobody could see me from the road where i was at. and they have stopped reading by then. and, travis said, you are supposed to be dead. and i said no, not really. >> j >> gillian: , when you finally got home, what do your dog get? >> well, all my pets eat before i eat, so he just -- i treat him pretty well. >> gillian: he looks at. >> he's a good boy. >> john: you are traveling with four dogs but blue ran off to get help, two of the other dogs suffered injuries. how are they doing? >> they are doing okay. i can swing the camera over, seeking see my babies. baby. hey baby. there she is. >> john: she has the cone of shame on. >> yes she does. but she's a wonderful girl. >> john: pour thing. >> of my very best friend in the whole world. >> gillian: brandon we love hearing about your story and we loved chatting with you, but we are losing some of the connection there, but that is incredible. >> john: it's insane. how the dog knew to go back to the campground and just alert people. >> gillian: he rounded people up. it is amazing. >> john: it's an amazing story. it's like disney could not have written that. but if disney eroded the dog would've let everybody back, but he said has to be someone out there in the mountains and they were looking for him. >> i am so glad we had and here it was an amazing story. >> gillian: a new study suggesting the covid vaccine could be partially to blame for american desk, what doctors are saying about the study and how they are analyzing the data. that is coming up next. if you have generalized myasthenia gravis, picture what life could look like with vyvgart hytrulo, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds. for one thing, could it mean more time for you? vyvgart hytrulo can improve daily abilities and reduce muscle weakness with a treatment plan that's personalized to you. do not use vyvgart hytrulo if you have a serious allergy to any of its ingredients. it can cause serious allergic reactions like trouble breathing and decrease in blood pressure leading to fainting, and allergic reactions such as rashes, swelling under the skin, shortness of breath, and hives. the most common side effects are respiratory and urinary tract infections, headache, and injection site reactions. it may increase the risk of infusion-related reactions and infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart hytrulo for gmg and picture your life in motion. [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ >> john: a new study suggests covid-19 vaccines could be partially to blame for more than 3 million excess deaths in the united states and other western countries from 2020 -20 22. are washington correspondent joins us now, what did the study find? >> scientists were that excess mortality zooming high since 2020 despite the fact there's been covid-19 vaccines and under containment measures, when doctor we spoke with is convinced that covid-19 vaccines have been lethal. >> any reasonable doctor and scientist would say wait a minute, we will inject a genetic code for the killer protein of the virus and not be able to stop it, that could lead to side effects and death and the fact is it has. >> john: one of our fox news fox news medical contributors say it one of the biggest factors could have been people put into isolation during covid-19. >> it is clearly an association with countries that one to lockdowns and excess deaths. it appears that excess deaths are more correlated with lockdowns and then directly from vaccines. >> john: another one of our medical contributors say it is likely a combination of factors, the lockdown, the virus and the vaccine. >> the vaccine may have played a role, a slight role because why? we know there are certain side effects of the vaccine, myocarditis, also neurological problems, as well as blood clots >> john: the message in public health officials was you must get the shop. >> we need to get vaccinated because vaccines are highly advantageous, they are better than the traditional response you get from infections. >> john: arguing more research needs to be investigated to what contributed to excess mortality. we will be right back after this ardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ when did i call leaffilter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so, you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. it's the easiest call you can make. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit >> john: that story about who brandon garrett and blues just amazing. >> sandra: mind blowing. >> john: if i was in his situation my dog would look at me and say what are we going to eat? >> sandra: went home and taken a nap with is not, always fun being with you. thank you for joining us. >> the story with martha maccallum starts right now. >> martha: thank you very much, good afternoon everybody on martha maccallum and this is the very chilling story right now. sources tell us that eight suspected terrorists with ties

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Haley , Running Mate , Ron Desantis , Vice President , G7 Summit , Guessing , Plate , Version , Voters , Jason On , Italy , Correspondent , Security Agreement , Hello , Countries , Summit , Both , Election , Enforcers , Support , Ground , Steam , Europe , Issues , Conviction , Kids , Mind , Chip , Sun , Sound System , Gonna , Card , Team , Kevin , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Cashback Like A Pro With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Caaaaaaaaash , Family , Human Being , Boss , Love , Hunter Biden , Bus , Guilt , Loved Ones , Side , World , Barley , G7 Summit And Injury , Air Force One , We Saw Finnegan , Reporters , Grandfather , Son , No , Sentence , Pardon , Sentencing , Child , Grade , Press Conference , Evening , Dinner , Explanation , Format , Presence , Questions , Ukraine , France , Sanctions , Entities , War Machine , Infrastructure , Focus , Chinese , Euros , Check Sections , Stock Exchange , Russia , Vaped , Jackie , Contributor , Fox News , Congressman , Trip , Utah , Commuting , Comments , Trial , Discussion , Course , First Lady , Jury , Compassion , Chance , Injury , Stumbles , Set , Gaps , Eyes , November 5th , 5 , Music , Grooving , Concert , Juneteenth Conference , Everybody Else , Juneteenth Celebration , Dancing , Guy Standing , Weekend , Electrocution , Sharks , Someone , Person , Politics , Guy , Wasn T Dancing , Nothing , Dance , Capabilities , Vanity Fair , Reporting , Keeping Up , Clap , Take A Look , Abilities , Kamala Harris , On The Campaign Trail , Malpractice , Choice , Talents , Color , Front , Immigration , Artificial Intelligence , Border Patrol , Lawmakers , Charge , Rails , Nobody , Out Of Control , Portfolio , Approval Rating , 38 4 , Polling , Reader , Average , Fivethirtyeight Com , 38 4 , Somebody , Elcon , Oakland 80s , White Sox , 80 , 38 , Add Anything , Games , Race , Noble , World Series , Primary , Florida , Rainstorms , Taco Bell , Help , Rescue , Need , Dog Blue , Dog Lead , Hero , Engine , Links , Crash Left Amman , Urget , Cologuard , Provider , Stick , Yup , Risk , Results , Colon Cancer , Non Invasive , 45 , Solutions , Partner , Payments , World Food Programme , Citi S Industry , 180 , My Name Is David , Globe , Pharmacist , Prescription , Customers , Prevagen , Number One , 44 , Stores , David , Jonathan Lawson , Life Insurance , Budget , Program , Three P S , P , P S , Colonial Penn , 85 , 50 , Coverage , 65 , 95 , 9 95 , 54 , Medications , Lifetime , Options , Health Questions , Exam , Acceptance , 1 , Rate Lock , Beneficiary Planner , Calling , Cabin , Employees , Paycom , Neither , Action Hero , 12 , Problems , Payroll , Hollywood , Water , Trains , Danger , Ladies , Down The Line , Streets , Flooding , Flash Flood Warning , Road , Drivers , Lead , Waters , Miami , Part , Eye , The End , National Hurricane Center , Idl , Boxing Impacts , I 90 The Interstate Being , Atlantic , Rain , Ravine , Truck , Coast , Garrett , Search Party , Form , Forest , Ankle , Safety , Back Road , Idaho , Oregon , Curve , Bottom , Creek , Camp , 6 , Laughter , Campground , Doubt , Idea , West , Story About Who Brandon Garrett , Stretch , Clue , Matter Fact , Hand , Camping , Brother , Hold , Deputy , Trap , Sit Tight Young Fellow , Light Enougho , 15 , Reading , Travis , J Gillian , Pets , Boy , Dogs , Injuries , Camera Over , Iran , Baby , Babies , Cone , Shame , Girl , Some , Disney , Everybody Back , Mountains , Study , Doctors , Data , Desk , Vyvgart Hytrulo , Myasthenia Gravis , Picture , Treatment , Muscle Weakness , Ingredients , Reactions , Blood Pressure , Trouble Breathing , Shortness , Breath , Swelling , Rashes , Decrease , Fainting , Skin , Allergy , Side Effects , Doctor , Infection , Infections , Headache , Injection Site Reactions , Urinary Tract Infections , History , Hives , Symptoms , Sfx , Life In Motion , Neurologist , Water Lapping , Ambient , Vaccines , Deaths , Are Washington , Scientists , 0 , 3 Million , 22 , Mortality , Containment Measures , Zooming , Virus , Wait A Minute , Protein , Death , Genetic Code , Lockdowns , Factors , Contributors , Association , Isolation , Role , Vaccine , Combination , Lockdown , Correlated , Blood Clots John , Health , Message , Myocarditis , Shop , Td , Research , Ardive Dyskinesia , Ingrezza , Mental Health Meds , Disconnecting , Thoughts , Changes , Actions , Dosing , Pill , Depression , Patients , Behaviors , Mood , Attention , Huntington S Disease , Side Effect , Sleepiness , Heart Rhythm Problems , Movements , Muscles , Suicide , Angioedema , Report Fevers , Don T , Ingrezza May , Leaffilter , Gutters , Call , Gutter Solution , Porch , Visit Leaffilter Com , Leaf , 833 , 833 Leaf Filter , Blues , Nap , Situation , Sandra , Martha Maccallum , Mind Blowing , Martha , Ties , Sources ,

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