at least hunter's did. when he was found guilty on all three charges that he faced in his federal gun trial. now, of course, the angle has long maintained that while not insignificant, this open and shut case is probably the least serious of all the biden schemes exposed by congressional investigators and a few indust industrious reporters. now, given that we know that he was often a drug-addled mess, who frequented with prostitutes. what exact expertise did he have when foreign entitsz including china decided to pay him tens of millions of dollars? and why have the bidens repeatedly lied about joey's involvement? the bidens have become one of the richest families in the history of american politics and to this moment no one has ever been able to explain what hunter or jim or any of the other bidens did to get paid other than showcasing their connection to the big guy. >> he got $40,000 from jim biden that was directly traced to the china influence peddling scheme which was 10%, ironically, of what the fees were. >> the big guy. >> right, for the big guy. then he got $200,000 directly linked from an influence peddling scheme with americorps health which was a scam led by jim biden. so we found a quarter of a million dollars that joe biden got. >> laura: that's a drop in the bucket. and, of course, the biden beasters in the media tried to use today's gun verdict to counter any notion that the justice system under joe biden is unfairly targeting donald trump. >> you have a president of the united states who is living embodiment of the rule of law even with respect to his only living son. >> there is not many countries in the world where the son or daughter of said country would get prosecuted in their judicial system. this is how different america is. i do think this is a -- this is a really good day for the american system. >> joe biden set quietly and let the rule of law operate. the law applies to everybody. and it is fair. >> laura: nice try, kids. hunter's case involved a clearly provable crime. trump's involved a totally novel application of a state statute, a predicate crime never specified, a partisan prosecutor, and a compromised judge. no one is shocked here with this hunter trial, of course, hunter lied on a gun form e was a crack addict had an affair with his dead brother's wife and turned that poor woman on to crack as well. the only shocking part here he was convicted in wilmington. but i guess even delaware is at this point sick ever the bidens. joining me mike davis founder and president of the article iii project. former law clerk to justice gorsuch and tristan leavitt attorney for the irs whistleblowers who say that the doj tried to cover up tax probe hunter biden. mike, let's start with you. tip of the iceberg. even a red herring, or a figure leaf. what's your take away? >> i think it's a side show. democrat picked u.s. attorney in delaware, david weiss, who covered up for joe biden and the biden family. they tried to have a sweetheart plea deal with a back door pardon, this judge in delaware called them out on that and then we have these gun charges that don't tie to joe biden. they only tie to hunter biden. so these are serious charges. hunter biden, if they actually follow the law here, 97% of people convicted of drug charge go prison for many years. we shall see what happens with hunter biden. >> now, tristan as mike alluded to, the case likely would have never been brought because the sweetheart deal never would have been exposed had it not been for those irs whistleblowers that you represent. and they were trashed at the time by many as we like to call them the regime media. >> yeah, they absolutely were. what's interesting is to look back even before they came back, before they came forward because, before we sent the letter to congress indicating that gary shapley intended to come forward, this case was languishing with nothing. there wasn't even a plea deal. they were just going to let it die with nothing happening. as soon as gary shapley came forward, can you see the correspondence between the assistant u.s. attorney leslie wolf, reached out to hunter's team and tried to offer him a deal where he wouldn't have to plead guilty at all. none of this would be happening today were it not for the whistleblowers exposing the fact the doj and irs proved massive charges against hunter biden and decided to let them drop one by one. >> laura: mike, given what we knew and what had already come to light, it is curious, is it not. that they didn't decide to plead it out given the utter disgrace that has been raining down upon the biden family because of everything come out are they used to getting away with stuff or thought the prince could do no wrong. >> remember they flew jill biden back and forth from europe to delaware. i think as a show of political force delaware jury surprisingly did not go along with the power play by the bidens and actually followed the fact and the law here. >> laura: tristan, one thing i noticed in today's conch of this is how the media kind of quickly shifted to kind of white washing the concern about what has been done to president trump not only in federal court but in state courts. but, also then shifting to oh, isn't it great that the biden family is all huddled up together? they are supporting one another through this difficult time. and this was the former comms director kate bedingfield, watch. this personally, it's very hard. he is -- the biden family is incredibly close. they are very close knit. they lean on each other. i worked for joe biden almost 8 years. set in different meetings including the oval office when a member of the family would call him and he would stop a meeting and step out to take a call from his family. he truly puts family first. so, for him, obviously, this is very hard. >> laura: well, they put family first with money as well. but, look, tristan. they have had family tragedy. obviously drug addiction is a horrible thing. it's also been hard, however for the people come up against the bidens to try to expose what has been going on including the whistleblowers that you represented. and, yet, what they had to go through, no one cared about them. still going through it. hunter biden is currently suing the irs. gary shapley my client and joe zeigler another attorney. those individuals are the subject of this suit. we recently had to intervene just to stop g.o.p. from taking a dive in that case and saying you are right. they broke the law. conferences. that's only happening because hunter biden is bringing this suit making these outland dish allegation these broke the law by using the whistleblower statute. >> laura: people call it the tip of the iceberg. red herring. mike calls it a side show. mike and tristan, thank you. now, if we what we saw last night at the white house tells you anything, it should be. this jill bid joe biden is not e making any major decisions. >> you know -- she knows so long -- nide. our freedom can never be secured. >> laura: we checked the white house transcript for an official translation of that gobble did i gook and what he tried to say she knew so long as our history was denied our freedom can never be secured and then he tried to talk bower founding. >> this soldiers linked line of patriots risked their lives in every war since the founding of our ideals we don't know fully what american soil is. quality and freedom. >> laura: then he tried clap. >> to the people on this side clap your hands. to the people right here clap your hands. >> to the people up top, clap your hands. >> laura: can get confusing that whole clapping thing. well, the dancing was a little better, right? we will get to that a little bit later with jimmy failla. maybe you could argue that it was late. he was tired. but, i don't think that explains today. >> say you are pro-law enforcement and be pro-abolishing the aft. >> laura: i think he meant the atf, the aft. isn't that the american federation of teachers? joining me now florida congressman byron donalds is a vote for biden in november really just at this point we should all just conclude this is a vote for president harris? >> laura, it absolutely is. because we know it's just not conceivable that joe biden would even last another four years. i mean, listen, this is not a good situation. i know people have been having a lot of fun with it and people have been laughing about it on social media. it is quite funny but it's sad when you know that he is the person that has to engage with world leaders. he is the person that is making so many decisions with respect to the federal agencies are doing. these decisions are being made by people of our country to be the president of the united states. so voting for him in this election. basically means you are giving power to somebody else. that's not what the american people should be doing. and then you look at the policies and realize even if he was the person making all the decisions, they are still god awful decisions that have ruined our country and have made our feel less safe. >> laura: last night toe white house, biden seemed to refer to republicans at one point. watch. >> they're all ghosts in new garments trying to take us back. well, they are, taking away your freedoms and making it harder for black people to vote. well, have your vote counted. closing doors of opportunity. attacking the values of diversity, equity and inclusion. >> laura: so, congressman, using ghosts, yorntion if some cute staffer was trying to, you know marks make some type of allusion to the kkk or what that was. but, did it land? >> no, but i think it's incredibly sad. you have a president and you have a white house and frankly a campaign team who is going to try to sow division, sow fear and so that everybody else is tearing down this country when the truth of the matter is, they're the one that has spied on the american people. they're the ones who leaf our borders massively wide open. they ever the ones destroyed the purchasing power of hardworking men and women of america as well as seniors in america. so the people we should be afraid of are joe biden and kamala harris. we need a change this november that change is coming in the form of donald trump. >> laura: now, congressman, i wasn't even going to mention this, but i think it's important to play this so we see how desperate the democrats are to put someone like you down because you disagree with them. watch this, this is congresswoman crocket. >> if we continue to put people into office and that even means some of our skin folk who definitely are not our kinfolk such as byron donalds, the fact that you are sitting around talking about life was better under jim crow is this because you don't understand history? or literally it's because you married a white woman and so you think that white washes you. i'm not really sure like what it is. i feel like they give him his talking points and he is like yes, master, i got it. >> they said the same thing about condoleezza rice. they said the same thing about justin thomas. even colin powell at one point i remember that years ago. congressman, your response? >> well, my response personally is it is that jazmine, she sits on committee with me. we just walked off the house floor she could have came up and talked to me any time she wants to. she did not. second thing i will say is nobody tells me what to say. everybody knows that i say what i think and i speak my mind. the truth of the matter is that the policies of her party have been damaging to americans, it's also been damaging to black americans. and america has a choice. are they going to listen to the tropes and to the fear-mongering and to the gaslighting of the democrats, or are they going to look at policies what matters in their pocketbooks, what matters for americans' security and support republicans this november? it's that simple. >> laura: congressman, thanks so much tonight. all right, coming up next. merrick garland's doj has become its own theme in the babylon bee. i will explain the hypocrisy but, don't criticize them. my angle, next. ♪ we've always loved taking care of our home, from the gardening to any repairs that come up. but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. snowboarding. snowshoeing. anyway, he was fine, but it takes longer to heal now. and we prefer to stay active. we realized some home maintenance jobs aren't worth the risk. that's when we called leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. they gave us a free inspection, and we got our system installed that week. our leaffilter trusted pros will clean out your gutters, repair or replace your gutters, and install leaffilter, america's #1 gutter protection system. honestly, my only regret is not calling sooner. it's true, leaffilter has saved us so much time and the peace of mind. now we can focus on what we really enjoy. join millions of satisfied homeowners. get leaffilter. call 833 leaffilter today, or visit how do you find the perfect father's day gift? 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and check your constitution, sir, because it's congress' job to decide how to spend the money allocated to each department. it's not up to you and your den of activists. but, of course, garland knows. they just doesn't care. like he doesn't care about congress' oversighted role regarding audio recordings of that interview biden did about the classified documents found in his garage. last week, garland tried to claim that itself was an attack on the doj. >> these attacks have not and they will not influence our decision-making. i will not be intimidated. and the justice department will not be intimidated. we will continue to do our jobs free from political influence and we will not back down from defending democracy. >> laura: yeah, only influence we care about is from the white house. defending democracy? that's what you call stonewalling legitimate oversight? that literally unleashed hundreds of prosecutors and federal agents, who knows how many, spent tens of millions of dollars in taxes pair money to harass, intimidate, track and even jail nonviolent trump supporters at the capitol on january 6th. and that guy is complaining about intimidation from a few questions? the fact that he wrote this op-ed at all is only more evidence of the political nature of everything they do over there. because not only is garland wrong about the law, he fails to address republicans in congress who have cataloged the myriad of ways in which he has used the doj for political retribution and to help, of course, the biden campaign he merely calls the attacks false claims in this piece, made by those who themselves trying to influence the election. that's what he argues, what? so now believing that the frontrunner should be able to campaign freely without doj interference in a presidential election year that's trying to influence the outcome of an election? that's their argument? who wrote this piece? you see, all we want is for people to be able to vote for the candidate of their choosing. but to garland, and his political hit squad, a trump victory would, itself. be a threat to democracy. wrap your mind around that. we trust the people. but they don't. which is why they want a judge to decide it all and the same reason why they want as many illegals to rush in as possible to eventually vote in a far left super majority. garland's professed concern for protecting institutions and democracy is also belied by the glaring fact that at this very moment, his party is launching a 24/7 campaign to discredit the supreme court. pro-biden activists are secretly tape recording justices in an attempt to delegitimize future court decisions. news flash, by the way, justice alito believes in god, like totally. >> like, people in this country who believe in god, keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. >> well, i agree with you. i agree with you. >> i support your ruling on dobbs. i support, like, i'm very pro-life, but, like, you know, i don't know how we bridge that gap, you know, like how do we get people. >> i wish i knew. i wish i knew. i don't know. it's not -- i don't think it's something we can do. >> we have a very defined role. >> yes. >> we need to do what we are supposed to do. >> laura: aside from the fact that there is nothing remotely problematic about what alito said remember he said a defined role we play and that's all we can do. does merrick garland support now the secret recordings of justices? >> did people who want to pearl clutch about this, you know, please tell me how we're going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy and really just refusing any degree of accountability whatsoever, particularly in the face of, you know, what are very like extraordinarily serious ethic breaches. are we going to continue our tradition of secular democracy or led to christian theocracy? >> laura: christian theocracy. they are trotting that out again. in god we trust. christian theocracy. what a vile woman. or just a stupid woman. again, they don't care. the left is going to do anything they can to prop up a man fossilizing before our very eyes. they are going to turn a blind eye as justices are harassed at their homes, only stepping in by the way when a suspect literally planned to kill justice kavanaugh. and they will do nothing as leftist assault law enforcement or deface war memorials, right across from the white house. but they will prosecute three people in connection with skid marks on a pride flag. check out the difference between the two vandalized areas. happened on different coasts but it sends the same message. all fair minded people know what is going on here. the double standard, the irony, the hypocrisy is lost on biden's foot soldiers w rip into the supreme court. only to claim republicans don't respect the rule of law. >> what size chip is on the shoulder of samuel alito no. grace one of nine human beings sitting for life on the supreme court. there is bitterness, anger and a plan for delayed revenge. these attacks have an overwhelming liquor retrospective and dangerous effect on the very foundations of pillars of democracy. and again, the rule of law is under attack. rachel's words it needs to be protected. so, it was heartening, seems like maybe he was listening when attorney general merrick garland submitted to the "the washington post" today an op-ed that served as something of a public warning. >> laura: protect the rule of law by taping