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>> we are now awaiting reactions from the white house and possibly even hunter biden himself, after the first son was found guilty on all counts and his federal grandchild. hunter biden was accused of lying of his drug usage after purchasing a john back in 2018, it took the jury just about three hours to come to a decision. it was a quick verdict. it marks the first time the son of a sitting president has been found guilty of a federal crime. we are still awaiting deal to us on a potential sentencing date, sentencing often happens about a hundred and 20 days from the moment of the verdict so we will see if that is the case. >> kayleigh: hello, everyone this is "outnumbered" i am here with harris faulkner and emily compagno. joining us district attorney, superior court judge and you know her, lisa boothe and kevin walling. first let's bring in david, live outside or house? >> hello, everyone. it has been a moment and set the court room when this verdict was read. as you said that jerry was not out long at all, maybe about 15 or 20 feet i was sitting behind hunter biden, he was showing no emotion looking forward and trying to be upbeat after the verdict was read. it was notable not only that he was convicted on all three counts and we could hurt a lot of salacious text messages and photos and things on his laptop and from the zach clapper at the end of the day, this was about one gun form that he signed in october of 2018. he said he was not addicted to drugs on this form, and was convicted of lying to a store clerk and then possessing a gun illegally for seven days having been addicted to drugs. it is notable that special counsel david weiss, brought all of these charges against hunter biden. the first lady, rushing to the courtrooms a few moments after and the reason i highlight that is to give an idea of how fast this happened. the judge brought the jury and they said go back to deliberate and they only deliberated for about an hour yesterday, they started a little bit after 9:00, and then after 11 we had a verdict. there is no sentencing deadline yet but it's about 120 days from now, hunter and his team left but we may hear from special counsel at some point today. >> kayleigh: quick question for you david, i was reading "the daily beast" and they talk about the 25% gorilla in the room, not pound but person. hunter biden had quite a entourage in the courtroom, you mentioned the first lady, what was the reaction of verse 25 people? were they stunned? >> james biden, the president's brother, and uncle, seemed very angry. he was looking straight forward and looking very stoic. especially when this happened. the first lady was not in the room when it happened, she walked out, hand-to-hand with hunter biden holding his hand and showing support. hunter biden turned around and kissed his wife and padded somewhat on the back, valerie biden, the sister, was actually in the hallway when the verdict was read and she kind of hastily renting quickly after. so a lot of people were surprised that this happened sod to run back quickly to see the verdict. but a lot of disappointed people no question in the courtroom. kaylee? >> kayleigh: thank you. and just then, we have a statement from joe biden on the guilty verdict. of course that is his son. here he is, as i said last week, i'm the president, but i mostly father. we love our son and we are so proud of the men he is today. so many families who have had loved ones who battle addiction understand the feeling of pride in seeing someone you love come out on the other side and being so strong and resilient in recovery. i have also stated last week, i would accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter biden considers an appeal, my wife and i will be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. it is a big moment, i can imagine personally for the president, i remember a political article, he is right about the psychological torment as hunter biden has for trial. they said that these are the sources for political, he has expressed fears about the possibility that his son wolf served prison time. one advisor said that he worries about his son every single day from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep. i seem to only pick up during the trial. this statement is reflecting that sentiment. >> the statement was a good one. they got it out just in time. they didn't waste any time. he did the right thing and took the right track. i am the father and part of my son he is overcome this addiction problem. but remember, he is not 18 years old. hunter biden is 54 years old. he was in business, and businesses with foreign countries that have been assented the biden family. many of those family members are sitting in that courtroom, and they are showing what i will say is a show of strength, that unity. some might interpret it as a show of force or intimidation but as i said as the first day on jurors' election i didn't understand why the first lady was there during jury selection. i have seen this for many years, but during jurors selection, that is a message. i have my secret service here, we are a unified front. and the bottom line is those prosecutors have been been sown in various. they say you know what we are knocking to take this on the chin this time we are going right for it within a tell the jury that is not evidence and let the jury understand that even though there is a show of unity, in essence, that is not evidence obviously and is also a dysfunctional family. this is a family where the women involved, they have so much that was visited upon them because they were related to hunter biden. whether it was the wife of the ex-wife with a widow or their children, every woman in his life, has been impacted by his negative activity. >> one question for you judge, hunter's attorney is a great attorney and everyone respects him. but when you have a case so clear-cut and the facts next to the law, bingo, that initial guilty plea crumbles. why didn't he advise -- maybe he did, go back to the table and plead guilty. you are not going to win, why was he confident he could win? >> jeanine: because he is a biden. this is the first time hunter biden has faced responsibility and consequences for his actions. i wasn't aware of it until the trial that he was known as the prince in that area. but he was the son of joe biden. this was a man who is 54 years old and been doing a lot of shady stuff. getting thrown out of military for crack use. so they thought that the fairy dust would spread all over in the jury would buy into it. but they didn't. and abby is brilliant. but he overplayed his hand. this is a straightforward case, as i've ever seen. how often do you hear the defendants, his voice bellowing in the courtroom. i was an addict at this time, a you know, the jury sat there and said, you know what, they proved every element of this case. there was no significance, it was straightforward and we had circumstantial evidence. direct evidence. now they want us to believe he's an alcoholic -- what a backup from? he overdid it and it didn't work. >> so many good points. especially that reporting. but all you have to do is google. >> harris: is a lot of him online. >> jeanine: there was. he could never take this down. if he took the stand and perjured himself, the judge would know they would not pull any punches. vicky yu move for perjury and that could be used against them in the guidelines in the sentencing guidelines. so, abby was smart enough to know they can never put them on the stand. they would have to ask him about a lot of other bad things. >> we found out from the ex-girlfriend, the ex-wife, how much there was. andy mccarthy, fox news contributor, we welcome you to "outnumbered." you know, i can't help but think if not for the laptop denials. there were two things that went wrong, kaylee brought it up for hunter biden. he states the stunt because he wanted to have a congressional subpoena gaia but we found out that he was shooting a documentary. there were a lot of things around him that were rather explosive, but that laptop, if his father had not gone on record for this information, all of that. it ends up the heart of the case. do you think this case -- you would you been able to get all those messages and things? could they have gone after him is not for the laptop? >> the laptop certainly made it a much stronger case. the other thing areas that you had in this case that you do not know or hernani have is hunter reading his memoir, that was like having to defend its own voice narrate his crimes. bell is also something that was not a part of code that is usually available to prose prosecutors. look, i think that the trial strategies you, it was not good. it was not designed to have a good outcome. but at the same time, if my high school football team is gonna play the kansas city chiefs, they can get their brains began because -- >> i mean, they had no matter -- no matter what strategy or a cat they try to pull out of the hat in this case they really did not have a chance. the evidence was overwhelming. >> going forward in this trial, if this was an easy or guilty on all three counts against hunter biden, the receipts in this one, during a time with their questions about his dealings with foreign entities and his father is on some of those phone calls and so on and so forth, what do you see? >> i would just point out that when the sweetheart plea deal happen the gun case was the one that they try to divert. the tax case was one that what they were willing to plead guilty to. they wanted to plead guilty to misdemeanors and have the most serious conduct plug down in the case is so overwhelming, that the so-called special counsel, david weiss, he actually allowed the statute of limitations to eat some of the tax years that have the most serious criminal conduct in them. the years that jill jill joe bin was vice president. that case was overwhelming to us as much is this case. i cannot conceive of them going to trial on that and the weeks prior to the election. you have to think a guilty plea. the reason the guilty plea broke down is because number one, hunter biden did not want to accept the fact that a jail sentence was likely when you talk about $4 million in income that he evaded taxes on. that is what is going to happen. but the other thing i have to say is just bad lawyering. as you point out that this is before abby came into the case. the first set of lawyers. what broke the plea deal down was that hunter wanted weiss to go on record to basically say he was getting a immunity back on everything that was conceivable other than what he was pleading guilty to. and his lawyers did not trust -- one that broke down because weiss politically felt like he could not say that in the courtroom i think that hunter's lawyer should not have trusted that weiss did not want to prosecute hunter and if they are just gone with the flow, he never would have been prosecuted on anything else. but because they would not accept it, that weiss politically could not get up, and do what he wanted them to do, they said tear up the agreement. this is the aftermath of that. speeches thank you, you have been with us for several hours and we we are in your expertise. as well as the whole team at fox news. you have done an amazing job. thank you. kaylee, can i say this. because in less than an hour and 20 minutes from now, the president is set to deliver remarks on every time constance university. in washington hilton. he's going to talk about gun law, and the judge pointed out the right timing of that response. the written statement. they are absolutely right on that. do you want your first words and reactions to you son, 54-year-old man, being found on all counts against him meta-dylan fairchild? you want those first what's out there before you have to stand up before the gun law audience and talk about anything. >> kayleigh: let me give you a quote from about a year ago, could hunter biden be the next poster trial for second amendment rights? the great irony that president biden today is arguing for forcefully enforcing the second amendment, and his son will be arguing the opposite in the court of law based on the supreme court opinion, which could absolve them in time, constitutionally he may be able to have this sentence go away may be an appeal, but the tension between a father and a son on this issue is going to be interesting to watch. >> jeanine: it's not just a father and a son, a father who is in the department of justice, who tried to give an immunity dealer in perpetuity, where he would never be held responsible or indicted because he has lifetime immunity. this was a department of justice under jill biden that dragged its teeth and allowed the statute of limitations to have the most serious tax charges. so, they did everything they could and it's almost like this is. this is a jury coming back and saying, you can play these games, the federal judge did not buy it, not the jury didn't buy it, and they cannot do that anymore. you have an individual, who was so dead to write in terms of his doing things illegally, that they do not have any choice at this point. no one has a choice here. >> that is exactly right, it is interesting to watch, emily your thoughts? >> emily: a broader landscape, the president if he releases a statement about how much he loves his son, is anticipation of how much he might become incarcerated for this, but the reality is there's almost a hundred and 57,000 american families who are federally incarcerated at this moment, going through exactly ws going through at this moment and they do not have the benefit ofe biden name to be shocked or to be angry about it because they have the law come on them as hard as it always does. to come of this little bit, the sentencing, the duration of the sentences for federal firearms have been increased throughout the years as state sentencing has actually decreased so right now there's a hundred and 56,000 plus federal incarcerated almost 21,000 of them are in for firearms offenses. our whole third had no criminal record a little criminal record before. so hunter biden is clearly within my point, his peer group. in the thought that there is that oh, i am so sorry, i did not mean it. which defense tried to call it the presentation here, chatting in the first lady as a clear, a clear attempts on intimidation or persuasion but was far outside the confines of a right reputable court room and then to plea on the heartstrings, there are plenty of fatalities that occur with people under the throes of addiction and plenty of criminal behavior that yes they didn't need it, but they are still consequences for their actions. so hunter biden right now is joining the 10% of federally firearms violations and conviction in last year alone, he is not joining that group it is a large pool. so the point that the president is going to make this part of his gun campaign, this is a slam-dunk case for him to say yes, this is the system i contributed to working. here's someone who is not getting off because of money or name or influence, this is essentially a strict liability offense. where if you did it, you are guilty, you are going to jail. welcome to the real world, hunter biden. >> kevin, speaking as a parent, it seems inconceivable that a parent will not do everything in their power to keep their trial from having to endure a potential jail sentence. i know hunter biden has ruled out the idea that he would be parting, but do you think there's any flexibility? now that there's a verdict? >> kevin: he's been very clear and they said it overseas, he doubled down on saying that he will not pardon his son. and i think to emily's point, that's why the statement and -- it was so important. the president needs to respect the judicial process and affirmed its outcome. that is hopefully a step in the right direction of hopefully, getting this country back on board with respecting the judicial process. there has been under attack for the last number of years. we have called into question the power of the jury deliberation and a jury deciding of our peers. peers. so hopefully that will be one good outcome now this afternoon there's an event as you rightly say and point out at the white house, to cause them to question, somebody thinks we can do on the margins, we passed the bipartisan gun legislation that the year and a half ago which was supported by the president, trying to double down on some of the good things of the elements but certainly there's a split screen going on with today's outcome. >> as you look at the split screen before you, you can see the attorney for hunter biden, who just walked out of the courtroom, you can catch a buncf him there. let's bring in fox news contributor jonathan turley. professor turley, i mentioned to kevin to president has been absolutist and saying i will not pardon my son, but any observer of the law knows that there is no one's there. maybe he doesn't pardon which would absolve him of all guilt. but what about her commutation he is not specifically spoken to a commutation which would reduce his sentence. >> well, i think that is clearly a legitimate question. but the real issue ultimately will be what joe biden will be thinking if he is a lame duck president. usually controversial pardons are granted in the final day of a presidency. we saw bill clinton do that when he parted his half-brother and also another person who was perhaps the least worthy of a pardon. a democratic donor, they usually wait until they are literally leaving the oval office to grab those types of pardons. i think that going forward, you are going to see if there any attractions of appeal, they are hoping that the supreme court might be able to give him a lifeline. i am doubtful, even if a pending case goes for the second amendment, keep in mind that when hunter biden was convicted of, he was lying on a gun form. those cases turn on whether you should lose your second amendment rights, if you are a drug user. but, i hope that the supreme court is going to say that that justifies you are lying on a gun form. he didn't say yes, i am a drug user, but i still believe i have a right to have a gun, he lied. and that's what he was convicted of. so, the assumption that that case will wipe away this conviction, it is probably a misplacement. going into this next case, he is going there now as a convicted felon, right before an election. and he should have pleaded guilty before this trial ever began. now the pressure will be doubly so going into los angeles. >> kayleigh: at that. they knew what on that gun form on the second amendment argument, the american public from a political standpoint is curious, are we going to see hunter biden, and his attorneys, as a robust second amendment activists over the next few months? >> right, we have already seen it, they have ripped a page out of the nra briefing book. they made the same argument already that the nra has made, and said that this is my second amendment right and i believe in the individual right to bear arms. his father is saying the exact opposite, keep in mind that hunter biden is challenging the law to his father has heralded and asked for even greater penalties on there. so the gap between the two bindings here could not be lighter. >> even the left wing could not script a scene like this. we live in our times. thank you. more "outnumbered" coming up next. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what's yours. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. >> kayleigh: would come back to you with this new stove breaking, hunter biden found guilty and his federal case over misleading on a gun form. it's big news for the man sitting in the oval office, president biden, we are bringing in white house correspondent durand, who was at the white house. what is happening? >> hello, president biden as you mention it here at the white house, we are actually expecting to hear from him, and see him publicly on camera, when he has headlining a gun violence prevention event. a big event across town, we are anticipating there is a chance that he may address the verdict, just handed down to his son and a brand-new statement issued by sams on behalf of the president himself. it says, as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a father. my wife and i love our son and we are proud of the men he is today. so many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love, the other side and be so strong and resilient to recovery. as i also stick last week, i will accept the outcome of this case, and i will continue to respect the judicial process and hunter biden considers of appeal. my life and i will always be there with our love and support, nothing will ever change that. it is notable, kayleigh mceany, that in one breath he says he respects the outcome of this case but then mentions the fact that hunter biden is considering an appeal, it is also interesting that they mention an appeal at all, in this particular moment giving that we are not of that from hunter biden and his own defense team. so it seems like the white house is the first to put up an official comment concert give them a confirming that they are considering appealing the decision here. we are fed from the president at a couple of key moments on his son. in the past. you may remember very famously back in 2020, he told peter that his son had done nothing wrong. and we've heard a couple of times in the last few months in the white house press briefing, that the president has no plans to pardon his sons. nobody in the white house has commented on record as to whether or not the president may consider committing his son sentence. something that we are now standing by to try and learn as quickly as possible here. we will be hearing from the president in about an hour from now, if he is running on schedule. he will be speaking here in washington, d.c., at a national gun violence prevention event. we will be keeping a close eye on that to see if he will address this verdict himself, we also have the press reef and coming up at 2:30 and we anticipate a lot of question at the podium about this verdict. >> kayleigh: one of the president commute his sentence, that is a great question for the warehouse briefing room, we will see if it is asked. judge, we heard an appeal there and they highlighted that appeal but some of these clowns have already been tried and rejected. >> jeanine: one of the things that hunter biden data, is that in december of this year is that they filed a motion that arguing that gun case charge should be dismissed because possession of a firearm by a controlled substance addict is unconstitutional under the second amendment, citing that 2022 supreme court case which of course is in the new york ruling case. and they of course denied that, whether or not the supreme court this year comes out and says, we are going to take a look at that and decide whether or not something is rooted in history and tradition, which is a basis to continue as a constitutional right, still exists there. but as jonathan turley said and i think we need to remember this because going forward everyone is can i say this supreme court still not has ruled on whether drug addict can have a gun. but he was lying on a federal atf form. so whether or not the supreme court goes forward and says we will give everyone the right to have guns, even a drug addict. which i find hard to understand right now, it is still different from the normal category is individual, he is a convicted felon who has lied for that purpose. >> kevin, we are less than one hour from president biden given remarks, an hour from when he learned his son is convicted. you have been in this well, what is happening now? >> kevin: the president is getting the english right now if this decision that we talked about during the break. this is a father that is worried about her son and relapsing. but he is also the president of united states who has focused for a number of years going back to his time in the senate, on passing legislation that is going to stop gun violence in the streets. restrict the size of magazines and assault weapons that are out there. so you can have two of these things be happening at the same time, a love of her father, a supportive father, the way of a father, and how the ex-wife throughout the gun not because he was worried about him using it in violence but about him taking his own life. that now, there are more gun deaths by suicide in this country than by murder for the first time in a long time. so i think you can still see the white house talking about the scourge of gun violence, but this is the backdrop. >> how do you that because when hallie biden testified, she was looking for drug paraphernalia when she went through the truck and she was shocked to find the gun and knew it was trouble. when you look at the text messages, she is not saying i threw it away because i thought he would kill himself, he say you need to get to rehab and he said this is not a game, tell me where you hit it. and of course she had taken it to a grocery store shopping center if the delay. so the concern that he might kill himself, i can't tell you that it led to a problem with current and maybe she had seen that forecast but she was taking her through that drug paraphernalia. >> that's how she found it in the first place and i'm sure that harley has given her statement of the mental state of hunter at the time. and her worry that he might use that gun on himself, or some self-inflicted situation with that tyrant. >> harris: we have breaking news now with one of the jurors pay a brand-new reaction. i want to bring a justice correspondent david, who is life outside the courthouse, this is about as quiet and it has been there. but now we have a person talking. tell us about. >> harris, anytime we can talk to a juror and get into the mind of one of those 12 people deliberating, and any trial, high-profile or low profile, whatever might be, we want to take that opportunity. so we happen to run into a juror in the parking lot as he was leaving and he is a 68-year-old male from sussex county delaware. we will not release his name but as we are getting this video, i want to read what he said. he said that the case was heart-wrenching, but he did not ultimately by the story that hunter biden was at 7-eleven at 5:00 in the morning, here locally in delaware back in 2018 to do anything other than to buy drugs. because hunter biden had mentioned 7-eleven in his book, and said that that is a place where drug deals happen. his attorney had said that, hunter biden could have been buying a cup of coffee, he could have been buying the donor, especially at that and when the morning. ultimately, the jury did not believe it, he said that when they got into deliberation, he said that that is when he got real. we knew that again he is from sepsis county delaware, and according to the jury profile, we knew that he had family members who own guns and a brother in law another one in his life who struggle with addiction who both passed away and he recalled chatting with someone likely a breath or the relative case waiver for the kids happy because it was either before or after the jury he wouldn't be able to serve on the street. it gives you a little bit of insight into one of those 12 jurors that was deliberating, they did not deliver it long but they deli deliberated for abouto three hours total. >> harris: more than a little detail. the fact that he give you an example about where he thought that hunter had lied. going to a normal pickup spot at the 7-eleven, he didn't buy that it was 7:00 in the morning. let jury was expressing the same distrust that his ex-girlfriend, and widow have his brother, hallie biden was expressing. but there was a lot going on with the drug use at that moment. >> there was. and, as i said, junta had mentioned taking up drugs at 7-eleven in his book and prosecutor showed that paid ande defense tried to say maybe he was doing something else getting breakfast there while he was waiting for hallie biden, but ultimately, this jury did not believe that part of the story. >> harris: we appreciate you giving up those details, is there any more, we will bring them to the audience right away. jay, i am certain that maybe this happens. where jury members want to talk. but what he learned from them what did you learn from this one? >> i called nate harris, because what they focused on was not what we as prosecutors that they should focus on, so, i eitr need to go see a psychologist i need to stop talking to juries. but what we heard is what i saw for 20 years. i saw jurors would sometimes come in, bev reddick is being ready you see tears coming down their face. and yet the verdict is guilty. so both of those things can coexist. and we see feel very, very sorry that this happened. we feel sorry that we have to do what we have to do. but, the facts in this case are overwhelming. as you are not discussed by seller. if you right-click the pancras, you will not like this case. the evidence of his unlawful use of crack was overwhelming. >> harris: you know, i've dug in a little bit about the judge and her background her head she was, and i want to talk about, because i heard jonathan turley tell me less hours several people have said a very fair judge recommended for the bench by two democratic senators, nominated to the bench by former president, donald trump. but she torpedoed that plea deal for hunter biden when she raised concern about the terms of the agreement and how widely they were. and i was last year. the judge presided over a biden related case previously, i was march 2023, she dismissed a defamation lawsuit brought by pew never of a delaware computer repair shop with hunter biden left his laptop in 2019. what are your thoughts? >> that we get federal government did it and catch us, lifetime caps for a reason. so they can have the independence that she showed. unlike other churches, many of whom who will let that some by people or legislative bodies, we saw in new york a judge that made a political contribution. federal judges have their jobs for life. so they can do this very thing which is be fair, and be oblivious to all the surrounding noise with its politics or else. >> harris: you know, the idea up the laptop, going from it did not exist to russian disinformation even coming out of the mouth of the current president biden, hunter's dad, and now at the heart of this case, at some point with evidence -- >> yes. i hope at some point you get the chance to ask 50 signatories of that letter. why they get it. you note john and chris both said this is not resting this information is 50 so-called at the met experts who wanted a job in the in the biden administration biden administration and immediately latched onto it. so, a lot of people owe them an apology. in those 50 signatories or however many experts who got it so dead wrong, what they said was russian disinformation wound up being u.s. exhibit number one. i would love for our friends on other networks to ask them about that. >> yes, no doubt. you were spot on. it was 51 of those intel. thank you so much. >> that is pretty good for me. >> more "outnumbered" in a moment. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it's on sale for father's day. but get movin', this sale is only for a limited time. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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i have to underscore the baloney that that defense argument is, especially in front of 12 people who have personal a close personal connections to others who have gone through this. the controlled substances act has been enacted since 1970. the druggie's act since 1968. so prescribing firearm possession from an attic and then the definition of a controlled substance addict, it has been apart for decades and decades. even before his father entered government service, and the prince was born. so, any argument that he didn't know better i wasn't aware if ross flack and the lapse of those good people at that jury that has had personal experiencl justice system or people in similar possession as well. >> you mentioned that some of the members knew someone who had substance abuse issues, i want to hear what we are going to hear from david weiss. your predictions from the prosecutors here. >> jeanine: the interesting part of this is if you had about 12 jurors who had a connection to drugs or family members with drugs, and some of them who believe that drugs are just a part of life and it's not a big deal, it is a very iffy jury. but these prosecutors were so confident, and they had a right to be confident based upon what that one jury said, because one that one jury said they talked about the 7-eleven and he remembered it from the book, this was a very smart jury and they were not going to give the president signed any special treatment when as you say, at best picture says that everyone is accountable ultimately. and i think that when david weiss come out, he's going to have to come down hard. he is going to have to say what he should have said when that plea deal went down. when they tried to pull the wool over his eyes, and admit we have no president for giving everyone immunity for the rest of their lives. they have to be very straightforward, and they need to accept the fact that it was the justice department entered by an administration that asked for five additional years of these kind of cases. especially when you like on a drug form. >> kayleigh: it was hunter's voice that said that my superpower was finding drugs anytime, anywhere, in 2015. >> 13 minutes from now, david weiss will take the microphone. we will take you to it. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. for preserve your body with 70 minerals like me and my wife have. body you can order immuno 150 online or call 888-316-2224. that's 888-316-2224. speak to the the trump campaign has just release of statement, s a distraction from the real crimes at the biter family which is raking in tens of millions of dollars from china and russia ad ukraine. cook at joe biden's reign over the bite of family criminal empire is all coming to an end on november 5th. and never again will abide and have government access for personal profit. what is your response? >> kevin: it is a lie with the former president's rhetoric upon this case, and obviously they see this contract is not a point necessary of an attack against the current administration but listen hunter biden it is not on the ballot. jione of those individuals is a convicted felon the other is not. that will be the process that plays out in the next five months for the american people to decide. speak to you make that argument so eloquently. this is a man, president biden likes to say the word convicted felon a lot. that could be problematic? >> kevin: it could. and we are seeing now, two weeks or so after the trump trial, that it is not necessarily shifting the dynamic that much. it is not necessarily that you if we are seeing. >> harris: hunter biden statement, i am grateful to david for the love of the support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community. and i'm disappointed by the outcome. recovery is possible by the grace of god. and i am blessed to have experienced that gift one day at a time. hunter biden is now issuing a statement in response to being found guilty on all counts and it got fragile. >> kayleigh: that was the right way to address this. going to the outpouring of support rather than the guilty verdict. there's not much he could say on this and i would imagine that they are telling him, do not weigh in. we need to appeal this. >> harris: i want to note the time. the judge was so wise. all of this is happening before the event that the president and he have to talk about gun control. in about 37 minutes from now. so judge, let's talk about what we heard. and i might get interrupted because we are putting together what has been collected in the field. the voice of thatcher so we are being careful with how we roll that out. suggest momentarily we will popping up on the screen. but the defense, and their idea of what is coming to the courtroom did not work and with all those people in the first lady taking notes during the trial showing up to the jury selection and been there 6 out of 7 days even during the d-day celebration. coming back for this. we can have a conversation about taxpayer dollars for that that is probably a waste of time. >> i think we have turned a corner here. i think that people will recognize now that the biden family that it's name is not synonymous with and you can get away with everything anymore, and the interesting part of all of face is that jerry has eloquently said it quickly. abby has a statement as well. we are naturally disappointed by this verdict. we respect the process and as we have done throughout this case we will continue to vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available to hunter. what coverage on the other side of this break. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? 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[music playing] >> you know it's a busy breaking news day here's what we are watching for paired we are expecting the prosecutor and the team to come out to that vantage point outside the courthouse and speak coming up. we are also expecting to get that videotape of the juror who spoke outside the courthouse and has given detail about why he feels hunter biden, he or she, it has been said he, got a guilty verdict on all counts today. then the anomaly, the mind-blowing simultaneous occurrence, who scheduled president biden to speak on gun control on the state? kaylee, that was such a good question. >> i call it comes malpractice. >> team come one more time? defense attorney abbe lowell, forgive me. "america reports" now. >> sandra: here we go, breaking news afternoon any moment now we are expecting to hear from part special counsel david weiss after the president's son was found guilty on all three counts in his case.

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