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correspondent david spunt is in wilmington, delaware tonight awaiting a verdict. david, good evening. >> david: trace, good evening. jurors will be back tomorrow for day two of deliberations. they deliberated about an hour today before going home. over the past week we saw salacious text messages, pictures in the courtroom. even high profile people sitting in the audience. but, in the end, it's all about this one gun form, hunter biden filled out in october 2018. >> hunter biden's attorney abbe lowell offered no reason for his client deciding not to testify in his own defense .38 caliber revolver. such a move would have been strategically risky. opening the president's son to likely intense cross-examination. in closing arguments. prosecutor pointed to more than a dozen msnbc of the biden family in the audience saying they don't matter. only the evidence does. which he called, quote: ugly and overwhelming. another prosecutor added no one is above the law. including the president's son. choices have consequences and that is why we are here. prosecutors reminded jurors of texts shortly after the gun purchase including this one. two days later. where hunter texted his sister-in-law, hallie biden, i was sleeping on a car smoking crack on fourth street and rodney. the defense countered he was lying about his whereabouts. after his august 2018 stay in drug rehab, hunter biden truly believed he was no longer addicted. when buying the gun two months later and did not knowingly lie. defense attorney abbe lowell telling jurors hunter may have been using alcohol, not drugs. lowell told jurors kicking crack cocaine is hard. kicking alcohol is harder. as she did today, first lady jill biden has attended nearly every day of court. shuttling back and forth between france where the president was on a state visit. taxpayers reportedly were footing the bill for the trans-atlantic travel there are now reports the democratic national committee will pay for some of the costs. the first lady, hunter, his wife, and others were seen just outside the courtroom doors this morning. huddled together in a group hug with bowed heads and apparent prayer. >> president biden was at his home here in wilmington about 10 minutes away from the courthouse for most of the day. now on his way back to the white house. he never came to court over the past week. we are told he is getting regular updates about his son. trace? >> trace: david spunt live for us in wilmington. david, thank you. the united nations security council approving its first resolution endorsing a cease-fire plan aimed at ending the israel-hamas war. the vote on the u.s. sponsored resolution was 14-0 with russia abstaining. the u.s. says israel has suspected the plan announced by president biden. it is urging hamas to do likewise. foreign policy correspondent gillian turner is at the white house tonight. gillian, good evening. >> gillian: hi, good evening to you, trace. the biden administration right now is putting on a full-court press to try and get a cease-fire deal in place in gaza as well as free the remaining hostages in hamas captivity. that effort was on full display today. both in the middle east and here at home. >> a short while ago, the united nations security council passed president biden's proposed cease-fire deal. it's been approved by israel and with hamas for consideration for over 10 days. the vote comes as president biden returns to the white house where protesters against him handling of the war brought their message to his doorstep over the weekend. biden's re-election. >> we charge with you genocide. >> in the middle east today secretary of state antony blinken pushed biden's cease-fire deal and blame hamas for not getting on board. focus remains steadfast" terms of the hostages, my number one priority secretary of state is to ensure the well-being of americans who are in harm's way anywhere in the world. the best way, the most effective way to get everyone home, including the american hostages is through this proposal. >> gillian: while officials publicly pressure hamas sources say should biden's proposal fall apart. white house officials are considering negotiating directly with hamas. even casting israel aside is an option to free the five remaining u.s. hostages. one former ambassador says the white house should leave the negotiating to israel. >> that if the united states is going to negotiate separately going continue to crease the price of the rest of the hostages is creating a different category of hostages. >> well, hamas leadership tonight is responding to that u.n. vote earlier in the day. they say that they welcome a permanent cease-fire, but then go on to say their top priority remains the establishment of a palestinian state whose capital is jerusalem. it is far from clear that they have reviewed that deal currently on the table or that they are planning to sign on to it. trace? >> trace: gillian turner live for us at the white house. gillian, thank you. ♪ >> trace: secretary of state netanyahu matte met with. some have had enough. correspondent trey yingst is in tel aviv tonight. >> trey: a political shakeup rocking israel overnight. two war cabinet members, benny gantz and ivan coat left benjamin's emergency government, accusing the israeli prime minister of putting his own political survival over the country's security needs. > regretfully netanyahu is preventing us from true victory which is the justification for the ongoing and painful cost of war. >> the decision is not expected to chance the israeli coalition but will put new pressure on netanyahu by making him more reliant on foreign ministers. opposed to a u.s.-backed cease-fire proposal that would end the current war in gaza and bring some of the remaining hostages home. u.s. secretary of state antony blinken arrived in israel today to discuss negotiations surrounding such an agreement. he says israel is on board but hamas is not. >> if you want a cease-fire, press hamas to say yes. >> after a daring israeli operation over the weekend, that rescued four hostages from central gaza. hamas released a statement in on sis session to a deal that doesn't include a permanent cease-fire. >> new details are owner e. emerging about that raid. the israeli military says the hostages were held in two civilian apartment buildings. a co-according to a spokesman for the local hospital in gaza more than 200 were killed or wounded during the operation. >> in a joint rescue operation with the shin bet, the army and police commando team conducted under fire in the heart of gaza, we were able to get four hostages back to their homes. >> trey: with no diplomat solution emerging israel is expected to continue operating inside the gaza strip to search for the remaining 120 hostages. trace? >> trace: trey yingst, live in what is now early morning in tel aviv, trey, thank you. there appears to be a clear shift to the right among european union voters. election results for the european parliament are come in. correspondent alex hogan takes a look tonight from london. election.>> major gains for thet second largest election in the world the european parliament. >> the center is holding. >> while the center right european people's party is expected to retain the majority of the 720 seats, the overall right ward shift is significant. french and european markets fell today after french president emmanuel macron dissolved france's national assembly and announced a surprise nap election take place in two rounds on june 30th and july 7th. >> i have decided to give you back the choice of our parliamentary future through a vote. >> macron's shocking decision came after france's right wing party 81 seats near will. centrix. >> we are ready to turn the country. of the french. >> immigration, the economy and international conflicts are the leading concerns for voters according to the oh u. in italy, prime minister gloria malone with her conservative brothers of italy group doubled her party's seats at the assembly. in germany schultz saw first ever result of 14% losing to the conservative opposition. austria's right leaning freedom party outperformed conservatives and social democrats and while green parties lost some 20 seats they emerged as winners along with left leaning party sweden, denmark and fin land. 720 members of the european parliament represent mr. 450 million people. they will set the political tone and adopt legislation for the european union for the next five years. >> trace: alex hogan. president trump vowed to safe the world. brit hume has the analysis: first, beyond our borders tonight. north korea is installing own loud speakers along their heavily armed border. this comes one day after the south blared anti-pyongyang propaganda broadcasts over its speakers. for the first time in years. that was in retaliation for the north isn'ting more than a thousand balloons of trash and manure over the border in the last couple of weeks. the united nations tells the associated press the number of internally displaced people in sudan has reached more than 10 million. the international organization for migration says that includes 2.83 million driven from their homes before the current war began by multiple local conflicts that had been happening in recent years. and a live look at rome. one of the big stories there tonight, pope francis visits home city hall and is welcomed by the city's mayor following their private meeting. the pope addressed city counselors discussing the history of rome and the challenges it is about to face ahead of next year's jubilee. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight and we will be right back. ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. we've always loved taking care of our home. but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. we realized some home maintenance jobs aren't worth the risk. that's when we called leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. they gave us a free inspection and we had the system installed that week. my only regret is not calling them sooner. now we can focus on what we really enjoy. join millions of satisfied homeowners. call 833 leaffilter today or visit # about interest rates. the dow gained 69. the s&p 500 finished ahead 14 to a new record close. the nasdaq jumped 59, also to a new top mark. >> victor oror ban the prime minister of took no illegal aliens, none. zero. the only thing that's going to save the world is donald trump has to get reelected as president and the whole world is going to be saved because china respected him russia respected him. >> let's bring in fox news chief political analyst brit hume you are see donald trump there the he is going to save the world. democrats think is he going to end democracy. i want to talk about the eu elections because far right surge. two of the big topics over there clearly the economy and immigration, mirroring this country is there something we should read into this far right surge over there? >> brit: across the western world. we're seeing resistance to green party politics. especially in germany where the greens did very badly. we are seeing resistance to unfettered immigration. which is a big issue of course here in the united states seeing conference about the united states and economies. that became a powerful force in parliamentary elections in which the prevailing majority parties did poorly. and these insurgent conservative parties did better. conservative parties referred to universally in the western media as far right. i even heard you say it, trace. i think if you look carefully at the results of these elections and what some of these candidates and parties ran on talking about the same issues we in this country not so far right. i think mainly mainstream conservative is where we are there and there has been upheaval. macron called snap elections. the leader in belgium has quit. this is a big deal. >> trace: yeah, it is a big deal. speaking of big deals. i want to put up some of these headlines talking about the biden administration and their negotiation with israel. the cease-fire. we told you earlier about the u.n. approving biden's proposal for a cease-fire. but, look at some of these, brit. biden administration has discussed potentially negotiating unilateral deal with hamas. hamas official urges u.s. to pressure israel to end gaza war. blinken holds talks on gaza nut wake of israeli rescue raid and palestinian deaths. i mean, it seems fascinating to me that you have the biden administration potentially talking about dealing directly with hamas. a terrorist organization we need to examine that carefully. it's against the law in the united states, i believe for the united states to negotiate with a terrorist organization. in any direct sense. they would have to carry out any such connections or any such conversation with hamas indirectly which i guess they could do through qatar or some other intermediary agent. so far hamas has rejected yet mother cease-fire proposal. this one accepted by all parties except hamas. whether hamas would be interested this doing business with the united states remains to be seen. maybe it would. but, i think that, you know, if it were to be done, the effect might be to undercut israel. israel wants to go ahead and finish this war and finish off hamas it. believes it can do that the united states, obviously, has a different view of that and although it is supported that goal in principle anyway. this is interesting. as you suggest, trace. i have my doubts as to whether anything will come of it, but, here we go. >> trace: yeah, i'm told we have 45 seconds, brit. my question, my point in this thing is what does this do to benjamin netanyahu? what does it do to the relationship here where you are going directly to hamas? >> well, i would say two things about that. one is as the events of the weekend proved, it's never wise to under estimate the israelis. when you are following israeli politics it has not been a good idea in recent times to ever under estimate benjamin netanyahu. he is a survivor the first rank. the gantz departure from the cabinet, i don't think, is going to effect him very much. his only hope, i think, of long-term political survival is to carry this war through to successful conclusion. that won't save him necessarily but without it i think he is done. >> trace: brit hume, great to see you, sir, thank you. >> brit: thanks, trace. >> trace: medical marijuana is on the minds of many seniors. bret baier reports on regulations and road blocks still standing in the way. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. wsvn in miami where more than 50 residents were evacuated from a three alarm fire multi story apartment building. fire crews found a person shot in the chest at an apartment. that man has been transported to the hospital in critical condition. fox 5 in atlanta as his majesty king wilhelm alexander and her majesty queen maxima of the netherlands begin a four day visit to the united states in georgia. they will also visit savanna before heading to new york a live look at chicago. one of the big stories there tonight the winner of last week's 552 mega million dollars jackpot says shock and grief is disbelief. the winner preferring to remain anonymous. the ticket purchased in deplains, illinois. that is from special report. we are coming right back ♪ luck be a lady tonight ♪ luck be a lady tonight ♪ and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. don't wait, use promo code 25now to save. book at today. raising twins and as a single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i'm going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor's meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established as our, our daily life and our new normal. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, you know, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. the timing was just incredible. with everything that i'm going through with my treatments for metastatic breast cancer. having our biggest bill being taken care of by tunnel to towers, i'm able to on my children and my health. people should give to tunnel to towers, because it really helps family members of fallen service members know, first responders who they wake up one day and it's a normal day and then their world can just be turned upside down. to know that there is an organization that can step in irreplaceable. please contribute $11 a month. to help families like mine please visit t2t dot org. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ trace trace former president trump has completed a virtual interview with probation officers it. happened before his scheduled sentencing on 34 felony convictions next month. the pre-sentencing probation interview is often conducted to prepare a report for the judge to learn more about the defendant and possibly help to determine the proper punishment for the crime. ♪ ♪ >> former president trump is on the virtual campaign trail today. presumptive republican nominee wrapped up a four day western swing on sunday. it is said to have earned him tens of millions of dollars in donations. senior correspondent alicia acuna reports tonight from las vegas. >> these are difficult times for our nation and your work is so important. >> former president donald trump giving a prerecorded welcome to the southern baptist convention one day after his western swing where at a las vegas valley sunday he made this promise. >> for those hotel workers and people that get tips, you're going to be very happy. because, when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips. >> the campaign later clarified, quote: president trump will ask congress to eliminate taxes on tips. the culinary union, which represents 60,000 hospitality workers responded relief is definitely needed for tip earners but nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference between real solutions and wild campaign promises from a convicted felon. while here, the campaign launched latino americans for trump. the biden-harris camp calling it a, quote, sham. >> we want to make sure every single voter, all latino voters understand what is at stake and what biden has delivered to them. >> in a head-to-head match fox news polling shows hispanic voters in nevada prefer president biden over trump 51 to 44%. if a "new york times" poll released earlier found trump leading biden by 9 points. the g.o.p. is targeting incountry bent democratic senator jacky rosen seat as a potential pickup. trump endorsed leading cancer democrat sam brown a purple heart recipient injured while serving in afghanistan. fellow g.o.p. primary candidate jeff gunter fuming on x after not getting trump's endorsement, quote: the snakes are within gunter's snakes appear to be the national senator committee which endorsed brown. trace? >> trace: alicia acuna thank you. martha's vineyard running out of legal marijuana. the island time dispensary closed after selling out all of its supply. the other can business store is expected to run out by september at the latest. massachusetts voters opted to legalize marijuana more than seven years ago. the state cannabis control has taken the position that transporting pot across the ocean whether by boat or plane risks running afoul of federal laws. critics are argue there are roots to the vineyard that remain entirely within state territorial waters there are more than 230 registered medical marijuana users there and thousands more who use it recreationally. well, most states allow access to medical marijuana which many americans are now using in place of painkillers. my colleague, bret baier, takes a look at a potential program that could expand access to cannabis treatment for senior citizens. >> bret: thanks, trace. for the first time ever more americans are using marijuana daily than those who drink alcohol every day. that's according to the society for the society of addiction one group sharply increased marijuana use seniors over the age of 65. many who are using the substance for ailments in place of prescription drugs, are now having difficulty accessing medical cannabis. tonight we look at federal hurdles that limit those efforts to expand medical use. >> for 40 years i always had pain from something. and i don't have it. >> bret: several groups now think cannabis could be a game changer for seniors battling pain. >> it does me a lot of good. >> there is very real psycho pharmacology associated with cannabis and i hadn't learned anything about that in medical school. >> status quo is either to not teach at all or maybe a lecture. >> america's public enemy number one in the united states, is drug abuse. >> bret: since the nixon administration, cannabis has been designated by law as a schedule 1 substance alongside lethal substances such as heroin, lsd and ecstasy. >> schedule 1 says there is no medical use for the substance and it's highly addictive and dangerous. >> bret: the classification is more restrictive than schedule ii which includes cocaine, fentanyl and meth. >> the administration is taking a major step toward reclassifying marijuana from a schedule 1 to a schedule 3 drug under federal law. schedule 3 means that there is a medical use. >> bret: the health and human services department first recommended the rescheduling in august of last year. the agency determined marijuana was use in the medical realm but there were concerns about possible abuse or dependence on the substance. >> it's an important move towards reversing longstanding iniquities. >> food and drug administration announced it was moving to reclassify the drug clearing the last major hurdle for rescheduling. the move becomes official after the office of management and budget signs off followed by a public comment period. >> i have been working on drug policy almost 20 years. >> robert kent. >> when rescheduling for marijuana was announced, schedule 1, schedule 3, what were your thoughts. >> everyone seems to be focused on commercial recreational marijuana. i'm not. what i have been really hopeful for is it will open the door for so much more research to occur. and it will be much easier to do research and i'm particularly interested in research where we can look at use of can business, marijuana, as an alternative to prescribed opioids for treating pain and other medical conditions. in the most recent numbers from the federal cdc, we're losing over 100,000 people a year to prescribed opioids. prescribed opioid medication. >> help people who are ill and gosh, why not? >> bret: many senior citizens using cannabis to treat chronic pain, nausea from cancer treatment and other ailments. >> when it first became legal provide medical cannabis in new york state, we immediately adopted policies and procedures to make it available to our residents. >> geriatric patients can be on 10 or more meds easily. such a high risk of side effects. the most pain management. most case either eliminate or significantly use reduce the amount of opioids they are taking and we didn't see any side effects. >> none? >> none. >> every day we're letting people suffer we don't have to. >> bret: howard kessler is the founder of the commonwealth project. he believes medical marijuana should be more widely available. especially for senior citizens. >> government takes full responsibility for the healthcare of people 65 and over, period: that's their job. all these people are getting their healthcare through the payer provider system or medicare. >> bret: the commonwealth project proposes a large scale demonstration model in the state of massachusetts. major payer providers would provide guidance and education to caregivers. paid for approved cannabis therapies for people 65 and over and record the results. what would happen is a full suite of research guidance to clinicians, conch of medicinal cannabis of insurance products. >> all it's going to do is in a structured, observed, and controlled way validate what we already know. >> we could help tens of millions of people literally. >> well, we need real evidence for that and we don't have it yet. >> kevin is he bet is president and ceo of smart approaches to marijuana and served as adviser to clinton, obama and bush administration. his organization believes cannabis should not be a substitute for medicine and believes it should be fda approved before it is legalized for treatments. >> i think we need do the study. i'm not sure that rescheduling a lot of people think we are going to have research falling from the sky as a result. i'm a little skeptic because i think it takes money more than anything for that research to happen. so far biocompanies don't see marijuana as a super viable product. >> is it possible though that some of the pharmaceutical companies see a big upside in continuing opioids and other drugs that they have on the table? >> yeah. maybe it's possible that the opioid manufacturers wouldn't want it but maybe others would. but, again, i think we are all open to it. let's study it but get the facts out. right now 75% of people realizek it's harmless. doesn't realize it stays in your system for a while and contributes to mental health breakdowns. >> seniors going to dispensaries in states that have legalized the use some doctors are saying rescheduling could lead to more studies and benefits of cannabis. we will hear from them in our next installment. plus, we will learn more about the plan to try to integrate cannabis treatment into traditional healthcare. we'll second it back to you. >> trace: bret, thank you. up next, the panel on the hunter biden trial and then the latest in the presidential campaign. ♪ e two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. our daughter just bought her first house. all by herself. so we went to go see it. she knew exactly how she wanted everything. but then he pointed out the gutters. you think you've raised them right and then— she didn't know. you have to call leaffilter. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. parenthood is such a wild ride. it's a lot easier with leaffilter. join millions of satisfied homeowners. call 833 leaffilter today or visit somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them, she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 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minute and remember that today was not supposed to come. we are at the end of a trial for hunter biden. with you just a year ago he was trying to get through and away from this with a sweetheart plea deal that fell apart at the last anyone. this was something that was never supposed to happen. not mention the fact that the prosecutors through doj in this trial but more specifically, blew through the statute of limitations on the fara charges to register as a foreign agent a cardinal sin in the prosecutor world would have led to bigger problems with team biden and joe biden himself with the money trail. all the money in this trial in the laptop tawas paying for all these drugs and for the late nights with the ladies. that all came from these foreign business dealings. so, team biden is saying nobody is above the law. they are going to go with the ruling here. let's note forget the back story how they tried to push this away from the american people and on the more serious charges. prosecutors were perfectly fine with allowing those to lapse. >> trace: meridith mcgraw, she is talking about the drugs. and really you can't ignore the evidence. you put this up on the screen this is from the prosecution october 13, 2018, one day after buying the revolver, hunter biden texted hallie biden that he was waiting behind blue rock stadium for a dealer named mookie. the text reads: why won't you answer my calls? where are you? where are you with somebody? bernard hangs 7-eleven green hill and lancaster. i'm now off md, av behind blue rock stadium waiting for a dealer named mookie. he bought a gun but started using the day after. this trial has laid bear some of the darkest moments for the biden family, for hunter biden and really revealed. so most embarrassing personal details about his struggle with addiction. and his defense has tried to say that he was in denial about his own struggle with addiction during all of this. and his family has, you know, come to his further there in the courtroom. we saw first lady jill biden there with him in court. but, you know, the prosecutors have said again and again, you know, today they said don't mind the family there. they are not part of the evidence, they are not part of this case here. and, again, that nobody is above the law. >> trace: hard to ignore jill biden sitting behind the panel. jonathan turley, guy benson, said the following. watch? >> i think the odds are that he will not get jailed. but, this was an open and shut cases. and this defendant put this court through this trial and, if he is convicted, some judges actually do not look kindly upon that some of them may feel that you have to do a little time in jail. even if it's a brief stent. >> trace: there is a scenario, guy, where hunter walks free and you got donald trump behind bars for some paperwork. >> guy: keep in mind there is also another trial for hunter biden scheduled in september in the thick of the fall election season as well on tax related charges. katy made the most important point. joe biden and the doj tried to discuss pell with a sweetheart deal they almost got away with it but they didn't. i have spoken to a number of legal experts on the right side of things who say maybe this should not have been brought as a charge against hunter biden. no, others say this was not just a lie and try. he actually lied and got the gun then disposed illegally of the gun and tried to blame on people he think looked like illegal immigrants. have you unseemly thing to do on top of everything else. what the lawyers all seem to agree on is at least on the facts of this case this is open and shut in terms of his guilt. the question is do all 12 jurors agree with a very biden friendly jurisdiction and venue like delaware. >> trace: yeah. and the next question is does joe biden consider pardoning him he keeps saying nope, nope, nope. not going to happen. constitutional attorney mark smith explains why he thinks it might happen. >> there has been questions about joe biden's behavior in the past. some of his alleged business dealings and the like. so one could actually see a scenario where joe biden pardons hunter biden and perhaps associates associated with hunter biden in various ways so they don't in turn turn state's evidence against, let's say, joe biden. >> trace: katie, your thoughts on the part? >> the goal is to keep joe biden out of prison. -- hunter biden out ofprison. the other full pardon to commute his sentence. while the president has said he won't pardon him there is the opportunity to commute his sentence which allows him to stay out of jail but allows the biden team and president joe biden to continue to say that they believe nobody is above the law, including his son. >> >> trace: kind of go full circle, meredith what katy was saying. prosecuting attorney breath tolman on why he thinks the doj decided to wring this case. >> i think this is the less every of the evils that they could bring. i think they were refusing to open a legitimate investigation into what the irs whistleblowers were revealing. the hunter biden corruption. the corruption that included his family and most likely his father. all of that was thrown under the rug. why? because they could go forward with this kind of case. >> trace: yeah. we now know they put road blocks in front of those whistleblowers, meredith. >> yeah. we'll have to see what the jury comes back with, of course, when this case is decided and as guy was saying. we're going to see hunter biden on trial again come september where he faces federal tax charges. so i don't think this is the end, of course, for any of these legal problems that faces the biden family. >> trace: guy benson, 20 seconds. >> guy: i think that if joe biden is going to do something, whether it's a commutation or pardon for his son, i would bet that it will happen and bet that would happen some time after, approximately november 6th for reasons that people, i think, can understand intuitively. >> trace: yep, we get it. panel, stand by. up next an update on the presidential campaign and then police bust an unauthorized lemonade stand. ♪ ♪ it's hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial today. oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not 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whole dictator narrative and rights to assault on democracy if trump is elected president. >> they think that's pashtedly one of their stronger points. maybe they focus polled it. donald trump has been president for four years. he might think he pushed too far in certain respects, but he was always constrained by various institutions. institutions held, including the check and balance of a free press. which was very aggressive against him far less aggressive against his successor. you might say in a second term he would be unleashed. he wouldn't care because he wouldn't face the american people again. those institutions still exist they can fear monger. a lot of voters want to know can i get back to where i was and where my family was financially in circa 2019. that's something that the biden team isn't speaking to well at all and it could cost them. >> trace: yeah. meredith, you had kamala harris sizing up her competition meaning trump's v.p. pick. she said the following, quoting here. what we know donald trump wants an enabler. he doesn't want a governing partner. he doesn't want another mike pence and i think that's clear. the litmus test are they going to be absolutely loyal to trump over country or oath of office or frankly the american people. and, again the theme goes on, meredith. >> it does. i was really interested to see the vice president talking to our own politico today about those vice presidential picks as we learned last week. trump's campaign has reached out to a list of about 8 people, ranging from senator marco rubio and senator tom cotton. governor burgum and others for vetting documents as they ramp up the search. and trump is expected to, of course, make that announcement at the convention in july. but, harris and the biden campaign have made clear that they're going to tether whoever trump's vp pick is to trump. they are looking at things like their positions on abortion and other policy positions and we have seen a push from the dnc and other democratic organizations to raise questions about trump's slate of v.p. picks and where they stand. >> trace: katie, i'm going to go to you now. breaking news come in. this is regarding the trump document case in florida. the judge there aileen cannon has denied trump's request to dismiss the case but she did allow a paragraph from the case to be stricken. we are now letting our legal experts kind of go over that paragraph to find out what it is and how significant it is and we hope to have some context on that for you coming up in moments. meantime, katie, fox news writes the following here about trump getting a warm reception and piles of campaign cash during sunny blue state swing. goes on to say when all the money is counted, the presumptive republican presidential nominee is expected to haul in roughly 27.5 million from the fundraisers he held in california and one in las vegas, nevada, late last week. and this past weekend. i mean, listen, he is not going to win california, katie. but he was treated well in california and came away a bunch of cash. >> katie: well, it certainly makes democrats nervous and it makes it so they have to look at the map and say okay, where do we have to actually spend resources to defend our turf. >> as joe biden continues to try cobble his base together ahead of the election. that's not a place democrats want to be. they want to have the blue territory solid. they don't want trump eating into that but is he making it uncomfortable in places like michigan, nevada, and while is he talking about not taxing tinns. where people in las vegas are saying i vote for trump for that, you have the spokesperson for the biden campaign talking about the weapons of government when a number of people in polling think the system has been weaponized against the former president. >> trace: panel, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> trace: finally tonight, a special day. [laughter] >> i don't think they have a [inaudible] [laughter] >> i don't care. >> trace: sergeant major of the colorado police pulled over to investigate a lemonade stand operating without a permit. instead of writing a ticket as the denver police officer did in 2018. owe bret had some goodies for the young entrepreneurs in response to the stop aurora police posted on x in all seriousness weather is out. weather is getting warm. that, of course, calls for lemonade. tomorrow on "special report," we continue our series on medical marijuana looking at why even in states where medical cannabis is legal, senior citizens are having trouble accessing it. remember, if you can't catch us live. set your dvr 6 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thank you for watching "special report." i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. don't forget, join me tonight fox news at night, 11:00 p.m. in the east, 8:00 in the west. ingraham angle starts now. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. as always, thank you for joining us. protesters with privilege. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ >> laura: yep. they want to destroyur

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