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campaign swing. you can see him there at a rally being in las vegas. hello everyone welcome to fox's life i merrick sean. hi anita. anita: great to be with you. i am anita vogel arthel neville as we can offer the former president is addressing a crowd of swing state supporters in scorching vegas heat. it is his first large-scale campaign rally since he was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in his new york criminal trial late last month. his campaign is reportedly claiming trump raised more than $33.5 million from a series of fundraisers in california. peter doocy is a alive or prest vitamin final stop in francine as a subtle dig at the former president vern jason standing by with a reaction bread first senior correspondent alicia acuna light at the trump rally in sunset park right near the vegas strip. >> even under excessive heat wash worn by the national weather service supporters of the former president appear even before the sun came up. came to nevada left on her big fundraiser hosted by construction equipment billionaire. this was after leaned up in silicon valley in southern california 33 and have million dollars. that figure going to the campaign trump began here in las vegas was continued criticism of president biden's executive order on the border. >> millions of people will continue pouring in their hummingbird to the border. like they've never come through before. what he signed it means nothing. in fact it makes it easier, in my opinion. rose trump is vying to become the first republican to win nevada since president george w. bush in 2004. here's where things stand in the veteran right now. on the head to head master trump is biden but private poinsettias within the margin of error. in terms of job approval only 42% of registered nevada voters approve the work he is doing versus 58% disapprove one of te reasons situation or at 49% say they are falling behind. 37% say they are studying in 13% they're getting ahead. trump is here ahead of tuesday's nevada republican senate primary. as a crowded field retired army captain sam brought u.s. ambassador to iceland doctor jeff gunter are just too who are hoping to receive trump's endorsement. the winner on tuesday it will take on incumbent democratic senator jacky rosen and one thing of note just before he came out of the former president said to the service workers in the crowd that should he win in november he will do away with taxing their tips. huge roar of applause on that one as you can imagine. anita: i'm sure they loved hearing that. alicia acuna at life for us in las vegas thank you but let's check out more of trump's speech in las vegas where he is speaking right now. >> we have people coming into our country we are going to end up in night say this and i said all of the time, november 5 will be the most important day in the history of our country. [cheering] and joe biden truly what it decided executive order to stop the invasion, right now all he needs to do is say i hereby immediately reinstate every single border policy of a gentleman named donald j trump. [cheering] he does not need anything. he's a little late by the way. number one he's late number two is it meaningless it is a pr ploy its disinformation, this information. they talk as the country goes down the tubes. less than four years ago i handed crooked joe the strongest, most secure border in the history of our country we never had a border like that. we built 571 miles of border wall. it was unbelievable. we ended all catch and release we had remained in mexico and had also title 42, and you remember? everything was so good if this guy -- when he goes to the beach all the time somebody thanks he looks good in a bathing suit, i don't think so. he is the little chair that weighs 7 ounces it's meant so children cannot lift it in very old people can lift it. he's not old, he is incompetent he is not old but he is not bold i know people who are 88 or 89, 92 man name bernie marcus founder of home depot. bernie marcus is 95 i think. you talk to him he h is a one 1% sharp. with this guy there something missing and there always has been by the way he always had the worst and dumbest foreign policy there always has been under the trump administration if you cross our border illegally we caught shoe and brought you back but we took it back from where you came it is very simple think of it all he had to do is lead my people in place. leave everybody in place and he would not be going through this right now. it's one of his many bigger problems i think the afghan situation was the most embarrassing day in history of our country actually pretty has a lot of bad days. i could name that we do not have enough time will have a few hours we do not have enough time. and by the way it is 110 but it does not feel it to me, right? we will see in your for a little while. if anybody gets tired, you let me know. if anybody goes down if you saw some going down we have people to pick you up right away they will throw water. they were so worried everybody was so worried yesterday about you and they never mentioned me and i'm up here sweating like a dog. [laughter] secret services we have to make sure everyone is safe is it what about me? we never thought. they don't think about me i'm working hard. this is hard work. fronfront row drove. front row joe. under biden the invasion was just a disaster what's happened it's never happened like this in less than four years crooked joe has imported more illegal aliens into our country than any other time in the history of our country may be 50. there has never been anything like this happening to our country they are changing the fabric of our country. they are destroying our country they are doing things that are unthinkable this open borders so many bad things but this open border situation you are allowing millions and millions of people to flood our country we cannot handle it no country could handle it is not sustainable. the entire world is emptying their prisons and jails, insane asylums in mental institutions they are emptying them out into your s statement they're emptyig out into all 50 states. they are coming and there's no such thing as a border state anymore. the border is so meaningless they walk right through they go right the so-called border states and end up in iowa. the end up in idaho. remember joe said it's great to be in idaho and he was in iowa where he always does that if i ever did that it would be over that said that's the end of his political career he's in cognitively impaired. no, no i had a second test, i aced it i aced in both of them. not easy to ace. [cheering] biden should have a cognitive test number one. they say it is unconstitutional that is a good excuse he should have a cognitive test before the debate in two weeks he should take a drug test because i am willing to take one. [cheering] so nevada is being turned into a dumping ground you are the whole country's been turned into an absolute dumping ground for what is happening. and venezuela here is a statistic that is a terrible statistic. so countries are dumping all of the criminals into our country, right? and also some people are not criminals but are not productive they're not going to be productive they are not exactly going to make america great again. they are coming in here and huge waves in the care meant a name i came up with a come up with a lot of good names like cricket joe it used to be cricket hilary, i took it off now we call hiller beautiful hilary because we don't care anymore about that. was better crooked joe or slesleepyjoe? what's have a poll i will change it he is both. he is both he is crooked. weight onto a boat sleepy first and then will go crooked. which is the better name for joe biden? sleepy joe. [cheering] or crooked joe? [cheering] [cheering] so, in venezuela they took all of their criminals very heavily crime ridden country. they took all of their criminals they dumped them into a place called the united states of america. they are down to about 40% left and they are all coming. i cannot believe it took them so long if i was the heads of the many countries and this is happening all over the world. i was the heads of one of the countries i would have been totally wonder% by now their crime rate they just announced is down 72%. so next year what we will do is meet in venezuela it will be a lot safer. unless that one thing happens unless you make me president and which case will be very safe. shannon: . eric: a taste of the presidential campaign fox news contributed former congressman from the great state of utah. congressman, always great to see you. hammering away the issue of immigration is a big won this time. >> yes there is nobody like the president to deliver that message. some of the best retail politicians we have ever seen certainly in my lifetime the way he communicates and connects with the average voter and the average person. emigration afimmigration affects not just about that lawlessness on the border and being overrun. these people are fleeing to the bastions of the democratic base and taking up the resources think about it. if you have seven -- 10 million people they are going to affect the rate of housing they're going to need food and benefits and shelter and they're going to go into the schools those parents see that. they feel that they're not getting the benefits they used to the cities are running dry because they do not have the money but hotel rates are at record levels in places like big cities like new york. in the schools are being overrun. parents want a change. shannon: president biden just change the policy will back to a trump policy in dealing with immigration. why think president biden did that and will that be enough? >> he partly did it i think it was show but it was an effort quite frankly to get people on the app. the idea is you do not have to abide by any of the asylum rules if you sign up for the app. imagine what you can do if you are on the app you are going to be able to know a lot about that person but where they are, what they are doing, what they are going through. the idea we are going to allow anybody north of a one to come in illegally in bypass the normal prescription of the law is fundamentally wrong. i do not know why he cannot go back to the basics of let's enforce the law. that is what donald trump did. biden did 90 plus executive orders in his first 100 days why can he get rid of those? trump has protected the border in biden -- megan meg is been an border policies. students before he's in nevada and heat mentioned during the speech or for the clip we showed you, not taxing the tips of workers that is going to be a big in las vegas especially with the casinos, the restaurants, the hotels. are these issues, you've been in politics a long time but we could look at immigration. we can look at geopolitics. if it gets down to something like that cannot be enough to potentially swing that state to donald trump's column? >> yes. people with an income understand this. joe biden has a promise he has assured everybody's going to raise their taxes because he said he was to allow the so-called trump taxes to export you allow a tax cut to expire that is raising your taxes. donald trump is taking another step forward saying we should not be taxing your tips. that is a major part of their income but if you are working in the service industries, tips are a major part of that people who want to be legal lawful citizens and play by the rules they understand this. they want to do the right thing. donald trump feels like he is more on their side. eric: the biden administration said if you make below like 400,000 or 200,000 off and i do not have the exact number i apologize for forgetting it. but still, it is an issue that is important in terms of economic issues because we know what happened in 1992. it is the economy, stupid. people around the country are feeling it. >> yes if you said to the average person even the well informed voter, what is joe biden's plan to tackle inflation? he doesn't have it, it is crickets. was he planned to drive down the cost of life in america? joe biden has no plan donald trump is to be energy independent pretty was to cut your taxes he wants to keep tax cuts and place you want to get the economy zooming. donald trump has a real plan and it was working, that is the thing. compared to three and have almost four years of joe biden to the four years of donald trump, life was better under donald trump you were worth for more money it was worth more inflation was less than 3% under joe biden it's just more of the same life is too expensive. the number is 400,000 the present as promised to not taxing indiv individual if you e below 400,000. finally, congressman go ahead. what hwhat is just going to sayu allow the trump tax cuts to expire those taxes go up. he talked to steve moore a lot of these tax foundations and whatnot that are out there those taxes would go up at the trump tax cuts expire. >> good point. finally, in about a swing state the former presents five points ahead of president biden right now. let's look at how it went last time. in 2020 it was pretty close just under 3% in terms of the difference between president biden former president trump. 2016 hilary took it by just a few points. so it could be close, what do you expect? >> look i give the advantage to the democrats there get out the vote machine is far superior to the republicans. i thought when donald trump said last week is a very important thing. you've got to vote earlier. you've got to get your balance in pre-have to have ballot harvesting effort where it is legal. all of those things is a seachange for donald trump the republican party, if they can pivot they can make the change. the differences it democrats will tell you the election is in september republicans say the election is november 5. there is a difference. they start early republicans at the figure how to get and cultivate the vote early. eric: you're right get out the vote is part of it. jason always good to see you. thank you for your views and maybe it will get out to las vegas one of these days. thank you. >> very good. anita: present biden's head back to washington after marking d-day in france but before he left he made one final stop some are calling an apparent dig at his political opponent. we'll have that for you, next. , 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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>> any other questions? >> president biden has to be be backhere in western europe mk for the g7 is unclear why exactly he flew today all the way back home to delaware. anita: a right peter doocy live in paris, thank you. >> the day after israel's dramatic rescue for hostages in gaza, political shakeup there. a key centrist in the israeli war cabinet announced his resignation today. help off the plans to announce that yesterday because of the hostage rescue for trey yingst live in tel aviv on what this could mean going forward. from say eric, good afternoon significant development out of israel tonight as a work cabinet members resigned from the government. this is a major political shakeup and not good for israeli prime minister benjamin tread what he will still be able to have a government and states together as one he'll be far more reliant on right wing ministers in his coalition the development comes we do have some good news to report for form is really hostages are now home they were rescued yesterday morning in a complex multipart operation and central gaza reports indicate special forces storm two buildings and that refugee camp they are they engaged in f firefights with has gunmen ultimately completed their mission. >> this was a high risk complex admission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight. in two separate buildings, deep inside gaza. while under fire, under fire inside the buildings, under fire on the way out from gaza our forces rescued our hostages. >> one israeli officer was killed in the fire fight against hamas during the rescue mission that brought the hostages home. at tel aviv hospital the israeli civilians reunited with loved ones and received a visit from the countries in prime minister benjamin tread one inside gaza palestinians come to the aftermath of the raid, the hamas run palestinian health ministry says more than 200 people majority were civilians were killed in the operation took place but one other interesting part of the story was american involvement "new york times" reports quote team of american hostage recovery officials stationed in israel assisted the israeli military effort to rescue the four captives by providing intelligence and other logistical support. the story it does illustrate how complex the war is inside gaza. dark day for palestinian civilians and a day of hope for the israelis. devorah could stop if hamas gives up, trait thank you. anita: the may jobs report coming in better than economists predicted but a closer look at the full picture suggests the job market may not be as hot as it seems economists peter breaks it down all for us coming up next. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ (avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! 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[laughter] >> why do you love biden? rex because biden we love. >> why do you love him? >> and biden helped us. >> he helped to get to the united states? >> you could see behind me alive right now they're migrants arriving hear from all over the country. we are seeing a border patrol process them, as they always do these migrants will likely be released into the united states. illegal immigration is not being suspended here along the southern border for at least here in san diego. >> matt i assume will be hearing more about that internal memo contradicting the president or it will hear a lot more about that. matt finn live in california, thank you. eric: immigration to the economy the white house has been talking up the may jobs report that came out on friday. showed the economy added 272,000 jobs, way above expectations. unemployment edged up to nearly, basically 4%. deeper look at the numbers show seminole red flag say x originally threw in a thousand part-time workers found jobs but more than twice as many people lost their full-time jobs the report also shows 250,000 people left the workforce entirely while 16000 more people worked multiple jobs let's bring in peter former u.s. international trade chief who teaches economics of business at the university of maryland. so peter, so much jumbling of numbers and figures can you boil this down? what basically it does this mean to the average one of us in terms of the economy? >> things are slowing down a lot. a goodly number of those jobs were directed government employment. but especially in healthcare. especially in healthcare. with the government faced or that healthcare expense and is not like the private sector like manufacturing is creating a lot of jobs. also a lot of americans are being coming discouraged and sitting down their being offered part-time work as opposed to full-time work. >> the white house have been touting some of these numbers of course they understand the issues with inflation part let me read you with the biden administration the white house is said about the economy what you just said, the infrastructure plan quote present by investing in americas america's immobilizing historic levels of private sector's investments in the united states. bringing manufacturing back to america after decades of off shoring and creating new good paying jobs including union jobs and do not have a college degree reaching communities in every corner of the united states. is that, in your view reflect with these numbers show? works now and it's not every corner of the united states for basically mr. biden showed preference refute sector semi conductors, rare earth minerals and automobiles. spending a fortune auto built sector what are they doing? cutting back on the production of electric cars for the states too expensive for them to do. who's a big friend of the u8 debbie who jacked up their wages and general motors cannot make a profit on an electric car. most folks do not feel any benefit. however a lot of this was spent by borrowing which pushes up prices. if you are not one of the chosen few who are paying a lot more for what you need but your wages have not gone up very much the chosen few have gotten big pay increases but not you. that lady who works across the street in the diner, no. >> hquincy seen a hike in interest rates for many months. federal government borrowing us a little bit leftist than twice that means a federal reserve has to maintain much higher interest rates in order to accommodate all of the government borrowing to not have even more inflation. when you go to buy a house you pay for joe biden's program again you have inflation at the grocery store, you want to buy a house at 7% interest. this is how there's no such thing as a free lunch they basically decided to run this program by running the printing press it's at penalizing people terribly. >> also will throw into that credit card interest. then home equity interest. >> absolutely. if you want a home equity loan and bar on your credit card it's much more expensive than it used to be. now, let's talk about his getting the jobs in the private sector. if you look at what the domestic economy can actually support because of conditions and legal immigrants people come by the rules they can generate about 80000 jobs. joe biden's economy generated more than doubled the net let's say but we do not of the exact number is inconsistent more thn double that. who is taking those jobs? illegal immigrants and then in turn need housing in new york city. the vacancy rate on apartments in new york there's hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants is about 1.5%. is it any wonder if y you are ad coming out of college he got debate $6000 to live in a one bedroom apartment the whole situation is absurd you cannot afford to live in your own country. joe biden is going this way to new york. it's that simple. >> family has one like that. >> i have one like that in brooklyn right now. it's even more expensive but finally peter you mention foreign they went up four and hm 14000. native born down more than that 663,000. what does that mean? >> let's focus on four to 14. we only admit legally a million or so people. in order to do for him 14000 a month think about how many of them are illegal. pushing up the rents and so forth. there's only so many apartments in america they've got to live someplace. as you alluded to prior to the break it's pushing up hotel rates. the social service needs. foreign language have to be taught in the city of new york public schools. >> it's absolutely specially in new york and other cities we are feeling it. peter thank you for your insight will see about those expensive studios in brooklyn. [laughter] take care. paint brother we got it we got it. >> residents of hartford, connecticut fed up with gun violence are taking matters into their own hands vigilante group to crackdown on crime the city's mayor, no surprise has some big concerns. brian ens has the story. >> if it comes down to it we will defend ourselves. but the only time that will happen is when our opponents or enemies pulled their weapons back at cornell lewis of the self-defense brigade his group of legally armed citizen volunteers is helping to lower crime and north end neighborhood. the democratic machine is either unwilling or incapable of doing it. people are paying their tax dollars and are not getting any kind of service for quick set qt that up with violent crime has been trolling the minority neighborhood by foot. communicating via walkie-talkie spring of body cameras to record interactions. the group has installed 75 security cameras in various homes it deploys a dozen drones to keep watch 24/7. >> i feel we are putting a dent on crime. >> the patrol start at the behest of local archbishop dexter burke after two men were shot and killed next to his church. was it gotten calls from folks downtown who have businesses down here. >> city is against the group telling fox news our community has seen so much pain and trauma for those who love the city to the hard work of healing that pain. not walk around the streets with guns taking law into their own hands. archbishop said even a residence in new haven, connecticut reached out to start patrols. in new york bryan llenas fox news. anita: thank you very much]. ♪ ♪. anita: welcome back today's national children that takes a terrible toll on a 15 million children and 40 million adults in the u.s. for domestic violence is associated with a long list of dire statistics including increased risk of suicide, drug abuse and committing crime. joining us now doctor linda olson specializes in this issue as a clinical psychologist and social worker she is also advisory board member for the childhood domestic violence association. doctor thank you so much for joining us today on this very important topic. can you please explain to our audience how a child can be a victim of domestic violence without ever being physically harmed or being the target of a verbal abuse from a parent or guardian? how can that be? >> first i want to thank you for inviting me here. and a child can be a victim by witnessing and experiencing it in the home. most people believe that a child there's no impact if the child is not being hurt, that is not true. >> just by merely witnessing domestic violence or witnessing verbal abuse between two parents as a way a child can experience domestic violence, is that what you're saying? >> absolutely, absolutely. i am a clinical psychologist, social worker, mother and grandmother. and grew up witnessing this. and also lost two sisters so i am passionate about this topic and i'm really committed to raising awareness per your absolute right most people believe if a child is not hits, if they did not experience the trauma which is absolutely not the case. >> go ahead, go ahead. >> and imagine that your child growing up witnessing every day your parents fighting, physically or not physically you are growing up with so much f fear, being frightened and to think it does not have an impact is ridiculous. i think the biggest tragedy is that people do not realize the impact. they do not realize it is a severe trauma it's the number one predictor of getting into an abusive relationship it is critical we bring awareness to this topic. anita: thank you for being so forthcoming about your own experience and i'm sure that helps you to identify children going to the same thing. so, how does a child witnessing or experiencing domestic violence result in serious health problems like heart disease, cancer, other chronic illnesses. what's happening inside of a child when t they're going throh this? >> when you grow up in constant fear and experiencing this in the home every day, it affects the central nervous system it impacts learning. it impacts cognitive functioning, mental health, social relationships. it has a profound impact and it does not and in childhood. at last throughout the lifespan i have patients who come to me regularly who are adult children who grew up in these homes and did not even realize the impact of her they do not realize what happened to them or why they are feeling so sad, or depressed, or anxious. the most important thing is we can educate and create an awareness about this trauma. unlike other traumas people know if you experience sexual abuse, if you are physically beaten up, they know and expect there's not going to be a good outcome. however the biggest issue is they assume because you were or were not hit you did not experience this trauma. >> it would be hard to tell if you did not experience it personally. doctor linda olson that's all the time we have for today but thank you so much for joining us in bringing awareness to this important topic. you can go to if you want to learn more about childhood domestic violence hope you will go there check it out. we will be right back. and keeping it off? 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>> this or about 13000 this year. we are record pace with 30,000 for the last 2000 we've had 41000 word nypd and crack not a legal mopeds. confiscating dozens of stolen scooters that busted and cuffed. officers finding and guns, drugs and this guy who they say is a repeat offender. >> 49 arrest is that shocking to at this point? no, not at all. the second time in two weeks arrest by the same officer perfects investigators say the stolen scooters are just one example of crimes connected to the ongoing migrant surgeon. >> i've got one moped on the northern boulevard repair cracked outcomes days after two of their own officers were shot by an migrant out on a stolen moped. the suspected venezuelan gang member shooting one officer right in the chest. >> he had a family fanny pack strapped around his chest through the bag five rounds struck the officer point blank in his vest. cooksey fired to the back? some >> one round. and how big an issue the scooters are but less of the confiscated more than 18000 illegal scooters t there on recd for setting pace this year to see him all of the streets of new york city it's become a huge issue. >> it really is. thankfully the police officer is okay. this morning coming to mayorkas of the highway patrol pull over too one motorcycle one scooter it really has become a big issue.e's i need is great to have you here at thank you.ea >> great to be witchh you. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. shingles. the rash can feel like an intense burning sensation that can last for weeks. shingles could disrupt work and time with family. over 50? the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. don't wait. ask your doctor about shingles today. the terrorist attacks of october 7th were the single deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. i stand here before you with an extremely burdened and heavy heart. not only for the immense cruelty and loss of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the people of israel in the months and the years to come as we fight for our survival. it's an especially critical time right now for the elderly. many close family members were killed or severely injured and are no longer able to help them with their basic needs such as food. the international fellowship of christians and jews is urgently responding to help the thousands of displaced elderly jews. your gift of only $25 will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who is at risk. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. zina, she used to take care of me. it was 6: 20 in the morning when we heard the first rocket. so i phoned my daughter and she said, "mommy, i'm on the bus. everything is okay." two minutes later, the terrorist shot her dead. volunteers from the fellowship deliver the food boxes and let them know that christians are helping provide them with a month's supply of healthy, ready to eat foods to strengthen them and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming from this box. thank you and may the god of israel always bless you. let's extend our prayers together in support and share our resources to bring meaningful change to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. call the number on your screen, scan the qr code, or go online to i f c j now.

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Situation , Say , 58 , Te , Tuesday , 13 , 37 , 58 , 49 , One , U S , Jeff Gunter , Endorsement , Winner , Senate , Iceland , Crowded Field Retired Army Captain Sam , Thing , Workers , Jacky Rosen , Tips , Service , Note , Democratic , Incumbent , Speech , More , Alicia Acuna At Life , Applause , Roar , Country , History , November 5 , 5 , Cheering , Border Policy Of A Gentleman Named Donald J Trump , Invasion , Way , It , Number , Anything , Number One , Pr Ploy , Two , Crooked Joe , Disinformation , Information , Tubes , Four , Title , Catch , Border Wall , Mexico , 571 , Guy , Chair , Children , Everything , Somebody , Bathing Suit , Beach , 7 , Bernie Marcus , Founder , Home Depot , 92 , 89 , 88 , Something , Administration , Foreign Policy , Him , Sharp , He H , 1 , 95 , Place , Think , Leave Everybody , Shoe , Lot , Problems , Afghan , Anybody , 110 , Everybody , Like A Dog , Water , Laughter , Front Row Joe , Services , Safe , Fronfront Row , Disaster , Aliens , Borders , Fabric , 50 , World , States , Prisons , S Statement , Border State , Jails , Institutions , Insane Asylums , Iowa , Border States , Idaho , Test , Career , End , Both , Race , Cognitively Impaired , Debate , Drug Test , Excuse , Dumping Ground , Moped , Wall , Criminals , Statistic , Venezuela , Name , Care , Cricket Joe , Names , Waves , Hiller , Weight , Slesleepyjoe , Boat , Poll , Sleepy Joe , Violent Crime , Heads , Coming , 40 , Countries , Crime Rate , All Over The World , 72 , Case , Eric , Safer , Shannon , Taste , Issue , Immigration , Fox News , Congressman , Great State Of Utah , Nobody , Hammering , Person , Some , Voter , Overrun , Message , Retail Politicians , Lifetime , Lawlessness , Emigration Afimmigration , Resources , Food , Benefits , Housing , Rate , Bastions , Base , 10 Million , Seven , Money , Cities , Schools , Parents , New York , Places , Rates , Hotel , Record Levels , Policy , Change , Trump Policy , Idea , App , Many , Effort , Asylum Rules , Doing , Law , Let , Prescription , Executive Orders , Basics , 90 , Students , Border Policies , 100 , Hotels , Restaurants , Casinos , Clip , Big In Las Vegas , Issues , Estate , Politics , Geopolitics , Column , Yes , Taxes , Income , Tax Cut , Promise , Part , Step , Service Industries , Say Eric , Citizens , Side , Play , 400000 , 200000 , Economy , Plan , 1992 , Life , Inflation , Tax Cuts , Cost , Crickets , Economy Zooming , Energy Independent , Worth , Three , Individual , Indiv , You E , Congressman Go , 3 , Sayu , Tax Foundations , Whwhat , Steve Moore , Point , Points , Swing State , Whatnot , Five , Difference , 2020 , 2016 , Advantage , Vote Machine , Ballot Harvesting Effort , Balance , Pre Have , Seachange , Vote , Election , One Of These Days , Views , Washington , Next , Opponent , D Day , France , Minerals , Vitamins , Blend , Fiber , Prebiotic , Song In French , 25 , 30 , Family , Gift , Somewhere , Father S Day , Vehicle , Possession , Book , Hotels Com , Weathertech , Hauler , Cupfone , Seat Protector , Sunshade , Cargo Liner , Uv Rays , Stains , Phone , Driving , Interior Pristine , Floorliners , Products , Gift Card , Father , Trip , Visit , Respects , Predecessor , American Military Cemetery , U S Marines , World War I , Meeting , Ukraine , Iraq , Ukraine Mixup , 25 Million , 25 Million U S Dollars , Sense , Ideas , Horizon , Slip , Mistake , National Security Advisor , Ukrainians , Perspective , Weapons , Common Sense , Russia Inside , Guns , Cemetery , Weree Firing , Replacements , Russian , The Atlantic Magazine , Story , Suckers , War , Losers , Backhere , G7 , Questions , All The Way Back Home , Western Europe Mk , Hostages , Shakeup , Rescue , Israeli , Deep Inside Gaza , Israel , Centrist , Delaware , Live In Paris , Help , Plans , Resignation , Hostage Rescue , Tel Aviv , War Cabinet , Trey Yingst , Government , Development , Prime Minister , Work Cabinet Members , Tread , Ministers , News , Form , Coalition , Buildings , Gunmen , Refugee Camp , Mission , Central Gaza , Complex Multipart Operation , Special Forces , F Firefights With , Risk , Under Fire , Intelligence , Admission , Officer , Forces , Fight , Home , Civilians , Rescue Mission , Hamas , Aftermath , Hospital , Raid , Inside Gaza Palestinians , Benjamin , Loved Ones , New York Times , Operation , Involvement , Run Palestinian Health Ministry , Reports Quote Team Of American Hostage Recovery Officials , 200 , Support , Captives , Hope , The War , Israeli Military , Job Market , Economists , The May Jobs Report , Israelis , Trait , Picture , Look , Devorah , Shades , Sensitivity Protection , Teeth , 2 , 24 7 , Patients , Expectations , Product , Shipping , Ground Shipping , Ground Advantage , Thanks Brandon , Usps , Doctor , Mental Health , Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia , Hands , Medication , Progress , Austedo , Face , Feet , Avo , Austedo Xr , Adults , Kate , Td Treatment , Td Movements , Response , Meds , Changes , Thoughts , Depression , Liver Problems , Reserpine , Actions , Attention , Mood , Don T , Hi , Huntington S Disease , Side Effects , Problems Thinking , Heartbeat , Inflammation , Tetrabenazine , Fast , Muscles , Fever , Sweating , Sleepiness , Throat , Insomnia , Valbenazine , Business , Migrants , Numbers , Border Patrol , Immigrants , Agents , Maps , Field , Flow , Fan , Spots , Memo , Nation , Hi Matt , Cap , Singleadult , Ud , Six , Georgia , China , Eastern Hemispherex , Egypt , Africa , Interior , Heart A , Ice , Notice , Part Quote , Migrant , Recognizance , Women , San Diego , Turkey , Rex , Them , White House , May Jobs Report , Matt Finn , Jobs , Unemployment , Say X , Seminole Red Flag , 272000 , 4 , A Thousand , Workforce , Report , 250000 , 16000 , Chief , Economics , Figures , International Trade , Jumbling , University Of Maryland , Healthcare , Government Employment , Sector , Americans , Manufacturing , Healthcare Expense , Inflation Part , Course , Infrastructure Plan Quote Present By Investing In Americas America , Investments , Levels , College Degree , Union , Corner , Works , View , Semi Conductors , Communities , Mr , Preference , Rare Earth , Fortune Auto , Wages , Friend , Production , Automobiles , Cars , General Motors , U8 , Borrowing , Few , Benefit , Folks , Car , Prices , Profit , Lady , Pay , Diner , The Street , Interest Rates , Reserve , Hike , Leftist , Hquincy , House , Order , Program , Grocery Store , Government Borrowing , Interest , Credit Card Interest , Printing Press , Lunch , Credit Card , Home Equity Loan , Bar , Home Equity , Let S Talk , Conditions , 80000 , Apartments , Hundreds Of Thousands , Need Housing , Vacancy Rate , Thn Double , Wonder , Apartment , College , Y , 6000 , 1 5 , 000 , Simple , In Brooklyn , Native , Hm , 14000 , 663000 , 14 , A Million , Hotel Rates , Someplace , Rents , City , Social Service , Language , Studios , Insight , Residents , Connecticut , Gun Violence , Fed Up , Paint Brother , Hands Vigilante Group , Hartford , Time , Brian Ens , Mayor , Surprise , Concerns , Crackdown , Group , Opponents , Self Defense , Enemies , North End , Armed Citizen Volunteers , Cornell Lewis , Brigade , Neighborhood , Democratic Machine , Tax Dollars , Incapable , Set Qt , Kind , Homes , Interactions , Security Cameras , Body Cameras , Spring , Foot , Walkie Talkie , 75 , Dexter Burke , Dent , Behest , Men , Patrol Start , Trauma , Spain , Community , Businesses , Church , Calls , Folks Downtown , Streets , Patrols , Residence , New Haven , Bryan Llenas , Welcome Back Today , Domestic Violence , Suicide , Statistics , Drug Abuse , Toll , List , 40 Million , 15 Million , Social Worker , Psychologist , Board Member , Doctor Linda Olson , Childhood Domestic Violence Association , Child , Topic , Abuse , Victim , Parent , Guardian , Audience , Target , First , Impact , Mother , Sisters , Grandmother , Awareness , Hits , Fighting , F , Fear , Tragedy , Relationship , Predictor , Heart Disease , Health Problems , Experience , Result , Cancer , Chronic Illnesses , Childhood , Relationships , Learning , Central Nervous System , Functioning , Lifespan , Traumas , Outcome , Cdv Org , Childhood Domestic Violence Ctv Org , Stop Wegovy , Power , 35 , 46 , Medicine , Don T Take Wegovy , Overweight , Events , Obesity , Fda , Medicines , Stomach Pain , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reaction , Shouldn T , Neck , Swelling , Semaglutide , Glp 1 , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Diabetes , Provider , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar , Pancreatitis , Heart Racing , Kidney Problems , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Cv Risk , Health Care Professional , Coverage , Nutrition , Stuff , Mopeds , Police , Rise , Boost , Migrant Sum , Nypd Curve , Scooters , Pretty Wild Night Out On The Streets Of New York , Bride , Trade , Vehicles , Tools , Mcadams , Authorities , Officers , Drugs , Cameras , Queens , Spike , Repeat Offenders , Times , Muppets , Space , 13000 , Dozens , Word Nypd , Confiscating , 2000 , 30000 , 41000 , Arrest , Repeat , Cuffed , Crimes , Example , Investigators , Perfects , Migrant Surgeon , Northern Boulevard , Chest , Gang Member , Rounds , Family Fanny Pack , Shooting One , Point Blank , Back , Ground , Vest , Cooksey , Police Officer , Mayorkas , Highway Patrol Pull , Illegal Scooters T There On Recd For Setting Pace , 18000 , Glucerna , Scooter , Blood Sugar Response , Witchh , Big Issue E , Thank You Ea Great , Burning Sensation , Shingles , Virus , Rash , Carbsteady , Holocaust , Don T Wait , October 7th , Terrorist Attacks , Needs , Heart , Cruelty , Loss , Family Members , Elderly , Survival , Injured , Thousands , Jews , Emergency Food Box , Jewish , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Zina , Rocket , Save Lives , 20 , 6 , Volunteers , Daughter , Bus , Terrorist , Healthy , Supply , Christians , Fellowship , Box , Food Boxes , Love , Faith , God Of Israel , Prayers , Lives , Brothers , Screen , Ifcj Israel Org , Qr Code ,

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