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everyone. thanks so much for joining us today. welcome to "sunday >> good to watching, welcome to sunday mooning teachers, i am maria bartiromo they will joe biden making, will he withdrawru the persistent questions about his capacity, and run for entered another term on top of the questions about the bench vice president kamala harris, and the ability to step up and giving up, will help senator sartre shortlist for fie president can be break in the upcoming debate, will jd vance, be debating kamala harris inin e upcoming months and plus joea biden makes a moment of the t border five men'hes ahead of the election as the voters denouncel biden's handling oinf immigrati, texas governor greg abbott andee whether anything is changed at all of the open border isto illegal room from texas and arizona to san diego, to floodeg to america all of this is the leading congressional oversight committee, the recommended terminal chargesrimiarge againsr and james biden, coming up asrm oversight committee chairmanan, james, i'm or his impeachment inquiry is headed now bus "fox news" legal analyst greg a new brenda and pets welfare strategies, is this is turning is more aggressive with america, no recruiting former u.s. fighter pilots, to assist in china's air combat fox ands friends cohost pete with a look at america's military what hewa calls, that war on warriors comw out right here right now on sunday morning futures. it will begin this sunday morning, with america's border security come of this week, president biden announcing an executive order committed foe rl thse flood of illegals coming into america after he and secretary alejandro mayorkas said the board was secure for some three years and of courseei now, he releases this ahead of the presidential election, five months away and no one claimed, the biden's executive order will shutdown the board when illegal crossings top 2500, day for seven consecutive days but itt also includes several carveouts which will people in danger for example, the company neededof children are not part of the 2500 of them will not be affected the cometh and they will continue to flow it among of their groups and this is likely to cause the drug cartels to exploit children. and as a near post reports this week, the order still allows ats least 1.8 million illegal micros into the country iever every yef fully and bidens watch customs and border protection sources are telling fox news bill motion an griff jenkins, that they've encountered over 8 millionts migrants illegally crossing order order for nearly 700 apprehended this it does not include millions of so-called cutaways, then w e know of themout evaded apprehension and vanished into america, without a trace ik the order took effect, we have seen little to no evidence, that the flood of illegals tesla dows at all fbi director christopher. wright meanwhile testified andoc capitol hill again this pastonce week, i was again, that a americans are facing a rape threat in their communities. >> another most immediate concern has meant thatt individuals or small groups will dry twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east some of the carry out attacks here a, home with now, on top of that, increasing concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland.t not unlike the isys attack that we saw the russia concert hall e back in march. maria: in a fill the void left by the biden administration ofol the state of texas launchedma operation lonerc star back in march of 2021 and it is apprehended more than half a million illegals with more than 43000 criminal arrests and 30000 felony charges, texas has also seized on the 488 million lethal doses that fentanyl and otherin leading cause of death forth americans between the ages ofth 18, and 49 you know in this exclusive the governor of texas, greg abbott is been leading the charge to affect america'smini border the biden administration and one president trump supporters here together joins me now with the latest on bidens porter order to see you ander think you for joining us. greg: my pleasure and thank you maria. maria: cha have you seen any che the border since joe biden camee out with an executive order.atso greg: none whatsoever listen people need to understand, that would biden has done, is not doing anything to actuallybeca secure the border and in fact the opposite because he'sau actually been authorizing, when people to cross the border you illegally and think about this, when you get to that 2500 of the number of people crossing the n border a day, thatum he said hes will allow, and only then stopym the asylum process, when he stops the asylum process, therei is nothing biden is doing that actually is preventing anybody else in crossing the border for on top of enforcement mechanism in place and so, as long as thei bidestn administration refuses o provide any type of enforcement community type of blockage, people crossing illegally, all this new biden policy will do, is to actually attract andbord advice, even more people coming across the border illegally and you've seen on video's, ever since the biden order when intoe place, there'sop no slowing dow. people crossing the border had in fact, is accelerating. so this is gas lighting our fellow americans would buy to said is going to stop peopless from coming across the border,th when he says is going to securee thr.e border, infected is makinr the border illegal crossings doe worse sweetie was unbelievable a and the fact that he does a five months before reluctant to tryld to make you feel under people police actually doing something after three years heavy in mys argus thing border was secure,ng alejandro mayorkas that is alsor stunning i want to get your take on the specific issue on that and camping and miners and wen children, but i went to the border several times about five or six times othf the border i w several in the company diding children there coming across the rio grande, hello from 11 -year-olds, the drug cartels i was told, were renting those kids, making believe that theyts were part of that family units but they really were not. d what you think theo applicatioi up, not having unaccompanied children in a parten o pf this 0 cap. greg>>: so couple of things thap one is the unaccompaniedmill children is just one of very n many exceptions to the new rule biden has pushed the point isth that the exceptions exceed the role that allows again, even more people to cross illegallyoi come up into our country than the biden administration is not going to process and without estate into the united states at the second as you point out, by allowing the children to cross the border illegally and allowing them to stay here, all the does this provided tool, too the cartels who are responsibleo fo er everybody who crosses illegally, to exploit those this extraordinarily harmful toe thesye children and they ofteng times are used as tools meeting this, that is they will cross the border with some adult, and they will be sent back acrossnd the border a into mexico and the company some other adults, to come across were so this is nothing more than a scam and endangers the children's that does nothing tildro secure bord. maria: where are all theal democrats who claimed that they are watching out forth human rights abuses where all thea democratdes who claim to love children and women it when wereh lookinisg at this kind of got treatment. this outrageout frs governor, yu have a list from the texas department of public safety, thd ten most wanted criminal illega' immigrants got the list in fronm of me, telling the significance of this list with the texas dps is running into when they are doing these apprehensions. greg: so maria, included among all of the people that joe bidea is allowing it to the united states, are known criminal summa people who are wanted for murder, operate, for assault, the very serious crimes. when they come here, the texassa department of public safety taps into a database come to find out which of those are in the state of texas, which of those theyh have been able to apprehend, which they've not been able to let brandon and we have a list, people who are in texas, who have committed crimes in the past, who are wanted it and we- thought will if joe biden is going to allow, the criminal illegal immigrants into ourin state, we are going to go after those criminal illegal exa immigrants is exactly what thef texas department of public safety us doing. maria: this incredible money want to see the border enteredn president trump witness entered women election in november and we should take a look at what people are talking about after the conviction and what yount expect income should president trump when the the border. greg: listen, talk to theg president about he is into parto goinlig to re- implement the policies he had a placement joe biden took office and that is, made in mexico, there may be some derivative of title 42rt policy andan importantly and cah and release continue to build the border wall pretty something else it's very important remember that joe biden hasha allowed it, the more than 10 million illegal immigrants including these very dangerous criminals and one thing thet president trump is very adamanti about is that iss, that bennett minimum we need to it and if ian locate have every had all thesea criminals who have come acrossco our border read said that back to where they came from. maria: in president trump told me would likely have to deportpt most of them and governor befor you go, click on the texas kno docket change, we know that the environment the business has been b quite positive so many businesses are incorporating in texas now state is planning on a texas stock exchange, to compete with the new york stock exchange. greg: surerety, listen, for the entirety of the century that we are in outcome of texas have become the center for the american economy and we ranked number one, for new jobs addedwr in number one for economic 1 development new projects for 11n years anied we help fortune 500 companies come up talking to thv senate and the state of texas including importers as he is upset the texas is the best day for doing business for 20 years and so with texas, we are now the epicenter in the united states for capitol and we seekby to expand out by becoming. epicenter for capitol markets. maria: will be watching you do you don't governor so good toan see you anksd thank you. greg: thank you maria: texas the texas governotr greg abbott and now this. trump: i am telling you, that the selection coming up novembes going to go down as the most important it day because if weis do not when it is we as all of us millions of people if wet don't win, thiwis country is finished and i really believe that predict i think it is finished. maria: and that is former president trump and until help in phoenix arizona thursday wite 149 days away from the presidential november 5 fox news polls is very trump is leaving by to come up following trump's guilty verdict it in manhattan with the 45th president anybi president biden arizona, florida, nevada, and he is tiedv in virginia were democrats have won the last four presidential elections, dating back to 2008, even very blue virginia there tied jointly right now with more on the campaign the road ahead in ohio senator fence onat t president trump shortlist to become his vice president great to see you senator and think you for joining me this morning. >> good morning maria how are you. maria: amusing thear necessary paperwork in for in terms of vetting in terms of the vice presidential spot. >> yes we had conversations witt the trump team but eventually not spoke about the vice presidential thing the presideno to directly pretty until hrte da certain as soon as this is a lot of media speculation and as i've said a thing to you maria iswant certainly to many others will have donald trump get elected because is important to be a become the next present but i've got to orange up with people in the united states senate that, changes will be when the first enough. take terms of what yourmé incredible resume brings to the table here because i know thattr ohio has been a place where president trump has one there is also other states around that in think bring g it will needed bot of the presidents camping and what about ohio as well asng i pennsylvania, tell me what you see in terms of voters right now. jd: yes maria when the most important things we have to do is a national party, not just b donald trump's campaign, but iu you look alot important consent wisconsin, michigan, and in pennsylvania you have will w be godly industrial midwest, were some of the critical states ind the country, i would hold elections in the fourth punches for president of course but foro the senate as well pretty really throughout the score with a lote of voters who recognize that they have been left behind bye the economic policies of joeou biden. t and if you want to build things and you want to make things in the united states of america,s the most important thing maria'' low-cost energy and you joe i biden's energy policies have been at war with the workers inp thpoe states.n i think there isup a reale opportunity for us theo run up e score here when the importedth electoral votes in with a few good guys to the united statesta senate and i think that is the most important part of heres i country move the three states in the industrial midwest. maria: this way point you makesa of course we saw the polls out of the conviction senator, andtn president trump has gotten morel support and he was able to rais3 those $2,300,000,000 and the week after the conviction and ih guess it was 50 million in the first 24 hours of them were at the polls here, the president a hat s also bright blue states, places like it, south bronx, ass well as neeyw jersey and as weln as minnesota, and is been able to garner huge crowds. what is your take on what is taken place in terms of thesp support thatit we've seen for president trump despite theic guiltyt? verdict. gr.jd: i think you'll recognizet was a scam trial put on the date by the democrats to distractfail from their own failure and i will say that you can feel the energy is campaigning with the president on the date actually do six, is a couple of days ago and the indian the ground is just off of the charted people are excited. t i think there excited because they wanmat to patrick back mara come there a couple of veryes basic issues that are driving the election and americans doid not want a wide open border or cartels to bring fentanyl into their communities and they want energy policies and make itco unimpossible to afford a decent living in our country that one w housing cost going through the roof with rising interest rates and basic things, what if yous can foofr the success of the trp administration, to the failure of the biden administration, sometimes the stuff maria but we actually see it, we see fouryear years of trump that bident anything about america's they come and take me back to peace and prosperity which is what donald trump maria: yes that's what we the biggest bowl with the president trump is at 44 percent versus biden at 38 percent hello, youey just mentioned that you were with president trump of the day, and thank you god, for thisth incrediblyos courageous men who actually fought for our freedom on d-day change the course of ha veteran come you felt that there was a shoemaker from joe biden f dropping —-dash from nobody, think you for your service tone our great country tell me what happened when joe biden dropped it campaigning out, from normandy against president kno trump. jd: well, you are right, this is the greatest generation we should be so proud that they literally liberated they can't continent for fascism and urinary is the reason we caller them the greatest generation but joe biden trying to cover himself in glory of the greatest generation despite trying to destroeyy everything if authorie up these ridiculous accusations theatiod trump is respective veterans or respect the greatest generation was wity donald trump on d-day the public and in private any talk h constantly about howow much hege admired those who serve especially the generation but al l generations and here's theerat crazy thing maria, has the greatest generation what they feel about wide open borders anh ask greatest generation coupled with a feel about changes for the minors in effect joe biden is covering himself in glory, on the very people who fought forel something that he is trying to destroy, is display font help americans reject him this november. maria: we see america's they arl rejecting a poll after poll we see them support president trump abbe although that is about whot counts the votes aest the end of the day and what you thinking in terms of a fair and transparent electionn no in november after e last couple of years or so many viewers the voters were skeptical.what jd: yes very good question printed to ♪ ♪ to and michael while you stia lot of good things here news here, to compare the 2020 t election to the states who did well ohio and carolina come in particular some of the states ti think that some real problems ld pennsylvania and i think were trying to take the ohio north carolina approach nationwide and challenging some of the depress approaches some of their efforts to do valid harvesting, we haveg .a really aggressive legal operation that will challenge things as theyatio come up wes certainly know that will but he really don't think maria somebody was very skeptical of what happened in 2020, the dewe point be able to run the same g gameam in 2020 course, super bol is only trump often says, is a make this thing to victory getd out there about get out there donate donald j trump .com and get involved in this race because the best way to ensure the donald trump is the 2 president in02 2024, is one of p score and we have an opportunitu to do that sweetie what could be more important is prettyting believes easy communist trying to get more aggressive withey american other wanting to recruit american former fighter pilotsfo to work for china's their combatng this is just one of the manyot aggressions that we see fromk fr communist china not much pushback from this administration.t, jd: no wt much at all in effecte are actively impairing them and when we talk better energye policy, we are sitting on arl mountain od,f the most valuable resource in the world, naturalt gas and petroleum for the biden administration is making it harder and harder to get out ofo the ground seso present to and e empowers communist china that is powers people want to manufacture outside of the united states and harms american workers and just as in a position maria, god forbid if we fought a war with the communist chinese tomorrow, they would lot make a lot of critical weapon systems that we actually needed and fo fr the tenants of our own country so we've got to get divided out of their and create more economic independence which will bolster our national security is a real opportunity here and also a real risk that we reelected joe biden. maria: with you this morning weo so appreciate your time. jd: thank you. maria: jd vance joining us this morning quick pregnantho housein oversight committee james comer sitting on criminal referrals m 100 james biden he will join me by with more than first hundred biden contrail said to resumemo tomorrow morningrr at delaware with cases expect to go to the. jury later this week in fox news legal analyst, greg and then post homeless maranda divine this giving is a present invitee doj using hundred by does laptop as evidence is initially called russian disinformation, stay with us. nahhhh... 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damagingti information during 201al6l presidential election and what about all the people they gave e damaging in from the laptop during the 2020 election come there should be an investigation should be consequenceshat. of t. maria: and that was a former m director of national intelligence john radcliffe with me herweeke this weekend justicu department using hundred by does laptop as evidence and huntersfo ongoing federal gun triarel this is by just weeks before the 2020 presidential election forru president biden called russian c disinformation house intelligence committee chairmahn adam schiff and 51 formeran intelligence officials final letter, laptop person disinformationnfor. and quickly devote by radcliffe and mornings with murray on foxbusiness just a couple weeksw before the election in 20 me now fox news legal analyst greg inx new york fox news contributor maranda divine the author havefh the vesely book, top from packe" maranda, this is so rich, thisim must be affecting you in some way the fact that another using theve laptop as evidence after l of those years when you first broke the news in the new york post first broke the news that the laptop and only to get pushback by all of those 51 intelligence officials, why is s different president trump ise he convicted is he supposedly information ahead of electionun aboutet money for a encounter going to stormy daniels and yout they get information about the lack of consequences know the doj is using it as evidence. maranda: john radcliffe's but or and there was the laptop, the silver macbook 13 pro sitting in the courtroom and being held up with the prosecutoagr in beingt shown to an fbi agent, to identify as hundred biden's laptopt wa, that was is in her words, abandoned local computerp repairai store. just as we said almost four years ago, and all of theha conspiring come with a on, deberry that into produce anybody who talked about it is a russian agent about joe biden himself stood up in a debatemp, with donald trump any said, tha. it was of russian plant is the laptop from a russian plant nothing but garbage with 51 former intelligence officialsnu whfao manufactured a month life saying that the laptop and everything every report from ita in the new york post, wasop russialen disinformation and soe all those people have escaped consequences about to now i think that the fact that laptop is now government exhibit number 16 coming hundred brightestt trial in wilmington, you should just put the nail in the coffin of that pretest even though i might heather earthly, even on thursday, it wasth trying to pue some distance betweeenn the lapd and the hard drive in the. evidence in court. and the judge just, hit that of the head and she said, no no, think of this you know you talking about a laptop and hard drive and and icloud is too confusing. and you have to understand the laptop/hard drive, that is thepp same thing in hard drive is just an image of the laptop and so let's dispense with thisus ridiculous pretense. maria: this unbelievable and greg so when w we supposed to dg just forget abouett the fact thh they get information right before the presidential election and lied to the public and help we are supposed to just accept the fact that trump was supposedly hiding information about some encounter that he hay in hush money payment is withas the legal expense he said it wa a legal issh present forget abot all that no consequences for th, group who did it back in 2016, but all of the consequences forq uepresident trump. greg: no, we should not forgetf about in the american publicth needs to be informed of it withe th qe upcoming election pretty t the question is, why washe everybody lying about it and why release affrighted to cover upse the laptop because maria contained damning evidence of the father's involvement iinvone sense influence peddling sweetln schemes that netted tens of millions of daughter dollars from america's adversaries and something access to joe and promises of influence, the essentially telling of the nation for financial profit and divided got rich doing it and they could've been targeted andy should been charged with, conspiracy and briberycorr comep practices act to come up but as from the irs whistleblowers, bui his own doj, they scuttled the investigation, to protect the biden said that is called obstruction of justice by the department of justice but of course, they will never prosecute themselves and so is it any wonder than americans our have lost faith in her system oc justice and the fbi in the until committee, they were all in on it and it was corrupt. maria: going to talk with james comer the oversight committee chairman after the criminal but about to get your take on this judge for them and happen, judgr juan manuel merchan so-called hush money for allia issueg d a letter to all of the parties involved acknowledging, that there could be potential juror misconduct. social media and this after ark post was found on the new yorkk state unified score under courses in facebook pagepa pretty where while he said my cousin it a juror trump is getting convicted pretty think you folks for all of your hard work.g and soto trying to understand te legitimacy of this you know if there's actually a cousin of the juror and was there in fact, how play here which would lead to a predictably miss trial of the trump conviction in the trial and maranda would you know about this. maranda: look, it seems there'st evidence, that in some sort ofll it troll, who has done this, but i guess the question is why didk it sit there for over a week int the court website without anybody detecting it but i allowed to sit there like that and why hasn't judge juan manuel merchan done his owns le investigation intott this and these written letters to thede lawyers legacy expect thatlawy trump's defense lawyers to do the investigation but he has all of the tools at his disposal int anything is incumbent on him, te look into it himself. maria: greal.g click. greg: yes and as i said, on the davis were broken, and if it is true and it is a big gift, and yes, it might be groundless, for ea vacating the verdict in a new trial but if it is a troll and he simply made it up to create malicious mischief, will be criminally charged with felony obstruction of the judicial proceeding and is a form ofus obstructiotin of justice another way maranda is right, it is up to the judge, to the appointed court officer, conducted an investigation and maybe subpoena facebook, to get thet troop entity of the account holder get to the bottom of this. maria: okay and we don't know it will be watching that and agree to talk with you both, craig anh randy, thank you so much and stay with us and we have james comer, team hundred oversightt committee chamber, next. when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto 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i know you already had the transcript. was the transcript manipulated or doctored? why do you insist on seeing -- hearing the audio tapes? >> because e don't have confidence that the audio, that the transcript is 100% accurate. we've already seen bits and pieces that would suggest that merrick garland's department of justice has altered the transcript. if the are transcript is accurate, why not release the awed a yo tapes? the fact that he' fuses to turn over the audio tapes is inexcusable, and he needs to be held accountable. and, hopefully, this week my house republican colleagues will join jim jim jordan and myself and hold merrick garland are accountable. wement expect to get these -- we expect to get those tapes becauses this is the a good test the of whether or not the department of justice has been honest with the american people with respect to their transcript. maria: well, i've been told that the transcript -- things were edited out like ums and stuff like that, and it speaks to joe biden's capacity. there were two stories in the journal this last week, one titled behind closed doors biden shows signs of slipping. and other the weekend, who's next in line after president kamala harris as people are talking and wondering if, in fact, biden is going to make it, make it to the debate, make it to the election or will he withdraw? will the democrats demand he has to i withdraw? will they put kamala harris up or someone else? what's your take in what's the scuttlebutt in terms of president biden right now in. >> the reason i don't think joe biden will be replaced even though he's trailing badly in the polls is because the democrats in washington don't like kamala harris at all. they would prefer if joe biden over kamala harris. they would actually prefer someone better that're electable, but heavy done polling and they've done polling, and believe it or not joe biden polls better than any other democrat. that's how weak the democrat bench is in america right now. so i think the democrats are going to stick with joe biden. but with respect to his slipping and his mental deterioration, most people many washington including the democrats don't have confidence that joe biden will make it the next four years if he were somehow to win the election. and we all wonder who, in fact, is running the show. we don't believe it's kamala harris, we belief it's some bureaucrats in the biden administration that are calling the shots, and that's very concerning and should be a major issue in this presidential election. maria: let me turn to the impeachment inquiry, sir. you sent out criminal referrals this past week. tell us about that. what does that get you and where is this going? >> well, criminal referrals are very serious. in fact, merrick garland has prosecuted people that were referred criminally to the department of justice during the trump administration. so merrick garland's on record taking congressional criminal referrals very seriously. so we're going to see how seriously he takes these that we referred here. what we have, maria with, is hunter biden under oath in a deposition lying. he perjured himself two deferent times at least -- different times at least about joe biden's involvement is and participation in schemes. we also have jim biden lying about the fact that joe biden met with tony bobulinski. jim biden testified in his transcribed interview that they never met, but both tony bobulinski and hunter biden testifies under oath that they met. so we -- testified under oath to. why would jim biden lie about that? it's all to protect joe. we know from our comprehensive investigation from tony bobulinski that joe biden was the central forget in the family's influence-peddling scheme. the tens of millions of dollars that the bidens took in from our adversaries around the world which according to irs whistleblowers they never paid taxes on, all of this happened because joe biden was the central figure in selling the brand and convincing the shady characters around the globe that his family was essentially speaking for him and to go ahead and wire that money to those shell account accounts. maria: okay, that's fair number. but you sent criminal referrals for up hunter and james biden over perjury for lying to congress. where are the criminal referrals if that's all true i? where are the criminal refrerls for a, finish a a ra, for money laundering, for corruption, for influence peddling? f if ara. where are they? >> well, we're just beginning, maria. and a lot of those crimes9 that the bidens have committed, the statute of limitations has one -- run out. that was one of the complainses that the irs whistleblowers said when we had them testify. but we're going to deal with those and with joe biden. remember, this is an investigation of joe biden. hunter biden, jim biden, deafen harsher -- devon archer, these are all witnesses in an investigation of joe biden. this was always about joe biden. we're going to do everything we can to hold hunter biden and all the shady associates accountable, this is just the beginning. but next step will be accountability for joe biden, and i think everyone that's kept up with this investigation will be very eager to see what the next step is. this is the first step, these criminal referrals. everything that we refer to the.department of justice is within the statute of limitations. in fact, if merrick garland's department of justice the doesn't take this up in an appropriate manner, then the next administration and a new attorney general certainly can. the investigation's already been done, and with these criminal referrals, we published a 60-page report of nothing but hard evidence that no one has made a comment if disputing anything we provided in the evidence. maria: okay. so these criminal referrals will stand the for five years beyond potential merrick garland's time there at biden's doj. >> absolutely. maria: are you saying that we could expect a criminal referral against joe biden if for money laundering? is that what you rust said? -- just said? >> i think it's no secret joe biden's committed many crimes, and i think that you're going to see a report very soon. that report is imminent. that'll probably be an interim report that updates everyone on the crimes that that biden and his administration have committed throughout this investigation and through the years of the obama-biden administration. maria: you have subpoena power. why not subpoena these people as well? put them in the hot seat? >> we've subpoenaed, we've subpoenaed all the a associates. the only person we haven't talked to is joe biden. as you know, it's hard to subpoena a sitting president, or the democrats would have done that to donald trump. but i think what we've done in all of our deposition cans and interviews has been very sub substantive, and it's going to be useful in accountability. maria: l., we so appreciate your time. thank you, sir. congressman james comer. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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