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today in honor of d-day tomorrow, as his administration moves swiftly try to sell his executive actions on the board at home. and republicans being blaming budget for the delay. proving to be a very tough sell, although the speaker of the house mike johnston is here and so is independent of presidential candidate robert f. kennedy junior. fifty-six years to the day after his father's assassination, rfk junior still does not have secret service protection. and he has asked for at least five times and age time they have refused, and still refusing. finding out why it, 'your world' is now. will come everybody, i'm neil cavuto. let's get to the white house, on how the presidents push from half the world a way to get those situation straighten out, is playing out, jackie? >> the u.s. has artie eclipsed the surgery threshold, anybody who comes and illegally will be deported, they will face a ban of reentry for five years unless they have an appointment through the cpp one apple art of their and unaccompanied minor, or have a standard of credible fear under the un convention against torture. republicans pointing to the 8 million people who cross into this country illegally under this president decry the timing, also looking at the election calendar. >> you cannot make this cap roll backwards. >> this will not save your political life. >> an ongoing abashed improvements in policy but the politics of it are very obvious -- on not going to bash. >> at the president also facing criticism within his base, immigration advocacy group say it is a violation of federal asylum laws, soon to the administration. progressive democrats also slamming a biden, when he tried to ban migrants from the majority of muslim countries before it was overturned by the court. saying that if they don't think they can be of the republicans on their own game. 's administration and those says the president's executive action was on the same as trumps, the also expected to stand up in court because there are still ways to make asylum claims in a lawful way, they say that is a key distinction between what trumpeted and what biden did. we will of course see this play out in the courts because it is being challenged. but of the change you want to point out, is not about president biden who said he did all he could with a stroke of a pen and also criticized trump when he used 212 f. and also enacted a policy requiring asylum-seekers to seek asylum from another country outside of the u.s. out of the presidents move at that time. >> neil: i remember very well, thank you. while a lot of people were wondering what took the administration so long to move on to these executive orders, they don't flip over some of these ideas they have, many saying too little too late. a hundred markers when i spoke to him yesterday said there are reasons for that. >> weeks later congress to act, they did not act once, they recently failed to act twice and we took this executive action. it is not too little or too late, we hope that congress would act, they failed to do so and the president exercised his executive authority as he has done now. >> neil: with us now, the speaker of the house to answer all of that, mike johnston kind enough to join us out of washington. >> hello neil, great to be with you. >> neil: what did you think about of the secretary saying this is on you and the federal -- end of the republicans, making it look like a sure thing, saint donald trump stopped you tag this is why the president had to step in and take matters into his own hands? >> or what i say as this is exactly what we had to impeach secretary mayorkas, as a serious problem with the truth. what he is saying is comical,'s think the republicans did not act it? we passed the most secure border measure in the history of congress 14 months ago, it is still sitting on chuck schumer's desk right now. that would have actually fix the problem. mayorkas -- >> neil: but there were no democratic votes for that? >> there were not and that is the point, if they wanted to secure the border that could have by that is the issue, the president and mayorkas engineered the open board, they did it intentionally. they began on the first day of the biden administration with executive orders. we documented 64 executive actions that biden and mayorkas took to open the outboard, put out the welcome mat and invite everybody to come in. and you know who came in? many dangers people. known in terrorist on that watches, criminals from prisons emptied out in central america, gang members and cartel members and everybody else, and no the director of the fbi testified for the fourth time in congress that all the red lights are flashing meaning we are in serious danger on the homeland now because they have allowed all of these dangerous elements to come into our country, it is a maddening. they should have closed on day one but the captured open this long because they wanted to and everybody knows that. >> neil: you know, most of the president and the secretary as you know speaker have said, -- both -- they were not sucking up to donald trump and doing his bidding, we would not be where we are in right now. that version of it would have passed and it's kind of water the president is doing with these executive actions would be a moot point? >> you never send a bill over from of the synagogue it was a half measure. it would have not solve the problem. january 3rd of this to, 64 has republicans out of the border, largest contingency of congres members that went to the eagle pass, the epicenter of all the problems, and they told us there is a border patrol agents told us, 33 year veteran of the agency who is the deputy of the agency told us, that the problem is they remain in mexico. of the order to reinstate of the remaining in mexico policy that president trumpeted, you would stop the illegal flow by 70 percent. that was a clear admission of the people there on the ground and that was the advice i delivered to president biden myself. he refused to do it. if you want to solve the border he could close the border entirely but this half measure executive order you did actually exacerbate the problem. he is allowing thousands of people over the border every day before they just began to enforce existing federal immigration law. it makes no sense and everybody wants to know around the country why would they do that, because they want to turn these people into voters, that's the only rational explanation. >> neil: that's not the point but you already, it is the politics of both sides argue strongly for their views. speaker i did want to get your latest on these criminal referrals you are recommending for hunter biden and james biden, you have a set of their false testimony to the u.s. congress as a felony, of natalie have compiled the evidence? these statements directly relates to the presidents involved and the influence peddling. to this day, you are pushing something you know is wrong. what do you say? >> these are clear violations of federal law, it's an opportunity for the attorney general to prove he wants to demonstrate a there is not tiered system of justice and the need to use the mechanisms, the appropriate steps in a case like this. if three committees of jurisdiction and congress would have done along, methodical investigation. and these are the fact that they have uncovered, they have laid out the examples and they are presenting at a squarely to the attorney general which is our constitutional responsibility in the house payment, you have oversight responsibility and we are using it. we are charged with impeachment investigations, they have used that and i you take it to the next logical an important step, and the balls known the court of the attorney general. he just testified this week, that he does not want to show that there is a two tiered system of justice, while, he has an opportunity to prove it to the american people and we will see. >> neil: it is sort of a pessimism that begins to develop mr. speaker, that both sides are just playing this political game, tit for tat game, what comes to mind is some of these actions that you have led post donald trump convictions, where conservatives want a vote on a bill that would allow current or former presidents to move any case to a federal court, know jim jordan hinted at denying federal funding for state prosecutors, investigating donald trump, measures it probably won't go very far. so why do them? >> because we have a responsibility here, congress has a very particular duty on to the constitution, we have the responsibility of oversight and that's what we have been engaging in, we have the responsibility to legislate an appropriate. and we talk about funding for prosecutors and alvin bragg by some estimates are early estimates he received almost $1 million of federal taxpayer funds in the last year to do what? to have politicized prosecutions a political opponent of his party? he ran on that. that was the promise of his election to --'s. >> neil: i certainly understand where you're coming from mr. speaker, but are you up and rising to the house the same way you say democrats are weapon isaac the doj to get what they wanted? ages doing it in a bigger platform, the entire house of representatives? >> it know, it is a very clear distinction between what we are doing and what they have done in weapon rising the judicial system, what we're doing it nihilism the opposite a guy hit trying to do here to the rule of law, we're trying to use that the authority to ensure that people can trust our justice system, is essential to maintain a constitutional republic, and they are undermining the faith in that. we are here to hold the line and say no, the rule of law has to be adhered to and we can have prosecutors using our courts for political vendettas and that's exactly what they are doing to donald trump and i can tell you that people around this country see that clearly. i have traveled not -- will hundred 23 cities in 29 states the past six and have once, everywhere i go neil, east, west, north and south it's the same. the energies the same because people are fed up and they see the democrats in the far left have a push this pendulum to four. it has to swing back and we have to do our job in congress to assist with that. hold these people accountable and ensure the law is being adhered to. that is the effort he was deeply out here in the coming weeks to do so many parties are worried about where this is going, larry hogan cognitive redlining candidate for the maryland assented to city, you once returned the blue seed red, he says this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders must not port fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship. do you call this toxic partisanship? >> no, i genuinely believe the opposite, adherence to the rule of law is a constitutional responsibility. the self-governance carentan july 4th will turn to 48 years old as a nation and we don't know how long this grand experiment can last but one thing that must be maintained as equal justice under law, affairs system. we're not politicizing it, we're trying to return to the core principle because it is necessary for us to meeting our system of governance, there is nothing less than that at stake here, that is why it is a serious. i don't disagree with the fact that we are hopelessly divided right now but i do think we can get back to some sanity if we adhere to the constitution and these core principles because that is what we are trying to advance here. it's on politics, it's the opposite. >> neil: >> neil: but larry hogan's remarks that he doesn't deserve the respective anybody,, said that publicly, other in your party, if you're not in lockstep with donald trump, not in lockstep with the party, would you make of that? >> laura is hoping to run the rnc right now, and i'm trying to ship this -- steer the ship and a steady manner. >> neil: i'm sure you are but i'm assuming you would like a republican side and, of big boss there, but it seems to be against advocating for somebody who could flip the blues senate seat read and maybe take control of the senate. do think that is fine? >> i will tell you where we're heading right now, we are getting at at great november 4th a publican party. donald trumbull be elected president, we will grow the house majority. we have polling from organizations across a spectrum indicating that now because the art reading what is happening out in the country, people are fed up with a cost-of-living, the rise in crime, the open border with the weakness that we are projecting on the world stage. they do not feel secure right now. and chuck schumer and the democrats who have stopped all of our legislation in the scented, we have to return to the sanity in washington. i'm optimistic we can. i think we are heading for a big november, we can turn this thing around. >> neil: mr. speaker got great having you. thank you for taking the time. speaker of the house mike johnston. when we come back, what do you remember about this day as we look back at normandy tomorrow. fifty-six years ago today, robert f. kennedy was shot and killed in california. his son is it with this right now. he is looking for secret service protection and he cannot get it. and you will never believe who'd controls that decision. that's after this. 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>> because of the factors are security-related, is the bipartisan group of members ever committed to me that security be declined, it is ultimately my decision but i have all of the recommendation each time. >> neil: i am no brainiac when it comes to these matters but robert f. kennedy junior, given your family history, given your dad's killing 56 years ago today, of course he witnessed the same with your uncle john f. kennedy when you were nine years old i believe you were 14 at the time of your dad's assassination but no secret service protection. it was ruled that way and it continues to be rules that way. >> yeah,, i was with my dad when he died, in los angeles in 1968 like you said neil, i was 14 years old at the time, that decision, what secretary mayorkas told you is deceptive. he has absolute discretion to give me secret service protection. secret service itself which we have worked with and has been a very, very cooperative with as an supportive of me getting protection, in its own assessment determined i was an elevated risk. i've had three home break-ins since i've announced my candidacy, in one case a mentally ill person mated to the second floor of my house when my family was home, another case and an -- an armed man came to, he faked his id, came to both u.s. marshal badge, a fake federal photo id on his belt, came to one of my rallies and demanded a private meeting with me in the green room. he had two conceal the shoulder holsters with loaded magazines, a bag full of ammunition and before he left to see me, he taped a tiktok, is only tiktok post, which you said goodbye, a downward turn from this mission alive, tell people what to do. >> neil: when mayorkas -- were they aware of these incidences? >> a yes, and they are. >> neil: that alone! joe biden, he reports to joe biden so job item i just say well, little risk here to give him protection. >> i am of the first presidential candidate in history since my father, you are only entitled to secret service protection after he got the nomination, congress to change that rule after my father was killed. and made it available to everybody including, 120 days out, they gave it to 33 people with much less poll numbers, much less high-risk profiles and i have, what secretary mayorkas says, it's being blocked by chuck schumer, at the white house obvious he is involved in this decision, they very much aware of it, many people have contacted president but i don't my behalf. and yet i am the first president a candidate in the history since my father's death, 56 years was requested secret service protection and it's being de denied. >> neil: i want to delay the point about what has a family said? i know to a man and woman disciplined joe biden they went on to the way to support them but i'm sure they are concerned about your safety, or surely would confirm he had worked different prefer you have protection, what did they say? >> they say they would have to ask president biden but i don't know. we don't know what's happened in the white house for that req request. >> neil: you are pulling pretty well, it's time to get a break and when you can get to a debate, in the debate coming up or the one after that. maybe hope that changes but you need to get her more ballots. where do you stand there? >> well we are on the ballot in seven states, we have enough signatures to get on and another 17 states, by mid-july will be on every state. >> neil: really? there is another block that's there, that's the libertarian party. they have recently had a chance to hear from donald trump, you might have read that one got pretty nasty, wanted to respond to this... >> mr. trump: if you want to lose don't do that, you getting a 3 percent every four years. now i think you should nominate me or at least vote for me and we should when together. >> neil: it was a pretty nasty reception, and how they would react to you, i know they said it might be an easy way for you to get an offer of two states be not exactly the classic definition of a libertarian so what you do? >> as spoken with it libertarians the night before and i got a standing ovation from them. libertarians, are very -- i'm very in-line with libertarians on issues, of the the war issue and the constitutional issues, on personal freedoms. those areas and on free-market capitalism. on those areas are maligned ways most libertarians. there's other issues at the abolition of social security and medicare in which i differ from them. >> neil: a brand that social security single knock to, like, iguodala trump does have a point, they are going to get two or 3 percent every four years. what good is not? what you think that? >> well, libertarians, i mean i'm pulling now pretty consistently in the real poles, or the as the pulling question, that will end up on the ballot, 15 percent or above. that they should be voting out of hope and inspiration rather than out of fear. my favorite waiting is that president biden are trump be in them consistently and young people in this country and beating them among the independent voters. which are the biggest voting court today. with the first time in history, self-identity and independence outnumber both democrats and republicans 43 percent identify as independence, 27 percent democrats, 27 percent republicans. so that cohort i dominate and our challenge is getting the baby boomers and at this point the television networks won't let me on except for fox but the major networks won't led me on, and that is a big obstacle to us and if we can break down that barrier we are pretty confident we can do it with the baby boomers as well be three donald trump said more about you, using it to you a few times. you don't tend to thank back and i wonder why? >> you know, i said when i announced my candidacy a year ago, i'm not going to feed into the anger, we have this toxic polarization in our country that to me is more toxic than any time since the civil war. and i think we have to figure out what i said, i'm going to try to identify the values americans hold in common rather than focus on the use mainly culture were issues that keep us all apart, that are orchestrated to make as hate each other. and i think somebody has to try to bridge the gap between americans and that's a been trying to do with my campaign. so i criticize present for his policies, running up the debt, forgetting as in wars, for shutting the country down during covid-19, for being friendly to all these big corporations and billionaires. i don't go after him on personal issues, i try not to talk about his court cases in a do the same thing with president biden. is talk about issues, let's talk about them in a respectful way and let people decide on that basis and try -- insider try to make us all hate each other. >> neil: do mind sticking around? vehicle to take a quick break and come back to you, want to talk about what role you may assume if, for some reason, you don't when the presidential contest. went with robert f. kennedy junior, right after this. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! 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[music playing] >> neil: interesting develop at the hunter biederman gun trial, robert f. kennedy junior on the legal problems around his opponents but so far he says not around him. after this. >> neil: all right, back with robert f. kennedy junior, running for the president of the united states, another clear distinction has with his twaddle primary opponents, donald trump and his legal problems for zone trump is now officially become a convicted felon, many people can say that is unfair but it's likely soon the hunter biden could carry that same label. not exactly good timing for his father around the time of the big debate but so far robert f. kennedy junior is not been invited. what you think of that, looking at a guy can go trump whose learning and leading in the polls as a convicted felon, doesn't seem to make a big difference for a lot of people. same could be said about joe biden cut his support is not away and whether his son becomes a convicted felon or not. what you make of all that? >> like i said, earlier, meal, i try to avoid -- i think you know one of the things that we worry about is weaponization of the judicial system, and it seems like the democrats, they don't have a candidate who can win the election so they have to win it in court. in this case and think of the three cases brought against them was the weakest case and app appears, it was early it rejected by prosecutors, and it seems to have been revived for blige reasons. let me say one thing, president and trump was doing the thing when he was running, he was the money that hillary should be locked up and he was promising to appoint a special prosecutor. i think you either side as bad. it's like a banana republic, we don't want that reputation, before going to be derailed from seeking political office because of, using the courts. and i think the dnc by promoting these kind of cases is really doing itself and the megan public disservice, president trump raised $200 million over two days of those, because there is anxiety and outrage among the american people. and i would say this, live the democrats won this way, it would leave half the country desperately bitter and angry and ultimately would become governable is this the trajectory want to start on? or are we going to do what democracy says, even people with all their flaws and all over there words, people still want to vote that interference from the court. >> neil: document retribution in the operative for that, would donald trump have that it, may be some of the supporters? because he has been targeted and piled on and if he gets back in the white house, they will start dishing it out? >> yes that is the problem, is going to be tit-for-tat and now the democrats now control -- democratic prosecutors are now going after president biden, and you get somebody in office like president trump who is not embarrassed about his impulse for revenge. then you have said this terrible president and our country's going down i think a very dark road if we start conducting elections in the courts. >> neil: donald drum has said that his revenge would be success, is going to bring success back to the country, use hydraulic little bit in one recent injury but i wonder what you think of that, what you think about the return of the white house of donald trump look like? >> it well i don't know, what i would hope would have been is that president troubled refers -- rivers his earlier promises to keep us in a war in ukraine, to go to war against other countries, to bomb russia, hope you doesn't do that. hope you started stealing with the debt catechumen of the biggest debt in the united states history, $8 trillion in four years, more money spent during the four years, in every president in our u.s. history combined from george washington, to george w. bush, president biden has done the same thing. is adding $1 trillion in debt every 90 days. >> neil: you write, a lot of it was amassed before covid-19 but a good chunk of bread through covid-19 and through that. there is a bit of an answer -- a. >> yeah, exactly, a wider and he shut down -- why did he shut down the country? why did he shut down 13 million businesses without scientific citation? c3 you got in a debate with these guys, in for donald trump that is where you would zero in,'s handling of covid-19? >> yeah. that would be one of the things. also a talk about the wars, the national debt, the covid-19 log downs, the chronic disease epidemic, how are either of them able to and the hatred in america, because they both feet on a, about the products of it. promising he's going to drain the swamp, and appointing and oil executive, in oil obvious to one of the department interior pharmaceutical lobby, john bolton, mike pompeo to run the cia and the state department, these swamp creatures who are part of the corrupted merger of the state and corporate power. who came in and said this for industry? that is the swamp. >> neil: i think some of those gentlemen i would disagree with that characterization. we know though, we will see. robert want to thank you, and i do want to express my sympathy, it's been 56 years, i'm sure it is a day you cannot forget. our member myself just a bit younger than you but that was a dark turn in american history, you and your family got through that. cannot be easy especially this day. thank you very much. >> it neil, thank you for those thoughts, i am grateful. >> neil: robert f. kennedy junior, would love to have a backpack more on this including more on hunter biden on the triad that some say could wrap up in a couple of weeks. back after this. dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus 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trimmer with powerload technology. feed the line, push the button and get back to work. ego, exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers. studio and pass along a georgia appeals court has held a donald trump's gonna case will end considers the requester disqualifying the vulcan county windows, of course you remember herb at the very least it will push back the pretrial motions and some of the things a judge in that case was looking to do, this is among the other cases it could be delayed well past the election if even in then. we'll keep you posted on lacko keep you posted on all things hunter biden in the meantime. david has more on that, day three of that trial. >> a little bit of breaking news, prosecution just ended today and they told the judge that they may be able to wrap up their case by the end of tomorrow which is a hot sooner than we were originally thinking which leads the question about hallie, the sister-in-law, the widow to his late brother bo biden who hunter biden was in a romantic relationship within 2010 when he allegedly lied on a federal gun form and committed this crime of lying on the form, this is a lively look at the courthouse now. waiting for any moment for hunter biden to leave. in any moment ago gordon cleveland guided the gunshot employee that actually sold hunter biden the gun, he said hunter came in in 2018 and was looking for a gun specifically and this contradicts what the defense had earlier claimed that president son was in a nearby cell phone store and casually walk into the gun story may may be felt some pressure to come over to the counter and by the gun. and he said he purnell celine song hunter biden check no on that a federal firearms format when he said he was not addicted to drugs or drug user. was on the stand, hunters echoes a girlfriend, they first met in a strip club in 2017, they then traveled across the country together living in different hotels, he was smoking crack every 20 minutes, she said they took up a long -- a month longer residency at the château marmont in los angeles. earlier today as if we did not have enough going on, hunters exit ways to make x. a wife, kathleen buhle was on the stand. she said he was cheating on he lady was here for the third day in a row. she left, she's likely on her way to france, she will be meeting with president biden over there as part of a steak dinner what you see there in that video, about 10 feet behind her to her diagonal, a watched her very closely, she made eye contact with hunter and turned around and smiled but for the most part she looked sad and had her head down by jurors did feel very, very interested in this case, they look very involved, they were paying attention. the big news right now is the prosecution could wrap by tomorrow and defining on what the defense has and defense is not required pull on a full case, this thing could be wrapped up at the end of this week or early next week, we just have to see with the defense puts on and they have not announcer witnesses yet. neil? a. >> neil: that is incredible, breaking news. following all of that. in the meantime, you heard about this georgia case it could be getting bumped up may be until after the election, i think andy mccarthy said that was a distinct possibility, getting his laws and that stuff, so much going on. stay with us. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. with the price of just about everything inflating these days, you may wonder why mint is deflating the price of mint unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. well, it's easy. we know a great price on a great product is better than one of those things. right? does big wireless really believe that these things actually work? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) this one will never see the light of day. all right. >> neil: the market is on fire today. all three averages up, but the nasdaq in particular up more than 330 points and just past apple in market value as the second most valuable public u.s. company. microsoft is the most valuable hitting an all-time high today. the technology of the wind at the investors' backs but not all investors, not all americans, not everyone is involved in this party. derek kenney is the finance expert. knowing you were coming on, you could put in perspective, hey, i want a piece of that, i want in on this, and a lot of people are not. what do you make of that? >> well, they are not, neil, and my big concern is this is becoming a country of t they hae and they have nots. people that can save for retirement on the ones that can't fairly putting food on the table and causing a big, big divide. we want to make sure -- we are basically condemning them to repeat this poverty cycle we want to get out of and that is definitely not the american dream most people signed up for. >> neil: you know, derek, you think about it come a bit of a bifurcation -- i hate using that word but i like to use it because it shows i know big words -- but this one shows that among lower income americans, there is no push here. they are not spending as much. but among those who have, they are, plans remain robust, hotels booked beyond belief. so there is this weird sort of double world going on. how long do you think it continues? >> i think it lasts for a long, long time. i was on a flight a few minutes ago, just arrived in the boston area, was talking to one of the flight attendants and she was talking about how she is working extra hours just to make the minimums on her credit cards. she has no student debt. this is a person, probably, basically upper 20s, and struggling financially. we see more and more gen z people like that but it is not just gen z, neil, this is an entire issue -- it's like a disease among all americans, and look, we don't just want to save money, we just want to make it to friday to have some semblance of control over our money so until we get past that, we may not see brighter days ahead. >> neil: all right, derek, i appreciate you very much. this is why you are getting the mixed read in the economy for americans, not all of whom are feeling with the administration is saying, but again, it is not everybody but it is a phenomenon to watch for the presidential contest. in the meantime, hunter biden has left the courthouse right now. we have the latest on what this means of this thing could wrap up as early as, well, friday. after this. ♪ ♪ awkward question... is there going to be anything left... —left over? —yeah. oh, absolutely. 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"the five" right now. ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi. i'm ut

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