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>> thank you. i am trace gallagher and for martha maccallum. house republicans railing -- and his response over the pandemic. it is called the scandal of the pandemic. first, hunter biden in court today for the first of his 2 federal trials this 1 on untried -- gun charges a delaware. he pleaded not guilty in both cases after a plea deal with the feds fell apart last year. he is now facing a total of more than 100 -- more than 40 years in prison. the first lady in the courtroom today. the president is not there but put out a statement saying he loves and respects his son. fox news legal editor carrie bob is standing by. burst to the justice correspondent davis is at the courthouse in wilmington. good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon trace. president biden is about 15 minutes from here at the biden's wilmington home getting updates from aid and staying in close contact with the trace: first lady and others. he will speak with hunter several times a day for updates. they are still in the jury selection process it is only the first date. they start with 200 jurors and whittle it down to 12 actual jurors plus 4 alternates. but intel made this everyone has connections to someone with the name biden. they are familiar with the name and know someone by that name. hunter himself and his wife walked in after 8:30 am when the jury selection began. he is charged with 3 felony counts of lying on a federal gun form in 2018 when claiming he was not a drug user. jurors were asked today about gun rights. they are expected to argue hunter did not check know on the form to being a drug user and it needs to be examined if other people filled out the form. the special counsel is confident hunter is the 1 who checked no though. as we mentioned the first lady is also there. it is her 73rd birthday. celebrating her birthday in court. her daughter ashley also in the courtroom also in the front room taking notes and paying close attention. president biden releasing the statement i'm president but also a dead. joe and i love our son we are so proud of the men he is today at his resilience in the face of adversity and strength he is brought to his recovery are inspiring to us. we know what they mean as -- know what we mean as president i don't know and won't comment on pending federal cases but as a dad i have boundless respect for my son. our family has been through a lot together and joe and i will continue to be there for him and our family with love and support. the jury selection expected to go another hour or so they've gotten things down to 36 perspective jurors. may likely means opening statements tomorrow this entire trial expected to go 2 weeks may be a little less. tracy -- tracy. >> trace: david thank you. let's bring in carrie fox news editor back great to have you on. and wondering are you surprised we've -- this thing didn't end with some plea deal? >> yes i'm very surprised etiquette would've been in his best interest to flee out of this. it's a pretty open and check a spirit by his own admission he was her drug use or the time he purchased the gun. prosecution said they have ample evidence and videos and photos and the like from his and thinnest laptop that showed the same character producible case but trace i'll tell you what surprises me the most, not the fact he decided not to do a guilty plea but the fact joe biden is there during the jury selection. that is a remarkable. thank if you are a juror sitting there you're looking at hunter biden and thing about the ramifications of this case and the first lady is sitting there in the front arrow watching you as you do that. that is definitely a message from the white house. >> my second question is what you make of that? it seems to me like it is unusual there. it is hard to say she can't do it but it seems unusual. >> and for jury selection, you know, were not talking about opening arguments or closing tournaments not even talking about hunter on the stand. typically if someone says there during jury selection is because they are sending a message. they want the jurors to look at you and say look here we are it is a big deal. given that this is her husband's justice department who is prosecuting hunter biden and joe biden has sent repeated public messages to his justice department by assaying his son has done nothing wrong and he is innocent and he is part of him and of course including him even up to a couple days ago air force, the white house and big events, how else would you interpret that if you're at the department of justice? >> trace: and he said is also it's my birthday as well. there is a statement also released saying there is no comment on federal cases but this is what he said over the past. >> my son is done nothing wrong. this thing about it than i don't know anything about it. they asked the question about being on drugs and he said no. they wrote about saying no, and his book. >> my son did nothing wrong. >> trace: >> and while we are discussing this carrie this is the timeline of the hunter biden case. has you hear the president many times saying my son did nothing wrong now he is in commenting on this. it kind of starts in october 2012 and goes through april 2211 of course he admitted he was smoking crack every 15 minutes. as far as the president not commenting on this what would you say about that and his statement today at carrie? >> he is being commenting for at least proper years now so he can put out a statement if he liked this morning and we cannot pretend to forget everything he has been saying for how many years now about him being innocent and done nothing wrong. and of course without saying that the fact that he continues to include him at all of these public events, even during certain flashpoints throughout this whole ordeal. so yes, it's an adult son now not a 10-year-old child. i sometimes feel like the white house is approaching it as if it is someone under 18. but this is a grown man who made some poor decisions and is now suffering the consequences in the courtroom. but i thought it was quite remarkable that they sent the first lady to sit there during various election today. >> trace: yes, and lastly the doj clearly thanks the laptop is legit and it's real. so as a little bit more backtracking that will happen as we go forward in this case, carrie. >> oh, we know they think it is real because they said so much in the court filing. at the end the most interesting thing that we will take away the next few weeks is not the stuff we know and that it's an open and shotgun case, it's the learning about the laptop. what are they going to attract? what will they reveal? especially given as you will remember traced the incredible censorship that took place by social media and news organizations with respect to that laptop and everyone decrying it was paul's. you have this 51 so-called intelligence experts saying it was russian disinformation which was a joke. and joe biden himself repeated that line on the debate stage yet here we are how many years later? and the laptop is the centre of it all. >> carry, great to see you. great work in the trumpet trial. thank you for coming on we always appreciate it and. meantime dr. anthony fauci at the centre of a heated hearing on the hill trying to cover up what happened in the wuhan lab. >> as you sit here today is a possible covid-19 was the result of a laboratory related incident? >> absolutely. i feel based on the data i have seen that the more likely not definitive, but the more likely explanation is a natural spill over an animal reservoir, but since there has not been definitive proof 1 way or the other we have to keep an open mind that it could be either. >> and based on that answer i think is the hypothesis covid-19 accidentally leached from allowed a conspiracy theory? >> now imagine that several times, the concept of it is not a conspiracy theory. >> trace: well, tommy laren has thoughts on that and she joins us next for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> will dr. anthony fauci back on capitol hill for his first tune since retiring. republicans had a lot of questions about the covid-19 pandemic. a congressman who is also a daughter called him dr fear and played a recording of him talking about how to convince people to get vaccinated. watch. >> it's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological [ bleep ] and get vaccinated. >> thank you. are all objections to covid-19 vaccinations ideological weekly dr. anthony fauci? >> know they are not and that's not what i was referring to. >> in reference to making it hard for people to get education, travelling, working i'd say it was very much in context. >> trace: out to coast tommy laren standing by first to the chief washington correspondent michael manual good afternoon mike. >> good afternoon trays. the face of the government dr. anthony fauci response to the covid-19 pandemic testified about his leadership and the government's response to covid-19. he testified for about 3 hours before a house select subcommittee and talked about the theories that perhaps he had tried to cover up a lab leak being part of the explanation for work covid-19 was developed. he called it also and preposterous. another key issue dr. anthony fauci admitted these 6 but social distancing rule that was not based on scientific study, he said it was the centre for disease control dictating policy. tempers flared when marjorie taylor green refused to call him doctor. >> the type of science you are representing mr ouchi is abhorrent yes, because in my time that man does not deserve to have a license pair as a matter of fact it should be revoked and he belongs in prison. >> after the hearing i asked a leading democrat of fauci should have shown more remorse and some humility for mistakes that were made. >> while look nobody is perfect. that's just within the realm of historical experience. mistakes made -- made in every effort to combat every plague and disease there is ever been. he will be the first 1 to tell you that. >> trace: on another key issue he insists he never used personal e-mail to conduct government business. trace. >> trace: michael manual live for us, thank you mike. let's bring in tommy laren a fox news contributor. great to have you on. i'm interested because you hear jamie saying everyone aches mistakes, during the pandemic he wouldn't allow the other side. that was the whole point. you would not allow the other side in this to say what they believed was helpful during covid-19. this was their narrative and not how it was. >> yes, and he also considered himself to be science itself. if you question him, if other doctors and other medical and science professionals so much as questioned him they were aligned and demonized. some even lost their livelihood and businesses. lost their licenses over those peer for him to sit there today and say he is open-minded, since when are you open minded? as someone who is personally censored and targeted by the biden white house on facebook i can tell you he is certainly not open mind and. for him to sit there and show no more maurice today for the lives he ruined and the economy that's still taking today because of that policy and response to the covid-19 pandemic. the fact he could sit there so smugly after all the lives his guidance ruined and just say maybe they were just not following the sides changes its ins -- infuriating to so many americans. >> trace: i want up with the first sound bite, this is him today saying he never tried to downplay the lab leak theory. listen to what he says. >> dew you agree there was a push to downplay the lab leak theory? >> not on my. >> part really? >> really. >> wow. >> now let's rewind the clock little bit this is february 2020 where fauci is talking on a podcast and being asked about this theory. look. >> there is a sort of urban legend that there is a biological warfare centre in wuhan and the coronavirus escape from that period do you have any sense of where it probably came from? >> i've heard these conspiracy theories and like all conspiracy theories there just conspiracy theories. is impossible that that could've happened? don't think i can say its not impossible. >> trace: the whole thing is that he clearly downplayed this and we have the recordings. >> we do. and for so many of us who are called conspiracy theorists when we simply had questions about the covid-19 response, for him to sit there as i mentioned today and say he is now open minded about a khaki was the authority on covid-19. americans were hanging on his every word for advice and guidance. to sit there today and act like it was everyone but him that made poor decisions or maybe it decisions they shouldn't have made, to me that is just so disappointing and so infuriating and insulting. condescending to the american pew -- american people. you will never show remorse and i've got to say the number of democrats who sat there today and think this man for his service i'm convinced it covid-19 what happen all over again some of them would do it all over again maybe 10 times worse. they have no more maurice for what they put this country through. >> trace: lastly we have this sound bite, fauci being pressed on the 6-foot distancing rule. watch. >> once we realized the virus was not spread by droplets and was aerosolized did you feel an indication to go back to the cdc and say let's base this on science. let's go back and get rid of the six-foot rural. >> i challenged it multiple times. it's not appropriate to be publicly challenging the system organization. >> trace: i've got 10 seconds here but this was made up out of thin air. >> yacht. the accountability we'll never be there from this man. everything bad that happened wasn't his fault but he takes all the credit for everything good that happened. he will never face i can't ability. i agree with marjorie and many others he needs to be held accountable. >> trace: great to have you on the show tommy. thank you into the conviction of former president trump and the massive political implications for november and beyond. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? 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there is nowhere. they wanted to have him be a convicted felon but this has really done significant and long-lasting damage to our system of justice. >> trace: i want to put up this poll on whether the verdict was correct. you see at the top 50%, half of those polled think this was correct. how do you explain that? the people who think this is correct how do they reach that conclusion in your mind? >> it is baffling. the way that we had to read the tea leaves for even what the testimony was. i don't know how americans are so certain that what the evidence was. but at the end of the day for some reason alpine brag was allowed to never tell until the vary end president trump and his defence team what the alleged crime was. and at the end of the day estate court charged a federal campaign election -- federal election campaign violation. this is the intention. the left wanted to slime this through to get a conviction. >> it's interesting because the people i've talked to who thank the jury and verdict were correct our thinking the jury can only work with the evidence and information they had and they were given. so maybe that plays into this a little bit. you're final thoughts? >> i don't think this -- there is any doubt the judge put a funnel that almost guided the jury -- that did guide the jury to this resolution. i'm not sure they had a way out if they wanted to. at the end of the day you had a jury pool pulling from 97% democrat voters. it was really tough. >> trace: 10 seconds we've got to cope does this get overturned on appeal? >> i think it absolutely does. the supreme court will have serious concerns about what the judge did and his decisions. >> trace: matt whitaker thank you, sir, we appreciated. voters sound off from former president trump's conviction and what it means for their vote in november. that's next >> i feel bad for america and i feel bad our country is crumbling and more people are now seeing in and waking up because this -- i am a democrat and i don't support this. now that i love america and i love my country and my freedom i want to fight to protect them and to keep them. i stand with trump because that's what he is doing. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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(impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo [ ♪♪ ] >> trace: just 5 months from election day we are talking to voters from across the country and across the political spectrum about the potential impact the felony collation for a former president trump could have on their vote. teresa albano is a republican from new jersey joining us. bernadette right and independent from roger and andrew mcdonald and -- a democrat order from california currently attending college in new york. thank you all for coming on. i want to put up a poll so we all have a feeling for where we are right now. this is the abc poll do you think trump should and his campaign because of the verdict? 49% saying he should. early 7% saying should not and the rest do not. what do you think about those numbers? teresa you can start. >> you know, i'm surprised at those numbers. i think that trump should absolutely not leave his campaign. i think this makes them stronger and i think this is inspiring a lot of people to vote for him. he is just standing tall and proud and pining for the american people still. it speaks volumes to me. >> trace: andrew you are a democrat and i want you to know what some other democrats are saying because a lot believe this trial as weapon eyes. the free press but out an article in democrats said the following. i feel the need to send a message to the democrats that their dirty politics we'll not be rewarded. i'm all in because this has to end. and a lifelong democrat said trump does not scare me. what do you thank the impact of this trial is on your vote and some of the people you might associate with who are also democrats? >> as a right now i can't really say that this sways my opinion on if i will vote on not for donald trump or if i'm going to sway from joe biden courtroom. i think it he is innocent he should push it all the way to the courts and let them decide. however, for many democrats i understand that, you know, he is not a popular president and has been hovering around 35% since pulling out of afghanistan. but i really don't think there is any smoking gun that the biden administration was directly involved, you know, corralling the jury to say anything else. and i don't thank another jury, you know, further up in the court system would decide any differently then the guilty verdict he received. >> trace: very quickly, what about the trial itself, do you believe it was fair and the judge was fair and the charges against former president donald trump were a? the pack he had 3 options to convict. was it fair in your estimation? >> i will say i was surprised he was found guilty on all counts and of the 4 main trump trials going to draw i think this was the biggest 1 but alpine brag did a good job representing the state of new york. i think trump's lawyers to the best that they could. but i really think it came down to the jury if he wants to appeal that he should appeal but i think it was fair. >> trace: bernadette many people are worried about the legal system being weapon eyes. you are an independent and where do you come down on that? >> let me say this. the legal system is only weapon eyes if you file people are being treated differently. in this case i will tell you watching that trial i felt like trump was provided more liberties than i would've ever been allowed. i was not been able to stay out of jail for all the times he violated the court orders and everything else. that being said actually they were laying on him and give him every opportunity. do i feel like the legal system is being organized a particularly. do i feel like he's being persecuted yes. but here's the bottom line if you don't do thanks to get attacked you can't be attacked. if someone says they will go after you. unfortunately in this case the jury found the evidence did exist and they decided to convict on it. >> trace: and do you think the fact they took these dead misdemeanours and electrified them back to life then strap them to 3 separate felonies without actually indicting him in those felonies? >> i don't think this is a child. and the whole double standard is what's getting me so mad. they are pounding on him and beating him down and cutting him down. i don't understand why hunter biden gets away with these things. to me it gets me so angry and excited to go over him in november. >> trace: what would you say to that andrew? >> i would say trump was found guilty of doing all these things. he did have a 34 count of the fraud. i believe he was given a lot of liberties that citizens we'll not have gotten. but the rule of law is still applied to a powerful politician and billionaire like trump. i thank the judicial system of new york has so often stamped down on the underprivileged. >> trace: and to you bernadette i'm curious to thank this first the phone posing or do you think it helps in. >> absolutely. i think those who continue to support and will continue to support and. there is nothing in the law that says he can't be president as a convicted felon. what are we really voting for? for thanks that we really need as a country? or are we voting because we are just mad and we want to stop seeing people get prosecuted. we want to stop seeing abuses. >> yes. teresa wrap this up with your final thoughts on this. >> you know, my final thoughts i agree with what the panel has just said. i've been a trump supporter and i'm having a little boy any day now and i want to instill the trades and leadership and courage. the man looks exhausted and he is still standing. i want someone like that to lead our country. >> trace: teresa congratulations to you and best of luck with the new baby. bernadette and andrew thank you for your time as well. jerry baker on the trump conviction and 1 scenario that could amplify cries of election interference next. hey. you seein' this? 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jerry baker joins me a fox news contributor. great to have you on. i was reading her notes it is interesting because you're saying when historians review this they will see what in your estimation? >> history is always a dangerous, unreliable witness because sometimes it depends on where the history is coming from. but i do think when people look at this -- by no means it will hardline republicans or trump supporters -- they will be concerned about the abuse of the system this involves and the long-term damage it does to trust in the system. we suffer from a huge problem of trust in this country and our institutions. people believe they become politicized and subjected to partisan views and interests being used for people's own interest. when you do this, you know, case even the most passionately antique trump people think was a very weak case and the way it was developed by the prosecutor and presided over by the judge. it really raises profound doubts people have. i think he had toshiyuki and like him or not, you can think he's a victim or not, there is no question the bigger victim here is the american system of justice. in the and the american system of democracy as well. >> trace: and the american system period. you talk to a lot of people who will say things like, you know, when we do these stories about these banks that are giving extra focus to the accounts of conservatives who shopped at dick's sporting goods for crying out loud, that's when they are like, you know, it's not just trump. we have less trust in our system overall and this is just a symptom of a much bigger disease. >> exactly. and once more i think also, you know, the other thing is probably backfires. i raise the point in the column you mentioned, what happens if trump is convicted? you quoted that pole a minute ago showing people should -- thinking trump should drop out of the race. i can't protect the law better than anyone else, but what happens if his conviction is overturned, after he is lost a close election. that timmy seems to be the legitimacy of our very electoral system. again i don't agree with a lot of trump -- what trump said about 2020 per up but if that happens and his campaign is adversely affected by this conviction and subsequently ruled by another court to be improper, the damage that that will do technical idea and legitimacy of our system we'll be incalculable. >> trace: and i don't get this, maybe you can help me. were the charges politically motivated? look at this. yes, 47%. and then we did a poll earlier, the same poll that said was the verdict correctly and people, 50% say yes. so there is clearly this overlap of people that know it was politicized and don't care. >> i think that's right. and i think to be a maybe some people think as i do, the case should not have been brought. it wouldn't be brought against anyone not called donald trump. they could then think the case should not have been brought but when it is brought and showed in front of that jury, maybe the jury reached the right decision. at tickets possible to believe on the 1 hand the case should not have been brought but once it's there it conviction was perhaps justified on the narrow terms of the trial itself. but the larger question exactly as you say is i don't think anyone doubts it was politically motivated. certainly a lot of independents don't doubt it was and apparently -- politically motivated act. almost all republicans -- including republicans who were not supporters of donald trump, susan collins voted to convict donald trump in the trial of the senate after generally 6. even she said last week this was not a legally justified but politically motivated trial. that shows you again i think how damaging this is. when you are losing people who are open to the argument that maybe there should be an alternative, when you lose those people you're really losing the argument. >> trace: yes, you had people saying they were comparing him to al capone saying they got him on these false documents. he was -- he was a killer. i just don't, your final thoughts. >> there is no justification whatsoever. again even if you think trump has committed other crimes you don't just convict and on a completely impossible and improbable and really unjustifiable case like this. >> trace: that's not our system. could to have you jerry. as president biden readies executive action on the border, mexico elects its first female and first jewish president. we will have more on that next. higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? 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are international -- live on-site in los angeles the first woman first jewish president. >> most things are true. had -- the other from bulgaria so -- less than 1% jewish and gmb elected but -- secondly despite maybe his natural reputation most -- are women, fourth highest rate in the world but those who follow mexican politics could see this coming. she's a former environment minister, former mayor of mexico city, she started the leftist miner party 20 years ago with the current president. she got 60% of sunday's vote mainly because she vowed to continue his social welfare policies but in three areas imported to the u.s. are drugs comic of the cartels, we made a difference. >> voice of interpreter: with the united states we will have a relationship of friendship, mutual respect and equality as we have had so far. [end of interpretation] >> the number 1 issue for voters of their crime and corruption caused by the cartels run rampant in at least seven mexico's 31 states that control the flow of god -- at drugs and immigrants to the u.s. >> was in the best interest for both mexico and the u.s. is to get a manageable immigration system for both of our countries to prevent asylum fraud. >> so mexico's our target, inequality and economy, rural areas still lack elected to the end water in some areas, she looks to address that -- financed partly by being a number 1 trade partner of the u.s. >> john: [inaudible] >> john: american world war ii veterans back in france for the eighth and it -- idiot anniversary of the day this week sadie agreed to be able to make the trip and pay tribute to those who did not come home. >> i lost some great friends. all the unmarked graves -- those are the true heroes. >> -- we never talked about it for 70 years i didn't talk about it. >> john: yeah. while. marc staal is in -- on her way to normandy, shield anchor storyline from their starting tomorrow at the world marks 80 years since the day. we are looking forward to that there will be a great start tomorrow and that is "the story" monday, june 3rd 2024 and is already the story will go on. i will see you back here tonight for fox news at night america's late news in a block on the west coast, 11:00 o'clock o'clock in the east coast and we'll see you then. right now "your world," thank you, have a great afternoon. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: after the verdict, the manny and man oh man are

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