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enemy from within, they are doing damage to this country. they want open borders. they want high interest rates they do not want to quadruple your taxes it's a whole sickness going on right now. jon: former president trump comes out swinging as presidentt abiding days after his historic conviction and exclusive interview with fox and friends weekend. good evening i am jon scott this is the fox report. ♪ ♪ ♪. jon: presumptive republican presidential nominee was greeted with a standing ovation as saturday night's ufc match in new jersey. that was his first major public appearance since thursday's guilty verdict in his new york city criminal trial. trump's lawyers promise a swift appeal cb cotton's life in new york city with more. >> good evening ufc fight seems fitting for former president donald trump who is now fighting to appeal has a felony conviction. like you mentioned trump entered into the new jersey arena last night he was greeted with a standing ovation. stopping to shake hands of people in the crowd. watch. >> a boy, the round of applause he is getting right now is pretty staggering. you had to have imagined that's what was going to happen. >> the former president was flanked about ufc president supporter dana white pretty set cage aside later in the evening and animate fighter sean strickland gave him a shout out. >> a president trump, you are the man it's a travesty with their doing to you. let's get it done. >> speaking of getting it done and 98 min exclusive interview with fox and friends a week in the former president made his pitch to the american people on how his policies would differ from those of president joe biden we know the border has become a key issue the presidential race the war in ukraine has entered into its third year. how would trump tackle it? here he is promising to carry out a massive deportation fix the war. >> no, i am going to the big deportation the biggest ever. eisenhower did the biggest this to be bigger. it's a very tough thing what they have done to our country is unthinkable but i think i can ended very quickly. i get along very well with putin and i get along with zelenskyy. we get them in a room and will get ended. i will get ended. i have an exact plan as to how but i can't tell you that i cannot tell you, let me tell you exactly, let me lay out my cards no i will get it ended. >> the presumptive republican presidential nominee keeps his eyes set on the white house his defense team is gearing up for the appeals process which is expected to stretch beyond the november for the election dates. before that trump senate seat expected for july 11 financial penalties, home confinement, probation or up to four years in prison are all on the table but what legal experts a prison time is the least likely of them all, again during that exclusive fox and friends we could interview, trump repeated his claim of political persecution saying he is the only republican who can handle these fast prospects. >> a lot of people said we have no choice but to elect trump republicans he is the only one that can withstand this. do not forget if it weren't me they'll be going after someone else i know a lot of the competition they would not do so well. from the senate is for an while for the national convention in milwaukee. jon: interesting timing, cb cotton thank you. president biden is spending his weekend getting ready for a couple of major moves he is expected to announce executive action on the border crisis by tuesday. he laid out a proposal for a cease-fire between israel and hamas in gaza. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house keeping an eye on all of that. >> that is right speaking of timing white house officials say the president plans to roll out these executive actions before he departs for normandy on tuesday but early on "fox news sunday" house speaker weighed in. >> too little too late he's trying to desperately show the american people somehow that he wants to address the issue that he himself created. they did it intentionally and had catastrophic effects upon our country we will be living with for decades to come. house speaker mike johnson saying athletic 8 million migrants into the country no switching to gaza, president biden said he supports read he called israeli peace plan he says removes hamas from power bats that are under donald trump calls this a hamas deal from four months ago that leaves them in control of gaza former secretary of state mike pompeo said this a plan is more pr for the white house and is not a serious proposal. >> is not going to end with just a deal with hamas. think the bite of ministration knows that president got problems in domestic political from the pro- hamas left wing and so i think by demonstrations trying to play out the clock between here and next november. >> jon kirby earlier. >> that proposal, an israeli proposal has been given to hamas it was done on thursday night our time. we are waiting for official response from hamas we would note that publicly hamas officials came out and welcome this proposal. >> top democrat in the house did not call this israel's proposal he called it biden's. >> it is my hope that prime minister netanyahu consistent with what has been done by the israeli war cabinet which is to unanimously adopt the biden peace plan will conduct himself in a manner consistent with that is really work cabinet. >> the problem is one member of israel's work cabinet the defense ministries come out and saying leaving hamas and power ias a non- certain he would see terrorist annihilated. >> lucas tomlinson at the white house, thank you. >> you have to really play the hand that you are dealt and then you have a jury that was from a certain persuasion it would've been hard to do no matter what. i did absolutely nothing wrong. i paid eight legal expense it's a markdown as a legal expense they say that is for a fraud. what am i going to call it question for you ever see a ledger did you ever send accounting if you pay legal expense and you write it down as a legal expense, and then the end that you go to a grand jury. jon: will hurt president trump reacting to his guilty verdict it is near criminal trial brittany met eight republican senators are rallying to his defensive sign the letter threatening to block every biden judicial and political nominee in all measured democrat would nnon- security legislation until november's election. shoa show of unity spearheaded y utah mike lee. ohio jd advanced missouri's eric schmitt, alabama tommy turberville marsha blackburn's, kansas roger marshall florida's and marco rubio also signed the letter but senator blackburn who sits on the senate judiciary veterans affairs and finance committees joins us now. senator, what you hope to accomplish by setting that letter? >> jon, what we will accomplish by this is a couple of things. number one, making certain they do not put more of these unqualified judicial nominees on the federal bench as judges. and likewise other appointees they are trying to get confirmed. working across the aisle to build support from democrats that are up for reelection about voting with us. likewise, what comes to funding they are going to be pushing and trying to make the deal on the funding bill at the end of the year. basically we have set it's no go for any of these departments that have been a weaponize that are being used against conservatives. it being used against the people. people are waking up to what they are doing with a weapon i think the government. with music to tears of justice and they're ready for it to stop. jon: is a give democrats the opportunity to gain headlines by saying look, we want to pass legislation x or y but the eight republican senators won't go along. >> i don't think it gives them any weight to move forward. and here's the reason why. but the american people have witnessed play out in court with the president donald trump is pretty much the proverbial tipping point for them. they have seen where government has been a weaponize have seen for this administration has chosen to have two ti tears of justice. they are awakening to this i am hearing from people who are democrats, independents, republicans, libertarians and they are saying it is time to put an end to it the biden administration is doing. jon: conviction of the former president seems to have been good for his fundraising. at least that is when his son told our maria this morning. listen. >> , so what have you seen and money raising question i spoke with president trump yesterday is nearly $200 million that is astounding. is that number correct? where does that number come from? >> is that left my house i asked my wife wo will be up to now? just in terms of small gullet were well over $70,000,000.21 donations, $43 donations, small dollar donations. if you have the larger dollar you over 200 million. jon: this conviction i suppose a bad news/good new situation in that regard for the former president. >> indeed i would encourage everyone to go to donald j and get involved. november 5 is when the american people are going to be able to speak out against this weaponization of government. indeed it people are showing up ain back in the president. i am on the fear in their backing me up m at marsha we are going to be a country where we have equal access for equal treatment, equal justice. but the american people have seen play out is not equal treatments. they are looking at this incident i value my freedom. i value my opportunity for my children to live their version of the american dream. these people are trying to take it away. they are showing up and backing president trump in record numbers. i have never seen so many people move this quickly when it comes to determining who they are going to support for president, for the u.s. senate, for the u.s. house. jon: he was elected in 2016 a large part because he promised to build the wall. now his successor, president biden is promising action this week to crack down on the situation at the borders. what you think about that? >> you know i've talked so many times about this border issue. what joe biden is trying to do is find ways to make it legal. they have sent an applet. app.they have tried to get peope flung into the country given parole status. let's set eight number and say we will put the border patrol down here with the clicker. when we hit 4000 people, i might close that border. if we hit 8500 people in a day, i have to close the border. this is too little too late. the american people are not buying it. the sentinel is flooding into the country. the american people are seeing this open border policy. flthreatening communities with drugs, with deaths with poisoning from fentanyl. with gangs, with crime related to those with human trafficking, sex trafficking. every count as a border town every state is a border states. finally the democrats are realizing people really want the border secured first and foremost. jon: it is the top of my concern for most americans according to the polls. tennessee senator marsha black republican thank you. jon: a jury selection big and small for hunter biden's federal gun trial in delaware but he's the first son of a sitting president ever to face trial has pleaded not guilty to three charges. mademadeleine rivera has that s. >> hunter biden's and gun trial finally set to begin after his plea deal fell apart a year ago. he'd been hoping to avoid prosecution in this case. now he faces a prison time and thousands of dollars of fines if he is convicted of the three federal gun charges against him. prosecutors say he illegally bought a gun october 2018 bite lying about his drug use on a background check form. to prove guilt special counsel david weiss and team plants in part to use hunter's own words against him. text messages portions of his book, beautiful, and which he admits he was a crack addict. >> during my battle with addiction my parents were there for me. they literally saved my life for. >> the defense plans are called to question the credibility of the workers that help hunter with this gun transaction they suggest in the form at the center of the case was tampered with. several times hunter's attorneys have tried unsuccessfully to toss out this case. vowed to political pressure from republicans by pressing charges and argument the presiding judge has rejected. this week of the president is finding time to spend time with his family including health or hunter parties being ta tasks sticking to his words the rule of law must be respected regardless of what happens to his son. >> the president himself will respect the verdict. as much as it is painful i am sure to see one of your children on trial. but yes, american should acceptt when the jury reaches a verdict they should except the result that's part of our democracy progress hun hunters and gun trs expected to last two maybe even three weeks. arthel: madeleine rivera thank you. and lances under state of emergency as repair crews to scramble to fix several broken water mains that much of the city was without water for part of the week in some areas are still under boil water advisories. madison's carpino live in atlanta with more on that. >> good evening, jon. where the two main water rights as repair the others seeking pretty badly crews are working around the clock to stop the water this gushing into the streets of a pretty popular area in midtown atlanta. some homes and businesses went over 24 hours with no water or very low water pressure. >> it is a frustrating you do not know your next move i work from home i'm an aesthetician. all my clients are canceled for today but one little thing you do not know how much you need this necessitated so you don't have it. >> the city is work of the georgia department of emergency management and is getting support from the state. the mayor said the city has delivered fresh water to dozens of senior communities, homeless shelters hospitals and other vulnerable populations. some fire stations are still giving out bottled waters the water break is causing multiple businesses it atl in atlanta toe and events were canceled. i write every hospital transferr diverted patients. >> we have over i believe a 3000 linear miles of border and sewer infrastructure that is the equivalent of driving from atlanta well beyond san francisco we experience water main breaks all throughout the day. >> city officials are blaming the water main breaks on aging and decaying pipes. jon: medicine's carpino and atlanta hope you get a drink there, thanks. coming up israel, ukraine, china, president biden under fire from republicans for his handling of a number of international crises. south carolina congresswoman nancy maces on the armed services commission is here to talk about the cease-fire proposal the president just laid out and more next. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter 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>> it sounds like it was very similar to an earlier proposal by israel itself. i will tell you this, i do not trust your body with foreign policy as far as i can throw him i trust donald trump though and it look at the back tobacco presidencies we did not have hamas invading israel we did not have them trying to bomb military assets in the middle east to the n the to the nines a rush of salivating ukraine right now we're watching joe biden desperately trying to win the election in november. he is trying to appease younger voters who are anti- israel, who are pro- hamas the pro- hamas wing of his party trying to do something here but i don't think it's worth the paper it is printed on but we will see print my understanding is netanyahu wants to come true congress will speak to us i will be there listening to hear what he has to say. >> we hear a lot about the president pressuring benjamin netanyahu and other israeli leaders we do not hear as much about him pressuring hamas maybe that is because the israelis are friends and we have an open line of communication to them? what do you make of that? >> i do not believe we should be negotiating with terrorists but i support israel wholeheartedly that i supported the aid package for israel a few weeks to live a very large prehistoric jewish community the first congressional district in south carolina. i do not believe it should be appeasing terrorists in any way, shape, or form we should be demanding the hostages who are alive and those passed away should go immediately back to israel. then i think we could have talks about what happens next. until then every hamas terrorist that israel should have every power afforded to them to wipe them off the face of the earth. jon: it has been said the president is losing support among younger voters especially because of his stance on the israel/hamas war. do you think this a peace plan is partially motivated by politics in the upcoming election or is it all about trying to end the war? >> everything joe biden does is motivated by politics but look he's trying to payoff the student loans of pro- hamas anti- jewish protesters on college campuses nationwide. they are supporting and allowing this anti-semitism to run rampant on u.s. college campuses. this is not 1944 nazi germany these kids running around, all joe biden is doing is trying to appease them right now. we do not negotiate with terrorterrorists nor should we e negotiating with student terrorist sympathizers. jon: let's talk a little bit about the border situation. the president is expected this week to announce some executive action to try to stem the flow of illegals coming across the border. what is your thought on why he's doing it and why now? >> again everything joe biden does is a political. it is an election year end hope it's executive orders mean he will reinstate donald trump supporter policies like arena mexico, like a title 42. if we trusted those two things today by executive order those two things alone would stem the tide of 80% of the illegal immigrants crossing across our southern border right now. i would love to see executive order on building the wall. i hope you will reinstate that we have steel arresting along the southern border now for four years because joe biden decided he was not going to build the wall on day one. we desperately and i mean desperately need donald trump back in office. so we can all have safer communities two weeks ago in south carolina are first congressional district weight loss and infant who was killed by an illegal alien and driving under the influence in south carolina. last october we lost a 4-year-old toddler again into an accident on the road by an illegal alien paid the guy was deported under donald trump let back in under joe biden buried this stuff it's got to end it ends november 5 with donald trump elected president. thirty-four counts of the new york city courtroom but how do you think that is going to affect his chances? >> i represent a very purple district 40% of voters in my district are independent. all i heard last week was a kangaroo court, banana republic, this is unfair but how quickly can i donate to donald trump? why think it is that is galvanized the right and consinconservatives i believe is galvanizing the rights of center and moderates to say that this this iswrong. i believe donald trump would have a more fair outcome if you'dhedebugged an old lady on y and looted lululemon on his way home. because alvin and bragg bragg ly ran his reelection campaign on the idea of convicting donald trump but he made good on that came from us last week. it is helped raise a donald trump over $200 million in just a few days. and more to come but i believe they made him president thursday night. jon: out current republican congresswoman nancy mason is good of you to be here. much more head on the fox support president bite is expected to take executive action this week to try to solve the crisis at much more head on the fox support president biden is expected to take executive action this week to try to solve the crisis at our southern border. san diego is one of the cities at dealing with an on precedent and influx of migrants. the san diego county supervisor jim desmond is here to talk about what is going on in his city, next too. my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia or just leukemia in general. and here we are. saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. she was referred to saint jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody, because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. and we have received no bills since being at saint jude. we have paid for nothing. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life saving research and treatment these kids need. join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates, you know, once a month, they are changing people's lives and that's a big deal. 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the caravans i think i came up with that name a long time ago. we formed 25, 30, 40000 people coming up and biden thanks he is doing a favor by allowing. the only reason they have the caravans is because i ended it all up a few but were not. jon: fulmer president trump touting his previous efforts to slow the surge of migrants of the southern border. while criticizing the current white house policy. meanwhile san diego now has become the epicenter of the illegal immigration crisis. let's bring in jim desmond san diego county supervisor. jim, it is my understand the illegal crossings in the san diego sector i've now eclipsed the others, is that true? >> absolutely. we had the highest numbers in april coming across the san diego sector of the border. we have been inundated since october of last year. we have had over one or 50000 just dropped off in our streets. there's been over 250,000 encounters at the border. we are one of the highest sectors and primarily because california is rolling out the red carpet. governor abbott is putting in more restrictions on people coming across. so san diego, for sure we are number one we do not want to be in the position right now just having been inundated and overwhelmed here in hours specie leasing texas governor abbott rolling out the razor wire and some other restrictions to try to prevent this a flood of migrants. you are think they essentially chchanged course and are heading toward your sector, san diego? >> are the path of least resistance we give free healthcare out to immigrations and people coming across the border. we also paid for their deportation lawyers here in san diego county if they are being deported. also the police in the state of california it could not ask anyone about their immigration status. so, if they pull you over for something a light being out or speeding or something they are prohibited from any sort of inquiry as to your immigration status. so unfortunately in the state of california we are giving out the freebies to migrants. we pay the highest gas at taxes we pay the highest electricity we have 50% of the homeless in the country we have the highest housing costs and yet we are running a deficit and yet we are giving away all of these of free things to migrants coming across the border. high income across the san diego sector as well if i were crossing but we have really got to shut this down. biden says he wants to come out and decrease or put a number of maybe 4000 or whatever the number it to allow them into our country. we should not be allowing anyone illegally into our country. that's like saying were going to allow 4000 car thefts this year before we prosecute anybody. it is just crazy, is too little too late with what biden is proposing. this is more of a political stunt than doing something about the border. jon: united states is the most generous country in the world when it comes to illegal immigration. what is the practical effect of this on your community? >> we are seeing our hospitals are having to treat quite a few more people we have people sleeping at the airport now they are dropped off at the transit stations here in san diego county. we have ngos and nonprofits at pick them up and take them to the airport people see people sleeping in the airport they cannot i was getting flight out right away. we see people landing and boats on our beaches about four votes a week we are about a dozen people just get often run into our streets. and as i mentioned the police a portion of the citizens are saying whiteness in our local police arrest people they see them jumping into cars and walking through neighborhoods. again they cannot enforce any immigration law. both sides of the aisle are kind of fed up with this it's affecting not just border states in border communities. we see massachusetts, new york, illinois, colorado all reeling from the number of migrants coming across the border. this is all biden's and making he has been blaming congress for this but now all of the sudden he decides he could take executive action and he has had the ability to do ever since this started. jon: is a curious case of timing with the president this week jim desmond san diego county supervisor, thank you. >> thanks jon. jon: till the gum accusation wnba rookie sensation caitlin clark is being targeted by opposing players. is that right customer christina coleman. ♪'s indiana fever general manager expressed her frustration after clark was a violently fouled during their game yesterday can see chicago sky. she said w nba eight musically of the crab this is out the leak is coming up and if you care clark has a say about all this. got all the details coming up. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪ jon: wnba take a note at the violent paladin's indiana fever rookie sensation caitlin clark went viral. christina coleman has the foul and the follow-up. >> hi jon, chicago guard against indiana fever guard caitlin clark has been upgraded to a flagrant file after league review of the incident. also carter has been active in social media following the foul in all the reaction instagram story she posted i grew up with all brothers and all we did was fight and argue. i let the hate more than they love. what don't you all understand? i rather you hate me that love me and i mean that i might aunt. i did on threads into comments about clark saying in part besides three-point shooting, what did she bring to the table, man? meantime fans are fed up with how clark, wnba number one draft pick is getting roughed out pretty. she got knocked around during the few games last month and during yesterday's filtered tactic caitlin clark will show just standing there. she pushed the rookie card to the floor before an inbound pass. rest did not call eight technical or flagrant file print card was charged with away from the bull, and a valve at indiana general manager had enough of this. she said these are targeting action seem to stop. that league needs to clean up the crab it after gave clark told reporters she accepts the fact there is a target on her back and her focus is to stay in the game and not retaliates. >> it is what it is. feeling i am at the point where you accept it. and don't retaliate. just let them hit you, beat what it is. do not let it get inside your head. i know it's coming at this point i know i'm going to take up thee hard shots a game. >> hopefully she does not get hurt but carter's teammate angel reese jumped off the bench appearing to celebrate clark getting fouled the wnba find reese $1000 for failing to make yourself available for immediate interviews after the game. team was also fined $5000 by the league for failing to make sure the players comply with the wnba media rules. even though carter's talks about clark on social media following this incident, she refused to talk about her violent foul against clark at all after the game. >> i ain't answering no caitlin clark questions i don't know what she said pickwick would you say to her? aside and say thing to her. >> that's enough. >> despite yesterday's heavily condemned and not widely viewed flagrant file against clark, indiana went on to win their first home victory this season beating chicago 71 -- 70. >> there is some justice there i guess. christina coleman and los angeles, thanks. coming up a high-spirited high flying attri tribute in normando the heroes of dj 80 years later fox report returns in a moment. jon: of fire fighters are bubbling if you're so wildfire about an east southeast of oakland, california in the corral fire exploded in size today to 14000 acres and is currently only 30% contained. evacuation order is in place. cal fire reports numerous air tankers and throughout the state have flown in to help fight the flames investigation into the cause of the inferno is ongoing. one a person is dead at least 25 others hurt after mass shooting and akron, ohio overnight. 27-year-old man is dead killed when bullets flew at a street party police ate most of the while or out of the hospital or will soon about some are in critical condition. no arrests get in this case. some headlines now from around the globe. >> yes. >> yes we are disappointed some world leaders have not yet confirmed their participation into the summit. >> in a singapore ukrainian president zelenskyy made a surprise appearance at an asian defensive form accusing china of helping russia pressure countries to skip an upcoming swiss organized peace conference on the war. in north korea officials say the country will stop sending balloons filled with trash into south korea. that came hours after south korea about serious retaliation. in mexico voters seem poised to make history by electing the country's first ever female president of the two leading candidates are both women former mexico city mayor clottey is expected to win. >> this is france a climate activist was arrested for sticking eight red adhesive poster on eight monet painting at a paris museum yesterday and gluing herself to the wall. also in france commemorative parachute jump today ahead of thursday's 80th anniversary of dj the allied invasion of normandy. that turn the tide of world war ii. seventy civilians from around the world took part. ♪ in australia legendary unreleased album by famed hip-hop group is headed to the museum of old and new arts. it will hold a private listening session later this month that is a look at some stories from around the globe. coming up, we will tear open or animal almanac and showing how this 18 month gorilla found a creative way to stay amused, right after this. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. >> rare wolf pups is adjusting to a new home nine mexican wolf pups born in late april, staff relocated due to wild mexican wolf dent in new mexico the move is part of a program to increase their population in the southwest u.s. according to the do the mexican wolf is a rare subsea sues in north america the fort worth zoo in texas caught one of inhabitants making itself a new toy bruno a gorilla fashioned the sit and spin out of a clay lid that was laying around his habitat and anything can be a toy when you're 18 months old, as for bruno he is a bit dizzy but still having a good time. >> that's how fox reports on the sunday the second of june 2024 we hope you had a great weekend. i am jon scott, thank you for watching we will see you again next week on the "fox report". ♪ >>

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2024 , June 2024 ,

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