news i have a travel advisory for nea york city. ifve f you areor conservative oa republican or trump supporter, beware in the weapon eyes despite in criminal justice political differences are now considered especially heinous and if new york's powerful democrats hate your politics, a prison cell might well be in your future or some kind ofin conviction for something thatthn they make up. withoup.t a second thought, thee democrats they will make up a crime, conduct a show trial rigd a conviction with the handpicked biden donating judge regardless of the evidence if they can even explain it and just hours ago, the former president of thepr united states now runninesg for second term, was convicted on all 34 felony counts and will be sentenced just a few days before the republican convention. how convenient. most americans including people in that vary courtroom can't even identify thine allegedanno felonies. that's because this is a conviction without a crime against joe biden's chiefpoli political rival in the middle of a presidential campaign. the only so-called evidence wasa uncorroborated testimonyig froma serial liar who admits he has an ulterior motive, who was likely caught lying on the stand in -- during his testimony. we will see over time now alsodh an admitted thief on top of everything. the left will celebrate. they will sing, they will dance, they will high-five. t they wilrul call trump a convicd felon. there are cheeringthey the end h what would be equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws. let me bear no doubt here, this is a sad day for our country. it's a sad day for our justice system. the best justice system everted created by man. the foundation of our constitutional republic. it's literally dying before your eyes. while fair rules the day.we if alf former president running for a second term with near on the mid resources can be treated like this, no one is safe. this should send the chill down his spine of every business leader and politician, notched in new york because we have ade weapon eyes topa department ofde justice under joe biden. you step out of line, a corrupt democrat of some kind of somewhere will throw you in jail. i but if you beat the living hell out of a police officer or oldle people in new york city and it's on video, don't worry, no bail t woneeded and a slap on the wrt is that justice to you?pl he employed this novel new never applied legal theory. never tried in u.s. history. he took a far-fetched misdemeanour well past the statute of limitations then magically converted that into a felony with a federal law based on some nebulous, unspecified o federal election violation that was nevet r charged or prosecutu of whatet she has zero jurisdictionhe h. he then multiplied that same charge 34 times. that's a shady manoeuvre or called account stacking. the case that mysteriously made its way to a far left partisan judge named juan merchan who donated to joe biden.n his daughterde, who reports sayo could benefit from this trial. that would be calls for recusalm no one saw this as a conflict os interest? remember, he was purposely picked for every single trump related case rather than having a poll that they chose from. this was a dream come true for juan merchan. he never tried to hide his bias. merchan coddled the prosecution, allowed rampant speculation, irrelevant, immaterial smears against donald trump. he all but encourage the m prosecution to mislead the jury and insinuate that michael cohen's election crimes were tied to this case. he should be viewed as an accessory to the trump crimes before the conviction. that happened earlier today. very different story with the defence. merchan actually blocked testimony from an election law expert. former head of the fec, he paraded trump's team and theirde key witnesd s in front of the jury.e ju he rejected nearly every objection made by the defence, yet tempted to silence donald trump with what was a clearlync unconstitutional gag order andea perhaps worst of all, his jurywe instructions were completelyllin unconstitutional, telling jurors he didn't need n to agree on wht the phantom law was or...yi as long as they agreed he did something wrong, that was enough for a conviction. according to juan merchan, itse did not need to be unanimous. the jurors... in other words donald trump was ... first we know from the 2020 supreme court ruling quote there can be no question either that the six of... i applies to stay and criminal trials equally. that's not here is the supreme court ruling unanimity in a jury verdict is required where the sixth and seventh amendments applied. in criminal cases this requiremenly iquirt extends to l issues. character or degree of the crime , punishment which are leftt to the jury. in criminal cases, the requirement of unanimity extende to all issues. that's not what the judge instructed this trumctp also has a right to know what he's being charged with. he didn't know the whole timein according to cornell law, the sixth the moment of our a constitution grants all-americans the right to knom who you are -- who your accusers are and the natures of the charges and evidence against you. apparent latest rule of law, that doesn't apply to juan merchan as well he ignored alltn liberties during his instructions to jurors. it likely wasn't a problem for the jury, they barelyat deliberated despite the complexity of the novel legal theoryco play and they probably all hate donald trump. so it was probably an easy sellk remember, new york city voted against trump almost nine to one. 9-1god for bid trump got the cf of venue that would've been the right thing to do.on not when a political persecution is in the works. equal justice undemar the lone l under the law is now completely meaningless. they take conservatives, they hate republicans and they hateny anybodboy with the last name trp above all else. they're desperate for one party rule in perpetuity. they are hell-bent on using our justice system as a political weapon. we are talking about the weaponization of our justice system. it im.s all for them, a means to an end. inc. fully new york city's far left democrats, here's the best part of tonight. they don't have the final say. now here's president trumps moments after the verdict.t, listen closely. >> this was a disgrace l. this was a rig to trial by conflicted judge who is corrupt. a rig to trial, a disgrace they wouldn't give us a venue change. this was a rig to, disgracefulel trial. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here.t, you have... and the whole thing, we didn't n do aot thing wrong. on a very innocent man and i'md fighting for our countryit and r constitution.wh our wholole country is being rigged right now. this is done by the biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent. i think it's just a disgrace ang we wilral keep fighting, we will fight until the end, we will win we don't have the same country anymore. we are a nation in decline. millions of people pouring intor our countriny right now from prisons and from mental institutions, terrorists. they are taking over ourr ta country. we have r a country that is in trouble. this was a rigged decision witht a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case ever. we will fight for our constitution. >> this case is fa r from over mand you will get to render the final verdict in this case in 158 days. this case will be appealed, donald trump will be vindicated. i see no scenario in which this is not overturned.or will it happened before or after the election, people up andte asking mrne what can we do, what can we do. as president trump said, the pre real verdict will take place on november and by the way, voting early, voting by mail, overcome youril reluctance -- your reluctance'r and resistance... partisan observers to watch the voting all day and the vote counting all night. but if you want this law fair te continue, elected joe biden.he if you want the border crisis to continue, people coming fromchin china, russia, iran, syria,... vote for they aree. unvented. if you lik unve to defund... if you are happy with the wars in the carnage overseas, joe biden is your guy. if you won all of this, you get to decide.cide not 12 jurors in new york city. ultimately it's your americans who are rightlyo ar outraged by this verdict, they need to take away one major thing.wa 158 days, you get to decide and voting early of course. you u get to decide at the ballt box. you get to deliver the final verdict. whatever you are feeling today, may i humbly suggest you channel that into action on november th. otherwise this is the america you will handoff to yourha children and your grandchildreno and itu' will be a steep uphill battle to ever reverse course. joining us with reaction fox news contributor jonathan turley, th e host of sunday night in america... goo good to see you both jonathan,ve you've been with us from the i was pretty realistic. we both communicated often on-air and off air. a ndi think this is a culminationf the weaponization of our systemh of justice for a long time for people, i think it's an extraordinarily dangerous time for america if you look atou everything we talked about and the judge and the conflict that he had and the judge being ath biden donor and what the judgeud allowed in closing arguments and jury instructions, the way he treated the defence in this case, when you put it all together, it really isn't surprising is it ? >> it's not surprising. the instructions had that feel. i... in defence of some of those jurors, they may not have seen on any alternative but conviction. keepy but in mind it is judge ad the government to repeatedly tell them that it was a fact that an election violation occurred and that trump had ordered it.d but judge merchan stayed absolutely silent during that statement over and over again even though it violated his instruction. to this day, we won't know what the jury really decided on the o conspiracy. i was in that courtroom listening toe 34 guilty verdict. they didn't say what the jury thought had happened. they were unanimourys only tha t some crimes, some secondary crime occurred. judge merchan did not require them to reach unanimity on what that crime was. it's going to go on appeal andin the appellant court won't know any more than we have in terms of knowledge as to was this ans election violation, another falsification of documents, attacks violation. that is simply not in the recorm >> let me bring you in here, this is a point that jonathaner made and i made over and over again., ju that six-hour closing, the judge let all of that go uncontradicted in this case. then you have the issue of the 444, you can have one grouphi thinking onkf... that is a direct violation of the u.s. supreme court decision, the 2020 decision under... again this was allowed to. i believe it's overturned on appeal but one is that appeal going to happen?u se did you ever see anything like this? i don't think you ever lost aa a case. >> the jury was unanimous in its lack of unanimity.u i trieard cases where i had to prove an additional crime. every death penalty case you have to prove murder plus something else beyon sd a reasonable doubt andbe the juryn has to specify what thatwh additional crime is. as we sit here tonight, we can'e tell you whether it was one of those three, some other crime that is nebulous that we don't know about. i came last week to thistroo courtroom. i had heard rumours that the judge was pro- prosecution.a i was a prosecutor as you f pointed out. i spent fourou dayr das in a courtroom. not just... i would struggle to think of ao significant objection byth the defence that was actually sustained and the tone with which he treated the council was he let the prosecutor -- we were talking about the defence i think failed to object sometimes during the prosecution closingt argument because they had bettey lawyers syndrome. they had been beaten up for weeks and weeks. f b i can think of five different ways that it can be but i don't think it will happen before thew election, which tohi your other point, the best revenge is success. if you want a justice system that doesn't elect a districtat attorney that promises to go after a political opponent than you need to win at the ballot box. alvin bragg it, name anothere' crime that he's got reallyout? exercised about. is not shoplifting, not stealing not, it's not heading people in the streets, it's alleged posh money to keep someone quiet about a sexual encounter. that's what gets his attentiona. >> an 8-year-old case over a $130,000 payment. it does boggle the mind. a misdemeanour ... when did a local new york city courtroom become a place to try a federal election crimeus jonathan turley? that seems rather novel to me as well or a federal tax crime. >> that's what was so mad -- maddening about the comments tonight. at some point you have to admitt this has never been attempted before, even other networks have said that. other networks have said that this wouldn't have been broughtn against anyone other than trumpc and that is something that if you are an honest person, you have to accept. this was a political use of the criminal justice system to create this novel effort. i think in the end, what you -- to tell people who aret ar upset about this is manhattan is not the entirety of this nation. we are bigger than this case, we are bigger than this district, we have a system that is proven itself over and over again instr history but we all have to take a leap of faith.f we have to take a breath... >> we have a weapon eyes to department of justice under joe biden.e the third highest ranking official left that prestigiouse position to come in and work on this case. do you agreeo wo with me that th doj is weapon eyes? i think it's pretty clear it is. >> this case i think has reallyt fulfilled the argument of many that you have a weapon eyes did system the fact that they came m from the third position to lead this case really reaffirmed that. being in that room, you had a sense of history and it was overwhelming. the question is what history you've made.d of they convicted a former president but they may have also gotten this country to focus inn a way that has never happened before on the misuse of the legal system. history may have been made in a different way. they don't like what was happening in this case to get donald trump. i had a feeling of the sense of history in both ways in that g secourtroom. >> what you think the outcome of this is, a professor will join us later and they think this is a really precedent-setting moment andmome this is only goio continue because they werey we successful using it. >> at some point it has to stop sean. do i blame allegedly progressivr prosecutors or... i do i really blame voters who b will electla people to go afterg certain targeted prosecutors go after crime.os they do not go after people. there's a reason the lady wears a blindfold. there's a reason for it. she's not supposed to care whether you are republican, democrat, black white,, bl male-female. if we don't get back to thoseac days, you ask professor turley about the weaponization of thelo doj, look what was done... the they had her but nothingstat happened to her. so treat people the same, beople fair. if we lose that that we've lost our justice system. >> mara lago was rated. delete 30,000 e-mails. take money, give it to a law firm, funnel it to a research firm, goat to... >> and joe biden has problemsedt with classified top-secret g documents. he didn'ett get rated a.s wh this is what americans areight seeing and it's a scary moment y think for the country. inc. you both, we appreciate you staying up late tonight.p i know you guys have been, working hard. here to react to today's verdict, president trumps legalr spokeswoman, not former...spok she's been in the courtroom the whole time everybody i know around president trump says he's completely stoic, saw thisnt coming. i guess that was clear in hist comments about mother teresa.we vei'm sure it doesn't take the sting away and based on the actions, this judge, one has to wonder that four days before the rsc, iprs he going to release president trump pending appeal, is he going to declare home confinement, can't go to a debate or to his own convention pending nothing that judgein decides wil shock me. is. let's be very clear. i'm so happy to be on the show on such an important day in american history. if we don't stop this now, we t are donehi. i don't mean now, i mean right now as in yesterday. i watched him, i watched the jury say guilty 34 times and i watched him it. he looked at my client and he covered his mouth. he covered it probably because he was smiling. let's be very clear, this judg.e has... no shock to me trump. he has 100 percent a man who i should have recused himself.n our system is so broken right now. i want to remind the american people of one thing.also i'm a legal spokesperson, i'm also an american. i will be voting for trumpbeca because i support america and so it is he. our country is currently in ar serious state and we cannot looh at this as anything other than r serious state of affairs where we have an issue, where people are using politics in the legal courtroom. it cannot happen anymore. i have seen it, i have been inn court since october, at trial after trial for 15 years i haven been practising law and i'me never seenne anything like this. that judge intentionally wouldn't even allo w in pretrial proceedings, they will notngs report -- that would not allow us to bring up that president trump didn't even take deductions. he didn't dodedu anything wrong. his cfo, him, the trump organization, nothing. that was kept away from the jury and it's intentional. this is not america and i'mng speaking to msnbc viewers andvi cnewn viewers. it is time to come together because this administration doer not care about us. they do not. they care about themselves. >> they got what they wanted politically for them it doesn't matter, the ends justify the, means. s, i said this number of days ago, and this noo going to impact the election. i don't believe it is. it's amazing, michael cohen himself testified that he told h many people that he did this on his own. at that point, stop right there. that should have ended whatever legal theory they are puttingl h out.ld i also said donald trump can't get a fair trial in new york city and he did not get a fair trial in new york city. w i will find the money and ind would love to buy mara lago for $18 million and sell it for a billion because that's new york city's legal system. how sayod anrkd pathetic is thi. >> i want everyone to understan. that i see the rulings, i see the hearings. it's before the trials start that they do this to us. it's before we can go in.ha so his legal spokeswoman is gagged so his campaign is gagged and itca trump is because they don'tus want us to speak the truth. that's called censorship, thattt is not our country.y we don't do that.t let americans vote for who theyw want andho you know they don't want, they don't want what isw, going on i right now. when i walked the streets of new york by myself, i am praised and loved and we saw people streaming up and down thep streets waiting to see him just to give him a thumbs up. we drove up and down and the numbers don't lie.s americsta is under siege in a different way than i ever thought was possible and i never thought it would be people with a la lw license that would be doing it. judges that would be, doing it.d it's a disgrace. >> let's be clear on one thing to. i don't want a weapon iced sy