Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240702

edition of "hannity". i'm pete hegseth, in for sean. well, the anti-trump kangaroo c court in new york city was notot in today and won't be back until after the long memorial day. pro-biden judge juan merchan is more than happy to drag this out. >> it's his time to shine afteor all. unfortunately for marshawn and other trump hating democrats acrossm an the countrn the prosecution's case is a disaster. but that's, of course, not stopping congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, from t the socialist from the bronx, from openly fantasizing about keeping trump in a box. >> watch is hosting a rally>> hos to try to con people and try and to fleece them out of every dollar that they have to fund his own legal feese them. and by the way, he's doing it in the south bronx. not to make a poin t, but because he's got caught and the man practically has the legal version of an ankle be bracelet around him. and he can't leavearound the fio boroughs because you always have to be in court. and so i lwayt is truly and embarrassment to him. l >> not to make a point, like most communists, aoc lovesce the thought of turning the justice system against her politicatemtical opl oppone. >> of course, not making a point. he's got an ankle bracelet. aoc is now particularly unnerved because trump is set to host a massive political event in her district tomorrow. the former a massi will hit the campaign trail where in the bronx, no republican since ronald reagan has won new york. but accordinn ha butg to polls,d trump now has a real chance. >> biden up by just new y single digits in new york. in a new cnnor college poll. needless to say, americans with trump derangement syndrome, they are panicking. this include ares the disgraced former fbi director jim comey, who is begging americans to vote for joe biden. >> watch. but when tc you think about anistrati second trump administration, what do you think the implications would be for? >> the fbi. oh, serious for the justice department and the fbi because trump is coming for those institutions. he knowsse trump their power. i >> and i think he has regrets that he didn't work hard enough to corrupt the workm last time. so he's coming for them.s and that's a danger focor all americans. this election matters because of a reason like that. people have to participate. you cannot sit on the sidelinech . i don't care how you feel about joe biden. you must vote for him becaus you eother the consequences on the other side are too. >> according to jim comesiusy, holding government bureaucrats accountable is a threat to america, of course. thankfully, jim is no longer with the fbi longe. thanks to donald trump. here with reaction, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett and former florida attorney general pam bondi. greg, did did the socialist from the bronx just sort of admit what the entire trialxd is actually all about? it's a virtual ankle bracelet. that's what they want it's he'ss forced to campaign here because we're keeping him heree ping. >> yes, absolutely. you know, sometimes truly wonder how aoc manages to think with that brain of hers. >> you know, she essentially has that this case against donald trump is election b interference and brazen lawfare. and i pityn la her.e only >> bronx constituents have only become poorer and some of them poverty stricken. >> during sandy's while she's yucking it up with, you know, fancy galas and expensive gown. the point of trump's rally in thee bronx is to underscore just how biden nomics has ruined these people's lives. but, you know, aoc is the woman who said, oh, unemployment is low because everybody two jobs. you know, pete, that is some kind of stupid. . sure is. pam is she? she wants to derided there's nos point. but there very much is a point it'ss to be smart enough to know that it's a generational politician in the republican party that could venture into the bronx and gather a crowd coul that joe biden couldn't a democrat in that place. so she definitely is a pointknoh and she definitely knows that. >> just can't say itt can'. oh, she sure does, pete.t' it's her hometown. she's born in the bronx. she couldn't draw her high school class to come outyet dona and see her. yet donald trump leaverumpsfter new york yesterday after a grueling day in court. flie gruel s. texas today holds two multi-million dollar fund raisers last month in palm beach, over $50 million,ndra the largest fund raiser ever. iserand in april almost doubledt by $25 million with the democrats raised. bas raisede nowndl he's flying back to hold a fund raiser excuse me, a rall ay in the bronx, a rally and think i was in new york. ar pete, people everywhere. all they're talking about is goining aboug to the going to tu tomorrow night to support president trump. i can' prt to see how crowded it is. it's going to be something to see, no doubt. check it out on the fox news channel. at fgreg me ask this. a bunch of people have asked me this and i'm curious to i know some instructioni s were given, but there's a long weekend here. what's happening with this jury over the course of this longw do weekend? how do you think it will affect the wat y they assess this trial so far? >> well, the judge is them to an increasing likelihood of outside interferenc increasee you know, they're instructed not to pay attention, not to talyear ik to anybody about y case. don't look at the news or social media't. eating a well, he's creating a temptation for them. n for thyou you know, which is incredibly dumb. >> i much dependsn th on the closing argument, the element of the alleged crimes gument i never proven in this case. business records were not false . they were accurate. trump had no involvement. there's no evidence he willfully violated election laws and no laws were even laws. i plus, it's factually impossible to influence an election afterlt over. ment r yet that's how the indictment reads. even ieaf trump knew about theel stormy daniels nda, so what?t th that'sat's unlawful. >> so, you know, i come to theeo basic question, pete, you know,c where is the crime? it's nowhere . oot this this is what i calltr a bigfoot case. it's a trialia search of an imaginary crime. and i think the jury should be insulted that bragg hung his entire case on a prolificlar liar who was caught lying again in court and then admittedn in he's a thief. >> this is a politically driven, corrupt. case i >> i hope the jurors see it. pam, real quick, handicap where we're at right now for viewers when they come back on tuesday . >> oh, you know, sitting in there, that judge is basically>> sitti a prosecut. he is rooting for r the prosecution. he is ruling againstting o president trump every step of the way. i wish all americansy could set what i was able to witness ju to how bad that judge was. but let's hope the jury does the right thing and theyw follow the law. he committed no crime as gre hge said. there is nothing there. and let's just hope we have some honest jurors in new york who are going to dok the righwht because president trump did nothing wrong despite judge going after him every step of the way, ruling against him the entire trial. he's committed reversible error. so let's hope that that the jurors do the right thingd in the end. >> absolutely. it comes down to a jury of 12jury o individuals with decency. throh hopefully they are able to seelo through a lot of this, including a couple of lawyert os and push their will see. greg jarrett, pam bondi, you've both been fantastic on your coverageu bothe , beenthis triae appreciate having you tonight. >> all right. so what impactpreciatetoda doest the political show trial in new york have on america's judicialt system? >> let's step back a little bit here. and here to respond to that is louisianao respon john kenne senator, you've been a busy man, but sometimesana sena we'rs middle of something we know is a show trial. we kw iss is playing to thetorae electorate's meant to have a political effect. we'r mo havee maybe missing the implications of this moment. how significant this weaponisation in the history of our judicial system and. >> what course is this settingon us on, in my opinion? >> paint president biden and the district attorney have run over america's political or rather criminal justice, backed up and run over it again. ut it. as one commentator put it, how can something so small on allegedly falsifying6 ye business records six years agoot result in something so big? >> for the first time the in america's history, the criminal prosecution of a former president of the united states and i've concludedicans i think most americans have the answerha is just craven, grotesque politics. >> no, no, no. personal no. milky way believes that these charges are falsifying business records. would have been brought against anyone on god's green earth except donald trump.n an president biden and d.a. brag have made a conscious decision to bastardize america's criminal justice system and to a prosecute president was a political opponent. i don't believe president trump would be being prosecuted, but for the fact he's running fat and as i've said before, thisbe is the sort of thingfore that in in countries huge powerball jackpot pot is 287 chickens on a goat. >> this is not supposedsu to happen in america. nopposedhappenw, they have done. funny. they will. maye ththey may be the first, won't be the last. >> they havebe some spirits they can't control. >> there are thousandsout ther of ambitious prosecutors out there across america. amers and republicans and their constituents now are going to them to prosecute political opponents. president biden, for his own partt bidey, has placed the amen criminal justice system as deehn in insanity. and he and hd e and mr. bragg all had their head in a back.s r grotesque, in my opinion. you're exactly right, senator. they've started it. the question is the next step is, is there a possibility and trump has alluded to this, that could actually course correct this judicial system at the federal and state level or if we enter just entered a fight, fire with fire phase where, hey, you did it, now we're going to do it eveng stronger. we control the judiciary. or is the deep state going to steer that in your mind? where does it go next? presi >> where should it go?de well, well, president biden and district i attorney brags te have taken them thinkable and turned it into the tolerable law. and i fear that it f will eventually become the normal and the attitude of manthy people will be two wrongs don't make it right, but they do make it even. >> and that is dangerous fora dr america's political systeml and our criminal justice systesm . this is just unconscionable. president biden, i was hoping he would govern with knowledgege and wisdom. he irn wknowledgs with with appe and ambition. >> and his his has just been one long prayer. >> the only the only way. i'll just say this, pete, they the only way we're going to find justice in america is on a voting vote. >> amen to that. i think the largest jury of allc the american people are going to have to put this back on course. you're right. it doesn't make it right, but it does make it even. and i know a lot of people who certainly feel that way. senator kennedy, thank you for your time tonight. appreciate it. >> all right. here's a big reason why democrats are so aggressively using the justice system, as the senator just laid out as ath political weapon. t of they've let it out of pandora's box. joe biden is unable to campaign. >> watch thipaigs show. yes, i am the i don't say frustrated and i do think the president has to deal in the age issue is ise is suffocating him and he needs to bring up that he's only four years older. >> and trumpt he's biden's mentl and physical decline is at al huge they can try to deny it all they want. it's huge. you can barely wal want its .k o read from a teleprompter like this one. >> it's not good. and now joe has a lot of ground to make up in swing states as democrats lawfare campaign appears to be backfire. also, big news tonight for donald trump. his formerig ns toni rival, nik, announced today that she will be voting for in november, saying biden has, quote, been a catastrophe. >> joining us now with reaction, the hosjoininreat of outkick tomi lahren is fearless. tomi lahren, along with former t senior adviser to president trump, stephen milleident trr. stephen, donald trump has been kept in the icebox for overer month, yet his numbers keep going uupp. the li explain that phenomenon to the libs, please. well, i think as two things. first of all, there's a clear public backlash against thesee fascist biden trials that they did noden triat anticipate wheny they launched these crusades. but president trump, even though he has been trapped in that ice box, has still beent taking his case to thecan american peoplpeope. s every chance he gets, whether it's on social media, whether it's in his events in new york, and whether it's his campaigd wn when he can get out of the courtroom and he's making that case about a border invasion, about rampant inflation, about the destruction of the american dream , about a world that is on fire, about a justice system that is being used by joe biden to punish, persecute, hound, harass and incarcerate political enemied incas. americans want to live in a free country, not a fascist countro liy. and the polling reflects t that fundamental truthha. >> and i see it, tommy. you know, james carville, we >>. ed the sound one of the few people onging the left is ringing the bell saying, wake up people like we don't have our a-game here where we're heading into a freight train. do you think eventually they wake up to what he's saying and try to mako whe a change or are wer ar on the course? >> ie're on? oh, i've been maintaining for almost two years now that theytt will, of course. >> correct. they will not run joe biden in november because they simply cannotn jo . you can be old or you can be abe failure, but you can't be an old failure. and that's exactly where e joe biden is cognitivelyxact, mentally failing. and also his policies are failing. you cannot be both . i've maintained for two years it's not going to be joe, but let's just pretend2 ye c tht is joe. donald trump doesn't have to do much. if donald trump in t fact, acts the most presidential in the next few months that he's ever acted in his entire life. he will win in november, do less. he doesn't have to do much. go out, talk to the people, go to places like the bronx,ck interact and just sit back and let joe dig his own grave, quite literally. let him talk, let hilly let m ds his events. the democrats are not going to be able to cover him much longere much. f and then let's just see if they run, joe. but like i said, i don't think they're goine but lid g to do iw i think that they're going to bait and switch at the last minute at the convention or shortlat y. t we've got to be prepared forrump that. but right now, donald trump, just do your best to doou less and you will win. it'll be interesting how that plays out in the debate context as wel l. stephen, the significance what is the significance of nikki haley coming around and saying, well, i am a republican, i gues thi, i guess i will vote for the republican nominee. donald trump. >> what do you make of thatwhatd today? well, it reflects the further consolidation of the republican party, the unification of the republican party behind the nominee, behind president trump, whereas on the democrat side, they are rivee n by chaos. they are fractured. they have a massiv e pro-hamas wing that has all the energy h in that party. they have a massive blm wing voat has all the energm y in tht party. it is alienating voters. it is terrifying voterters tersa whereas the republican party is coming behind a very straightng behin, popular and pt vision that president trump has laid out about restoring out sovereignty. deporting the illegals. taming inflationf. jail and getting criminals back in jail where they belong. reforminwhere g doj and the spy agencies to protect us from the bad guysdoj an. t au not to use that awesome power to go afteor american traditional americans, christian americans, conservative americans. that visio traditionaln, national restoration. that vision of national rediscovery is what is bringing together record numberiscoverysf americans in support of the republican party. and again, it's fracturing republ, splitting apart democrats to the point where many democrats are not even going to be votingere demobe for joe biden and they're going to be voting for president trump or maybe even party candidates on the left. >> it sounds good to me because it's common sense that donald trump uses that phrase all the time. and it's even justvatism i about conservatism. it's just common sense. tommy, real quick,t's comm actus a lot of the voters that were sticking with nikki come home reflonalomd trump like this? her movement reflect that other people will move as wellov. >> i don't think there's a lot of voters that actually nikkipoi haley's policies i think they liked the fact that she actees likfactd presidential ort presented as presidential. so like i said before, if donaldia i can just take on a little bit of that energy, a little bit more presidentialts ,at least for these next fewl ge months, he will get those voters. they like nikkthose votersi bece looked to them like a candidate that was respectablet them. they don't like donald trump for his personality, but they love his policies. s persony buthey love ending en, which nikki haley was never going to do. undepeople will come home, they understand, and they might not celebrate it, but they will vote for donald trump. >> that's all it takes. if you get them to the ballot box or get the ballot early, which is what republican gets have to do as the left builds a machine which maintains the machine that they rely . >> steven and tommy, thank you both so much. after a breach at quantico fromf two jordanian nationals, illegalsr , senator linsey grahn is demanding answers. plus, a disturbingatdsey new via from the southern border. >> stay with uwith s. man, how many bathroom trips are you making each day? try a super advanced the number one selling formula in its category made with prost. defend a triple action blend to help reduce urges to . >> find it at wal-mart or these retailers on the left your mouthwash with the burning sensation in on the right closest the alcohol free gentle mouthwash that works without the burn closest mouthwashes freshen breath. >> improve gum health and strengthen teeth close. this works without the burn process. right now someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy. so 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experts at boystown have answers. >> is it boystown? >> norgaard parenting. >> welcome back to this special edition hannity. >> illegal immigrants are now edooding into our country from all corners of the globe. >> here's what bill milligan discovered. >> california's border with mexico. watch. where are you guys he from? >> what country? pakistan. pakistan. india. indi.a, we think. turkey. yeah. turkey. okay. india india.ivne i where are you guys from?s turkey. turkey. turkey where are you guys from? china. china? ecuado>> ecuadr. ndia what are you guys from? india. india? india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. indi.a india. >> india. iran. iran. also. iran. >> whyome?did you come? no. freedom. no. no freedom. yes. in iram.n. iran is a dangerous country. no freedom for speech, forings writing, forcing or thinking. ny >> pakistan. turkey. iran. indiindiaa. and that's just one group in the middle of the night. plentyn th more have come from other countries, including iraq, afghanistan, jordan.a tata in fact, recently, two men from jordan were apprehende d to illegally access the marine corps base in quanticopprehend, virginia. now, very little information about that incident has been released, but senate judiciary committee ranking member lindsey graham is now demanding answers in a new letter to homelan newd security secretary alejandro mayorkas and senator grahamr graham joins us now. >> senator, it is curious. i've been following this story for a couple of days, how little we know about these individuals. we could presumably learn a lot quickly and they could release it. what have you heard back on the letter? >> what do you know? i haven't heard a word, but i'll make sure that i get an answer because, look, you got two fighting age males came here illegally from the mideast. wron what could possibly go wrong? trying to lie their way and,r wa falsify their way into a marine base? into a m that bother you, what ? for two years now, we've beenren screaming to high heaven. the border is broken. isis and al qaeda are gettin g stronger over there. they're going to come here and kill a bunch of us if we don't do something new and different. >> for two years, they continue the same old policies. i want to know, were these terri two guys on the terrorist watch list? what do we know about them? watch list ww abd they want to i marine corps base pretending be sg they're not? >> they persisted, from what i understand. they pretended to be amazon subcontracto r, which they weren't. exactly. they tried time and time again to get through. so in this letter, cam you're asking for their alien files, how they came? ar a watchn the terror list? >> how easy, how easy are those for someone like the secretary i of homeland security to obtain? and what is his track for actually giving you information about things he may or may not want to share? >> like pulling teeth. it took me months. find out that the man chargedur with killing lincoln rileykill,. ibrahim, i think is his name, came here illegally. nt he paroled into the country because there was no space iy bn el paso to detain him. not because he had a legitimate reason be paroled.ce they just had no place to put te him. y t they him go. >> and he's charged with killing this young lady in georgia. we have two people trying to get on to a marine base from the mideast fighting age, males here illegally and i am going to get to the bottom of it. there's a reason they're not tellinreasong us this. >> it took me forever to find out that the reason the guy who's accused of killing ms.. >> riley came here illegally and paroled illegally. they didn't want to tell met that i had to beat the out of them. w >> well, you're right. if they knew there was nothing to it and they'd come runnine ig to the cameras and say, well, this is just a big misunderstanding. and they absolutely they would. so all that tells you isom therg is something there. you know, this administration is all about politics and control and their ability to perpetuate their power. wouldn't they recognize that this vulnerability eventually is going to come home to roost? ten, 11,e vulnero co illemillion illegals in this country from all around the globe. eventuallye countr something tee is going to happen and it's going to be on them. >> i don't know. that's a really good question. at what point does it become clear your policies are not working? >> look at what's going on in the mideaswhat point t. going to have the prime minister in a moment. look at the world we live in.g s they're trying to arrest the prime minister of israeley'r and the defense minister for fighting back against hamas. they're the icc. a rogue prosecutor is drunk the with power and the biden administration needs to up their game when it comes to israel, give them the weapons they need to win a war. they can't afford to lose,re secure our border. at what point in time does bordt become clear your policies are failing and we're going to get attacked again? d ti >> we're living on borrowed time. if this is not a wakeup call, i what wouldisould b be i mean, s, if you told us on nine 1201 that we would be letting in people from all over, i mease ,where where are we on threat levels today vising peop 910 ono of 1 to 10, 12? >> i've never seen it maybe versus the day before 911,>> he' the day before 911. >> so here's what i would say. >> the fbi director said that the lights are blinking. t he's seen threats before, but not so many at theo many same time. >> i've never seen more threats to our country than right now that could result in another 911. and we're not adjusting our policies. the fbi director told the world, the nation, that everywhere he looks he sees blinking lights. and the biden administration hasn't changed anything at the border. it's just as broke as it was before. and israel is under siege by hamas. hezbollah. iran wants to kill all the jews. and our answer to the hamas attacks thei it'sto is to cut off weapons. this insan is insane. >> hold them back. this is the moment. it's almost it's almost like the the threat is on the inside. like they want to let them in. i don't know what else you would do unless you were working for the other guy. i don't know what to telthank yl senator. thank you. right. i don't either. i don't either. than k senator. >> all right. up next, shawn recently spokesr with israeli prime ministeaer bibi netanyahu about the icc rssuing a warrant fo his arrest and much more. that interview straight ahead as this special edition of "hannity" continues . >> what makes bull and brand sheets so soft? it's everything you can't see that makes the difference. we start with the rarest cotton on earth. >> then we transform it with our signature for over one under. we've this sheet starts out soft and unlocks new levels of softness with every wash. even if you can't see the difference, you'll feel it. >> sleep better at night with 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sean spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyah spokeu just one day afy international criminal court prosecutor requested a warrant for his arrest over alleged war . >> take a look. by joining us now is israeli ise prime minister benjamin netanyahu. mr . prime minister, always great to have you. well, i wish i had a betters bu circumstances. so i'm watching thishing illegitimate thimate, you know,t the icc and this indictment of you. and i'm thinking, okay, i'm sort of comparing it i to 91 and in our country and we lost 2977 americans. now, based the population size of israel. and, you know, i've been there many timesn i. it would be the equivalent of what happened october, seven to losing 40,000 americans at a single day. why you as as the i prime minister of your country defending yourself against these radical islamicattack is attacking and killing your people and kidnapping your people. inurpeople in kidnand you are. and somehow everything's so upside doww everytn that you're the problem. and there's a moral equivalency with israe al defending itself and radical terrorists. well, you know, it's thet's outr it's outrageous. i think president biden said that. and republicanus i t and democrats have rallied around this. you know, the effortan to fight this absurdity. i mean, this is a rogue prosecutor who's gone amok. he's out to demonize the one and only jewish state and the only democracy in the middle docracy ieast. i and it's very it's both false and dangerous. sefalse because first of all,y s it's creating a false symmetry, as you said, betweenhe the democratically elected leaderllys of israel and the terrorist tyrants of hamas. and that's exactly like saying,e well, i'm going to issue arrest warrants for president georget a w bush, but also bin ladenrr orl in world war two. w >> i'm going to issue arrest warrants for churchill and fdrat ,t but also for hitler. thanks a lot. it's a false symmetry. it's despicablhitlmmetrye symme. and, of course, this prosecutor never goes after tyrants t of tehran or the butchers of syria obutchersr what is hapg in yemen, the killers of yemen or anywhere else or north korea anywhere else. he's going after us because he's out, demonize israel and really fanned the flames of anti-semitism. e he the second thing is the charges are false. he's accusing thisliberate of deliberate starvation. what a pack of lies. aliesi mean, we're putting in t in 20,000 trucks, 500,000 tons of foos ofd and medicine, the pe of food in gaza has plummeted because markets don't lie. rec we've got people receive about 3000 calories per day compared to the 2000 that's required. it's a it's a bunch of baloney. and yet, you know, if you repeat a lie often enough and if you have slanted your own organizationsd by ham dominated by hamas and its and ers, to give you these informations is completely false. so i think it's he didn't even bother it emb i investigate. i don't know if you know that he just received these fals e contentions andcharge misleading charges and took them at face value and then slammed this on israel. so it's false. but let me tell you why it's dangerous, becausausee sea, israel is first, but america's next and all democracies are nextfirss. because if if this is allowedel to if israel ibus bullied into not stopping these terrorists and getting rid d of theseer terrorists, then all democracies will be imperiled. also dangeros because bec he's pouring gasoline on the fires of anti-semitismg n that are raging on u.s.. campuses and around the world, becaus in the people think thisa serious organization. they actually see it'll take time for them to kno couldw whan farce it is.the fi and so he's really stokingre the fires of hatred aroundd ar the world. and it never stops with hatred . it inflames entire societies. you see that on the campuses of the united states with president trump, with the pr withdrew this. president biden went back into it. i know he condemned it. howeve inti knowr, the fact thak america should pull out agains a result of this, i think every western country should pull out and have no associatiok everyn d which brings up the broader question, and i've said this foears your years that look at e u.n., for example, they have historically been anti-semitic and anti-american. why? why is the eu why are wed funding with u.s. tax dollars the majority of funds for the unjority. what about the w.h.o.? they lied to the world about covid. to th19why the wef?y why the paris climate accordcli set, you know, grant the statusa of developing nations to china and india? how does how do any of these globalist organizations, any sense. >> this one is probably the worst of all of them. e wo >> well, it's certainly going down that route. >>l ofyou know. people used to take the general assembly of the u.n. seriouslyet . well, it passed more resolutions against rekael than all the i thin passe all the other countries combined, the so-called human rights councilso-cal of the u.n, also taken seriously. and then people saw that it passed more resolutions on israel than all the rest ofed the world combined, including north korea, iran, yemen, syria, you name it. so obviously, they lost all their legitimacy. and this rogue prosecutor with his with his false symmetries and false charges is doing exactly the same to the to the world, to this icc. and it remains to be seen whether the judges will go down that route, too. they might. s thand then it will become a kangaroo court for all the world to see. so i thinkrld to s, you know, tf he if he wants to put a stain h' on israel, he's putting a stain on himself. and i'm veryg a glad now that in the u.s. congress there's a very strong effort which is bipartisan and i hope it continues to conclusion. i'm sure it will to put sanctions on anyone who does this in the in the icc. i think it's the least that should be done and i expect it to have a lasting effect. i think it's important. i'm very glad to see a lot of countries, a lot of serious leaders have stood up and said this is a this is absurd. >> we can't accept this. well, this would be the same as w bush after 911 being indicted, the same wherely peopl you were. listen, the only people israel is guiltye of willfully killing are terrorists. the people that started the war. so let's be very clear. let me ask you another question and moven to on to a different topic. and i know israel said they had they had no part to play at all in the helicopter crash of the e iranian president, betterer kno known, by the way, as the butcher of tehrawne bun. >> and what bothers me, though, is the biden department sent iran condolences. the u.n. held a moment of silence. now, the number one state checsor of terrothr, prime minister, the last time i checked, was the islamicd wa republic, the iran they helped plan and plot and scheme and provide weaponry for the october 7th attacks against your country. they are providing hezbollah, the north in lebanon, with weapons to fire into your country. they are arming the houthi rebels also firing weapons and into your country? and why would anybody offer condolences to the death of onem of the worst terrorists in world history? can you explain that? tee i'm not that happy that my country did that. >> well, you'll have to ask the administration that question. but i'll tell you who i offer condolences to. i offer condolences to the people of iran who have been terrorized and subjugateirand by these these theocratic thugsr foatr half a century. i mean, they they've killed them on the sidewalks. don't let them raise their voice. they they promote aroundo the world, but they also do horrible things to their owns to people. so i offer my condolences to the iranian people. tid i hope they get rid of this tyranny as soon as they can. i thinern ask that that's been my position all along, and i think that's the right position . >> well done. straight ahead, biden announced yet anothe biden ar round of stt loan handouts, but most of sgs econre still hurtin to biden nomics. we'll explain and get reaction from brian greenberg and davidoo asman coming up next. this memorial day weekend, remembering our nation's heroes and honoring their sacrifice. share your pride by using hashtag proud american. miss "fox and friends" live sponsored by jeep. >> there's only one topanga's tough to kill and it can spread. >> it's time to start using funky nail maximums drink. funky nail is so powerful it cures and prevents fungal infections. there' infections. there' plus it has aloe and tea tree oil to restore skin health. oil to restore skin health. sayjob iny with fungi. with fungi. >> now it's an as i wa in the navy, that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wiferd and if you made the deployment and you've been the wife and you've been the wife at home or you've been t the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. about. your spouse ha the right to apply for a va home loan. 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tries to bribe voters. that's exactly as t what it is aheadst of november. but this latest ploy isn't going to make the american orget ho people forget how bad the biden economy really is. you see, this weekend marksoffi the unofficial start of summer. looking forward to it. cialmmerbut to a new fox news ps over 50% of americans don'ton plan on taking a summer vacation and 73% of those said who said they're staying home said it's becaused to they can't afford to pay for that trip or that vacation. >> and that's not all. americans are struggling to afford. a surveyling to afford releasede federal reserve this week found that more thanl one third of americans cite inflation as their biggest financial challenge, with some citing how the cost of childcaremuch is almost as much as housing. and now snap benefits aren't even keeping up with inflation. >> the cost of livinven keg. an urban institute analysis found that by the enban instd o, snap benefits fell short of monthly food costs, whichwhat is what they're supposed to cover. and sinc they e the bidenbiden administration would rather lie about the economy than fix iad some corporations are taking matters into their own hands, even tuck it in. swimsuit target has announced they are cutting prices on 5000 household essentials to help ou t their customers and tryinto t to get shoppers back into their stores. joining me now for reaction, co-host of the big moneyn show on fox business, brian greenberg, along with fox businessxbusines anchor david a. gentlemen, both, great to see you. brian i saw something onlinet he today. someone pointed out. rememberted ou, it was a $5 foog footlong at subway. now,-dollar- the $5 footlong is3 bucks. you can't ignore that. no, i used to eat a lotat of those $5 foot longs. i like a goo id deal. cheap i like cheap food. i like a world where you can afford thing worlds. k i mean, think about this. you've got family saying i can't afford to go fam camping this summer when you've got kids. can't camping on campuses and taxpayer money is being handed to those kids to pay back their loans. and i got to telckl you. that's exactly the way the biden administration likes it. they don't liktion like big famg they don't like people driving around in big cars. they don't likthey e people big houses. they do like people, by the way, on snap benefits. and i bet you're going to see them use this whole snap isn'te enoughwhol in order to increase snap benefits. right. because what they want is you on their budget so they can controlling the you on their budget, which is actually your budget because it's your ta lot ut not really because they're just printing a lot of money anyway. david becausey anywae they saw l david you're exactly right. i mean, they play a game they rigged well and you use the word essential. >> americans are having to spend more money on essentials. >> they'ree, irrationally spending, that's stuff that you need as opposed to stuff that you may not need, like a boat or another computer, stuff that you need, food health care, child care,suranc insurance e for your car. goat stuff is still going up at a pretty steady pace, about 6%. the discretionary items, the stuff may not need is about flat. so that's artificially bringingl inflation down because rich people can afford the non-discretionary items. the stuff you need to folks and average folks do that. and this the cost of this student debt is enormousth. it's 870 billion to $1.4 trillion. that's how much the constitution didn't expect a president to spend. a king can spend as much money a he wants, but not a president. that's congress's job. that's why the supreme court said it was illegal and the president continues to do it, even though he's breaking the law. he brian, david raises a great point about essential versus nonessential. but you and i both know a lot of people who work day to day, in and orto paycheck four years ago they would have taken that vacation because they felt they were getting ahead. and that's a wonderful thing for their family. that's what the american dream supposed to allow for. now they're saying not only can thnot do that, but i can barely make the essentials. yeah. and that'st essent why they feel terrible. that's why they say the economy stinks. even when the president says,n h oh, look, unemployment's low. oh, i think your wages are risingey . not that oh, inflation's not that bad. they say i can't take a vacation. i afford the things my family needs. and i've got a government who,he instead of taking that burden off of me, puts it more onff ogy my shoulders by limiting my energy, by limiting what i can buy, by limiting my choices. forget about essential and nonessential the governmentt loves to define that.s let americans decide what that is and give themthei the right to earn the living to get it. >> i can't wait for uncle sam to tell me stories out here. pete get awa is essential or not essential. >> david, take it away. yes. >> the the incredible thing is,y is that the president is doing this, spending a $1,000,000,000,000 on student debt because he thinks he's going to get the youth vote. in fact, he's losing it. that's right. president biden and formerump ar president trump are equal now with voters under 30. they both got 49%. s agfour years ago, biden was t beating trump by 20 points. now they're dead even. so it ain't working. president. >> no, it sure isn't. att it's -- it's incredible. it's staggering. the attempbuy votet buy votes tw is unconstitutional, which will get overturned. but it doesn't matter because its efficacy is tied to election da ey. yet young people are actually smart enough to see that you're giving me this, but you're actually wrecking me and the other side. so i'll take your money and then not vote for you, which is what you're seeing in the polling numbers, because they're smart enough to take the mone areg angy, then choose. their economic future. brian david, you guys are the best. than >>k you.a ne all right. coming up, i have a new book coming out called the waoklere a on warriors. it's right here. i'll explain the betrayal wai exs happening to the t men and women who risk their lives to keep us safe. >> that's next kee. they were among the toughest, most dedicated lawmen this country has ever seen. and maybe the greatest of them all was a former slain u.s. marshal three. in the midst of violence and prejudice, reeves committed to justice no matter the cost. i'm looking for men who are willing to fight for justice, civil rights for all, and his legacy on in every marshal who wears the badge today. this is how laws are the lawman on fox nation. >> guys, it's time to get what you want. with help from ageless mail, max a dr. recommended solution for boosting testosterone right at its source. be the man you want be. >> right now, someone could be listed as the owner, your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns 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special wio edition of "hannity". wellme bac, in two weeks, my new book, the war on warriorsn hits shelves. you can preorder it right now prt in time for father's day or for a good summer. >> read. the book is personal to me. my generation of warriors spent 20 years fighting islamist extremists, only to be called, in my case, a domesticwhile we extremist. you see, while we were fightingh overseas, leftists took over back home to include our pentagon. >> they want to control and fundamentally transform our military. but we are awake to their woke and our battle begins anew here at home. >> you see the military cannot be organized like a harvard faculty lounge catering ever more obscure identities. our core identity as warfighters is normal. patriotic men looking to serve their country, not their gender or, their racial identity. >> ordinary men anaciad women willing to be extraordinary or die trying. you see, as warriors. meritocracy is our bedrock. lethal. the d is our trademark. there is no black or white in our ranksther. h we're all green. our strength is not in our. y dp despite what pentagon leaders mc tell you, it's in our unitywn and in our love for each other. >> this book tells the truths tt and names names and i share a few of my own battlefield storiee s to illustrate the reality of the brotherhood and why we need to save it. the book is the war on warriors. i'm proud of it and i hope you order it. >> also, the third episode. t of outlaws and lawman today sean hannity is available today exclusively on fox nation. the third episode followsg legendary man hunter bass reeves. >> taker e a look. >> one of the first black deputy u.s. marshals in the west. bass reeves is often viewet hedg with suspicion and outright hostility. but over a staggerinht but oveg 30 year career, reeves brings thousands of outlaws to justice and sends more than a few to their grave. >> it's a great show. you got to see it. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. >> be sure to catch me thishas o weekend at fox and for gutfeld. coming up nexts coming. eveni have a great evening, everybod

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Tata , Afghanistan , Apprehende D , Iraq , Base , Letter , Information , Lindsey Graham , Alejandro Mayorkas , Corps , Incident , Senate Judiciary Committee , Quanticopprehend , Virginia , Homelan Newd , Grahamr Graham , Story , Word , Haven T , Mideast , Wa Falsify , Wron , Isis , Screaming , Heaven , Are Gettin G , Al Qaeda , Terrorist Watch List , List , Sg , Marine Corps , Subcontracto R , Weren T , Secretary , Alien Files , Ar A Watchn , Terror List , Chargedur , Track , Homeland Security , Pulling Teeth , Ibrahim Raci , Ice , Space Iy , Killing Lincoln Rileykill , El Paso , Bn , Fighting , Age , Lady , Him Go , Georgia , Guy , Bottom , Riley , Misunderstanding , Cameras , Isom Therg , Runnine Ig , Tee , Wouldn T , Eventuallye Countr , Vulnerability , Ability , Co Illemillion Illegals , E Vulnero , Ten , 11 , Prime Minister , What S Going On , Mideaswhat , Point T , Rogue Prosecutor , Administration , Hamas , Game , Defense Minister , Israel , Weapons , War , Wakeup Call , Bordt , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240702

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edition of "hannity". i'm pete hegseth, in for sean. well, the anti-trump kangaroo c court in new york city was notot in today and won't be back until after the long memorial day. pro-biden judge juan merchan is more than happy to drag this out. >> it's his time to shine afteor all. unfortunately for marshawn and other trump hating democrats acrossm an the countrn the prosecution's case is a disaster. but that's, of course, not stopping congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, from t the socialist from the bronx, from openly fantasizing about keeping trump in a box. >> watch is hosting a rally>> hos to try to con people and try and to fleece them out of every dollar that they have to fund his own legal feese them. and by the way, he's doing it in the south bronx. not to make a poin t, but because he's got caught and the man practically has the legal version of an ankle be bracelet around him. and he can't leavearound the fio boroughs because you always have to be in court. and so i lwayt is truly and embarrassment to him. l >> not to make a point, like most communists, aoc lovesce the thought of turning the justice system against her politicatemtical opl oppone. >> of course, not making a point. he's got an ankle bracelet. aoc is now particularly unnerved because trump is set to host a massive political event in her district tomorrow. the former a massi will hit the campaign trail where in the bronx, no republican since ronald reagan has won new york. but accordinn ha butg to polls,d trump now has a real chance. >> biden up by just new y single digits in new york. in a new cnnor college poll. needless to say, americans with trump derangement syndrome, they are panicking. this include ares the disgraced former fbi director jim comey, who is begging americans to vote for joe biden. >> watch. but when tc you think about anistrati second trump administration, what do you think the implications would be for? >> the fbi. oh, serious for the justice department and the fbi because trump is coming for those institutions. he knowsse trump their power. i >> and i think he has regrets that he didn't work hard enough to corrupt the workm last time. so he's coming for them.s and that's a danger focor all americans. this election matters because of a reason like that. people have to participate. you cannot sit on the sidelinech . i don't care how you feel about joe biden. you must vote for him becaus you eother the consequences on the other side are too. >> according to jim comesiusy, holding government bureaucrats accountable is a threat to america, of course. thankfully, jim is no longer with the fbi longe. thanks to donald trump. here with reaction, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett and former florida attorney general pam bondi. greg, did did the socialist from the bronx just sort of admit what the entire trialxd is actually all about? it's a virtual ankle bracelet. that's what they want it's he'ss forced to campaign here because we're keeping him heree ping. >> yes, absolutely. you know, sometimes truly wonder how aoc manages to think with that brain of hers. >> you know, she essentially has that this case against donald trump is election b interference and brazen lawfare. and i pityn la her.e only >> bronx constituents have only become poorer and some of them poverty stricken. >> during sandy's while she's yucking it up with, you know, fancy galas and expensive gown. the point of trump's rally in thee bronx is to underscore just how biden nomics has ruined these people's lives. but, you know, aoc is the woman who said, oh, unemployment is low because everybody two jobs. you know, pete, that is some kind of stupid. . sure is. pam is she? she wants to derided there's nos point. but there very much is a point it'ss to be smart enough to know that it's a generational politician in the republican party that could venture into the bronx and gather a crowd coul that joe biden couldn't a democrat in that place. so she definitely is a pointknoh and she definitely knows that. >> just can't say itt can'. oh, she sure does, pete.t' it's her hometown. she's born in the bronx. she couldn't draw her high school class to come outyet dona and see her. yet donald trump leaverumpsfter new york yesterday after a grueling day in court. flie gruel s. texas today holds two multi-million dollar fund raisers last month in palm beach, over $50 million,ndra the largest fund raiser ever. iserand in april almost doubledt by $25 million with the democrats raised. bas raisede nowndl he's flying back to hold a fund raiser excuse me, a rall ay in the bronx, a rally and think i was in new york. ar pete, people everywhere. all they're talking about is goining aboug to the going to tu tomorrow night to support president trump. i can' prt to see how crowded it is. it's going to be something to see, no doubt. check it out on the fox news channel. at fgreg me ask this. a bunch of people have asked me this and i'm curious to i know some instructioni s were given, but there's a long weekend here. what's happening with this jury over the course of this longw do weekend? how do you think it will affect the wat y they assess this trial so far? >> well, the judge is them to an increasing likelihood of outside interferenc increasee you know, they're instructed not to pay attention, not to talyear ik to anybody about y case. don't look at the news or social media't. eating a well, he's creating a temptation for them. n for thyou you know, which is incredibly dumb. >> i much dependsn th on the closing argument, the element of the alleged crimes gument i never proven in this case. business records were not false . they were accurate. trump had no involvement. there's no evidence he willfully violated election laws and no laws were even laws. i plus, it's factually impossible to influence an election afterlt over. ment r yet that's how the indictment reads. even ieaf trump knew about theel stormy daniels nda, so what?t th that'sat's unlawful. >> so, you know, i come to theeo basic question, pete, you know,c where is the crime? it's nowhere . oot this this is what i calltr a bigfoot case. it's a trialia search of an imaginary crime. and i think the jury should be insulted that bragg hung his entire case on a prolificlar liar who was caught lying again in court and then admittedn in he's a thief. >> this is a politically driven, corrupt. case i >> i hope the jurors see it. pam, real quick, handicap where we're at right now for viewers when they come back on tuesday . >> oh, you know, sitting in there, that judge is basically>> sitti a prosecut. he is rooting for r the prosecution. he is ruling againstting o president trump every step of the way. i wish all americansy could set what i was able to witness ju to how bad that judge was. but let's hope the jury does the right thing and theyw follow the law. he committed no crime as gre hge said. there is nothing there. and let's just hope we have some honest jurors in new york who are going to dok the righwht because president trump did nothing wrong despite judge going after him every step of the way, ruling against him the entire trial. he's committed reversible error. so let's hope that that the jurors do the right thingd in the end. >> absolutely. it comes down to a jury of 12jury o individuals with decency. throh hopefully they are able to seelo through a lot of this, including a couple of lawyert os and push their will see. greg jarrett, pam bondi, you've both been fantastic on your coverageu bothe , beenthis triae appreciate having you tonight. >> all right. so what impactpreciatetoda doest the political show trial in new york have on america's judicialt system? >> let's step back a little bit here. and here to respond to that is louisianao respon john kenne senator, you've been a busy man, but sometimesana sena we'rs middle of something we know is a show trial. we kw iss is playing to thetorae electorate's meant to have a political effect. we'r mo havee maybe missing the implications of this moment. how significant this weaponisation in the history of our judicial system and. >> what course is this settingon us on, in my opinion? >> paint president biden and the district attorney have run over america's political or rather criminal justice, backed up and run over it again. ut it. as one commentator put it, how can something so small on allegedly falsifying6 ye business records six years agoot result in something so big? >> for the first time the in america's history, the criminal prosecution of a former president of the united states and i've concludedicans i think most americans have the answerha is just craven, grotesque politics. >> no, no, no. personal no. milky way believes that these charges are falsifying business records. would have been brought against anyone on god's green earth except donald trump.n an president biden and d.a. brag have made a conscious decision to bastardize america's criminal justice system and to a prosecute president was a political opponent. i don't believe president trump would be being prosecuted, but for the fact he's running fat and as i've said before, thisbe is the sort of thingfore that in in countries huge powerball jackpot pot is 287 chickens on a goat. >> this is not supposedsu to happen in america. nopposedhappenw, they have done. funny. they will. maye ththey may be the first, won't be the last. >> they havebe some spirits they can't control. >> there are thousandsout ther of ambitious prosecutors out there across america. amers and republicans and their constituents now are going to them to prosecute political opponents. president biden, for his own partt bidey, has placed the amen criminal justice system as deehn in insanity. and he and hd e and mr. bragg all had their head in a back.s r grotesque, in my opinion. you're exactly right, senator. they've started it. the question is the next step is, is there a possibility and trump has alluded to this, that could actually course correct this judicial system at the federal and state level or if we enter just entered a fight, fire with fire phase where, hey, you did it, now we're going to do it eveng stronger. we control the judiciary. or is the deep state going to steer that in your mind? where does it go next? presi >> where should it go?de well, well, president biden and district i attorney brags te have taken them thinkable and turned it into the tolerable law. and i fear that it f will eventually become the normal and the attitude of manthy people will be two wrongs don't make it right, but they do make it even. >> and that is dangerous fora dr america's political systeml and our criminal justice systesm . this is just unconscionable. president biden, i was hoping he would govern with knowledgege and wisdom. he irn wknowledgs with with appe and ambition. >> and his his has just been one long prayer. >> the only the only way. i'll just say this, pete, they the only way we're going to find justice in america is on a voting vote. >> amen to that. i think the largest jury of allc the american people are going to have to put this back on course. you're right. it doesn't make it right, but it does make it even. and i know a lot of people who certainly feel that way. senator kennedy, thank you for your time tonight. appreciate it. >> all right. here's a big reason why democrats are so aggressively using the justice system, as the senator just laid out as ath political weapon. t of they've let it out of pandora's box. joe biden is unable to campaign. >> watch thipaigs show. yes, i am the i don't say frustrated and i do think the president has to deal in the age issue is ise is suffocating him and he needs to bring up that he's only four years older. >> and trumpt he's biden's mentl and physical decline is at al huge they can try to deny it all they want. it's huge. you can barely wal want its .k o read from a teleprompter like this one. >> it's not good. and now joe has a lot of ground to make up in swing states as democrats lawfare campaign appears to be backfire. also, big news tonight for donald trump. his formerig ns toni rival, nik, announced today that she will be voting for in november, saying biden has, quote, been a catastrophe. >> joining us now with reaction, the hosjoininreat of outkick tomi lahren is fearless. tomi lahren, along with former t senior adviser to president trump, stephen milleident trr. stephen, donald trump has been kept in the icebox for overer month, yet his numbers keep going uupp. the li explain that phenomenon to the libs, please. well, i think as two things. first of all, there's a clear public backlash against thesee fascist biden trials that they did noden triat anticipate wheny they launched these crusades. but president trump, even though he has been trapped in that ice box, has still beent taking his case to thecan american peoplpeope. s every chance he gets, whether it's on social media, whether it's in his events in new york, and whether it's his campaigd wn when he can get out of the courtroom and he's making that case about a border invasion, about rampant inflation, about the destruction of the american dream , about a world that is on fire, about a justice system that is being used by joe biden to punish, persecute, hound, harass and incarcerate political enemied incas. americans want to live in a free country, not a fascist countro liy. and the polling reflects t that fundamental truthha. >> and i see it, tommy. you know, james carville, we >>. ed the sound one of the few people onging the left is ringing the bell saying, wake up people like we don't have our a-game here where we're heading into a freight train. do you think eventually they wake up to what he's saying and try to mako whe a change or are wer ar on the course? >> ie're on? oh, i've been maintaining for almost two years now that theytt will, of course. >> correct. they will not run joe biden in november because they simply cannotn jo . you can be old or you can be abe failure, but you can't be an old failure. and that's exactly where e joe biden is cognitivelyxact, mentally failing. and also his policies are failing. you cannot be both . i've maintained for two years it's not going to be joe, but let's just pretend2 ye c tht is joe. donald trump doesn't have to do much. if donald trump in t fact, acts the most presidential in the next few months that he's ever acted in his entire life. he will win in november, do less. he doesn't have to do much. go out, talk to the people, go to places like the bronx,ck interact and just sit back and let joe dig his own grave, quite literally. let him talk, let hilly let m ds his events. the democrats are not going to be able to cover him much longere much. f and then let's just see if they run, joe. but like i said, i don't think they're goine but lid g to do iw i think that they're going to bait and switch at the last minute at the convention or shortlat y. t we've got to be prepared forrump that. but right now, donald trump, just do your best to doou less and you will win. it'll be interesting how that plays out in the debate context as wel l. stephen, the significance what is the significance of nikki haley coming around and saying, well, i am a republican, i gues thi, i guess i will vote for the republican nominee. donald trump. >> what do you make of thatwhatd today? well, it reflects the further consolidation of the republican party, the unification of the republican party behind the nominee, behind president trump, whereas on the democrat side, they are rivee n by chaos. they are fractured. they have a massiv e pro-hamas wing that has all the energy h in that party. they have a massive blm wing voat has all the energm y in tht party. it is alienating voters. it is terrifying voterters tersa whereas the republican party is coming behind a very straightng behin, popular and pt vision that president trump has laid out about restoring out sovereignty. deporting the illegals. taming inflationf. jail and getting criminals back in jail where they belong. reforminwhere g doj and the spy agencies to protect us from the bad guysdoj an. t au not to use that awesome power to go afteor american traditional americans, christian americans, conservative americans. that visio traditionaln, national restoration. that vision of national rediscovery is what is bringing together record numberiscoverysf americans in support of the republican party. and again, it's fracturing republ, splitting apart democrats to the point where many democrats are not even going to be votingere demobe for joe biden and they're going to be voting for president trump or maybe even party candidates on the left. >> it sounds good to me because it's common sense that donald trump uses that phrase all the time. and it's even justvatism i about conservatism. it's just common sense. tommy, real quick,t's comm actus a lot of the voters that were sticking with nikki come home reflonalomd trump like this? her movement reflect that other people will move as wellov. >> i don't think there's a lot of voters that actually nikkipoi haley's policies i think they liked the fact that she actees likfactd presidential ort presented as presidential. so like i said before, if donaldia i can just take on a little bit of that energy, a little bit more presidentialts ,at least for these next fewl ge months, he will get those voters. they like nikkthose votersi bece looked to them like a candidate that was respectablet them. they don't like donald trump for his personality, but they love his policies. s persony buthey love ending en, which nikki haley was never going to do. undepeople will come home, they understand, and they might not celebrate it, but they will vote for donald trump. >> that's all it takes. if you get them to the ballot box or get the ballot early, which is what republican gets have to do as the left builds a machine which maintains the machine that they rely . >> steven and tommy, thank you both so much. after a breach at quantico fromf two jordanian nationals, illegalsr , senator linsey grahn is demanding answers. plus, a disturbingatdsey new via from the southern border. >> stay with uwith s. man, how many bathroom trips are you making each day? try a super advanced the number one selling formula in its category made with prost. defend a triple action blend to help reduce urges to . >> find it at wal-mart or these retailers on the left your mouthwash with the burning sensation in on the right closest the alcohol free gentle mouthwash that works without the burn closest mouthwashes freshen breath. >> improve gum health and strengthen teeth close. this works without the burn process. right now someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy. so 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experts at boystown have answers. >> is it boystown? >> norgaard parenting. >> welcome back to this special edition hannity. >> illegal immigrants are now edooding into our country from all corners of the globe. >> here's what bill milligan discovered. >> california's border with mexico. watch. where are you guys he from? >> what country? pakistan. pakistan. india. indi.a, we think. turkey. yeah. turkey. okay. india india.ivne i where are you guys from?s turkey. turkey. turkey where are you guys from? china. china? ecuado>> ecuadr. ndia what are you guys from? india. india? india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. indi.a india. >> india. iran. iran. also. iran. >> whyome?did you come? no. freedom. no. no freedom. yes. in iram.n. iran is a dangerous country. no freedom for speech, forings writing, forcing or thinking. ny >> pakistan. turkey. iran. indiindiaa. and that's just one group in the middle of the night. plentyn th more have come from other countries, including iraq, afghanistan, jordan.a tata in fact, recently, two men from jordan were apprehende d to illegally access the marine corps base in quanticopprehend, virginia. now, very little information about that incident has been released, but senate judiciary committee ranking member lindsey graham is now demanding answers in a new letter to homelan newd security secretary alejandro mayorkas and senator grahamr graham joins us now. >> senator, it is curious. i've been following this story for a couple of days, how little we know about these individuals. we could presumably learn a lot quickly and they could release it. what have you heard back on the letter? >> what do you know? i haven't heard a word, but i'll make sure that i get an answer because, look, you got two fighting age males came here illegally from the mideast. wron what could possibly go wrong? trying to lie their way and,r wa falsify their way into a marine base? into a m that bother you, what ? for two years now, we've beenren screaming to high heaven. the border is broken. isis and al qaeda are gettin g stronger over there. they're going to come here and kill a bunch of us if we don't do something new and different. >> for two years, they continue the same old policies. i want to know, were these terri two guys on the terrorist watch list? what do we know about them? watch list ww abd they want to i marine corps base pretending be sg they're not? >> they persisted, from what i understand. they pretended to be amazon subcontracto r, which they weren't. exactly. they tried time and time again to get through. so in this letter, cam you're asking for their alien files, how they came? ar a watchn the terror list? >> how easy, how easy are those for someone like the secretary i of homeland security to obtain? and what is his track for actually giving you information about things he may or may not want to share? >> like pulling teeth. it took me months. find out that the man chargedur with killing lincoln rileykill,. ibrahim, i think is his name, came here illegally. nt he paroled into the country because there was no space iy bn el paso to detain him. not because he had a legitimate reason be paroled.ce they just had no place to put te him. y t they him go. >> and he's charged with killing this young lady in georgia. we have two people trying to get on to a marine base from the mideast fighting age, males here illegally and i am going to get to the bottom of it. there's a reason they're not tellinreasong us this. >> it took me forever to find out that the reason the guy who's accused of killing ms.. >> riley came here illegally and paroled illegally. they didn't want to tell met that i had to beat the out of them. w >> well, you're right. if they knew there was nothing to it and they'd come runnine ig to the cameras and say, well, this is just a big misunderstanding. and they absolutely they would. so all that tells you isom therg is something there. you know, this administration is all about politics and control and their ability to perpetuate their power. wouldn't they recognize that this vulnerability eventually is going to come home to roost? ten, 11,e vulnero co illemillion illegals in this country from all around the globe. eventuallye countr something tee is going to happen and it's going to be on them. >> i don't know. that's a really good question. at what point does it become clear your policies are not working? >> look at what's going on in the mideaswhat point t. going to have the prime minister in a moment. look at the world we live in.g s they're trying to arrest the prime minister of israeley'r and the defense minister for fighting back against hamas. they're the icc. a rogue prosecutor is drunk the with power and the biden administration needs to up their game when it comes to israel, give them the weapons they need to win a war. they can't afford to lose,re secure our border. at what point in time does bordt become clear your policies are failing and we're going to get attacked again? d ti >> we're living on borrowed time. if this is not a wakeup call, i what wouldisould b be i mean, s, if you told us on nine 1201 that we would be letting in people from all over, i mease ,where where are we on threat levels today vising peop 910 ono of 1 to 10, 12? >> i've never seen it maybe versus the day before 911,>> he' the day before 911. >> so here's what i would say. >> the fbi director said that the lights are blinking. t he's seen threats before, but not so many at theo many same time. >> i've never seen more threats to our country than right now that could result in another 911. and we're not adjusting our policies. the fbi director told the world, the nation, that everywhere he looks he sees blinking lights. and the biden administration hasn't changed anything at the border. it's just as broke as it was before. and israel is under siege by hamas. hezbollah. iran wants to kill all the jews. and our answer to the hamas attacks thei it'sto is to cut off weapons. this insan is insane. >> hold them back. this is the moment. it's almost it's almost like the the threat is on the inside. like they want to let them in. i don't know what else you would do unless you were working for the other guy. i don't know what to telthank yl senator. thank you. right. i don't either. i don't either. than k senator. >> all right. up next, shawn recently spokesr with israeli prime ministeaer bibi netanyahu about the icc rssuing a warrant fo his arrest and much more. that interview straight ahead as this special edition of "hannity" continues . >> what makes bull and brand sheets so soft? it's everything you can't see that makes the difference. we start with the rarest cotton on earth. >> then we transform it with our signature for over one under. we've this sheet starts out soft and unlocks new levels of softness with every wash. even if you can't see the difference, you'll feel it. >> sleep better at night with 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sean spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyah spokeu just one day afy international criminal court prosecutor requested a warrant for his arrest over alleged war . >> take a look. by joining us now is israeli ise prime minister benjamin netanyahu. mr . prime minister, always great to have you. well, i wish i had a betters bu circumstances. so i'm watching thishing illegitimate thimate, you know,t the icc and this indictment of you. and i'm thinking, okay, i'm sort of comparing it i to 91 and in our country and we lost 2977 americans. now, based the population size of israel. and, you know, i've been there many timesn i. it would be the equivalent of what happened october, seven to losing 40,000 americans at a single day. why you as as the i prime minister of your country defending yourself against these radical islamicattack is attacking and killing your people and kidnapping your people. inurpeople in kidnand you are. and somehow everything's so upside doww everytn that you're the problem. and there's a moral equivalency with israe al defending itself and radical terrorists. well, you know, it's thet's outr it's outrageous. i think president biden said that. and republicanus i t and democrats have rallied around this. you know, the effortan to fight this absurdity. i mean, this is a rogue prosecutor who's gone amok. he's out to demonize the one and only jewish state and the only democracy in the middle docracy ieast. i and it's very it's both false and dangerous. sefalse because first of all,y s it's creating a false symmetry, as you said, betweenhe the democratically elected leaderllys of israel and the terrorist tyrants of hamas. and that's exactly like saying,e well, i'm going to issue arrest warrants for president georget a w bush, but also bin ladenrr orl in world war two. w >> i'm going to issue arrest warrants for churchill and fdrat ,t but also for hitler. thanks a lot. it's a false symmetry. it's despicablhitlmmetrye symme. and, of course, this prosecutor never goes after tyrants t of tehran or the butchers of syria obutchersr what is hapg in yemen, the killers of yemen or anywhere else or north korea anywhere else. he's going after us because he's out, demonize israel and really fanned the flames of anti-semitism. e he the second thing is the charges are false. he's accusing thisliberate of deliberate starvation. what a pack of lies. aliesi mean, we're putting in t in 20,000 trucks, 500,000 tons of foos ofd and medicine, the pe of food in gaza has plummeted because markets don't lie. rec we've got people receive about 3000 calories per day compared to the 2000 that's required. it's a it's a bunch of baloney. and yet, you know, if you repeat a lie often enough and if you have slanted your own organizationsd by ham dominated by hamas and its and ers, to give you these informations is completely false. so i think it's he didn't even bother it emb i investigate. i don't know if you know that he just received these fals e contentions andcharge misleading charges and took them at face value and then slammed this on israel. so it's false. but let me tell you why it's dangerous, becausausee sea, israel is first, but america's next and all democracies are nextfirss. because if if this is allowedel to if israel ibus bullied into not stopping these terrorists and getting rid d of theseer terrorists, then all democracies will be imperiled. also dangeros because bec he's pouring gasoline on the fires of anti-semitismg n that are raging on u.s.. campuses and around the world, becaus in the people think thisa serious organization. they actually see it'll take time for them to kno couldw whan farce it is.the fi and so he's really stokingre the fires of hatred aroundd ar the world. and it never stops with hatred . it inflames entire societies. you see that on the campuses of the united states with president trump, with the pr withdrew this. president biden went back into it. i know he condemned it. howeve inti knowr, the fact thak america should pull out agains a result of this, i think every western country should pull out and have no associatiok everyn d which brings up the broader question, and i've said this foears your years that look at e u.n., for example, they have historically been anti-semitic and anti-american. why? why is the eu why are wed funding with u.s. tax dollars the majority of funds for the unjority. what about the w.h.o.? they lied to the world about covid. to th19why the wef?y why the paris climate accordcli set, you know, grant the statusa of developing nations to china and india? how does how do any of these globalist organizations, any sense. >> this one is probably the worst of all of them. e wo >> well, it's certainly going down that route. >>l ofyou know. people used to take the general assembly of the u.n. seriouslyet . well, it passed more resolutions against rekael than all the i thin passe all the other countries combined, the so-called human rights councilso-cal of the u.n, also taken seriously. and then people saw that it passed more resolutions on israel than all the rest ofed the world combined, including north korea, iran, yemen, syria, you name it. so obviously, they lost all their legitimacy. and this rogue prosecutor with his with his false symmetries and false charges is doing exactly the same to the to the world, to this icc. and it remains to be seen whether the judges will go down that route, too. they might. s thand then it will become a kangaroo court for all the world to see. so i thinkrld to s, you know, tf he if he wants to put a stain h' on israel, he's putting a stain on himself. and i'm veryg a glad now that in the u.s. congress there's a very strong effort which is bipartisan and i hope it continues to conclusion. i'm sure it will to put sanctions on anyone who does this in the in the icc. i think it's the least that should be done and i expect it to have a lasting effect. i think it's important. i'm very glad to see a lot of countries, a lot of serious leaders have stood up and said this is a this is absurd. >> we can't accept this. well, this would be the same as w bush after 911 being indicted, the same wherely peopl you were. listen, the only people israel is guiltye of willfully killing are terrorists. the people that started the war. so let's be very clear. let me ask you another question and moven to on to a different topic. and i know israel said they had they had no part to play at all in the helicopter crash of the e iranian president, betterer kno known, by the way, as the butcher of tehrawne bun. >> and what bothers me, though, is the biden department sent iran condolences. the u.n. held a moment of silence. now, the number one state checsor of terrothr, prime minister, the last time i checked, was the islamicd wa republic, the iran they helped plan and plot and scheme and provide weaponry for the october 7th attacks against your country. they are providing hezbollah, the north in lebanon, with weapons to fire into your country. they are arming the houthi rebels also firing weapons and into your country? and why would anybody offer condolences to the death of onem of the worst terrorists in world history? can you explain that? tee i'm not that happy that my country did that. >> well, you'll have to ask the administration that question. but i'll tell you who i offer condolences to. i offer condolences to the people of iran who have been terrorized and subjugateirand by these these theocratic thugsr foatr half a century. i mean, they they've killed them on the sidewalks. don't let them raise their voice. they they promote aroundo the world, but they also do horrible things to their owns to people. so i offer my condolences to the iranian people. tid i hope they get rid of this tyranny as soon as they can. i thinern ask that that's been my position all along, and i think that's the right position . >> well done. straight ahead, biden announced yet anothe biden ar round of stt loan handouts, but most of sgs econre still hurtin to biden nomics. we'll explain and get reaction from brian greenberg and davidoo asman coming up next. this memorial day weekend, remembering our nation's heroes and honoring their sacrifice. share your pride by using hashtag proud american. miss "fox and friends" live sponsored by jeep. >> there's only one topanga's tough to kill and it can spread. >> it's time to start using funky nail maximums drink. funky nail is so powerful it cures and prevents fungal infections. there' infections. there' plus it has aloe and tea tree oil to restore skin health. oil to restore skin health. sayjob iny with fungi. with fungi. >> now it's an as i wa in the navy, that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wiferd and if you made the deployment and you've been the wife and you've been the wife at home or you've been t the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. about. your spouse ha the right to apply for a va home loan. 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tries to bribe voters. that's exactly as t what it is aheadst of november. but this latest ploy isn't going to make the american orget ho people forget how bad the biden economy really is. you see, this weekend marksoffi the unofficial start of summer. looking forward to it. cialmmerbut to a new fox news ps over 50% of americans don'ton plan on taking a summer vacation and 73% of those said who said they're staying home said it's becaused to they can't afford to pay for that trip or that vacation. >> and that's not all. americans are struggling to afford. a surveyling to afford releasede federal reserve this week found that more thanl one third of americans cite inflation as their biggest financial challenge, with some citing how the cost of childcaremuch is almost as much as housing. and now snap benefits aren't even keeping up with inflation. >> the cost of livinven keg. an urban institute analysis found that by the enban instd o, snap benefits fell short of monthly food costs, whichwhat is what they're supposed to cover. and sinc they e the bidenbiden administration would rather lie about the economy than fix iad some corporations are taking matters into their own hands, even tuck it in. swimsuit target has announced they are cutting prices on 5000 household essentials to help ou t their customers and tryinto t to get shoppers back into their stores. joining me now for reaction, co-host of the big moneyn show on fox business, brian greenberg, along with fox businessxbusines anchor david a. gentlemen, both, great to see you. brian i saw something onlinet he today. someone pointed out. rememberted ou, it was a $5 foog footlong at subway. now,-dollar- the $5 footlong is3 bucks. you can't ignore that. no, i used to eat a lotat of those $5 foot longs. i like a goo id deal. cheap i like cheap food. i like a world where you can afford thing worlds. k i mean, think about this. you've got family saying i can't afford to go fam camping this summer when you've got kids. can't camping on campuses and taxpayer money is being handed to those kids to pay back their loans. and i got to telckl you. that's exactly the way the biden administration likes it. they don't liktion like big famg they don't like people driving around in big cars. they don't likthey e people big houses. they do like people, by the way, on snap benefits. and i bet you're going to see them use this whole snap isn'te enoughwhol in order to increase snap benefits. right. because what they want is you on their budget so they can controlling the you on their budget, which is actually your budget because it's your ta lot ut not really because they're just printing a lot of money anyway. david becausey anywae they saw l david you're exactly right. i mean, they play a game they rigged well and you use the word essential. >> americans are having to spend more money on essentials. >> they'ree, irrationally spending, that's stuff that you need as opposed to stuff that you may not need, like a boat or another computer, stuff that you need, food health care, child care,suranc insurance e for your car. goat stuff is still going up at a pretty steady pace, about 6%. the discretionary items, the stuff may not need is about flat. so that's artificially bringingl inflation down because rich people can afford the non-discretionary items. the stuff you need to folks and average folks do that. and this the cost of this student debt is enormousth. it's 870 billion to $1.4 trillion. that's how much the constitution didn't expect a president to spend. a king can spend as much money a he wants, but not a president. that's congress's job. that's why the supreme court said it was illegal and the president continues to do it, even though he's breaking the law. he brian, david raises a great point about essential versus nonessential. but you and i both know a lot of people who work day to day, in and orto paycheck four years ago they would have taken that vacation because they felt they were getting ahead. and that's a wonderful thing for their family. that's what the american dream supposed to allow for. now they're saying not only can thnot do that, but i can barely make the essentials. yeah. and that'st essent why they feel terrible. that's why they say the economy stinks. even when the president says,n h oh, look, unemployment's low. oh, i think your wages are risingey . not that oh, inflation's not that bad. they say i can't take a vacation. i afford the things my family needs. and i've got a government who,he instead of taking that burden off of me, puts it more onff ogy my shoulders by limiting my energy, by limiting what i can buy, by limiting my choices. forget about essential and nonessential the governmentt loves to define that.s let americans decide what that is and give themthei the right to earn the living to get it. >> i can't wait for uncle sam to tell me stories out here. pete get awa is essential or not essential. >> david, take it away. yes. >> the the incredible thing is,y is that the president is doing this, spending a $1,000,000,000,000 on student debt because he thinks he's going to get the youth vote. in fact, he's losing it. that's right. president biden and formerump ar president trump are equal now with voters under 30. they both got 49%. s agfour years ago, biden was t beating trump by 20 points. now they're dead even. so it ain't working. president. >> no, it sure isn't. att it's -- it's incredible. it's staggering. the attempbuy votet buy votes tw is unconstitutional, which will get overturned. but it doesn't matter because its efficacy is tied to election da ey. yet young people are actually smart enough to see that you're giving me this, but you're actually wrecking me and the other side. so i'll take your money and then not vote for you, which is what you're seeing in the polling numbers, because they're smart enough to take the mone areg angy, then choose. their economic future. brian david, you guys are the best. than >>k you.a ne all right. coming up, i have a new book coming out called the waoklere a on warriors. it's right here. i'll explain the betrayal wai exs happening to the t men and women who risk their lives to keep us safe. >> that's next kee. they were among the toughest, most dedicated lawmen this country has ever seen. and maybe the greatest of them all was a former slain u.s. marshal three. in the midst of violence and prejudice, reeves committed to justice no matter the cost. i'm looking for men who are willing to fight for justice, civil rights for all, and his legacy on in every marshal who wears the badge today. this is how laws are the lawman on fox nation. >> guys, it's time to get what you want. with help from ageless mail, max a dr. recommended solution for boosting testosterone right at its source. be the man you want be. >> right now, someone could be listed as the owner, your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns 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special wio edition of "hannity". wellme bac, in two weeks, my new book, the war on warriorsn hits shelves. you can preorder it right now prt in time for father's day or for a good summer. >> read. the book is personal to me. my generation of warriors spent 20 years fighting islamist extremists, only to be called, in my case, a domesticwhile we extremist. you see, while we were fightingh overseas, leftists took over back home to include our pentagon. >> they want to control and fundamentally transform our military. but we are awake to their woke and our battle begins anew here at home. >> you see the military cannot be organized like a harvard faculty lounge catering ever more obscure identities. our core identity as warfighters is normal. patriotic men looking to serve their country, not their gender or, their racial identity. >> ordinary men anaciad women willing to be extraordinary or die trying. you see, as warriors. meritocracy is our bedrock. lethal. the d is our trademark. there is no black or white in our ranksther. h we're all green. our strength is not in our. y dp despite what pentagon leaders mc tell you, it's in our unitywn and in our love for each other. >> this book tells the truths tt and names names and i share a few of my own battlefield storiee s to illustrate the reality of the brotherhood and why we need to save it. the book is the war on warriors. i'm proud of it and i hope you order it. >> also, the third episode. t of outlaws and lawman today sean hannity is available today exclusively on fox nation. the third episode followsg legendary man hunter bass reeves. >> taker e a look. >> one of the first black deputy u.s. marshals in the west. bass reeves is often viewet hedg with suspicion and outright hostility. but over a staggerinht but oveg 30 year career, reeves brings thousands of outlaws to justice and sends more than a few to their grave. >> it's a great show. you got to see it. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. >> be sure to catch me thishas o weekend at fox and for gutfeld. coming up nexts coming. eveni have a great evening, everybod

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Ththey , Funny , Nopposedhappenw , 287 , Gamers , Prosecutors , Thousandsout Ther , Mr , Amen Criminal Justice , The , Partt Bidey , Insanity , Deehn , Hd , Opponents , Question , Possibility , Head , Back Sr Grotesque , Fire With Phase , Estate , Fight , Level , Judiciary , Mind , Presi , Attorney , De Well , District I , Wrongs , Dr , Attitude , It F , Fora , Systeml , Systesm , Wisdom , Knowledgege , Irn Wknowledgs , Ambition , Prayer , Voting Vote , Back , Amen , Allc , Justice System , It Doesn T , Senator Kennedy , Campaign , Ath Political Weapon , Watch Thipaigs Show , Pandora S Box , Ise , Decline , Issue , Trumpt He S Biden Mentl , Four , Swing States , Ground , Teleprompter , Democrats Lawfare , Voting , Nik , Biden Has , Catastrophe , Big News Tonight , Formerig , Hosjoininreat Of Outkick , Ns Toni Rival , Tomi Lahren , Numbers , Icebox , Overer Month , Li , Stephen Milleident Trr , Tomi Lahren Is Fearless , Uupp , Wheny , Backlash , Crusades , Phenomenon , Libs , Public , 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Inflationf , Reforminwhere G Doj , Au , Vision , Conservative Americans , Afteor American Traditional Americans , Christian Americans , Numberiscoverysf Americans , National Restoration , Visio Traditionaln , Support , Candidates , Votingere Demobe , Fracturing Republ , Common Sense , Nikki , Movement , Conservatism , Phrase , Wellov , Real Quick , T S Comm Actus , Energy , Presidentialts , Presidential Ort , Donaldia , Nikkipoi Haley , Actees Likfactd , Personality , Candidate , Undepeople , Love Ending En , Respectablet Them , Fewl Ge , Nikkthose Votersi Bece , Persony Buthey , Home , Machine , Ballot , Ballot Box , It Takes , The Machine , Border , Linsey Grahn , Answers , Nationals , Breach , Steven , Uwith S Man , Illegalsr , Disturbingatdsey , Plus , Quantico Fromf , Formula , Action , Blend , Category , Bathroom Trips , Prost , Super , Mouthwash , Sensation , Gum Health , Alcohol , Retailers , Mouthwashes Freshen Breath , Wal Mart , Someone , Anybody , Property , Dollars , Equity , Thousands , Owner , Teeth , Title Theft , The Burn Process , Nobody , House , Home Title Thieves , Piece , Matthew Cox , Document , Truth , Name , Page , Process , Ownership , Proof , Barrier , Page Document , County Clerk , Statute , Say , Spaces , Deed , Bottom Line , Sense , Love , Security , Happening , Home Title Lock , Activity , Warning , Notice , Pennies , Title Nonstop , Rest , Meet Terry , Saw , Report , Lane , Price , Promo Code , 30 , 15 , Emissions , Shell Renewable Race Fuel , President Trump Campaigns , 60 , 800 , 9384485 , 1 800 9384485 , 1 , Everybody , Progress , Shell , Indycar , Child Behavior Experts , Boystown Have Answers , Norgaard Parenting , Globe , Special Edition Hannity , Corners , Immigrants , Bill Milligan , Mexico , Guys , India , India Ivne , Turkey , Indi A , China , Pakistan , Ndia , Ecuado , Ecuadr , Thinking , Freedom , Iran , Writing , Speech , Forings , Whyome , Men , Human Rights Councilso Cal , Indiindiaa , Group , Jordan , Jordan , Tata , Afghanistan , Apprehende D , Iraq , Base , Letter , Information , Lindsey Graham , Alejandro Mayorkas , Corps , Incident , Senate Judiciary Committee , Quanticopprehend , Virginia , Homelan Newd , Grahamr Graham , Story , Word , Haven T , Mideast , Wa Falsify , Wron , Isis , Screaming , Heaven , Are Gettin G , Al Qaeda , Terrorist Watch List , List , Sg , Marine Corps , Subcontracto R , Weren T , Secretary , Alien Files , Ar A Watchn , Terror List , Chargedur , Track , Homeland Security , Pulling Teeth , Ibrahim Raci , Ice , Space Iy , Killing Lincoln Rileykill , El Paso , Bn , Fighting , Age , Lady , Him Go , Georgia , Guy , Bottom , Riley , Misunderstanding , Cameras , Isom Therg , Runnine Ig , Tee , Wouldn T , Eventuallye Countr , Vulnerability , Ability , Co Illemillion Illegals , E Vulnero , Ten , 11 , Prime Minister , What S Going On , Mideaswhat , Point T , Rogue Prosecutor , Administration , Hamas , Game , Defense Minister , Israel , Weapons , War , Wakeup Call , Bordt , Ti , Wouldisould B , Dover , Peop 910 Ono , Threat Levels , 1201 , Nine , 910 , 10 , Director , He , Threats , Flights , 911 , The World , Nation , Hezbollah , Hasn T , Anything , Jews , Attacks , Insan , Inside , Thei It Sto , Senator , Shawn , Arrest , Prime Ministeaer , Up Next , Bibi Netanyahu , Than K , Telthank Yl , Icc Rssuing A Warrant Fo , Everything , Difference , Special Edition , Interview , Bull , Brand Sheets , Sheet , Signature , Levels , Cotton , Wash , Unlocks , Softness , Pitch , Cortisone , Branch , Bowl , Bug Bites , Sanity , Poison Ivy , Roof , Solution , Roofs , Itches , Doctor , Stop , 80 , 4 , Cost , Fraction , Water , Protection , Restore , Liberty , 5 , Victims , Families , Mesothelioma , Cash , Award , 0 Billion , 30 Billion , Lung Cancer , Trust , Number , Screen , Asbestos , 50 Billion , Millions , Cash Award , Family Member , Clients , Hundreds , Leona , Compensation , Evaluation , Missile , Carat Lab Grown Diamond , Jewelry Exchange , Emblem , Engagement Ring , Devotion , 960860 , 599 , 802 , Respect , Gia , Deal , Exchange , Jewelry , Tube Viewers , 9018 , 99 , 19 , 75 Million , You , Sad , The Airport , Face , Ex Husband , Divorce , United Football League , Noodles , On Fox , Seven December , Seven , 50 , Anywhere , News Business , News Headlines , Hosts , June 3rd On Fox , Club , Audio , Sirius Xm , Anytime , 3 , Monday June 3rd , Prosecutor , America Is Listening , Warrant , Netanyah Spokeu , Afy , Take A Look , Thishing Illegitimate Thimate , Betters Bu Circumstances , 91 , Timesn , Population Size , Equivalent , 2977 , 40000 , Islamicattack , Terrorists , Moral Equivalency , Doww Everytn , Upside , Problem , Outr , Israe Al , Thet , Kidnand , Inurpeople , Absurdity , Effortan , Republicanus , Symmetry , Sefalse , Democracy , The One And Only , Jewish State , Leaderllys , Docracy Ieast , Betweenhe , Ys , Arrest Warrants , Georget Aw Bush , Terrorist Tyrants , World War Two , Bin Ladenrr Orl , Churchill , Fdrat , Yemen , Tyrants T , Hapg , Killers , Butchers , Thanks A Lot , Despicablhitlmmetrye Symme , Tehran , North Korea , Hitler , Syria Obutchersr , Thisliberate , Anti Semitism , Starvation , Flames , He S Out , Food , Medicine , Pack , Lies , Trucks , Tape , Rec , Aliesi Mean , Markets Don T Lie , Gaza , 500000 Tons Of Foos Ofd , 20000 , 500000 , Lie , Baloney , Ham , Organizationsd , 2000 , 3000 , Informations , Contentions , Fals E , Ers , Democracies , Face Value , Becausausee Sea , Nextfirss , Israel Ibus , Campuses , Fires , Dangeros , Gasoline , Rid D , Around The World , Anti Semitismg N , Thisa Serious Organization , Theseer , Societies , Aroundd Ar , Kno Couldw Whan , Howeve Inti Knowr , Pr , Everyn D , Funding , Example , Foears , Tax , Eu , E U N , Associatiok , Funds , Nations , Who , Grant The Statusa , Majority , Unjority , Covid , Wef Y Why The Paris Climate Accordcli Set , Route , Worst , Organizations , Assembly , Ofyou Know , U N Seriouslyet , Resolutions , The U N , Same , Symmetries , Legitimacy , Syria , S Thand , Kangaroo Court , Judges , Tf , On Israel , Stain , Stain H , Effort , U S Congress , Conclusion , Sanctions , Least , Leaders , Listen , Guiltye , W Bush , Wherely Peopl , Part , Betterer Kno Known , Iranian President , Moven , Helicopter Crash , Butcher , Topic , Tehrawne Bun , Condolences , State Checsor , Terrothr , Number One , Moment Of Silence , U N , Biden Department , Islamicd Wa Republic , Plan , North , Weaponry , Scheme , Plot , October 7th , Lebanon , 7 , Rebels , Death , Onem , Houthi , Subjugateirand , Don T , Sidewalks , Voice , Thugsr Foatr , Position , Tyranny , Tid , Brian Greenberg , Most , Stt Loan Handouts , Biden Ar , Sgs Econre , Davidoo Asman , Proud American , Memorial Day Weekend , Miss , Pride , Fox And Friends , Sacrifice , Heroes , Jeep , Infections , One Topanga , Skin Health , It Cures , Aloe , Tea Tree Oil , Soil , Funky Nail Maximums Drink , Sayjob Iny , Fungi , Spouse , Job , Wife , Navy , Deployment , Navy Wiferd , Va Home Loan , Wa In The Navy , Help , Situation , Care , Value , Call , Veterans , 100 , Grounds , Party Crashing , Trophy Lending , Banks , Backs , Experts , Back Pain , Hobbies , Weekend Chores , Quarterbacks , Tip , Doan , Life Insurance Policy , Idea , Store , Ide , Mine , Retirement , Term , Everyone , Thisall , Meon , Clue Cies , 100000 , 00000 , Goldmine , Policy , Coverage , Combination , Yo , Call Coventry , Premiums , Ae , Itne , Phone , Covee , Mike Johnson , 200 , 7986 , Foreign Policy , Foreign Policy To B Shell Renewable Race Fuel , United Way , Money , Aheadst , Student Loan Forgiveness , Forgiveudent Loann Ae , 7 Billion , 7 Billion , Economy , Summer , Ups , Summer Vacation , Cialmmerbut , 73 , Vacation , Thanl , Trip , Surveyling , Releasede , Benefits , Housing , Childcaremuch , Challenge , Livinven Keg , Whichwhat , Snap Benefits , Analysis , Food Costs , Instd O , Urban Institute , Enban , Corporations , Stores , Household Essentials , Shoppers , Hands , Customers , Prices , Swimsuit Target , Tryinto , 5000 , Co Host , Big Moneyn Show On Fox Business , Fox Businessxbusines , Rememberted Ou , Anchor David A Gentlemen , Onlinet , Foog Footlong At Subway , Footlong Is3 Bucks , 3 Bucks , , Family , Thing Worlds , Goo Id Deal , Lotat , Ki Mean , Kids , Fam Camping , Camping , Loans , Taxpayer , Isn Te Enoughwhol , Likthey E , Cars , Big Houses , Liktion , Big Famg , Budget , Data , Essentials , They Ree , Essential , Irrationally Spending , David Becausey Anywae , Stuff , Goat Stuff , Child Care , Food Health Care , Computer , Boat , Car , Space , Suranc , Folks , Items , Flat , 6 , Student Debt , Enormousth , Constitution Didn T , King , 870 Billion , 4 Trillion , 1 4 Trillion , He Brian , That S Why The Supreme Court , Essential Versus Nonessential , Orto , Paycheck , Look , Low , Wages , That St Essent , Nh Oh , Risingey , Governmentt , Nonessential , Choices , Shoulders , Burden , Government Who , Onff Ogy , Living , Stories , Themthei , Pete Get Awa , Uncle Sam , Yes , Youth Vote , Spending A , Formerump Ar , 000000000000 , 1000000000000 , Tw , Points , It S , Attempbuy Votet , S Agfour , Ain T Working , Att , 20 , 49 , Doesn T Matter , Efficacy , The Other Side , Election Da Ey , Warriors , T Men And Women , Polling Numbers , Book , Coming Up , Brian David , Mone Areg Angy , Waoklere , Wai Exs , Safe , That S Next Kee , Followsg Legendary Man Hunter Bass Reeves , Greatest , Lawmen , Matter , Slain , Violence , Prejudice , Midst , U S Marshal , Three , Marshal , It S Time , Rights , Legacy , Badge , Lawman On Fox Nation , Testosterone , Mail , Source , Home Title Theft , Title Thieves , Peace , Notarized , Title , Alerting , Promo Code Lock , Lien , Mesothelioma Asthma , Role , Missile Fund Aecom , 2960860 , 1 800 2960860 , Testimony , Court System , Cause , Verdict , White House , Wio Edition , Wellme Bac , Father , The War On Warriorsn Hits Shelves , Leftists , Extremists , Generation , Fightingh Overseas , Domesticwhile We Extremist , Military , Pentagon , Battle , Core Identity , Identities , Faculty Lounge Catering , Warfighters , Harvard , Women , Bedrock , Identity , Meritocracy , Gender , Y Dp , D , Each Other , Trademark , White , Green , Strength , Ranksther , Black , Unitywn , What Pentagon Leaders Mc Tell You , Few , Names , Reality , Brotherhood , Battlefield Storiee S , Truths Tt , Episode , T Of Outlaws , Taker Ea Look , U S Marshals , First Black Deputy , Career , West , Hostility , Outlaws , Suspicion , Staggerinht , Viewet Hedg , Evening , Show , Me Thishas O Weekend At Fox , Everybod , Eveni , Gutfeld ,

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