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All right. Welcome to hannity. Vacant tonight, as your mentally vacant president shuffles through the halls of the white house in his maximum stability sneakers, lawyers, bureaucrats in the democratic party, theyre hard at work. You setic e, determined to get donald trump by any means necessars y and are using americas system of justice as a political weapon. Now, this is as well, oliver stonwe, e, the new warfare, which is called lawfare in atlanta, where the bogus case against trump is now in limbo. Gracef well, disgraced Fulton County d. A. Fani willis just appearedul on conspiracy theorist extraordinaire Rachel Maddow show en masse dnc y to blast trump supporters. Orters a and congressman jim jordan. Im sure that Fani Willigressmas no political bias or ulterior motives. She just wants justice to be served. Right. Okay, chairman jordan, he will jud tonight, straightt, ahead. Meanwhile, in florida, where the biden doahead. J is waging in lawfare war campaign down there agains lt trump, a shockingin new revelation. Pay close attention to this. G newe now have unsealed courtee documents that biden p politicized attorney general Merrick Garland at joe bidensoe weaponized doj actually authorize. Get this the use of deadly force during that august 22, 2022, raid at mar a lago quote, Lawlago Enforcement Officers of the say, agait of justice ma use deadly force when necessary against the formerns president u our country over a documentrealy debate. Let really . Lets be clear. The left, theyre going to rightly claim this as well. Boilerplate language ate langprr and Standard Operating Procedure typically used in federalcally us searches. This was no typical federal search. This was a raid of the private s home of a former u. S. President where he lives full time with his son anh d wife, the former first lady of the United States, oveedr a documenm dispute. And while trump was away during the raid, secretwa service, they were still on location locar connected othe to the former president. So why Merrick Garland preppingd for a possible what shootout . Ol why did agents roll up guns at the ready . This was not business as usual. This is a raid at mar a lago. Authorize by joe bidens doj against joe bidens chief, over political over a document dispute. Keep i documenn mind, joe bidenj charged trump with the same document related feloniest that biden was accused of committing for decades by the doj inspector g general. But he was never charged no likey crimeeneral hillary clinton. 33,000 deleted email topss, secret classified information on her Service Servers more than donald trump. But of course, no reasonable prosecutor prosecute, we werede told. And by the way, biden also never facen d a federal raid. He had top secret classified four separate locations spread out all over the place. Dr out. Joe well, she never hadd federal agents rifling through her clothes and underwear. Agenne ever showed up at any of bidens. Th guns drawn for a surprise search and seizure. This is not equal Applicatiod N our law to not equal justice under the law. It is what weve been warninla this ig jus you about. Its the weaponization of justice in america. Where is the senseity. Of proportionality. We got lectured all the time when bill clinton was being impeached. Inton wa, nalityrtionality really, for former president . Documents disput e och, deadlyyo force. Okay. You dont you dont think that maybeu don that should have been considered, especially since they allowed aw donald trump had already allowed the fbi into maralageo willingly allowed the fbi into the very room wher rooe the documents were found. As a matter of fact, they could have taken with them that day. They chose not to. T they called back days lateo. R, n said, can you put an extraoc padlock on that one room . Of t compliek d with the request of the fbi. All they had to do is say, can we comale over . And they would have been let in. Joe wasnt charged, Accordine G Robert here, you might remember, because he would likely come off as a verin y very nice but very forgetful old mans who was asked the way if he was asking if he was still vicvie i president , was i still vice . President in 2009 . Thats the theory. Became Vice President that we did reach out to Merrick Garlands doj. We have ye rt to hear back. Ba what a shock. Meanwhile, the fbi told us that the authorizatiockn for the use of deadly force was standard standard policy statement. I told you theyd say that,that rightfully so. That is used for all searchrc warrants, even a u. S. President , over a document not dispute. Thats not overkill. Okay. Remember . Noverkill . Ones above the law, . Unless youre a democrat. Now, this brings us to another egregious Lawfare Campaign anainst donald trump, th, the oe going on in New York City. And today, the defense rested d in its case, but not before judge juan merchan did, his very best to hamstring all of their arguments from the very beginning of this trial. And i said from day one, donaldr trump canom thet a fair trial w york. And hes not gotten a fair willk. N new yor joe biden, donor judge merchan has been againstand do donald trump from day one. Now he sees what has happene td in this courtroom and now is trying to say braggs absurd casey that. That is fall apart against trump and try and get it over the finish, an get line. E only and of course, you know, the only real crime detailed duringtailed the case and by inu not donald trumpmp, but michael their Star Witness Stealing Tens Of Thousands of dollars, sa from the trump organization. They all knew about it and they nevew abour him anyway or chargd him. As someone on cnn put it, while trump was supposedly committing a nebulous class e felonity, he was the victim of a much more serious class c felony that the prosecution never bothered to charge. Insteae gu od, they chose to emy a novel legal theory with an unexplained Campaign Finance violation in order to upcharge a misdemeanor past the their statute of limitations into a felon y. And judge merchan was more than happy to lend a helping hand. In fact merchan even blocked testimony from a former fec chairman that knows the law. You know who the defense plan to use to clarify the federal election law. Another biased disgrace. All example of nothing but a biden donor prejudice judge. He also spared the with no defense for, by the way, literally got no fightliterall,r basically with robert costello, who has impeccable credentialsa. The judge has stayed one motion after another from the prosecutiod on n. Of course, that limited costellos testimony that he knew coming because he gave it to congress the week prior against cohe hn and after doing the exact opposite for testimony from the shady witnesses called by the prosecution. And after costello reacted a sigh and an eyeroll or saying geez. Marcia lost his adam schiff exploded, Throwing Everybodyxp out of the courtroom, Admonishing Costellolode , dont roll your eyes. Are you staring me down . The judge screaming. Just days after doing nothing whilg men. E star Stormy Daniels out. Lets see a nothin from the stad and describe talking to dead people. Edutmake no mistake, judge merce is doing now everything he canyg do to save alvin bragg and get donald trump throw a lifeline after lifeline after lifeline. Donalddont forget, the Devoutet Democrat not only donated to biden, his daughter is adaugt political operative who a Democratic Operativeers very who reportedly raised millions from this very case, but no recusease. From judge merchan. Theres no greater dream for this new york democrat than to Impugn Donald Trump on x. Mark levin, The Great One Quote Juan Burchard Will Go Downn in history as one of the most appallingly dishonest and disgracefuo dos one l ever. And keep in mind, juan merchan was not picked at random. He was handselected for his experience in Previous Anti trump cases. He is our judge. This case is not about law and justice. Its about keeping trump in a courtroom, smearing him in public. Ld trumphoping for a convictiond solely on politics anyway. Here with reaction is trump legal spokesperson olena haba alina. You know, ive never seen i hae. Ve nev this in my lif ive never seen a corrupt judge like this compromised like thierrrups, have recused hf like this. Ive never seen him work. So overtime, any judge to keep out pertinent information the law in a court of law before a jury thats supposedtoi to weigh in on the lawgh. Thats right, sean. Lets not forget that the prosecutors have obviously had Exculpatory Evidence not brought out in the grand jury. Thats where this all started. They would not have had that indictment, in my opinioneu ,without bringing out that Exculpatory Evidence, we wouldnt be here. So it star the root. And then you have judge merchan who should have recused himselfs. Judge merchan who i want the American People to remember i way, has somehow randomly selected had bannons case, had alan weisselbergs caseha, and Put Allen Weisselbeg back in jail. This is what were dealing. Ts with. Somehow he randomly also gets donald trump. Thats not the way dd trump. Atm works. You assign a case randomly. Thats the way its supposedyoan to work. Ra but in the new america, under the biden regime, we are sittinndom wg here in a ame politicization of all our judicial systems. He is intent finally obstructing the defenses case. There is no point in no pointa in us even putting on a defense. When you have a judgfence when e is sitting there telling the jury, dont listen to them, im going to scream. Ngim going to even tell the press that they cant sit in there and god knowsere. The press is tough on me. But i had their back in this one. They had no businessd know kicking them out. And that judge is so crooked that he couldnt n stand that there was bad evidence being brought in by this d attorney who happened to work for the state. And why. Lets not forget who had a great stella sdny. Stelar, asu mentioned, but the judge lost his cool. He losdge lot his on monday ande lost his cool again today. So its to wrap this case up, out throw it out. If this judge wants anyth shouibility back. Thats what he should do. There should have been a directed verdict. Er thereuld havee should haven a mistrial. And know you pu sean it in a n to dismiss. I know you wanted to direct a verdict, but its never goinyg to happen with the biden donor judge. Its never going to happennor j and Jury Instructions, im guessing, are not going to be exactly what would be fair and just and right for any defendant e fairt in a courw. Thats right. Thats right. We heard a little bit about that today, sean. The judg e indicated that, you know, we heard the famous words that we always hea we rm all of the liberal alleged attorneys that are doing what theyre ethically supposed to do. No one is above the law. I alwayst th challenge them on one thing, sean, if no one is above the law, i want you to isplain to m te How Hard Hunter Biden is Walking Around right now. I want you to explain to mr e how hillary clinton, who actually did what theyre accusing trump of doing with the russia hoax and had fec violations, is above the la ow. Ve how the Sock Drawer Case is above the law. How is all that . Okay. But if your last name is trump. No, no, no, no. The laws will be bent. They will be. And then theyll pretend theyre martyrs. Its really a disgrace what im seeing in the court. And im hoping this jury sees it. I have oping very little hope in theon state of new york, as youve seen. But thatsewk. Why they brought. Here . This is completely political. Its to keep him off po. Campaign and unfortunately for them, the polls are speaking for themselves. The americanllng for American Pe Get whats going on here. Law enforcement officergos of the department of justice may use deadly force when necessary. Ate, okay, ill give them. Thats boilerplate. Fine. I wie. K this is not boilerplate. When its a former president , k his residence, his wife, his kid. And the president didnt denida. Them access before. Why was s that Directivethat Gin and why wasnt there proper consideration of perspective given in this case . Yeah, but hunter biden ands docu joe biden, who has documents in his garagmehie and was not the president , didnt have president ial immunity. I there was no directive there. And its disgusting. President in that case was cooperating, as we know as ikn yoowow. And he wasu doing what he needd to do. You want another panel . You want another lock on the door, heres another lock on the door. And then they come in and they do it. A heck oy . This is all a show. President trump has said it a million times. Thismi is a biden trump show, Ae Trial After Show trial. And guess what . Theyre Fallin Fallig apart Frot Fanning To florida to this, hop its falling apart. Lets hope so. Well know sooknown. Now thank you, alina. Joining us now is fox newsa fo contributor jonathan turley, who is also in the courtroom again today. Turthats two days in a row. Ro. Okay. Eight plus four attendance. R your reaction to what wentea on between Yesterday And Today and you know, ive got to be honest, jonathan, the fact that the former fe c chair and the fact that bob costello couldnt give a full testimony r and the battle over Jury Instructions is all troubling to my inste because now it all s down to the judge and this judge hateand thiss trump. Well, it is disheartening. Some of what the prosecutors are asking is chilling. I mean, first of all, the prosecutor p ares are gettio this judge to allow the jury to just pick different crimes that they that trump may have been hiding by committing this boo k, keeping error of what they say is a fraudulent Business Record pattern. That means that these jurors whuld have vastlhat y different ideas of what occurred in this case. But the prosecution is alsot th asking that they dontey have t prove the higher standard for a crime for all oflements. The elements. They are suggesting that the willfulness aspect of the of the offense is not have to be shown consistently on all these elements that would effectively shorten the football field. They wouldal the Prosecutors E In The End zone and then say,nd see e if you can score. Dang and so its a very dangerouserou type of case for whats not just alleged, which is still confusing to many, but also how the prosecutors are still attempting to make it easy for t the jury to on a crime, even using noncriminal standards. Well, i mean, jonathan, everyo bit of this sounds so unconventional to me and. And again, the fec former chair had a lot to offer this jury because i dont think the jury this day could even tellp of you what the charges are. And on top of that, you know,st now theyre just basically throwing everything up against the wallhrowin was what youre describing and see if it will stick. Yeah. And actually one of the most valuable contributions of smith and might have bee yeaone of tny the jury is he came in and made a very salient point. He said, you know, lets assume, that this was a Campaign Contribution ar and your theory is right. If it was a Campaign Contribution when they paid story in Stormy Daniels, they didnt have to report iter until after the election. So how woul thed the the misrepresentation of the Stormy Daniels payment affect the jury . Because it would not even be recorded or memorializedon ws until the election was over . Thats a pretty important point. What hes saying over. Is, even youre right about aspects of this theory, Itrit Abou Holdi together. You can achieve that, that thet jury is not going to hear that type of information. But what really Worrieg Toeas Me is im pretty confident that that jury believes mes that there were election violations in this case. The judges allowed to hear f that from Michael Cohen, david pecker from the prosecutorroael s. Int and they will go into that room erroneously believing that donald trump committed do. Mpaign violation its just not true. Its not true. Well, thist is where the closig arguments of President Trumps attorneys are going to bebe critical. Jonathan turley, thank you. Joining us now for Florida Attorney general pam bondi. She was in the courtroom earlier today. It also with us, fox news legal analyst Gregg Jarrett and Harvard Lausw professor alan dershowitz, who was in the courtroom yesterday. Pam, what was it like today and whats your analysis this . You know, sean, i wish that every human would be allowed to have seen what went on in that courtroom todawey. It was really tragic. You know, they say a judge is, of course, is supposed to be a neutrae posed tol of fact. And some say, well, this judge had his thumb on, b the scale for the prosecution. No, this judge was sitting th table. Osecutionut thats what it felt like. Thats what his rulings were like. Everngs we y time the prosecutors objected before he could even get it outor. He sustained it. He ruled against Bob Costell O being able to explain his answers. And this case is going to rise and fall on Jury Instructions. And as Professor Turley just laid out, the Jury Instructions are going against president. Theyre holding him to a civil standard, not which is preponderanceo of the evidence, not a criminal standard beyond and to the exclusio cnd andn of every a reasonable doubt. This judge is doing everything in his powersoe ubt, thi to cond trump. Wow. Thats sean frightening what. All describing, professor. Is that how you see it . Allowe well, i was the only one who was allowed for some reason to, stay in the courtroom whene the judge excoriated a bob costello. And you really had to see that, you know, a videotape of it. Ap they do take videos, but they dont allow anybody to see itane except the media. But i want that vide te ot vide preserved. I want every american to see what judge looked like whend at he shouted at costello and what he said to him. If you raise your eyebrows or stare at me, i will striketaa all your testimonyt and not allow this defendant who had nothing to do with costello. I will not allow this defendant to put on a defense. I wanton a d everybody to see t. And please preserve that video, because somedaideoy it will come out. Maybe it will be used on appeal. The basi usec problem this h judge made is that he expanded the prosecutor his right to provide irrelevant evidence on the prosecutiondenc evidence about how the allegedly was conducted with Stormy Daniels. Utterly irrelevant. He admitted. In the end it was irrelevantutt but then when it came to relevant testimony, he totally cut the legs outom from under the defense. They should definitelynder t have allowed fully for the expert witnesses to contradict what the prosecution had said about these being illegal Campaign Contributions. They shoul d have allowed costello to completely undercutn what his former client hadst said, but instead what the judge has done is itd said everything goes for the prosecution. Were allowingev everything in. B all doubts are resolved in favor of the Prosecutiots Arn allowed to put in irrelevant, prejudicial information. But were not going to letutione anything in under the defense. What the judge forgets about irs the Sixth Amendment only gives rights to defendants. De does not give rights to the prosecution. So you have the right undefendar Sixth Amendment to present the defense, which has been curtailet d, whereas the power of the prosecution, no right in the constitution to present irrelevant evidence is allowednf and expanded in violation of the defendants right to be tried only for the offense is not for material thats extraneous. This is one of the most unfair e trials ive seen in my 60 years of Practicing Teachingg Cr and writing about criminal law. Its a scandalit that is pretty deep and profound. Professor. Greg. Jared,dal. I was. I wish i was wrong. Im not. I wasntsh i was. Nstincts my instincts were right. Your instincts were right. I said from the beginning, donaan never get a fair trial in new york. He didnt get a fair trial in thet get a civil case. T any get one here either. But what is the outcome . Well, its difficult to know what the outcome is. But i do think that former President Trump has a valid argument when he says this is a corrupt trial and a crooked judge. You know, its true that costello shredded cohensit credibility, exposed him for lying to the jury, and thats whene judge Marshawn Steppedjug in to the rescue for the prosecution in sustaining their meritless objection scold. Ing costello, as the professor described it, is transparentlyma rigged Case Engineeredrche to convict marshawn. Allowed both cohen and Stormy Daniels unfettered discretion and latitude to trash trump. Disi endless narratives, sordid details. But suddenlyth, when the defense calls costello, the judge shut down faster than a new york minute. Almost nothing in this case, e sean, can be described as remotely fair. It is an orwellianh show trial with a preordained. There is no presumption of innocence here, only the expectation of guilt. And right there are twonocenc prosecutors here, Alvin Bragginge , his team of partizans and the judge who is taken off. His robe, steppede off the bench and is now actively participating at the thisecution table to engineer a guilty verdict in this case. Notwithstandinge. No evidenc, credible evidence of guilt. I will tell y you what all of you said tonight. Be chilling for the defense. Yeah. Whats i have tomorrow for the defense . If its not legit, you acquit. T, and this is not legit. This mus is not a legitimate trn and there must be an acquittal. Good luck to help the interests of all americans. Yeah. Good luck lettin. G. The judge. Allow that. And please strike that testimonyn. Se strik. T the jury is not to Pay Attention to that. All right. Thanthanu,k both. Thank you all. Coming up, sara carter asks, new yorkers, what they think of this Trump Sham Trial in their home stat e. S ma their answers may actually surprise you. Also, senators ted cruz,ou katie britt react to the far left using lawfare against trump. As we continue britt. 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The defense and prosecution are both sean rested. Their cases in trumps sham trial in new york with Closing Arguments now expected next week, next tuesday. So clo what do your new yorkersl think will happen . New ry own sara carter on ground in new york where she spoke with people earlier todapy. Sara, what the people of my old state of new york have to sa ol sean, now that president donald j. Trumps fate is in the hands of a New York City jurse y, new yorkers are divided. Theyre divided between those who want hime convicted but cant cant explain what hes being convicted of o er if he will be convicted. To those who are concerned about the weaponizin edg portion,an actually, of our court system in america and the politicizationcization of the c take a listen. I think its so i t politica. Its so obviously political, is pathetic. Even watch itic tot. A weaponization of our courts. Absolutely. The judge obviously, the judge is biased againss t trump. The District Attorney is biased against trump. And the whole thing should have never beee wholg should bro in the first place. I think he needs to pay the price fo t forr he did. Stil and what did he do . What . I dont know what he did because im still trying to figure it te it aren. Ng well, are they prosecuting him for all the courtsr al, the the conspiracy lies he talked about . No. I believe president trum no. Pquitte will be acquitted. But then again, i didnt think it would go this far. I thind, k if youre going to vote for him, youre not changing your mind based on the outcome of this case goio change and tht actually dont think it matters at all if im being completely honest. Do you think m at its because tha its trump that people feel this way . Not like when people feel thisee way about anybody else. Think so . You think so . This is just all b. Speop. It rey is. And i just think its sad case america and the legal system this is going on. The bestyou think outcome would be for our country . Oh, wowuntry . Thats a question. The best outcome. Thats thats difficult because, i mean, this this case could have so Manyis Chave S Ims on the global stage. Right. So i dont kno r righw. I dont think i can answer that right now. I dont know , sean. Ant people cant gauge which direction, you knoge what w, thy is going to take. But one thing is certain. Everyone in the countrertain. N s is going to be watching the court and so will everyone in the world. Sean, back to you. All right, sara, be safe you inw york city. Not exactly the safest place on earth. This is tough duty. Wery the safeste you. Toug thank you. All right. Testerday, senator ted cruz, senator katy brad introduced the libya protection act, which seeks to safeguard the practice nationwide by bannind ofgm rece states from receiving Medicaid Funding if they ban it. Here now with more on all of this and the latest in trumps legal saga in new york, texalates senator cruz, b alabama senator brit, welcome back, both of you. Senator cruz, i guess well ask, you know, considering your Professor Dershowitz is the greatestl student of all time. Your reaction to whats going on, new york . Oh, look, the trial is an absolute travesty. I would say it is a circusa cirs show. But but but thats showing disrespect to circuses. At this point, you have a wildly partisan leftwingct democrat prosecutor whose only objective is to get donald trump and to stop the voters from reelecting him in november. You have a wildl c y leftwingef judge whose only objective is to get donald trump and sto p the voters from voting for him in november. And yoovember,u have a completes of a trial where they havent demonstrated any violation of the law whatsoever, except actually yesterday they finallvy ,finally, finally proved a crime when Michael Cohen admitted on the stan d that he stole Tens Of Thousands of dollars from donald trump. So we have a crimeso we ha. Their star witness is the criminal. And he pleaded guiltd guilty y y theft. Thats the only crime thats been proven. Crimand it is the most blatant example. This prosecution and the other three are the most blatant example of Election Interference we have ever seen in the history of the country. And they knew about the crimean thee and they never charged Michael Cohen with the crime. And according to Bob Costell O, they had Exculpatory Evidence. They didnt present that to the grand jury eitheostello,idns amazing. Senator brit, lets go to this ivf issue, how important it is to so many families and talks about legislation. Yeah, well, first, obviously ,watching the political prosecution of donald trump is a travesty. But speaking of him, he has been a huge champion of ivhampif he started firmly with ivf and with families opportunity, is to bring life into this world. So this legislation, after thisu what happened in alabama and the court ruling, createreag a of confusion and uncertainty. And there on the ground, i could feel moms and dads who wanted to bring life into this world , people had children because of the miracle of life that they haled got to get to gt two years through ivf. Were concerned. And they were fearful that that was going to be taken awaye. So what this piece of legislation does is it says that w e are going to protectof ivf. And that way none of these families have to worry about that in the future. Re that theeve Republican Party is the party of life. We are the party of families. Were the partfamiliy of opport. And this will just ensure that we continue to be able to d to doo that. Yeah, and President Trump supporter with senator cruzd p supp. Well, look, i think this is incredibly important legislatiocruz. N and ivf is trl a medical miracle, right now, today in the United States, 2 rt of all births in america come fromhs com ivf. There have been over 8 million babies that have been born througere haveh the technology. You know, katy and i both have many, many friends and Family Members who who who had children only because ivf of the great blessings of ivf. As you know, sean, i do a podcast every week. Burdick with ted cruz, my cohost , ben ferguson. All three of his kids came through ivf. Katy and i yesterday did megan kellys podcast. Megans kids came through ivf. De an it is an incredible technology. And following the alabama supreme court, many were understandably concerned, concerned that that this medical science that theyre relying on to become parents, to bring childree on tn into the world, to raise and to love was in jeopardy now. Th there was a lot of partisan dissent. Ivf is in jeopardy. The Corporate Media is helping i with this. And katie and i decided, letshe introduce Legislatiolping N to make absolutely clear the federal law that ivft will be protectef that you have a federal right to access that technology. I think this is legislation that on the merits should unify every one of 100 senators. Ofesinglenow a singl senator who opposes ivf. And so we ought to come together and make it is goin clear federal law that that your right to make this yocision is going to be protected. Well, i support both of you and Thu Anlegislate legislation and like both of you, i have friends that have had childrengh are trying today to have children using this procesroces absolutely. Yeah. All right. Thank you both. Whenwhen we come back, bidens blunders. Wow, theyre getting worse one the day one speech was so bad at the white house had to made nine separate corrections to the transcripine t. C and weve got the tape. Newt gingrich will react Straight Aheade ahead. Im out here telling people how they can save money people how they can save money with experiencats youve got subscriptions to netflix, hulu, the free trial. Trial. Forgotcacan just actually me. What if i told you that what if i told you that experian hascool. Cancellation where you can just cancel with a click of a button . Button . Hopeaver is that easy to cancel . Its actually really cool. Its actually really cool. Its great with subscriptionthi. Cancellation, people save on average 270 a year. Say, listen, im thinking girl math. You buy a pair shoes with that. Thats a lot of money. I actually need that. Get started now with the experian app allergies with allegra. They wont stop me. 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Now, when you cant watch listen, get the latest News Business end News Headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. Fox news audio on sirius xm america, listening. All right. We may we have may a new presi biden went to detroit on sunday to give another pandering speech. Why . Because he needs his African American basbecause get back in. And hes losing 28 support. Anyway, so hes at the Acpnaac Convention and surprise, l. Surprise, it didnt go well. He mumbled and stumbled his wayh through his speech, as per usual. As pebut once the whitee House Transcript came out, we got to see the full scope of the damage. Take a look at your screen. See that right there . Take a lwell, biden made nine ss thunders throughout the speech ,including calling the acp by the wrong name, saying he was humbled to receive an sayinization instead of award claiming he was saving families 800,000 a year. Imagine that sayin g he was vicedent president during covid and duria sent him to detroit to deal with the pandemic. Text and misquoting and out of context, a line from donaldah trump. Complete mess. And that was just to kick off the week. Just tok ofek. Now, since then,d plenty more blunders. We have the tapeve the to prove. Take a look. And when i was Vice President ,w things were kind of bad during the pandemic. Were what happened was barack said to me, Go To Detroit im humbled to receive this organization. It defines the Characteo Recr consequence of what we do. He calls directioners, who stormed capitol hill patriotshe, saving millions of families 18,000 in premarital vows of a year in premium for cracking down on corporate landlords who keep rents down. Donald trump has said if he loses again in november, there will be, quote, bloodshend what in gods name are we talking about here . The truth is piracy. The Spirit Endures and Spirit Endures, but worsens. The Mortality Rate for black,mol who are nearly three times more likely to dieit from Pregnancy Complications than a white woman under pressure, Working Aroundkely the clock to free the remaining hostages. Just as we have freed hostages already. And here are the days hirsch called goldberg poland. And so still he is not here with but he is still being held by hamas. After i signed the pact back at lack act into law pack a of like a pack, a lack of an act act. Oh, anyway, here with reaction, former House Speaker and Fox News Contributor Newt Gingrichfr is with us. So, you know, i guess we know, now why they dont to release the robert hurt Tape Whereleas he was askine thg. The question was i still Vice President in 2009 . Because if he believes that obama Sen 200because t to t during the pandemic to solve the problem, we got a big problem. Mr. Speakemr. R. I thi you know, i think this is nka lt more than politics. When you watch the decay of joe biden and realize that he is the commander in chief of the most powerful military we history, and its clear week after week that he grows less capable. And i frankly, when you takewite the House Transcript, you know,h with the exception of the one where he claimed he was Vice President and presiden cove rest, arent one byble, one terrible but are so many of them and so consistent and he so clearly cant deliver he cant focus foc he remember. N and i think that you ifuinely people should be genuinely worried from a standpoinworriety the Country National security and patriotism not a just partisan bickering, but theres somethin g really wrong whens you have a United States who has this Mansomethy Cognitive Problems and is so clearly incapable of functioning at a normal level. I think if were going to be honest, then ive been, well, reluctant to use the word. It clearly looks hee has dementia. Your reaction. Well, i think its clear that he has substantial cognitive decline. Cognits clear that there are ts when he literally doesnt know where he is or what heit is is supposed to do. Its clearr that that his memory is selective. But remember, there bs part l of joe biden that was always like this. I meanthis, his very firstut president ial campaign. He had to drop out when it turned out that he had borrowed an entire speech from the Britisorroweh Labor Party lr neil kinnock, which was lead, about aale way welsh coal mining village. And biden just appropriated the whole speech and gave it though it was his personal life. So theres a piece of himal lif thats always been kind of goofy, but i think and you see, and i do think its clearly getting anrss e and i worry for the country and i worry for our National Security much more than about politics. Im technically not qualified to say whether or not it is dementia, but it is clearly a very dramatic cognitive decline. And a person im not qualified either, but i hope, mr. Speake re. He thinksth that obamina sent t him to detroit during the pandemic and if he thinksif and if hes asking who ve. Denti was i still Vice President in 2009 on top of everything else. Weve got a president that is a cognitive mess. Use whatever term you want to use. But thism you is. Now, look, look, i think if the democrats could find a wayy to put the country first, theyd replace him at the re. Ention t its inconceivable to me that you could make an argument that he could actually function for four more years. I dont disagree. I mean, in many ways its sa idd that people around him dont love him enough to stop. Its tragipeoplec. Mr. Speaker, thank you. When we comespeaker, back, fanis on with conspiracy theories. Out last night blasting investigations into alleged misconduct. Plus, she had some choice words for jim jordan. And tell you what she and get jordans reaction next. 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S raciallythey have decided in a that they would like to come after me lik. Or they use false reasons foring to wantin cg to come after me. A georgia had never had a prosecutorial oversight, and all of a sudden,o 14 minorities were elected to office to serve as District Attorney. And now all of a sudden, they need an oversight committed an e to look after District Attorneys because tel how to, anel prosecute and who to prosecute asd where we shoule we d put our resources, as opposed to allowing the Voterswing The T us in the seats to make those determinations. N now, they likely didnt need one before, and thats not all. Those went on to bash House Judiciary Committee chairman jim jordahen over the committees investigation into her misuscommittee of fede funds. Take a look. Jim jordan has tim e after timen ha after time attack my officece wt with no legitimate purpose. Anyone who knows jim jordan History Knowh S that he only has the purpose of trying to interfere in a criminaltigati investigation. Its disgusting. It il, the state leveon. Theyve decided to follow this clowns lead. Wow. Here with reaction, House Judiciary Committee chairman jordan. Chair. Lets see. No investigative purpose. Lets see. No legitimate purpose. To respond. Congress smiling. Congressman jordan. Well. Well, first of all, son, remember, theres a template. The left will tell a lie. Te big media will report the lie. Big tech will then amplify the lie. And when you try to tell the truth, they call you names. Ie, techromote tthey call you a. They call you a racist. They come after you. E aftebut it doesnt take away frm the fundamental lie they told in the first place. And thental li told e big lie h. President trump did something wrong. We know it. Wewe know that is e know that but all these cases are now falling apart because, sean, theyre all built on politics. Every fani willis started Thisnw Investigation Two and a half years ago. But she didnt bring charges untio and a halfl after presidep announces hes running for president. Alvin brexit. I cannotningor a world where i s where i would charge President Trump and call Michael Cohen as a prosecution witness. But he did just that after president announces hes running for president. And Merrick Garland doesnt appoint Jack Smiths Runninr as Special Ruunsel until three days after President Trump announces hes running for president. So the country has figured outpd this is all politics. She can go on tv and say what she wants. Histle weve got a Whistle Blower from her office who is talking with us about her misspendinoweg funds. So were going to do our job. Were going to highlight to doyi the truth and the facts. But the country has already figured it out. They know this. That all these cases are built on politics and thats why theyre all Fallin Arengg apart. All this is the weaponization of justice. As you saw. You know, you have people with impeccable credentials like the former fec chair. Ke the and then you have, of course, bob costello f with an incredibe background and career. And you saw the judge acround at there. It seemed like the judge realized that case was lost here. Le. T met me throw lifelines everywhere i can and see if i can save this case for album break in the prosecution. Your reaction . No n, youre exactly right. Bob costello testified in front of our Committee Last week. You could tell Testifiont Thas telling the facts and the truth. He presented it in a compelling way. He was Michael Cohens lawyer, Michael Cohen, waive attorneyclient privilege. Cbob Costello Just feltligated obligated to tell the truth because he sawtell t what wasoo happening here in new york. By the way, bob costello took yol these thie facts, all this information to the Southern District of new york, and they said, theres no way we can theres no case here. We cant prosecute. We cant call Michaewetel Cohen as a witness. He has no credibility. But Alvin Bragg Change ad and decided to go ahead and do just that again aftet r President Trump announced that he was running for president. You know, amazing you kno, ba even cohen corroborated something that bob costellte owas, to your committee, and that was he was telling everybody was te, in fact, he did the whole stormy deal. Stormy daniels deal himself. That would be called reasonable doubt. Thuldnt reasonable be reasonaf he told all these people exactly e what they wonh let bob costello testify to in that courtroom in new york. Now, exactly right. When plus, bob costello, when he wase talking with his then client, he said, michael, if youve got somesident, G On The President ,w is the time. Youre in trouble, dude. If youv you have got something. Give it to me. But its got to be truthful. And what Michael Cohen said,rean when he had every reason to be honest and truthful at the trumnt, he said,nest and i have anything on President Trump. He didnt do anything wrong. But yet thats the Guydo Anyth L the guy theyre putting on the stand who we know is line. D to ctteehe lied six times to i committee four years ago. Hes been convicted perjurer and he and he took money from his employer, for goodness sake. But thats what theyre building the case on. And again, its fallen apart. Apar seat is falfalling apart but you know what i said he couldnt get a fair trial in new yorr triak. Its not a fair trial in new york. And i will never trust that venue foryork. Trust donal. Jim jordan, thank you. When we comerdan back,u big interview for you tomorrow night. Well show you a sneak peek and tell you mor nie about it straight ahead. 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