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Trump constantly interrupted and talked over him. Im not going to answer the question. Why not . The question is, radical left. Who is on your list, joe. He spent months telling me it could happen ons program and most of the media would rather stun when biden challenged predecessor to two debates. Itll make my someday, ball. Ill even do it twice. Lets pick the date. I hear youre free on wednesdays. He has to work on the Clint Eastwood part. Go ahead, make my day. And witness is the day when the Hush Money Trial is not in session and trump agreed calling crooked joe the worst debater hes faced and turns out thats when the biden video was posted at 8 00 a. M. Eastern and outlets like the Washington Post, New York Times had long pieces ready to run and the story was embaembargoed and within a coupf hours and both candidates agreed to june 27th debate on cnn and jake tapper and donna and September 10th debate on abc. He figures in the opened he count need the debates. One thing is beyond the debate. Whoever gets political advantage having president ial candidates going headtohead is a good thing for the country. Im howard ku are, tz and this is media buzz. The p pundits that spend their Life Debating said this. Biden needed this to change the trajectory of the race because hes going to get clobbered. The off button of the microsoft is going to come in microphone is going to come in handy. Joe biden doesnt come out and drool or fall on himself, hes passed his standard. Donald trump saying any time, any place and the president said great, i have a time and place, lets do it and rock and roll. Its so bad theyre willing to put biden in the evening on a debate stage to go toe to toe with trump, which is going to be tough, considering biden has trouble going toe to toe with stairs. I think theyre smart to do this because they need to change the direction of this camp. This campaign as its going now is losing. Joining us is cathy smegly and former Assistant Secretary Of State and largely protraying this as smart move for joe biden and way of shaking up the race and getting his conditions met. Are they right . Well, i think right in the sense that joe biden had to do something. This couldnt be the Basement Campaign this year, he has to be out there and has to show that he can stand on his own two feet for 60 minutes. Thats a really hard time. 90. Or 90 minutes. Thats a really low bar for the American People and very smart for donald trump saying debate me, debate me, debate me and great, sounds good. If he said, yes, but that would have been more of a win for joe biden and he didnt give him that moment. What many commentators say the Biden Campaign is in trouble and on track to lose so he had to roll the dice. I dont see that. The joe biden in that video is someone thats itching to go. They asked for that debate they could have said, look, we want to debate in september or october, which would have been more standard. Never history in American Politics or modern have two candidates debated that early. Thats not a guy thats afraid to vote or a guy thats worried about going toe to toe. That is a guy who is confident. Why is he confident . Because hes debated donald trump twice and as you saw, it was a bit of a debacle because donald trump, there are different versions of him, but he couldnt control which one shows up and in that case it was angry donald trump. Its aggrieved donald trump. Thats where his head is. Thats where it seems his head is a lot of time now. Cassie, biden may or may not win on Policy Details but wont the media score these as a clash of personalities and who has the energy to run the country in the next four year s . I think thats what theyve wanted it to be about and want to show this is something that joe biden does have the energy, doesnt have the ability to stand toe to toe and problem for him is it will be a Policy Discussion and the problem for him is that donald trump knows the media, knows the cameras and knows how to stand in the tv studios and connect with the American People. Something joe biden is abysmal at doing. I think this is a very risky proposition. To your point of this being earlier an ever and its an interesting play and weve got to get to people were they start voting if we have a chance at all and going for joe biden and going for biden is weve got to do something to try and give people a bit of hope. Never underestimate trumps ability to connect with the voters at home. Put up pictures of past debates and some have been crucial in the president ial races and, philippe, youve done debate prep and played with donald trump and hillary part of that campaign and how do you prepare even a president to go up against a free Swinging Character like donald trump . It was hard . 2016 even though donald trump had debated i think at that point 11 times in the primaries. He had never debated oneonone in any scenario. We were doing a lot of guessing as im sure his team was doing and theyd never seen it and tried to put him in a New Hampshire kind of town hall setting and seeing how it would do and didnt come together the way they thought. On the other hand donald trump is a rather unpredictable person. With the debate prep, youre not memorizing lines or poll testing lines. At least the approach were taking is youre trying to minimize surprises. Youre trying to the most important work for debate prep is running or driving or in the shower. We have speeches and interviews and have showers and think of things like that. Trump is running cnn and fox news pitched an october president ial debate and trump Accepted Biden and he wont go past the debate. Bret baier said its proposing the vp debate and again accepted Biden Campaign said yes to cbs and influencer of a game of chicken going on and, cassie, seem like the people were grieved and talked in the open about biden putting up the video and some had it in the vans and cnn and Washington Post and the democrats gaved media and the media ran with their preferred narrative and they never miss a opportunity to say look how strong he looked today when the rest are saying he tripped up the stairs. Thats good staff work to make sure the press has your stuff. The donald trump from two minutes ago is media savvy and the argue that donald trump got rolled this morning. He didnt get rolled. Hes been saying lets debate for months. He got what he wanted except all the things. Why didnt he say i dont like c this, n or abc. If you get those, i want fox. I can answer the question and he didnt want to get it. He wanted to say yes and he wanted to negotiate a business guy in new york and often degrees and this is what theyre doing and attacking cnn. Not threatening or showing up with cocaine or drug tests and let me jump in and lara trump at rnc saying the debates are rigged in bidens favor and i think theres going to be a lot of back and forth before this is settled. I think thats typical theres some back and forth, some jockeying for things and i think that i give joe biden credit for saying fine, lets do it. Even if it took nine or 12 jump cuts to get that 15 second video out this. It was good for him to do it and good for donald trump to say yes. Now lets have the teams go to work and figure out what its going to look like, but the American People need to see these debates. Joe biden knows that, back to our first conversation, he has no choice but to put Something Like this out there. Good on donald trump for saying yes. They havent been in the same place in the same time for four years and people forget that. Often incumbent president is rusty in the first and loses but on the other hand trump didnt debate during the primaries. Nobody likes debate prep. I trust you on that. When trump says biden cant string two sentences together. For two people setting expectations together and thats not smart either. Thats where i was going. If joe biden gets on and doesnt fall on the stage. Sensorineural stands up and gives a good speech and donald trump saying theres Something Weird and hyped up. Must have been on drugs. Thats not smart because in he does the same thing, joe biden theyre the same age. Sorry. The two average out to 79. 5 years. Donald trump birthday if i remember correctly to send him a card, is next month just about a month from now. He turns 78. Theyre both old and not spring chick and not as agile and full of energy as in five years ago. Donald trump is falling asleep in his own trial. Courtrooms are boring. I have on on the jury. One, nobody is questioning Donald Trumps energy and see what happens in the rallies and energy that builds around him. The other thing is i forgot any thought. Another good point. We have to go and it was kamala harry for dropping the f bomb and going to make and headlines. When we come back, joe biden slaps tariffs on china. Its kubota orange days, shop the years biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0 apr for 84 months or up to 3,300 off select compact tractors. Find your nearest dealer at kubotaorangedays. Com. Trump responded at the courthouse. China has the suggestion and i said there for three days. Biden delivered a speech on the tariffs that afternoon and c cnn and nbc stuck with Michael Cohens testimony. 100 tariff on electric vehicles made in china. People say wow. Were not going to let china flood our Market Making it impossible for American Auto manufacturers. Only Cable Network to break away and take his speech live is fox news. He made is mappable to hit shy that with the tariffs and not covered live by most of the networks but by prime time it was covered and dominated by the trump trial. Makes you question the new channels of delivering news. Theres so many issues that i think President Trump never got rightful correct for in the white house, and i give this moment. This is very important. Joe biden instituting tariffs on china essentially extending what former President Trump did when he was in the white house with some differences they say. Some differences. Some say thats not going to have an effect and trump did it anyway. I understand that but thats a Policy Discussion to have on networks and channels that people are tuning into to get this information. Biden rarely talks to journalists and he really takes on china and Major Campaign issues and within hours cant buy a headline. Theres some things even when i come on here. I cant co. I cant defend or explain media decisions. Ive been doing this for a long time and they befuddle me. Im not sure. Fox is not exempt from covering the trump new york trial around the clock. I dont know if its good tv or weight of it or because of the idea. Covered a lot. It was covered a lot. On talking about joe biden. Go back in a bipartisan thing in what you said about the first segment, end of the day, debates are good and cassie said the same thing. End of the day, its great theyve ended in the same place about china. A lot of debate in 2020 about who would be better and softer. Right about now china is sitting around saying this is a problem because theres no base consumer. The president said hay, you said this running and now doing something thats very similar. I think its an interesting thought because to your pointblank layups, this was something that joe biden made a lot of hay over in 2020 going against then President Trump about his being hard on china and passing on to the American Consumer and now we krugere have a whole conversation about it and now biden is doing the same thing. Per happens in the lent hour move ahead of the debates to show the American People, im not that weak and trying to and knows for the three and a half years its in the polls. Its about standing umm for the american worker. The tariff Havessen A Effect On Auto Workers and Biden Ran To Detroit and stood with them. China is not happy with joe biden for how much money weve given to taiwan. To the extent we have biden why age is good, joe biden has been working for the worker since 30 including American Auto worker. Donald trump didnt come to the american political scene till he was 37. No question who was working harder and tariffs can have detrimental effects on the american worker. Putting tariffs on steel and aluminum, thats raising car price dramatically. Theres a balance to find. Pull back the camera a bit and we hit dow 40,000, record close for the storage market. While joe biden was president. Yeah, but he didnt give a speech and he could have or went to the dow and rang the bell. The media used to concentrate on issues and biden could do more to communicate them, but we dont seem to do that anymore. We used to spend months debating healthcare. I think from a laypersons perspective joe biden has been standing up for the auto workers for the entirety of his career, which is longer than ive been alive, except that you saw donald trump undid policies that ham strung american workers, and we saw a reduction in the cost of our lives. Right now, im hanging onto my car for dear life. I cant afford a new car. That happened under joe biden and not President Trump. Up next, joe biden using Executive Privilege for the documents case and joe biden heading for a criminal trial. Ive got to go. Ok. Bye. Mom thanks mom. Yeah. You were made to dream about it for years. We were made to help you book it in minutes. vo dan made progress with his Mental Health. But his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. So his doctor prescribed austedo xr a oncedaily td treatment for adults. As you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced dans td movements. Some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. With austedo xr, dan can stay on his Mental Health meds dan cool hair vo austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntingtons disease. Pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. Dont take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. 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It deserves more coverage and the transcript itself and Jonathan Turley called it a Voldemort Theory of he who must Mott Be Heard and mischaracterized the president s claims of memory loss and mental acuity and here we cant hear the president s so Powful Washington leaving transparency as a piece of road kill. Biden response the transcript is public and know the substance, why do the republicans need the audio and White House Council said its to chop them up, distort them and use for partisan political purposes and part of build ago case against Contempt Criation for merrick garland. Right, and garland obviously says this is a Broader Campaign to undermine Law Enforcement and doj youve cover thed Hundred Dollarer Biden Case in delaware. Is this the next big Courtroom Spectacle . The court of Puck Lib Aopinion is about to Public Opinion is about to weigh in and a year ago a sweet heart deal took the two trials and now Hunter Bidens attorneys asking for a delay in the California Tax Trial to delay it until september if thats delied on june 20th and that California Tax Case will be nine charges, three of which are felonies for alleged failure and politico not worried about the psychological impact on biden. Great to see you, griff. As always, next on media buzz, Michael Cohens credibility just get annihilated in the Hushe Monetyy Case . Jardiance its a little pill with a big story to tell i take oncedaily jardiance at each days start as time went on it was easy to see im lowering my a1c jardiance works twentyfour seven in your body to flush out some sugar. And for adults with Type 2 Diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. 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He wasnt thinking about melania, it was all about the campaign. When cohen was reimbursed for that and another Hush Money Payment with 11 checks signed by President Trump, the president knew the payments were not really for legal services, but cohens memory turned foggy under crossexamination. Trump lawyer todd blanch wasted time showing that cohen wants his exboss behind bars, which is pretty obvious but scored points when cohen admitted he wasnt sure about a key phone call he supposedly had with trump that hed made over 3 million on two antitrump books and when he had to repeat the litany of lies hes told to various investigators. Cohen came off like a well rehearsed dunnedder head and explained every unsavory action as motivated by his effort to protect trump. Michael cohen today closed the loop in the story that often sounds like its straight out of a bad mafia movie. I dont think ive ever seen a star cooperating witness get knees chopped out as clearly and dramatically as with Michael Cohen. This guy is a dirt bag and hates donald trump and in the end, you know i think theyre going to see him for what he is. Hes a Lying Hoaxester with 15 minutes of fame. Bringing in House Speaker to defend him. Every single legal analyst and cnn and we have Clay Travis From Nashville and marie harf. Who was Michael Cohen as a prosecution witness laying out the case saying Michael Trump knew what the money was for and donald trump knew that cohen argued he knew this money was for hush money and not legal services. Well coached in his direct prosecution testimony and i feel on crossexamination, he was blown up and it should be over. And when your star witness said he cant remember for sure what he said previously occurred on 96 second phone call and called trumps bodyguard and claims he was talking about a payment and now the evidence comes out he may well have been talking about a 14yearold kid that was harassing him, theres at least one, maybe two or three of the 12 jurors on this case who are going to not give a guilty verdict or 100 honest jury and i think 120 for trump. Is the reason the Trump Defense not challenging this core testimony about this and coming up with a different version and texts and emails and signal mes messages and one served. I think most people believe that donald trump knew exactly what was happening. You dont hear a lot of people saying donald trump didnt know anything that Michael Cohen was doing. He didnt know this money was going to her. The question is whether it was a legal liability. Thats probably why the trump team didnt do that. And its so hard for us to read how the jury is reading things and theres no cameras in there and reporters are in there telling us what its like and feeling but its so hard to gauge some of this because to clays point, do jurors look at what he said and look at Defense Poking Holes in that and have doubt now . Its hard to tell. Imperfect is very diplomatic and those watching at home got to watch the side panel with reporters and know its not here and cnn engages in a dramatic reading. How long will i be on the market for . Not long. What did you understand that to mean . Playing the roles and thats not Great Television but whats going on for the larger legal context and remember, there has to be a second crime a in ordero be elevated to a felony or its Misdemeanor Bookkeeping issues and cohen has to elevate that second crime. Theres a couple of different defenses that i think the Trump Defense has put out. One is defined for trump and melania in the story and it was compelling to some jurors and doesnt get us to that second crime. Second part, we havent heard explicitly how that second crime is tieing in and the juror would react to the larger context near i find it impossible to believe that 12 jurors are going to find beyond a reasonable doubt that this was credible testimony. Well getting close toweled find out. There were behind al lifethreatenings and learn about the side and harassing phone calls and 14 yearolds. Who cares. Synergy home did they spend time . Its unclear. Other networks and fox have been covering this pretty down the middle. You heard a lot of people from cnn and msnbc saying cohen didnt go great under crossexcrossexamination and af legal analysts and saying the trump team in the first day of questioning went down rabbit holes and didnt seem to be focusing at one point and the judge admonished during the Stormy Daniels testimony and the judge sort of admonished the trump team for Not Obstructing G more and trump finding lawyers to defend him and were doing a good enough job here. Trumps lawyer todd blanch led Michael Cohen through a litany of lies and the prosecution tried to soften up by bringing some up earlier but, you had lying to congress and lying to special council and lying to the press. A lying liar over and over again. The question is not substantial. The reports are not seeing it and the reports are the testimony not making up their mind and exemployees and i have rebellious as many of us and based on reports weve seen. I also think the larger context here, to me this is clear grounds for a mistrial. Ive argued and this is me putting on my lawyer hat here that Stormy Daniels testifying to the specific nature of her alleged sexual encounter was clearly prejudicial and its exceed the probe and value of this case and you should have objected more and agreeing theres that and think others say a directed verdict is appropriate here and i done think the legal charge has been proven to even be able to go to the jury. Jury. I think itll be made at the end of the testimony. This last point is lower than id expected and going to see 4 Million People and the time it was on and if you look at first day, monday, Michael Cohen testified the first monday before the trial, fox was done, msnbc up 45 and tell which audience is into this and love to see donald trump convicted and thats why you see the remarkable spike. See you guys again after the break, a firsthand account what it was like inside the courtroom. 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Youre sitting thinking, waits a second, is this the 2018 perjury or 2020 one. Not just me. Feels like that. I worked with some of the reporters and i know them. Were all there all day long and sitting and listening and theres been some interesting moments and My Cousin Vinny and this past week and todd blanch, who was Donald Trumps lawyer accused Michael Cohen of lying in a very impassioned way. Those are the things that catch our attention and in addition to we played audio from Michael Cohens podcast and sounded like these and cant wait to see donald trump rot and et cetera. Going with some of the inquiries. Point of his questioning are all to point to this guys not credible his benefit and the District Attorney or judge tells him you cant do this, hell do it anyway because Michael Cohen does whatever benefits Michael Cohen. I talked to Michael Cohen and he called me when he wasnt happy about something ive written and let me is have it. Which is something he does. Im sitting there thinking i know a bunch of the press and resip yens of irate angry phone calls and his attack dog. And so im sure he remembers that as watching it. If you were advising him now, would you let him testimony . Because itll open the doors to all kinds of questioning and who knows all the different paths that could take. A fairly effective job at showing Michael Cohen and not a credible person and it matters at the end of the day and comes down to cohens words versus what trump and the jury will have to make a decision, are we willing to imprison the former president of the United States and possible future ones over the testimony of a man who had a history of lying, blame shifting and making millions of dollars off of den grading him, and was probably upset that he felt like trump abandoned him. To be continued. To be continued. Still to come, what a scoop on the New York Times msnbc is a liberal network. Uncertainty. Hidden fees, surcharges. 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To prove these threerow suvs were built for the unstoppable. Kia. Movement that inspires. Bicycler the New York Times nailed this one calling msnbc comfort tv for liberals and boosted past cnn in second place and created friction for nbc. Some were moved to nbc and antitrump shows on msnbc and if theyre running a thousand stories on how horrible fox s is the times recognizing reality . I dont know this is necessary and i did read it and chuckle along and the good topic for you next week and trump agreeing to the debate for nbc news and telemundo and puts msnbc in a tough spot and ripping trump for going on the Parent Network and hispanic issues that biden has . I think thats a super interesting chess move. What do you make of the fact that msnbc and antitrump rhetoric and the shows is fine. Often refuse to show trumps speeches and its become this headache for the nbc Broadcast Network . There are real questions on how much to platform trump saying things that are false and defamatory and excitement in some point and networks that are doing that. You agree its okay for msnbc to just say, were not taking the speech because hes a liar . I think they can make their own decisions about their programming and we do and every network does. Theyre looking for comfort tv on both sides of the aisle, but the whole Ronna Mcdaniel leadership is not in touch with the entirety of its operation and msnbc and all the anchors and had all the anchors on tv talking about this decision by their Parent Company was extraordinary. It was an amazing story to cover. Whats also not mentioned here is theres a lot of New York Times and reporters and columnists that are contributors and guests on msnbc and stories get played and you happen we have about a minute left. I want to get your quick take on the worlds top golfer Scottie Scheffler being charged with a felony after being encountered with the Police Officer at the championship and it was witnessed by the reporter. And there was no body camera footage and all the reports that the charges are going to be dropped and sounds like a huge misunderstanding and also maybe even number one time for someone to say do you know who i am . And actually have it make sense and not make them seem like a jerk. He was trying to drive to the clubhouse and he was reportedly following the advice overnew another Police Officer when this Police Officer stopped him and it was a mess and i think that Louisville Police will rectify this and drop charges. It was in the heat of the moment and goes out on the course and shoots going to arrest me and shoot five under anyway. Thanks, guys, thats it for this edition of media buzz. Im howard kurtz. Join the club and totally unplugged and apple itunes is a good place to do it. So if you dont know what time the shows on. Were back next sunday, 11 eastern with the only Media Analysis Show on national television. Hy an pd from College Commitments to the Campaign Trail to events o

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