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America. Good evening, everyone. Im laura ingram. This is the Ingraham Angle from washington tonight. And it is a wild friday night. Golfer Scottie Schefflerrida scr arrested. Diddy accused of beating up his girlfriend and score ands are making kindergartners read books about boys and dresses. Wevn dresses. E got all that an. But first undesirable number. Thats the focus of tonights angles. Speech a who knew that a Commencement Speech about the importance of mothers and fathers delivered by a Professorete Coud be so triggering. He basically seems to want an go back a hundred years in American Progress and thatse cl not thats not what we should e do here in america. While he cloakentired entireu speech in catholicism, in his love of , it felt very much had like a construct that hesaying w said most women had to abide by. There are people saying what he said is not Controversia Notial Atl at all. And i just disagreeit with that wholeheartedly. Its an insults a. B harrison butkus speech heard round the world. Nospeech hund thw, lets be verr the goal here is. There are people at the highest levels of Decision Making in america who believebelieve the traditional teachings of the catholic church. Many other Christian Churchesn Church Shout Be discussed publicly ever. E and theyre making an example out of bucher. They want to make it imposanyono humble for anyone to preach or speak the traditional doctrine of christianristianiusbands, itg husbands, wives and children. Now, talt k about a divisivef atmosphere theyre creating where Tens Of Millionsk Thei of americans, probably more, are afraid to speak their mind. Now, remember, a lot of these commentators popping becaabout, are but are simply ignorant of the basic tenets of christianity becausep It Christians are called to spread the faith, nothidden keep it hid under a bushel, as the gospel says. Plus, manyy of those offendedn by what bunker said, they dont hesitate to express own dogmas that are just as offensive to manings liky as to many of u. Things like climate change, gender, ideology, or even as weve seen on campuses, a lot of that prohamas stufasf just look at the type of people our cultural gatekeepers do celebrate. However, if bunker hasd, sa, seven kids by seven different women, no one would bat an eye if he promoted using weed or bragged how his girlfriend was on onlyfans, thered be no controversersyy. Not too long ago, the Sports Entertainment world excited about the possibility that the nfl migh flasht have a flashy new owner. I love sports, but imuy more of a of a owner type of guy. So i was you know, i have aspirations to be come watch it you it will happen. I will become first nfl, firstu african american. You majority owner. Now other celebrities name people lined up to offer support because didd y was diddyol. He was the essence of coold of but shocking video obtained by cnn shows this the kind vid of guy he really is. In the Surveillance Video,. Combs can be seen grabbing ventura and throwing her to the groundenturaies on as ventus on the ground. Combs then kicks twice and attempts to drag her on the floor back the hotel room. Fu wellow, that is the kind guy the liberal elites love to elevate. Wellt know they didnt know he s doing that. But, you know, his whole ethos, this whole whol arriede way, he carried himself. More on that later. But todar youny our young people forced to wade through what i think is like a river of depravity, and its sold as freedom. Hrough a but really is. And this is morning, noon night. ,drug use, anti anti semitism. Evenri committincag crimnisme be normalized. Why shouldnt everyone have a gucci pursi purse. E . Why shouldnt we . Now, t deface the statue, rip it downtr. Now, this issue is far bigger than Harrison Barkeuralrr the cultural left is taking us to the precipice here. No i dont think they realize what theyre doing because we cannot a a successful, peaceful country if those who have all the power, essentially declare war on ten ms of millions of devout americans, telling thempublic that if they publicly affirm their faith, theyll be wildly widely denigrateds and lose their job. A rethat a recipe for disaster. A man who cherishes his wife,e f loves his kids and loves the lord is what we neede ar more of in the united states. And the good newsf yo . Ries t there are plenty of young people looking for contemporaries to look uok up to p to. Had t ive had the most Incredible Moy Tom who had the ability to y home and be with us as kids growing up. I mean, i understand that there are many women out there who cant make that decision, but fo, i it war me and my wifw it was really formative in shaping me and my sibling toi to be who we are. I really respect harrisonst and hih and Whs Christian and ws accomplished on and off the field. Good, gracie. C shes not alone. Now, with all the challengesar that young people are facing wow, only those with a very view of humanity and of the family would thinkthink a that Harrison Barker represents a threat to anyoned thats. And thats the angle. Now, the backlasbutkerh barker s worse. The official ex account for the cityed a of city posted a ty mivealing where he lives. It was quickly deleted, but thats not enough. Missouri attorney general andrew is demanding accountability and he joins me now. Mr, whs. Attorney, whats your message tonight . Well, laura, thanks for having me on. And im always goingght to to fo to protect missourians, right to Free Expression expreso of their religious beliefs. And im going to enforce the laws that are on the bookssh include the Missouri Human Rights Act that prevents this kind of religious discriminations discri , the form. Of retaliation by Progressive City officials. You know, its dripping with irony that the mayor of the citysaid tha of Kansas Cityi Out and said that the buck stops with him and he takes responsibilityjust. This and just today, a few hours ago sends me a letter saying that al is my fl of is ms for speaking out and proposing to enforce the law against anyone in his office who violated the Missouri Human Rights Act and discriminated against Harrison Barker in his expression of his christian belief im nog tos. Think were not going to tolerate it. Well, when you think mr. Attorney general gal, of t, thee that the cultural elites celebrate and what they celebrate, and this guy, by all accounts i dont know him, but by all is a wonderfulmy person. And he loves his family, loves, . But hes the problem. Atwhat does that say about the supposed cultural gatekeepers there . Yeah, thats exactly right. Look, this is a slouch towards get more in every sense of the term. Sourians andif missourians and s dont have the right to speak out about their religious beliefs, then the bill of rights ceases to mean anythingrget butke. Dont forget that Harrison Bucher is a man of the of the catholicaddres faith who was gig a Commencement Address to a group of catholic collegcollegee students at a catholic university, and he expressed his core Sincerelyincerelyd Hed religious beliefs and the city docs and they retaliated againsart him and are now trying to sweep it under the rug and avoid accountability. Dwhats worse, the mayor, in retaliation against me calling him out on it, is playing the race card and saying that im somehow invoking, invoking Racia Discordl by saying youre not allowed to discriminate against christians d for their christian beliefs. I mean, its absolutely an upside down world. Thhe, i think the mayorss using the race card here as the lazy tool of a weak mind. Not go deteand not going to dee one bit to stand up and fight for missourians. Free expression of th free e religious beliefs. Well, Imaginebe Ilif the shoe were on the other foot herefs. Er and a student or a, you know, a Graduation Speaker got up and about, you know,s on his transition or his views on gendenderr ideology. Doxxe and it was to the left. And then some people dox them even for 5 seconds. It would it would be aonalpology national outrage. I mean, they would be calling for the heads of these individuals and an a quick or a deletion wouldnt suffice. G of yeah, thats thats exactly right. I mean Harrison Booker at the Beginninh Talkede Leg of speech about how the left wants the to drive a Christian Faith,and h the Christian Faith from the public domain. H and thats exactly what happened exactly. 130 Commencement Address. He was he was pilloried i mean as prophetic what he said and Thank Goodness we have like him that are willing to stand up and express their sincerely held religious beliefs. Amendm and Thank Goodness we have the First Amendment and the Missouri Human Rights Acmissouru protect them. Well, and i think were see seeing more youninpeopleg people attorney general, across the country. Theyre hungerin fg something bigger than whatever is trending on tiktok. You sef the that with some ofppn the the campus revivals going on and a lot of this happeningt in more of the fcc states. But you just get the sense that young people are even with the social media dealer s, but theyre getting tired of it. Theres got to be something better. Im not saying the ginning here is thea lo beginning and end of of of whats great in the country and sayingtuff its its betr than a lot of other stuff thats out there. An iand i salute you for standig up for frewee speech. U, mr. A and we believe everyone has the right to free speech in this countr y. Thank you, mr. Attorney general. We appreciate it, guys. He alway s. Rig guys, stand back. Thanowk you. . Amber, im that right now. Right now, jai hes to jail. Okay. Okay. Hes going to jail hours now. That was the scene just hours before the second round of the Pg Pgahip Asa championship as Tr Number One ranked golfer, scottie scheffle schefflerr, ard while driving under the valhalla golf club. Vad to getnrelated around an unrelated but fatal crash that happened earlier f the morning. And an espn reporter was just a few Feet Awaeendy and witnessd the entire thing. A police officer, a yellowapa jacket like those ones youre seeing there approachch, shuffled his car, told him to stop. Scheffler continue d to drive his vehicle, at which point the officer attached himselfois to scheffler his car. The officer took his flashlightl and started to bang on shepparding s car, telling to open the window or open the door to get out of the. R scheffler lowered the window. The officer then ripped the door open, pulled Scheffler Out by arm, pushed him up against the vehicle, placed him in handcuffs. Had the Police Report says that one of the officers was dragged to the grounn,d had paig swelling, abrasions to his left wrist and knee. Scheffleedhr is charged with assaulting a police officer, criminal mischief, Reckless Driving and disregardingsregardiffic trc signals. Bring me now is michele tafoya, former nfl reporter. Michele, heres what Scheffler Himselflerf said about whe the situation. When when they got me out of the carn they, i you know, ie i said, it was very chaotic. And, you know, i said, im sorry. And g to to my tee time. And outside of that, it was then it just things, you know, escalated from there. I feel like my heads still spinning. I really explain what happened this morning. Thisng. Spend some time stretching in a jail cell. That was a first for me. Ofu know, i was a part of my warm up. Well, michele, thats kind of cute. Thats not going to fly if you end up assaulting a police h officer. And he was kind of making light of it there. But what is your king lig take on this . S well, my take on this is that it was a really scene. I. And lets not forget that someone died this morning. Jon millls who w ts, who was the to work for the pga and i think thats what what scheffler said in his Press Conference right out of the gatd a loe. He also did a lot to praisebe the police and thank the policen for what happened. Now, no ones above the law. Correct. As reallbut, you know, this wasy a really chaotic situation. You can see there that it dark ,it was rainy. There are lights all over the place. And ive beeance where then in where the road was sort of coned off to one side and i thought i went the right way and the next thing i knew i had police Officericers Pu scrs pulr and screaming at me through my window because i had gone the wrong way. It was terrifying. So but thats their job, right . Thats their job. But its very easy to see. This was chaotic. How it may not have been handled right byho police, how n was just a crazy, crazy scene. K and i would think that the charges against scheffler would be dropped. Dropped. Well, is known for g a violent tendencies, being rude to police officers. I mean, i thought he was known fosite. R of the opposite. Yes. Hes not eveguy n a little knn for a guy who would lose his temper. Hes widely admirewidelyd by the people within the pga people within the tour, by thes, fans, he says, and does all the right things. ,hes one of those guys, quoteai unquote, who just really does the right stuff. Ress c in fact, in the wakeon of this,e as i said, as he sat there at his Press Conference, by the way, he played pretty well today in spite of all of this at his press confed praisedalmih the police. He said they really did a good job of calming him down. Rown u he was really shaky. P this was a you get pulled ouanth of a thrown up against it and have your hands cuffed and thrown intnd Roundo A Polict car before the second round of this tournament thats Goingt To Startle anyone and everyone. And so for himt to not trye ma to point blame at anyone else, to mentiono john mills, the manr who died and this whole thing, this chaos, was surrounded. Hims and to praise the police, i think it speak s to hisse character. So i would expect that these charges reallycharges go anywh. Well, it is quite something o that you canot shoot the round he shot today after what crazy down there. Its nerves of steel. I want your take on this but Kerr Harrison But kerr controversy that kind of amazing given the fact that and i made a commentt to about this in the angle that just a few years back the league was like we g gots to get Sean Diddy Combs to be an owner and that was like a big groundswelg groul supportr him. Theres a lot of people whove been elevaten havd, the nfl lea that have had less than savory paths to say the ver y and now t Harrison Barker is a problem for saying men should Loveivessl Wives and homemakers are great and basically his catholic faith. Yeah. And lets not forget wheree was. He was invited to speak at this graduate in a small privatend catholic school. He kneinw his audience, he got a Standing Ovation at the end. Look, i covered Harrison Ford several years, and whenever i spoke to him on the field, he neverelle, yo said to me. Ten you know, michelle, you might want to think about giving up your job and going home and tendin , do youg to your two kids. Never once. You know why . Because we were both at work. Becausheed we respected what i h and that wasnt the time or place. Things t was say thesegraduati things to a catholic audience, like at a private graduationn ceremony. And yes, its all over youtube. Thats why he wasnt telling anyone what to do. He was speaking to whatand i believes now, and i would saye,c leaves and would say, michelle, even if it wasnt private, likeo the constitution doesnt kee, s, we have to keep our views private. I mean, you can speak wherever he wantss priv, frankly, his fah compels him to spread the gospel as as he feels like he needs to or wants to. But youre right. The Audience Wasra the as a cat audience. I mean, how controversial is that . Michelle to se its great to see you. Go ahead. Great to see you as well. All right. Thank you. All right. Sean diddy combs caught on camera, as i said, a few minutes beating up his former girlfriend. Laut that graphic video nex. The the American People will win from who . Absolutely. Remembering the heroes we cant afford to forget when Uncertain Times the recent landing of submarines sounds a little late. Brought out the best in us. We wanted to get, in fact, and go on with our lives. 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Erhouses fox seniorl National Correspondent kevin corke is here with allth1e the details. Kevin evening, laura. A march 2016 Surveillance Video obtained exclusively by cnn shows. Sean diddy combs. Grab, shove, drag and kick d, ventura, tfrien during an altercation that appears to match allegationmatch as in a now se. Federal lawsuit filed by ventura back in november. Sho a warning this video is disturbing. The footagw the appears to show the music Mogul Holding a towel around his waistns as runs downe the hall after his then girlfriend. He then appears to gra the b by the back of the neck and throw her on the floor, Still Holding the towe trs tl. N drag then he appears to turns r mo and kick her while shes down and then dragsre. The in are morl the incident occurring at the now closed Intercontinental Hotelhotel Inos in century city, los angeles, and appears to mirror a Civil Complainedt lodged by ventura in november, which stated in parinto thet he, followed heo the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her. He grabbedt at her and then tok glass bases in the hallwayt he and threw them at her, causing glass to crash around thems as she ran to the elevatoras to escape. Now, you may recal didl, was di, who in a statement on twitter or x rather, back in december te denied what he called Sickening Allegationlds while the video would appear to show he was lying. Meanwhile, in a statement, r cof venturas attorney said the Gut Wrenching video has only furtherir the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. Combs. S Cannot Exprecannot express the and fortitude that mr. Venturab has shown in coming forward. To bring this to light. Probe did it, for his part, remains under investigation. In a wide ranging that sourcesxr have suggested involves himsible drug an. D. No comment, at least so far tonight from the music mogul himselanf. Laura, and just within this hour, in fact, i want to share this. Laura alleged drug mule, a man by the name of brendan paul. Till bre, avoid jail time as he accepts a plea deal that according to people magazine,y paul had been charged with felony Cocaincocae Possesei just last month. Laura. Hm m. Mar eigln, thank you so much. All right. Joining me now, mark eiglarsh, criminal crimina attorney. Mark, how does this video, ifg a at all, impact his ongoing legal issues . Ederal i think that federal prosecutors are only being fueled further by seeing this abhorrent troubling, undefinable behavior. Nd and i think that it alsoto will tend to, to some extent, the potential jurors, becauseags now were looking in thehi federal case, when they ultimately bring chargech i him, which i expect to be coming pretty soon. T this otheyre not going to bee to put this out of their minds. Theyre going to get very rightwing Conservative Jurors when they see Something Like thisthis. T wa well, his girlfriend sued him. Thats suit was settled very quickly. And it would appear, too. Yes. And now we know why. Yeah. Yeah no. And now we know why. T so whats your theory about this video coming out now . It was given to cn on. They obtained it. Whats whats your theory money . Somebody somebody retained copy. Somebody made money. Somebody wanted this. And i dont know the specificsio of it. I do know that many people Aredt Calling for his prosecution, which because of the statute of limitations in california, precludes any prosecution. They only have a year for battery counts, three years for aggravated battery and aggravated assault. And that i ship sailed at about 2000, 19 three years afterrs afr the 2016 incident. Mark, its amazing that this actually wasnt uncovered or reported because, i mean, w its so brutal. Its hard to believers i that someone who reviews Security Footage or monitors it didnt see this at the time. That. Thats also very upsetting. Yeah. You would thin somek. S also theres Something Else i got to get to mark with you did he was being accused of blowingcuse of Bl Up Kid Kats Car in february 2012, during paris fashion week, mr. Combs told miss ventura that he was going to blow up kids could cut his car and that he wanted to Ensurmake Sure Hee that he we with his friends when it happened. Around the time kid cu at his ci exploded in his driveway. Mark, this is beyond disturbing. Is this a pattern . S well, okay, i am a Defense Lawyer and just because we knoww that he did this didnt mean he was with o. J. I, you know, in california slicing necks. You know, lets not throw himhi. In guilty of everything. Right. Because there are people who do cash graar b and people who do say things that are not actually true. Owever, youhowever, when you so like this, it is really problematic. It is hard to believe that hes a man of his word because he told us this is a cash grab. And we went, okay. So did he did he do it . P diddy probably muchably did h. Look at the video. T, mark, thank you so much tonight. All right. Up next, we exposercing the Gender Ideology Hat Schools are forcingyo learn children to learn at a very young age. Stay there. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy for an Immediatad Planne payment. Call Coventry Direct to learn more. We thought weded a we had plan carefully for our retirement, but we quickly realized we needed pay th a way to supplemt our income. Our friends sold their policy to help pay their medicath our rl and that e thinking. Maybe selling our policy coulct. Theyd help with our ret. I was skeptical, so i didat b some research and called Coventry Direct. They explained Life Insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. 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Anytime, anywhere. Fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. Ere in s all right. Were in school. Ared a boon don a book and the youre asked to discuss the deeper meaning behind it. You might have done it with books like To Kill A Mockingbird or tom sawyer and the youngeger kids do it with books like the giving tree. Well, now one school in californis a doing this age old practice with a book about a transgender child. Onone father telling the daily mail that his 11yearold son had to read it, discuss it, and then bring it to his buddyoh class of kindergartners and reademso what it to them. So whats the book . My shadoits abow pink. Its about a young boy who likes princesses, fairies and things. Not for boys. He also wants to wear r dressess now were going to spoil the ending for you. The boywith ts father on a dres with the boy and says its okay to go to school like that. This the carlsbad, california, mailnt who first alerted this Book To Being Red tells the daily that the schools buti principal finally called the familyt , but it was to tell thm that teachers were Feelinga Vide Absafe after the father made a video about this lesson. So we reached out to the school explanation. K an they deny that students were told to ready the book and say that it was the teacher who read allowed it aloud to th. This book was selected for this classroom because of its tha message of encouraging students to be proud of who they are and that its okay to embrace individuality. There were no conversations about gender surrounding this book. Okaok. Y. Now lets go to maryland,. Where an Appeals Court is stripping away parental rightsarte. Choo it all started two years ago in Montgomery County when the public schoo l district unveiled its inclusive curricula and. It includes books like the pride puppy, uncle bobbys wedding and born ready the True 30ory Of A Boy Nameda , penelop. Well, nearly 300 parents filed0i out wsuit. The ability to opt out of theiri kids out of this for prekthis to fifth grade lessons. But this week, the Fourth Circuit court of appeals. Appeh, u. S. Appellate court ruled against those parents. Th what does this mean . Their Young Children nowt su be forced to learnbj about subjects like sexuality and Gender Fluidity . Joining me now is one of thoseld parents involved in this lawsuit, rosalind hansen, along with eric baxter, senior counsel and Vice President at the becket fund for religious liberty roslyn. The court says that the kids have to learn this, whether youre thee pare parents objectr not. Wow. Udent an well, i was right. A my son is an mcpfi student, i and im a Firm Believer in our catholic faith. I want to bring him up in that. E. This is in direct violation of my religious beliefs. So were really thankfull un for becket fund for standing beside us in this fight. Apllfight. , eric, fourth circuid to be a fairly Reasonable Appellate Court t in the days when i was practicing law. But i want to get your reaction to this line from the opinioe in the judge wrote in part that we cannot conclude that a Policy Requirin Og The Presence of an individual in the classroom when these materials mayy rea be read ipso facto creates an impermissibly coercive and vehement kind of a mouthful. But to that, you say what . S thea yeah. The court said that theres no right to protect your children unless theyre actually coerced to change their beliefs. I mean, that cant be thefift standard were talking about four year olds and five year olds upade. Through fifth grade, these students are highly impressionable. Thr teachethey their teachers, s that theyre being taught, they stick in their mind sy parents should know when their kids are going to be taught about sexuality ve and Gender Identity and have the right to say, hey, this is too much for my prekindergarteergartnen or my second grader. Let them go to the library. During this hour. Hour roslyn, you know, i know a lot of parents in thegomery Montgomery County area and so many of themo many have thel government schools, as i likethe to call them, because of these issues. And theyve chosen to go to Parochial Schools or other private schoolivats where rel their views and their values, Religiouot Ares or not, are not constantly under assault. So why dno you stick it outtaxe. In the Public School . Because i guess you pay all those taxe s. That aside, at the end of the day, every parentot has the rigt to direct the upbringing of their children and the opt ouly hadast we originally had av was taken away from us waser the opportunity for every child to be seen and included. Weright. E to we have a very Diverse Community in gomery county. P i think four of the top 15 cities in the country by areo in Montgomery County. So the real answer havin to a De Curriculum and have everybody being includede op is to ensure that the opt out was reinstated. And thats all that were askingg for. just t for. Well, just to give you a sense of where the Priorities Recer Montgomery County, effec recent budget cut proposals prat are set go into effect this summer include a reduction to a Program Students with autism. So reducin whatg what youre spending on the kids with autism. But eric, you have as to start asking, are these schoolst kids actually in the business of teaching what kids need to kno n aw at an early age . The reading fundamentals, beginning arithmetichmetic o . Or is there Something Elset thats much more important to the Powers That Be and i know the becket fund has been involved in a lot of these lawsuits, but this is wild given. R were Reading Comprehension and math skills are for students across this countrystiu yeah, our hundreds of parents who have brought this lawsuit, they literally Jussttht Wantstop the court to focus or their schools to focus on basic educatio know,n and stop doing h you know, doing things that infringts dire on the righs of parents to direct the religious upbringing of their children to schools around the countryountry a, allw parental opt outs. This is a longstanding tradition in our countrya , i and were just asking to have that right here. Inyreatht is actually alread in maryland law. The school board has a great policy that says you can opt poan optt if this will violate your religious beliefs. Theyre just not letting our Parentthey Areettings that l and so that kind of discrimination really speakse ill of the school board. Well, its targeted. And are you taking thid. U takins to the the big court . Absolutely. We think a iss is a crucial issr parents across the country. And we hope that the court take the case and rule that parents have the final saygoin about whn their kids are going to be taught sexuality and Gender Identity. Montgomery county, maryland, is just so leftwing. Im sorry, i know you live there, but i t has come. It mean Fairfax County is not much better, but it is a nightmare. Montgomerythey kepe sc county, t the schools closed for way too long and this doesnt surprise me one bit. Roslyn, youre a champ for thi bringing this case. Eric, thank you for what youre doing it. Becket fund, a Congressionall Hn looks like an episode of marygg and bideton struggles to win back black voters. But will the pitchk . Actually . Friday follows with Raymond Arroyo as next. 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We wanted to give in, kick butt and go on with our lives. The secret history of World War Two and the final journey of the greatest generation. New season streaming now on fox nation. Fox nation would like to thank active military and veterans this memorial day. Sign up and get your first year free. It is friday and that meansfolle its time for friday. Folliess. And for. And for that, we turn to Fox News Contributor Raymond Arroyo. All righpresentatives, it ray, e of representatives. I mean, that turned into Somethin Intg at a roadhouse lat night. What any wordhappeneds . He what happened, laura . It was a hearing to determine the To Charge Ag Merrickailing garland with contempt for failing to turn over audio of joe bidens interview got with the special counsel, robert hur. Well, it got real fast. E here do you do you knowar what were here for . You know were here. I wantre, you know what youre here for. Well, you dont want to talking about. I think youre fakse eyelashes are messing up. Aint nothing out of this hah order, mr. Chairman. Ord even your. Nd your brigade. You do have a pointword of order, and i would like to move to. To take downs. Ms. S ab greenes words. That is absolutely unacceptable. How dare you suspend the user of another person . Are your feelings her words down . Ohy girl. , girl baby girl. Bab oh, really . Dont even play, baby girl. I dont. We are going to move and were going to take your words down. Iny done me . T you debate me, minority self at record. Youre not. Youre not. Nd you dont have enough intelligence just to better understandif your ruling. G if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody. Please. Blond bad built butch bodybe that not be engaging in personalities. Correct. [l . Now now calm down. Calm down. No, no, no. Becaus ie is what do you pleasek tell me to calm down becausewe e to calm down. And there you are, out of control. As if i to carryou are it back. If i dont have a lawyer. Ives this is lik of e the reall Hl Housewives of capitol hill. B and its like its a symbol of the cultural decay weve been seeing for years. People have a disagreement and then they suddenly go to fist city. Theyre in mcdonalds. Th at a at an event, and theyre ripping each others hair out. Theyre beatin Beah Otheg Otherh i mean, you saw diddy earlier. I dont have to go furthererres, but the congress should not be engaging in this loasedw debe behavior. It sends the wrong message. And wero oure paying to do our business, not to engage in your own little personal squabble s. Reminds me, raymond, of all the times weve heard that if only women, ra in charge, thingn would be respectful and calme it and would get to all the problems, theyd be solved. I meausn, maybe its just about common sense and being able to agree, disagree without kind of. An i mean, it, it is like jerry springer. Its like an insult to jerry springer. Right. Ou going on there. Exactly. Well, you know, its like the bunker thingcussedw. You dih earlier in the show. Again, people mischaracterizenet each other throw aroundw slander. Next thing you know, theyre hurlinthey g all kinds of pejoratives and peoples hair is coming out. This is Noffand Peopt way to prt in america. While they were still cleaning blood, laura off the hearing room desk, joe biden was oute bi trying to win overt jo black voters. A recent Wall Street Journal pollurnal showed one third of r men are considering voting forur trump. 42 of black women say their vote is up for grabs. Bidens answer more marijuana. Ld b no one should be in jail merely for using or possessing marijuan pa, period. Upend far too many lives have beenedai upended becauslee of failed approach to marijuana. Naacp and then today, biden spoke to the acp. At least i think that was what he was doing. S my names joe biden and im a lifetime member of the acp, because, as the president said, black students, particularly youn g black men, react to black teachers rage for 1,000,000 thp billion over the next ten years. Trump the supremo e court tried, mo to stop me to provide student debt relief. Most you ever investments,eryt health speeches, you did everything frohingo builm billst housing, the dc, lgbtq. You. What did he say . Oh, lgbtq university. What is he sayine heg . I don im not sure he knows what hes saying, but whatever it is, wi i think its going to win over black voters. And look, hes also he postedeo diss video from Kendrick Lamar. The music of Kendrick Lamar wildly disses trump. He thinks thats going to withae america. I rather doubt it when you look at the polling. The economy is the the one issue and 76 of black voters in a New York Times poll say an numbermy is their one issue and they think its fair to poor. All right. Goinork. G in. Finally, you have raised rules for travel for us. R oh, do i have a rule for travel . Laura passengers should putn th their bags and not themselves. The overhead compartments. I kid you not. This womansouthwes On Southwestt crawled into the overhead and was recorded up there as announcements were being made. Ape was taking app nap, apparen. I dont know where the video is. Oh, there it is. Thank goodness. She wamessage s taking a nap. Message you are not freeou to roam about the overhead. Stay in the aisle. Thank you very. arent this is absurd. Shes literally like , are you always shocked that the overheads can take all thathestf of these bags . Im always thinking the overheads are just going to rip right off of the walls. I its amazing. And how does it. I donmean, t mean. I know you had some difficulty traveling this weeond, butk, ra but you always look at thimas. D maybe i shouldnt be grousing about people in the overhead. At least the Doo Eing Flir on my boeingi will t flight. So that was a plus. Thank you. Delta. N ge ill take it. I still dont get how you even get up to the overhead. Ond by most people cant even put their bags up. Raymond, by the way, we just t learned we just learned that a e couple of the Kansas City Chiefs players were arrested for misdemeano Forr Marijuanaso possession. So thatthats another i guess thats what we want to hold upwe with as something to look, look, look up to. All right, raymond, we appreciatete it. Ank you,u as it. Thank you. , he great to see you as always. All right. The man who could help turn hep turn pennsylvania red i r. S three letters that strike fear into everyone and for good reason. The irs is the most powerful Collection Agency on earth. And being a debt to the irs have serious consequences. Oftentimes, it begins with the irs sending you a Collection Letter but then escalates and before you know it, youre having your paychecks garnished. Your bank account seized, even home or business could be at risk. 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Its time for retaking. And well start in pennsylvania. This years election isnt justo about securing the white house, e. Also the senat so while the latest poll has lat trump leading biden in the keystone statepoll, the sam, poll shows incumbent democrat bob case showsy, leading republican challenger Dave Mccormic k by five points. So, again, mccormick joins me now. Dave we are, to see you tonight. Are youar getting one or you need from mcconnell, from the rnc . Given given how tough a State Pennsylvania has beehoh n for republicans . Yeah, well, i think i think the campaigns going really well. And whats happening herl. Eenin is that all eyes are on pennsylvania and im runningsoms and country is in trouble economically, spiritually, in terms of national securits i im running against a career politician. Senator, do nothing. Been t hes been in the senate forhe 18 years. Hes voted8 year 98 of the timn with joe biden and hes responsible along with joe biden, for that inflation thats out of control. The wide t inf open border, ther on oil and gas. Peand thats why 80 of pennsylvanians think the country is going in the right direction. So the polls are closingnn thint untrys. S grea theres great momentum on the ground. And i think people are seein on tg in Me A Seventh Generation Pennsylvania and a guy who went to West Point Servedg N In Combe created jobs in pennsylvania and someone whos an outside r and is going to bring about change. So really, its a race, i think, at th. E president ial, but also in the senate, between the status quote and change. La and youre going to hearo that casey name is huge. Throthe casey name is hugehave t in pennsylvania. You got to you got to cut through the casey name. You got you got to dismiss the case. You name at this point, hes not his fathers son. T comefan its to political c solutions. And so i think that has to be just dealt with almost head on. But a videe dealo where senatory dave, admits that it be, quote, impossible to bring inflation ote,down. E said thats not what he said back in 2020 to watch this. So 2022, after we pass the Inflation Reduction Act, whichl redu will reduce inflation, itll fight inflatio n in the ways that have at our have already been spoken about this strong bill for the American Economy and for american familie ors. , dave, did did he know the so called Inflation Reduction Act wouldnt Do Anythingthe so, whih is what what what an incredibler misnomer. This inflation which is killingh pennsylvanians. 60 of pennsylvanians live paycheck to paycheck priceich s are up 20 . Wages are up, wage only 14 is s direct result of the excessive spending. D 6 trillion by joe biden. Exces bob casey voted for everivy Spending Bill and the war on oil and gas. And casey waved his hands inf and said, were going to fix inflation. And here he acknowledges s no in meeting where he doesnt know hes being taped, that he heg ta plan for reducing prices. I have a plan. We as republicans have a plan which is reduce Spendingwe Aunlk and unlock oil and gas. Casey and bide on have no answe. And along the way, they made y theya for evs chin and solar panels. And so well look back on thison Energy Policy as one of the worst strategic miscalculations of the biden administratiohen. I dont know whats in the bt water in pennsylvania, but you should be up by five. Okay. Give youn how bad things are in pennsylvania right now under biden and casey. But caseyde was pressed on bidens plan to let gazanes refugees into the united i states on top of the millionthee of illegals whove already been let in. Watch this. Do you think biden should sendae refugees to pennsylvania . So in case youre not goingdo to comment on that, do you think that you think that we should resettle gazans in pennsylvania . Senator casey. Is what he does. He just refuses to answer direct Questionsust Refu about americans actually care about. Is that what he justth. U don is that is that how Pennsylvania Works . You dont have to answer any questiont o answers. You will not see an example e of bob casey, his head upything and showing leadership on anything. My moms from punxsutawney. I like to call him punxsutawney bob. He is not a leader and a time c when the country is in crisis and pennsylvanias in crisis, we need leadershipous crisis, t shown it. Hes a follower and hes a fan of 98 the time with joe biden. I mean, dave, this is this is a no brainer. I know thats an overused phrase, but in this casei thin,n whats happened, this is a no brainer for pennsylvania. Davea. Tha cant wait to have it backnk. Thanks so much. Good luck out there. Dave mccormick, paycom d. Wil thank you. All right. What a wild week its been and what a wild week w itll be. Next week. Well be covering the trump we win related,thing of course, to the 2024 pre president ial election debatesids on. Yeah, theyre on. And theyre going to be incredibly fun and were going to be there to cover it all the way. Remember, it is america now and forever make sure to follow me on social media, on all the usual channels and. And Jesse Watters takes it all from here. Hello, everyon

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