Primetime tonight. Donald trump lost. Two debate s to me in 2020, but now hes acting like he wants to debate me again. Ill makhee my day, pal. I hear your free on wednesdays trump biden. The debate is on any time, anywhere, at any place. Have you ever seen this much . Caine in your life thats got to be worth, what, ten, 15,000 . I blew it. In cocaine foune found in the capi. Oh, oh, oh, its a deepa de burn. Oh, i could barely lifep burn ti my right arm because i did so many. Welcome to wellness wednesdays. Plus, theres a ring. Holy. Is that real, ladies and gentlemen, we have a debate. Suddenly out of the blue, suddn says hes ready to take on trump. Donald trump lovesince two debates to me in 2020. Said he hadnt shown up forn he debate. Not w hes acting like he wantsto to debate me again. Del. E. My day, pa ill even do it twice. He first, pick the dates. Donald, i hear, do you free on wednesdays. I hear youre free on wednesdays. Why now . The day the democrats arent tying him down in court. At i that is some dars k brandonhesia trump didnt hesitate saying, just tell me when ill be therta. But biden has a list of demands longer than a spending bill. Youre readys f demand. He says hell only do debates w moderated by cnn and abcil, abc or telemundo. And rfk jr isnt allowed on stage, cant even be near the stage. And biden says no audienc evt and trump isnt allowed to interrupt them. The candidates microphones f wh will be turned off while the other candidates cag. Dkinhe and im only doing two debates, he says. Oi desone this summer and one in september. Within 2 hours, trump Andours Biden both shook on it. Trump saying, it is my great honor to accept the cnn debate against crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of thete united states, and a true threat to democracy. On june 27th. Likewise, i accept the abc Newsi Debatese against crooked joe on september 10th. Ptember s was smartn but for biden, but strategically it shows weakness. Stbiden needed this to changee the trajectory of the race trajdse he is getting clobbere. Behind the scenes, the Biden Campaign realized, im tolder weeks ago, several weeks ago, they knew they hadal to debate a sitting president in a strong position stron, might try and hd off on this, but that is not where joe biden is. N they realize that burying the first president ial debate in late june gives biden four weeks to prep, and if he bombs, there wont be as many r eyeballs. Itn only on cnn on a summer onthursday. But if biden has a good night, momel reset the racea go and gie him momentum. Punters gun trial be wrapping hunt june, too. He and the best way to knock your sons Felony Gun Conviction Outto Y of the newsoo cycle. A one on one with the big guy. Gutfeld made a surprisingly good point today, Sayinga Surpeu Biden locked in the june debate before the convention. So the kingmakerbefores cant sp him out with another nominee, michelle. Plus, bidens not goingy to be any younger in the fall, june the fal could be as fresh n will ever get. I wonder whether or not not he shows up because, you know, he also challengede me to golf. So im a very good golfer. He cant hit a ball. D go50 yards, he said. Ill give him three years, plt he knows hellm never play. This is sort of like that,f like i think. But i hope not, becauseo i really think he has to debate. He might as well get it over with. Probably should dou migh get i o that he can, you know, because hes not going to get any better. Sources tell Fox Thate De Biden wanted the debate more than his advisers did for biden. Thisvisors d is personal. He, quote, literally hates and trump. He resents and digs that trump has taken in. Hunter and dr. Jill is especially resentful over it. But biden doesnt even want i hunter and jill in the room during the debate. No audiencee room dur, just o alone in a tv studio. Doesne that mean at 9 p. M. The theyre both already standing behind podiums and we donyt get to see both men walk out,d shake hands and wave . Doesou shake biden want to avoid walking or is he worried about a Palestinia N Protester in the audience . Is an audience a deal breaker fo r you . Listen, its donald trump who said he would do this any time,e anywhere, at any place. So i dont think that they should have Anrey Problemslems W with what we have proposed. He didnt say any wayit w. Biden knows trump plays better to the audience anyway. Lastn th debate, biden just stad at the camera, didnt even look at trump or the crowd. Without an audience and with a dead mic while the other candidates talking, you remove those Spontaneous Exchangecandi the moments that punctuate the night. That puts trump at a disadvantagethe moments th, ws quick on his feet. But it could also put biden at a a disadvantage because two and a half minutes of Biden Uninterruptedvantage ad, he coug himself if its gotcha. Finish what you were saying. But what was that again . But theyll be shut up with whatever they gave him for the State Of The Union. So don Hey Gave Fort Set Expectations too low. The moderators for the cnnn debate, jake tapper and danaan bash. Here they are. The Dehumanizing Rhetoric of adolf hitler is once again alive and well on a National Political stage. This time, of course, in the united states, this time given life by former president and curren bt republican president il frontrunner donald trump. Lets recognize this comment for what it is a longstanding antisemitic trope that the true allegiance for jews is to their religion rather than icou. Their country. It was used in germanyit w to justify the arrestsas, persecutions and mass killings, attempted extermination of theld jewish people. And trump has been pushing this trope for h years. Trum both moderators say trumpsp hitler. So the debate will be fair the and balanced. Is tapper going to cutth the cameras away from trump to h fact check him . Well have to see. The abc moderators will bec e david muir and Linseray Davis who will be taking orders fromtg abc news chief Political Correspondent george stephanopoulos. The cia, the dea, defense department, military. And, you know, some people like to call those people the deep state. Deep state. Wellg thing i learnedha doing this book is that the deep state is packed with patriotate is ps. Thos those Bedrock Tenets of our democracy are being tested in a way we havente f ou seen since the civil war. Its a test for the candidates, focivil r those of us in the mef and for all of us as citizens. S asstephanopoulos praised the p state and said trumps a threat to democracy t. Im sure theyll be callinging and strikes, joe biden said toas debates on networks that Push Hoaxesnetwor with Liberal Moders make cuts in no audience. And donald trump agreed. Chief political analyst brit hume joins us now. Brit, how do you think thesed list of demands and their quick acceptanceac went over . Well, trump was in a position having challenged biden to debate and sit any time, anywhere wheredebate a acp he practically had to accept these challenges. Now, whether he wants to quibble Nowallenges O over the terms of the debate and the moderators and thethe rest of e remains to be seen. But i think hes pretty much locked in. S hes locked in. S so we have one june 27th, what on cnn. What do you think the strategy d was for biden to lock in a midsummer debate on a Cable News Channel that i dont know if anybodys going to see. They dont open it up like they would if it was lik a netw. Well, if cnn does not open it up, as abc has promised to two other to carry, theyll have a big audience that night. Thats the history with cnn. They get Something Big and get o they get good ratings for a night or two. And then it goess r back to whr it was. So i think on that night, theyll do fin e. I as for whether it should be open to other networks, theyll be a lot of pressure on cnn to do that. And with abc having already done cnnthat a it, they may endp deciding that they really have to do it. Sy reallyo what do you think the Biden Campaign strategy was all of a suddeegy was . N agree to debates, lock in a june j one and do one more in september . Well, my sense about this, jesse, is if he were a normal incumbent, particularly bideahead in the race, he would do this. Biden would not do this. He me he might doo one debate or he might not do any. Listen to this willingness to debate trump, to me, is a as a perfect sign of his obvious weakness. Its a gamble to send this senile man out. Who look that, what, 17 seconds or whatever wass of 14 seconds of the little videotape that he put out today in whiche pu he made the challee to trump. They had to have five headed senator,edits whatever. Thats not a sign of a guya confident or not a manr confident he can get throughexte the an Extemporaneous Debateny r with any certainty. So its a gamble. So iamble. K The Realizationre with with biden himself and with his adviseralizats is l needs to take a gamble. He needs to do somethinge, to changede that trajectory of this race. Because if you look at the current polling, it really hasnt budgeifurrentpolling,d i. You know, trump has been ahead and, you know, now and tot some extent, biden has lost ground, particularly among his some of his Core Constituenarly amot races. They so he had to do something. So they decided to do this. Okay ds. , youre right. T. And this something is not going to have an audienc nge and youre not going to have any crosstalk. The mics are down when the other person is speaking. What impact will that have . Well, its hard to say. On paper, youd say, well,wh you know, trump is the one who tries to buffalo all moderators in buffal bo, his opponent and interrupt and do all that. And hell be deprived of the ability to dhad o that. Las but when he did that last time in 2020, it didnt make hi m look very good. U so he probably might not be up for doing much of that anywagy. T what trump will need to do, of course, is be fully prepare e because biden is likely to come out and say that, you know, when he came inty o office, inflation was 9 , which he has said repeatedly in recent days, which is completely false. And not even the white house is defending that. Blu but he could blurt almost anything out in a debaterthing. B trump will need to be sharp and ready to to pick on the things that that are presented to him by biden. If he starts to flailumbl and fumble, which theres a high probability, not a likelihoodtheregh, but a high probability, he will. All right. And the moderatorse will, i know republicans always complain about the biased moderators. Is it even worth complaining at this point or is it ct you know, as they say, the fix is in . Ny o, i think that itsbly probably not worth complaining and whining about the media coverage. Ining and whinyou know, therest a constituency for that, but its not going to be anybodbodyy that isnt sittingir on the fence. In other words, if youre trying if youre trumordp and youre trying to win over people who might even vote for biden but are thinkingot about voting for you, i dont think bellyaching about the moderators i think or anything u that is going to move the needle in your favor with people like that. Peopthatsth what we need to get. No bellyaching, No Buffalongo swing. Oo we should have a good summer debate. Thanks so much, brit humdebate, you bet. Isor jersey Senior Adviser to President Trump jason miller is here nor isw. Do you think the former president gave up any leverage by agreeing to these debate demands so early . No, not at all. He had said any time, anywhere, any plac had saie hes ready to. And especially when you look back at that last debate that president b trump had with joe biden, the more joe biden is talking on the stage, a blatang on t past his bedtime, his knees wobbly, not knowing what to say, he runs wobbs into trouble. Memory made the comment about hunter saying my son did nothing wron n dig. Also m he took no money from china. I also made the comment about transitioning away froada oil. The more joe biden is talking after 9 p. M. , the bettermooe b t its going to be for President Trump. You like the mic cutting . Jesse yocuttini think its y either way. President trump is ready for an y situation that comes adaml be so i think hes going to be good. What i te here, notabl g though, is and im going to take a little bit of different tack than what brif t said. S i dont think theres so much of a strategy from joe bidens side. I thin rategy fk his campaign, to be clear, does not want him to debate. Theyre terrifiet hid of this. D but he went on howard stern and he said he was going to debate and you can imaginebel just the alarm bells going off in wilmington, delaware, at campaign headquarters, sayings gof delawar, oh, my goo you do now . Joe said hes going to go and debate. So they came u l batep with ao pu strategy, try to put it out on the same day as this Inflation Numbers. The sambut now, again, theyrei have joe biden on the stage. Thats not good. J is not good fordee stage, m at all. So this was a ruse by joe biden. So thihe boxed himself in on hod stern and then hes using thisc, announcement as a distraction, youre saying, from inflatioyou did you see this coming . Not specifically on today. I knew theyd come upwith with something to try to distract people from the Inflation Numbers. G to trybut now theyre going tk back to having to talk about the Inflation Numbers and interesto Lk Ratesin Isr and immigration in israel all on the debate stage. So hes not gettin ig away from it. But the one thing id say also, when you look at the fact ineres No Audiencsawhen you teu said in the opening, clearly he doesnt want to have any of the gaza protestersng, Cl Doe The Campus Crazies who are there. But i think the biggest knocrscb on the day probably goes to steven spielberg, his new campaign adviserly. Goes he goes from directing these Big Blockbuster Movies Twout Fake Dinosaursfr his big w Directing Twitter videos about political dinosaurs. Sit politic o youre okay, the trump, campaign with the cnn debate . Th. Lutely and youre okay with it in the summer . Yes. You dont want debates . Yes in ther fall. Youre only okay with one debate in the fall, in septembere only with te. E so wine want the debate in june. We want the debate in septemberi. And President Trump also said today he wants to bdtsefo on october 2nd on fox newsh bret with bret and martha. We shouldntt just be stoppingit at two debates. Keep in mind, President Trump said we should tdebates. Pre hat lets have lets have one in july, august. We can have them all the way. Up until just about the election. But joon. E biden wants to tryte to get away with two debates because he knows whats going to happen. Becahat iss, the moregets trouble joe biden gets into. So youve agreed to two. You want two more . Want more . You want more. Me read y . And youre ready. U ar youre ready for joe biden. Whether its going to ber jot th the Joe Biden We Saw at the State Of The Union or the joeets biden that sometimes we see getting lost after a speech. S jesse, they dont even wanl him to walk out to the helicopter by himself. Noo thw hes going to have to b out there by himself on the debate stage. Ill take President Trump any day. Te takt all right. E well see how it shakes out. O jason miller, thank you so much. Thank you. Shoucocaine in the capital. Swimsuit models and ben carson aheadah after advil. Lets dive in. What about your pants for likepg what about your pants for likepg before advil, advil, dual action bites, pain. Two ways. Advil targets pain at the. Acetaminophen blocks, pain. So advil, dual action. So advil, dual action. Try killing bugs. The Worry Freeway not the other zero traps used light to attract and trap flying to attract and trap flying insect to. Mess. They work continuously so they work continuously so you dont have to zero people friendly but deadlye. 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