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Former but could he find himself on in effect on their faces tough questions. Welcome everyone, im sade smith in for neil cavuto and this is your world. The drama is mounting when donald trump speaks once court adjourned in about half an our will take you there were live. First nate foy outside the courthouse for the crossexamination still happening right now. What do we know . Attorney todd blanche in asking Michael Cohen about his criminal history and he is also establishing the animosity that courthouse towards the former president with a big take a way so far being in admitting that he wants to see trump convicted in this case and coin is also acknowledged to criticizing trump in this podcast as well as in books. You literally loaded to make a living at this point. During his direct exami examination, sandra, prosecutors got the jury ready for his good ability concerns, or an admitted line before the congress in 2017 and again lying to special Council Prosecutors during the molar investigation. On said his loyalty to trump change when he pleaded guilty to federal Campaign Finance violations and tax evasion in 2018. Blanched go and if he is obsessed with trump and here is what his response. On said i dont know if i would call it obsessed. I admired him permanently precooked generic so cohan in the final witness for prosecutors, his direct examination lasted a day and so we will see how long the crossexamination will last and then prosecutors will have another opportunity to ask anymore questions. Again we are expect former president former President Trump to speak when he leave the courtroom at about 4 30 before he attends a fundraiser later tonight. Martha sandra nate foy where when court adjourns, thank you. As we await the former president to speak what do our next guest make of cohens answer so far as he undergoes this crossexamination . Was as former the patent is that the from the preand criminal defense attorney Mercedes Cohen. Tom, your take on what you have heard so far . It went according to i knew that the trump at defense team would come out hard going up or going from premature every angle. They are going after him aggressively on his motive for testifying on his bias, on his hatred of donald trump, his desire to see the former president put behind bars. The difference is not really kind networking theyre going after him very aggressively because i think everyone understands how critically important Michael Cohen is with the prosecutions case and the defense wants to make it abundantly clear to this jury that this is a man who simply cannot be tested. Sandra does seem like initially there was a lot of time spent attempting to point out that cohan has been very specific with the details of his conversations with former president of his former boss donald trump but seems pretty vague on details with the da. Yeah, you know, my take on that is that i think the defense has a very good job of teasing out collect Cohen Dunnellon are questioning pointing out that he had this very precise with the da problem which happened much more recently, he drew a blank. Well i dont remember this, i dont remember that. Is so adhering defense made the point very effectively to the jury that mr cohan might have a bit of a selective memory in this case. Sandra we know there is only one more day of this trial this week on the trail tomorrow. There is no trial on friday. In in fact one of the jurors because the theyre going to wrap things up 4 00 on thursday, we are told. Youre talking about nine, ten hours of Michael Cohen understand so far if the rep here in the next few minutes. Tom, where you think they go next . Weve been told now, this is a lot with this from the prosecution. Look, is all surprising that this is it for the prosecution. I kept thinking there has to be more here at some point we are going to start to see the Smoking Gun Evidence but we dont have it. It was Michael Cohen final witness and look, the fact that the day off is tomorrow on wednesday i think it will play in favor of the Trump Defense team. They can spend all day tomorrow reviewing what cohan testified today developing you crossexamination, attack that they can then deploy thursday. Trusting the way this trial is schedule is playing out is actually cutting in favor of the defense people to their interesting. We have mercedes back with us. I will bring you know this because before heading into Court Earlier today,. Com said this about what he is being accused of that court room. At two is a Legal Expense i didnt do it, a bookkeeper that and she did exactly right, took a Legal Expense and call it an ilLegal Expense. This is the whole case. Are you allowed to call illegal express in Legal Expense humankind know what else you call it actually. Sandra is that his case center and what is a Legal Expense. Your thoughts . Is interesting. The defense will definitely make a lot of father of those particular terms. They will say that payment was made the Michael Cohen. Therefore it could considerably be categorized as a Legal Expense. So there will definitely be a plan the issue will be is that, of course, the prosecutors are going to pounce on that and say no, when scientists talking about the words themselves, we are talking about the underlying intent, what was the intent of those payments made, by were those payments made, where they made because you were concerned about millennia over them and because they were concerned about because of your campaign . Were going to show and weve shown through all of these are these testimony and evidence that the concern was about the campaign. But it definitely is good fodder for the defense to make that connection during clause rods. Sandra as just mentioned, no court tomorrow, no court friday they will resume thursday. Tom, i wonder who the players in favor of . Yeah, i think right now i would give the advantage to the defense. Really the ball is in an offensive court right now in terms of how they want to go about blowing up the prosecution star witness or the additional time works to their benefit. Will also give the defense, to figure out what if anything they want to put on other side of the case. Remember what the prosecution rests at that point is an offensive term to put on their case. My best bet here in the defense is going to go with a very very streamlined presentation. Will not be something that takes my guess is that eventual put all its case in one day or less countable cant call one, maybe two for this escandon will not call former President Trump subject eventual resident will get the Closing Arguments and then the whole case is in the hands of the jury. Martha whats the crime . I mean, certainly cant or will be a lot of deliberating. They will not come back that quickly because there was a lot of testimony that came in, a lot of individual jewels, theres a lot of moving parts, a lot of testimony documents, records and underlying all of this we havent even seen the Jury Instructions. Is based on what the judge is going to actually allow the jurors to hear in terms of what the crime is calendar for ten of the crime, its not like theyre going to be able to pull a book out of the library on schmick its a murder, as a robber, is all that. These are completed statutes that have really never been tried in this way. So its going to be interesting to see what those Jury Instructions are like. It will certainly be quite the feat for the judge to make rulings on those Jury Instructions b. A lot of argument as to what should be allowed, what shouldnt be allowed. Goby along, a not possible at the end of the day out in to the liberation be longer than at least a day or two. Sandra real quick, final thought on this, im being flagged on our sidebar from the first thing this morning from our producer in the court room that confirmed cohan and the last prosecution witness and trump attorney say that they may only have one Expert Witness or newer bottle with the sun at all depending on how cohan goes. Real quick, final thought. I think there is a very smart move. When youre a defendant of a criminal case its not like is not your bird prove your innocence. You can get up there and say the particular carry their partners prove candidate improve guilt, we dont need to put anything more, take the case, jerry and i think that is where the trump team is going to do. Martha sandra tomcat mercedes, thank you for joining us. Sandra look at this, a record day on wall street, the nasdaq, The Tech Heavy Nasdaq Closing at a new alltime high. At all the major averages did rally on this tuesday. Big day tomorrow as we get a fresh read on Consumer Inflation in april so we will be watching for that. 16,500 for the nasdaq. We are watching and waiting to hear from donald trump himself as crossexamination of Michael Cohen is still underway at this hour. What trump can say under that gag order, his team of surrogates can. What the Jonathan Turley make of that strategy. Plus why is he brought the thing a reckoning of biblical portions for cohan under Cross Examination . Jonathan turleys next. Into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. To help us get there, americas plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create Innovative Products and new Recycling Technologies for sustainable change. Because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. My back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. I heard about Relief Factor from my wife. I took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. 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That remind you in the ed trial it may have been nonbiblical but it was pretty Severe Weather trump attorney in crossexamining what the sitting judge right after the question crossexamination that he found Michael Cohen writable. s whatever they bought him today, if he answers calmly and directly, would you really get an impression that i believe judge engoron got that he is credible. Sandra dollars former Michael Cohen attorney Michael Davis responding to Jonathan Turley tradition of todays crossexamination youre reaction to that exchange first, jonathan . Hello. [laughter] hello. Of actually known larry for many years, i respect him. Id used metaphors but he uses such medical medical failures figures such as an honest Michael Cohen which we havent really seen so we both engage in some degree of letters. Where he is in a good job with michael. I the problem is that cohen has shown over and over again that he will only tell the truth if he literally has no other option. And for much of the direct testimony, he did have an option. He had to speak to why he pleaded guilty to crimes. He had to speak to why he admitted to lying under oath. But even under those tight circumstances, he may have committed perjury. Many of us were really sort of bold over by his explanation of why he surreptitiously taped his own client, the former president. And he said that he did it to protect trump essentially in order to keep david packer, in the former publisher of the national enquirer, sort of inline. That makes no sense at all. Know i can even understand however, supposed to achieve that purpose. It seems quite clear that he was backing material he can use against trump, like, an insurance policy. Know if we are right, that he just after talking about , pretty repeated it again. He also said that he committed perjury to protect content. The problem is many of these specific acts of perjury occurred after he denounced trump after he became his most vocal critic. So there is already on their work areas that we think he has crossed the line. Sandra this idea of the cohen wanted to hold trump accountable, this has come up multiple times and they crossexamination. I was getting another readout from any change that happened moment ago inside the court. Blanche is playing i guess hes playing Emotion Of Maricopa Podcast For Cohen right now. There was a sidebar after that, not remember this is a really rough readout of whats happening in there. Blanche ask if cohen said trump needs to her handcuffs and do the prep work, cohen does not recall seeing it but wouldnt put it passed him. Digging through this more i get an exchange comes up where cohen said that he did not meet with them and had nda office, ask if you had a strong desire to ask to hold trump accountable, cohen sounds said sounds correct. So you have to be wondering how this is sounding and playing on for the jurors in that room right now. Absolutely. You know, going there just heard cohen going to go gray details about because he made eight eight years previously saying really great certainty as to what was said by whom. And then when asked about conversations he had with ndas office recently, he just has no memory at all. Now there has to strike many of the jurors as rather convenient. But i think there were beginning to see how this by the prosecutors photo giving them a glimpse, really the depth of the conflict, the animosity of this witness. Those si are important because the prosecutors are going to want to provide the jury from seeing some of the most outrageous aspects of his trolling on tiktoks. Which he described, by the way, as a sleep deprivation technique. Is that he discovered tiktok because you has trouble sleeping. Really, because hes been trolling for dollars on tiktok. He has been trolling for dollars on virtually every platform he can find. And once again you hear testimony like that and you wonder whether the new Michael Cohen is any different from the old Michael Cohen. Including the old Michael Cohen who does a couple of weeks ago that was called by a federal judge as Serial Perjurer who still gaming the system. Sandra jonathan, he wrote this after Michael Cohen testimony just yesterday. You said, mr fixit Michael Cohen bombs understand, offers no new evidence to convict trump. So is it fair to say you did not hear anything today that would change your mind on that jonathan . Well ill use one of cohen lines, i have no relation of anything i said yesterday. But no, i did say that. And is actually magnified today, that the whats missing with all of this of these sort of gotcha moments and all of the sensational detail or any elements of a crime. Remember, cohens sole purpose here for the prosecution was to order the words they need to tell the judge that at least one person said that they had evidence of the elements of the crime. He had not done that. Might say that trump wanted to bury a scandal before the election, that he wanted to keep an nda client, none of that is particularly unusual and its certainly not a crime. They needed him to say that trump intentionally misrepresented these payments with the intention of concealing another crime of which many of us are still debating what that crime is. He has not done that. And so i think that most judges at this point will grant a motion for a directed verdict. I am floored that the prosecution says this is it. I mean, first of all, theyre talking about on the content that is held over not far from there in a jail report him who the person who supposedly was helped cutting this checks, theyre not calling him and he said he wanted to adjust to the jury falsely that an agreement prevented them from calling him. They cant they can call him but instead they will end with cohen even though they havent made out the elements of the crime. So in most cases even though this motion is seldom granted more in most cases, most cases have evidence of the element. And merchan should granted. I dont see how he can avoid that. So we will have to see. And have any illusions about this. I wouldnt be surprised given his other rulings if he ignores the fact that no crime has been stated here. But if he really looks deeply within himself, i cant imagine any selfrespecting judge would let us go to a jury. Sandra while. That says a lot, jonathan. Finally, donald trump is still under this, order after an Appeals Court rejected his Challenge Saw Team of his allies are doing the talking. Recently started today for mckay was one of them, vivek ramaswamy, outside the court. What exactly is the crime. That donald trump committed . Ill wait. We have not heard a good answer to that question. It has been vague until today, he heard Michael Cohen testimony. After which i would say it is less clear than ever what that crime actually was. Sandra what you make of this strategy, jonathan . I think its true. I think that the government is trying to portray this case as proving that trump did not want a scandal to come out before the election and paid to avoid and the judge is allowing that to be stated as if that is the crime. Its not and he would be reversed in a nanosecond if he leaves it where the prosecution had left it, with cohen. But the gag order, what is troubling is not that there is a gag order, but that this judge is opposing it against cohen and against cuadrilla who is the lead prosecutor. This is a campaign about the weaponization of the legal system. Module came from the Biden Administration, third in command and justice, and was previously paid by the Democratic National comm committee. Now as a president candidate, he hears the fire prime piece of evidence in this campaign that trump has cited. And yet this judge in new york is literally patrolling the throttle on what can and cannot be said in the rest president ial election. Sandra really interesting stuff. No word out of the courtroom yet that this is wrapped or the jurors have been excused so we will keep watching this. Jonathan, always appreciated. You so much. Courts at the rep and former President Trump has indicated he will walk out in to the hallway as he most often does and speak to the cameras. That should be happening any moment now. 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Theres no trial tomorrow, no trial friday, this thursday remains. We really do enter my mind, sandra, is the underscore the importance of what will happen both today and also on thursday images and what the case is going to hinge on. Able hinged bottom line on whether or not this jury believes what Michael Cohen is saying. Like the District Attorney on a single witness Michael Cohen says specifically whether or not they believe anything that he told them. Sandra mercedes, your thoughts . I think tom is exactly right because really, Michael Cohen he is the only person i cant theres only two individuals in this world that can tell us what happened any conversation. Michael cohen and former President Trump. We dont expect former President Trump to take the stand the defense will likely be a very short rebuttal in their defense case. They will not put a lot of what the set up. If anything they will rest entirely on the arguments which is the burden of proof is on the prosecution and they didnt need that would be the argument of the fence will make. Sandra heres another update coming out of the courtroom right no as we are with the former president. You can see the activity is building outside the courtroom there, the president s team has said that he does plan to step up to the camera and speak so we are watching for that. As i looked down and tell y you, tom, what we just got out of the courtroom. Court is overkill it will resume thursday 9 30 am eastern time with cohen understand under Cross Examination so it continues. Lance believes he will be Unquestioning Cohen by thursday afternoon and believe remember we have been told that this is the last witness on the part of the prosecution. As to the defense expert, blanche said they would like an opportunity to discuss the testimony on thursday at 16 1600. So what does that tell you . What that tells me that the defense is going to go with a streamlined case if any. It sound like what they want to do is keep their options open and at the end back of thursday testimony they will make the decision whether they want to put on any case at all and if they do put on a case its not like it will be extremely short and sweet. It will be an Expert Witness meeting is not going to be as someone who met with trump or has personal knowledge about the facts of the cato it it sounds as though the defense will put its case all on monday, possibly all on monday. At which point they could be more evidence from the Prosecution County could be Something Else from the fence but i think at that point we are going to segue pretty quickly into Jury Instructions and Closing Arguments. Sandra mercedes . Basically related events should consider elongating that process crossexamination to monday. You dont want to close thursday, lastly before this long weekend, they have three days off, with a redirect of Michael Cohen because you know that the prosecution is going to come forward and rehabilitate Michael Cohen to the extent that he needs to be. Sandra i need to jump in here and then of course well have to see what happens on cross. Sandra tom, mercedes, thank you. The former president stepping up to the microphone. Mr. Trump thank you very much. I have a gag order as you know so i cant amps answer is absolutely nobody has seen anything like it but we can talk about subjects we are allowed to talk about the republican nominee for president , i am leading in every pole and a gag order. So i think its totally unconstitutional. This will be tested because the should have never happened to another candidate or another person whats happening here and today we had a very, i think a very good day in court. You see whats happening there you have reported because they cant we can talk about it much but i think it was a very good day. The voters are getting [inaudible] probably number 1 pull number voters are getting it, they dont like the idea that the courts are deciding the president ial election. Well, so far, my numbers are leading by a lot as you know against crooked joe biden. Trolley, youve heard got a great reporter, the problem for democrats in that the see through the scam and dont like what is going on. Watching 100,000 enthusiastic people gather along the boardwalk in new jersey beach saturday as you probably saw, Support Former President Trump on saturday evening, gives you some idea how the terrified democrats are of trump. And thats it oettinger terrified if anything they are fascists. Whatever happens they can theres no way anybody else will be trump and they are using Election Interference to try to do it. And he then because they lose and they know it if theres cnn on their talking to voters across the countries these Battleground States many of them arent paying attention. The reason the president is having trouble, President Biden is having trouble is because young voters voted with their young voters [inaudible] that is a problem for biden. Great Reporter Calculus [inaudible] nowhere in the first week. Can you believe ive been here for five weeks . Instead of complaining. Its a shame. Which of course it might not be working on the way the anticipated this is what they wanted to do, keep me in here as long as possible. Last possible. Know where the first week of the trial with walltowall Media Coverage and it appears not to have affected trump support at all [inaudible] showing trend that the Political Science literature is really consistent that this is a time when the lecturers views are alan dershowitz, the great gentleman congresses Election Interference in the most obvious and every american the matter where youre on the trump team or against h him, whatever political lafayette affiliation it is and he goes on to say hes a democrat, he cant be right about anything and hes making a big mistake, if youre jewish and youre a democrat and includes alan dershowitz, you ought to have your head examined if you see whats going on with israel. But here goes on [inaudible] remember this All Over The World watching this trial and the sea what a disgrace this is in a big disgrace to new york. All of the state capital of the city and then them cut businesses are leaving because they cant go through what im going through. Speaker mike johnson ones here a little while ago. Is to collect whats happening this great gentleman [inaudible] by the way all coming from washington this is Election Interference by biden. Ive never these criminals enemies like china and russia now both of americas new political prosecutions are similar to those of their own system and even more so. The [inaudible] he goes on with the people statement and a lot more. By the public and they agree with him another they say any president s would go through et cetera. Is a disgrace what is happening. This is something that should be happening. Tom carefully up in new york, the prosecution in quotes prosecution had not presented any evidence of a crime by trump whatsoever, judge merchan he said on im not going to say that about the judge. Met with vigor, former acting attorney general deeply concerned about the trial of new york targeted present trump calvin very unfair, et cetera, et cetera. [inaudible] never seen anything like this, order. Hopefully will never again. You have a constitutional problem with the ability to say anything about your own case. I am not allowed to talk about big push portions of my case. Nothing like that hasnt ever happened. Are allowed to talk on the other side but im not. Governor doug burgum who was here also, many politicians we are today, many Congressmen Et Cetera et cetera document some of them. We know from the poles that President Trump is leading all over the country and the conclusion is unAmerican People who early acquitted President Trump. I believe that is true and i believe that a large portion say this trial is a disgrace and so are the others by the way, if you look at the way theyre going. Take a look at on in with during jacks most. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He got caught doing things that youre not supposed to thats why column The Range Jackson and hes a deranged person represented graphic young congressman. This is a travesty, injustice. Look around new york. New york has a lot of issues and he talks about the issues of people being killed right outside and yet we have 20 prosecutors sitting over there for what most people got almost every single legal analyst says no crime. Is no crime. But weve got all the das in their and they say this is nothing more than an action interference. The American People see for what it is. The trial is going very well, is the fourth week. Up and stuck in here for four weeks, i colored icebox and recalling the icebox. Today very this is what they should be looking at right here. Thats what they this is called our new wave of cri crime, [inaudible] Erin Mcculloch biden, Biden Migrant Crime because hes allowed probably 15, 16 Million People in our country having no idea who they are. Many are from prisons and jails and many are from mental institutions and even instant asylums. There All Over The World are coming into our beautiful u. S. A. And this is a man doesnt chart three [inaudible] baby. Right here. This is what we are allowing into our country. No chance, no nothing. And Interest Rates are rising at a rapid rate and inflation is going up very, very powerfully and if you know what invasion really is it like country buster. Inflation over the last you look over 500 years, you like, countries with inflation, there busted. They bust up countries and thats what we have here. Record inflation and its b bad. And people are dying because of it. You would have our no inflation with me. We would had propped you have Record Inflation [inaudible] people cant buy anything. They go for food and its 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 more than it was just a couple of years ago. So that is a shame. We will be back tomorrow again, we had a very good day. I think were exposing this scam for what it is. Think you very much. When do you think this will conclude . Are you afraid of being conclude convicted . You want about what michael . Are you angry . Sandra we always hang on our beat to see if he does any answer any of those questions. So far he really has not. Obviously as he just reference he is under a very strict gag order to achieve says that hes never seen anything like it. It should never have should never happen to another president again. Tom dupree and Mercedes Coleman are still with us. He called it a very good day, tom mckee referenced the poles and that he believes that this is a very only eating human holes. It appears to not have affected support for him at all said the former pres president , ending his remarks near the end with. Everyone there is no crime, and started talking about the economy and inflation. What did you think when he heard that . By the way there was a reference to doug burgum and son of the surrogates that joined him there today and spoke outside the courthouse. You can see doug burgum rather over his right shoulder as he was speaking. Surrogates doug burgum byron donalds, or emails who was on with this earlier, vivek ramaswamy, eric and laura crump with him. Content stuff obviously all behind him as he delirious delivered these remarks. Tom, your reactions . Sandra i think the former president is taking some inspiration from all the lawyers hes been watching the past few days. S Presentation was lawyerly in nature. He made his points, he had a stack of papers that he rattled them off the evidence to support his points, he talked about his poll numbers and look, he is not wrong. The numbers are what the numbers are and we heard from many people leaning democratic that there are regular hands that biden numbers are down and at times, trump numbers are staying strong and i think the president a good point very powerfully and forcefully. I also thought it was notable that he said today was a good day. Keep in mind that today was the day that the prose prosecutions star witness was in the spotlight and so the fact that content comes out after Hearing Everything that cohen had to unload on him today and delivers the verdict that this was a good day for the plans i think speaks volumes. Sandra mercedes all get your take on what we just heard as well while also noting the audio is not perfect and it is hard to make out exactly every word that he has said there. Even speak for about ten minutes as he did yesterday as well in the Court Hallway with its for the surrogates behind him. You started off by saying he cant say much or answer simple questions new to the gag order. He called to be a very good day in court then went on to talk about voters oppose coherent articles as tom just reference, reading quotes, criticizing the trial. He called it a shame that hes in court and not campaigning for mckee name check some of his surrogates for mckee also commented on your city crime and security outside the courthouse and it reminds you mercedes, that while he is in there, he is not campaigning outside of the room. Sandra, other defense attorney i will tell you it is a very scary proposition. When your client is in the throes and the thick of a trial wants to make public statements. If theres a gag order, no gag order, sanctions pending, judges telling you to talk can i will tell you i will say this all the time, you know why your client to speak in the thick of the trial. Thats not to say that obviously the former President Trump is very frustrated about the process, feel that this is politically motivated, feels that this is impugning his ability to run for office. All of that said but strictly as a defense attorney it is a very scary, dangers proposition when clients want to come forward and engage with the media and make any announcements. Having said that, he does confine himself to what the judge has set and very smartly he looked at quotes from others who have spoken about his trial. He is not is literally repeating what is already out there in the media but you can see todd blanche, he is a very serious, wellrespected lawyer, looking the grimace on his face because i can feel his pain as a defense attorney, he does not want your client to speak during trial. It is dangerous. Thankfully he is committed to just confining himself to what other people have written and things outside of what is happening in the courtroom. Sandra he went to comment on your city crime, security outside the courthouse of which there is a lot. He said the trial is going very well and ended his remarks were talking about migrant crime and showing a pic of a migrant accused of killing an infant and as i mention he also touched on inflation. You did say will be back tomorrow but air minor there is no court tomorrow. It will be back on thursday and weve also been told it will conclude at 4 00. Final thoughts from you, tom . My final thought here is not for someone who is subject to a gag order he sure covered a lot of ground. Look, this is turning in the president ial campaign and like anything the country has ever scene. You have the leading candidates who is limited in what he can say, he is physically confined in a courtroom for most of his days in the communicates to the American People in large part through these posttrial Press Conferences every day but you hasnt shown any signs of slowing down in terms of the nature of the comments he can make, the scope of his comments and as you pointed out and mercedes pointed out he has been very judicious in making sure everything he says that you do the lines of what the judge said at one point he was about to put something negative, someone said about the judge and then pulled back and said, you know, im not going to go there. Sandra a Reporter Shuddered right at the end there as he finished his remarks, or do you plan to testify mr content . Which he did not answer or answer any questions. Great to have you both and thank you for sticking around through the breaking news. Donald trump on trial and President Joe Bidens on the fence over his handling of israel. Senate arms joni ernst just got back from israel. Her reaction to both major developments, next. [ ] but with stearns foster® thats only part of the story. We handcraft every stearns foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultraconforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. Every single night. During our memorial day sale, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to 800 on select Adjustable Mattress sets. Stearns foster® what comfort should be learn more at stearnsandfoster. Com switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. Much more. Take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. Oh, why leaffilter . Its well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. Leaffilters Technology Keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. What more could you ask for . Call 833. Leaf. 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See our president denying them exactly what they need to win this war. Sandra so as far as our next steps in aiding israel in this fight, are we doing all we can . I think we can do more, and no, i dont believe this president is doing everything he should to support them. One, his messaging is horrible. We know that the terrorists will use this to their benefit. We know that we should be providing those munitions. We know that we should be providing the platforms. And the irony of this is that the munitions that the United States was going to provide to israel are the exact munitions that allow them to precisely target hamas and minimize civilian death and injury, so the fact that the president is withholding this, it is abhorrent. We need to move beyond this. We need to make sure that we are honoring that ironclad commitment to israel and minimizing those civilian deaths. Sandra you know, senator, i want our viewers attention to the bottom of our screen, just a moment ago, we saw the motorcade to parting the courthouse, the current president has just left while you were there and all of this is happening, the former president , donald trump, has been in a courtroom here. I want to get your take on what we have seen so far this week. There is one day left in this trial. The president just departed saying he is under this gag order. He has never seen anything like it, and they should never happen to another candidate or another president again. What is your thoughts on what we have seen so far in this trial this week . This is absolutely political. Folks back home in iowa are not talking about this trial, other than why are they doing this . Every day iowans, they are not concerned about whats going on in the new york city courtroom. What they are faced with are the domestic issues. They are saying fentanyl poured over an open border to the south. They are seeing Horrible Bidenomics creating inflation. They are struggling to make ends meet. And yet what do we see the democrats focusing on . This ridiculous trial in new york city. This needs to stop. President trump needs to be able to go out, he needs the ability to get out and connect with voters, just as President Biden has the opportunity to get out and connect with voters. We are denying this candidate an opportunity to share his message with the voters across the United States, and it is all political. Everyone sees through that. I think all this will do is cement support for President Trump in the fall election. Sandra do you think it is hurting or helping him in the polls right now while he is in my courtroom . I think it is actually helping him. And may be for various reasons. But again, going back to my folks in iowa, they just get angry that they feel the democrats are persecuting President Trump, and because of that anger, they gravitate towards President Trump. They want to support him. They want to defend him. And that means that likely in the fall, they will go vote for him because they see this as political nonsense coming from the left. When we have a world on fire, literally on fire, with wars erupting everywhere, and we see our economy just struggling with folks worried about their pocket books here the heartland, they are saying, you know what . We need a change. That change is going to be tunnel trump. Take a look at me for years ago. We were so much better off then and i anticipate their feet will take them on into the ballot box. They will be supporting republicans up and down the ticket this fall. So shame on you, President Biden, and shame on the democrats for doing this. Sandra the former president took the opportunity as he stepped out of the courtroom a moment ago does address some of those key Campaign Voter issues such as the economy and immigration, senator, while i have you, President Bidens hiking tariffs, this happened today come on a host of chinesemade goods, and putting electric vehicles and semiconductors. So what do you make of that move, senator . Right, exactly, so heres President Biden and his tariff scheme, and what he is doing is prioritizing chinese tariffs with the chips, the electric vehicles, everything thats on his agenda, thats what hes focused on. But you know what, he is really hosing americas farmers. Again, another difference between President Biden and President Trump is that President Trump actually had a good plan in place which would address the funny business of the chinese when it came to american crops, when it came to the grains that we were shipping overseas. The chinese are infamous for canceling orders while they are being shipped across, you know, think about american corn, moving across the pacific ocean, the chinese would cancel their orders, and then renegotiate with those farmers for a lower price on their corn. You know, we are not addressing issues like that. Instead, we are, again, fighting for this liberal fantasy, evs, the chips. President biden has got to do better for our american farmers. Sandra its i always say growing up in the midwest, we watch those corn prices like most people watch gas prices all over the country be a great matters it impacts so many families. Senator, good to have you on the Program Fresh off your trip, thank you. Thanks, sandra. Sandra by the way, the dow up 126 points today, the nasdaq a fresh record high, interesting day for the markets as we head into the middle of the week. Great to be with you all. Thank you so much for joining us. Neil is back tomorrow and you can catch me weekdays on American Reports 1 00 p. M. Eastern time. And now, here comes the five. Dan h

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