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Thank you for joining us, i am trey gowdy and it is Sunday Night In America. Israel is moving into rafah despite threats from the Biden Administration. Attempts by hamas to negotiate and deployed the israeli defensive. Hamas still holds hostages, soau that Group A Series of ceasefire leasing hostages might be a good first step yourd domain well, College Campusesc remain chaotic crime scenes. Cr that does not involve the squad. Per usual they side witha the criminals and not the cops. From gwu and everywhere elseh students have been vitallysted beaten without provocation. They have been arrested and charged with disproportionate offenses appear they have been wrongfully smeared as antisemitic. This is an explicit attack to repress students exercising their First Amendment rights tot protest their universitiesther complacently, complicit actions, on behalf of Israeli Government of palestinians trey the squad remains a Little Out Of Step with President Biden, but honestly, he can be hard to pin down on exactly what his position is. While the attacks are destroying property, it it is not an official protest. It is against the law. Less we are not a lawless country. We a civil society. We are called the rule of law, and no one should have to hide just to be themselves. Trey he condemns violence, but he also condemns israel. Gion the loan democracy in the region actually seeking to deter more violence. Biden needs young voters to win but also images of lawlessness dont appeal to undecided voters or really anyone other than anarchists. Moreover, biden is threatening to withhold arms and omissionsg from israel but willing to negotiate with iran. The world has truly turned upside down. Joining us brooke goldstein, the director of The Law For Yourdowe project and are takers who work for the State Department for the trump administration. Is joe biden holding arms fromou the most treasured and allies in israel . It looks like that is exactly what he is doing. It is absurd because if you take a look at his Foreign Policy, it is biden that is endangering this world. It is biden as you said earlier thatge encouraged iran by welcoming them back into the nuclear deal. It is biden who released over 10 billion to iran, the number one sponsor of hamas. Fa only one month after irans facilitated the october 7th attack. It iwiths biden who continues Tu Supply Hamas with socalledoo humanitarian aid, which is foodr and fuel for the terrorist organization. But is biden who gives Qatar Atu Privileged Status in this country and allowed qatar to fund to the tune of billions of dollars, the greatest influence campaign sub versus influence campaign this country has ever seen. I to see the House Oversight committee has launched an Investigation Intan Io President Biden and why he Isl A Playing Such Dangerous political games with her only ally in the the frontt, who is on lines against the war against radical islamist terrorism. Trey morgan, i hate to be cynical but i think i know whyes biden is playing these games. He needs young voters to getrs enthused about november, but actually turned off by theth violence and support for Terrorist Organizations in the antisemitism on College Campuses. So hes kind of torn a little bit of my, politically. You know, trey, this is what happens when your Campaign Teams runs Foreign Policy in the white house. That is something we chose to dd in the trump administration. In fact when you are my friend mike pompeo who took out solo money, we knew we would be froml sectors of the world and critics here at home, but we. Did it because we knew it would be the right decision. We also know there can be plenty of problems with that operation yet we move forward. If we boil this down, we look at it and what President Biden is saying is they want to destroyha hamas. They want israel to destroy the 11 and want the hostages back, but basically they will tie israels hands and not just ones both hands behind their back as they get the forward remaining italians in rafah out. Listen my been in and out of government since 2007. I have a Masters Thesis from yet Johns Hopkins and counterinsurgency. Ive yet to see the Bide N Teamell offer up the new plan for counterterrorism and urban warfare that the israelis are supposed to imposeosed. They say there is a better way to kill hamas, to defeat hamas instead of going into rafah. I would love to hear what that plan i s from the Administration Bureau that represents one era urban affair and counterinsurgency we havent seen thes. Last 20 years. I think probably more likely they are not the solutions that. The biden team is referring tos because we know israel is going above and beyond. Ion in this Combat Situation where hamas doesnt wear uniforms and hide behind their own women ande hostages. They need to do what i call onpr them to do a month ago which ish to ignore biden and finish the job. Youse u know what, they will noo it alone because there will be plenty of us at home that will support them no matter what. Trey brooke, to that n point, how does israel play this out . Or the country needs to do what it needs to do for security n purposes here they are either surrounded by neighbors who desire of their nonexistence or, but they dont want too much daylight between vaccination and the United States. d l had with a play this out . I want to say to the prior point, there really is a verys easy solution to this. Thet United States has blocked it at every step. It is the humanitarian relocation of the citizens, the gaza citizens in rafah. I know israel has asked them tor be relocated, and america has refused. Does the Biden Administration want to see these Gazans Beingha viewed as Human Shields by hamas . Does the Biden Administration want israel to win . What does the Biden Administration doing was someoneatio like a National Security advisor . This is a gentleman who worked for the criminal organization,oi United Nations Work Reliefem Agency that is currently embedded with hamas using palestinians as human shield. And he also worked on i believe the Executive Board of the pal socalled students for justice e in palestine, which is now one of the organizers of the unlawful pro Terror Encampments and protest happening throughout the country. So really, who is it that isn po dictating our Foreign Policy . Is it being done in the interest of american National Security or not . Trey morgan, before i will let you go, the squad never met a crime they couldnt excuse except maybe mislabeling the business expenses. That is apparently where they draw the line. I think more American People watched cori bush and rashida tlaib, the more they will not vote for that party come november. I will give you the last word. I mean my hope that is true. Because if they vote for that november, they are normalizing jewish students in america being unable to walk from the cafeteria to the next class. In we should never have in this country where religious orinor ethnic minority is unable too fr freely go about their business o on a College Campus for fear ofw getting injured, for fear of what will happen from them from the mobs. Certainly the College Administration error ss need toi more. So does the administrators. You cant tello us if thisld happened anybody else the Biden Administration would take ten days to issue a statement or Say Something publicly condemning them, which is what the president did appeared we should not expect more from our leaders. Trey well, when biden comes up with a nice form of warfare my will have you back on so he can tell us how to make war with the Terrorist Group in a nice way. I thank you both for joining us On A Sunday Night. Thank you. Thanks, trey. Trey main stream media doesnt try to understand trump voters anymore. The d. C. New york media only haa good things to say about these reconquered republicans, those who live, those who die and those who vote with democrats. Charlie hurts on the mic on Sunday Night In America. Whoa, whats that, grandpa . Look at us knuckleheads. And theyre all coming . Those who are still with us, yes. You look good. You as well. One, two three. Grandpa whats this, ellie . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. Wooooooo whoa on your wing, grandpa trey welcome back to Sunday Night In America. In 2008, barack obama defeateda john kane and the message to the media was clear, get on board. H mccain won 45 of the vote but no one understoooud why. The media love barack obama and the rest of us needed to get ono board appearance 2012, mitt romney won 47 of the voteo close to half of the country. There was no talk of understanding the other side appear there was no talk of middle ground or compromise. With they thought obama had a mandate and would barely have the country. Then came 2016 which shocked the lefthand media to the extentce there is a difference. Icto virtually no one forecast victory by a new york billionaire with no political experience. And then for shock gave way to anchor, which morphed intohed action, negative usurping action here at the legitimacy of this election was questioned and challenged and investigated by intelligence of Law Enforcement officials whillecte the media sd loudly, not once did i hear a Liberal Media Personnel Ity T Attempt to understand why a cannot. Candidate like donald trump could appeal to those errors. But they tried that some folks have been duped fonr people who like trump okay but he is Nothes Fear The Media doesnt even try toa do make that effort anymore. I think many of them want to be close to power. They also assume or have this thought in their mind that maybe donald trump will go away. Maybe he will go to jail. O maybe he will die, not to be too morbid to come up hes not a young man. Who knows what is in theire i minds. May be the oval office. A former cnn reporter Wrotere On Social Media of her surprised how normal a group of Trump Supporters seemed at a dinner she had to enter. When a democrat wins, Everybody Needs to get in line and a republican like trump wins, thee need to reprogram to fear that is what happens if no one votesn for the other side. That is what happens if you livi College Professor Tiktok Chamber Pier that is what happens if you spend your time to clutching your pearls or talking to your life coach instead of asking people, what is it about a 15ia that resonates with you . If the media doesnt ask, they wont know, which means i dont care. Charlie hurt is a fox news contributor, Washington Times joins usditor, and he now. Charlie come with handsome hurts brother from being called deplorable to jen psaki thinking there must be some ulterior motive to marveling the republicans can seem normal. What has happened to the media in this country . It is really incredible in such a great montage and you went through all o. F it. In the media has always treated the media has always sort of been a left wing urbain outfit and have been a part of its an for 25 years. Theyve always had this low meant to them. It is interesting and i think you read about this, the obaman election was the election that broke the media because they found somebody that they fell in love with. They began to shirk off any pretense that there could be b that they needed to be balanced about it. And they fell in love with them but do no wrong, and fastforward to today today, everybody acknowledges the things that obama did made life more miserable for a lot of i people. But then, once they have fallen in love with obama, that sort od gave them our pledge to do whatever they want to do. The next guy to come along, donald trump demonstrated the credible anxiety and disfavor that a lot of voters had for barack obama. They just turnedthey on. The new york times, the Washington Post became these Hatchet Job Outfits for b the Democrat Party. They became completely blindly partisan. Now, they very much view voters who support republican voters, like the zoo animals. They cant believe it or they vn will venture out with their binoculars, sometimes, to studyw them in the well but come back. It is always to say they are racist, ate the country, authoritarian, all of the step appeared at the end of the day, what they want is what everybody wants, which is at better life and they want a government that work s in that doesnt make everythie difficult and more expensive and morehe miserable for the people who live here. And they pay all the bills, by the way. Trey im not the political genius you are but i think barack obama and the medias infatuation with him is whata produced donald trump. Prodi think that directly was a natural probable consequence of that. O switchcons gears with you. I realize it was a procedural bow, nevertheless, the debate ot getting rid of mike johnson then Kevin Mccarthy and johnson was alive and well and mccarthy is in the private sector doing great and very happy, i might add. Why of the disparate outcomes . I think probably democratsy realize they are getting a lot of what they want out of thefa house right now. So further disruption ist th not what they are looking for. But to me, you know i think we need kind of knew along the latest game it was not going to work, democrats signaled early on they were not going to go along with it. But to me quite honestly highlights when matt gaetz and hitts band of Misfits Dumpeds Kevin Mccarthy, they couldnt have done it without democrats. That was the majority, the vast majority of people who voted for that who helped matt gaetz and of course, his big complaint is democrats were getting their way among the legislation. The they got their way on that. His one signature piece of legislation. At what did d we wind up with . Absolutely no difference. If you like speaker johnson or you dont like him, it wasnt the magic bullet that these people promised. At some point, republicans have to sit down, including matt gaetz, Marjorie Taylor greene and everybody else, and figuregr out what Theyigur Wanto Stand for and fight for that. Until they figure out what it is and how hard they are willing to fight for what it is they believe in, you are going to have a party in the house that basically neutered and democrats are basically going to get their way on a lot of stuff. Trey charlie, you just proved how chronological matt gaetz thinking is. Kevin mccarthy for Working Democrats and by working with democrats replacing hilm with tl speaker that democrats love so much, they actually rescued himt and at every step, apparently, we call that progress. Charlie hurt in the Commonwealth Of Virginia with a Greaty Mo Statement happy mothers day to all the moms and your family, yes, sir. You too. Trey republicans are not the only ones fighting amongis themselves. They were as a within the n it Comesand Ty Whe To Israel and now the border. Antiisrael Progress Fluidsds W remain at odds with counterparts supportive of the jewish state. Some vulnerable democrats have finally discovered border security. Where have they been all this time . Joshe is the dash fox news political analyst and joins us now. Welcome, josh. Let me start year, nearly a dozen republicans open debate on yet another speaker change while democrats fight among themselves over the College Campus protestl which side do you think well get into counseling quicker and figure this out so they dontblw blow the november elections . Trade that is a great ighttion and answer to to that question may up end up deciding which party wins the house in 2024. Look, trey if you asked me whoe had bigger problems withd extremes within their party coms i would have said mike johnson who has the bigger headaches because of the challenges that t Marjorie Taylor greene posed to the speakership, antiukraine elemenrshit within the caucus he would look, he passed a prettyee consequential foreign aid package. He beat back Marjorie Taylor greene, rebellions that took place last week. Now, it is joe biden that has to deal with antiisrael radicals with hisn own party that hes been trying to pander to them and not doing what mike johnson did with Rebel Republicans in his party. So i think if you ask me right now, trey commit is the republicans doing a better job tech into the mainstream and its President Biden and thecrathe democrats that have to dealn with division and their own party led by sort of the morec antiisrael activists, the aoc wing of the party if you will and causing them a whole other political headaches. Trey lets listes ton togetr to the man who wants to be the speaker of the house from a Minority Leader from the greati state of new york hakeem jeffries. I will ask you a question on the other side. Ar even though we are in the minority, we effectively have been governing as if we were in the majority because we continuo to provide a majority of the votes necessary to get things done. Those are the facts. Trey look, Hakeem Jeffriesti is a very, very skilled epolitician. I dont know that he really believes that. But to his larger point, some teams play better from behind. Some parties do better in the minority. Republicans seemo to struggle te govern when they have ang majority, and i am trying to figure tut out why. Onl it is the only thing that matters in the house is to have the majority, and they seem bent away. Ing it that is right, trey. Republicans relied on those House Democrats to pass through the consequential foreign aid legislation. They relied on those House Democrats to bail out johnson and protective speakership here this is very unusual governance. Usually, the speaker is leaderan of his party. E ki and you dont see the kind of coalition government, if you will, that we have seen in recent months. But it is a function of how dysfunctional the Republican Party is right now. Mike johnson come i think, has been doing an effective job as speaker, but he still has to deal with a very narrow majority where a couple Rebel Members can cause e a a lot of chaos. You have folks like Marjorie Taylor greene and matt gaetz ana you know, a few others that havd really made his life a lot har harder than should be. Erva it is harder for republicans and conservators to get there agend forward when the party is not united. Certainly, there is a lot of dependence on democrats to get Congress Functioning and to get major must have legislation in congress. Trey speaking of which my before i wilisl let you go, thea is Something Else i haveve never seen before. Republicans who are openly campaigning against their incumbenes. T colleagues here thx is not a pretext of subtlety about it. Li even if the g. O. P. Does keep ap majority does fall, the t a while andl las they a will impact if there is r republican president , they will impactur his or her futureity willingness or ability to lik govern. They seem to like to fight with each other. Yeah, the divisions are nota going away and there are a couple of primaries im keeping a close eye on and a couple of months. Bob good was one of the more Rebellious Membersf on the rigt and a very serious challenge coming up in june and the states of virginia. Matt matt gaetz all at the last minute, pretty serious Candidate Running against matt gaetz that will be a race to watch as well. Trey and there are races where the president has endorsed one canada and Republican House members like matt gaetz are endorsing someone else. We shall see but we have nobody better to walk us through a thia josh crossville, thank you foro joining us On A Sunday Night. Thanks, trey. Trey coming up a storm blew through new york court room and provide a little more detail that many of us wanted to. The legal panel breaks it down next on amn 20 Sunday Night In America. 20 Sunday Night In America Sunday Night In America. Welcome to Fox News Live come Ashley Strohmier in new york. Palestinians from rafah is accelerating. It is really forces push deeper into the crowded city. The idf says 3,000 people have fled from that part of the enclave. This has top u. S. Officials continue to offer stark warnings against major ground offensive and rafah. Secretary Antony Blinken saying on sunday it would lead to widespread civilian casualties. The white house threatening to withhold weapons at full scale invasion. Israel claims rafah is hamas last stronghold. All eyes on new york as prosecutor star witness Michael Cohen set to testify in Donald Trumps criminal trial. He is expected to say trump directed him to pay Hush Money To Adult Film Star Of The Final 2016 election. Trump denies the allegations. Im Ashley Strohmier and sunday back to Sunday Night In America. Trey welcome back to Sunday Night In America. Stormy daniels was on the witness stand this week and there should hav sthd the been. Warning. E wesalacious details, but where those details relevant . Admissible, necessary and didp her testimonory help or hurt the Trump Defense . Judge Juan Marchand said they should have rejected parts of her testimony but prevailing does nothing but draw more to the testimony. It is a tough call and lete should do it outside the presence of a jury. Speaking of the jury, they Seemy Disquieted and riveted by her testimony, but where they moved . Joining us or two prosecutors with state and federal experienced. Elliot felig and katie cherkasky. Could trump say that heof t had with Stormy Daniels r purposes of the trail and madeth her testimony unnecessary . Was that an evi evidentiary opto spare the details . I think the judge would agree to limit the testimony because he said most of that was irrelevant for some reason heit let the testimony keep coming anyway and blamed the defense for not objecting, even though they preserved that issue in pretrial motions. So, i assumeme that might have been aann option but judge mercn it is hard to say. Because as we discussed, this is nonstandard. This is not what we see fore those who practice in the criminal Justice System day in and day out. Trey all right, elliot, what do you think . Nied trump denied having sex withwith Stormy Daniels is that what made her testimony admissible more salacious areas that she has the right to cooperate or the government has a right to cooperate with details and only in the room would have known . Is that the justification for it . I dont know that there prosecutors would have been interested in a stipulation because i think they want to be able to set the stage and allgo gory detail as to what led up to the payments. So even if the prosecutors had made that offer come i dont think donald trump as a client commit that stipulation would have been put forth potentially by the defense. Im not sure of the prosecutors would have been willing to go along with that. Trey katie, you have tout t help me here. Ifyi how did a case whether someonebu also by the nature of business expenses, which almost puts me to sleep, turn into an xrated novel . Th is there anything you think the defense team could have done given the judges judgment thath they got . Anything for don defense team cn have done to stop it from sounding like an xrated novel . I think the defense team didc what they could to try to limit this to the charge at hand, which account the prosecution has presented no evidence of how this was a falsified Business Record appeared as donald trump was saying as is the case, the m think they have to prove is a fulls entry. And there is no evidence of that whatsoever. In terms of Stormy Daniels testimony, it was very irrelevant except for the factvt they wanted to close the loopd there was in fact a payment, but the truth or falsity of what may have happened between them is really irrelevant to whether President Trump entered into an nda with her. I dont see the relevance of that at all. I think they could have gotten away with asking a couple of was questions to establish that she was, in fact, paid. But still that does nothing to close the loop to the prosecutors how this was a falst entry. Michael cohen cant do thatless either pure and endless planning to throw up a cpa or expert in accounting to explain that this was an improper Designation Forn that type of payment, then they have a demon establish that Misdemeanor Offense at bare nyminimum with phil in the escalator. Trey elliot, lets listen to the formerto president together, and then i will get free legal advice from you on the other side. What the judge did was amazing, actually. Everybody can say whatever they want here they can say whatever. They want, im not allowed to say anything about anybody. A its a disgrace. Aten they put me in jail and that could happen one day but i would be very proud to Go To Jail Forh The Constitution Becausee whate is doing is so unconstitutional. Trey there is one form in which he can say what he wants to say and that would be tote testify. St if you were defense counsel, argue even thinking aboutif letting your client testify . E if so, what would he say . That he did it to protect his marriage, the presidency or Michael Cohen when did it on his own . Would you let your client testify, and how would you prep him on what to say . I would strongly advise him t to testify. Test it takes attention away from the prosecutions case, which has serious flaws. It sometimes causes the jury Toa Dore Balancing which they are nt supposed to do but ask whether the prosecutio burn beyond at. Reasonable doubt that will change the whole dynamic if he testifies and a referendum on, donald trump and in this jurisdiction, a jurisdiction which voted 85 for joe biden,rd that is a referendum he cannotew win. S trey katie, the news is not all bad from former president. This lookster like the only mar that will get in front of a jury between now and november. It seems like the Supreme Court appeals and what is going on in georgia and the federal judge florida kind of putting the pause that this may be the onlyt time he faces a jury between now and november. What do you think . I absolutely agree, which is not surprising whatsoever. These cases are very complex. The artificial timeline of getting in before the election was only an artificial timeline fopur political purposes. It has nothing to do with litigation from a very matters, which involves classified materials making it even more complicated. And they have to weigh in on th overriding issue, the georgia issue of course. Not surprising from a Criminal Justice perspective in terms of delays that come up in litigation. But certainly, disappointing for those on the political leftcal here. Trey you know, you are right about that, katie. The left, they have their hair on firfte because it might not o to trial before theo election day. The speedy trial doesnt mentiol election day here at the speedy trial doesnt care about election day. So thank you both for freely giving advice On A Sunday Night of all of the moms in your lives, have a great mothers day. I have a sneaky suspicion we thwill talk about this soon. Ext, thank you. Thank you. Trey up next number one issue for many voters, the borders and that includeses immigration. And truly the biggest issue, are there solutions . Ht texas congressman Tony Gonzales next on Sunday Night In America. A slow network is no network for business. Thats why more choose Comcast Business. And now, were introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. Were up to 12 times faster than verizon, at t, and tmobile. And existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. At no additional cost. Its ultimate speed for ultimate business. Dont miss out on our fastest speed plans yet switch to Comcast Business and get started for 49. 99 a month. Plus, ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Call today her uncles unhappy. Im sensing an underlying issue. Its tmobile. It started when we tried to get him under a new plan. But they they unexpectedly unraveled their price lock guarantee. Which has made him, a bit. Unruly. You called yourself the uncarrier. You sing about price lock on those commercials. the price lock, the price lock. so, if you could change the price, change the name its not a lock, i know a lock. So how can we undo the damage . We could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. Their connection is unreal. And we could all unexperience this whole session. Okay, thats uncalled for. Trey welcome back to Sunday Night In America. An they were as good news and badth news. Of the good news the president is willing to make tough decisions to stop unlawful immigration into the United States. The bad news is, it is not yourl president. It is the president of panama who pledges to close a major pathway. Who knows . He urrst it is a plan. What is the u. S. Plan and how is Kamala Harris doing on her search for socalled rootio causes . This is an Election Year and and election should be about competing and Contrasting Ideasl what is the republican plan for border security, immigration, and removal . Go joining us texas congressman com Tony Gonzales member of Homeland Security committee and district of theimn is border and everyday issues. Welcome, congressman. Thank you for joining us. Does the Republican Party have a plan to make it both work and become law, or is it simply Ar Questionis Which Executive Signs which Executive Order goingan forward . D thank you for having me, trey, happy mothers day to my mother, angel, and texas mothers out there. House republicans do have a plan and we passed this out of the house. What you see is in administration, they also have l plan. Their plan i s unfolding what is occurring right now. They want this Border Crisis to occur here their policies arerdr encouraging this spirit i would say, trey, this Border Crisis is growing. It is expanding. I was out in west texas where no one is talking about this huget increase in oil theft. Orde oil theft is absolutely thee Border Crisis because you have folks, cuban nationals into this country illegally that have fueled this crisis. Half are nearly four half of the nations oil and gas comes from west texas. That isrr under attack because of the border Crisis Bureau the Biden Administration has a plan, executing the plan, it is time o go a different direction. Trey congressman, like any average lawyer come im trying to understand the other side of any issue, not out of sympathy but i want to expose the weakness on the other side. I really do not know theside argument in favor of less bordem security and more unchecked immigration. Im not being facetious, iders really do not understand the argument by some progressives again securing the border here and so when you talk to your progressive colleagues, why do o they think the border should not be secure . They are really blinded,don trey, by the facts. What they dont understand myth people are unsafe and they feel unsafe in this country. They are actually making it harder for illegal immigration. Why the heck would you go down l the legal route when the legal route is the one encouraged . Ing the illegal route will get you to the front of the line. Why would you wait years . Pa why would you fill out the law, the paperwork you need and abided by the law . E inli many cases, what the Biden Administration and these liberals have done is even encouraged illegal immigration. They have curbed illegal immigration. It is absolutely mindboggling, but this is what they want. It i s a weird way about it. The bottom line is this, peopled in america do not feel safe here there is a growing amount of chaos throughout the country, lincoln riley, it is not all people coming over illegally but the facts are the people comingh into the country are breaking the law. The way be fixed ideas deport them back to their country of origin. That is what panama was talkinga about doing. Hey, look, we are a warm and welcoming country but if you are here illegally, you have got to get sent back. Trey i hate to ask you a political question on mothers day, but im baffled by it so i have to ask you. If matt gaetz, you are calling from florida seems Moreintr Interesting In Replacing Youth and the squad. Why is that . He says nicer things about the most progressive radical members of the Democrat Party then he does about you. I guess im trying to figure out why. That is right. It is unfortunate. You know this, i have 434 other colleagues. Lets just say not all of themco are pleasantll colleagues that will get christmas cards for me this year. As a republican, i think we are used to finding. I like as much as the next person, but we need to be united in defeating this biden agenda at all levels. The and that starts by winning back the white house withn. President trump. That starts with winning the senate and keeping and growing the majority of the house. There was no time for inviting with anyone with or matt gaetz or anyone else that kind of wants to eat at each other, i think, is the wrong approach. We have to get back to doing the nations business. We have a slim majority in the house. One of the things we have to do is win. He supported my opponent that is absolutely insane, radical, done all these crazy things. They want to lose. How there are some people that lovec losing. Ans ha all they want to do is lose. The republicans have to get bac to the Drawing Board how do we go and win . 12 real famous people said a house divided against itself cannot stand and that is jesus and Abraham Lincoln and it is good advice. On a gonzales, thank you for joining us On A Sunday Night. Thank you, trey. Spoon coming up we hear from you next on the special mothers dai only on Sunday Night In America. Switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. Much more. Take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. I still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. So, i take Qunol Magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. Qunols extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. Qunol, the brand i trust. Trey welcome back to Sunday Night In America. Each week, we enjoy hearing from you via email and social media. We love to hear what is on your mind. We start with sophia from baltimore. Hi, trey, sophia from baltimore. Mothers day is coming up here give us a story about your mom. Trey ive never whether my mother loved me, My Favorite Memory of my mom is just unconditional love. Now, some of my more vivid memories were of her telling me no, i could not spend the night at someones house, could not go on the sp spring break trip, cod not go to this party. Obviously, i was not happy at the time and im still not happy about it, but telling someonell know that its not in their best interest is both hard and really tgood evidence that you care about that person. To me, moms are the first to love us and the last to leave uw and the ones who love us the most in between. It is not lost on me, sophia, that jesus question once whether his father forsaken him but not once about his mother. And for the question comes from kevin in connecticut. Hey, trey, kevin and connecticut. What was the biggest lesson that your mother taught you and how dolebr you plan to celebrate mothers day . Trey the feeling that you are at your lowest, you still have an advocate appear at my mom was a Victim Advocate and she was not a Warrior Born Withs The Acting Skills or meanness to be a trial lawyer but one of the reasons i chose prosecution. Efen when i was younger, she wondered y a defendant got to pick the best lawyer in town. The crime victim was stuck with a prosecutor who may or may not be any good appeared She Thoughd Victims should have good lawyers too appeared that motivated me to want to be better and do a good job for victims too scared or too injured or too dead to speak for themselves. As for celebrations because my mom loves me and so does my wife, most of the time, we celebrate mothers day withwe lunch and all the kids and grandkids, et cetera magically 2 00 p. M. , mothers day ends and they let me go hit golf balls. My last question is from janet from wisconsin. Hi, trey, Janet Frommoth wisconsin. O if you could pick one recipe f your mothers to pass on, which one would it be . Trey it would be hard to pick one. Nd three come to mind immediately. She makes cheese balls and chex mix so i could eat them watching sporting eventsgerm. She makes german Chocolate Cake for my birthday. I want you to keep that between us. Im not sure my sister knows that she does that for me. So keep that to yourself. Her generation is somewhat guarded when it comes to sharing recipes. U she might give you her jewelry before she gave a recipe. I cant think of anything my mom ever made that wasnt good except on those Rare Morningsrnn where my Three Sisters were acting up and mom forgot to put salt in the grits. Im not sure ipuf youve ever hd grits without salt but it tastes exactly like concrete. She would ask, did i forget ton put salt in the grits . Ay i would lie and say no. But i can eat very low sold so god has taken me back to School Mornings amp punishing for me for lying to my mom when she forgot to put the salt in the grits. T in if you have a question, email ur at at gaudi america. D for those who have lost their moms, good night from south carolina. R mo ms, good night from south carolina. Todd President Biden returns to washington today ready for

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