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Im Jesse Watters on the judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr. , kennedy, and greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new york city, and this is the five. If you thought a Porn Star On The Stand was bad, wait until next week, when full on felon Michael Cohen lets loose. Donald trump wrapping up the 15th day of his Hush Money Trial by ripping his horrible gag order. Everybody can say whatever they want to. They can say whatever they want, but im not allowed to say anything about anybody. If anything is mentioned against certain people, and you know who they are, certain people, anything is even mentioned, he wants to put me in jail, and that could happen one day, and id be very proud to go to jail for our constitution. They have had more than 20 prosecutors sitting there over the fact that somebody paid a lawyer, and then paid the lawyer, so it was a legal expense. That somebody happened to be me. This is what the case is about. Jesse next on the docket is a convicted liar turned Tiktok Influencer Michael Cohen, who is set to testify monday, while trump slips are force shot, the judge is going easy on cohen, asking prosecutors to tell the loudmouth to pipe down. The problem is, its a little too late for that. Wont be able to see you without them. Every night, the feds and the prosecution watching and storing it. Do you ever think about just saying i dont care. There is nothing i say, whatever they want to ask me, they can ask me. Jesse key witnesses have been teeing off on trump with some trash talk, the Liberal Media Salivating over the thought of gagging anyone who simply breathes in trumps inner circle. We know that donald trump is under a gag order, and yet you have someone close to him who would like to be potentially his Vice President ial running mate, saying the judges daughter is a political operative who raises money for democrats. Is there anything judge merchan can or should do about people or close to donald trump saying things that maybe he cant . Speak i dont think so, chris. Jesse so judge, you are back in court today. Tell us about it. Judge jeanine well, okay, there is so much, let me tell you something. Im sitting in that courtroom, looking at a judge, a guy who is wearing a robe, literally saying to the prosecutor, mr. Prosecutor, could you tell Michael Cohen that i ask you to tell him not to talk . Talk about a spineless wonder. All right . The judge does not want to gag Michael Cohen. He refuses to because he is part of this whole conspiracy to convict trump. The truth is if you are going to gag donald trump, which you dont have a right to do in this case, youve got to gag Michael Cohen. Everybody knows that. The ordinary american out there knows that. But when he turned into such a wuss, can you tell him, im asking you to tell him are you stupid . Do you not know you are a judge . Not only that, but alvin bragg comes in the courtroom, he comes in and he squeezes in a bench next to his bodyguard, and im saying to myself, What The Hell are you doing in this courtroom . This is an expired misdemeanor that we dont even know its true, and what you are doing as you are coming in here to make sure that jerry knows this case is important to manhattan, while there are people in jail who have been sitting in jail for years on Violent Felonies, murders, rapes, Violent Felonies who cant get a trial because of covid but you got to try donald trump, pull him out early and give him to a judge who has established hatred for donald trump. Let me tell you more. Today was all about technical stuff, laying a foundation so they could get the tweets in and the Text Messages in between Stormy Daniels assistant and dylan howard for a mri, american media. At the end of it, donald trump have anything to do with this . No we have been watching four days a nut job who speaks to dead people, who thinks she lives in a haunted house, who wants to take up reading tarot cards, who want to make America Horny again and you want to make this woman a main witness when she is prejudice all . Her lawyers know what i am meaning by that. Now a serial liar as the federal judge called him from a serial perjurer, a whole case about whether or not payments were made to reimburse this serial liar for what . Nobody can tell us what therefore and then we have the checks would come from manhattan. He barely looked at them, just signed them, and then they go back. There wasnt examining the stuff. Said he was a multitasker. But donald trump would be on the phone and signing checks, talking to people and signing checks. You cant even show if he signed the check that he knew what he was signing other than and she had no knowledge of the agreement allegedly between the woman who lives for a living, lays for a living, and lives for a living. Jesse [laughs] wow. I like post courtroom judge jeanine. Shot out of a cannon. Kennedy, your thoughts on today . Kennedy judge jeanine is absently fired up, and it shows how politically charged and emotionally charged this case is, and if this were such a big deal, why are we trying it eight years later . It made me wonder, if thats the case, our alvin bragg and, you know, Matthew Cole Garden or whatever colangelo, are they going to collude in eight years to put hunter biden on the stand . I think we have about as much chance of seeing that as we do miss Daniels Regrowing her cherry and putting it in her shirley temple. Judge jeanine oh jesse im thirsty all of a sudden, greg. Harold this is friday. Greg it is friday and it hasnt even started yet. I love how the media demands that we treat the content of this trial with utmost seriousness. No, you treat it with the seriousness it deserves, which is none, right . This is a trial, the actual charge isnt being discussed, instead you have a Porn Star Babble about a tryst that took place years ago, one that by the way is legal, and then you tell us you need to take this crap seriously. This would not pass muster on peoples court. They would have this dismissed they would dismiss it before he gets his hair styled. Tell you what i do take seriously, the intent of the trial and the ability of the government to make this happen. This is not a legitimate law, it is, even by their standards, unprecedented. This is an attempt to use their phrase, steel democracy, and they are trying to camouflage their lack of real substance with a porn star sex chat, that the media gobbles up like cheap ritalin. And must be ironic to storm reid that trump is facing all of these gag orders given that was always part of her job description. Jesse it really is friday, isnt it . Judge jeanine yeah. Harold good to be back around the table. Judge, i was interested, one question before i have my little take on it, did you think we have had a position around the table, and those of us come i think the country, if you look at some of the polling, that mr. Trump is winning, put aside the things you were talking about, the substance of it, because whether you think you should be charged or not be charged for the case should have been brought or not, whether Alvin Bragg Sat where he sat in the courtroom, did you think mr. Trump had a good day, legally, if you were just trying to assess this from a legal standpoint . Judge jeanine i think he had a good day legally today and yesterday, when i was there. The issue is whether or not the jury see, i think he had a good day legally because i know it is not probative, it is not harold looking at the jury, you have been in a lot of courtrooms and seen a lot of juries. Judge jeanine i read a lot of juries and that was my expertise, unless you dont think i can try a case harold thats what im asking because that is the point i want to make. Judge jeanine that jerry is sitting there and they are tired of hearing about Business Records and laying the foundation so it caught him on a day that was relatively boring. I dont think they have any idea why they are there other than to be told donald trump is a bad guy, and thats what worries me. Harold that was my thing. A couple observations. First, President Trump is a fighter. Everyone knows that. He resists any efforts to restrict himself, whether it be in business, politics, he is certainly demonstrating that in court. My objection to the way he is behaving in the court is that there are rules in the court, tried to explain a little bit last week. I think President Trump may have not done any of the things they are suggesting he did in the courtroom, and i think litigating that in the courtroom is more appropriate. Number one. Number two, i guess if you think about it politically, the question becomes, is this having any impact on a really small group of voters in the five or six states that will make or decide the selection . That same group decides just about every president ial election. I dont know the effect of that. But the real issue and the real issue for the prosecution is mr. Cohen. Next week he will come to this courtroom. He has said things. Ive been curious, judge, why judge merchan has not asked him to refrain or to restrict some of his but then again he is a witness. If i were a defense witness, a Defense Team Lawyer and you had witnesses like this coming before who were the prosecutions witnesses, this is a dream Witness Group here. You can crossexamine the daylights of these people and undermine their credibility, and if mr. Cohen has i dont know him if he has the kinds of challenges that has been suggested and the Press Reporting of him certainly suggests, as a defense lawyer, a real defense lawyer, you cant wait to crossexamine this guy because you are going to poke holes. I think the next three days in the courtroom, i dont know what the days are they are going to be in court, will be some of the most interesting and i think probably the most dispositive for this case. Judge jeanine i think what will be dispositive as the judges charge because i dont think the jury knows what they are focusing on. Harold this is part of the trial. Wait to see that. That is obviously the judge does not must it will not happen before the election. Harold what im saying, for the case, mr. Cohens testimony next week, this will be the most pivotal and most important judge jeanine they are done next week, by the way beards be one that is why fox is going to be sending greg gutfeld to be a representative in the court. Greg you know why . Because i dont know what the word dispositive means. [laughter] jesse coming up, joe biden is being battered from all sides or bailing on israel. Kennedy hello. Welcome back. Joe biden is pandering to idiots partying at Club Caliphate is coming back to bite him in the keister. Both democrats and republicans not happy with old joe abandoning israel by withholding military aid. Watch. Not send weapons to israel during a [bleep] war . Cadaver joe biden. Im not voting for you. The president is a tool, folks, but hamas is using him. And he is allowing at. And he is turning his back on israel. But now making decisions on what you can and cant use, our way or no way at all, thats not who we are and that is not what we should be doing. You are either for israel or you are for iran and their desire to exterminate israel and jews around the world. I didnt agree with that. You know, i was disappointed. I havent seen anything with israels conduct that would ever justify those conditions. Kennedy federman in a hoodie, how gauche. Joes risky move putting them in hot water, his campaign receiving this email from a megadonor saying bad, bad, bad decision on all levels, please reconsider. When it is that short, you know it is serious. Meanwhile, the squad has taken notice and is doing a victory dance. Claiming the antiisrael mob is ruining College Campuses are working. Ilhan omar and Jamaal Bowman encouraging the hamas fan clubs to keep it up. So judge, is this a victory for the squad . Judge jeanine absolutely, and they see it as a victory, but not only does the squad see it as a victory, hamas, though who des, hezbollah, they all see it because no one is happier with this decision than the people who are trying to kill us in iraq and syria, the people who are attacking us from yemen. You cant be on both sides of a war. But what we do know is biden, when he was Vice President with obama, there was money going over to israel to get netanyahu defeated. The biden gang is the one who says netanyahu has to go. Hes a threat to democracy. As if they should be more worried about what they are doing. He is more than joe biden is more than an embarrassment, he is more than just a liar, he is a turncoat. He is putting his tail between his legs and running while giving 10 billion to iran, opening up the market so they can get billions of dollars so they can destroy the israelis, and the idea that, you know, who the hell are you to say to the israelis, you cant fight this, you are not allowed to do that. Joe biden left 80 billion worth of weapons to the taliban in afghanistan. He is not telling them how to use it. And sooner or later if we havent already been victimized by them we will. But joe biden is a vessel. He has nothing i want to know who in his family is benefiting. Is that his brother . Is it his son . Is he benefiting . Because to allow for jewish students to be barricaded from class, not bringing in the fbi, not bringing in the department of education, the man is he has a turncoat. Kennedy to trace gallaghers point, ucla is now confronting the proisrael protesters. The counterprotesters. And they are letting the prohamas protesters run a mock and violate the civil rights of jewish students. There are some cynics who say this is all a play for michigan, that is all the president is doing here, he is kowtowing to the squad and abandoning israel. In 2019 he said the United States would never withhold weapons funding from israel because they are our greatest ally and our only ally in the middle east, so why the hypocritical turn . Is it michigan . Is at those votes in dearborn . Harold i hope not. I hope what it is i tend to agree with everything the judge said here. I hope what is owed a motivation is is to try to get us closer to a ceasefire. Im not convinced this is the way to do it. There is some Collateral Motivation on the politics of it. But this is wrong. If indeed israel is our most important, most dependable ally in the world, i would take it outside of the middle east. You cant do this to an ally. You cant do this to a friend. Even if there are compelling arguments on the side that suggests maybe we should that we are right and they are wrong and what they want to do in rafah. A great guy, that the admits regional reconsider. Kennedy when you lose michael rapaport, have you lost the election, jesse . Jesse i wish i was a megadonor. Isnt that the best name . Megadonor greg you are a mega. Harold this is friday. Jesse are you holding on to me . So biden has managed to do something no one has ever done, both the jews and the muslims hate him. And that is hard because he has been trying to split the baby from the job. Remember first it was like, everyone is antisemitic. Its actually islamophobia. And then everybody started going nuts at columbia, oh, there is fine people on both sides at least on one side. And then as the final battle is about to be waged, he is like, here is your weapons sight, and pulls it back. Now we have to remember why, because there is no biden base. He is afraid of the far left because he cut a deal with the bernie bros and the squad in 2020. He says you back me over trump, i will give you whatever you want. I will spend trillions of dollars. I will do equity. And thats held until now. And now the base is mad and he has either ignored it or he has caved and that sends such a terrible signal to not only the base, but to the foreign enemies who think we can just light a fire in america and the president will buckle. Kennedy we havent even reached the crescendo. I think were going to see that in chicago for the Democratic National convention this summer and it actually scares me because there is so much tension on both sides and the president is really doing nothing to quell that. The Biden State Department just releasing a Report Finding reasonable evidence that israels use of u. S. Provided weapons in gaza likely violated International Humanitarian law. I think they are trying to bolster withholding weapons from israel with some more formal language, but speaking of language on College Campuses, so much of the loudest voices have in fact been female and Heather Macdonald wrote that many of these protesters are young women who are populating the softer sciences on these College Campuses. Are they creating problems for themselves . Greg we have been talking about this for a while, trying to figure out why the women are the primary kind of voice of these movements and i think a lot of it has to do with the choice of majors. Hard sciences, you cant take off, you know, and soft sciences or soft majors, you get extra credit for this activism. Plus the organizers are pushing the women up front because they know it is bad optics if the men, the police officers, are confronting the women. If you touch them, thats bad. Its weird that Women Protesters have become the central part of blm, trans movements, hamas, antipolice. They are leftwing on anything that needs limits. Border, biology, terror, crime. So why the tantrum against limits . Its almost as though its an eruption against what imposes limits. Dad. And that is why i think you are seeing an upsurge of dad brain. The adults are finally coming home and saying enough, its like your analogy from yesterday about jesse jr. Wanting to stay up later. At some point, you have to say enough. There is a good example of the janitors, the Custodian Union planning to sue columbia universitys against the mistreatment that janitors experience when they were imprisoned by these protesters. Its a perfect juxtaposition. You have people with hard real jobs versus the socalled victimized, pompous elites. Its not really about israel versus palestine for these people. Its bluecollar versus elites. Its why protesters get a pass when they block traffic, when they keep commuters from getting to their jobs. They are higher on the food chain then the electrician, the janitor, the nurse, and the media, who are the elite of the elite, have the more in common with the protester, female, single, miserable, so they share that in common. Kennedy all right, there you go. Judge jeanine thats really good beard greg thank you. Kennedy nailed the dismount. Coming up, operation convince everyone how awesome joe is as president. It is now officially under way. With us. Its hard to run a business on your own. Make it easier on yourself. With shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. Start your journey with a free trial today. Judge jeanine go ahead, kennedy. All right, the President Biden has a brandnew campaign message. Its not me, its you. Team biden seems to think if you arent better now than you were four years ago, then you just arent educated. We are missing seven figures in Constituency Media and black media to make sure we are doing everything that we can to educate voters on all of the ways that the Bidenharris Administration has put them at the forefront. Judge jeanine may be the reason why voters arent convinced of joes accomplishments is because he is running into a credibility iss issue. Lying biden was on a fact free for latest sit down with cnn. New york post pointing out the president told a whopping 15 lies in the 17 minute interview. And something voters seems to be a theme for democrats. Her clinton thinks the reason why voters arent on board with biden is because democrats are just so misunderstood. The pressure and the stress on our system, our country, constitution, our future, is so intense. For those of us who understand whats at stake and i dont mean that in, you know, a derogatory way, that others, but if you have been in this world come as you and i have come at you have studied it and you have watched it, it is a very difficult time right now. Judge jeanine okay. Im going to go to you first. They are putting im looking at you. [laughter] they are putting millions of dollars into, this is a black director who is investing millions, a Media Director, Constituency Media and black media. He says they are not aware, blacks are not aware they are at the forefront. You knew it was coming. You knew it was coming. Is this black Media Director admitting the blacks dont know how good they have it . Harold the race thing lets divorce that for one moment. I think when you treat voters, lets just say, the sweet spot for voters is high cost of anything. I dont care what color you are, they dont charge whites less for gas or groceries. Then they do blacks or vice versa. Greg they dont . Harold its what they tell me. Greg msnbc told me something totally different. Joy reid told me something different. Harold the president , there is no amount of money you can put in a strategy or an effort if the president doesnt selfcorrect the message. One thing they are right about is i dont think everyone, and a lot of people are aware of some of the things the country has done over the last two or three years. But a lot of people are sitting at home who ran for Elected Office who believe that people should know what they had done. The country is better off, they are more secure. If voters dont feel that way, theyre not going to vote that way, even if they the circumstances in the country are what you say. If i were the president , i dont know why you are not out every day at a gas station and grocery store, acknowledge what is happening, what has happened, and then talk about the things you are going to be doing. If you look like you dont know that eggs and bread, if you look what you dont know that electronics and gasoline are higher than they were three months ago, six months ago, or a year ago, people arent going to listen to the message, so there is no amount of money that can be spent to make people believe they are not paying more for groceries or they are not paying more for a fast food not paying more for gas if they are. So the race thing is irrelevant. I know they made it racial judge jeanine yeah, theyre putting it into a black media. Theyre not putting it into white media. Harold i differ with you there, judge beard judge jeanine they are harold than stop playing the race with it. Judge jeanine why are they playing race with it . Harold they are going to lose if they do it that way. Judge jeanine good, next question. 15 lies in 17 minutes. Does hillary i know she is not the most trustworthy, great, but does hillary not understand that you count my 15 times in 1k people think she is trustworthy . Greg whats amazing is where are the factcheckers . Remember the factcheckers who were all over trump. Do you get the sense that the media has realized joe is over . If this were a poker game, that Aaron Burnett interview was cnn folding their hand, because i think you realize when you see this stuff and i think what you saw with the two Chuckle Buckets on msnbc, they are in the denial phase. They are in the denial phase, the sick person blames everyone, i dont have a problem with you people cnn and eron burnett are going they put the cards down, and you will start to see the media Industrial Complex going through this horrible phase that it suddenly ends up, now they are in the acceptance phase. They are going to have to figure out how can we move on . You cant take that seriously. You cant take biden as biden is right now as president. And if you still are going to vote for him, that means your trump derangement is stronger than your desire for a safe and secure country. You can hate trump all you want but you have to its the difference between, would you choose a congenial surgeon with the shakes . Or an arrogant surgeon with ice in his veins . You know, and if you want the congenial surgeon, you are going to die. Judge jeanine good point. All right, Kennedy Kennedy i want the second surgeon, the really mean, cold, nasty surgeon who ghosts me on texts but is still good at his job. Judge jeanine what about the fact the democrats say they are prioritizing the illegals, especially as it relates do you think that might have something to do with the numbers . Kennedy i think that is much more of an issue for minority communities than kathy hochul, the governor of new york, saying they are black children in the bronx that dont even know what a computer is. I mean, that is incredibly racist and condescending. Its also and condescending to say we are going to blanket you with messaging and you will vote the way we tell you to vote because that is the way it has always been and we demand that you fall in lockstep. To harolds point, that is not how people vote. They care about their families. They care about their bottom line. If they cant afford rent, if they cant afford food, that is all that matters to them, and, you know, the president is trying to sell that we are in this economic boom. Nothing has been better economically for any other modern president. If thats the case, Hillary Clinton didnt get the message because she is on msnbc, a very family territory, going it is so hard right now. It is so awful. Well, the Biden Administration is trying to sell us of this shall urd act turd. She wants to be parachuted in at the convention. She wants to be the savior because she Still Believes she should be president. If delusion where a party drug, i think we would all be high as kites if we were taking what she is on. Judge jeanine jesse, i had a question but my mind is totally frozen. [laughter] jesse ill just say democrats want to educate the blacks, and want to reeducate the republicans. What is the song again by pink floyd . We dont need no education harold, let me just explain something to you, okay . The blacks are more acutely aware of the failure of the Biden Administration than anybody if you are a Black American Living in the innercity, you are so sensitive to prices, rent, crime, migration, it is a scandal that the blacks are the hardest hit demographic. We always make that joke when they say in the media African Americans hardest hit. In this case, its true the most loyal democrat constituency is getting hammered by bidenomics. Greg jesse come as a black man, ari often discriminated against for your conservative views . Jesse oftentimes i am, and they have a word for me that i cant say. Judge jeanine its about a relative. All right, the fastest harold if democrats get this right judge jeanine not if they think about how their kids are not graduating or at grade level and they are not computing, either. Anyway, the fastest is up next. Harold welcome back. Time for the fastest. First up, most people forget. 2024 ohio state grads will remember this one. If you are able to, please stand and follow my movement. On the right, everybody, to the right. Hey. Left. Harold that is 1999 ohio speech admitted to writing his speech on psychedelics. Blamed peoples poor listening skills. Exclamation point, you have a strong opinion about this . Greg blamed it on iowa osco. Dont expect people who didnt take the drug to have the same experience. Have you ever had a conversation where you are sober with somebody who is drunk or worse on cocaine, and it is obvious to you they think you are killing it, really pressing you and telling you about a screen play they havent written but they are going to start on it tomorrow. That is what this guy was. They are going to love me. Dude, they are not on ayahuasca. They think you are an idiot. He was talking about bitcoin. He was starting to sell them bitcoin while he was up there. By the way, the whole thing was embarrassing. Kennedy i absolutely loved it. I thought it was amazing. It reminded me of when i went on vacation and got drunk and decided to pack at 2 00 in the morning. I got to my destination, i forgot to pack shoes and underwear, but i had a lot of beans. Harold prime time . Jesse might have been someone, lets call him jason waters, in high school, consumed some psychedelic substances and wrote until ill know mike all hours of the evening. What i thought was probably the most brilliant pros a man has ever written. And my mom confiscated i mean jasons mom confiscated. I used to look for all the time. Where did you keep my memoirs . Where were my documents . Where is my treatise on existentialism . And one day, years later, i found it. And i read it. And it was gobbledygook. And it was jabberwocky. Do you know the word Jabberwo Jabberwocky . Nonsensical. That is what happened with this guy. I agree with kennedy. I loved it. Judge jeanine you know is interesting about it . This is a ohio state im sorry. You know its crazy . All the professors behind him got it. They are all on the psychedelics. It is the students who werent high. They were high. Harold that might have been the high point. Go blue. Next up, what is the age you stop being cool . According to a new survey, most americans say the ripe old age of 39 is when you become lame and Out Of The Loop on the latest trends. Judge, do you agree with that . Judge jeanine i dont know. It depends on what group you are in and whether you are cool. May be 39. Harold may be 39 . Judge jeanine i dont care. Harold prime time . Jesse around 39 i started using language that my daughters make fun of me for appeared and then one time, like last year, i dapped them up. Harold dapped them up. Jesse then i was back. Harold kennedy . Kennedy when i turned 50, you are not cool but you do not care about that and something about that is so incredibly liberating that it feels as good as when you were actually cool and 19 years old. Judge jeanine that is why i feel it doesnt matter. Harold personify cool. What do you think . Greg i think cool is overrated and i say that as someone who is considered cool by hundreds of millions of people. In fact, i wrote a book about it. Can we show the cover. Not cool, maybe we wont show it. That is available on amazon. Wanting to be cool is a sign of insecurity and desperation and that makes you the least coolest person in the world, having been naturally born cool. Jesse how many book did you write . I havent even heard of that one. Harold thats probably my best book. Im serious. Kennedy but you also dont have remind you how cool you are. Judge jeanine Fan Mail Friday is up next. Harold i love listening to greg talk about Fan Mail Friday. A slow network is no network for business. Thats why more choose Comcast Business. And now, were introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. Were up to 12 times faster than verizon, at t, and tmobile. And existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. At no additional cost. Its ultimate speed for ultimate business. Dont miss out on our fastest speed plans yet switch to Comcast Business and get started for 49. 99 a month. Plus, ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Call today greg all right, fan mail. First question from frenchy. Here is a good one. Who would you not want to be stuck in an elevator with . You can go famous or somebody you know, i dont care. Lets start with you, Kennedy Kennedy gassy greg gutfeld. Greg oh is that true . Kennedy only after you have been to greg i havent had chipotle in five, six years. Kennedy last time we rode the elevator together. Greg are you going to stick with that . Harold who would i not kennedy who would i not want to be an elevator with . The ghost of o. J. Simpson. Greg there you go. Jesse . Jesse maybe the hr director, someone like that. Greg thats actually pretty good. Jesse you dont know what to say. Any joke as a possible termination. Greg yeah, thats true. They are our sbu. Harold . Harold Ohio State Football fans saturday afternoon after thanksgiving because we whooped them. Go blue. Kennedy the game. Greg very specific. Judge . Judge jeanine parts know my part of me wants to be in an elevator with okay, im ambivalent Hillary Clinton. Harold i would like to be in the elevator with you guys. Jesse i would love to be in the elevator with hillary. Harold hillary is my friend. I like her. Judge jeanine shes your friend . Jesse everyone is your friend. Judge jeanine when she ran for office, remember that . Harold she told me she would love to be an elevator with you. To be when she killed people greg one more thing is up next. It is time for one more thing. Tomorrow is a special day. It is harold ford jr. s birthd birthday. We got you a little gift. Happy birthday. We would never forget. Dump it out on the table so we can all have some. My favorite. We knew when we were passing the dash cheese. I am going to buy you a cake. While we are eating chips, lets talk about what is on my show tonight. Why are liberals so sad . John will be here to tell us w why. Harold ford, you are next. Thank you for the chips. Paul has a great celebration. He is a phillies fan and the somatic, who is at 1993 national champion, he was there. He was invited into the nationals game. He is a world war ii veteran. Happy birthday to you and it pains me to say this but go, phillies. Thank you. Cheers, harold. We all picked up the same bag. It is time for we have to change the music. Check out this designer, edna st. Louis, who transformed a food cart menu into a fashion style. Rotating around, it says hamburgers, falafel. I am going to be on hannity tonight if you want to watch. Tonight we have johnny joey jones, some lady named kennedy, and guy. That is tonight. Goats make a lot of noise but you never know what they are saying. We have these baby goats. Listen to them. That one over there, that is talking about the benefits of the black tax and that one is saying no, i would prefer sales tax and the one over here says please dont send me to kristi noems house. They are underrated as a pet and a farm animal and a petting zoo and zoo inhabitant. My girlfriend linda has two rescue goats. Sophie and olivia. They are the greatest of all time. They really are. There were three zebras who escaped a truck in western Washington State and one of them went on the lam for days. People were terrified for their safety. They are bloodthirsty killers. The animal was corralled and they are safe and sound. Do you know what is

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