Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703

jon: fulmer president trump about to speak at a beachfront road with a huge crowd of supporters on the jersey shore. good evening, i am jon scott this is a special two hour edition of the fox report. ♪ super six difficult to count the crowds possibly tens of thousands many have been waiting there for days to see the former president, the guy who is not allowed to talk about what is going on and that courtroom and new york city. fran ens is live in wildwood. he has more for us. >> jon, good evening we have been waiting now for hours for resident herbicide to speak in the 5:00 hour it seems like we are about to get there. governor of north dakota came out. he was the first one to speak at this rally right when the motorcade came through he flew on the plane with the former president a couple of hours ago that flew over this rally on a trump force one it's interesting we've got to keep an eye on him he said the list of vice presidential potential pics for former president trump. that fly over it was a real big kick, the crowd really loved it was really enthusiastic and people went nuts over it here. i'm so christian craighead who is speaking now i believe is going to come up any time but before he gets here want to give people a sense of what the crowd looks like here. there are potentially tens of thousands of people that are here on the beach in new jersey. new jersey is very blue no doubt this is deafly a message from the trump campaign and they are willing to go anywhere to try to send their message. the trump campaign is looking at blue states like minnesota and virginia. they think those states are in play being here in new jersey, what is convenient in the sense wildwood is a suburb of pennsylvania was very close to new york city office of the former president has been having his criminal trial. it also doesn't send a message to democrats and president by and they're willing to compete anywhere including here in deep blue new jersey. as for the criminal trial it would be very interesting to see whether or not the former presit crosses the line went and disobeys, violates his gag order we do know the judge said the next time he does that he could very well face a jail time. he started been fine 10,000 dollars for violating the gag order. we will seal close to get to that line given the fact stormy daniels and michael cohen is now set to testify on monday. that will be very fascinating. also interesting to see how much he is going to attack president biden but we know he has been attacking him on the economy, immigration and particularly on his wrist wiggle back initially the crowd will more time. we expect to the former president to come out at any moment. we talked about days we've spoken to people of been here for hours and days on the beach to try to get a spot here. it is a beautiful day. i thought he was going to come out. you can see the people you see in this shot cannot even look at the stage they do not have a view of the stage and yet none of them have moved. they are here to hear, be a part of it a in here the former president. [cheering] >> and nathan can come over this way and show people the front. the bottom line is this rally is definitely indicative at least for the trump campaign of the enthusiasm they feel that they are building paired they do think these criminal trial particular the water new york is building and giving them momentum. taken advantage by having other campaign relic the third campaign we are awaiting at any moment for the former president to come and take the chait stage. the political opponents thought by thinking him caged up they would build to dilute to the enthusiasm that sounds like the introduction has been made the man of the hour is about to take the stage. let's see if we can get a tighter shot at the podium there. >> he may have faked us out i don't know, we will see. [laughter] jon: nothing like the former president to do a head fake. certainly faked me out. [laughter] but yes it is interesting. you have to think a lot of democrats the political opponents thought he would not be able to effectively campaign if he were tied down a in court. that is not happening. >> right in fact is now getting attacked by some saying he's not spending his time going to battleground states in campaigning the way that he should be. but the reality is the former president has taken advantage she speaking to the press in and out of the hole even in new york city speaking to unit workers, going to construction workers. it does not matter the location put all of the cameras are there everyone is seeing it. that's part of the reasons he's here in new jersey. yes that he's closer to york and pennsylvania. this image of these people here for this campaign six months outside of november given all that is happening before michael cohen testifies on monday to start the prosecution, definitely sends a message. suit. jon: bryan llenas live in wildwood, new jersey britt thank you soon as the former president does emerge to speak to that huge crowd we will take you back there live it. in the meantime, one headache for the biden administration is on display in brooklyn. anti- israel protests continue this week and some of the biggest cities and on college campuses across the u.s. for today protesters in brooklyn are holding a day of action and new york city police are out in force. cb cotton is there life she has the very latest. >> hi jon it has been a busy day here in brooklyn these protesters have been on the m move. we have been trying to follow them throughout the afternoon if you take a look behind me you can see about 60 officers in riot gear were all positioned in front of the manhattan bridge. about a mile behind us a place where we are waiting on social media some of the protesters are occupying the manhattan bridge against protesters who a part of this large-scale demonstration about 200 people got onto the bridge and arrests were made. we are waiting to my network details on this. it is interesting though i was noticing traffic and started to move on the bridge perhaps the people who occupied that area have now been detained and brought in to downtown manhattan for processing. we have been watching all this unfold this evening everything started at barclays center for the crowd swelled each about 300 people there protesters started marching through the residential neighborhoods here in brooklyn. we noticed the crowd starting to get smaller and smaller. i am wondering if that's when a group of protesters broke off with the intention of occupying the manhattan bridge. again we have been following this crowd of demonstrators throughout the afternoon. they have certainly cap members of the nypd busy because officers have been trying to keep them on the sidewalk, out of the traffic. a lot of the demonstrators have gotten on the roadways. that blocked traffic in many instances we have watched clashes break out. the residential neighborhoods over in brooklyn we saw four -- five people taken into custody. the clashes with law enforcement we sought drivers get very frustrated trying to get where they needed to go as the demonstrators blocked off several roadways again we are monitoring the situation out here trying to find out more about the number of people who were arrested after occupying the manhattan bridge behind me i will send things back over to you. our white cb cotton outside the barclays center in brooklyn, new york keeping an eye on the protest. cb, thank you. a new impeachment effort is underway in the house of representatives after president biden threatened to deny weapons to israel if it should continue to invade rafah republican lawmakers say this is an abuse of power. lucas and tlucas tomlinson his e white house with more. >> seriously republican congressman from l orta corporae mills brought the impeachment resolution forward. >> there's really no different if you go back to a president what presidentbiden had tweetedt previously. he said withholding congressionally appropriated aid for a return of a political gain is in some way a quid pro quo he wants to win michigan. he wants to pander to the radical left. >> here's more from that impeachment resolution quote is the powers of high office president biden solicited a quid pro quo with the foreign government of israel by withholding precision guided weapons shipments in order to try to extract military policy changes for the top democrat on the house armed services committee criticized president biden says message is not clear the weapons being withheld is about unguided weapons. looks i've spoken with the number of different officials at the white house. their claim is they are only slowing down the delivery of 2000-pound dumb bombs. why isn't that message clear? i don't think the president made it clear during his interview on cnn. >> white house defending its action saying our actions have been consistent with the law. work clear every last cent of these funds will be spent consistent with legal obligations including the respect of the recently passed supplemental. one republican lawmaker represents a district joe biden one and 2020 says he is against this impeachment movement. >> i think what president biden is doing at this moment of war is unconscionable. i think his corporate mills pointed out he is putting electoral politics ahead of the safety and security of her closest allies in the world. i trust the judgment of the american people. >> well speaking at a fundraiser on the west coast at present about ahead of the café called north korean leader kim jong un the leader of south korea for the white house is not corrected the transcript which said quote we will never forget his love letters from the south korean president kim jong un. president biden is flight back to his beach house in delaware progress president biden just met the leader of south korea at camp david for the trilateral summit along with the leader of japan and president biden had a steak dinner for the leader of south korea here at the white house last year. jon: aren't lucas tomlinson at the white house, thanks lucas. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is pledging to go forward with the rafah operation despite those warnings from president biden. joining us at retired general joseph the former centcom commander and institute senior fellow on national security. general, nobody knows the middle east. when you think of the president's idea of threatening to withhold military aid from israel if that country continues with its incursion into rafah? >> thanks jon, it's good to be with you. this is a tactical move it's a lever available to the president and designed i think to help influence the policies and practices that i think the israelis or are orchestrated right now regarding their operation in gaza and specifically down in rafah. this is a tool that's available to orchestrate he can hopefully influence how the israelis make decisions about this. jon: israel says it has no choice but to eliminate the threat from hamas. the last bastions of the hamas battalions are in raw fact, are they not? >> apparently that is what the reporting tells us i don't think anyone is disagreeing with the need to get rid of hamas the concern is over how, if this is done were following the extraordinary number of displaced palestinians doubt and that particular area. i think of that concern is what is driving the administration to take some of the actions that it is taking. and hopefully try to influence israel to approach this in a manner that minimizes the further effects on the population. jon: how about a rafah operation without affecting the civilians who are there? especially when hamas is known to use as ci citizens, civilians human shields? >> this is an extra in a difficult situation. the whole campaign and of course gaza has been here. i am sure the israelis are thinking through this very, very carefully from my perspective i would certainly be thinking about making sure you're doing everything possible to address the humanitarian and allowing people to merv, encouraging them to make sure their supplies in place. that we are coordinate with humanitarian aid community to take care of people who have to be moved out of this. the second thing is they have to make sure they have great intelligence. a lot of the discussion has been about whether this is a kind ofa broad clearance of the area or a more precise operation going after hamas fighters and leaders. hopefully it will be more precise and that depends on intelligence for they have to beat working intelligence aspect for the third thing they need to be thinking about is what is the plan after words? what happens after they have done this? one of the challenges that they have with this campaign we are seeing this back in gaza city is areas where the israelis have fought through and now have taken their forces out were starting to see hamas fighters it's got to be a plan for what happens after words. jon: is a couple decades ago almost that israel got out of gossip. that palestinians what they wanted said we are not going to occupy you anymore. you govern yourselves they elected a hamas government and look what happens. all right, we are going to have to say goodbye. thank you. c4 former president donald tr trump's in wildwood new jersey. we know he's serious about tons of thousands of people who have been waiting there are some of them for days. we are continuing to watch the situation there. we will be back in just a moment. he year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at some people just know there's a better way to do things. like bundling your home and auto insurance with allstate. yeah, she knows. and some people... don't. like... come on. yikes! ughh... no. you know, there's a better way. save time and money by bundling your home and auto with allstate. you're in good hands with allstate. only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit or a store near you (vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. 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[cheering] with got a great group of people. an incredible group of people. we are looking really great in the state of minnesota which has not been one since 1952 on the state of virginia, and actually manyin many other states i don't know could be all of them. this guy is so bad it could be all of them. he is so bad i think were going to win them all. all across america, millions of people in so-called blue states are joining our movement based on love, intelligence, a and a thing called common sense. [cheering] know what is more common sense than the tough, strong, incredible, brilliant people of new jersey. i love new jersey. i love new jersey i'm here all of the time. whether you are a republican, conservative, independent or even a registered democrat i am asking for your help in saving america. our country is in trouble for it is in big trouble we will end up in world war iii these guys are grossly incompetent. they have no idea what they are doing. they have no idea what they are doing. you know in your heart they will not survive former years of crooked joe biden he is crooked, he is corrupt and he is incompetent. other than that is doing a good job. think of that he is crooked. he is incompetent. he is the worst of president we have ever had other than that is doing quite a good job but what do you think yes? doing a great job. [laughter] look at those two guys. lawrence, my golfing friends. we don't have to agree on everything but we can agree we want strong borders not open borders. we want the american dream not biden inflation nightmare. we want safe communities, not defend the police and abolish cash avail how about cash bill? with me they probably won't bail let's get trump to put up i'll be the only one in the country to put up bail. ana said of joe biden's weakness and chaos we want peace through strength like we had just four years ago. it is time -- what we really have to do is we have to set high standards because this country has never been in a position like we are in right now. we are left at all over the world. leaders respected us four years ago are laughing at us. it is time to set other differences aside come together, get the job done for america. we're going to make america great again and we are going to do it faster. [cheering] we are going to look at biden i'm sure no one ever saw the apprentice that was a big hit. that was a big powerful hit. i am going to look at that guy and i'm going to say joe biden you're the worst ever. joe biden you are fired, get out of here, you are fired. get out of here, joe. we're going to straighten out our country per were not going to destroy it. he is destroying it. as you know summers at the jersey shore have been a fixture of life for families all across the region. thanks to the 50% biden inflation tax. it is a new tax. two weeks ago i was looking at inflation numbers and they are devastating. when you have inflation breaks countries i am talking about 500 years ago and 300 years ago their country busters it is a tradition that you have here that is so incredible there being a busted by inflation. everyone is all over the country for the past three years less a 2323003 at $81. to the inflation tax that's a lot. and frankly these thanks they could never say do not include the worst numbers the biden price hikes are continuing to drain over $1000 from the typical new jersey family budget. every single month that's 1000 that is $12000 per family. let's talk about hotdogs i just had one actually. i just had one it was really good. i hope it was made here, i don't know. it's a very good frank sinatra told me a long time ago never eat before you perform. he said i'm not perform i'm a politician if you can believe that. i'm a business even that much br but i guess a politician. we did much better in 2020 put a lot better we had millions more votes. this time and i will say this, the spirit that we have this time blows both away. you know why? you still like maybe s salt the alternative is. the alternative is not a good thing. i had the best hotdo hot dog sod frank i'm sorry. pavarotti was a good friend. he ate all of the time. he did not care. i just had a hotd hot dog it way good. the price of a hot dogs of 22%. chicken is up 32%. hamburgers are up 37%. that is why had the hot dog. so it is up 30%, extra 50%, gasoline is up 50%. bacon is up 79%. that's i don't have bacon anymore, it is so expensive. not one thing is cheaper. there's not one thing anywhere. there's not one item that is cheaper. that's what because they probably had low energy. energy and the dollar 87. now it is up to almost $4 again and it is going up higher. in california $7.21 today. some places are ripping you off. if you are young looking to buy a home the 30 year mortgage rate is almost at 8%. when i left office it was .6%. a little different. the few at lower cost, higher income and more weekends down at the shore, let's go down to the shore. it always depends on who is there, right? if your own people of their you want to go down to the shore but if you have the right people we love the shore i know the short better than most of the people that are here i'll tell you that. there's nothing like it one of the best but you have to vote if you want to keep it going. you have to vote for a gentleman named donald j trump have you heard of him? [cheering] thank you. you know, you cannot even see the back there are so many people here. there are so many people here. over 100,000 people. you know they thought it would hit 48. they've more than double that you cannot even see the end. i wish we didn't have the press here i wish they could move them back because they can't see in the back. i always tell the press, turn your cameras around to show the audience. they never do it. fake news they never do it. they never do it. turn around. it tturn around. turn around. turn around. >> they are saying turn around, it is true. i don't know why. even the ones who are sort of friendly to me maybe seven or 8% are good. they are believers. they never turn around and i love to show the crowd as far as the eye can see. but they don't do it and not used to think it was a mechanical problem that the best cameras in the world for they have the tripods, everything. i realized early in the campaign in 2016 i realize there is a fight in the back it was a bad fight someone got into a fight way in the back. and the camera turned around like a pretzel they want to show the fights. that was a bad thing the same cameras you are looking at were turn into a pretzel they showed the fight in detail. they showed every below, every blow to the face they showed. so i realize that was not the reason they just don't want to do it. cannot figure it out here in new jersey are suffering under some of the highest property taxes and sales taxes in the nation. this is about the highest. now kirk could show it was to massively raise your income taxes are promising the trump tax cuts i got you the biggest tax cuts and history of our country. bigger than the reagan tax cuts year before. they want to cut trump they want to get rid of the trumps tax cuts. they expire so instead of renewing them says it's going to expire if i'm reelected he does even know what he saying. don't forget pretty print cannot but two sentences together he cannot find the stairs off the stage with see this stage i and finish. i've got stairs t there, i've gt stairs there. i've got a nice ramp there. i've got stairs there. got really dangerous i could jump off the front. there is nice sand. have you seen him when he is finished question ricky finishes a speech which usually lasts about a minute and a half. he always goes like this. [laughter] and then he doesn't know where to go. we have great people, secret service they run up on the stage and lead him off the stage. they are great. he wants to let our tax cuts expire and i don't do that anymore i do not imitate him anymore because i called my wife and the great first lady and i said first lady, we had a big speech. by the way not as many people as this this is like big a record d stuff on television even on the haters they said this to be the biggest rail rally they've even political rally. [cheering] but i called our first lady and said so. [laughter] that's a lot of people. look, super matt we have uncle sam, we have superman. i sit first lady, how good was that? i'm mea made a nice speech it wa big crowd look at that, look at all that it's all over television i sit first lady, how great a speech was that he was a strong like that? how great was i? she said you were okay. i said why what's wrong? she said you couldn't find your way off the stage. i was imitating him and they said i could not find my way off that is what happened so i have to be very careful. i'm doing the imitation walking around and the fake news is said trump could not find its way off. so i don't do that anymore i do a modified version. i do a very modified version for that happens a lot of the fake news. that's what they call them the fake news. but that means under biden the average new jersey worker will see a tax increase of shows -- iigot through to tax increases t you have another one. add on to what i just said with the inflation tax and that is a real tax $200,700 per year at a time when 73% of americans are living from paycheck to paycheck which is a record. never had that many people. think of it, i wonder who that might be. that is joe biden he doesn't want to land. [laughter] we are going to win new jersey. we are going to win. if we win new jersey we win the whole thing. i think were going to and some others also. if joe biden wins this the middle class loses new jersey loses, but if trump wins the middle class wins the people low income really start winning again you are all going for the american dream new jersey wins, pennsylvania wins, america wins you have a lot of people who is from pennsylvania? a lot of people. i went to school in pennsylvania. it's never quite the same. he has lost control of my beautiful school. instead of a biden tax like i will give you a trump middle-class, upper-class, lower-class, business class big tax cut. you will have the biggest tax cut. we were set to do that. we are all set to do that. it is interesting we did the tax cuts everyone said were not going to do the tax because we took in more income after the tax cut in the tax cut was massive everyone knows it because everyone thought was affected by it. it created jobs. it was a great cuts at the end of the year the country took in much more money sort of amazing. people pay much less tax and we did much more revenue so it really doesn't work. invited economic bus will be replaced by a brand-new trump economic boom will have another boom likely had we had the greatest in the history of our country. we have the grace economy. there has never been a time with jobs better than we have. and then went covid edit we did a lot to end it. we did therapeutics, we did things nobody else that were possible. you call it a bounce back everyone then goes back to their job or they get a new job. you have a big bounce back. we get credit for that he likes it credit for the bounce back but he does not know what it means. someone wrote it for him. he wants to take credit f. we had a tremendous and bounce back it was a beautiful thing to see. people a back to work. we had that dust coming in from china the china virus and it was a disgrace. what happened to this world, the entire world $52 trillion in millions and minds of people died all over the world. what a shame. we handled it about as well as any country in the world. we bounce back for a lot of different reasons and we bounce back well. day one will throughout biden now makes will reinstate maga economics. [cheering] we are going to bring manufacturing tourism back to new jersey like it is never sen before we were doing it and we did it. there's never been a better t time, actually your governor told me that. they have never had a better time than the three years, three years prior to covid and then after cope covid the recovery wo incredible we never had a better economy in the history of our country than it was it during my four ears as president. we are going to do something i think we are going to beat it. we have a lot of work to do were going to do something about the fact 28 million people have come into our country from prison from jails or mental institutions. from insane asylums. their terrors, and many are terrorists. other than that i think they're quite a fine group of people. we are going to stop the biden spending spree. he spent on things like the green new scam part of going to halt his inflation death spiral. think of it, one of the greatest inflations ever in history but if you are making more money it does not matter your tax of 50%. people are here is job numbers are fake their fixed numbers there rigged numbers. everything is right from the elections to the economy and by the way, the one thing doing well as the stock market. you do why is doing well? i am leading in every single pole and people think we are going to win. the stock market has been written about by some of the great people, they are writing that this election was not won by us you would see something like in 19209. the stock market is only doing well because everyone thanks we are going to win. we had a great stock market is going up because we are at leading it all the polls bad a pull start coming we don't want to let that happen. theythey're trying to rig the ve through this crab they are doing. it has backfired. no one has seen anything like it. i am more popular now than i've ever been. can you believe it? they rigged the whole thing with the department of justice and every time they have dug -- i have been indicted more than the great capone, scarface. al capone was so mean that if you went to dinner with him and he didn't like you you'd be dead the next morning i got indicted more than him on bs. it is just bs. [inaudible] my father is looking down i had a father he was great, my mother was great, they had a great marriage that's one thing i cannot beat him on that one. he was married for a long time but looking down now they are up there in heaven, definitely in heaven. he is looking down and say how did my son be placed in that kind of company but it is okay because the people of this country know and we are doing great we have never done better people understand it. normally that would be negative but for us it is a positive people and get it. they need to do that in order to win because they've been nothing else they have bad everything everything about them. think of one thing that is better you look at the afghanistan disaster you look at the border, you look at the economy the real economy not the fig economy. everything they touch turns to what? you should not use that kind of language. look, look, you could not use ct word. that is like chris christie to send went like chris christie? good. so i was in new hampshire and hs like totally unhinged is called trump derangement syndrome. he was a major case of trump derangement system. someone from the front row said sir, he is a fat pig. and i said no one heard the person was a nice person but said, i sent you cannot call chris christie a fat pig you cannot do that. please sir if you call him a fat pig once more i'm going to have to have you leave the arena and the guy did not know is happening i said don't worry but i'm only kidding. but i said you cannot call him a fat pig because you are not yout allowed to use the fat word you can use almost any word but you cannot use the fat word. it is career and if you call someone fat it is career ending. we are all fat. except lawrence taylor they are not fat they sure were not fat when they played football, or they? what do you think? they are great guys. we are going to terminate the green new scam. we are going to drill, baby drill. were going to get her energy way down. don't forget that is what caused inflation b for he let energy gt out of hand who went to $100 a barrel now putin would never have done that with ukraine. putin now says he can spend a fortune on the war if he kept it at $40 a barrel putin would not have been able to do that. russians made a fortune because this man that we have that does not know what he is doing has allowed energy. right now it's getting close to $100 a barrel again. you are not going to end of the war unless you bring down the price of oil but he does not understand that and it is so simple. but putin, that would've never happened if you look at president you take a look at president xi of china talking about beijing. you have ships circling, they have planes but they were never doing anything. president xi of china with taiwan and they said if you do that is going to be so bad for beijing. you do not want to do that that so bad for beijing and what you mean by that? you're going to have to think about that don't do it. he would never would have done it. let's see what he does. they have ships circling taiwan at levels they have never had. they have a planes is not very comfortable to be living right now in taiwan. russia it would not happen that would not have happened. do know what would not have happened? it would not have happened. but you won't have vector at wonderful eric we love you will not have to worry about governor murphy's w one of 57 windmills. and one of the best fighters on that is congressman van drew. he has fought so hard he's around here somewhere. there's no and that thought that you see these things all over the place. they destroy everything they are horrible and the most expensive energy there is. they ruin the environment to predict kill the birds they kill the whales. but on the ocean floor surveys for the construction causing tremendous problems with the fish in the whales and everything else no one knows what it is i think in 20 years one whale washed up on shore and then where they have these things they come up all the time, dead or they come up on shore. he said they remind them of chris christie. what are you doing? this could only happen in new jersey, right, jeff? it can only happen in new jersey the electricity because it's the highest in the country. we are going to make sure it that ends on day one. which are right it out in the executive orders going to end in day one. but unfortunately the democrats in new jersey have embraced joe biden's radical pro- china plan to eliminate gas powered cars and trucks. can you believe it? force everyone into ultra expensive vehicles that don't go far. i always say they have a couple of problems they're too expensive to going to be made in china and they don't go far. other than that i think they are wonderful. on day one i will immediately terminate joe biden's insane electric vehicle mandates and there will be no ban on gas cars and gas trucks in the garden state. go but no ban anywhere in the united states of america on a gas or you can buy electric if you want. you can buy gas, you can buy whatever you want and that is the way it should be. it was announced last night biden finally, listen to him he listens to him he does a lot of things, hate listens but it's about four years late. he says he's going to put one 100% tariff on all chinese electric vehicles. isn't that nice? he should have done this for your cycle but biden is not going to put this at tariff on their gasoline powered cars or any of the other products you have to put it on other cars also not just the electric cars he's trying to make them work. the subsidy they are paying to the people and to these auto companies and there's hundreds of thousands of electric cars all over the country. i think you could buy them probably cheap if you want them but they are forcing them on you and you cannot do it. it is supply and demand. people do not want some people doing the people that do should buy an electric car. i think they're fine, think they are good i think elon is a friend of mine he does a good job but not everyone should have one. if you want to take a nice trip from let's say it new jersey and you want to go visit me at the white house in a little while, that will buy an electric car. you won't make it. don't go by an electric car if you want to drive down to palm beach, florida see me and play around a golf with me i would love to do but don't take an electric car you make about 10 stops because she will be very late. your teatime will be long expired. but why didn't he do it years ago? it's only a ploy to get beyond election and then everything will come crashing down bec because -- one thing i learned about politicians and i i dealt with them for a long time, when a politician comes out with a policy and then they run an election and go back and say but they have to say to get elected they always go back to that original policy. and you know what this guy's policies ours? they are bad, they are really bad. the funny thing and the sad thing is he never changed. like who would keep an open border? i think it's killing him in the election but i may be wrong this might be a great political thing to have millions of prisoners and mental institution people come in. maybe it is a good thing. maybe i don't understand. is there anything good about that politically? is there anything good about high mortgage rates and high taxes? your taxes are going to go up four times that this lunatic is elected is going to go up four times. and by the way, i have to say this i have great respect for the office of the presidency. i never used used to talk aboun this way. until he did something that you can't do. he indicted a very popular president. i meet i was very popular got more votes than any other president in history but you know that. i got more votes than any other sitting president in history. or it made up charges and nonsense. all it's all nonsense local das doing they will do everything to win. it's really it backfired. in fact i heard they're going to a couple other things and they said don't do it, please don't do it. we are indicting him into the white house he's going to be indicted into the white house. they said don't do it. i have to tell you, i was an and in all of the office. it is one of the great places, great institutions. so importance. i have great respect for the office of the president, for the presidency of the united states. i used to talk about him like a politician would talk i say he's not doing a good job on taxes for it is not doing a good job on many, many things look at afghanistan was such a disaster. the most embarrassing moment but that i talk about it as a politician would talk about another politician. and now, he did something that should not have b of been done t indicted four times in a period of three seconds. anytime there's a plane that flies over if my plane flies over a blue state the following day i get subpoenaed to go before a grand jury. he gets on the adult do you do that in third world countries and banana republic's is not like it is unknown and probably in many cases is very effective but they do it and banana in baa republic we never did here. i could've pressed hilary a lot harder she broke up her phone, she broke them up she asked in a washington bit bleach and no one even knows what that is it so expensive. i thought, i really thought you've got to have a country. i'll tell you what he did was not something that should ever be done. especially when they make up stuff. why di did they do it nine years ago they could've done it many, many years ago. they waited until the election. they waited right until the into themiddle of the election y waited actually to see how i was doing in all fairness as number one throughout the entire process. we did not have a hard time for it we got in a record time. did you know that? we got it in record time it was the fastest anyb anybody's ever gotten a nomination. i think from either party the fastest we had normally if it was a normal thing i would be campaigning right now to try and get it but we wanted two months ago nobody's done it with that speed. that means you like me. you don't do that to your opponent. you don't do that to your political opponents it's done in third world countries this done and banana republic it is not done in the united states of america. so then i said i'm able to speak freely and that is when i call him the most grossly incompetent man and government. the worst president ever of any country the whole world is laughing at him. he is eight fool he's not a smart man he never was in prime time it was considered stupid. i talk about him differently now because now the gloves are off he is a bad guy he never should've done that it so bad for our country should never have done it. again i will say for the second time he is by far the worst president in history of our country. you could take, i used to say five and now i say 10. i think i'm going to make it 15. you could take the 10 worst presidents of the history of our country, add them up. give me the 10 worst names they've not done the damage to our country that this is a total moron has done. [cheering] he is a moron. other country leaders who i know laugh at him for they cannot believe it too. they cannot believe that they're getting away with. i would have never talked with that kind of disrespect for a president until he did what you should never do. we are supposed to cherish the office of president. you don't do what he did to try to win votes. to try and hurt your opponent so he can win. had the reverse effect. i'm higher now in the polls and i have ever been. i don't understand it. i don't understand. good job. good speech. good speech. i'm higher now than i've ever been we are going to keep it that way. we are going to win so big and turn this country around so fast it. we are going to do it. the biggest thing we have is to have millions of people here that are criminals. they are criminals. think of it, venezuela just announced and they had a new number of 67 out 72%. they're down in crime because they took their gangs, gang members took a lot of the criminals and move them into the united states of america. jail populations all over the world are way down these fools back there at the press, the fake news do not want to report it. you know why they are down? they are sending people in their jails into the united states of africa, from asia, from all over the world then into the uniteds a beautiful country the prison populations all of the world are down they did not want to report that the mental institution population is down because they are taking people from insane asylums and for mental institutions. you know what the differences, right? an insane asylum is a mental institution on steroids. silence of the lamis anyone seen silence of the lamp? the late great hannibal lector as i'm having a friend for dinner as a doctor walked by hannibal lector, congratulations the late great hannibal lector. we have people being released into the country that we do not want in our country. they are coming in at totally unchecked. jon: for president trump addressing a big rally in a huge crowd in wildwood, new jersey. i am jon scott the big weekend show starts right now.

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Heart , Voice , God , President , Crowd , Jon Scott , Supporters , Beachfront Road , Jersey Shore , Fulmer , Tens , Crowds , Eedition , Fox Report , Two , Six , Guy , Thousands , U S , Fran Ens , Wildwood , Many , New York City , Courtroom , Day One , Governor , North Dakota , 5 , 00 , One , Rally , Couple , Plane , Motorcade , Eye , List , People , Trump , Fly , Pics , Kick , Nuts , Former , New Jersey , Craighead , Sense , On The Beach , Message , Anywhere , States , Trump Campaign , Play , Deafly , Virginia , Minnesota , Office , Trial , Pennsylvania , Suburb , Democrats , Sense Wildwood , Line , Gag Order , Presit , Judge , Disobeys , Deep Blue , Fact , Fine , Michael Cohen , Stormy Daniels , 10000 , 10000 Dollars , Economy , Immigration , Wrist Wiggle , What Presidentbiden , Spot , Stage , Part , View , None , Cannot , Way , Cheering , Front , It A , Bottom Line , Nathan , Campaign , Enthusiasm , Building , Momentum , Criminal Trial , Water , Advantage , Chait Stage , Campaign Relic , Man , Opponents , Introduction , Bail Let , Shot , Podium , Laughter , Nothing , Head Fake , Lot , Court , Down A , Press , Unit Workers , Reality , Whole , Everyone , Wall , Cameras , The , Reasons , Construction Workers , Location , Image , Prosecution , It , Administration , Headache , Bryan Llenas Live In Wildwood , Suit , Protesters , Israel , Some , Action , Cities , Brooklyn , Protests , College Campuses , New York City Police , Display , Life , Move , Afternoon , Force , Look , Cb Cotton , Hi Jon , Officers , Manhattan Bridge , Place , Social Media , 60 , Traffic , Details , Network , The Bridge , Arrests , 200 , Everything , Area , Bridge , Barclays Center , Downtown Manhattan , 300 , Group , Neighborhoods , Intention , Demonstrators , Members , Sidewalk , Roadways , Clashes , Instances , Custody , Five , Four , Number , Situation , Drivers , More , Law Enforcement , Things , Cb , Protest , White Cb Cotton , Joe Biden One , Weapons , Impeachment Effort , Rafah , Republican , Abuse , House Of Representatives , Lawmakers , Congressman , White House , Impeachment Resolution , Power , Corporae Mills , Aren T Lucas Tomlinson , Tlucas Tomlinson His E , Orta , Aid , Gain , Return , Michigan , Quid Pro Quo , Tweetedt , Government , Powers , Left , Precision , Impeachment Resolution Quote , Order , Democrat , House Armed Services Committee , Military Policy Changes , Isn T , Officials , Looks , Claim , Bombs , Delivery , 2000 , Law , Actions , Interview , Funds , Obligations , Cnn , War , Respect , Lawmaker , Supplemental , Impeachment Movement , District , 2020 , World , Politics , Mills , Security , Safety , Allies , Kim Jong Un , Judgment , Fundraiser , South Korea , CafÉ , North Korean , West Coast , Flight , Beach House , Quote , Love Letters , Transcript , Delaware Progress , Leader , Steak Dinner , Summit , Thanks Lucas , Japan , Camp David , Operation , Benjamin Netanyahu , Warnings , Centcom , At Retired General Joseph , Country , Idea , Commander , Military Aid , Senior Fellow , Nobody , National Security , General , Middle East , Policies , Thanks Jon , Lever , Incursion , Israelis , Tool , Practices , Course Gaza , Hamas , Threat , Choice , Decisions , Bastions , Anyone , Battalions , Reporting , Palestinians , Concern , Manner , Population , Effects , Citizens , Civilians , Civilians Human Shields , Thinking , Perspective , Thing , Community , Care , Supplies , Merv , Intelligence , Fighters , Leaders , Kind , Discussion , Clearance , Ofa , Plan , Words , Challenges , Aspect , Back , Forces , Areas , Gaza City , Gossip , Donald Tr Trump , Right , C4 Former , Tons , Dealer , He Year , Selection , Tractors , Apr , Kubota , Kubotaorangedays Com , 0 , 3300 , 84 , Home , Allstate , Auto Insurance , Don T , Money , Save Time , Come On , Auto , Hands , Ughh , Memory Foam Doesn T , Mattress , Purple , Memorial Day Sale , Raw Egg Test , Gel Flex Grid , Spine , Body , Sleep , 800 , Woman , Houses , Store , Vo , Don T Worry , Visit Purple Com , Opendoor , Three , Doors , Matter , Absorbine Pro , Pain Won T , Pro , Pain Relief , Passions , Solution , Anesthetics , Campaign Event , Growth , Beginning , Fixer , Lawyer , Et Cetera , The Stand , Tens Of Thousands , Concerns , Election Cycle , Microphones , Voting , Remarks , Elections , Immigrants , House Committee , Guest , Style Chair , Congressman Brian , Wisconsin , House Financial Services Committee , Election , Noncitizens , Nation , Postcard , Washington D C , Capitol , Individual , Russian , Embassy Residing , 30 , Bill , Plant , Reinstates A Core Principle , Border , Slip , Tongue , Trump In Wildwood , Half , Adulation , Feeding , American , Thecrowd , Listen , Men , Land , Ain T , No Doubt , God Bless The Usa , There Ain T , Maga A Pejorative , Maga Hats Make American Great Again , Campaign Mistake , Maga Republicans , President Trump , Times , Campaign Rally , Nowhere , Work , Boardwalk , Meantright , Jersey Se , Hard Working American Patriots , Estate , Map , 1952 , Millions , Blue States , Movement , Common Sense , Love , Tough , Strong , Conservative , Help , Incredible , Guys , Trouble , World War Iii , Job , Crooked , Worst , Friends , Lawrence , Police , Communities , Borders , The American Dream Not Biden Inflation Nightmare , Cash , Bail , Strength , Chaos , Weakness , Peace , Ana , Standards , Position , Differences , America Great , Apprentice , Hit , Big Powerful Hit , Per , Joe , Tax , Inflation Tax , Thanks , Inflation Numbers , Families , Region , Fixture , 50 , Countries , Inflation , Tradition , Country Busters , 500 , 2323003 , 1 , 81 , Numbers , Price Hikes , Family Budget , 1000 , 000 , Family , I Don T Know , Hotdogs , Talk , 12000 , Politician , Frank Sinatra , Business , Votes , Spirit , Alternative , I M Sorry , Hotdo Hot Dog , Friend , Hot Dog , Pavarotti , Price , Hotd , Dogs , 22 , Gasoline , Bacon , Chicken , Hamburgers , 32 , 79 , 37 , Energy , Item , Places , California , 21 , 7 21 , 87 , , 4 , Mortgage Rate , Few , Cost , 8 , Shore , Income , Let S Go , Gentleman Named Donald J Trump , Most , One Of The Best , 100000 , Double , The End , 48 , News , Audience , It Tturn , Believers , I Don T Know Why , Ones , Friendly , Seven , Problem , Tripods , Someone , Fight , Pretzel , Camera , Fights , 2016 , Reason , Detail , Face , Blow , Highest , Sales Taxes , Property Taxes , Figure , Suffering , History , Tax Cuts , Income Taxes , Sentences , Stairs , Gt Stairs There , Stairs T , Ramp , Speech , Sand , Question , Wife , Secret Service , First Lady , Television , Stuff , Rail Rally , Haters , Big A Record D , Superman , Uncle Sam , Speech It Wa Big Crowd , Mea , Version , Imitation Walking , Worker , Tax Increase , Shows , Average , Paycheck , Add , Record , Americans , 73 , 200700 , 00700 , Win , Doesn T Want To Land , Class , Others , Wins , Loses , Same , Control , My Beautiful School , Business Class Big Tax Cut , Middle Class , Tax Cut , Set , Jobs , Cuts , Boom , Bus , Revenue , Doesn T Work , Bounce , Bounce Back , Nobody Else , Therapeutics , Covid , Credit F , Credit , It Credit , China , Dust , Disgrace , Virus , Minds , 52 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Maga Economics , Shame , Manufacturing Tourism , Cope Covid , Something , Prison , Tears , 28 Million , Institutions , Jails , Insane Asylums , Terrors , Spending Spree , Terrorists , Scam , Inflations , Inflation Death Spiral , Job Numbers , Stock Market , Opole , Writing , 19209 , No One , Anything , Polls , Crab , Ve , Theythey , Great Capone , Department Of Justice , Scarface , Al Capone , Dinner , Father , Inaudible , Mother , Marriage , Heaven , Son , Company , Disaster , Afghanistan , Fig Economy , The Border , Chris Christie , Ct Word , Language , New Hampshire , Fat Pig , Case , Sir , Front Row , Trump Derangement Syndrome , Trump Derangement System , Person , Arena , Word , Fat , Kidding , Career , Career Ending , Lawrence Taylor , Football , Baby Drill , Fortune , Putin , Barrel , Inflation B , Ukraine , He Let Energy Gt Out Of Hand , 100 , Barrel Putin , Doing , Russians , 40 , President Xi , Take A Look , Soil , About Beijing , Planes , Beijing , Taiwan , Levels , Know , Vector , Russia , Windmills , Murphy , 57 , Congressman Van Drew , Somewhere , Thought , Whales , Problems , Ocean Floor , Construction , Kill , Birds , Environment , Fish , 20 , Electricity , Jeff , Executive Orders , Cars , Trucks , Vehicles , Don T Go Far , Gas , Ban , Gas Cars , Vehicle , Mandates , Electric , Last Night Biden Finally , Hate , Tariff , Cycle , Chinese , Electric Vehicles , Nice , Auto Companies , Products , Subsidy , Hundreds Of Thousands , Demand , Car , In A Little While , Trip , Elon , Golf , Palm Beach , Don T Go By An Electric Car , Florida , 10 , Didn T , Teatime , Ploy , Bec , Politicians , Policy , Ii , Institution , Prisoners , Presidency , Taxes , Mortgage Rates , Lunatic , Nonsense , Sitting , Charges , Do It , Importance , Tb , Grand Jury , Banana Republic , Cases , Third World , Adult , Phone , Baa Republic , Bit Bleach , Di , Nine , Process , Themiddle , Fairness , Party , Nomination , Anyb Anybody , Opponent , Speed , Fool , Gloves , Eight , Presidents , Damage , Names , 15 , Country Leaders , Moron , Laugh , Disrespect , Reverse Effect , Criminals , Venezuela , Crime , Gang Members , Gangs , 67 , 72 , Jail Populations , United States Of Africa , Fools , Uniteds , Prison Populations , All Over The World , Asia , Silence , Asylum , Steroids , Lamp , Hannibal Lector , Lamis , Congratulations , Doctor , Big Weekend Show ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240703

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jon: fulmer president trump about to speak at a beachfront road with a huge crowd of supporters on the jersey shore. good evening, i am jon scott this is a special two hour edition of the fox report. ♪ super six difficult to count the crowds possibly tens of thousands many have been waiting there for days to see the former president, the guy who is not allowed to talk about what is going on and that courtroom and new york city. fran ens is live in wildwood. he has more for us. >> jon, good evening we have been waiting now for hours for resident herbicide to speak in the 5:00 hour it seems like we are about to get there. governor of north dakota came out. he was the first one to speak at this rally right when the motorcade came through he flew on the plane with the former president a couple of hours ago that flew over this rally on a trump force one it's interesting we've got to keep an eye on him he said the list of vice presidential potential pics for former president trump. that fly over it was a real big kick, the crowd really loved it was really enthusiastic and people went nuts over it here. i'm so christian craighead who is speaking now i believe is going to come up any time but before he gets here want to give people a sense of what the crowd looks like here. there are potentially tens of thousands of people that are here on the beach in new jersey. new jersey is very blue no doubt this is deafly a message from the trump campaign and they are willing to go anywhere to try to send their message. the trump campaign is looking at blue states like minnesota and virginia. they think those states are in play being here in new jersey, what is convenient in the sense wildwood is a suburb of pennsylvania was very close to new york city office of the former president has been having his criminal trial. it also doesn't send a message to democrats and president by and they're willing to compete anywhere including here in deep blue new jersey. as for the criminal trial it would be very interesting to see whether or not the former presit crosses the line went and disobeys, violates his gag order we do know the judge said the next time he does that he could very well face a jail time. he started been fine 10,000 dollars for violating the gag order. we will seal close to get to that line given the fact stormy daniels and michael cohen is now set to testify on monday. that will be very fascinating. also interesting to see how much he is going to attack president biden but we know he has been attacking him on the economy, immigration and particularly on his wrist wiggle back initially the crowd will more time. we expect to the former president to come out at any moment. we talked about days we've spoken to people of been here for hours and days on the beach to try to get a spot here. it is a beautiful day. i thought he was going to come out. you can see the people you see in this shot cannot even look at the stage they do not have a view of the stage and yet none of them have moved. they are here to hear, be a part of it a in here the former president. [cheering] >> and nathan can come over this way and show people the front. the bottom line is this rally is definitely indicative at least for the trump campaign of the enthusiasm they feel that they are building paired they do think these criminal trial particular the water new york is building and giving them momentum. taken advantage by having other campaign relic the third campaign we are awaiting at any moment for the former president to come and take the chait stage. the political opponents thought by thinking him caged up they would build to dilute to the enthusiasm that sounds like the introduction has been made the man of the hour is about to take the stage. let's see if we can get a tighter shot at the podium there. >> he may have faked us out i don't know, we will see. [laughter] jon: nothing like the former president to do a head fake. certainly faked me out. [laughter] but yes it is interesting. you have to think a lot of democrats the political opponents thought he would not be able to effectively campaign if he were tied down a in court. that is not happening. >> right in fact is now getting attacked by some saying he's not spending his time going to battleground states in campaigning the way that he should be. but the reality is the former president has taken advantage she speaking to the press in and out of the hole even in new york city speaking to unit workers, going to construction workers. it does not matter the location put all of the cameras are there everyone is seeing it. that's part of the reasons he's here in new jersey. yes that he's closer to york and pennsylvania. this image of these people here for this campaign six months outside of november given all that is happening before michael cohen testifies on monday to start the prosecution, definitely sends a message. suit. jon: bryan llenas live in wildwood, new jersey britt thank you soon as the former president does emerge to speak to that huge crowd we will take you back there live it. in the meantime, one headache for the biden administration is on display in brooklyn. anti- israel protests continue this week and some of the biggest cities and on college campuses across the u.s. for today protesters in brooklyn are holding a day of action and new york city police are out in force. cb cotton is there life she has the very latest. >> hi jon it has been a busy day here in brooklyn these protesters have been on the m move. we have been trying to follow them throughout the afternoon if you take a look behind me you can see about 60 officers in riot gear were all positioned in front of the manhattan bridge. about a mile behind us a place where we are waiting on social media some of the protesters are occupying the manhattan bridge against protesters who a part of this large-scale demonstration about 200 people got onto the bridge and arrests were made. we are waiting to my network details on this. it is interesting though i was noticing traffic and started to move on the bridge perhaps the people who occupied that area have now been detained and brought in to downtown manhattan for processing. we have been watching all this unfold this evening everything started at barclays center for the crowd swelled each about 300 people there protesters started marching through the residential neighborhoods here in brooklyn. we noticed the crowd starting to get smaller and smaller. i am wondering if that's when a group of protesters broke off with the intention of occupying the manhattan bridge. again we have been following this crowd of demonstrators throughout the afternoon. they have certainly cap members of the nypd busy because officers have been trying to keep them on the sidewalk, out of the traffic. a lot of the demonstrators have gotten on the roadways. that blocked traffic in many instances we have watched clashes break out. the residential neighborhoods over in brooklyn we saw four -- five people taken into custody. the clashes with law enforcement we sought drivers get very frustrated trying to get where they needed to go as the demonstrators blocked off several roadways again we are monitoring the situation out here trying to find out more about the number of people who were arrested after occupying the manhattan bridge behind me i will send things back over to you. our white cb cotton outside the barclays center in brooklyn, new york keeping an eye on the protest. cb, thank you. a new impeachment effort is underway in the house of representatives after president biden threatened to deny weapons to israel if it should continue to invade rafah republican lawmakers say this is an abuse of power. lucas and tlucas tomlinson his e white house with more. >> seriously republican congressman from l orta corporae mills brought the impeachment resolution forward. >> there's really no different if you go back to a president what presidentbiden had tweetedt previously. he said withholding congressionally appropriated aid for a return of a political gain is in some way a quid pro quo he wants to win michigan. he wants to pander to the radical left. >> here's more from that impeachment resolution quote is the powers of high office president biden solicited a quid pro quo with the foreign government of israel by withholding precision guided weapons shipments in order to try to extract military policy changes for the top democrat on the house armed services committee criticized president biden says message is not clear the weapons being withheld is about unguided weapons. looks i've spoken with the number of different officials at the white house. their claim is they are only slowing down the delivery of 2000-pound dumb bombs. why isn't that message clear? i don't think the president made it clear during his interview on cnn. >> white house defending its action saying our actions have been consistent with the law. work clear every last cent of these funds will be spent consistent with legal obligations including the respect of the recently passed supplemental. one republican lawmaker represents a district joe biden one and 2020 says he is against this impeachment movement. >> i think what president biden is doing at this moment of war is unconscionable. i think his corporate mills pointed out he is putting electoral politics ahead of the safety and security of her closest allies in the world. i trust the judgment of the american people. >> well speaking at a fundraiser on the west coast at present about ahead of the café called north korean leader kim jong un the leader of south korea for the white house is not corrected the transcript which said quote we will never forget his love letters from the south korean president kim jong un. president biden is flight back to his beach house in delaware progress president biden just met the leader of south korea at camp david for the trilateral summit along with the leader of japan and president biden had a steak dinner for the leader of south korea here at the white house last year. jon: aren't lucas tomlinson at the white house, thanks lucas. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is pledging to go forward with the rafah operation despite those warnings from president biden. joining us at retired general joseph the former centcom commander and institute senior fellow on national security. general, nobody knows the middle east. when you think of the president's idea of threatening to withhold military aid from israel if that country continues with its incursion into rafah? >> thanks jon, it's good to be with you. this is a tactical move it's a lever available to the president and designed i think to help influence the policies and practices that i think the israelis or are orchestrated right now regarding their operation in gaza and specifically down in rafah. this is a tool that's available to orchestrate he can hopefully influence how the israelis make decisions about this. jon: israel says it has no choice but to eliminate the threat from hamas. the last bastions of the hamas battalions are in raw fact, are they not? >> apparently that is what the reporting tells us i don't think anyone is disagreeing with the need to get rid of hamas the concern is over how, if this is done were following the extraordinary number of displaced palestinians doubt and that particular area. i think of that concern is what is driving the administration to take some of the actions that it is taking. and hopefully try to influence israel to approach this in a manner that minimizes the further effects on the population. jon: how about a rafah operation without affecting the civilians who are there? especially when hamas is known to use as ci citizens, civilians human shields? >> this is an extra in a difficult situation. the whole campaign and of course gaza has been here. i am sure the israelis are thinking through this very, very carefully from my perspective i would certainly be thinking about making sure you're doing everything possible to address the humanitarian and allowing people to merv, encouraging them to make sure their supplies in place. that we are coordinate with humanitarian aid community to take care of people who have to be moved out of this. the second thing is they have to make sure they have great intelligence. a lot of the discussion has been about whether this is a kind ofa broad clearance of the area or a more precise operation going after hamas fighters and leaders. hopefully it will be more precise and that depends on intelligence for they have to beat working intelligence aspect for the third thing they need to be thinking about is what is the plan after words? what happens after they have done this? one of the challenges that they have with this campaign we are seeing this back in gaza city is areas where the israelis have fought through and now have taken their forces out were starting to see hamas fighters it's got to be a plan for what happens after words. jon: is a couple decades ago almost that israel got out of gossip. that palestinians what they wanted said we are not going to occupy you anymore. you govern yourselves they elected a hamas government and look what happens. all right, we are going to have to say goodbye. thank you. c4 former president donald tr trump's in wildwood new jersey. we know he's serious about tons of thousands of people who have been waiting there are some of them for days. we are continuing to watch the situation there. we will be back in just a moment. he year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at some people just know there's a better way to do things. like bundling your home and auto insurance with allstate. yeah, she knows. and some people... don't. like... come on. yikes! ughh... no. you know, there's a better way. save time and money by bundling your home and auto with allstate. you're in good hands with allstate. only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit or a store near you (vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. 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[cheering] with got a great group of people. an incredible group of people. we are looking really great in the state of minnesota which has not been one since 1952 on the state of virginia, and actually manyin many other states i don't know could be all of them. this guy is so bad it could be all of them. he is so bad i think were going to win them all. all across america, millions of people in so-called blue states are joining our movement based on love, intelligence, a and a thing called common sense. [cheering] know what is more common sense than the tough, strong, incredible, brilliant people of new jersey. i love new jersey. i love new jersey i'm here all of the time. whether you are a republican, conservative, independent or even a registered democrat i am asking for your help in saving america. our country is in trouble for it is in big trouble we will end up in world war iii these guys are grossly incompetent. they have no idea what they are doing. they have no idea what they are doing. you know in your heart they will not survive former years of crooked joe biden he is crooked, he is corrupt and he is incompetent. other than that is doing a good job. think of that he is crooked. he is incompetent. he is the worst of president we have ever had other than that is doing quite a good job but what do you think yes? doing a great job. [laughter] look at those two guys. lawrence, my golfing friends. we don't have to agree on everything but we can agree we want strong borders not open borders. we want the american dream not biden inflation nightmare. we want safe communities, not defend the police and abolish cash avail how about cash bill? with me they probably won't bail let's get trump to put up i'll be the only one in the country to put up bail. ana said of joe biden's weakness and chaos we want peace through strength like we had just four years ago. it is time -- what we really have to do is we have to set high standards because this country has never been in a position like we are in right now. we are left at all over the world. leaders respected us four years ago are laughing at us. it is time to set other differences aside come together, get the job done for america. we're going to make america great again and we are going to do it faster. [cheering] we are going to look at biden i'm sure no one ever saw the apprentice that was a big hit. that was a big powerful hit. i am going to look at that guy and i'm going to say joe biden you're the worst ever. joe biden you are fired, get out of here, you are fired. get out of here, joe. we're going to straighten out our country per were not going to destroy it. he is destroying it. as you know summers at the jersey shore have been a fixture of life for families all across the region. thanks to the 50% biden inflation tax. it is a new tax. two weeks ago i was looking at inflation numbers and they are devastating. when you have inflation breaks countries i am talking about 500 years ago and 300 years ago their country busters it is a tradition that you have here that is so incredible there being a busted by inflation. everyone is all over the country for the past three years less a 2323003 at $81. to the inflation tax that's a lot. and frankly these thanks they could never say do not include the worst numbers the biden price hikes are continuing to drain over $1000 from the typical new jersey family budget. every single month that's 1000 that is $12000 per family. let's talk about hotdogs i just had one actually. i just had one it was really good. i hope it was made here, i don't know. it's a very good frank sinatra told me a long time ago never eat before you perform. he said i'm not perform i'm a politician if you can believe that. i'm a business even that much br but i guess a politician. we did much better in 2020 put a lot better we had millions more votes. this time and i will say this, the spirit that we have this time blows both away. you know why? you still like maybe s salt the alternative is. the alternative is not a good thing. i had the best hotdo hot dog sod frank i'm sorry. pavarotti was a good friend. he ate all of the time. he did not care. i just had a hotd hot dog it way good. the price of a hot dogs of 22%. chicken is up 32%. hamburgers are up 37%. that is why had the hot dog. so it is up 30%, extra 50%, gasoline is up 50%. bacon is up 79%. that's i don't have bacon anymore, it is so expensive. not one thing is cheaper. there's not one thing anywhere. there's not one item that is cheaper. that's what because they probably had low energy. energy and the dollar 87. now it is up to almost $4 again and it is going up higher. in california $7.21 today. some places are ripping you off. if you are young looking to buy a home the 30 year mortgage rate is almost at 8%. when i left office it was .6%. a little different. the few at lower cost, higher income and more weekends down at the shore, let's go down to the shore. it always depends on who is there, right? if your own people of their you want to go down to the shore but if you have the right people we love the shore i know the short better than most of the people that are here i'll tell you that. there's nothing like it one of the best but you have to vote if you want to keep it going. you have to vote for a gentleman named donald j trump have you heard of him? [cheering] thank you. you know, you cannot even see the back there are so many people here. there are so many people here. over 100,000 people. you know they thought it would hit 48. they've more than double that you cannot even see the end. i wish we didn't have the press here i wish they could move them back because they can't see in the back. i always tell the press, turn your cameras around to show the audience. they never do it. fake news they never do it. they never do it. turn around. it tturn around. turn around. turn around. >> they are saying turn around, it is true. i don't know why. even the ones who are sort of friendly to me maybe seven or 8% are good. they are believers. they never turn around and i love to show the crowd as far as the eye can see. but they don't do it and not used to think it was a mechanical problem that the best cameras in the world for they have the tripods, everything. i realized early in the campaign in 2016 i realize there is a fight in the back it was a bad fight someone got into a fight way in the back. and the camera turned around like a pretzel they want to show the fights. that was a bad thing the same cameras you are looking at were turn into a pretzel they showed the fight in detail. they showed every below, every blow to the face they showed. so i realize that was not the reason they just don't want to do it. cannot figure it out here in new jersey are suffering under some of the highest property taxes and sales taxes in the nation. this is about the highest. now kirk could show it was to massively raise your income taxes are promising the trump tax cuts i got you the biggest tax cuts and history of our country. bigger than the reagan tax cuts year before. they want to cut trump they want to get rid of the trumps tax cuts. they expire so instead of renewing them says it's going to expire if i'm reelected he does even know what he saying. don't forget pretty print cannot but two sentences together he cannot find the stairs off the stage with see this stage i and finish. i've got stairs t there, i've gt stairs there. i've got a nice ramp there. i've got stairs there. got really dangerous i could jump off the front. there is nice sand. have you seen him when he is finished question ricky finishes a speech which usually lasts about a minute and a half. he always goes like this. [laughter] and then he doesn't know where to go. we have great people, secret service they run up on the stage and lead him off the stage. they are great. he wants to let our tax cuts expire and i don't do that anymore i do not imitate him anymore because i called my wife and the great first lady and i said first lady, we had a big speech. by the way not as many people as this this is like big a record d stuff on television even on the haters they said this to be the biggest rail rally they've even political rally. [cheering] but i called our first lady and said so. [laughter] that's a lot of people. look, super matt we have uncle sam, we have superman. i sit first lady, how good was that? i'm mea made a nice speech it wa big crowd look at that, look at all that it's all over television i sit first lady, how great a speech was that he was a strong like that? how great was i? she said you were okay. i said why what's wrong? she said you couldn't find your way off the stage. i was imitating him and they said i could not find my way off that is what happened so i have to be very careful. i'm doing the imitation walking around and the fake news is said trump could not find its way off. so i don't do that anymore i do a modified version. i do a very modified version for that happens a lot of the fake news. that's what they call them the fake news. but that means under biden the average new jersey worker will see a tax increase of shows -- iigot through to tax increases t you have another one. add on to what i just said with the inflation tax and that is a real tax $200,700 per year at a time when 73% of americans are living from paycheck to paycheck which is a record. never had that many people. think of it, i wonder who that might be. that is joe biden he doesn't want to land. [laughter] we are going to win new jersey. we are going to win. if we win new jersey we win the whole thing. i think were going to and some others also. if joe biden wins this the middle class loses new jersey loses, but if trump wins the middle class wins the people low income really start winning again you are all going for the american dream new jersey wins, pennsylvania wins, america wins you have a lot of people who is from pennsylvania? a lot of people. i went to school in pennsylvania. it's never quite the same. he has lost control of my beautiful school. instead of a biden tax like i will give you a trump middle-class, upper-class, lower-class, business class big tax cut. you will have the biggest tax cut. we were set to do that. we are all set to do that. it is interesting we did the tax cuts everyone said were not going to do the tax because we took in more income after the tax cut in the tax cut was massive everyone knows it because everyone thought was affected by it. it created jobs. it was a great cuts at the end of the year the country took in much more money sort of amazing. people pay much less tax and we did much more revenue so it really doesn't work. invited economic bus will be replaced by a brand-new trump economic boom will have another boom likely had we had the greatest in the history of our country. we have the grace economy. there has never been a time with jobs better than we have. and then went covid edit we did a lot to end it. we did therapeutics, we did things nobody else that were possible. you call it a bounce back everyone then goes back to their job or they get a new job. you have a big bounce back. we get credit for that he likes it credit for the bounce back but he does not know what it means. someone wrote it for him. he wants to take credit f. we had a tremendous and bounce back it was a beautiful thing to see. people a back to work. we had that dust coming in from china the china virus and it was a disgrace. what happened to this world, the entire world $52 trillion in millions and minds of people died all over the world. what a shame. we handled it about as well as any country in the world. we bounce back for a lot of different reasons and we bounce back well. day one will throughout biden now makes will reinstate maga economics. [cheering] we are going to bring manufacturing tourism back to new jersey like it is never sen before we were doing it and we did it. there's never been a better t time, actually your governor told me that. they have never had a better time than the three years, three years prior to covid and then after cope covid the recovery wo incredible we never had a better economy in the history of our country than it was it during my four ears as president. we are going to do something i think we are going to beat it. we have a lot of work to do were going to do something about the fact 28 million people have come into our country from prison from jails or mental institutions. from insane asylums. their terrors, and many are terrorists. other than that i think they're quite a fine group of people. we are going to stop the biden spending spree. he spent on things like the green new scam part of going to halt his inflation death spiral. think of it, one of the greatest inflations ever in history but if you are making more money it does not matter your tax of 50%. people are here is job numbers are fake their fixed numbers there rigged numbers. everything is right from the elections to the economy and by the way, the one thing doing well as the stock market. you do why is doing well? i am leading in every single pole and people think we are going to win. the stock market has been written about by some of the great people, they are writing that this election was not won by us you would see something like in 19209. the stock market is only doing well because everyone thanks we are going to win. we had a great stock market is going up because we are at leading it all the polls bad a pull start coming we don't want to let that happen. theythey're trying to rig the ve through this crab they are doing. it has backfired. no one has seen anything like it. i am more popular now than i've ever been. can you believe it? they rigged the whole thing with the department of justice and every time they have dug -- i have been indicted more than the great capone, scarface. al capone was so mean that if you went to dinner with him and he didn't like you you'd be dead the next morning i got indicted more than him on bs. it is just bs. [inaudible] my father is looking down i had a father he was great, my mother was great, they had a great marriage that's one thing i cannot beat him on that one. he was married for a long time but looking down now they are up there in heaven, definitely in heaven. he is looking down and say how did my son be placed in that kind of company but it is okay because the people of this country know and we are doing great we have never done better people understand it. normally that would be negative but for us it is a positive people and get it. they need to do that in order to win because they've been nothing else they have bad everything everything about them. think of one thing that is better you look at the afghanistan disaster you look at the border, you look at the economy the real economy not the fig economy. everything they touch turns to what? you should not use that kind of language. look, look, you could not use ct word. that is like chris christie to send went like chris christie? good. so i was in new hampshire and hs like totally unhinged is called trump derangement syndrome. he was a major case of trump derangement system. someone from the front row said sir, he is a fat pig. and i said no one heard the person was a nice person but said, i sent you cannot call chris christie a fat pig you cannot do that. please sir if you call him a fat pig once more i'm going to have to have you leave the arena and the guy did not know is happening i said don't worry but i'm only kidding. but i said you cannot call him a fat pig because you are not yout allowed to use the fat word you can use almost any word but you cannot use the fat word. it is career and if you call someone fat it is career ending. we are all fat. except lawrence taylor they are not fat they sure were not fat when they played football, or they? what do you think? they are great guys. we are going to terminate the green new scam. we are going to drill, baby drill. were going to get her energy way down. don't forget that is what caused inflation b for he let energy gt out of hand who went to $100 a barrel now putin would never have done that with ukraine. putin now says he can spend a fortune on the war if he kept it at $40 a barrel putin would not have been able to do that. russians made a fortune because this man that we have that does not know what he is doing has allowed energy. right now it's getting close to $100 a barrel again. you are not going to end of the war unless you bring down the price of oil but he does not understand that and it is so simple. but putin, that would've never happened if you look at president you take a look at president xi of china talking about beijing. you have ships circling, they have planes but they were never doing anything. president xi of china with taiwan and they said if you do that is going to be so bad for beijing. you do not want to do that that so bad for beijing and what you mean by that? you're going to have to think about that don't do it. he would never would have done it. let's see what he does. they have ships circling taiwan at levels they have never had. they have a planes is not very comfortable to be living right now in taiwan. russia it would not happen that would not have happened. do know what would not have happened? it would not have happened. but you won't have vector at wonderful eric we love you will not have to worry about governor murphy's w one of 57 windmills. and one of the best fighters on that is congressman van drew. he has fought so hard he's around here somewhere. there's no and that thought that you see these things all over the place. they destroy everything they are horrible and the most expensive energy there is. they ruin the environment to predict kill the birds they kill the whales. but on the ocean floor surveys for the construction causing tremendous problems with the fish in the whales and everything else no one knows what it is i think in 20 years one whale washed up on shore and then where they have these things they come up all the time, dead or they come up on shore. he said they remind them of chris christie. what are you doing? this could only happen in new jersey, right, jeff? it can only happen in new jersey the electricity because it's the highest in the country. we are going to make sure it that ends on day one. which are right it out in the executive orders going to end in day one. but unfortunately the democrats in new jersey have embraced joe biden's radical pro- china plan to eliminate gas powered cars and trucks. can you believe it? force everyone into ultra expensive vehicles that don't go far. i always say they have a couple of problems they're too expensive to going to be made in china and they don't go far. other than that i think they are wonderful. on day one i will immediately terminate joe biden's insane electric vehicle mandates and there will be no ban on gas cars and gas trucks in the garden state. go but no ban anywhere in the united states of america on a gas or you can buy electric if you want. you can buy gas, you can buy whatever you want and that is the way it should be. it was announced last night biden finally, listen to him he listens to him he does a lot of things, hate listens but it's about four years late. he says he's going to put one 100% tariff on all chinese electric vehicles. isn't that nice? he should have done this for your cycle but biden is not going to put this at tariff on their gasoline powered cars or any of the other products you have to put it on other cars also not just the electric cars he's trying to make them work. the subsidy they are paying to the people and to these auto companies and there's hundreds of thousands of electric cars all over the country. i think you could buy them probably cheap if you want them but they are forcing them on you and you cannot do it. it is supply and demand. people do not want some people doing the people that do should buy an electric car. i think they're fine, think they are good i think elon is a friend of mine he does a good job but not everyone should have one. if you want to take a nice trip from let's say it new jersey and you want to go visit me at the white house in a little while, that will buy an electric car. you won't make it. don't go by an electric car if you want to drive down to palm beach, florida see me and play around a golf with me i would love to do but don't take an electric car you make about 10 stops because she will be very late. your teatime will be long expired. but why didn't he do it years ago? it's only a ploy to get beyond election and then everything will come crashing down bec because -- one thing i learned about politicians and i i dealt with them for a long time, when a politician comes out with a policy and then they run an election and go back and say but they have to say to get elected they always go back to that original policy. and you know what this guy's policies ours? they are bad, they are really bad. the funny thing and the sad thing is he never changed. like who would keep an open border? i think it's killing him in the election but i may be wrong this might be a great political thing to have millions of prisoners and mental institution people come in. maybe it is a good thing. maybe i don't understand. is there anything good about that politically? is there anything good about high mortgage rates and high taxes? your taxes are going to go up four times that this lunatic is elected is going to go up four times. and by the way, i have to say this i have great respect for the office of the presidency. i never used used to talk aboun this way. until he did something that you can't do. he indicted a very popular president. i meet i was very popular got more votes than any other president in history but you know that. i got more votes than any other sitting president in history. or it made up charges and nonsense. all it's all nonsense local das doing they will do everything to win. it's really it backfired. in fact i heard they're going to a couple other things and they said don't do it, please don't do it. we are indicting him into the white house he's going to be indicted into the white house. they said don't do it. i have to tell you, i was an and in all of the office. it is one of the great places, great institutions. so importance. i have great respect for the office of the president, for the presidency of the united states. i used to talk about him like a politician would talk i say he's not doing a good job on taxes for it is not doing a good job on many, many things look at afghanistan was such a disaster. the most embarrassing moment but that i talk about it as a politician would talk about another politician. and now, he did something that should not have b of been done t indicted four times in a period of three seconds. anytime there's a plane that flies over if my plane flies over a blue state the following day i get subpoenaed to go before a grand jury. he gets on the adult do you do that in third world countries and banana republic's is not like it is unknown and probably in many cases is very effective but they do it and banana in baa republic we never did here. i could've pressed hilary a lot harder she broke up her phone, she broke them up she asked in a washington bit bleach and no one even knows what that is it so expensive. i thought, i really thought you've got to have a country. i'll tell you what he did was not something that should ever be done. especially when they make up stuff. why di did they do it nine years ago they could've done it many, many years ago. they waited until the election. they waited right until the into themiddle of the election y waited actually to see how i was doing in all fairness as number one throughout the entire process. we did not have a hard time for it we got in a record time. did you know that? we got it in record time it was the fastest anyb anybody's ever gotten a nomination. i think from either party the fastest we had normally if it was a normal thing i would be campaigning right now to try and get it but we wanted two months ago nobody's done it with that speed. that means you like me. you don't do that to your opponent. you don't do that to your political opponents it's done in third world countries this done and banana republic it is not done in the united states of america. so then i said i'm able to speak freely and that is when i call him the most grossly incompetent man and government. the worst president ever of any country the whole world is laughing at him. he is eight fool he's not a smart man he never was in prime time it was considered stupid. i talk about him differently now because now the gloves are off he is a bad guy he never should've done that it so bad for our country should never have done it. again i will say for the second time he is by far the worst president in history of our country. you could take, i used to say five and now i say 10. i think i'm going to make it 15. you could take the 10 worst presidents of the history of our country, add them up. give me the 10 worst names they've not done the damage to our country that this is a total moron has done. [cheering] he is a moron. other country leaders who i know laugh at him for they cannot believe it too. they cannot believe that they're getting away with. i would have never talked with that kind of disrespect for a president until he did what you should never do. we are supposed to cherish the office of president. you don't do what he did to try to win votes. to try and hurt your opponent so he can win. had the reverse effect. i'm higher now in the polls and i have ever been. i don't understand it. i don't understand. good job. good speech. good speech. i'm higher now than i've ever been we are going to keep it that way. we are going to win so big and turn this country around so fast it. we are going to do it. the biggest thing we have is to have millions of people here that are criminals. they are criminals. think of it, venezuela just announced and they had a new number of 67 out 72%. they're down in crime because they took their gangs, gang members took a lot of the criminals and move them into the united states of america. jail populations all over the world are way down these fools back there at the press, the fake news do not want to report it. you know why they are down? they are sending people in their jails into the united states of africa, from asia, from all over the world then into the uniteds a beautiful country the prison populations all of the world are down they did not want to report that the mental institution population is down because they are taking people from insane asylums and for mental institutions. you know what the differences, right? an insane asylum is a mental institution on steroids. silence of the lamis anyone seen silence of the lamp? the late great hannibal lector as i'm having a friend for dinner as a doctor walked by hannibal lector, congratulations the late great hannibal lector. we have people being released into the country that we do not want in our country. they are coming in at totally unchecked. jon: for president trump addressing a big rally in a huge crowd in wildwood, new jersey. i am jon scott the big weekend show starts right now.

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Relic , Man , Opponents , Introduction , Bail Let , Shot , Podium , Laughter , Nothing , Head Fake , Lot , Court , Down A , Press , Unit Workers , Reality , Whole , Everyone , Wall , Cameras , The , Reasons , Construction Workers , Location , Image , Prosecution , It , Administration , Headache , Bryan Llenas Live In Wildwood , Suit , Protesters , Israel , Some , Action , Cities , Brooklyn , Protests , College Campuses , New York City Police , Display , Life , Move , Afternoon , Force , Look , Cb Cotton , Hi Jon , Officers , Manhattan Bridge , Place , Social Media , 60 , Traffic , Details , Network , The Bridge , Arrests , 200 , Everything , Area , Bridge , Barclays Center , Downtown Manhattan , 300 , Group , Neighborhoods , Intention , Demonstrators , Members , Sidewalk , Roadways , Clashes , Instances , Custody , Five , Four , Number , Situation , Drivers , More , Law Enforcement , Things , Cb , Protest , White Cb Cotton , Joe Biden One , Weapons , Impeachment Effort , Rafah , Republican , Abuse , House Of Representatives , Lawmakers , Congressman , White House , Impeachment Resolution , Power , Corporae Mills , Aren T Lucas Tomlinson , Tlucas Tomlinson His E , Orta , Aid , Gain , Return , Michigan , Quid Pro Quo , Tweetedt , Government , Powers , Left , Precision , Impeachment Resolution Quote , Order , Democrat , House Armed Services Committee , Military Policy Changes , Isn T , Officials , Looks , Claim , Bombs , Delivery , 2000 , Law , Actions , Interview , Funds , Obligations , Cnn , War , Respect , Lawmaker , Supplemental , Impeachment Movement , District , 2020 , World , Politics , Mills , Security , Safety , Allies , Kim Jong Un , Judgment , Fundraiser , South Korea , CafÉ , North Korean , West Coast , Flight , Beach House , Quote , Love Letters , Transcript , Delaware Progress , Leader , Steak Dinner , Summit , Thanks Lucas , Japan , Camp David , Operation , Benjamin Netanyahu , Warnings , Centcom , At Retired General Joseph , Country , Idea , Commander , Military Aid , Senior Fellow , Nobody , National Security , General , Middle East , Policies , Thanks Jon , Lever , Incursion , Israelis , Tool , Practices , Course Gaza , Hamas , Threat , Choice , Decisions , Bastions , Anyone , Battalions , Reporting , Palestinians , Concern , Manner , Population , Effects , Citizens , Civilians , Civilians Human Shields , Thinking , Perspective , Thing , Community , Care , Supplies , Merv , Intelligence , Fighters , Leaders , Kind , Discussion , Clearance , Ofa , Plan , Words , Challenges , Aspect , Back , Forces , Areas , Gaza City , Gossip , Donald Tr Trump , Right , C4 Former , Tons , Dealer , He Year , Selection , Tractors , Apr , Kubota , Kubotaorangedays Com , 0 , 3300 , 84 , Home , Allstate , Auto Insurance , Don T , Money , Save Time , Come On , Auto , Hands , Ughh , Memory Foam Doesn T , Mattress , Purple , Memorial Day Sale , Raw Egg Test , Gel Flex Grid , Spine , Body , Sleep , 800 , Woman , Houses , Store , Vo , Don T Worry , Visit Purple Com , Opendoor , Three , Doors , Matter , Absorbine Pro , Pain Won T , Pro , Pain Relief , Passions , Solution , Anesthetics , Campaign Event , Growth , Beginning , Fixer , Lawyer , Et Cetera , The Stand , Tens Of Thousands , Concerns , Election Cycle , Microphones , Voting , Remarks , Elections , Immigrants , House Committee , Guest , Style Chair , Congressman Brian , Wisconsin , House Financial Services Committee , Election , Noncitizens , Nation , Postcard , Washington D C , Capitol , Individual , Russian , Embassy Residing , 30 , Bill , Plant , Reinstates A Core Principle , Border , Slip , Tongue , Trump In Wildwood , Half , Adulation , Feeding , American , Thecrowd , Listen , Men , Land , Ain T , No Doubt , God Bless The Usa , There Ain T , Maga A Pejorative , Maga Hats Make American Great Again , Campaign Mistake , Maga Republicans , President Trump , Times , Campaign Rally , Nowhere , Work , Boardwalk , Meantright , Jersey Se , Hard Working American Patriots , Estate , Map , 1952 , Millions , Blue States , Movement , Common Sense , Love , Tough , Strong , Conservative , Help , Incredible , Guys , Trouble , World War Iii , Job , Crooked , Worst , Friends , Lawrence , Police , Communities , Borders , The American Dream Not Biden Inflation Nightmare , Cash , Bail , Strength , Chaos , Weakness , Peace , Ana , Standards , Position , Differences , America Great , Apprentice , Hit , Big Powerful Hit , Per , Joe , Tax , Inflation Tax , Thanks , Inflation Numbers , Families , Region , Fixture , 50 , Countries , Inflation , Tradition , Country Busters , 500 , 2323003 , 1 , 81 , Numbers , Price Hikes , Family Budget , 1000 , 000 , Family , I Don T Know , Hotdogs , Talk , 12000 , Politician , Frank Sinatra , Business , Votes , Spirit , Alternative , I M Sorry , Hotdo Hot Dog , Friend , Hot Dog , Pavarotti , Price , Hotd , Dogs , 22 , Gasoline , Bacon , Chicken , Hamburgers , 32 , 79 , 37 , Energy , Item , Places , California , 21 , 7 21 , 87 , , 4 , Mortgage Rate , Few , Cost , 8 , Shore , Income , Let S Go , Gentleman Named Donald J Trump , Most , One Of The Best , 100000 , Double , The End , 48 , News , Audience , It Tturn , Believers , I Don T Know Why , Ones , Friendly , Seven , Problem , Tripods , Someone , Fight , Pretzel , Camera , Fights , 2016 , Reason , Detail , Face , Blow , Highest , Sales Taxes , Property Taxes , Figure , Suffering , History , Tax Cuts , Income Taxes , Sentences , Stairs , Gt Stairs There , Stairs T , Ramp , Speech , Sand , Question , Wife , Secret Service , First Lady , Television , Stuff , Rail Rally , Haters , Big A Record D , Superman , Uncle Sam , Speech It Wa Big Crowd , Mea , Version , Imitation Walking , Worker , Tax Increase , Shows , Average , Paycheck , Add , Record , Americans , 73 , 200700 , 00700 , Win , Doesn T Want To Land , Class , Others , Wins , Loses , Same , Control , My Beautiful School , Business Class Big Tax Cut , Middle Class , Tax Cut , Set , Jobs , Cuts , Boom , Bus , 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