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Sean welcome to hannity, joe biden president Caught In The Act here is your president lying through his teeth in 2019. The idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally are only true ally in the entire region is absolutely preposterous. Sean preposterous, joe bidens words they mean nothing, he turned his back on americas top ally in the middle east and abandoned american hostages in gaza, joe biden is nothing but a spineless coward, no moral compass who can never be trusted. Our allies do not trust him and guess what, their enemies are emboldened. And much more than that well have a lot more in joes betrayal straight ahead. Plus shocking revelations from Robert Kennedy junior. Watch this. I believe while we should it to the women,. Even if its fullterm . Even fullterm. Sean fullterm abortions, make no mistake. Is somehow running to the left to joe biden, we have the vetting the nobody seems to want to do, a full report coming up. We begin with one, Kangaroo Court in New York City nothing but bogus politically motivated trials against donald trump has gone completely off the rails and we still have not heard from the prosecutions star witness. The convicted felon, Notorious Liar Michael Cohen, well have more on that in a moment. This week as a prelude to cohen, died and loving prosecutors called the Career Porn Actress to the stand whose testimony apparently serves no other purpose than to smear it, besmirch and slander donald trump. On tuesday she horrified jurors with her socalled jokes, they were inappropriate, graphics stories, erotic physical gestures, on related to the case. And all the testimony has been irrelevant and despite being prepped by the prosecution. Wasnt that nice of them to prepare her . During crossexamination things got even more strange in maybe spooky, fake news cnn could not believe what they were hearing, take a listen. The claim that she can speak with dead people and that her house is haunted, i believe Stormy Daniels was involved with paranormal show at some point. Youve reached the limits of my knowledge of this case. Im not familiar with her paranormal. The first question i cannot answer. Literally where in the toilet in the realm of paranormal activity, a lot of interesting activity, a lot of the activity was completely debunked as a chimed possum. Time to go back to dc. Sean i think you anderson. Watching cnn or qvc, thats the question i have. [ laughter ] comments about candles and paranormal Ghost Hunting Shows and so on. I feel like were losing the narrative here. Sean salacious material and talking to the dead. This is not a serious trial in any way shape matter or form. But it was all ghosts and spirits during crossexamination. President trumps attorney caught Stormy Daniels will looked to be alive. Daniel said that she felt pressure to sign the nda with trump because she feared for her safety. But during a Phone Call Recording that was played in Court Today Daniels Lawyer can be heard telling Michael Cohen that stormy wanted money more than anything. And was worried that she would lose leverage after the election. The trial is a disgrace and the biden donating judge should be ashamed for enabling this Kangaroo Court, he should have roof recused himself and any guilty verdict should be overturned on appeal but heres the problem. Well that happen after the election . That would be a travesty of justice. He has already denied two motions for a mistrial, continues to muzzle donald trump with a precedented Gay Gorder Wally Prosecution and their witnesses get to say that any and everything that they want and even ask for gifts for commentary. You have a porn star who hates donald trump coached by prosecutors and was been ordered to pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars and she said that shes never gonna pay him after a failed a defamation lawsuit. She can say whatever she wants about trump as everybody else can about ghosts in spirit and graphic sexual encounters that have nothing to do with the bookkeeping case. But donald trump cannot say anything to defend himself against wild accusations from a person that seems to have a lot of problems. This case is about to get worse. Album Break Star With witness not reputable, is he. 2018 he pled guilty to eat serious charges including tax evasion, lying to a bank and to the federal elections commission, use also convicted of making a false statement at congress and relying on capitol hill also cohen was referred to the doj yet again for prosecution. Six other lies to congress. Even more charges may very well be in his future. But dont worry according to the prosecution hell definitely definitely be telling the truth this time. You can totally trust him. During the trial cohen has been spending hours Live Streaming on tiktok, soliciting gifts from his huge fan base, pretty pathetic. Recently were short depicting donald trump behind bars and all supposed to believe that Michael Cohen has no all teary of motive in this case. Yet, things to a donor masquerading as a judge whose family may be compromised to should have recused himself, Michael Cohen can pretty much say and do whatever he wants, trump can say nothing. Trumps legal team appealed the gay gorder today and of course that was denied by the biden donating judge, the judge is not about to restore President Trumps First Amendment rights and they have an election to win and the judge is more than happy to lend a helping hand. Fox news contributor, jonathan, ive been following your commentary very closely and you been all accurate about this. None of the salacious material and talking to dead people is particularly relevant to the law in this case. I dont think any of it should have been admissible. I do think that moment that daniels had been claiming, it wasnt about the money was all about safety, that kind of got blown on the water by the tape recording today. But yet the jury is hearing all of this and theyve not been hearing about the law and that concerns me. I should concern you, im not too sure that you are right about the materiality in the case built on two misdemeanours talking to the dead might be just the skill set that you need is a witness. This case itself died years ago and was sparked back in life with this bizarre theory. We still dont know the full extent of the theory. We dont know what actually is the crime that trump is supposed to be concealing. Keep in mind that todays testimony also revealed for the jury another interesting contradiction, you have all of this discussion about his signing the checks in the white house. It really drove home this theory that somehow falsely demoted the payments after the election to influence the election to the election was already over, youre ready one classify them as Legal Expenses and somehow retroactively that was stealing the election. Its that convoluted and the problem that i have is that not that the jury can disregard what they heard, they cant disregard all of it. Im sure the judges will come in and say please forget you heard some of those details which is not gonna happen. But she lacks credibility and im hoping they see that. The problem is that the judge has already committed in my view, reversible era before daniels took the stand. He allowed the government to say that there were Campaign Violations in the case, all they know that donald trump did commit a Campaign Election finance violation. Thats just not true. And that itself could end up reversible error. The Bookkeeping Side of this under new york law would be a misdemeanour but a misdemeanour who statute of have long since passed. Youre very prestigious Law Professor and you are telling me that we are witnessing a trial that is taking place against a former president from eight years ago that you have a judge who donated to his opponent in this upcoming election whose family may very well be compromised or Family Members benefit from this that being his daughter. Then you have the third highest ranking doj official coming over to try the case and explain to me. We dont know what the actual crime there prosecuting the former president is because you happen to be and ive asked this question of many lawyers and theres not one that can explain it to me. Youre saying we dont know what the crime is, doesnt somebody have a right to know what they are charged with . They do and the judge has an obligation to bring some clarity which he should have before this trial began to say that i need you to stay with absolute clarity what was the fraud and the effort to conceal what crime. Trump did not commit a Campaign Finance violation, department of justice chose not to charge it. The only reason we are here is because they have this bizarre theory that by alleging that there was a crime thats being concealed that he could bring back into life a couple of bookkeeping misdemeanours. The judge seems perfectly happy to let him just drift along in the hopes that hes going to bump into an actual crime. But from this point so far the jury has been told that there is a Campaign Finance violation by the prosecutor and they are careful not to explain by whom, it was not by trump, it might have been by packer although theres debate on that. But it was not by trump. And so hes being tried for something that most of us really dont know the measure of where the meaning of. Thats how bad this has gotten. Ive never in my career has seen a trial like this one. Sean nobody else wouldve been tried with this. The fact that they brought the third highest ranking doj official to do all of this, the question is all the smoke and mirrors and opening statements, the prosecution is talking about , conspiracy, Election Fraud and then throw out these names. But theyre not talking about the law or the crime. The salacious nature of stormys testimony or talking to dead people, how is that relevant to what would be a Campaign Finance violation and how do you get to Campaign Finance violation which is federal election law and get to bring it into the state of new york . Its not relevant. The interesting thing about the first day of the testimony is that the prosecutors clearly wanted to roll out that way. She was coached by the prosecutors, she gave that disgusting testimony and that does not win her case for them. It maybe viewed as winning the election but not the case. And so the prosecutors new that she would be [ inaudible ] the next day and a cross examination. They did not care. What they wanted was to get the salacious details out to embarrass, humiliate the former president. And you have a judge who just sat there watching the Dumpster Fire in his courtroom. And at the end of that date, im hoping some jurors will be insulted by all of this. Im hoping that they will redeem the integrity of the new york system because so far that is not happened. Sean thank you for that important commentary, sometimes we are living in, this is the weaponization of the Justice Department looks like, scary times. An important question that i sincerely hope someone can answer, does anyone at the white house have any selfawareness at all because at 10 00 am this morning joe was probably sleeping, someone at the white house tweeted this shining image smiling year to year with the caption quote, on my watch when we make promises we keep them. And we leave no one behind. Meant to be a joke . Cowboy just broke his promise to israel and he broke his promise to the americans in captivity in gaza and he is not lifted a finger to bring them home. These are not the First Americans that hes left behind. You might remember afghanistan he promised to stay until every american not risk and every ally at risk was out of the country safely, a few weeks later he turned tail and Ran Leaving Thousands behind. Like the coward that we now know him to be. And he completely abandoned them. Joe does not care about anyone but himself maybe hunter, maybe somebody else or doctor jill. He wants all of you to stop complaining about the economy. You cannot afford a little bit of inflation, its not that bad. Even the 60 percent of americans live paycheck to paycheck. Take a look. Grocery prices are up 30 percent, more than 30 percent since the beginning of the pandemic in people are spending more food and groceries than they had in the past 30 years. Thats a daytoday pain. It really is. And its real. But the fact is if you take a look at what people have they have the money to spend it angers me and angers them that you have to spend more. The whole idea of this notion of shrink inflation. Sean that is ally they have less monday to spend but joe is just reading talking points. Democratic advisor is now openly worried that bidens pride is gonna cost in the election. In reality its his spineless, brainless, selfimportant nature that can hurt him along with failed policies and a heavy dose of significant mental decline. Take a look. President joe biden its an honour to have this Equity Defence of secretary of defence that brought the black knights to the white house again. Where are you, coach . I went to Catholic High School in delaware. Taught by priests. A little team called green bay to get the full benefit of all the safeguard. Used to be when i was in high school and even at the tail and just before you went high school are you worried that youre running out of time to turn that around . President joe biden we turned it around, look at the data. These demonstrations are real but they are not everybody i made the speech on the holocaust the other day. Its not a democrat with a small d. Sean here with reaction from the fox news is in the podcast. Im not sure hes in touch with what reality is for american consumers, we had report in the last week and a half, 26 percent of americans over the last year have had a hard time putting food on their table. The highest percentage of any g7 nation, is he missing that truth of reality . Are they not telling him the truth . I think theres a chance that he doesnt know what the reality is, im not sure what people are telling him because we cant tell what people tell them and then what comes out of his mouth because often times the white house is walking Something Back or changing the narrative. Im not sure hes totally aware of whats going on. But we do know is that under Joe Biden Americans are spending nearly 12,000 a year or more just to have the same life in 24 that they had in 21. This is a significant increase and when he sits there and arrogantly says, they have the money. Its not me, at these greedy corporations, its shrink inflation. They just have to spend more. I dont have anything to do with this. That really makes people mad, its not just that hes condescending. Its that he saying that what they feel is not really happening. What you think is happening isnt really happening. But you know what this kind of stuff where you make the voter unintelligent when you would question the intelligence of the people who are going to come out and vote, it doesnt work for politicians. Look at Hillary Clinton, the minute she came out with the deplorables and she thought im just taking a section of the country and im gonna tell them that they are stupid. The rest of americans band together when they say that and they go, we are not actually going to accept this, we wont be deplorable and we wont allow you to tell was that the most personal thing in our lives, the ability to spend money on our children, food, to succeed or even just live and the concerns that we have over that are not real, you cant do that. Thats deadly for him. Sean financial guru what is three of state of the real state of the economy . When you have the president himself suggested that inflation was at 9 percent when it came into office when it was 1. 4 percent, you know your neck to get the truth from him, you dont have to be an economist to understand whats happening with the economy. You just have to go to the Grocery Store and being average american, Average Americans know a lot more about what is happening in their lives and in any economist anywhere in the world knows and certainly more than the white house which is coming out with trash talk about not only americans and suggesting that they should be happy about something that they shouldnt be happy about but then lying to them about the fact specifically facts about inflation and the facts. One of the thing thats not factor into the Inflation Stat is the degree to which Interest Rates have increased and how that has affected the American Dream. Cost of owning a house now is greater in a monthtomonth basis than the cost of renting. So the American Dream of owning your own house which went from about a monthly cost of A Thousand Dollars a month when he took office to double that, over 2000 a month now, is really digging into what americans hope to achieve, not only for themselves but for their kids and that is out of reach for most americans. Sean david, think you both. Lets say you are republican, conservative and you want to vote for rfk junior. Do you know his record . We will expose even more of his radicalism straight ahead. Oh, why leaffilter . Its well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. Leaffilters Technology Keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. What more could you ask for . Call 833. Leaf. Filter today, or visit leaffilter. Com. [ ] sean rfk junior, trying to hide his radical agenda but continues to broadcast a. Time hes coming out in favour of fullterm abortions. A listen to him in his own words. I think every abortion is a tragedy. In other words keeping it as it did with Roe V Wade Being overturned and leaving it to the states to determine if and when a woman can have an abortion . I will not leave it to the states. You would say its up to the woman. We should leave it to the women, we should not have government involved. Even fullterm . Even if its fullterm. Sean even fullterm abortion. Apparently this was a surprised was running made far left attorney who said, i dont know where that came from. What a great team they make. By the way moments ago rfk juniors campaign got back to our request for comment and they responded earlier and now they clearly are trying to walk back his remarks saying that he thinks abortion is a tragedy and late term abortion are fine. But he still said it should be illegal. Radical leftwing ideas are basically part for the course when it comes to him. This is the same guy that wants to eliminate all drilling, all fracking endorsed Bernie Sanders climate plan calls the nra a terrorist group. He wants to transform police and praise the radical rabbit antisemite and endorsed al gore, brock Obama Hillary clinton and claim 2004 election was stolen. Worst of all he blamed america for Salma Bin Laden Terror Attacks on a radio show that he cohosted in 2014. Were doing the job of the media mom that they will not do. Take a listen. The reason the trade centre got bombed was because we want and built bases in saudi arabia after the first war. Its not me saying that, thats why Osama Bin Laden said that he bonded. He put the pieces there. So it with our presence there that made us a target and made the situation worse. Sean republican conservative sounds like youre type of guy, make things even worse, the campaign provide this statement exclusively to the show doubling down on the vile comment saying, mr kennedy stands by the basic point of the comment which is that islamic terrorism was in large part due to decades of us interference in the region. Supporting anti democratic regimes and invading countries, toppling governments. And blaming us in other words. At the same time the radio show also in 2014 actually praised chinas Organ Harvesting threats as a means to meet local Climate Change goals. And hes merely speculating about this says his campaign. Here with reaction. Mark, theres been a lot of speculation, rfk junior helps republicans or help democrats, biden or help trump. Okay some conservatives liked his position on vaccines. Besides that i would say that this is probably even a little to the left of joe biden. So no threeperson race who was he more likely to take votes from . When you look at the polls, shes wellliked for a kook. Knees taken about 50 percent of the vote. Anys taken almost equally from both. Hes got a lot of airtime with conservatives as you point out, on vaccines on these issues and maybe a point more from biden. But very close, pretty equal. And whether or not people find out. Sean let me interrupt. They dont know much. Sean when conservatives and republican are scrolling his position on the screen, i just mentioned the most radical leftwing positions. One republicans learn that weve now done our vetting of rfk, i liked him, he wont come on the show anymore. They wont even return our calls to come on the show. Ive offered to talk to him, be fair to him, i was fair during a town hall. He wont come on because his record to be expose he doesnt want that. The reality is you are telling me that republicans around the country know what im putting on the screen, youre saying to me that you think that there will be republicans voting for rfk . I say you are dead wrong. I think that it will drop in half if republicans learn the views, right now they dont know these things. And theres a group of republicans that dont like anybody and hes now the alternative to the alternative. So hes got votes but i agree with you, he would lose a lot of republican votes if this screen that youre putting up there really got out and got broadcast. Sean we have a lot of time, 100 and something nine days to remind people and this is the point. I will say, ive been fair to them on this program. I asked him a few tough questions last time he was on and now he doesnt want to come on anymore. I think thats gutless on his part. So if you wont come on aisle just let it go on answered. Because all of the things that were putting up on the screen are true. Hes missing out on the largest audience and cable news if you want to win the presidency you have to go where people are watching. But to your point, for instance this Abortion Statement that he made, it really was talking because when you look three quarters of the country say that abortion in the third term should be illegal. And when you see that he supports the Green New Deal and hes for raising the Minimum Wage Rate Cutting military spending, i dont see how rfk junior draws a votes away from trump more than biden because logic says that the democrats in the policy draws more from the democrat president more than the republican and the populist and donald trump. It while polls show that kennedy at 13 percent, 14, 15 percent remember John Anderson and his rana 1980 is present as an independent. I came across as a headline in june of 1980 and read that anderson could win pollsters agree, anderson was pulling as high as 25 percent against reagan and jimmy carter pick he ended up with 6 percent of the vote and reagan one in a landslide over an unpopular and weak democratic president and carter to the question is are we seeing history repeating itself again and as you said well find out in 179 days but if the election were held today based on the numbers that we see in states where donald trump on average is leading in all seven, were looking at an electoral landslide. But many things could change from now until then. Sean one other thing biden, we showed this the other night biden has been all over the map throughout his career on the issue of abortion. Well make sure people understand that and 179 days or earlier because theres early voting. Most democrats though, it took me about six times to get gavin to answer the question about abortion being legal in the seventh, eighth and ninth month. The final answer he was picked off and he said i gave you my answer. My answer was its between a dr, a woman and their conscience. Meaning no restrictions. Thats what democrats, for the most part are which i think it is out of touch with the american people. But i do believe 15 weeks is where the country is does the pulling bear that out, you have the last word. 15 weeks is about where a majority the country is. Very few are for fullterm abortion. And they are in fact pretty rare. But this is still an election and where a Third Party Candidate could upset the choice. Biden and his people dont like rfk any more than trump does. So i think hes gonna get it from both sides. I think get a lot more i dont see him taking conservative and republican votes to the degree people in the media totaling has shown. Just my educated guess at this point. I appreciate you both, thank you. Up next bidens betrayal of israel far worse than you first thought. Wait till you see the tape that we uncovered from 2019 that we get reaction from The Great One and hes pretty pistol often fired up, straight ahead. Im franklin graham. The world seems to be engulfed with hate. We see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. Jesus christ understands hate. The world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a Rescue Mission to save us from our sin. He died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. He was buried, but god raised him to life. And if were willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. And the problem we have today is a heart problem. Only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. If youve never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. Just say, god, im a sinner. Im sorry, forgive me. I believe jesus is your son. I want to trust him right now as my savior. And i pray this in jesus name. If you prayed that prayer, call that number right now thats on the screen. We have someone whod like to speak with you, and pray with you. God bless you Call Leaffilter today. And never clean out clogged gutters again. Leaffilters Technology Keeps debris out of your gutters for good. Guaranteed. Call 833. Leaf. Filter today, or visit leaffilter. Com. Are you satisfied with the results you get from expensive Nutritional Supplements that dont contain more than 12 minerals . Now, try immuno 150 with its 70 minerals and 80 other nutrients. Look at the two videos on our website listed on the screen and consider placing an order online or call our tollfree number. And, by all means check the number of minerals in the product you take. I know you can be just as sharp and as healthy as i am and in as good of shape when you are 90 years old if you consume a full spectrum of minerals every day. Order now. Youll be glad you did. [ ] sean bidens betrayal of israels even worse than we thought if you can believe thats possible. Look at this report the administration decided to keep his decision and pulled the weapon. For israel quiet until after his holocaust remembrance address. How despicable. In light of his abandonment of our ally israel, are one true ally in the region, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said israel will stand alone if necessary. Bidens decision was celebrated by one group, Radical Squad Members On Capitol Hill who credited the vile antisemitic protesters and pressuring the administration. Bidens decision to abandon israel just the latest flipflop after years of promising strong and steady support unwavering support for israel and for example he said this in 2019. Some of the democrats are saying that because of israels policy that they would look at cutting off military aid to israel as a result of that. A tragic mistake. I strongly oppose israels settlement policy in the west bank. Ive made that clear when i was Vice President and i made a Crystal Clear to the israelis. But the idea that we would cut off military aid to an outline are only true ally in the entire region is absolutely preposterous. Its beyond my comprehension that anyone would do that. Sean here with reaction is the host of life, liberty i calm The Great One. Not only did he surrender by doing this in americas commitment to the cause of liberty and freedom, its commitment to defeat radical islamic terrorism he surrendered in the war on terror. He is now in bold in every terrorist organization in Terrorist States starting with iran and hes done it because he basically has put political ambition and the radicals in his party ahead of what is a morally right and just, there is right and wrong here. And there are victims here and there are the victimizers, terrorists that are responsible for all of this. Let me speak to this for my heart. We were attacked and pearl harbor my grandfather was 34 the time and join the marine corps and ended up fighting. His buddy, and brotherinlaw, my great uncle joined the marines the same day and wound up fighting in the islands. My family, redblooded americans, we love this country to the core but i want to speak to you in a few minutes here that we have, its not just a redblooded Patriotic American but a person of the jewish faith. I want to speak to joe biden directly. Who the hell do you think you are . Who the hell do you think you are . To use these Blueblood Libels against the jewish people. That they are indiscriminately murdering Palestinian Civilians when you spew the lies of the hamas terrorists. Against the jews. And unleash anti semitism in this country and around the world like weve never seen before. With the hell do you think you are . To tell a democracy, jewish people that elected this government that you dont like their government. That you dont like their Prime Minister, they need to remove and replace them with a clown or laptop that you you prefer. With healthy think you are . To tell the israelis that they cannot defeat hamas which has said and proven again and again that they want to wipe out the Jewish Population and israel. Who the hell do you think you are . To be funding iran and hamas and hezbollah, arming them with our money, money from oil sales, who the hell do think you are . You see provide weapons to israel pick youve not provided a damn thing to israel. Congress provides weapons to israel. You are the one violating the act and the constitution by withholding. Who the hell do you think you are . Dictating to the jewish people who survived the babylonians, the persians, the romans and the third reich, telling them that they cannot wipe out hamas which is committed to the evisceration of their population. Who the hell do think you are to exploit the jews here at home going to sacred property, Holocaust Museum and memorial as a political stunt while secretly behind the back of the jewish state you are cutting off arms, who the hell do you think you are . When you your party and democrat donors with antisemitism across this country and you dont tell them to stop and dont send the us marshals in there so jewish kids can go to school. And you dont direct the fbi to cut off the foreign funding from qatar, your buddies in qatar, your brothers buddies in qatar. Who the hell do you think you are to tell the jewish people in israel whether they get to live or whether they get to die. Im sick and tired of you and sick and tired of your propaganda and sick and tired of your exploitation of the jews in this country, you think that Bernie Sanders, a self heated jew or Thomas Friedman or antony blink and represent the jewish people in israel . You think that the jewish billionaires that fund you and youre party represent the jewish people in israel . Let me tell you something. You are dead wrong. Your exploitation of the jews, lies, im a scientist, im clad with israel and youre propaganda and the rest. Ive had it up to here. The jews have survived more than you. The babylonians, persians, romans and the third reich. Your pipsqueak. Youre gonna fight hamas and defeat hamas you, blinking and youre party. And when donald trump says if you are jewish and vote for blank end that something is wrong with you, you Better Believe it. That is suicide. Youre voting with the very people who were marching in the street who want your extermination. Wake up america and let me say this. Speaking of america, i want to thank the american people, 80 percent of whom support israel, 70 percent of whom supported israel for wiping out hamas, god bless each and every one of you. Diverse backgrounds, all colours, all religions, you understand good from evil. You understand barbarians who Slaughter Women And Children who do things that are unimaginable which is why the media wont show what took place on october 7th. Joe biden and blinking funded october 7th. Donald trump was destroying iran. He bankrupted iran they dont have wrong arms. Biden come into office and they arm them, give sustenance to hamas and has below and violate the act. They are paying the palestinian liberation organization. Biden, why dont you condemn the nazis that run iran . The nazis that Run Hamas Create The Nazis that run hezbollah . You know their names. Rather than trashing the jewish elected leader of israel. Why dont you name them . Look at their human rights abuses. Stand there with the king of jordan twice. You know what the king of jordan does to his people . To know how many people he is executed . How many people hes thrown in prison including his stepbrother . Do you know about him . Modern era. Moderate . He slaughters people and imprisons people. Heat cuts off free speech. You understand biden who youve thrown and with against the jewish people and israel . I have nothing. Nothing but contempt for this man. My father was right. 17 when he joined the army. After pearl harbor. We grew up in philadelphia next door to biden. And he always said to me, thats a bad man. Do not trust that man. I dont trust him. I have nothing but contempt for him. And im done. Sean laying it out, sad day for america, said day for the cause of liberty and freedom and emboldening the worst actors on the world stage. Thank you for being with us. When we come back you wont believe who the left wants to be your therapist. Well explain straight ahead. Scout is protected by Simparica Trio and hes in it to win it Simparica Trio is the first chew with triple protection. Whoa fleas and ticks Intestinal Worms whoa Heartworm Disease no problem with Simparica Trio this drug class has been associated with neurologic Adverse Reactions including seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. For winning protection go with Simparica Trio. my back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. I heard about Relief Factor from my wife. I took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. Look at her and i said, the pain is gone. And she said, im glad it helped. I said, no, you dont understand. Its gone. You, too, can feel better every day with Relief Factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. Call or go online now for our 3week quickstart, just 19. 95. [ ] sean Hillary Clinton played the role of therapists on the morning liberal joe today. Take a look. Id like to call the part of this Segment Therapy with hilary. If i may. Because shes now going to she needs another role, therapist. What you say to people when they ask you about the former president , trials and these delays in the fear that they feel about the upcoming election . Im happy to go to therapy with you any time because clearly the pressure and the stress on our system, our country and our constitution and our future is so intense. Sean liberal joe wants hilary to be the countries therapist. And Drew Barrymore she wants Kamala Harris your Vice President to be mom. Watch. I keep thinking in my head that we all need a mom. Ive been thinking that we need a tremendous hog in the world right now but in our country we need you to be mamala of the country. Sean unreal. Here with Reaction Wesley Hunt do we need mamala and therapy from hillary . I dont think so. We need neither and President Trump ended Hillary Cleanse Political Career in 2016 and never recovered. I now Hillary Clinton and stalking a guess what nobodys listening because right now this countrys on the brink of absolute disaster and we can imagine what life would be like if she were our president right now. At the end of the day we know that americans are suffering right now and we need President Trump back in office, its the worst inflation ive seen in my lifetime. This is the worst Border Crisis ive seen in my lifetime and im from houston. Im telling you that people across all lines are struggling. President trump will do well against hispanic men, Hispanic Women and Hillary Clinton cannot save them. But the fact that they are rolling her out rate now is the canary in the coal mine. We all know that they are in trouble and if they are worried about mamala and therapy from Hillary Clinton to save them for once gonna happen in november, its not gonna happen. One thing about Kamala Harris is interesting. She has the lowest Approval Rating of any Vice President that we have seen in the history of this country. Lets keep something in mind, dyck cheney while he was Vice President shot somebody. So thats a pretty low bar if you are beating hilary. Shes done nothing to protect our southern border and the American Public wants freedom back, we want President Trump back we want Kamala Harris gone and ill tell you something, therapy from hillary is not gonna save them. Sean therapy from either one. We dont need a mommy. Whatever happened to the land of the free and home of the brave. Well you be our mamala . Okay good to see you when we come back more hannity straight ahead. She always thinks of others first. But for one day, its all about her. Celebrate mom and all she does with thoughtful mothers day gifts from weathertech. Treat her to lasermeasured Weathertech Floorliners and cargo liner to keep her vehicle looking like new. 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That is all the time we have, thank you for joining us, said your dvr and never missed an episode of hannity, in the meantime dont let your heart be troubled, put a smile on your face, had a great night. [ ]

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