Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240703

fails to begin the process of trying to get rid of the house speaker who is a member of her own party. we have been following this for -- from the beginning. georgia's marjorie taylor greene triggered motion late this afternoon to vacate. it is immediately rebuffed by her colleagues. 10 other republicans voted to continue that effort. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is at capitol hill right now with the latest. a lot of drama but kind of as we expected. good evening, chad. >> good evening, bret. a lot of drama but we kind of knew the outcome for the second time in 8 months. there was an effort to kick out the speaker of the house. in october, it was successful. today, it was not. the house has just voted to kill this resolution by marjorie taylor greene. the vote was 349 in an effort to table this, to kill, this to put this off the table. there were 47 members who voted in favor of it. in other words, they wanted to advance to an actual vote to remove the speaker. there were seven members who voted president. here are some of the grievances from marjorie taylor greene. listen. >> whereas excuses like this is just how you have to govern in divided government are pathetic, weak and unacceptable. even with our razor thin republican majority. we could have at least secured the border. with it being the number one issue in the country. >> now, there were 11 republicans who voted against voted in favor of trying to throw out speaker johnson here. had this motion to table not succeeded, what would have happened is they would have advanced immediately to a vote to remove house speaker mike johnson. that's what happened with former speaker kevin mccarthy last fall. i have the names of the 11 republicans who voted in favor of trying to oust johnson. andy biggs of arizona. eric burleson of missouri. eli crane of arizona. warren davidson of ohio. paul gosar of arizona. marjorie taylor greene. thomas massie of kentucky who, you know, aligned with greene on this. alex mooney of west virginia. berry moore of alabama. chip roy of texas. victoria spartz and marjorie taylor greene basically said that mike johnson was unfit to be speaker. she criticized him over fisa. she criticized him over dealing with democrats to move the foreign aid package and spending bills. this is an interesting situation here because it was basically democrats who salvaged mike johnson as we often say it is about the numbers. and the democrats making the decision with 11 republicans voting against mike johnson. otherwise, we would have had a vote later tonight on removing mike johnson had democrats not come to his rescue. bret? >> bret: so, chad, does this end this effort permanently? >> not necessarily because what greene did and about 45, 46 days ago. she lorded this resolution over mike johnson. and what she did tonight is she triggered it. she made it privileged. meaning it goes to the front of the legislative line. can you do this add infinitum if you want. marjorie taylor greene in some respects here was beaten back very badly here. she didn't have the votes. if she wanted to do this again, she could. keep in mind that there an awful lot of discontent among republicans, her fellow republicans for doing. this they think this is taking away from president trump trying to run for election this fall. making the republicans look bad. and just stirring this mayhem and chaos in the house of representatives. that's where some say that the democrats, you know, they wanted to get away from this chaos. they believe that mike johnson has been an honest broker. they don't like some of his conservatism and his politics. but they believe that he worked with them on ukraine and some of the spending bills. and that's why they were willing to intervene and help him today. but, bret, some might argue that that helped facilitate some of the chaos because they insisted mike johnson, a member of the other party that, is very rare. >> bret: yeah, shad per gram live on the hill having us cord on all an 2k3we8s of this. appeals court in georgia meantime will review a lower court ruling allowing fulton county district attorney to continue to prosecute the election interference case against former president donald trump. the trump team wants fani willis removed. correspondent jonathan serrie has details on all of that life from atlanta. good evening, jonathan. >> good evening to you, bret. legal experts say that this is a victory for the defense, because it keeps the spotlight off of the defendants and on the district attorney trying to prosecute them. >> i don't care how many times they threaten me. i will gladly leave this place knowing that i did god's work. >> as she runs for re-election against challenges from outside and inside her own party, democrat fani willis had hoped to bring former president trump and his associates to trial in august. but legal experts say the georgia court of appeals next term doesn't start until then. meaning an all but certain delay for the election interference case. >> there's no way this is going to go to trial any time before the election. we would be lucky to see a trial in spring of 2025. >> all rise. >> the defense is appealing judge scott mcafee's march 15 order that allowed willis to remain on the case on condition her former boyfriend, nathan wade, stepped down as special prosecutor. >> he excused himself from the case. but our argument is that basically this does not right the wrong. there should be disqualification. this case is selective prosecution. it's persecution at its best. >> ashleigh merchant, the defense lawyer who filed the initial motion to fani willis. we feel confident when reviews the evidence of conflict in this case the court will agree with us and disqualify willis and her entire office from further prosecution of this matter and require that a new central prosecutor be appointed to review whether these charges are even appropriate. the appeal will be decided by a panel of three judges, randomly assigned to the case. >> and we reached out to the fulton county d.a.'s office for comment. they have yet to respond. bret? >> bret: jonathan, another issue here. fulton county, where you are standing there, faces criticism for its handling of recounts in the 2020 presidential election, looking into it again. what's happening there? >> yeah. just yesterday, the georgia election board voted to send an official letter of reprimand to fulton county and, also, to appoint an independent auditor for elections there. this comes after an investigation by the georgia secretary of state's office determined that the county used some improper procedures during ballot recounts, bret. >> bret: so, could that have affected the outcome of the election in georgia? >> well, both the county and state elections officials say no. a voter complaint is what prompted them to investigate whether double scanned ballots had made it into the recounts. while they could not determine how many, if any duplicate made the tally, they say that any way it plays out, the number would be well below the margin of victory for joe biden in this state in 2020. and they found no evidence of fraud. >> bret: okay. we will continue to follow that jonathan serrie live in atlanta. jonathan, thanks. this morning, police officers in the nation's capital clashed with anti-israel protesters at george washington university after authorities ordered the demonstrator encampment cleared. we have following that just blocks from the white house. correspondent mark meredith is on the g.w. university campus tonight. good evening, mark. >> bret, good evening to you. george washington university's protest camp no longer exists. when you and i talked last night i was showing you all the tents that were set up on the street. as you can see, they be no longer there. still protest organizers say they are going to make their voices heard as they want schools like g.w. to vest ties with israel. [[bleep] >> it was around 3:00 a.m. when d.c. police told abbott israel protesters. >> university yard was deemed both illegal and more dangerous by the day. >> they began very peacefully as demonstrators scated erred they displayed this message on an american flag. long live the student intifada. last week calling for university leaders to be put to death. [chanting] >> today g.w. students just out of jail vowed to keep fighting. >> they can mace us, they can brutalize us, they can pepper spray us. but the movement is here. if is stronger than ever. our energy has not dissipated. >> on capitol hill, members of the so-called squad showed their support for those arrested. >> i want all the democrats and republicans to know they cannot arrest their way out of this growing dissent. >> g.w. workers spent today removing tents and debris. university leaders say future protests will have limits. beyond g.w. protests continue at schools in new york, boston and milwaukee. >> i got my suitcase that has my clothes. i set my blankets and pillows in the back. i will make sure i am here until the demands are met. and i am not leaving. >> in florida, governor ron desantis warned protesters not to pitch any tents. >> we are going to maintain order in the state of florida. do you not have a right to common deer property. >> g.w. still planneds to move forward with commencement. security remains high. the area where the protesters were set up, bret, that still remains off limits and all indications it will remain sealed for the next several weeks. bret? >> bret: okay, mark meredith at george washington university. mark, thanks. president biden says the nation is experiencing what he calls a great american comeback story. the president is trying to focus on an economy he says leaving no one behind. but new polls show the economy continues to be a tough sell around the country for president biden. so is his middle east policy. especially among young people as you just saw in that last report. senior national correspondent rich edson is live at the white house tonight with the latest from the north lawn. good evening, rich. >> good evening, bret. hours after police cleared that encampment just a few blocks here from the white house, president biden took off from the midwest of the u.s. where he was campaigning on the economy. it's an issue that polls show is a weakness for the president my predecessor came promise of, quote: reclaiming our country's proud manufacturing legacy. every week for four years didn't build a damn thing. in the swing state of wisconsin president biden afound in a microsoft plant to build a data center. it's the same site in 2018 trump heralded as a massive future foxconn development that deal fell apart and biden took the opportunity to mock his opponent. >> foxconn turned out to be just that a con. >> republican national committee says biden is in wisconsin trying to save face and, quote: it's no wonder why biden is losing in wisconsin and battleground states across the country. his policies have failed and people want president trump back in office. quinnipiac released a poll giving biden a 39% approval ratings and 50 to 44 advantage over trump in wisconsin. there biden is losing to predecessor 52-44 on the economy and 45-43 on the israel-hamas war. the president is facing growing opposition on sending arms to israel. the administration halted a shipment of bombs over concerns the israeli military would use them in a densely populated city of rafah. >> we not made a final determination on how to proceed with that shipment. >> republicans say the white house is mollifying liberal extremists. >> the president's apparent inability to keep the most radical voices on left flank out of the situation room isn't just a shameful abdication of leadership. it's actually dangerous. >> president biden has a new warning for israel tonight. this just coming out for an interview that he did with cnn. he says if they go into rafah talking about israel, he's not going to supply the type of weapons that have been used historically. is he basically talking about artillery shells and other things, not defensive weapons. bret? >> bret: that's definitely something to watch. we talked about that with senator fetterman last night on set. rich, another topic, the white house taking some executive action on immigration. what about that? >> yeah. that's right, bret. they got some changes when it documents calling or claiming for asylum. this is basically going to allow the administration to expedite the removal of migrants who officials suspect pose some type of national security or safety risks to the u.s. asylum is a system that -- by the way, that's according to politico. asylum is a system where migrants come across and they say that they are facing some type of persecution. generally that's gets them access into the united states. republicans and a number of other folks say that migrants, many of them, are abusing that system to get access to the u.s. the white house had no comment, though the chairman mark green of the house homeland security committee said that these proposed changes are politically motivated and won't fix the problem, he says, that president biden created. bret. >> bret: okay. rich edson live on the north lawn, rich, thank you. stocks are mixed today. the dow gained 172 the s&p 500 lost three hundredths of a point the nasdaq was down 30. up next, we hear from the mother of a u.s. soldier being held in russia on a charge of stealing. stay with us. ♪ y. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ remember space? 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(inspirational music) >> bret: breaking tonight the mother of an american soldier detained in russia says she begged him not to go. staff sergeant gordon black may have been the victim of a scam, actually. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin has details tonight live from the pentagon. good evening, jennifer. >> good evening, bret. this sounds like a classic hone trap in which a foreign agent tries to seduce and extort a u.s. government official. army staff sergeant gordon black, age 34, is married, has a child in texas, and met his russian girlfriend 18 months ago near a u.s. army base while deployed to south korea. staff sergeant black is an infantryman who served in iraq and afghanistan and was supposed to be en route back to texas at the end of his deployment with the 8th army. >> instead of returning to the u.s., black flew from korea through china and then to russia for personal reasons. >> his mom spoke to fox's bill hemmer earlier today. >> i said please don't go. i don't think it's going to end well for you. i told him i had a really bad feeling about him going. i was worried more then than when he was in iraq for some reason. >> staff sergeant black's mother mellowed jones said the russian girlfriend alexandra has been releasing tiktok videos of her son. in them he is praising president trump and siding with russia and ukraine while criticizing nato. his mother said the russian girlfriend asked her for money prior to his arrest. >> she was asking us for money. it was over facebook. she wanted me to set up another account and send money. >> russia has detained americans for not legitimate law enforcement reasons because it wants to hold them essentially as hostage and trade them for potential prisoners. it is one of the reasons why we have been so crystal clear that americans should not for any reason travel to russia, period. >> those americans still being held by russia as pawns include evan gershkovich, who was based in moscow reporting for the "wall street journal" now imprisoned over a year and paul whelan, former u.s. marine held since 2018 when he traveled to russia to attend a friend's wedding. bret? >> bret: jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. jennifer, thanks. ♪ >> bret: israel has reopened a key crossing for humanitarian aid into southern gaza. this comes as the u.s., egypt and qatar continue efforts to try to find a cease-fire accept to be both israel and hamas. meanwhile, israeli forces are advancing inside gaza. correspondent jeff paul reports front tel aviv. >> backed by a battalion of tanks, israeli troops fired their way deeper into eastern rafah. the idf pushed forward with its operation in southern gaza, the soldiers and fighter jets targeted hamas militants, infrastructure, and underground tunnels neither gazan side of the rafah crossing. but the ongoing mission is also displacing more than 100,000 palestinians who were warned by the idf to get out. >> we were asked to leave. well, where do we go? israel has since reopened the crossing. a united nations agency says no aid has entered yet. and the u.s. says it still isn't enough. >> when it comes to the level of humanitarian assistance, the results that they are today is just unacceptable. there is no other way to put it. >> amid the rafah cease-fire negotiations continued in cairo. in israel cia chief william burns met with top israeli officials to discuss both rafah and hostage deal. another topic likely to emerge the biden administration's dlament delayed shipment of bombs to israel. historically a robust weapons provider to israel, the u.s. decided to hold back sending 1,802,000-pound bombs and 17050r concerns emerged how they would be used in dense urban settings such as rafah. idf spokesperson daniel high garry down playing any friction. >> we are responsible for the security interests of the state of israel. and are attentive to the interest of the united states in the region. >> the idf tonight is saying shortly after it reopened the crossing, 8 launchesy fired from the rafah area of gaza at that crossing. israel says one of its soldiers was hurt and tonight it is accusing hamas of not only endangering civilian lives but critical humanitarian aid. bret? >> bret: jeff paul live in tel aviv, jeff, thanks. up next, chicago teachers want billions of dollars in raises and other benefits. we'll take a look at their demands. ♪ places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. it's time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer's dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. my name is ruth, i've done 10 rounds of prolon. growing up, i went on all kinds of diets. my weight would yo-yo. i started researching fasting. so, i wanted something that was science-based, and this is science-based. that's how i found prolon. the 5-day box has all the food you need, and very good instructions. i think the biggest thing prolon has done for me, is reset my relationship to food. i mean, i feel better than i ever have in my whole life. and i believe prolon has made that possible. ♪ >> bret: house speaker mike johnson, after surviving that vacate effort, he is promoting election integrity bill that would require proof of citizenship to register to vote in federal contests. it comes amid continuing insistence by the g.o.p. the democrats are not playing fairly when it comes to elections and different states around the country congressional correspondent aishah hasnie is on the hill tonight. >> we know intuitively illegals are voting in federal elections. >> mike johnson making that claim on the house steps as he and former president trump staffers pitch the save act to force voters to prove their citizenship at the ballot box. >> if this bill does not become law, then joe biden and democrats will have engineered one of the greatest interferences in any democratic nation in the history of the world. >> it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. but republicans believe it's happening. and that it's president biden's fault by leaving the southern border wide open. >> we have so many non-citizen notice country that if only one out of 100 of those voted, they would cast hundreds of thousands of votes. >> the effort comes three weeks after former president trump called for legislative action to prevent election interference. >> we have an election problem. >> at the time the white house called it a stunt and democrat congressman bennie thompson, chairman of the january 6th committee accused speaker johnson of, quote: helping trump's campaign of revenge and retribution. according to the bipartisan policy center, non-citizens can vote in local elections in some cities and states. and republicans say the only way to track federal voting is by passing this bill. >> to suggest that this is some sort of revenge tour is kind of a silly notion. >> and, bret, speaker johnson hasn't yet announced when this bill might see a floor vote. but, remember, he can only lose one republican now with this very, very slim majority. and you saw today he has lost the confidence and support of at least three. bret? >> bret: aishah hasnie live on the hill. aishah, thanks. the former interpreter for los angeles dodgers star showy ohtani is pleading guilty to bank and tax fraud prosecutors allege he stole $15 million to pay off debts. he exploited his personal and professional relationship with ohtani to plunder millions from the player's account for years. they say he impersonated ohtani to bankers. there is no evidence ohtani was involved in or aware of miss harrahs' gambling chicago public school teachers are seeking $15 billion in raises and benefits from taxpayers. this is despite student performance nasa critics consider underwhelming to say the least. correspondent garrett tenney is in chicago with that story tonight. >> now that the chicago's teacher's union has one of its owns a mayor, members are making their minnesota ambitious demands ever for their next contract with the city. >> today is our first step in showing our work to the city of chicago about why the chicago public schools is the place that deserves our investment. >> a leaked copy of the union's 142 page proposal for its new collective bargaining agreement includes more than 700 demands covering a whole range of areas outside the classroom. a few examples include 9% annual wage increases through 2028. abortions covered at 100 percent. paying migrant families $2,000 per child to help them resettle and insuring that teachers are not required to disclose a student's gender identity to their parents. the conservative illinois policy institute estimates the price tag for the union's demands adds up to more than $50 billion. >> this goes beyond what a union is supposed to be about. ccu is making itself a political party, a political machine, and it is to the detriment of the students and the parents in the district. >> chicago public schools' budget has grown by 24% over the past five years to more than $9 billion with some of the highest per student spending in the country but student scores haven't seen much change. and last year, just a quarter of chicago's students were able to read at grade level and fewer than one in five were proficient in math. >> contract negotiations just got underway and so far neither the mayor nor cps is commenting on the demands. bret? >> bret: garrett tenney in chicago. garrett, thanks. a candidate for the district of columbia city council who says he is running to combat rising crime says he was carjacked early tuesday morning. paul johnson says he was hanging campaign posters when a car with multiple people inside pulled up. he says a person from the vehicle will moved into the driver's seat of his car and he says both cars were driven away. police officers found johnson's vehicle later in the day. up next, new questions about the safety of the covid-19 vaccine. to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ >> the u.k. is leading international efforts to find a vaccine. today, oxford university has announced a partnership with astrazeneca to develop what they believe could soon be a means of inoculating ourselves against this disease. >> bret: april 30th, 2020. that was then british prime minister boris johnson tout ago partnership between oxford university and pharmaceutical giant astrazeneca to develop a covid-19 vaccine. after approval more than 67 million doses of that vaccine have been administered throughout the european union. now, astrazeneca is asking european union officials to pull their authorization for its vaccine there have been concerns since dozens of countries suspended its use after unusual but rare blood clots were detected in small number of immunized people. let's bring in fox news medical analyst dr. marc siegel. good evening, doc. i wanted to ask you about it specifically. and telegraph has a big story about it saying based on court documents being sued class action cause death or serious injuries in dozens of cases. it goes on to say it can cause tts which is thrombosis. what about this, doc, and what do you think about the concern about these vaccines? >> brett, i'm puzzled and very concerned with the delay here because the studies that you are referring to came out in 2021. and showed at least 10 or 11 increased risks of blood clot for 100,000 people bmj journal. there are many journals and very similar to the j and j vaccine that the ada pulled off the marketed last year in april and never approved this strerch oxford vaccine in the united states. for the reason fda on the j and j for ultra concern, you know, concern of potential rare side effect. well, astrazeneca is still not admitting that they say they are pulling this off the market now because it's low uptake and low use. but, look, they have never even updated this vaccine. this is the original vaccine for the original strain. it hasn't kept up with the variants, the subvariants we have seen. it can't compete with the mrna vaccines. the real truth here that the world health organization and all these countries, 170 countries gave 3 billion doses because it vaccine was cheaper and because they couldn't afford poorer countries to pay for the mrna vaccines. they had this as alternative we now have novo vax alternative approved in the united states for over a year and is safer and for those that don't want to take the mrna vaccine they have alternative and in europe also. this was a business decision but a poor one. i believe it should have been pulled off much earlier. >> bret: do we have a sense, dr. siegel, a little bit more about the problems with vaccines, you know, do we have more data over the last years about what issues there have been? >> well, i think, yes. i think more and more we have seen syndromes after the covid vaccine. we have seen ringing in the ears, persistent sore arms. myocarditis with the mrna vaccines. blood clots associated with j and j and astrazeneca which are both vector, called vector vaccines. these things are real. the question is and what has never really been addressed but you and i have addressed is which is worse the virus or the gain you get from the vaccine you get against it? that depends on your risk group. it depends on what your doctor says. it depends on your prior history with vaccines. and that's what should have been front and center the whole time. with this kind of move, it doesn't inspire public confidence, bret, which is what we need. we need to be very upfront and open about side effects for vaccines and not kick it down the road for two years. >> bret: all right, dr. siegel, we will have you back and talk about some other things. we appreciate it. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: up next, the panel on president biden's israel policy as he vows to halted shipments of bombs if israel launches a major rafah offensive. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 12 in portland as a group claims responsibility for setting fire for at least 15 police cars as the portland's police bureau's training facility at that training facility last week. the group claims it torched the vehicles because it knew officers were going to sweep the portland state university library to clear protesters who were occupying that building. fox 26 in houston as nine of the 10 wrongful death lawsuits filed after a deadly crowd surge at the 2021 astroworld music festival have been settled that includes one scheduled to go trial this week. 10 people were killed during the crowd crush at the concert by rap superstar travis scott. one wrongful death lawsuit is still pending. this is a live look at tampa. one of the big stories there in tampa fox 13 our affiliate. full scale military operation exercise cleat with helicopters, gunshots, boats, explosions taking place downtown tampa, what is called the battle of the bay. also featured drones, atvs, scuba divers hosting the annual conference for special operations forces this week. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? 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[clearing throat] if they go into rafah, they haven't gone in rafah yet. if they go in rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. >> bret: president biden speaking to cnn there saying essentially what we have been reporting over the past few days from unnamed sources that that halt or slow down, he said i'm not providing the bombs. israel would need not going into rafah what we have seen on the ground as you saw from jeff paul. let's bring in our panel, fox news chief political analyst brit hume. syndicated radio host hugh houthi and axios political reporter stef kight join us now. he is saying that out loud what we believed for a number of days the fact that the president and others in the administration are saying this out loud tells me this is significant part for domestic political consumption while the president is continues to support israel in many ways and made a speech the other day at the same time is he denying that weapons to israel would like to have and publicly criticizing israel for its efforts in rafah planned efforts. normally ally conduct your diplomacy quietly. the fact this is being done out loud and conspicuously tells me it is in part for political consumption because the president is trying, once again, to have it both ways. he wants to support israel and says is he supporting israel and his commitment to israel is ironclad the same time he can try at least to placate the critics of israel on his left who are furious about all of this. i don't think it works very well but that's what i think he is doing. >> last night, i had senator fetterman from pennsylvania on the set. take a listen to him and to lindsey graham on this issue. >> i don't agree with him on everything, like, for example, i was public and i said that i don't think we should be withholding any kind of munitions and i think i said i think we need to send them immediately. you know, of course, israel is in this kind of a war and, you know, we have -- i have no conditions. i never have and i can't imagine i ever will. >> you are telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill you a the jews? if we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great peril, we will pay a price. this is hemm hiroshima and nagai on steroids. >> both senators are correct the biden decision is despicable and i don't think it will stand up to much scrutiny. rafah is 25 square miles. gaza 141 square miles for benefit of the audience. the district of columbia is 69 square miles. so rafah is one third the size of the district of columbia. the biden administration is denying to israel precision munition, which they need to operate in the city of 25 square miles. very small. if they don't have precision munition and they are going in they are going to kill more civilians. doesn't make sense other than what brit said signal to far left and very afraid of the far left despicable decision and underscores the biden doctrine which is if you are our ally, afghanistan, ukraine, israel you can't trust us when the chips are down. >> katie: certify, how do you think it plays in the democratic party at large and what are you hearing up on capitol hill on this? >> i mean, we certainly heard differing views from democrats on this. i mean, as we saw just there, fetterman has continued to be, you know, one of the loudest critics of biden, you know, on the side of being pro-israel. fetterman has been one of the most outspoken pro-israel voices in the democratic party so far. we have heard many democrats kind of fall in line and back biden. those responses have been rather muted, even senate majority leader schumer today simply said that he knows that the u.s., israel relationship is ironclad and that he has faith in what the biden administration is doing. so, he wouldn't really go any further than that. so there has certainly been mixed signals here. we know we are hearing from a lot of democrats in the house and the senate who just want to hear more about how this decision is being made. and we know, you know, republicans as well have been reaching out to the biden white house demanding answers on why this is decision has been made. >> yeah. we have got some is live shots from protesters being just outside a biden event in chicago. and is he in the midwest, went to wisconsin earlier today. these are pro-or and israel protesters. pro-palestinian as you see those flags and gathered outside and just calling him genocide joe. obviously, this factors into the political moment, brit, in the same time, turning topics, the biden administration is looking to possibly deal with the border finally on this asylum issue. some changes that may be executive orders forthcoming. politico had the story first. we have confirmed they are going to be doing something we don't have the scope of everything. they will set the stage according to politico at which migrants can be found ineligible to apply for and receive asylum. possibly movements on that front as well this week. >> that recognizes at least the biden administration at least understood what a political liability this mess at the border has become. and i think, you know, what probably try to do is reduce the flow in some way, to some extent. i'm not sure it will work. and i'm not sure it's coming soon enough in the electoral season for people to change their mind about biden and the border where i think his ratings have been very negative and likely to continue to be. although this might moderate them somewhat. but, that's clearly what we're looking at here is election is coming and he has got vulnerability on this issue. probably got there deliberately because he wanted the migrants. but now it's a problem. >> bret: i mentioned, hugh, wisconsin, how he was there earlier today. take a listen to president biden and former president trump just in wisconsin over the past couple of days. >> 93,500 total jobs left wisconsin during my predecessor's term. but that's not on my watch. we're determined to turn it around. the average wisconsin family has lost between 20 and $30,000, thanks to crooked joe's inflation tax. >> wisconsin is going to be tight, tight, tight, tight. we will see these guys in both -- in both of them in wisconsin a lot. and the question gets to be how powerful is their message? >> bret: and wisconsin is a focus, obviously, hugh. you have got, looking back at 2020 the spread joe biden taking the state of wisconsin, quinnipiac poll out today has biden leading in wisconsin. there you see plus and minus 26 -- 2.6%. but, if you look at the real clear politics of average of battleground states, the recent polls still had trump leading there and you see on the right side fairing very well in these battleground states. it seems like wisconsin, because of those visits, hugh, is going to be ground zero. >> pivotal state. i do want to remind everyone, four years ago the abc-"the washington post" poll of wisconsin that came out the week before the election said joe biden was going to win by 17%. you can look it up. 17%. he won by a half percent. he won with 21,000 votes out of 3.2 million cast. nobody knows how to poll wisconsin but you have to campaign there because it is a necessary state for democrats. not so much for donald trump. but it's one that joe biden absolutely must have, like michigan and then go fight it out in pennsylvania. >> bret: it's interesting that the messages, stef, have been really focused on the economy. both candidates really tailoring a lot of it to the economy. >> yeah. i mean, the economy is always the top issue for voters. i think it's interesting that we are seeing this week biden and democrats really zero in on the issues that they know they need to get right in order to have a successful election season in 2024. biden knows that he has to keep the blue wall states of wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. and he is focusing his efforts there. especially on the economic message. we are also seeing democrats go on offense on the border. not only are we seeing this asylum rule that's expected as soon as tomorrow, that's what i have been hearing from my sources but also schumer planning to, again, bring up this bipartisan border deal and force another vote there as well. >> bret: we will follow it all. panel, as always, thanks. ♪ ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, a special report salute. >> to have something that you lost 56 years ago, really forgotten about it. and then it for it to surface again, it's a miracle. >> bret: after nearly six decades, vietnam veteran larry more ganty has been reunited with the dog tag he lost in battle. the item was found by a man in vietnam sent to a memorabilia collector in sweden, he eventually found him on facebook and arranged to return that item to him. there you go. thanks for your service. tomorrow on "special report," house democrats are urging president biden to take executive action on the border crisis. we just heard that. we'll bring that to you. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. in the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and every night. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone i'm laura ingraham this is the ingraham angle f

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Spartz , Who , Texas , Kentucky , West Virginia , Alex Mooney , Berry Moore , Alabama , Chip Roy , Fisa , Thomas Massie , Democrats , Bills , Aid , Numbers , Situation , Spending , Package , Decision , Rescue , Front , Resolution , 45 , 46 , Votes , Line , Mind , Add Infinitum , Again , Respects , Discontent , Election , Republicans , Chaos , Trump , Doing , Mayhem , Say , Some , Politics , Conservatism , Ukraine , Broker , Cord , Per Gram , The Hill , Fulton County , Fani Willis , Case , District Attorney , Donald Trump , Election Interference , Team , 2k3we8s , Appeals Court , Court Ruling , 2 , Jonathan Serrie , Life , Details , Victory , Wall , Defense , Experts , Atlanta , Spotlight Off , Place , Times , Work , Defendants , Re Election , Challenges , God , Doesn T , Term , Associates , Georgia Court Of Appeals , Way , Scott Mcafee , Trial , Delay , Election Interference Case , Spring , Rise , 2025 , 15 , March 15 , Order , Nathan Wade , Special Prosecutor , Condition , Wrong , Argument , Ashleigh Merchant , Persecution , Prosecution , Disqualification , Best , Office , Evidence , Court , Appeal , Central Prosecutor , Conflict , Charges , Matter , Panel , Comment , Judges , D A , Three , Recounts , Criticism , Handling , Georgia Election Board , 2020 , Elections , County , Secretary Of State , Auditor , Reprimand , Investigation , Letter , Officials , Estate , Bret , Ballot Recounts , Procedures , Number , Many , Ballots , Voter Complaint , Duplicate , Tally , Joe Biden , Fraud , Margin , Protesters , Police Officers , Blocks , White House , Nation , Live In Atlanta , Capital , George Washington University , Demonstrator Encampment , Authorities , Tents , Mark Meredith , Protest Camp , University Campus Tonight , The Street , Israel , Chicago Public Schools , Voices , Organizers , Ties , Bleep , 00 , 3 , Police , D C , University Yard , Message , American Flag , Demonstrators Scated , Student Intifada , Students , Death , University Leaders , Movement , Chanting , Fighting , Jail , Pepper Spray , Support , Workers , Energy , Squad , Dissent , Debris , Protests , Back , Limits , Suitcase , Clothes , Pillows , Blankets , Beyond G W , Milwaukee , Boston , New York , Demands , Ron Desantis , Right , Florida , Common Deer Property , Area , Security , Commencement , Indications , Still Planneds , Story , Thanks , Comeback , Great American , People , Economy , Rich Edson , Polls , Behind , Report , Middle East Policy , Sell , Midwest , Encampment , North Lawn , Promise Of , Predecessor , Campaigning , Weakness , Manufacturing , Legacy , Wisconsin , Thing , Data Center , Biden Afound , Swing State , Plant , Site , Microsoft , 2018 , Four , Future Foxconn Development , Opportunity , Opponent , Face , Foxconn , Con , Battleground States , Policies , Poll , Approval Ratings , Wonder , Quinnipiac , 39 , 44 , 50 , Administration , Arms , Opposition , Israel Hamas War , 43 , 52 , Bombs , City , Shipment , Of Rafah , Determination , Military , Liberal , Leadership , Extremists , Abdication , Inability , Flank , Warning , Situation Room Isn T , Weapons , Eastern Rafah , Type , Things , Interview , Cnn , Artillery Shells , Something , Executive Action , Topic , Immigration , Senator Fetterman Last Night On Set , Asylum , System , Migrants , Safety , Removal , Access , Politico , Folks , Problem , Mark Green , Changes , Won T , Fix , House Homeland Security Committee , Mother , Russia , Charge , Soldier , Up Next , Stealing , Stocks , S P 500 Lost Three Hundredths Of A Point The Nasdaq , Dow , 500 , 30 , 172 , It Simple , Shipping , Advantage , Stay , Fees , Surcharges , Legroom , Ground Advantage , Space , Usps , Lexus Tx , Narrator , Part , Others , Strength , Wounded Warrior Project , Shell , Community , Peace , Voice , Anything , Inspirational Music , Gordon Black May , Victim , Scam , Jennifer Griffin , Trap , Agent , Pentagon , Chief National Security , Sounds Like A Classic Hone , Alexandra , Staff Sergeant , Child , 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, Daniel High Garry , Idf Spokesperson , Friction , Launchesy , Interest , Region , Of Gaza , Teachers , Chicago , Lives , Look , Benefits , Places , Ga Farxiga , Risk , Kidney Failure , Dialysis , Doctor , Infection , Ketoacidosis , Dehydration , Side Effects , Perineum , Blood Sugar , Skin , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract , Stop Taking Farxiga , Symptoms , Reaction , Chronic Kidney Disease , Medication , Astrazeneca , Protein , Nutrition , Two , Boost , Stuff , Food , Dog , Dogs , Weight , Amount , Farmer , Weight Management , More , Idea , Food Pre Portioned , Needs , Shopify , Stage , Kinds , Business , Yo , Rounds , Diets , Fasting , Prolon , My Name , Ruth , Relationship , Box , Instructions , 5 , Election Integrity Bill , Citizenship , Contests , Insistence , Proof , States , Voting , Aishah Hasnie , Illegals , Voters , House , Bill , Staffers , Claim , Ballot Box , Steps , Law , Save Act , Interferences , Non Citizens , Southern Border Wide Open , Fault , History Of The World , Action , Notice , Hundreds Of Thousands , 100 , Bennie Thompson , Campaign , Election Problem , Revenge , Helping Trump , Stunt , January 6th Committee Accused Speaker Johnson Of , January 6th , 6 , Cities , Sort , Retribution , Revenge Tour , Bipartisan Policy Center , Floor Vote , Confidence , Johnson Hasn T , Notion , Interpreter , Tax Fraud Prosecutors , Star Showy Ohtani , Los Angeles Dodgers , Debts , 5 Million , 15 Million , Miss , Player , Millions , Gambling Chicago Public School , Harrahs , Critics , Taxpayers , Least , Student Performance , Correspondent Garrett Tenney , Nasa , 5 Billion , 15 Billion , Mayor , Teacher S Union , Step , Contract , Minnesota , Copy , Areas , Classroom , Investment , Page Proposal , Collective Bargaining Agreement , The Union , Orange , 142 , 700 , Examples , Abortions , 2028 , 2000 , 9 , 2028 Abortions , 000 , Student , Parents , Illinois Policy Institute , Union , Price Tag , Gender Identity , 50 Billion , 0 Billion , Ccu , District , Detriment , Budget , Political Machine , 24 , Five , Change , Haven T , Student Spending , Grade Level , Quarter , Billion , 9 Billion , Candidate , Contract Negotiations , Math , Cps , District Of Columbia City Council , Garrett , Car , Paul Johnson , Campaign Posters , Crime , Vaccine , Vehicle , Person , Questions , Cars , Driver S Seat , Covid , 19 , Jardiance , Sugar , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes , Adults , Urinary Tract Infections , Infection Ketoacidosis , Genital Yeast , Kidney Function , Stop Jardiance , Taking Jardiance , Pill , Limb Loss , Feet , Legs , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Partnership , Means , Oxford University , U K , Boris Johnson , Disease , April 30th , Pharmaceutical Giant Astrazeneca , April 30th 2020 , Approval , Doses , European Union , 67 Million , Countries , Authorization , Blood Clots , Use , Fox News , Dozens , Telegraph , Analyst , Doc , Class Action , Court Documents , Marc Siegel , Tts , Cases , Injuries , Thrombosis , Vaccines , Concern , Studies , Brett , 2021 , Blood Clot , Journals , People Bmj Journal , Ada , Risks , Market , Ultra Concern , Side Effect , Uptake , Oxford , Fda On The J , It Hasn T , Mrna , Strain , Variants , Subvariants , It Vaccine , Truth , World Health Organization , 170 , 3 Billion , Alternative , Sense , Business Decision , Problems , Europe , Data , Syndromes , Ringing , Yes , Question , Vector Vaccines , Tears , Myocarditis , Vector , Is , Risk Group , History , Virus , Gain , Doesn T Inspire Public Confidence , Move , Road , Shipments , Biden S Israel Policy , Rafah Offensive , Group , Responsibility , Setting Fire , Fox Affiliates , Police Cars , First , Portland , Training Facility , Police Bureau , 12 , Officers , Houston , Vehicles , Lawsuits , Crowd , Building , Surge , Fox 26 , Portland State University Library , Nine , 26 , Death Lawsuit , Crowd Crush , Travis Scott , Concert By Rap Superstar , Astroworld Music Festival , Stories , Military Operation Exercise Cleat , Affiliate , Downtown Tampa , Explosions , Boats , Gunshots , Helicopters , 13 , Special Report , Atvs , Conference , Special Operations , Battle Of The Bay , Scuba Divers , Beltway , Customer , Windshield , Safelite , Tech , Damage , Clicks , Crack , Trust Safelite , Working From Home , Service , Vo , Wipers , Glass , My Pleasure , Safelite Com , Safelite Repair , Relief Factor , Pain , Supplement , Quickstart , 9 95 , 19 95 , Ego , Power , Cut , Brand , Blades , Cut Mower , Dealers , Race , Lowe S , Civilians , Ways , Into Rafah , Population Centers , Clearing Throat , They Haven T , Sources , Ground , Halt , Slow Down , Hugh Houthi , Brit Hume , Stef Kight , Syndicated , Axios , Fact , Consumption , Speech , Rally , Diplomacy , Commitment , Left , Fetterman , Listen , Set , Last Night , Pennsylvania , Lindsey Graham , War , Everything , Course , Munitions , Example , Conditions , Peril , Price , Enemies , Hemm Hiroshima , Jews , Nagai On Steroids , Senators , Biden Decision , Scrutiny , 25 , So Rafah , Size , Benefit , Munition , District Of Columbia , Audience , Gaza 141 , 141 , 69 , Brit , Precision Munition , Signal , Biden Doctrine , Chips , Katie , Views , Senate , Majority Leader , Responses , Wouldn T , Signals , Faith , Shots , Event , Genocide Joe , Factors , Topics , Flags , Asylum Issue , Borders , Scope , Mess , Liability , Flow , Extent , Season , Ratings , Vulnerability , Family , Couple , Jobs , Watch , Days , 93500 , 30000 , 0000 , 20 , Both , Guys , Inflation Tax , Crooked Joe S , Focus , Quinnipiac Poll , Average , Side Fairing , 2 6 , Minus 26 , Everyone , The Washington Post , Visits , Ground Zero , Abc , Zero , Half , Cast , Nobody , 3 2 Million , 21000 , 17 , Messages , Michigan , Issues , Candidates , Blue Wall , 2024 , Asylum Rule , Hearing , Offense , Border Deal , Special Report Salute , 56 , It S A Miracle , Veteran , Vietnam , Ganty , Six , Man , Item , Battle , Dog Tag , Memorabilia Collector , Sweden , Crisis , Dvr , West Coast , Home , Fair , Ingraham Angle , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240703

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fails to begin the process of trying to get rid of the house speaker who is a member of her own party. we have been following this for -- from the beginning. georgia's marjorie taylor greene triggered motion late this afternoon to vacate. it is immediately rebuffed by her colleagues. 10 other republicans voted to continue that effort. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is at capitol hill right now with the latest. a lot of drama but kind of as we expected. good evening, chad. >> good evening, bret. a lot of drama but we kind of knew the outcome for the second time in 8 months. there was an effort to kick out the speaker of the house. in october, it was successful. today, it was not. the house has just voted to kill this resolution by marjorie taylor greene. the vote was 349 in an effort to table this, to kill, this to put this off the table. there were 47 members who voted in favor of it. in other words, they wanted to advance to an actual vote to remove the speaker. there were seven members who voted president. here are some of the grievances from marjorie taylor greene. listen. >> whereas excuses like this is just how you have to govern in divided government are pathetic, weak and unacceptable. even with our razor thin republican majority. we could have at least secured the border. with it being the number one issue in the country. >> now, there were 11 republicans who voted against voted in favor of trying to throw out speaker johnson here. had this motion to table not succeeded, what would have happened is they would have advanced immediately to a vote to remove house speaker mike johnson. that's what happened with former speaker kevin mccarthy last fall. i have the names of the 11 republicans who voted in favor of trying to oust johnson. andy biggs of arizona. eric burleson of missouri. eli crane of arizona. warren davidson of ohio. paul gosar of arizona. marjorie taylor greene. thomas massie of kentucky who, you know, aligned with greene on this. alex mooney of west virginia. berry moore of alabama. chip roy of texas. victoria spartz and marjorie taylor greene basically said that mike johnson was unfit to be speaker. she criticized him over fisa. she criticized him over dealing with democrats to move the foreign aid package and spending bills. this is an interesting situation here because it was basically democrats who salvaged mike johnson as we often say it is about the numbers. and the democrats making the decision with 11 republicans voting against mike johnson. otherwise, we would have had a vote later tonight on removing mike johnson had democrats not come to his rescue. bret? >> bret: so, chad, does this end this effort permanently? >> not necessarily because what greene did and about 45, 46 days ago. she lorded this resolution over mike johnson. and what she did tonight is she triggered it. she made it privileged. meaning it goes to the front of the legislative line. can you do this add infinitum if you want. marjorie taylor greene in some respects here was beaten back very badly here. she didn't have the votes. if she wanted to do this again, she could. keep in mind that there an awful lot of discontent among republicans, her fellow republicans for doing. this they think this is taking away from president trump trying to run for election this fall. making the republicans look bad. and just stirring this mayhem and chaos in the house of representatives. that's where some say that the democrats, you know, they wanted to get away from this chaos. they believe that mike johnson has been an honest broker. they don't like some of his conservatism and his politics. but they believe that he worked with them on ukraine and some of the spending bills. and that's why they were willing to intervene and help him today. but, bret, some might argue that that helped facilitate some of the chaos because they insisted mike johnson, a member of the other party that, is very rare. >> bret: yeah, shad per gram live on the hill having us cord on all an 2k3we8s of this. appeals court in georgia meantime will review a lower court ruling allowing fulton county district attorney to continue to prosecute the election interference case against former president donald trump. the trump team wants fani willis removed. correspondent jonathan serrie has details on all of that life from atlanta. good evening, jonathan. >> good evening to you, bret. legal experts say that this is a victory for the defense, because it keeps the spotlight off of the defendants and on the district attorney trying to prosecute them. >> i don't care how many times they threaten me. i will gladly leave this place knowing that i did god's work. >> as she runs for re-election against challenges from outside and inside her own party, democrat fani willis had hoped to bring former president trump and his associates to trial in august. but legal experts say the georgia court of appeals next term doesn't start until then. meaning an all but certain delay for the election interference case. >> there's no way this is going to go to trial any time before the election. we would be lucky to see a trial in spring of 2025. >> all rise. >> the defense is appealing judge scott mcafee's march 15 order that allowed willis to remain on the case on condition her former boyfriend, nathan wade, stepped down as special prosecutor. >> he excused himself from the case. but our argument is that basically this does not right the wrong. there should be disqualification. this case is selective prosecution. it's persecution at its best. >> ashleigh merchant, the defense lawyer who filed the initial motion to fani willis. we feel confident when reviews the evidence of conflict in this case the court will agree with us and disqualify willis and her entire office from further prosecution of this matter and require that a new central prosecutor be appointed to review whether these charges are even appropriate. the appeal will be decided by a panel of three judges, randomly assigned to the case. >> and we reached out to the fulton county d.a.'s office for comment. they have yet to respond. bret? >> bret: jonathan, another issue here. fulton county, where you are standing there, faces criticism for its handling of recounts in the 2020 presidential election, looking into it again. what's happening there? >> yeah. just yesterday, the georgia election board voted to send an official letter of reprimand to fulton county and, also, to appoint an independent auditor for elections there. this comes after an investigation by the georgia secretary of state's office determined that the county used some improper procedures during ballot recounts, bret. >> bret: so, could that have affected the outcome of the election in georgia? >> well, both the county and state elections officials say no. a voter complaint is what prompted them to investigate whether double scanned ballots had made it into the recounts. while they could not determine how many, if any duplicate made the tally, they say that any way it plays out, the number would be well below the margin of victory for joe biden in this state in 2020. and they found no evidence of fraud. >> bret: okay. we will continue to follow that jonathan serrie live in atlanta. jonathan, thanks. this morning, police officers in the nation's capital clashed with anti-israel protesters at george washington university after authorities ordered the demonstrator encampment cleared. we have following that just blocks from the white house. correspondent mark meredith is on the g.w. university campus tonight. good evening, mark. >> bret, good evening to you. george washington university's protest camp no longer exists. when you and i talked last night i was showing you all the tents that were set up on the street. as you can see, they be no longer there. still protest organizers say they are going to make their voices heard as they want schools like g.w. to vest ties with israel. [[bleep] >> it was around 3:00 a.m. when d.c. police told abbott israel protesters. >> university yard was deemed both illegal and more dangerous by the day. >> they began very peacefully as demonstrators scated erred they displayed this message on an american flag. long live the student intifada. last week calling for university leaders to be put to death. [chanting] >> today g.w. students just out of jail vowed to keep fighting. >> they can mace us, they can brutalize us, they can pepper spray us. but the movement is here. if is stronger than ever. our energy has not dissipated. >> on capitol hill, members of the so-called squad showed their support for those arrested. >> i want all the democrats and republicans to know they cannot arrest their way out of this growing dissent. >> g.w. workers spent today removing tents and debris. university leaders say future protests will have limits. beyond g.w. protests continue at schools in new york, boston and milwaukee. >> i got my suitcase that has my clothes. i set my blankets and pillows in the back. i will make sure i am here until the demands are met. and i am not leaving. >> in florida, governor ron desantis warned protesters not to pitch any tents. >> we are going to maintain order in the state of florida. do you not have a right to common deer property. >> g.w. still planneds to move forward with commencement. security remains high. the area where the protesters were set up, bret, that still remains off limits and all indications it will remain sealed for the next several weeks. bret? >> bret: okay, mark meredith at george washington university. mark, thanks. president biden says the nation is experiencing what he calls a great american comeback story. the president is trying to focus on an economy he says leaving no one behind. but new polls show the economy continues to be a tough sell around the country for president biden. so is his middle east policy. especially among young people as you just saw in that last report. senior national correspondent rich edson is live at the white house tonight with the latest from the north lawn. good evening, rich. >> good evening, bret. hours after police cleared that encampment just a few blocks here from the white house, president biden took off from the midwest of the u.s. where he was campaigning on the economy. it's an issue that polls show is a weakness for the president my predecessor came promise of, quote: reclaiming our country's proud manufacturing legacy. every week for four years didn't build a damn thing. in the swing state of wisconsin president biden afound in a microsoft plant to build a data center. it's the same site in 2018 trump heralded as a massive future foxconn development that deal fell apart and biden took the opportunity to mock his opponent. >> foxconn turned out to be just that a con. >> republican national committee says biden is in wisconsin trying to save face and, quote: it's no wonder why biden is losing in wisconsin and battleground states across the country. his policies have failed and people want president trump back in office. quinnipiac released a poll giving biden a 39% approval ratings and 50 to 44 advantage over trump in wisconsin. there biden is losing to predecessor 52-44 on the economy and 45-43 on the israel-hamas war. the president is facing growing opposition on sending arms to israel. the administration halted a shipment of bombs over concerns the israeli military would use them in a densely populated city of rafah. >> we not made a final determination on how to proceed with that shipment. >> republicans say the white house is mollifying liberal extremists. >> the president's apparent inability to keep the most radical voices on left flank out of the situation room isn't just a shameful abdication of leadership. it's actually dangerous. >> president biden has a new warning for israel tonight. this just coming out for an interview that he did with cnn. he says if they go into rafah talking about israel, he's not going to supply the type of weapons that have been used historically. is he basically talking about artillery shells and other things, not defensive weapons. bret? >> bret: that's definitely something to watch. we talked about that with senator fetterman last night on set. rich, another topic, the white house taking some executive action on immigration. what about that? >> yeah. that's right, bret. they got some changes when it documents calling or claiming for asylum. this is basically going to allow the administration to expedite the removal of migrants who officials suspect pose some type of national security or safety risks to the u.s. asylum is a system that -- by the way, that's according to politico. asylum is a system where migrants come across and they say that they are facing some type of persecution. generally that's gets them access into the united states. republicans and a number of other folks say that migrants, many of them, are abusing that system to get access to the u.s. the white house had no comment, though the chairman mark green of the house homeland security committee said that these proposed changes are politically motivated and won't fix the problem, he says, that president biden created. bret. >> bret: okay. rich edson live on the north lawn, rich, thank you. stocks are mixed today. the dow gained 172 the s&p 500 lost three hundredths of a point the nasdaq was down 30. up next, we hear from the mother of a u.s. soldier being held in russia on a charge of stealing. stay with us. ♪ y. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ remember space? 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(inspirational music) >> bret: breaking tonight the mother of an american soldier detained in russia says she begged him not to go. staff sergeant gordon black may have been the victim of a scam, actually. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin has details tonight live from the pentagon. good evening, jennifer. >> good evening, bret. this sounds like a classic hone trap in which a foreign agent tries to seduce and extort a u.s. government official. army staff sergeant gordon black, age 34, is married, has a child in texas, and met his russian girlfriend 18 months ago near a u.s. army base while deployed to south korea. staff sergeant black is an infantryman who served in iraq and afghanistan and was supposed to be en route back to texas at the end of his deployment with the 8th army. >> instead of returning to the u.s., black flew from korea through china and then to russia for personal reasons. >> his mom spoke to fox's bill hemmer earlier today. >> i said please don't go. i don't think it's going to end well for you. i told him i had a really bad feeling about him going. i was worried more then than when he was in iraq for some reason. >> staff sergeant black's mother mellowed jones said the russian girlfriend alexandra has been releasing tiktok videos of her son. in them he is praising president trump and siding with russia and ukraine while criticizing nato. his mother said the russian girlfriend asked her for money prior to his arrest. >> she was asking us for money. it was over facebook. she wanted me to set up another account and send money. >> russia has detained americans for not legitimate law enforcement reasons because it wants to hold them essentially as hostage and trade them for potential prisoners. it is one of the reasons why we have been so crystal clear that americans should not for any reason travel to russia, period. >> those americans still being held by russia as pawns include evan gershkovich, who was based in moscow reporting for the "wall street journal" now imprisoned over a year and paul whelan, former u.s. marine held since 2018 when he traveled to russia to attend a friend's wedding. bret? >> bret: jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. jennifer, thanks. ♪ >> bret: israel has reopened a key crossing for humanitarian aid into southern gaza. this comes as the u.s., egypt and qatar continue efforts to try to find a cease-fire accept to be both israel and hamas. meanwhile, israeli forces are advancing inside gaza. correspondent jeff paul reports front tel aviv. >> backed by a battalion of tanks, israeli troops fired their way deeper into eastern rafah. the idf pushed forward with its operation in southern gaza, the soldiers and fighter jets targeted hamas militants, infrastructure, and underground tunnels neither gazan side of the rafah crossing. but the ongoing mission is also displacing more than 100,000 palestinians who were warned by the idf to get out. >> we were asked to leave. well, where do we go? israel has since reopened the crossing. a united nations agency says no aid has entered yet. and the u.s. says it still isn't enough. >> when it comes to the level of humanitarian assistance, the results that they are today is just unacceptable. there is no other way to put it. >> amid the rafah cease-fire negotiations continued in cairo. in israel cia chief william burns met with top israeli officials to discuss both rafah and hostage deal. another topic likely to emerge the biden administration's dlament delayed shipment of bombs to israel. historically a robust weapons provider to israel, the u.s. decided to hold back sending 1,802,000-pound bombs and 17050r concerns emerged how they would be used in dense urban settings such as rafah. idf spokesperson daniel high garry down playing any friction. >> we are responsible for the security interests of the state of israel. and are attentive to the interest of the united states in the region. >> the idf tonight is saying shortly after it reopened the crossing, 8 launchesy fired from the rafah area of gaza at that crossing. israel says one of its soldiers was hurt and tonight it is accusing hamas of not only endangering civilian lives but critical humanitarian aid. bret? >> bret: jeff paul live in tel aviv, jeff, thanks. up next, chicago teachers want billions of dollars in raises and other benefits. we'll take a look at their demands. ♪ places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. it's time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer's dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. my name is ruth, i've done 10 rounds of prolon. growing up, i went on all kinds of diets. my weight would yo-yo. i started researching fasting. so, i wanted something that was science-based, and this is science-based. that's how i found prolon. the 5-day box has all the food you need, and very good instructions. i think the biggest thing prolon has done for me, is reset my relationship to food. i mean, i feel better than i ever have in my whole life. and i believe prolon has made that possible. ♪ >> bret: house speaker mike johnson, after surviving that vacate effort, he is promoting election integrity bill that would require proof of citizenship to register to vote in federal contests. it comes amid continuing insistence by the g.o.p. the democrats are not playing fairly when it comes to elections and different states around the country congressional correspondent aishah hasnie is on the hill tonight. >> we know intuitively illegals are voting in federal elections. >> mike johnson making that claim on the house steps as he and former president trump staffers pitch the save act to force voters to prove their citizenship at the ballot box. >> if this bill does not become law, then joe biden and democrats will have engineered one of the greatest interferences in any democratic nation in the history of the world. >> it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. but republicans believe it's happening. and that it's president biden's fault by leaving the southern border wide open. >> we have so many non-citizen notice country that if only one out of 100 of those voted, they would cast hundreds of thousands of votes. >> the effort comes three weeks after former president trump called for legislative action to prevent election interference. >> we have an election problem. >> at the time the white house called it a stunt and democrat congressman bennie thompson, chairman of the january 6th committee accused speaker johnson of, quote: helping trump's campaign of revenge and retribution. according to the bipartisan policy center, non-citizens can vote in local elections in some cities and states. and republicans say the only way to track federal voting is by passing this bill. >> to suggest that this is some sort of revenge tour is kind of a silly notion. >> and, bret, speaker johnson hasn't yet announced when this bill might see a floor vote. but, remember, he can only lose one republican now with this very, very slim majority. and you saw today he has lost the confidence and support of at least three. bret? >> bret: aishah hasnie live on the hill. aishah, thanks. the former interpreter for los angeles dodgers star showy ohtani is pleading guilty to bank and tax fraud prosecutors allege he stole $15 million to pay off debts. he exploited his personal and professional relationship with ohtani to plunder millions from the player's account for years. they say he impersonated ohtani to bankers. there is no evidence ohtani was involved in or aware of miss harrahs' gambling chicago public school teachers are seeking $15 billion in raises and benefits from taxpayers. this is despite student performance nasa critics consider underwhelming to say the least. correspondent garrett tenney is in chicago with that story tonight. >> now that the chicago's teacher's union has one of its owns a mayor, members are making their minnesota ambitious demands ever for their next contract with the city. >> today is our first step in showing our work to the city of chicago about why the chicago public schools is the place that deserves our investment. >> a leaked copy of the union's 142 page proposal for its new collective bargaining agreement includes more than 700 demands covering a whole range of areas outside the classroom. a few examples include 9% annual wage increases through 2028. abortions covered at 100 percent. paying migrant families $2,000 per child to help them resettle and insuring that teachers are not required to disclose a student's gender identity to their parents. the conservative illinois policy institute estimates the price tag for the union's demands adds up to more than $50 billion. >> this goes beyond what a union is supposed to be about. ccu is making itself a political party, a political machine, and it is to the detriment of the students and the parents in the district. >> chicago public schools' budget has grown by 24% over the past five years to more than $9 billion with some of the highest per student spending in the country but student scores haven't seen much change. and last year, just a quarter of chicago's students were able to read at grade level and fewer than one in five were proficient in math. >> contract negotiations just got underway and so far neither the mayor nor cps is commenting on the demands. bret? >> bret: garrett tenney in chicago. garrett, thanks. a candidate for the district of columbia city council who says he is running to combat rising crime says he was carjacked early tuesday morning. paul johnson says he was hanging campaign posters when a car with multiple people inside pulled up. he says a person from the vehicle will moved into the driver's seat of his car and he says both cars were driven away. police officers found johnson's vehicle later in the day. up next, new questions about the safety of the covid-19 vaccine. to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ >> the u.k. is leading international efforts to find a vaccine. today, oxford university has announced a partnership with astrazeneca to develop what they believe could soon be a means of inoculating ourselves against this disease. >> bret: april 30th, 2020. that was then british prime minister boris johnson tout ago partnership between oxford university and pharmaceutical giant astrazeneca to develop a covid-19 vaccine. after approval more than 67 million doses of that vaccine have been administered throughout the european union. now, astrazeneca is asking european union officials to pull their authorization for its vaccine there have been concerns since dozens of countries suspended its use after unusual but rare blood clots were detected in small number of immunized people. let's bring in fox news medical analyst dr. marc siegel. good evening, doc. i wanted to ask you about it specifically. and telegraph has a big story about it saying based on court documents being sued class action cause death or serious injuries in dozens of cases. it goes on to say it can cause tts which is thrombosis. what about this, doc, and what do you think about the concern about these vaccines? >> brett, i'm puzzled and very concerned with the delay here because the studies that you are referring to came out in 2021. and showed at least 10 or 11 increased risks of blood clot for 100,000 people bmj journal. there are many journals and very similar to the j and j vaccine that the ada pulled off the marketed last year in april and never approved this strerch oxford vaccine in the united states. for the reason fda on the j and j for ultra concern, you know, concern of potential rare side effect. well, astrazeneca is still not admitting that they say they are pulling this off the market now because it's low uptake and low use. but, look, they have never even updated this vaccine. this is the original vaccine for the original strain. it hasn't kept up with the variants, the subvariants we have seen. it can't compete with the mrna vaccines. the real truth here that the world health organization and all these countries, 170 countries gave 3 billion doses because it vaccine was cheaper and because they couldn't afford poorer countries to pay for the mrna vaccines. they had this as alternative we now have novo vax alternative approved in the united states for over a year and is safer and for those that don't want to take the mrna vaccine they have alternative and in europe also. this was a business decision but a poor one. i believe it should have been pulled off much earlier. >> bret: do we have a sense, dr. siegel, a little bit more about the problems with vaccines, you know, do we have more data over the last years about what issues there have been? >> well, i think, yes. i think more and more we have seen syndromes after the covid vaccine. we have seen ringing in the ears, persistent sore arms. myocarditis with the mrna vaccines. blood clots associated with j and j and astrazeneca which are both vector, called vector vaccines. these things are real. the question is and what has never really been addressed but you and i have addressed is which is worse the virus or the gain you get from the vaccine you get against it? that depends on your risk group. it depends on what your doctor says. it depends on your prior history with vaccines. and that's what should have been front and center the whole time. with this kind of move, it doesn't inspire public confidence, bret, which is what we need. we need to be very upfront and open about side effects for vaccines and not kick it down the road for two years. >> bret: all right, dr. siegel, we will have you back and talk about some other things. we appreciate it. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: up next, the panel on president biden's israel policy as he vows to halted shipments of bombs if israel launches a major rafah offensive. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 12 in portland as a group claims responsibility for setting fire for at least 15 police cars as the portland's police bureau's training facility at that training facility last week. the group claims it torched the vehicles because it knew officers were going to sweep the portland state university library to clear protesters who were occupying that building. fox 26 in houston as nine of the 10 wrongful death lawsuits filed after a deadly crowd surge at the 2021 astroworld music festival have been settled that includes one scheduled to go trial this week. 10 people were killed during the crowd crush at the concert by rap superstar travis scott. one wrongful death lawsuit is still pending. this is a live look at tampa. one of the big stories there in tampa fox 13 our affiliate. full scale military operation exercise cleat with helicopters, gunshots, boats, explosions taking place downtown tampa, what is called the battle of the bay. also featured drones, atvs, scuba divers hosting the annual conference for special operations forces this week. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? 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[clearing throat] if they go into rafah, they haven't gone in rafah yet. if they go in rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. >> bret: president biden speaking to cnn there saying essentially what we have been reporting over the past few days from unnamed sources that that halt or slow down, he said i'm not providing the bombs. israel would need not going into rafah what we have seen on the ground as you saw from jeff paul. let's bring in our panel, fox news chief political analyst brit hume. syndicated radio host hugh houthi and axios political reporter stef kight join us now. he is saying that out loud what we believed for a number of days the fact that the president and others in the administration are saying this out loud tells me this is significant part for domestic political consumption while the president is continues to support israel in many ways and made a speech the other day at the same time is he denying that weapons to israel would like to have and publicly criticizing israel for its efforts in rafah planned efforts. normally ally conduct your diplomacy quietly. the fact this is being done out loud and conspicuously tells me it is in part for political consumption because the president is trying, once again, to have it both ways. he wants to support israel and says is he supporting israel and his commitment to israel is ironclad the same time he can try at least to placate the critics of israel on his left who are furious about all of this. i don't think it works very well but that's what i think he is doing. >> last night, i had senator fetterman from pennsylvania on the set. take a listen to him and to lindsey graham on this issue. >> i don't agree with him on everything, like, for example, i was public and i said that i don't think we should be withholding any kind of munitions and i think i said i think we need to send them immediately. you know, of course, israel is in this kind of a war and, you know, we have -- i have no conditions. i never have and i can't imagine i ever will. >> you are telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill you a the jews? if we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great peril, we will pay a price. this is hemm hiroshima and nagai on steroids. >> both senators are correct the biden decision is despicable and i don't think it will stand up to much scrutiny. rafah is 25 square miles. gaza 141 square miles for benefit of the audience. the district of columbia is 69 square miles. so rafah is one third the size of the district of columbia. the biden administration is denying to israel precision munition, which they need to operate in the city of 25 square miles. very small. if they don't have precision munition and they are going in they are going to kill more civilians. doesn't make sense other than what brit said signal to far left and very afraid of the far left despicable decision and underscores the biden doctrine which is if you are our ally, afghanistan, ukraine, israel you can't trust us when the chips are down. >> katie: certify, how do you think it plays in the democratic party at large and what are you hearing up on capitol hill on this? >> i mean, we certainly heard differing views from democrats on this. i mean, as we saw just there, fetterman has continued to be, you know, one of the loudest critics of biden, you know, on the side of being pro-israel. fetterman has been one of the most outspoken pro-israel voices in the democratic party so far. we have heard many democrats kind of fall in line and back biden. those responses have been rather muted, even senate majority leader schumer today simply said that he knows that the u.s., israel relationship is ironclad and that he has faith in what the biden administration is doing. so, he wouldn't really go any further than that. so there has certainly been mixed signals here. we know we are hearing from a lot of democrats in the house and the senate who just want to hear more about how this decision is being made. and we know, you know, republicans as well have been reaching out to the biden white house demanding answers on why this is decision has been made. >> yeah. we have got some is live shots from protesters being just outside a biden event in chicago. and is he in the midwest, went to wisconsin earlier today. these are pro-or and israel protesters. pro-palestinian as you see those flags and gathered outside and just calling him genocide joe. obviously, this factors into the political moment, brit, in the same time, turning topics, the biden administration is looking to possibly deal with the border finally on this asylum issue. some changes that may be executive orders forthcoming. politico had the story first. we have confirmed they are going to be doing something we don't have the scope of everything. they will set the stage according to politico at which migrants can be found ineligible to apply for and receive asylum. possibly movements on that front as well this week. >> that recognizes at least the biden administration at least understood what a political liability this mess at the border has become. and i think, you know, what probably try to do is reduce the flow in some way, to some extent. i'm not sure it will work. and i'm not sure it's coming soon enough in the electoral season for people to change their mind about biden and the border where i think his ratings have been very negative and likely to continue to be. although this might moderate them somewhat. but, that's clearly what we're looking at here is election is coming and he has got vulnerability on this issue. probably got there deliberately because he wanted the migrants. but now it's a problem. >> bret: i mentioned, hugh, wisconsin, how he was there earlier today. take a listen to president biden and former president trump just in wisconsin over the past couple of days. >> 93,500 total jobs left wisconsin during my predecessor's term. but that's not on my watch. we're determined to turn it around. the average wisconsin family has lost between 20 and $30,000, thanks to crooked joe's inflation tax. >> wisconsin is going to be tight, tight, tight, tight. we will see these guys in both -- in both of them in wisconsin a lot. and the question gets to be how powerful is their message? >> bret: and wisconsin is a focus, obviously, hugh. you have got, looking back at 2020 the spread joe biden taking the state of wisconsin, quinnipiac poll out today has biden leading in wisconsin. there you see plus and minus 26 -- 2.6%. but, if you look at the real clear politics of average of battleground states, the recent polls still had trump leading there and you see on the right side fairing very well in these battleground states. it seems like wisconsin, because of those visits, hugh, is going to be ground zero. >> pivotal state. i do want to remind everyone, four years ago the abc-"the washington post" poll of wisconsin that came out the week before the election said joe biden was going to win by 17%. you can look it up. 17%. he won by a half percent. he won with 21,000 votes out of 3.2 million cast. nobody knows how to poll wisconsin but you have to campaign there because it is a necessary state for democrats. not so much for donald trump. but it's one that joe biden absolutely must have, like michigan and then go fight it out in pennsylvania. >> bret: it's interesting that the messages, stef, have been really focused on the economy. both candidates really tailoring a lot of it to the economy. >> yeah. i mean, the economy is always the top issue for voters. i think it's interesting that we are seeing this week biden and democrats really zero in on the issues that they know they need to get right in order to have a successful election season in 2024. biden knows that he has to keep the blue wall states of wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. and he is focusing his efforts there. especially on the economic message. we are also seeing democrats go on offense on the border. not only are we seeing this asylum rule that's expected as soon as tomorrow, that's what i have been hearing from my sources but also schumer planning to, again, bring up this bipartisan border deal and force another vote there as well. >> bret: we will follow it all. panel, as always, thanks. ♪ ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, a special report salute. >> to have something that you lost 56 years ago, really forgotten about it. and then it for it to surface again, it's a miracle. >> bret: after nearly six decades, vietnam veteran larry more ganty has been reunited with the dog tag he lost in battle. the item was found by a man in vietnam sent to a memorabilia collector in sweden, he eventually found him on facebook and arranged to return that item to him. there you go. thanks for your service. tomorrow on "special report," house democrats are urging president biden to take executive action on the border crisis. we just heard that. we'll bring that to you. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. in the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and every night. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone i'm laura ingraham this is the ingraham angle f

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Spartz , Who , Texas , Kentucky , West Virginia , Alex Mooney , Berry Moore , Alabama , Chip Roy , Fisa , Thomas Massie , Democrats , Bills , Aid , Numbers , Situation , Spending , Package , Decision , Rescue , Front , Resolution , 45 , 46 , Votes , Line , Mind , Add Infinitum , Again , Respects , Discontent , Election , Republicans , Chaos , Trump , Doing , Mayhem , Say , Some , Politics , Conservatism , Ukraine , Broker , Cord , Per Gram , The Hill , Fulton County , Fani Willis , Case , District Attorney , Donald Trump , Election Interference , Team , 2k3we8s , Appeals Court , Court Ruling , 2 , Jonathan Serrie , Life , Details , Victory , Wall , Defense , Experts , Atlanta , Spotlight Off , Place , Times , Work , Defendants , Re Election , Challenges , God , Doesn T , Term , Associates , Georgia Court Of Appeals , Way , Scott Mcafee , Trial , Delay , Election Interference Case , Spring , Rise , 2025 , 15 , March 15 , Order , Nathan Wade , Special Prosecutor , Condition , Wrong , Argument , Ashleigh Merchant , Persecution , Prosecution , Disqualification , Best , Office , Evidence , Court , Appeal , Central Prosecutor , Conflict , Charges , Matter , Panel , Comment , Judges , D A , Three , Recounts , Criticism , Handling , Georgia Election Board , 2020 , Elections , County , Secretary Of State , Auditor , Reprimand , Investigation , Letter , Officials , Estate , Bret , Ballot Recounts , Procedures , Number , Many , Ballots , Voter Complaint , Duplicate , Tally , Joe Biden , Fraud , Margin , Protesters , Police Officers , Blocks , White House , Nation , Live In Atlanta , Capital , George Washington University , Demonstrator Encampment , Authorities , Tents , Mark Meredith , Protest Camp , University Campus Tonight , The Street , Israel , Chicago Public Schools , Voices , Organizers , Ties , Bleep , 00 , 3 , Police , D C , University Yard , Message , American Flag , Demonstrators Scated , Student Intifada , Students , Death , University Leaders , Movement , Chanting , Fighting , Jail , Pepper Spray , Support , Workers , Energy , Squad , Dissent , Debris , Protests , Back , Limits , Suitcase , Clothes , Pillows , Blankets , Beyond G W , Milwaukee , Boston , New York , Demands , Ron Desantis , Right , Florida , Common Deer Property , Area , Security , Commencement , Indications , Still Planneds , Story , Thanks , Comeback , Great American , People , Economy , Rich Edson , Polls , Behind , Report , Middle East Policy , Sell , Midwest , Encampment , North Lawn , Promise Of , Predecessor , Campaigning , Weakness , Manufacturing , Legacy , Wisconsin , Thing , Data Center , Biden Afound , Swing State , Plant , Site , Microsoft , 2018 , Four , Future Foxconn Development , Opportunity , Opponent , Face , Foxconn , Con , Battleground States , Policies , Poll , Approval Ratings , Wonder , Quinnipiac , 39 , 44 , 50 , Administration , Arms , Opposition , Israel Hamas War , 43 , 52 , Bombs , City , Shipment , Of Rafah , Determination , Military , Liberal , Leadership , Extremists , Abdication , Inability , Flank , Warning , Situation Room Isn T , Weapons , Eastern Rafah , Type , Things , Interview , Cnn , Artillery Shells , Something , Executive Action , Topic , Immigration , Senator Fetterman Last Night On Set , Asylum , System , Migrants , Safety , Removal , Access , Politico , Folks , Problem , Mark Green , Changes , Won T , Fix , House Homeland Security Committee , Mother , Russia , Charge , Soldier , Up Next , Stealing , Stocks , S P 500 Lost Three Hundredths Of A Point The Nasdaq , Dow , 500 , 30 , 172 , It Simple , Shipping , Advantage , Stay , Fees , Surcharges , Legroom , Ground Advantage , Space , Usps , Lexus Tx , Narrator , Part , Others , Strength , Wounded Warrior Project , Shell , Community , Peace , Voice , Anything , Inspirational Music , Gordon Black May , Victim , Scam , Jennifer Griffin , Trap , Agent , Pentagon , Chief National Security , Sounds Like A Classic Hone , Alexandra , Staff Sergeant , Child , Infantryman , Gordon Black , Base , Iraq , U S Army , South Korea , 34 , 18 , Black , Afghanistan , Deployment , En Route Back , 8th Army , The End , China , Reasons , Feeling , Mom , Fox 12 , Bill Hemmer , Don T Go , Reason , Mellowed Jones , Money , Girlfriend , Son , Siding , Arrest , Videos , Nato , Account , Facebook , Law Enforcement Reasons , Americans , Evan Gershkovich , Hostage , Pawns , Prisoners , Wedding , Reporting , Friend , Wall Street Journal , U S Marine , Paul Whelan , Moscow , Crossing , Southern Gaza , Egypt , Jeff Paul , Efforts , Cease Fire , Forces , Hamas , Tel Aviv , Qatar , Idf , Soldiers , Troops , Battalion , Militants , Operation , Tanks , Fighter Jets , Infrastructure , Side , Palestinians , Mission , Tunnels , Rafah Crossing , 100000 , United Nations , Level , Results , Assistance , Isn T Enough , William Burns , Cease Fire Negotiations , Hostage Deal , Cairo , Cia , Weapons Provider , Dlament , 1802000 , 17050 , Concerns , Security Interests , Settings , Daniel High Garry , Idf Spokesperson , Friction , Launchesy , Interest , Region , Of Gaza , Teachers , Chicago , Lives , Look , Benefits , Places , Ga Farxiga , Risk , Kidney Failure , Dialysis , Doctor , Infection , Ketoacidosis , Dehydration , Side Effects , Perineum , Blood Sugar , Skin , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract , Stop Taking Farxiga , Symptoms , Reaction , Chronic Kidney Disease , Medication , Astrazeneca , Protein , Nutrition , Two , Boost , Stuff , Food , Dog , Dogs , Weight , Amount , Farmer , Weight Management , More , Idea , Food Pre Portioned , Needs , Shopify , Stage , Kinds , Business , Yo , Rounds , Diets , Fasting , Prolon , My Name , Ruth , Relationship , Box , Instructions , 5 , Election Integrity Bill , Citizenship , Contests , Insistence , Proof , States , Voting , Aishah Hasnie , Illegals , Voters , House , Bill , Staffers , Claim , Ballot Box , Steps , Law , Save Act , Interferences , Non Citizens , Southern Border Wide Open , Fault , History Of The World , Action , Notice , Hundreds Of Thousands , 100 , Bennie Thompson , Campaign , Election Problem , Revenge , Helping Trump , Stunt , January 6th Committee Accused Speaker Johnson Of , January 6th , 6 , Cities , Sort , Retribution , Revenge Tour , Bipartisan Policy Center , Floor Vote , Confidence , Johnson Hasn T , Notion , Interpreter , Tax Fraud Prosecutors , Star Showy Ohtani , Los Angeles Dodgers , Debts , 5 Million , 15 Million , Miss , Player , Millions , Gambling Chicago Public School , Harrahs , Critics , Taxpayers , Least , Student Performance , Correspondent Garrett Tenney , Nasa , 5 Billion , 15 Billion , Mayor , Teacher S Union , Step , Contract , Minnesota , Copy , Areas , Classroom , Investment , Page Proposal , Collective Bargaining Agreement , The Union , Orange , 142 , 700 , Examples , Abortions , 2028 , 2000 , 9 , 2028 Abortions , 000 , Student , Parents , Illinois Policy Institute , Union , Price Tag , Gender Identity , 50 Billion , 0 Billion , Ccu , District , Detriment , Budget , Political Machine , 24 , Five , Change , Haven T , Student Spending , Grade Level , Quarter , Billion , 9 Billion , Candidate , Contract Negotiations , Math , Cps , District Of Columbia City Council , Garrett , Car , Paul Johnson , Campaign Posters , Crime , Vaccine , Vehicle , Person , Questions , Cars , Driver S Seat , Covid , 19 , Jardiance , Sugar , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes , Adults , Urinary Tract Infections , Infection Ketoacidosis , Genital Yeast , Kidney Function , Stop Jardiance , Taking Jardiance , Pill , Limb Loss , Feet , Legs , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Partnership , Means , Oxford University , U K , Boris Johnson , Disease , April 30th , Pharmaceutical Giant Astrazeneca , April 30th 2020 , Approval , Doses , European Union , 67 Million , Countries , Authorization , Blood Clots , Use , Fox News , Dozens , Telegraph , Analyst , Doc , Class Action , Court Documents , Marc Siegel , Tts , Cases , Injuries , Thrombosis , Vaccines , Concern , Studies , Brett , 2021 , Blood Clot , Journals , People Bmj Journal , Ada , Risks , Market , Ultra Concern , Side Effect , Uptake , Oxford , Fda On The J , It Hasn T , Mrna , Strain , Variants , Subvariants , It Vaccine , Truth , World Health Organization , 170 , 3 Billion , Alternative , Sense , Business Decision , Problems , Europe , Data , Syndromes , Ringing , Yes , Question , Vector Vaccines , Tears , Myocarditis , Vector , Is , Risk Group , History , Virus , Gain , Doesn T Inspire Public Confidence , Move , Road , Shipments , Biden S Israel Policy , Rafah Offensive , Group , Responsibility , Setting Fire , Fox Affiliates , Police Cars , First , Portland , Training Facility , Police Bureau , 12 , Officers , Houston , Vehicles , Lawsuits , Crowd , Building , Surge , Fox 26 , Portland State University Library , Nine , 26 , Death Lawsuit , Crowd Crush , Travis Scott , Concert By Rap Superstar , Astroworld Music Festival , Stories , Military Operation Exercise Cleat , Affiliate , Downtown Tampa , Explosions , Boats , Gunshots , Helicopters , 13 , Special Report , Atvs , Conference , Special Operations , Battle Of The Bay , Scuba Divers , Beltway , Customer , Windshield , Safelite , Tech , Damage , Clicks , Crack , Trust Safelite , Working From Home , Service , Vo , Wipers , Glass , My Pleasure , Safelite Com , Safelite Repair , Relief Factor , Pain , Supplement , Quickstart , 9 95 , 19 95 , Ego , Power , Cut , Brand , Blades , Cut Mower , Dealers , Race , Lowe S , Civilians , Ways , Into Rafah , Population Centers , Clearing Throat , They Haven T , Sources , Ground , Halt , Slow Down , Hugh Houthi , Brit Hume , Stef Kight , Syndicated , Axios , Fact , Consumption , Speech , Rally , Diplomacy , Commitment , Left , Fetterman , Listen , Set , Last Night , Pennsylvania , Lindsey Graham , War , Everything , Course , Munitions , Example , Conditions , Peril , Price , Enemies , Hemm Hiroshima , Jews , Nagai On Steroids , Senators , Biden Decision , Scrutiny , 25 , So Rafah , Size , Benefit , Munition , District Of Columbia , Audience , Gaza 141 , 141 , 69 , Brit , Precision Munition , Signal , Biden Doctrine , Chips , Katie , Views , Senate , Majority Leader , Responses , Wouldn T , Signals , Faith , Shots , Event , Genocide Joe , Factors , Topics , Flags , Asylum Issue , Borders , Scope , Mess , Liability , Flow , Extent , Season , Ratings , Vulnerability , Family , Couple , Jobs , Watch , Days , 93500 , 30000 , 0000 , 20 , Both , Guys , Inflation Tax , Crooked Joe S , Focus , Quinnipiac Poll , Average , Side Fairing , 2 6 , Minus 26 , Everyone , The Washington Post , Visits , Ground Zero , Abc , Zero , Half , Cast , Nobody , 3 2 Million , 21000 , 17 , Messages , Michigan , Issues , Candidates , Blue Wall , 2024 , Asylum Rule , Hearing , Offense , Border Deal , Special Report Salute , 56 , It S A Miracle , Veteran , Vietnam , Ganty , Six , Man , Item , Battle , Dog Tag , Memorabilia Collector , Sweden , Crisis , Dvr , West Coast , Home , Fair , Ingraham Angle , Laura Ingraham , Ingraham ,

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