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It is 7 00 a. M. On the east coast. Police clashing with protesters arresting at least 35 of them as they clear the encampment at George Washington university. [bleep] [bleep] get back [bleep] [bleep] this just hours before d. C. s mayor and the police chief are heading to the hill to testify about this. Brian plus, Happening Today, President Bidens campaign is in chicago in a new push to win over minority voters. This as yet another poll shows the president s poor performance with the key group. Steve thats not good for him. And after 144 years, the boy scouts is going to change its name from boy scouts to Scouting America because it is a move to be inclusive. We will include will and pete. They are going to go off the grid on that. Ainsley i bet they will. Steve yes they will. Second hour of fox friends starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. Its a fox news alert. Propalestinian protests in our Nations Capital turning violent this morning as officers begin tearing down the encampment at George Washington university. Brian take the mask right over there. Take it right off and see what their moms are paying for. D. C. Police saying they made 35 arrests. Seems like they should have made loot more. The decision to clear it out comes as the citys mayor and chief of police are both expected to appear on capitol hill today to testify in the ongoing demonstration, which is weird because the police chief said its not a good look for us to clean out George Washington university. That was last week. Steve right. The mayor said yesterday we are not going to do it. Lucas tomlinson is live on the scene where things have calmed down. Lucas is standing on pennsylvania avenue, so, lucas, i understand, according to the local paper, the hatchet there at 3 30 this morning, cops said okay. Were going to clear you out if you dont move. Were going to arrest you. Two minutes later, okay. Second warning. Two minutes later. Third warning, and then it happened. Thats right steve we are on the corner of 31st and 8th street George Washington university where that encampment was cleared by police at 3 30 in the morning. Hundreds of police officers, some of them deploying pepper spray to remove the protesters. Were told at least 35 protesters were arrested. And, brian, i have some news for you from our last hit. We have taken a look at the statue of George Washington. Our first president we can report the ca the keffiyeh and palestinian flags have been removed from that statue. Some of the stickers do remain. Right now all is calm here at George Washington university. A much different scene as you can see here at 3 30 this the morning when hundreds of police cleared out that encampment and deadlines are everything, right in the gws president , the d. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and head of the d. C. Police force are supposed to testify before House Oversight Committee Jim comers committee today on capitol hill. So many people think that wasnt a coincidence that this encampment was cleared. You are right, for weeks now this encampment was here for about two weeks. And the gw president had asked the d. C. Police to clear the encampment. The d. C. Police refused on the orders of d. C. s mayor. But this morning a truck has just rolled in. Some of the medics here trying to get back into the camp to get some of the supplies they tell us. All is calm, but this truck here was here behind me is going to go in and clear the encampment of all the tents and probably some of those mac book pros that some of the protesters were using. Were told most of the protesters are not students here at George Washington university. We were here on friday we saw call to prayer. We saw the palestinian flag raised. And then the gw staff on friday afternoon unfurled a large, a giant American Flag and that Night Protesters super imposed the words genocide joe on to that flag with a picture of the president with those words genocide joe, guys. Ainsley lucas, if the school is asking for the police to help dont they have a duty to go into the campus and onto the campus and. If you call the police the police should be there. Right. And George Washington University President put out a lengthy statement with some jewish students we spoke to said was a lot of both sidesism. They thought it was very light. Like a twopage statement. They said a whole lot of nothing. There were hints that they wanted the police to come in but at no point during the statement did the president say overtly we need this camp cleared. But clearly the president thought this wasnt a good look. Of course, 25 of the students here George Washington are jewish and many of them we have talked to were unhappy. They felt unsafe. We spoke to one Law School Student who said her father would ask her to call her every time she left her building. The law school is right behind me. They had to take their final exams in the basement because it was so noisy back here, ainsley. Ainsley wow. Thank you. Steve lucas, reporting live from the campus. By the way we just got word into our newsroom in about 90 minutes, the mayor of the district of columbia Muriel Bowser is going to have a press conference. We will take that live if she says something interesting. What is interesting regarding the numbers and right now we are seeing about 35 about 3 dozen wherein arrested. The big question is will any of the students be suspended or expelled . I know that i dont think at George Washington that was ever a threat. Interesting to see what sort of punishment they face for flying in the face from an order from the boss. Brian u gov did a protest only 28 of the Country Infantry in support of these protests. Some people scratching heir heads how do we have so much antiamerican, antisemitism and so propalestinian movement . Its still not ranked high on what the average pro hamas. Not ranked high on what the College Kids Care most about. Do you know what, brian and ainsley in the thing that people have got to remember is while this, you know, on its face, this is about israel and about hamas and the palestinians. Really, whats going on is these young people are trying to influence joe biden to change his stance on israel, you know, here we are, less than six months away from an election, and they are trying to say hey, joe. Youre not going to get our vote unless you change policy. And, of course, so far the administration has not done that. Ainsley update also at u. K. The professors are saying they are going to withhold grades if they dont allow amnesty. The school says they will support sanctions for any professor who improperly withholds grades at mit suspended dozens of students who reclaimed their propalestinian encampment and at fit here in the city Fashion Institute antiisrael encampment cleared and dozens were arrested. Lucas just said 25 of that school is jewish and i think we have a soundbite from senator John Fetterman who is also jewish and says these protesters dont even know what they are talking about. Im not even sure what they are friend of the daying about. If you ask them, they are not really sure. They cant you know, now they are not talking about ceasefires anymore. Now they are talking about divesting and harming israel and that . Its crazy. They really just broke the mold yesterday think had protesters at auschwitz yesterday during the holocaust, the two mile walk thing. Like how much more tasteless and disgusting that could be. They showed up with and as i said this that its actually working against peace in garcia and hamas is convince they had won the pr war and they keep seeing all these kind of protests on these nations across these campuses. Its not helpful but its actually works against peace, i think. Brian i think he is watching fox friends. Ainsley i dont think is he jewish. Brian right away good guys and bad guys. Hamas did all of this. Any palestinian that dies is because hamas did it. The bigger question is why is this Administration Holding Back Aid thats already been earmarked for them to keep them in the middle of a war . Most of that aid trey yingst will be on a little while ago are there to protect and fight back against hezbollah, not even hamas. And just to back up, when College Students are asked what matters most to you, healthcare . One. Education, funding, two. Economic fairness three. Steve got bottom of the list. Brian Racial Justice 4. Climate change 5. Gun control, immigration, national security, terrorism. And then the conflict in the middle east. Steve its last. Brian what is going on . Because somebody is funding this. That is why republicans and some democrats are calling for an investigation on who is behind this. There is nothing organic about this. This is funded and scripted. Its not what the American People want. Ainsley lucas said 50 of the protesters were not students. Brian even the fact that they are young. They are just getting a check. They stop playing xbox for a minute, leave their basement, put on a mask and go outside and create havoc. Steve so there was havoc a couple hours ago. They started to clear George Washington university. And coming up next, we are about to introduce you to a reporter who is actually born at George Washington university hospital. Its all about and once again we go back to joe biden. Joe biden is hitting the campaign trail today. He is going to visit chicago. Brian he also plans to make a stop in wisconsin where he is set to announce a new 3. 3 billion investment into a new ai data center. Ainsley peter doocy, who you were referring to born at that hospital. Steve he was. Ainsley joins us live. You have to go to the been defaced George Washington university also. Here at the white house we are looking ahead to the next Couple Wisconsin is part of the biden blue wall strategy. Illinois is where all the money is for President Biden today. You look at wisconsin, is he doing something that only a president can do. Hes hoping to win over persuadable badger state voters by announcing a 3. 3 billion check, taxpayer paid check for a new Artificial Intelligence data centered in racine. And the white house is hoping to show that President Biden understands the urgency of controlling Artificial Intelligence. But, they also see this as a big job creator. If all goes according to plan, microsoft says 2300 Unicon Destruction Jobs will be created. Then about 2,000 jobs at in factory permanently going forward. And we expect the president at this event to be flanked by influential wisconsin democrats. We do not expect this to be a huge rally with thousands of people. President biden has not hosted one of those yet this cycle. The campaign is aiming for smaller events. The Deputy Campaign manager said over the weekend they are going for quality over quantity with their campaign stops. President biden is then going to travel on to chicago for some campaign fundraisers. Its unclear though if or how a wellfunded Campaign Account is going to help President Biden convince protesters who are sleeping outside, risking suspension or expulsion from college, that he is going to be hard enough on israel during this war with gaza to earn their support. Which they need. Back to you. Steve so, peter, this new ai microsoft thing, 3 billion, big job creators, thats in racine. Isnt that the same town that foxconn said, i dont know, five or six years ago, were going to build a big plant and they never did . Peter yes. That was a huge Trump Announcement back then. He said the factory was going to be the eighth wonder of the world. Foxconn decided to scale back their plans and the land is still available. So microsoft is going in. Steve its going to be good for those people. Ainsley thank you, peter. A few weeks ago the editor of npr wrote an oped, it was published. He said in the oped that npr, where he has worked for what was it 25 years . Has mishandled critical stories. He said when it comes to the newsroom, there are 87 democrats. There are zero republicans. Well, that had america talking. Because, npr is funded by a lot of your Taxpayer Dollars. Over the last five fiscal years. 4. 8 million Taxpayer Dollars had been sent to npr. So a lot of people had a problem with that. Brian because he said that, he got suspended when the new ceo took over who is way to the left if you look at ted talks and writings and tweets. And then he said are you going to suspend me . I quit. 25 years is enough. Matt taibbi was on earlier. Listen. Anybody who listens to npr knows that this is sort of endemic to who they have become in recent years. It used to be at least a reliable sort of news deliverer, it has changed to something else. I think congress is right to ask the question. Because liberals and leftists would certainly, you know, be similarly horrified if there was, you know, an arch conservative public Radio Station on. Steve and so today, the house energy and Commerce Committee is going to have a hearing about the bias at npr. And do you know what . The new ceo Katherine Maher is not going to be able to go because she said, look, i have got essentially a Board Meeting and its been on the calendar for a year. But, brian, to your point, and thanks for bringing this up, her social media history she called donald trump Once Upon A Time a racist. In 2020 she was wearing a joe biden logo and thats why the republicans are calling to defund it. Now, heres the thing. And ainsley, you are absolutely right. The direct funding from the federal government is about 5 million. Heres the thing. Npr gets its funding from Member Stations. You know, we have heard a million times. Donate and get a tote bag because we are funded by Member Stations. Well, heres the thing. The Member Stations are funded by the Corporation For Public Broadcasting. Ccp. They get half A Billion Dollars from the federal government. It works out to each and every american pays 1. 35 per year to fund the Corporation For Public Broadcasting which is funding, among other things, npr. The big question is republicans are going to say is this fair if npr only has one point of view. Ainsley what if you want your dollar back . Steve good luck. Brian i love the fact she went through our interviews they know this is on her background check youll be perfect. Fantastic. What could come up. Stormy daniels, by the way, will be back on the stand tomorrow. She is off today to collect herself. That trial that you know about. After the judge denied the defenses request for a mistrial. Ainsley Brooke Singman joins us now with more. Brooke . Good morning. Attorneys for former President Trump. Requested a mistrial after the judge had to warn Stormy Dabbles and the prosecution that her testimony gave risque, irrelevant and unnecessary details about her alleged affair with trump in 2006. But, despite admitting the witness is hard to controls, the judge still decided to proceed with the case. Now, during her testimony, Stormy Daniels was clear on her feelings towards the former president. Trumps attorneys asking her, quote am i correct that you hate President Trump and daniels responding, correct. And when asked, quote and you want him to go to jail . En daniels replied if he is found guilty, yes. Daniels was also questioned about how she benefited financially from sharing her story with trump but she denies she was trying to extort him. She did admit though i have been making money by telling my story about what happened to me but she added it has also cost me a lot of money. Meanwhile, the former president says it was a good day for his team. He spoke to reporters after court, but he did not mention Stormy Daniels. Abiding by that gag order which prevents him from discussing witnesses. Watch. This was a very big day as you see their case is totally falling apart. Nothing on books and records and even something that should bear very little relationship to the case just a disaster for the d. A. For the sorosbacked d. A. Its a disaster. Stormy daniels will be back on the stand tomorrow morning in manhattan when trumps Defense Attorneys will continue their crossexamination. Guys . Steve all right, brooke. Thank you very much. Ainsley now to a fox weather alert. More than 140 Million People out in the midwest and in the south are bracing for another round of extreme weather following a Tornadoes Outbreak in michigan. Steve homes and businesses completely, as you can see, leveled, a number of people were injured. Right now, more than 30,000 residents are waking up without electricity. In some cases people waking up without homes. Brian South Of Kalamazoo about 50 people trapped inside this Fedex Building Due to downed wires. Rescue crews were able to clear that building before anyone was hurt. Lets check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for the fox weather forecast. Janice . Yeah. Another volatile day yesterday. We are expecting more of the same today. You see all the tornado related storms for parts of the great lakes and the midwest including michigan where we haded first tornado emergency on record. That is the same tornadoes that tore through portage, michigan and trapped workers at fed x. Fedex. This is going to be a situation ongoing throughout the day today. Live radar, we dont have any Tornadoes Warnings but we do have several severe Thunderstorm Warnings in effect across the ohio and Tennessee River valley. We are expecting this area to really get pumped up throughout the day into the evening and overnight tonight as this area of low pressure moves eastward, unstable air mass. Were going to see the Twisting Motion and potential for tornadoes, especially for parts of the ohio and the Tennessee River valley, including the nashville area. South of st. Louis, lebanon here, in towards missouri. So large hail, damaging winds, tornadoes, heavy rainfall that could cause flash flooding. Thats going to be Happening Today and, again tomorrow over the gulf coast up towards the midatlantic and even the northeast. Fox weather. Com for all of your latest details. We will certainly keep you up to date here. Steve, ainsley, brian, to you. Steve its a terrible storm. All right, j. D. , thank you very much. Brian not terrible, really good is carley shimkus. Carley the Biden Administration has officially confirmed it is holding back the shipment of about 3500 bombs to israel, over concerns they could be used in the invasion of rafah in southern gaza. A senior official saying, quote we are especially focused on the end use the 2,000pound bombs and impact they could have in dense urban settings as we have seen in other parts of gaza. That official also saying other Weapons Transfers from the u. S. To israel are being closely examined. Finally a confirmation on the part of the Biden Administration there. A federal judge has indefinitely postponed former president Donald Trumps Classified Documents Trial in florida. Judge Aileen Cannon citing concerns around classified evidence that still needs to be worked out. This all happening while trump was attending his ongoing trial in new york city. Right now there are currently no trial dates set for trumps three other criminal cases. A los angeles bus driver fighting back after a woman attacked her while getting on board. The footage crazy. Watch this. [shouting] get off. Get off me get off me beep beep. Get off me. That wild scene started while the suspect was boarding a free bus but tried to pay the driver a dollar. When the driver declined the woman began throwing punches. This happened a few days after 360 l. A. Bus drivers called in sick on the very same day to voice concerns about their safety on the job. Speaking of l. A. , California Governor Gavin Newsom on the Receiving End of backlash after claiming tourists spent a recordbreaking 150 billion last year in the golden state. On the golden gate bridge. What a Perfect Place to announce our Record Breaking tourism numbers. Last year 150 million of investment tourists around the globe coming to the great state of california. Carley that would be alltime high if you dont adjust for inflation and reality. Travel spending in california was down 14 compared to 2019. And those are your headlines. Brian he has been virtually invisible with all this campus unrest. He had a chance to asserthimsel. Thank you, carley. You just stay out of this, okay . Carley i didnt know what to say. Brian i know you didnt. Thank you. Thats all i need. You never can go wrong with youre right, brian. Ainsley if you want to play it back, can you dvr the show steve never go wrong. Ainsley brian, youre right. Brian, youre right. Brian absolutely. Dvr the show. Thats important. Watch it the same day. Ainsley slipping support for President Biden among minority voters and youll remember he has a history of gaffes. Poor kids just as bright and just as talented as white kids. You aint black. Negro at the time pitched in the negro league. Brian Joanna Caldwell black voters are realizing democrats are failing them. He will expand on that, next. Ses vo well, almost perfect. Dont worry. Just sell directly to opendoor. woman yes vo close in a matter of days. When lifes doors open, well handle the house. Steve wells later today President Biden is going to get in Air Force One and fly to chicago as his Campaign Vias for the minority vote. But a new poll reveals his support among black and hispanic voters has dropped significantly since 2020. And, is it any surprise as democrats make occasionally very tone deaf comments like this one. Right now we have, you know, young black kids growing up in the bronx who dont even know what the word computer is. They dont know. They dont know these things. Steve okay. Well, our next guest says black voters around the country are realizing the Democratic Party is failing them. Fox news political analyst Gianno Caldwell who grew up in chicago joins us right now. Gianno, good morning to you. Good morning. Thank you for having me. After Governor Hochul from new york said that the kids in the bronx dont know what a computer is, black kids in the bronx. She came back immediately and said i misspoke. I regret it. Of course black children in the bronx know what computers are the problem is tootoo often lack access to the technology to get on track to high paying jobs in the emerging Industries Like a. I. So she says my bad. Didnt mean to say that but she said it. Yes, asinine comment. Shocking that the reporter didnt check her on that. But, more importantly, this is a long list much gaffes or what democrats often believe about black voters. That they are not smart people. As joe biden said black kids are just as smart as poor kids. This is the problem with the Democratic Party. They have for far too long taken the black vote for granted. Places like the city of chicago, as an example, the chickens are coming home to roost as many, many of the voters there are pissed the hell off. What they have been seeing in the Democratic Party for decades. Recent cnn polling we see that donald trump is set to get about 32 of young voters. We are talking about 18 to 44 and we are talking about young black voters. Since 1964. We have not seen a republican president ial candidate exceed 12 of support. This is monday men tuesday this can shape the is not just this but the future. Steve started the segment out by talking about the gaffe of the governor of the great state of new york. In the meantime, our current president has had a number of racerelated gaffes. You mentioned one a moment ago. Lets play a little some of those from the way back machine. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids. If you have a problem figuring out if you are for me or trump then you aint black. You know, ive adopted the attitude of the great negro at the time patron patron of the negro league. By the way, i may be a white boy but im not stupid. Gianno when you hear the president say those things and most of them were walked back or explained later, what do you think . Its alienating. It is the truth that democrats have for far too long believed that they can say these kind of things and black folks are going to vote for them anyway. Now they have even a bigger problem because the hispanic voters who have a problem with the migrant crisis. People coming in the country illegally, when they waited in line, they paid thousands of dollars and gotten attorneys, and now they are allowing people to come into the country and in some cases they are saying that they may get a pathway to citizenship. Black folks are recognizing what is going on here. Especially when theres resources and the buildings of dollars that are being given to people who have never paid a tax dollar and their communities have been crumbling. Housing, education, healthcare disparities. You can name a litany of things that have happened in the community that have been ignored. But, yet, and still these new folks come in. And they are getting everything . Its outrageous. And its a powder keg thats waiting to explode all across the country. Steve you know, gianno, you are from chicago. Chicago has you know, legendary, its got that turn out the vote machine, particularly for the democrats. Thats why joe biden, you know, is he stopping by in chicago for a fundraiser. But all the action is in wisconsin. Because they all the prognosticators say its going to be razor thin there. Apparently biden has already opened up 46 offices. They got 80 staffers. Its all on the line there. Yeah. I mean, this is one of those blue wall states. We saw that on election day 2016. What happened there. Just like michigan is going to be a blue wall state. And they need to focus as much of their resources in these areas. Because this is what is going to deliver the election. But the problem is they got the palestinian conflict. The hamas, Israel Conflict and a lot of folks who said that theyre uncommitted. They are not going to vote for him. They are going to vote for Robert Kennedy jr. , maybe trump, or not at all. They are in a really tough spot here. I mean, you really cant win this battle this late in the game. I dont know what they are really going to do here but it doesnt seem like its working thus far. Steve i think youre exactly right and that scares The Living Daylights out of some of the people they white house. Gianno, thank you very much for joining us today. Thank you for having me. Steve you bet. We mentioned this a moment ago. The boy scouts getting a rebrand, the woke push for inclusion coming for your sons camping trip. And look at, mcgifers, your Swiss Army Knife is no longer a knife. Will and pete are here to go off the grid coming up next you can jump right in let the music pull you in you can jump right in go and lose yourself again as it started with your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. Its the years biggest selection of kubota tractors, zeroturn mowers and utility vehicles, including the 1 selling compact tractor in the usa. Plus, the years best deals, like 0 apr for 84 months, or up to 3,300 off select compact tractors. Orange goes all day; sales ending soon. Visit your local dealer today. Find your nearest dealer at kubotaorangedays. Com with fastsigns, Create Factory Grade visual solutions to perfect your process. Fastsigns. Make your statementâ„¢. Spring into savings this moving season with pods. Save up to 25 now on moving and storage. And see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. But dont wait, save up to 25 now. Visit pods. Com today. Go to 1800flowers. Com, find the perfect gift and wow the people you love. Wow wow this is amazing. Whether you want to say happy birthday. So cute or i love you. I love you too. Thinking of you. Wow go to 1800flowers. Com celebrate the people you love. The future is not just going to happen. You have to make it. And if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. The all new godaddy airo. Put your Business Online in minutes with the power of ai. Ainsley i love that graphic. First, Boy Scouts Of America started admitting girls and now theyre dropping the word boy from their name entirely all In The Name Of inclusion. Starting next year, the program will now be known as Scouting America. The organization saying, quote though our name will be new, our Mission Remains unchanged. This will be a simple but very important evolution as we seek to ensure that everyone feels welcome in scouting. Here to react our fox Friends Weekend cohost pete hegseth and will cain. Pete, ill started with you. What do you think . Pete well, boy scouts has been cratering itself for quite some time. See, this is an institution the left didnt control. They didnt want to improve it they wanted to destroy it or dilute it into something that stood for nothing. Five years ago the boy scouts left in girls which was basically the end of boy scouts. Boy scouts had a problem anyway. There was Sexual Assault scandal, Abuse Scandal which is a real problem it never really dealt with very well that contributed to it as well. Ultimately, this was what you call a what do they call it involuntary association. Intermediate institution. Things in Middle America in between us and the government like churches, like boy scouts, like youth groups, like the lions club that, are really the richness of the community. And a lot of them have lost what they stand for. And, as a result, the government gets more powerful to fill the void. This is a tragedy, young kids wont have the opportunity to learn these skills more importantly the values and they did it to themselves. Ainsley will, whats your opinion . Will yeah, so, theyre dead. The boy scouts are dead. It no longer exists. Now just scouting. And its pretty a symmetrical, i think. You know, Quick Research shows that girl scouts dont allow boys. So, if the girl scouts dont allow boys but the boy scouts are in pursuit of inclusion, am i to the take away that the girl scouts is not a welcoming environment . Its its maybe even bigoted because the girl scouts wont let in boys . Maybe they will follow my path here and actually drop girls from the name and scouts too, scouting and scouts. And you wont know which is which. Thats the goal in the end we wont know which is which because we cant differentiate between the boy scouts and girl scout maybe some scout will sell you cookies, you wont know are these Girl Scout Cookies . I dont know we cant call them Girl Scout Cookies we already have cooks were i thought they were Girl Scout Cookies. Everything becomes the same blah in pursuit of inclusion. Sad the death of the boy scouts. We do need spaces. Its not bigoted to say some spaces are for boys. Some spaces are for girls. We do need our spaces. Ainsley how about the Swiss Army Knife maker producing a version of the Swiss Army Knife without a knife. There is no blade. Pete . Pete that seems to be in vogue these days. Its like you can be a boy without the xy chromosome you can identify as whatever you want. I guess this is Swiss Army Knife identifying as something other than a knife but keeping the name. I guess they feel like crime is up in certain places and people want a utility tool but not a knife. Well then buy a utility tool or carry around a tool set but, is this the death of the Swiss Army Knife, will . I dont know. How do you look at this. Can you be a Swiss Army Knife without a blade, without a knife . Will you were just telling me like what was it two or three weeks ago my son is 13. I need a birthday president thats a mile marker birthday president. You told him hey get him a Swiss Army Knife. Every scout gets a Swiss Army Knife. Im not putting im not putting it on victor knox. Thats the main maker of Swiss Army Knife. Did you know swiss army sales went down by 30 after 9 11 . Why would that be . Because of the regulations when you get on the plane. Thats how many guys were carrying Swiss Army Knife in their pocket and all of a sudden they couldnt anymore. England and other countries are suffering from a plague of knife crime. I dont doubt that maybe in america maybe the lesson you dont go after the tool. Dont put them out of business. Look at the root of the actual crime. Ainsley maybe your son just need as toothpick and scissors, no blade. Will has been 13th birthday. Pete Swiss Army Knife. Ainsley yall have to watch the war on Warriors Pete Hegseth friday 7 00 p. M. On fox nation. Congratulations. And thank you both for being here. Pete absolutely. The types of guys that join our Military Carry Swiss Army Knives that were in the boy scouts. We will talk about that Friday Night On Fox warriors check it out. Ainsley if you want to use a knife, there are other knives out there. Thank you so much, guys. The u. S. Is pausing a key is pause ago key Weapons Shipment to israel over fears that they will be used in wrath fall. G. O. P. Conference chair Elise Stefanik is next to talk about it. It. 1 nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask an Asthma Specialist if nucala is right for you. Im franklin graham. The world seems to be engulfed with hate. We see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. Jesus christ understands hate. The world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a Rescue Mission to save us from our sin. He died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. He was buried, but god raised him to life. And if were willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. And the problem we have today is a heart problem. Only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. If youve never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. Just say, god, im a sinner. Im sorry, forgive me. I believe jesus is your son. I want to trust him right now as my savior. And i pray this in jesus name. If you prayed that prayer, call that number right now thats on the screen. We have someone whod like to speak with you, and pray with you. God bless you why wont scout play with us anymore . He has something called osteoarthritis pain. Its joint pain that hurts him all the time. Come on, scout. Now, theres librela. The first and only oncemonthly injection to control your dogs oa pain. Veterinary professionals administering librela who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding, should take extreme care to avoid selfinjection, which could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. This is the best day of my life brian fox news alert. Now the Biden Administration confirming it is holding back a shipment of 3500 bombs to israel over concerns that the weapons could be used in the invasion of rafah in southern gaza. Today cia director bill burns and the israeli Prime Minister netanyahu are reportedly set to hold meetings in jerusalem as the u. S. Looks to help broker a hostage deal and ceasefire. Lets bring in republican conference chair Elise Stefanik, she sits on the House Armed Services committee. Congresswoman, i never thought we would come to a incident to where israel would be at war and were holding back weapons. How did we get here . Its absurd, brian. And its just another example where President Joe Biden has failed to support our most precious ally, israel. Congress passed supplemental funding and military aid to israel. And it is outrageous and is not complying with congressional intent, the fact that the Biden Administration is holding these back. This is as israel is, you know, suffered its Bloodiest Day since the holocaust with the Terrorist Attack on october 7th. Fighting for their very existence. House republicans are pushing back both in our Oversight Capacity as well as conversations between the speaker of the house and the president of the United States about how this is absolutely unacceptable. Brian whats sweerd that none of these bombs would be used in a place like rafah. There are 2,000 pipe bombs. 1700, 500pound bombs. Thats not what they are using in rafah. This is what they would use against hezbollah. Correct. It just goes to show that the Biden Administration and joe biden himself has failed to support israel. They are more concerned about their prohamas wing of the democrat party, which were seeing is part of the radicalized left. And its a stark contrast with republicans who strongsly support israel and we are going to continue to take that stance. We, again, remember, brought that israel aid package to the floor multiple times as the democrat support cratered. So, this is one of the reasons why President Trump continues te poll stronger and stronger because joe biden exudes weakness on The World Stage and hes turning his back on our most important ally in the region israel. Brian which is crazy. Can you do anything about this . Israel should have one focus wiping out hamas. Any civilian that dies its on hamas. Thats not just me saying that. Senator fetterman has said that who happens to be a democrat according to last reports im wondering why doesnt the president ever say if we leave the remnants of hamas 18 months before we have another october 7th. That should being the objective. It should be the objective, brian, but this administration, whether its from the press podium at the white house or the president himself, they have failed to explicitly condemn hamas. They have failed to call out the fact that hamas uses civilian shields, and its a way of their terrorist tactics. Thats why they need to be defeated. Thats why its important for us as the United States to stand with israel. And it was very it was a very solemn moment this past weekend when you heard at the holocaust remembrance ceremony, Prime Minister netanyahu says if israel has to stand alone they will. As the United States of america we should never allow israel to stand alone. America must stand with israel. Brian all three of the leaders, whether its netanyahu, benny gantz or lapid, they all from though problem with the way the war is being conducted. They think netanyahu is a problem, that dog wont hunt. I want you to bring you to the disturbing thing thats happening the series of protests in over 27 states. About 80 campuses. And that is the civil unrest that we are seeing the destruction of property and the encampments. You brought up a great question. Are we actually going to forgive the loans, told the secretary of education, of those who are defiling property, and security . Listener. The students who are being antisemitic, do you want to have the taxpayers pay their loans off . I believe that students who are breaking the law and are disrupting the educational environment should be held to account. Will you commit to ensuring that no student is harassed, other students are prevented other students from going to class or broken laws receives any form of Student Loan Forgiveness . We are committed to making sure that campuses are safe. Brian is that a good enough answer . No, its not a good enough answer. But great question by chairwoman virginia fox. Chair of the Education Committee we should not forgive those student loans. We need to defund these universities that are apologists for prohamas. That support these proterrorists professors and turn a blind eye to terrorist antisemitic students, some of whom are on Student Visas. Those visas need to be revoked. That is why we have expanded our house investigation. Its going after the appropriations that would be the funding, going after the visas for the Student Visas revoking those immediately. Going after the Tax Exempt Status of these universities. This is a failure of moral leadership, a failure of moral clarity. And we will continue to lead, to call this out and hold these schools accountable, which is why this week, for example, we have two very important hearings. One will have the d. C. Mayor, mayor bowser for the failure of her allowing she didnt allow the Law Enforcement to clear the encampment, until last night at gw in preparation for the hearing today. Brian you notice the timing time something coincidental, right . Exactly. That shows the importance of these congressional hearings. Because they will not do the right thing until we hold them accountable. Brian thats why your hearings are so important and why your majority in the house is so vital. Yes. Brian congresswoman, thanks so much. Thanks, brian. Brian meanwhile go over to carley shimkus. Carley check out this wild video out of fairfax county, virginia. A dump truck strikes overpass beam traveling on Interstate 66 monday afternoon. Traveling westbound with Trailer Upright before impact. No one was hurt and no other vehicles were damaged. And a frightening instance from a plane full of passengers in seattle, a delta flight forced to quickly evacuate after landing due to a small fire under the nose of the plane on monday night. What is it . Oh, its on fire in the front of the plane. Its like on fire. The plane is on fire. Carley they opened up the slide and all the passengers had to slide down. Officials say the fire broke out after the airplane was plugged into the airports Electric Power following a flight from cancun. Crews deployed the slide due to an abundance of caution. No word of anyone who was hurt. And those are your headlines. Lets just walk everywhere, brian. Its safer that way. Brian if i have to leave a plane quickly i would like to slide down. Carley that would be fun. Only in nonstress scenarios. Brian big hour straight ahead. I would give the details but i dont have time. Those three people will be here. They look exactly like that in real life. Ir of early gum disease. A new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. If youve ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. But did you know propane also Powers School buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores . Or that propane can cut your energy costs at home . It powers big jobs and small ones too. From hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propanean Energy Source thats affordable, plentiful, and environmentally friendly for everyone. Get the facts at propane. Com now. Ive struggled with generalized Myasthenia Gravis. But the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. 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