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Good evening and thank you for joining us. It is sunday night in america. It matters the battle, the fight , the war is about. World war ii liberated the world from tyranny. In prison and executed trying to stop genocide. Martin luther king was imprisoned fighting and killed for equality. Compare that with what we are witnessing on college campuses. Students and agitators engaging in criminality in support of hamas, a terrorist group. The protest are rooted in something more palatable. These protests cannot be rooted in a desire for two state solution. That is been around since the 1940s. These protests cannot be about what is just. A sneak attack on civilians. It cannot be about protecting innocence because hamas was to use the hospitals and schools and neighborhoods as fronts for war. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. These protests are showing you exactly who they are when they call for the elimination of the jewish state engaging in violence, fighting with police and champ of the river to the sea. Too much even for president biden. The right to protest. Not the right to cause chaos. None of this is a peaceful protest. Threatening people. Intimidating people. It is not peaceful protest. It is against the law. No place for hate speech or violence of any kind. It is simply wrong. There is no place for racism in america. There is a history on the left of Excusing Lawlessness and then condemning it when it does not yet the right thing is to condemn criminality whenever it occurs. These elite schools aided and abetted something they could no longer control. Lawlessness spreads and it eventually consumes everyone. Even those that initially ignored it. Joining us is mike pompeo. Reminding me of the Occupy Movement when we were in the house. The Obama Administration bent over backwards to avoid consequences from taking over national parks. The lack of consequences in the aftermath of George Floyd Murder consuming everything and everyone. Stopping it when it begins. It is great to be with you. You have it absolutely right. Whether it was the Occupy Movement or the plm folks in the summer of 2020. You have to enforce the law. It goes broader and deeper than that. I would add to this sometimes they say they are protesting in occupation. Israelis have not occupied gaza since 2006. This is about a progressive woke movement. If we dont defend, protect our southern border, and sure if you steal something at walgreens, no matter what the value is, you will be prosecuted for that. Blackandwhite, no politics, a rule of law, the risk of a breakdown of the republic continues to increase and frankly the next generation of young people will not understand the basic foundations upon which our founders find life, liberty and the pursuit of all the things great. Happiness and all the things great here in america. Given the former service you have had to our country, you have seen things that most of us have never seen and will not. The raw footage from the hamas attack last over, would that impact any of these students . Seeing this, what would it matter to them . Tray, i think these students are ignorant. Not dumb, ignorant. I would love to make sure every one of them had the chance to see what these hamas barbarians actually felt themselves. I think it may cause them to take a step back. Frankly, i dont think that is what this is about. This is about the fundamentalist darkest idea. That is who these people are at their core. Frankly, i hope they will all see this. The same way it impacted me, personally, when i saw it. I fear there are bigger agendas here that go far beyond. Simply saying, you know, somehow justified because of something going on Someplace Else that the care deeply about. Trey i like simple bright line rules. I like to condemn lawlessness. Why do you think some of these schools have been so slow to respond . I think deeply embedded in the faculties and most of americas elite institution and understanding of oppression. Talking about it comes out in different things. When they cd students they just simply think, gosh, we dont want to push back against the because it may impact our endowment. It may cause these students to leave. Frankly, they are perfectly willing to abandon jewish students. It is deeply embedded in these institutions. I think we saw play out on these campuses. These people are not about the rule of law. This is all politics all the time for them. They have been politicized and radicalized to permit this to happen at the expense of basic Law And Order. Trey mr. Secretary, reporting that turkey is punishing israel. A refusal to trade. Do you expect to see more of this . If you are running the show, what would your response to turkey be . I think turkey has grabbed the wrong end of the stick here. Longstanding grievance between turkey and israel. It is god better time to time. A little bit better during the trump administration. A shared set of interests that they had. The Foreign Minister who i know really well, capable smart fellow, i hope they will come to see that this is not the right thing to do. Not good for the turkish people and terrible for the israel people and it is bad for their neighborhood. He really does leave the Gulf Arab States to be alongside him and making sure these ideas of borders and security is something america is prepared to do alongside our native partner turkey. Trey one of the longest extinguished resumes and current america. Thank you to our service to america and thank you for joining us on this sunday night. Have a good rest of your sunday night. Yes, sir. You as well. Trey investigating israel and Benjamin Netanyahu for alleged human rights violations. The same group that issued an Arrest Warrant for vladimir putin. Yes, nothing happened. No word on how their investigation into iran is proceeding. It is not just some toothless agency criticizing netanyahu. Biden administration is warning the jewish state not to go forward with the invasion. Joining us now is the prime minister. What is your view of the current state of this war and will israel continue to push the offense of as long as hamas holds hostages. Yes, we will. We actually have no choice. Dedicated to destroying israel. They say it explicitly. They say they will try to continue to kill jews as long as they exist. They are on our border. We really have no choice. Chuck schumer and nancy pelosi call for Regime Change in israel. Nadler just said netanyahu is the worst leader at 2100 years. He is old, but i do not think he was around for all of the jewish leaders. What do you make of american politicians inserting themselves into Israeli Government affairs . I think israel is a vibrant democracy. Domestically within israel, we voice our opposition, voice our support. It is the israeli Public Business to choose their leaders israel is a democracy. Nobody wants to change that. Other places you mentioned such as iran or other locations are not necessarily democracies then it makes sense to change a regime there. I cannot speak for israel. The folks i run around within the United States dont really care what they think about israeli politics, but when the Biden Administration, as it has been reported threads to withhold ammunition from israel, that does get our attention. Have you heard anything about this reporting that the Biden Administration is actually conditioning what the Biden Administration want israel to do in gaza . I hope that it is not true. I heard the rumor. We are fighting not only israels war, we are at the forefront fighting the war against radical islam. Radical islam in gaza attacking. Attacking europeans. Radical islam on campuses of the United States of america where they are explicitly saying they want america to change its laws to be religious islamic laws. We have to push this whole wave back and we are the ones doing the fighting. It is our task to do it. What we expect is that our friends have our back. Congress recently took up a bill which put the hard right in the same camp with the socalled squad. How do you define antisemitism . Antisemitism is the persecution of the individual jews, but it is the jews of the collective rights of being a nation. We have a jewish station in the jewish country is the state of israel. Only one jewish state on earth and that is israel. Twentytwo arab states. Countless christian states. Only one jewish state on earth yet some people want to deny that. Folks who want israel to disappear are antisomatic. What would you say . Any college kids listening tonight, what would you say to the College Students harassing jewish students. I wonder if seeing the raw footage from what thomas did what impact them. You know, i would hope dash they are so much in the wrong side. I guess in a few years when they grow up some of them at least will realize how stupid it was what they are doing. They are fighting against the only democracy, liberal democracy in the middle east. We are the one surrounded by crazy radical islamic regimes that want to destroy the west, want to destroy america, want to destroy israel. Israel is called the small satan we are the ones fighting. The last thing you want to do to a friend of yours that is fighting for you and themselves is to tie their hands or fight them. I can only be sorry about it. Im sure in the future they will realize how mistaken this approach was. Lets hope you are right. Former prime minister, thank you for joining us on this sunday night. Thank you very much. More gop House Speaker drama and other media hungry members threatening. Their reaction is different this time. The latest from capitol hill next on sunday night in america. Hi, im janice, and i lost 172 pounds on golo. When i was a teenager i had some severe trauma in my life and i turned to food for comfort. A friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am the inside. Once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. A lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. When i look in the mirror, i dont even recognize myself. Golo really works. Shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 . Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. Shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 . Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. Welcome back to sunday night in america. Congress has a really funny way of showing it. A Single Person to undo an election to thwart the will of the vast majority. The Textbook Definition of antidemocratic which is why no other group does it. Supreme Court Justices can only be appeased. Members of congress cannot be recalled or vacated. Senate Majority Leader has not been vacated, but the speaker can be removed because a Single Member wanted. It makes no sense to hold this over the head of a leader on a daily basis. Marjory taylor green is joining the current buyer of colleagues but hatched in January Of 2023 when a handful of members wanted Kevin Mccarthy to grovel bag and disarm and frustrate himself. They withheld support because they relish the idea of making their leaders serve the pleasure of the most unhinged member on any given day and then it happened. And a member under investigation by the Ethics Committee with a personal grudge led the charge. With only seven other republicans joined with every single democrat. Much worth of embarrassment ensued about fundraising was good. What really change . Different speaker but same results. So now there is this. We need leaders in the House Of Representatives that will get this done yet not working for jeffries. Not working for joe biden. Now we have jeffries and the democrats coming out and embracing mike johnson with a warm hug and a big wet sloppy kiss. Next week i will be calling this motion to vacate. Absolutely calling it. The difference this time is democrats will rescue mike johnson. They will protect mike johnson which makes this whole exercise utterly meaningless. A single republican triggered the removal of a speaker for allegedly working with democrats only to then work with democrats to get a new speaker one democrats enjoy so much they will save him. What did you get . Joining me as National Political reporter from the hill julia manchester. Welcome. Democrats will join with republicans in table this motion to vacate which makes i guess mike johnson more palatable for democrats and the eight that removed Kevin Mccarthy. Is that the take away . Yeah. I think that is the take away. I think we saw this deal that was made. Democrats wanted more funding to ukraine, they wanted that funding to israel. A number of republicans also on board to that deal. I find it so ironic that Marjory Taylor green is sitting there outside of the capital with the make America Great hat. The President Trump slogan saying they need a new speaker but then you have mike johnson who was literally down in florida this Weekend Fundraising with President Trump. President trump in the wake of this you know enforcement. The speaker drama. You have essentially everyone seemingly up against Marjory Taylor green. I think it has left a lot of republicans and democrats puzzled as to why she would do that at this point. Especially when republicans in the house are facing a very tough election year. I enjoy going back in time. Luckily, we dont have to go back very far, just to october when a republicans joined arms with every single democrat in every single conservative commentator to get rid of Kevin Mccarthy. How have things changed. How are they different under Speaker Mike Johnson . Democrats still have to help pass rules, there are still suspension votes. Just as bad as they used to be. Ukraine funded, pfizer reauthorized. What did these eight republicans get other than fundraising . It is also important to note that Kevin Mccarthy was a very good fundraiser when he was speaker. In terms of what has changed, look, you know, Foreign Policy namely has changed. Ever since october, china has become an even bigger threat than it was in the indo pacific. The war in ukraine is facing a Turning Point with ukrainians really saying they need that aid. Arguably, most importantly, just before this boat you had iran launching retaliatory strike into israel sending drones into israel. I think the Foreign Policy calculus of this changed and sort of upped the ante for republicans and democrats coming together on this. Trey former Speaker Mccarthy says a pending ethics probe and it was personal. If nothing has changed other than what you laid out, Foreign Policy, with a new speaker, and lots of things have not changed, how do you expect Congressman Gates to boast . It doesnt look personal at this point. It does. It does. You have President Trump and we know that President Trump and former Speaker Mccarthy definitely had an interesting relationship. Mccarthy going down to get trumps backings, blessing, they work together. I think that the difference here is we are in election year. The republicans have a very narrow majority in the house. You know, we have President Trump very vocally backing mike johnson at backing the republican establishment in the house. I am curious if someone like matt gates is looking to someone like President Trump and say i will fall in line here. The question i have is what is the endgame for Marjory Taylor green. Obviously to get rid of mike johnson but what else does she see coming out of this . The endgame may be fundraising. Thank you so much for joining us on this sunday night. Thank you. Democratic congressman has been indicted. Brett tolman on the charges and what do you think of mayor garland doj right after the break. Welcome to fox news live. I am in new york. Major flooding continues to devastate the region. Hundreds of people rescued from Homes Rooftops and roadways. South of fort worth a 5yearold boy died after the car he was traveling and got stuck in floodwaters and was swept away. 2 feet of rain over the past week swelling rivers out of their banks. Floodwaters are expected to begin receiving this week. Shutting down a local news operation. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying the social Media Network is biased towards hamas and reporters harmed israel security. They were seen confiscating equipment from the agencys office earlier today. A long and strained relationship with israel. Back to sunday night in america. Will come back to sunday night in america. Henry and his wife have been charged with bribery and conspiracy. They are accused of accepting 600,000. The indictment alleges the money influencing legislation to favor and Pressure Bank regulators. My wife and i are innocent of these allegations everything ive done in congress has been to serve the people of south texas. His wife into Business Partners owning the docket for Jury Selection in two weeks. They are charged with corruption and bribery in a case involving cash, gold bars and a mercedesbenz. Welcome to you. Everyone is presumed innocent including members of congress. Doj has had a tough time. Tough luck with recent prosecutions. Special counsel swung and missed. Nebraska congressman, is it harder or more easier to convict political theaters . Great to see you. Especially individuals that may have the ability to hire exceptional lawyers or teams of lawyers. Investigators that will get hired on the defense side that will put in a lot of effort. I was shocked to see the response of the congressman in terms of him identifying that he has sought out Legal Counsel prior to these transactions. He even said the opinions on the matter. Has the makings of a pretty robust fight. Congressman is a democrat for sure. Hardly a progressive. Doj refused to prosecute a rachel rollins. My question to you as a former u. S. Attorney we know who reviews the decisions but who reviews decisions not to charge someone. Is there any entity that can go back and question doj charging someone they act as a Fourth Branch of the government because there is very little accountability. The power exclusively within their authority. Then you have virtually a complete immunity from some of those decisions. It is strange to me, though, how do you come out fighting and prosecuting this case while at the same time, you know, not investigating some of the allegations. The biden transactions with hunter biden and the business and potentially. Encroaching more and more in that prosecutorial decisionmaking. It may be more than inconsistency. Mayor garland improved the indictment any democratic senator key did not change their report on joe biden which was very damaging for joe biden politically. On the other hand the deal with hunter biden that was initially offered was too good for a judge the judge had to stop it in the difference are getting smaller by the day. What, in general, do you make of garland because the left and right seem disappointed. Well, i agree. You have highlighted, i think about what the American People are seeing. It is no longer a presumption that the Department Of Justice is trying to make good decisions and willing to prosecute a republican or democrat equally. That is not the case. Garland in charge of a Department Of Justice that is refusing to prosecute, you know, political cases on one side and aggressively prosecuting and investigating conservatives. They do very little to go after the left whether it is antifa or individuals that are picketing and rioting on the left, but, boy, they sure are very quick to go after anybody and everybody on the right. That is why the American People are looking at it saying it is not the same anymore. I dont have confidence in the justice department. That is a refrain that we are hearing more and more across the country. I will have to have do you want. As this case unfolds, members of congress have very little power particularly when you are in the minority. Im curious about what exactly he would be able to do in the eyes of doj as a democrat and minority and the house. We will leave it here for now because i cannot afford any more of your hourly rate. Thank you, mr. U. S. Attorney, on a sunday night. Thank you. The state of new york versus Donald J Trump continues. A witness did not do well on cross. Trump is lighter on the wallet. Will scharf right after the break. 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Great to see you again. Im sure people are wondering how Michael Cohen can keep talking about donald trump but donald trump cannot respond. What is the rationale for the judges gag order and what is the rationale for the judge holding the president to a different standard than he does other witnesses and potential witnesses. That is one of the most outrageous things about this gag order. A unilateral gag order. It does nothing to restrict the speech of the Prosecution Team more as you indicated the witnesses. So we have a situation where people are regularly attacking President Trump publicly at the height of a president ial campaign. President trump lacks the responsibility to respond. Wildly unconstitutional, unprecedented in American History. We have challenged the gag order and we will continue challenging it in the days and weeks ahead. The situation we are dealing with here is absolutely outrageous. It just does not make any sense at all. It just goes to show how irregular this entire trial has been from its inception and we are seeing that play out in court day by day. Speaking of court, soon to be witness Michael Cohen, lets listen to him and then i will ask you a question on the other side. Michael cohen here with another Michael Cohen reacts. When i was testify before the House Oversight committee, i turned around and i said that donald trump has shown acts of generosity, but he is not a generous person. I actually questioned mr. Cohen but that was back when he liked President Trump and that was before the convictions are false statement. Do they rise and fall or can the jury conclude that Michael Cohen is untrustworthy. I am somewhat limited with what i can say there because of this gag order. First of all, all the testimony that we have heard in court so far does not really speak to the charged offenses. We have not seen anything so far tending to support the prosecutions business theory. We believe that President Trump did nothing wrong. That is the reason why there has not been any evidence here. In terms of Michael Cohen as we have said repeatedly in court pleadings, this is a man that is been found buyable by numerous previous courts. We think that is something the jury will have to wait. We will see that play out in court probably this week i would guess. In the meantime, as those clips indicated, Michael Cohen has been viciously attacking President Trump and President Trump does not have the ability to respond publicly. Let me ask you a legal question. Pretty mediocre homicide prosecutor. I dont know anything about federal election law. It is the prosecution arguing that donald trump should have used Campaign Funds to make these payments or that he should have been more particular and how he listed them . There is an argument he is not allowed to use these funds for personal expenditures. That is a part of the case that i do not get. If he had used different monies he wouldve been investigated by a different group. That is exactly right. Numerous Law Specialists have said exactly that. The prosecutions case is based on this flawed presence. Election expenses when federal laws to the contrary. They have looked at this, the Biden Department of justice has looked at this. All of them declined to take any action in this case. Radical leftist District Attorney in new york that decided to press ahead and attempt to try President Trump at the height of a president ial election season. I believe this is election interference plain and simple. I dont think it has any legal basis whatsoever. For that reason and numerous other reasons and it really is an outrage that we are seeing our courts and system and Law And Order for political purposes running for president its hard, being a defendant is hard, being the both of the same time is nearly impossible. Would you impose any kind of gag order at all and if so what would that look like . We do not believe a Gag Order Care was warranted. We have challenged this the same way we have challenged her previous gag order imposed in the washington, d. C. Federal prosecution. At the very core of the first amendment, political speech, the idea that a judge would pose a very, very broad prior restraint on the leading president ial candidate political speech, at the height of an election season , it is totally unconstitutional, as i said before unprecedented in American History for any political candidate to be gagged in this way. We dont see any reason for there to be a gag order at all in this case. Certainly, the scope, the fact that it is little unilateral, it jail so much each beyond its plain terms, this is an absolute outrage. One of any number of outrages we have seen play out in new york courts from the inception of this case. Thank you for taking time from the courtroom and the Campaign Trail to join us on this sunday night. We will see you soon. Great to be with you. Thank you. Trey biden hits the Campaign Trail, sort of. Is it helping . The race to be Donald Trumps dp appears to be minus one contender. That is ahead on sunday night in america. Welcome back to sunday night in america. Donald trump defending himself in court while also running for a second term joe biden is defending his first term seeking another one. A few counties and a handful of states. And a candidate actually make a difference . We know who is running with biden but trump is looking for new running mate. A line from yellowstone where the characters says i would rather shoot 1000 men then kill another horse. I am not advocating for homicide but that line captures how many of us feel about our pets which make south dakota governor decision to kill and later write about it disqualified in the eyes of many but is It Disqualifying in the eyes of the person actually doing the taking joining us to discuss this is Princeton University Research Call scholar doctor lauren wright. Trump has suggested he is still couple of month away from taking a running mate. Does it make sense to pick someone earlier that can carry the torch and, since i like compound questions kenta vp pick actually make a difference in the minds of voters . It can help balance trump out and that could be in his best Interest Despite what his instincts are to pick someone exactly in his mold, exactly like himself, he should pick someone who was as different as him as possible and more moderate on the issues that voters in the middle are really quite unsure about. I think the later the better, to be honest, for him to tease this pick to make it a spectacle when he does. Whoever he picks will be heavily vetted from the moment he says their name. Better to get all of that organized and take the time. One of the cohost of the view cannot stop talking about tim scott. Listen to this. Speaking for africanamerican voters if anyone thinks that tim scott [laughter] the audience is cracking up. If anyone thinks tim scott will bring over a bunch of black men they really just need to get with it. Tim scott is the only africanamerican senator in the Republican Party for a reason. I dont have any idea whether senator scott helps when male black voters or not. I actually thinks he helps with white suburban women because of the way he carries himself and he proves you can be conservative and not mad about it. Maybe i am wrong. Does it have to be a woman to appeal to undecided or reluctant female voters . Well, no. It is a great point about what is really special to tim scott is his personality and how sort of lowkey and amicable he is in very High Pressure situations. Trump could absolutely use someone with that kind of disposition. Frankly, trump is doing pretty well with black men already. He is doing better than our last republican nominees. That group is already ticking on the upswing and should be concerned for democrats regardless of who the president and vpr. I dont know if governor christie was ever serious consideration only the former president would know that, but it does not seem she will recover from like her own book which is almost stunning to even say that. It was her own book that seems to deepsixed her shot at being Vice President. Absolutely. A huge miscalculation about the number of pet owners in this country and how they are very heavily concentrated dog and cat owners in both parties that really love their pets. I am sure you know for instance a huge advocate for dogs and rescue dogs. Some of trumps own family i am quite sure will give him an earful about this and he knows that he does not want someone who will cause even more controversy than he is. It is a massive miscalculation on her part. It is very telling about her own political instincts. Sometimes, that is what the process does well. People are under scrutiny and they make mistakes and people draw conclusions about them. It is very fair in this case. Trey to your point i dont believe in reincarnation but if im wrong i do not want to come back as my wifes husband. I want to come back as her dog. That is the thing that she loves more than anything in the world. Arizona is a state the gop lost last time around. They may actually need to win at this time. Is kari lake helping or hurting their chances right now . I dont know if it is helping or hurting. An example of someone that is very much in trumps mold. I do not know what the x factor would be with kari lake where she would balance out the ticket or get attention from other groups that would not normally be so sure about supporting trump. I do not think that is the strongest pick for him. There actually is not a ton of support for her herself in arizona so i do think he would be better off taking someone, like you said, maybe appeals more to the center. I only gamble at the golf course. If you had to gamble land pick, who would you bet he will pick rusher mark. I think tim scott would be a great choice. I dont know if you will pick him. Kind of an outlier i would be very interested in it. That would be weird for me to have the Cell Phone Number of the Vice President of the United States. I never thought i would have that, of course he would actually block me if that happens. Thank you for joining us on a sunday night. Thank you. Thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. I hope you have a great week ahead. Until next week you can find us online or on the podcast. Good night from south carolina. That is how fox reports a sunday cinco de mayo. I am john scott. Thanks for watching. Hello everyone

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