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Welcome to the Big Weekend Show. The big story tonight, graduation interrupted. [bleep] [bleep] [chanting] move it on lose it. Antiisrael protesters storm the Commencement Ceremony at the University Of Michigan and campus chaos moving from encampments more than 1200 agitators arrested in recent weeks at George Washington university in washington, d. C. A direct message to President Biden. Antiisrael protesters projecting image of bide within the text genocide joe over an American Flag that the University Staff unfurled earlier this week and matt fin is at the university. Matt. Reporter as you know theres been weeks of unrest and chaos here in New York City some of our excellent fox News Reporters have been covering the protest hour by hour today. We can safely confirm thats been nothing but peace here at nyu, in fact, nypd officers have been outnumbering any civilians here in the sectioned off area where their protest were last night ultimately nypd had to come into this area dismantle the encampment make upwards of 60 arrests headed south a different scene today at the university of virginia. Massive Police Presence began Dismantling Encampment on campus there. After more than a week of reported demonstrations and increasing tension at the university of virginia, local reports say police did use pepper spray, and are seeing carrying away at least one person to make arrests. In the Upper Midwest at the University Of Michigan short while today propalestinian chanting antiwar messages and waving palestinian flag no reports of any arrests there. On this issue it is disgusting to see whats been happening on these campuses. With defacement of building, destruction of property, the threats against jewish students. Our focus is on protecting all students. We want all students to be able to study, learn, and get their degrees done. Reporter here in New York City at the Parson School of design yesterday propalestinian protesters were seen battling with Police Fighting to get past a barrier. This week police shut down illegal encampments at columbia also nyu as well and back live here, No Assemblance of demonstration not a piece of trash i was at the Ucla Demonstration earlier this week or aftermath of this and lirlgtly bulldozers that took away countless piece of debris, tents, garbage and plastic both of the campuses from l. A. To new york now cleaned up. Back to you guys. Thank you matt great reporting. Protesters called antifada trained in militantty according to barry weiss free press and Training Manuals circulated participating in encampment on College Campuses including this guide called The Dear Arrest Primer part of it reads, quote, Each Deer Arrest is microantifada income we can shake off this Knockous Ruling order altogether. Thank god for them. Guy, you know, i think one of the most interesting aspect of all of this is once you had police move in and arrest a bunch of people and remove their masks and expose who these feel are and then, of course, we find out at one university some 60 of those arrested were not even students on campus. Things start to really quiet down after that. Yeah when you can arrest the professional dirt bags who show up at all of these events thats what they are. Right theyre just the of society come out for climate, black lives matter people effectively professional left wing protesters who are steeped in this stuff. I think you take care that have problem by enforcing the law. Yoing take care of the Student Problem by enforcing harshly sanctions. On especially the ring leaders whining you have suspensions and expulsions and you prove that theyre going to stick that will be a deterrent to a lot of these hangars on who dont know where they are there to begin with and talk about that throughout the show and make one other point. I am not one to typically defend joe biden, our president. But to see his image projected on our flag, with the words genocide joe this is the campus that gw in our nations capitol our first president the statue in his honor draped in palestinian garb all of these hate slogans, then, an American Flag is unfurled almost as rebuttal the crowd booed at that and jeered, and now theyre projecting this lie. Theres no genocide. The israelis are not committing genocide in gaza it is a false disgusting smear and these peel are attaching that word to our current president completely outrageous, and i dont know what hes thinking trying to appease people calling him that. Youre not going to win the genocide joe crowd, joe. Thats a great sobering point and, of course, i sit back and look at it and think you know, these you get imha you deserve what you get what you do try to appease these people. You know, Bill Bratton Tammy said that the beg mistake they make from the beginning is trying to negotiate with the anti protesters in the first place. Listen to this. Theyre negotiating and mistake that all of them have made from their perspective is this idea of when this first began, when that first tent was allowed to be put into the campus area, and not taken down, is your broken Window Theory im a significant advocate of in policing you dont cake care of the Little Things they become big thengs and mind of violation of the rule and regulations of the school, minor things that in terms of included in the code of conduct, then, if you dont deal with that directly they become much bigger and were clearly seeing that in campus after campus after campus. The issue just raised about at the George Washington university, is outrageous that that statue of the founding father of this nation is still covered. With that incredible. Outrageous. One of the Little Things is making sure that the creeps who are putting up tents on your campus are actually your students. Would be one silly Concept Elope are there but this is the Problem Bratton is right when you dont do something about it it is like with little children if your little kid keeps doing Something Like trying to stab the dog and you laugh and you dont do anything about it. Theyre going to continue to try to do that and you want to impress some kind of morality and what is acceptable. And when you dont, it is not just like well it is am ambivale it is silent acquiescence but this was an organized effort and there were tests just like with september 11th. It certain terrorists going on plane to see how a team of Flight Teangts would react if you did a certain thing to find out how far yowcts go so this is no different. Ly note, though, of course, this is just the occupied democrats, occupy yeah, the Occupy Wall Street People The Park what weve seen there. But i will suggest that like the image that we hated about that American Flag, and joe bidens face. That now is used everywhere. Right . Were talking about it. And yet whats never talked about is how many people were ultimately really protesting. But so well take the arrest numbers. So about 300 columbia alone has 35 33,000 in rural students we know now apparently months for organizing this and they kopght even get out enough students. They had to fill it in with people from off the campus. So youre looking at less than 1 youre going to look at that number repeated across the country 40 other campuses, so the real story is, they couldnt even organize themselves out of a paper bag. After the o. J. Simpson trial within a few days i had 7,000 people on the street in 1994, marching for the lapd without the internet without social media. Thats what an Organizer Notices here. That it is not not a very good organizing. So in addition to the sort of moral acquiescence that you see on College Campuses from College Administrators from democrats allowed this to itser by trying to woo these listen to what Tulsi Gabbert had to say. Incapable of making that argument and waging that counter ideological warfare against this ideology or theyre terrified they are terrified as Bernie Sanders and terrified losing amongst prohamas mantras that are being chanted it is a dangerous place to have a leader of our country operating from a position of fear rather than standing strong on our fundamental principles and values of freedom. So that was on fox friends this morning. But you know, it is going to be a real problem for democrats. I think it is but i think democrats think this is going to blow over thats why it took President Biden to address it because they thought listen, graduation is coming if summer is coming. This is going to end. I think whats not going to end even after encampments are cleaned up and this is disbanded theres going to be another issue that these young people are going to glum on to one thats not productive because oppression to them through all of their schooling has become sexy. Oppression to them has been glamourized they want to feel badly oppressed that theyre willing to cost play like theyre palestinians in some kind of plight but then simultaneously they demand uber eats and lotion with no sunscreen. So these people who want to play oppression dont know what oppression is. But theyre going to go from one idea to the next idea to find some where to fit in. And the problem is conservatives have not given young people a place to fit in thats normal and sane and maybe we should do a better job of that. If democrats think this is going to blow over i think theyre kidding themselves because it is going to blow right into the windy city for their convention in the thick of the election so dpluk with good luck with that. It is going to be entertaining to watch without a doubt. Coming up on the Big Weekend Show i revere his record. What hes done in three years has been a master [laughter] gavin newsom is bidens biggest supporter but is that just helping trup . Plus the Patriotic Movement emerging in the chaos of antiisrael protest on College Campuses. Also ahead, some red meat for liberal elites. Florida sends a message to its plant eaters hoping to save the environment. Well were protecting here is the industry against acts of man. Are you throwing money away . Money stresses me out. So, i went to experian. They actually helped lower my monthly bills. Phone, internet. Also subscriptions i forgot about. Streaming, music, news sites. Now i can see them in one place. And the ones i forgot about . Experian can cancel them for me. Experian did the work. Finally getting smart about money feels really good. Helped me take control of my money. Save money now on monthly bills and unwanted subscriptions at experian. Com save. Switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. Much more. Take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. Business. Its not a ninetofive proposition. 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Store owners tell us that ever since october th store has been getting threatening emails, calls, and people are vandalizing they say since the start of all of these protests, things are getting worse. One person threat to come to burn us and they hate israel and hate all of the jews and we deserve to die. Reporter husband and wife owners started displaying israeli flag in the store since the start of war. And they say sales went down while attacks went up. For example, the store received an email last week saying in part, quote, your store is going down unless you will stop supporting a country that murders, tortures and commits a genocide. Another incident from last month, you can see a man who appears to be wearing Turban Splattering paint on the back of the building. The owners say Police Caught the guy. But they say threats and attacks leak this happened two to three times week. According to the latest data from the Antidefamation League 60 of all antisemitic attacks last year happened after october 7th. Back to you. All righty antiisrael radicals are also trashing the Red White And Blue from George Washington university to New York City where agitators dragged and stomped on old glory. But a new Patriotism Movement is emerging in the middle of these protests. Rutgers University Students in new jersey held an American Flag high, as they took on protesters, one of them joined fox friends this morning. Pretty simply, my friends and i heard it was happening. We were excited that rutgers was finally take some sort of action against these protesters who were shouting death to america and death to israel and call for violence calling for hate speech i see that as unamerican i dont think thats what we stand for here in america so i want to hold the flag to counter that. Maybe you should be head of the university ole miss students during a march on campus. Starspangled banner yet wave the land of the free and the Home Of The Brave Fraternity Brothers chapel hill stepped in to prevent protesters from tearing down the American Flag on their campus. When this becomes an american issue, that hits kind of double hard and that really hits us both in our you know religious country and our home one that we really feel is deeply important to us. Ive seen a lot about us being heros or unbelievable people. It is none of that. We see a country that we love and we believe in and we stand for its values being desecrated. And we didnt want to sit by and just let it happen. Reporter excellent now that is very impressive one note i want to make because it is these daysing being antiisrael it is jew hatred that is why jewish students are feeling threatened why would you threaten a american who happens to be jewish is this about being propalestinian and why do that . Why you would you go after tommy the bakery, cookies, cookie people because they are jewish . So this is about jew hatred nobody ever says it. And antisemitism is closest well get to it but also to your point leading out of the last sessionment what about do we do, with our own young people with conservative or just normal young people, it seems like without leadership, youve got this trend moving up of this patriotism from the young men and women. I love to see it and who would have thought maybe five, ten years ago that the american frat boy would step up and be, you know sol of the leaders of our country. You know the left would look at them and they would call that toxic masculinity maybe we need more i also think theres such a contrast here it is unfortunate one not a blanket statement. But a lot of these campuses it is the young men that are standing up and its the young women who are on the other side screaming and angry and bitter and i dont think that can be overlooked because polls are also showing us that a lot of young men in america are trending more conservative. But young women are trending more liberal more democrat. So whats going on . In our country why is there ouch is a divide between the two genders if you believe in gender thats something worth looking into i would love to see the basketball team, tennis Team Football team all of the great teams defending the American Flag defending jewish students defending their campus. Because when i went to school those kind of people kind of ran the campus. So maybe if they stood up or start to see a shift here. Now guy at the same time youve got Campus Leadership saying nothing or coming in late. Is this dynamic that were seeing i think you know all over the country but because it is natural or out of feature do you think . Ting fend where you are. Some Campus Leaders are diagnose a very good job. I think ben sasse at florida has gotten a lot of good press for good reason we played a clip singing the anthem i think that gave positive press to rutgers no thanks to the administration that place has been a cesspool for antisemitism and, in fact, the president there as caved to the prohamas mob on eight of their ten demands. Just giving twheam they want unfortunately theres been that at northwestern is makes me sick and on the usa chants protecting of the flag ive seen some people especially on the left some mocking saying oh this is some knee jerk, this is not responsive to the point of the hamas encampments actually it is. Because in addition to the jew hatred that you mention this is also america hatred. The people who are most hard core on this issue yes they hate israel. A number of them hate jews, almost all of them hate us. And our civilization so chanting usa back and waving our flag back is entirely the point. Almost like this is just the excuse for haters of western civilization. Yeah without a doubt. I think that one of the things that they hate about us is our political system, and this very thoughtful idea that we put together that you know this is how politics is supposed to work and if you and it is sort of not all that surprising that the Animal House Frat Bros are the ones that are standing up for democracy, of course, what do they want out of life . They want a great keg party. They want life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness which is whole point of olympics and go to College Campuses, the boring tedious ignorant stupid, kids, they think politics is all about politics. Well no thats not what politics is about. Politics is about actually having the freedom to do whatever the hell it is you want to do without infringing on other peoples right and so, i guess in that way doesnt really surprise me that the frat brothers are the ones that step up and go, no, no youre infringing and by the way, those guys somebody put up a fundraiser for those guys they raise over a half Million Dollars for the biggest keg party. Remember it is the young Men College Age who save the world twice over being drafted into the military world war ii thats who has done it for the last 250 years all right everybody. Coming up next anything i wanted to still in you today, is how proud you should be of president joe biden. [laughter] oh, dear yes does the california chaos unfolding under Gavin Newsoms watch make him the best surrogate for election hopes . That will be next. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. Guy were back thanks for watching. Well jewish organizations are calling out President Biden for his weak messaging surrounding the antiisrael rage sweeping across campuses. On friday, several of them pulled out of a meeting meetingh Biden Administration after the administration invited several far left groups at the last minute. Fox news correspondent Lucas Tomlinson has more from the white house. Reporter good evening guy it is not just president ial historians comparing protest on College Campuses but senator Bernie Sanders too. This may be bidens vietnam. I worry very much that President Biden is putting himself in a position where hes alienated not just young people but a lot of Democratic Base in terms of his views on israel and this war. Guy fox news poll shows about face when it comes to support from young voters during the last election, biden had a 25 point advantage among voters under 30. Now it is trump that leads many that category by 18 points. It took President Biden over a week to address the nation about the sometimes violent protest across College Campuses. Heres his Deputy Campaign manager earlier. He believes in the right for peaceful protest. But that Political Violence aint semitism isnt going to be accepted. The other piece here is that the president believes in what these protesters are saying and hes working to bring a peace to bring peace to the middle east and bring the situation to a close. Guy biden former Press Secretary jan psaki at George Washington university in two weeks. Thats going to be interesting congratulations to those students thank you very much lucas. Meanwhile governor of california says hes joe bidens biggest cheerleader. I revere his record. I mean, what hes done in three years has been a master guy well like biden newsom is getting pushback to antiisrael protest that happened and newsom release a statement that read in part, quote, those who engage in illegal behavior through prosecution suspension and expulsion and biden might want to think twice about having newsom on the stump for him and poor leadership in california is actually boosting Trumps Campaign and hurting biden, sotomi on the plus side if youre looking at gavin newsom as a surrogate hes string sentences together unlike the president and his Press Secretary so thats good. The negative side of this is, hes the governor of california, which is a basket case of failure. Right, so which one wins out here . Tomi ive been saying for many, many months now gavin newsom will be the no, nominee i thinkt is apparent by the way that he continues to kiss up to joe biden. Because what hes saying listen, if you decide that you dont want to do this im right there. Ive been a good soldier for you and fought the fight. Ive had all of your taught points in line look at me ive been so loyal. Ive often referred to it as that part in The Lion King when youre standing over the cliff and it is mufasa and scar and hes going to push him over the cliff as soon as that time comes for gavin. California is a mess. But if theres people willing to vote for joe biden given his record inability to speak trust me people will vote for gavin newsom hate to say it but it is true. Guy tammy the silence in his homestead he finally put out that statement after there was open clashes and violence. But this guy has been mia constantly putting out statements traipsing talking about abortion in other states and shocking proterrorism check points at ucla. And this guy was just producing crickets nothing for days. Tammy media, of course, doesnt cover it he like joe biden thinks that whats going on is going to get good treatment in the media it is going to be you know written over and not discussed at all. I dont know what gavin newsom is anyway that could be any topic it doesnt address the Heart And Soul of the nature of whats going on and doesnt say stop or this is bad. It doesnt say im coming after you. It doesnt say if youre here, and youre a foreigner youre on a visaed adios kind of implicit agreement or fear or we cant really say we approve of it but you go ahead like a whisper in your ear. I think that this is very strange. Because as they coddle they are losing young people even more. Suburban women, jewish people, people who love jewish people. People who are not bigots youve got this entire loss, they see these numbers continue to expand and it doesnt register that getting the jew haters to vote for you will not save you. If thats what you think you need to do my god you need to go quit and quit and med meditate because thats not going to work. That refusive rhetoric from gavin newsom saying he reveres record of joe biden and calling it a master class at one point as well. Thats an interesting message to an American Population that has a very drchght view of this presidency, right charles historically low numbers on things that matter the most like gas prices leak border all of these things, and i do think it is interesting. I think that the reason that gavin newsom to me he represents how shallow the democrat bench really is. Tammy great point. Charles flip side of that i also remember that a lot of people who are promoting this idea that gavin newsom is going to be the next president or whatever is same people who peddled us and people who dont connect to people on actual issues and if voters end up voting on actual issues, joe biden is in real trouble and so is gavin newsom as you point out california is a basket case. Guy with that well move on coming up watch this. Agriculture particularly Animal Agriculture is a major source of Green House Gas emissions a major driver of Climate Change so one thing people can do to help in this case is to eat less meat. All right well red meat for blue states florida sending a message to plant eaters that hoping to save the environment. Tomi welcome back to the Big Weekend Show progressive elites want you to stop eating meat. Agriculture particularly Animal Agriculture is a major source of Green House Gas emissions major driver of Climate Change. So one thing people can do to help in this case is to eat less meat. One in every five metric tons of Carbon Dioxide our city emits comes from food. The vast majority of food of that is contributed to our emission crises lies in meat and dairy products. It will have proteins not coming from meat in the future. They will be carbon and much healthier. Tomi now owner of a Vegan Restaurant in l. A. Says its time to add meat back to the menu. Will be shifting from an all plant based menu to a high quality protein from only the highest quality most integrity regenerative farms. Tomi interesting she added in an interview, quote, i had also been living under illusion eating a vegetarian or vegan diet did less harm to the world but naivete in my past position and wont get Lab Grown Meat in florida and manufacturing of selling of Lab Grown Meat in the Sunshine State as someone who comes from Agriculture State Of South Dakota farming and ranching is our life blood i love what Governor Desantis did i dont to eat petry dish grown meat and i know guy that you see this differently. If you dont want to eat it differently then dont. I dont Lab Grown Meat. I also dont think it should be made illegal or banned in the state of florida. If businesses want to pursue this path, and let the market decide if people want to go to eat it, i think that is what a free state that he talks about autoto do and if it fails it fails but if it succeeds government shouldnt step in and ban it i respectfully disagree with desantis whom i usually agree. What about if they ban the meat and charlie i know in the break you have internal struggle with this you saw guys point and came around to the correct point. I see his point but regulate everything especially in the food industry. You know, so where do we draw the line . But you know, first of all, the Lab Grown Meats thats the hill im willing to die on. Thats where i draw i get off the crazy train there you can put up with a lot of nonsense but thats one where growing something in a lab to be used on humans what could possibly go wrong . Especially when it is people like bill gates and massive billionaires who love controlling humans are in charge of all of it. And you know, that at the end of the day antihuman and which is the entire Environmental Movement like e. V. Cars, solar all of that few people get very rich and the rest of us you know they want us to eat bugs and go down that road, and it is because they want us to have this internal loathing that they have for us that may be even they have for themselves next soil and green which is people if you know, you know. Ill eat bugs over lab meat any day. Tammy even if youre in florida and it is banned you can get whatever theyre doing from some other place because we have a supply chain in the United States but yeah this is and if talking about we have to stop Meat Expenses it is carbon to go there they are having flown in on five private planes talking about how we cant have your steak and you will have one to stick it to him. Arent you guy tammy the market deciding this l. A. Restaurant. Tomi l. A. Vegan saying theyre add it back to the menu because nobody wants to eat a vegan diet or fake meat or meat i notice during the covid pandemic also during any time theres a snowstorm if you go to the Grocery Store whats always left . It is the fake meat because nobody wants it. Guy they dont have to be vegan and dont ban the things is what im saying the government doesnt have to ban it. Theyre going to start subsidizing it guy im against that. Tomi dont trust the government in any way shape or form. Guy i dont. Tomi Coming Up A Tipping Scheme Machine and this could be Tipping Point of tipping. Thats next. And theyre all coming . Those who are still with us, yes. Grandpa whats this . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. Welcome back the Big Weekend Show former President Trump has a message for detractors as week two of Hush Money Trial in new york wraps up. On true social trumping posted this, wow, Arrest Deranged jack smith hes criminal. All right. Fox news correspondent Madeleine Rivera has the update on that tonight. Hope hicks broke down in tears as she testified before her form or boss friday hicks who worked for Fox Corporation for a time as well laid out what the Trump Campaign went through, after they first learned about that infamous act Hollywood Tape back in october 2016 described how the campaign scrambled to respond to contents or damaging development. This testimony is key for prosecutors trying to make the case that the fallout from the tape fueled trumps team to try to squash more negative stories about his alleged affairs. She helped the president. Sometimes it does come down to likability. I tried two drug dealers in the same trial. One was was often referred to as mean and then ornery and nice and one watched kids well and they acquitted him i think that jury just liked him, and so i stopped trying to predict these things. But ill tell you thats a win for any defendant if the witness comes off the stand and has indicated some positive things about them. Hicks also mentioned former President Trump was concerned about what his family would think. Hicks testified he even asked for newspapers not to be delivered no their home saying trurp didnt want anyone to be hurt or embarrassed by anything that was happening on the campaign and criticized Meek El Cohen She said would go rogue and do things that were frustrating to Campaign Staff and he said he used to like to call himself mr. Fix it but because he first broke it and cohen expected to be key witness in the case and back in palm beach florida and Headlining Mingling as he once again slams the trial for keeping him off the campaign trail. To the courthouse in stef in georgia and at a courthouse instead of one i would say ten states where i would like to be right now. Trump wont make a decision about a vp until clogser to the National Convention in july. Thanks very much Madeleine Mow to this our tipping machines scamming consumers if. This video circulating on social media shows how tip prompt might be tricking you to spending more money and broke down scheme writing, quote, this is a pay at the table kiosk the Screen Autogenerating Tip Percentage for you in hoping you wont look at the Dollar Amount it is factoring. Every single choice was way off. And is this another Tipping Scheme . Dominoes giving consumers Three Dollars back in they tip their delivery dollar at least Three Dollars interesting tomi your tipping tips quickly. Tomi so i hate the ipad that asks you for money when youre going somewhere that doesnt require a tip if youre going and getting something simple a water and asked you to tip sometimes machines ask you to tip when theres nobody serving you and it goes too far and breeds disdain in customers so i hate those machines. Im not going to tip an ipad. Dominoes thing charlie it is interesting Marketing Scheme but reimbursement. It is a Marketing Scheme. Just pace your drivers more how about that . My biggest pet peeve about tipping right now is when they automatically add the tip at a restaurant and include it before they add the taxes. Im ill tip you whatever. I dont to get taxed on it. Charles theyll give you the tip included and then a line for extra tip which people may not see. Tammy i think that this shows you that i dont know what the minimum wage and trying to keep workers from leaving an trying to attract people to work and create good environments pay a decent wage if you want to. But stop this nonsense. But, of course, it allows for schemes and thats what might be happening apparently is the case. Guy stick around because our big Weekend Floppings are next and dont forget to follow on x or twitter also Facebook Instagram at Big Weekend Show. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. Welcome back to the Big Weekend Show it is time for the big weekend flops. Our picks for the big sales of the week and ill go first because my is undoubtedly the best. [laughter] on thursday anti israel mob in portland charged at cops using garbage cans as shields but this is on the flop of the week it also doubles as the feelgood video of the week. This is Micro Intifada i think we will take our chances. To make . Thats an awfully good of a series this. California Highway Patrol was cribbed by plastic passenger after pulling over a dryer trying to pass the dummy off as a person what use in in the cal in the areas. The trooper only really noticed it might not be a real person the goatee there was too sharp. I note you have had facial hair, so be a bit. Whcooked why would youchoose too work with you . Lexus began with their Carpool Lanes when the first thing people tried to do the boys been caught he now has multiple finds coming after him. Guy kuester pugod question was y identifies his real person . That is supposed to liberate migrant accused of instigating the infamous border rush the riot back in march, he is still at large remember these horrible scenes at Law Enforcement officers being assaulted at the southern border. One of the men responsible for that an illegal immigrant according to the New York Post was released into the country they still cannot find him. Another element of disgrace and an glory and the sport a crisis caused joe biden. Of the lid at columbia . Is he there . Usc . Lexus not going away. There is now a huge 65foot hotdog in New York Times square. Its a magnificent piece of art. Although i must say i have seen better looking hotdogs especially ones you can actually eat. But artists i put that in Quotation Marks because they are not able to beat an actual hot dog here. They of course have to make a political statement out of all of it. Excesses leave your politics at home. Enjoyed the hotdog. I want to hotdog and now it backfired. Exactly. It looks good. [laughter] any hotdog does. That doesnt for us will see you tomorrow at 7 00 p. M. Eastern for the big weeken life, Liberty Levin starts right now

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