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Beau. Anti israel protesters disrupting Commencement Ceremonies at the University Of Michigan today. [background noises] Police Forcibly dragging my demo serves on the campus of the University Of Virginia where at least a dozen people were arrested. Butts, and other School Students met the anti israel protests with the patriotic pushback chanting usa, flying the American Flag and singing the pledge of allegiance good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. Pro palestinian demonstrations continue on dozens of campuses across the country today. Live Team Coverage for this evening. Lucas tom said the white house with President Bidens reaction or lack thereof. And madison with the rise in America First mapped in nyu and New York City with more on todays protest across the country. Jon, there has been a weeks of chaos and unrest here in New York City. Our outstanding report as a fox have been covering our bi hour. Now we can safely report theres been a lot of calm here today at nyu. In fact police outnumber any civilians in this section off area and nyu were just yesterday there were hundreds of pro palestinian reporters. Headed south a much different scene at the University Of Virginia today a Massive Police presence began dismantling an encampment on campus there after more than a week of reported demonstrations and increasing tension on campus for local reports a police to use pepper spray. Officers seen carrying away at least one person to make arrests there in the Upper Midwest University of michigan a short while ago pro Palestinian Protesters interrupted michigan Graduation Ceremony chanting antiwar messages waving the Palestinian Flag but no reports of any arrests there. It is disgusting to see what has been happening on these campuses. The defacement of buildings, the destruction of property. The threats against jewish students. Our focus is on protecting all students. What all students to be able to study, learn and get their degrees done. Here in New York City at the Parsons School of design yesterday pro Palestinian Protesters were seen battling with Police Fighting to get past the barrier for the state police shut down illegal encampments at columbia and nyu as well. Back live on Campus Police took 59 people into custody right here yesterday at nyu. Right now note the semblance of any demonstration, any debris or garbage is gone is on the campus of ucla a few days ago two bulldozers literally went on to that campus removed countless pieces of debris, garbage, plastic on the campus and los angeles from l. A. To new york as two majoto major Illegal Encamps have been removed. Jon you say it is quiet. The question is how long will it remain so . I dont suppose theres any way for you or anyone else to know at this point . We are monitoring similar rumblings of Potential Protest in and around the city we have not seen anything today at least here in manhattan. Nypd are not aware of anything happening today there is a Forecast Rain Tomorrow and New York City perhaps that will dampen any potential purchase here in the city but we will be here. Well be monitoring and keep you updated per book Something Like a good rainstorm to make those protesters run home. Matt finn outside the nyu campus. Matt, thank you. Antidefamation league with a new report showing antisemitic attacks have soared since october 7 locals around College Campuses say they are living ind especially hotspots. Madison scarpino is live and admit lance as she is more for us. Good evening. Emory university here in atlanta is one of the schools where police shut down anti israel protests. A cookie shop just off of campuses jewish owners they actually moved to atlanta from israel just a few years ago. They tell us that since october 7 they have been receiving threatening anti somatic phone calls, emails, people have gone so far to walk in the store and spit on the ground. They also tell us since the protest began things are getting worse. The couples or display a link and is really flag in the store since the start of the war. They say things went downhill from there. Here is just one incident from last month. Take a look at this you can see a man who appears to be wearing a Turban Splattering paint on the back of the building the owners essay Police Caught the guy but say threats and attack like this happen to three times a week. I dont know if its only students or only not students. Its kind of a combination. But i believe its a small group. I believe we are strong and we are Fighting Back whatever it is we are Fighting Back. History wont repeat itself we are not going to let it. They are not alone according to the latest data from the antidefamation league, 60 of all antisemitic attacks last year happened after october 7 and on wednesday at North Carolina man was sentenced to 18 months in prison for emailing threats to a Jewish Organization just days after the war began. On College Campuses the number of jewish students who say they feel comfortable with other people knowing their jewish has been drastically dropping you mentioned at the top of the show we are starting to see the last few days. Some of these pro palestinian protests met with counter protesters being a patriotic chanting usa. Kind of clashing with the other protesters so we will see how things develop in the coming days. Jon im struck by the bravery attacking a cookie store in the middle of the night. Madison scarpino in lancet thank you. President biden is in wilmington, delaware this week on the ongoing protest could spell trouble for his reelection bid. The president speaking out this week after days of silence about the chaos and violence erupting on College Campuses. What critics call out the president for not following up his words of in action, members of his own party said the president stands on the gaza war is a leading young voters he will need to win a second term. Lucas thomason is light at the white house for us right now. That is right. More than 10 days had passed since President Biden addressing some of the antisemitic purchase on College Campuses to his address the nation thursday here at the white house. So let me be clear, peaceful protests in america, violent protest is not protected. Peaceful protest is. Dissent is essential to democracy but it never was lead to disorder or deny the rights of others just finish the semester in the college education. And Bernie Sanders like many historians made the following comparison. Parks i am thinking back in andother people are making this reference. This may be bidens vietnam progress it is a good argument. I will never argue with history. I tell people all of the time history ought to be our teacher bro heres a seat right now at George Washington University Just five blocks away. The statue of George Washington remains defaced he was wearing a kathy hes straight by the Palestinian Flag. We also saw a little tense elaborate next to the statute no sign of the woods or prizewinning biographer first president there im sure you like that book we also witness this giant American Flag unfurled by that gw staff in the encampment th theres a call to prayer and appreciative school that is a quarter jewish theres also an art tent nearby and use you just showed last Night Protesters Superimpose Genocide Show on the giant American Flag something leaves protest for the hallmarks of 1968 the white house pushed back. Joe biden ended the longest war in American History and just succeeded in convincing both parties in congress to make crucial investments and our national security. President biden former press secretary jen psaki is scheduled to give the Commencement Address here at George Washington university in two weeks. Jon will see how that goes it. Lucas tomlinson at the white house. Thanks lucas. For more on all of this will bring in House Oversight Committee Chairman james kohler republican from kentucky. Also serves on the house education and workforce committee. From the standpoint of settlement on the education committee, congressman, what is going on on these College Campuses . The Marxist Anti American Leaning thats getting all of this press. Where is it coming from . I think we are seeing the consequences of our College Professors for years and years trying to indoctrinate an unrealistic liberal ideology into the minds of many liberal students. Specifically that israel is how victimizing the palestinians. The palestinians are oppressed because it is real. It has created antisemitic wave that is sweeping our campuses around the university. These blue cities were at many of the big universities are that are having these protest they have a soft on crime policies they do not know what to do because what every one of the Democrat Party realizes is that a significant percentage of the Democratic Party base is solid in the antisemitic category but they are against israel they expected joe biden to side on the side of palestine and hamas against israel. The president has protested against or i guess dick cried anti israelite rhetoric. He also said something about anti islamic phobia breaking out on campuses. This does not seem to be islam a phobic reaction. In no i was at ground zero last week i led several of my House Oversight Committee Members through the protesters at George Washington university in washington d. C. And we heard it. We heard the death to israel chance we saw the statue of George Washington draped in Palestinian Flag and palestinian attire. We heard from the president and the administration George Washington university pleading for the mayor to get the police and go in and clear it out. Its okay to peacefully protest but these protesters are trespassing their intimidating jewish students that is for every american should be. George Washington University is at least 20 jewish with their student body population. We heard from several jewish students who said they do not feel safe going to class. In fact, the present George Washington university where they could take finals a are virtualy so they do not to walk through that and feel threatened. There should be severe consequences to these universities and these local Law Enforcement that are allowing this to continue. Jon is not just jewish jewish students. The campus quads and causing general mayhem. Why do we have to put up with that . We dont. We should not have to put up with that. You can see a clear difference in the republican reaction versus a democrat reaction for the democrats are afraid to offend at their base. That got a weak candidate for president who is pulling off on bad policies the weak economy. The week of foreign policy. His weak stature. That is significant percentage of the Democratic Base that expect joe biden to turn his back on israel. To decide with the protesters and thats just not going to happen but we have always considered in America Israel to be our strongest ally. It is the one country on the planet one 100 active role in funding and in protecting their defense. Because, if things go bad in israel you go back to the bible, you can go back to general history and it creates a problems on a massive scale around the globe. We do not need to see that happen for another thing politically Jewish Americans had generally sided with the democrat policy. Elections and candidates but ive talked to a lot of jewish people. A lot of jewish democrats have seen to that led by Virginia Foxx and alisa step on it. These College Campuses, which are the headquarters for the democrat development of the future. They are indoctrinating their students that shouldnt stand republican seem to fight back. Cut their funding and demand local Law Enforcement protect the students. Very quickly, these protesters are getting free food. They getting tense, deliveries from amazon. Who is paying for all this . That is what were going to try to find out. We are going to try to do an investigation to follow the money to see who is paying for this just like we did in following the biden Family Shenanigans around the world. Somebody is paying for these tents. Someone is paying for the food, the signage and all that we are going to do everything in our ability to subpoena bank records to try to trace the money trail and see who spent we think we know but we want to see if we cannot provide hardcore evidence. Jon be fasting to find out we wiwhatwas she will not score congressman james, from the house education and workforce committee. Congressman, thanks. Thank you. Jon Coming Up On The Fox Report of emotional testimony and that new york versus trump drugs former aide help hicks. Details on that ahead plus Fox News Contributor joe concert with his thoughts over the trial is headed. Moving forward with nodepositive Breast Cancer. My fear of recurrence couldve held me back. But im staying focused. And doing more to prevent recurrence. Verzenio is specifically for hrpositive, her2negative, nodepositive early Breast Cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to Hormone Therapy. 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Absorbine pro. Jon jurors in the new york Versus Trump Criminal Trial heard emotional testament former white cap white house spokesperson help hicks yesterday said a former boss wando fueled his family from potential embarrassment over the access Hollywood Tape and hush money reports. Madeleine rivera has more on the proceedings. Hope exit broke into tears at one point she testified before former boss friday. Hicks who w worked for Fox Corporation for time as well laid out with the Trump Campaign went through after the first learned about the infamous act Hollywood Tape back in oct october 2016. Describe how the campaign scrambled to respond to the contents which she said were a damaging development. This testimony is key for prosecutors trying to make the case of the fallout from the tape. Fueled trumps team to try and squash mart negative stories mos about his alleged affairs. I think the prosecution made headway in all of these witnesses just by showing President Trump wasnt wanted to make sure the stories did not get out there. Former President Trump was concerned about what his family would think. Hicks testified he even asked for newspapers not to be delivered to their home saying trump did not would anyone to be hurt or embarrassed by anything that was happening on the campaign. She criticized Michael Cohen who she said would go rogue and do things that were frustrating to campaign staff. She says he used to like to call himself mr. Fix it but it was only because he first broke it. Company it is expected to be a key witness in the case for today trump is back in palm beach, florida he has headlined the rnc Spring Donut Retreat and possible Running Mates once again slams the trial for keeping him off the campaign trail. We are in a courthouse and any one i would say 10 states where i would like to be right now per. Trump said he will make a decision about a vp until closer to the Republican National convention in july. Jon madeline thank you. For more on this and on the Campus Protests across america lets bring in Fox News Contributor joe concha. So, we had a couple weeks of this trial already paid what is your assessment of it . This case appears to be more of a trial in search of a crime and also more about the man donald trump than anything actually illegal. If you look at any sane and sober at legal analyst out of the question is always the same. Exactly what crime was committed here . New york times even points out the alleged crime of falsifying Business Records has not been uttered even once. During all these days of testimony. The only question is it seems now will this jury, given the location of the trial in manhattan which voted for donald trump in 2022 the tuna sums like 12 support will this jury simply vote to convict the former president based on personal animus and not on the facts of the case . Or in this the lack thereof it is telling trump went to harlem to great fanfare after hell bed been court of they or delivers pizza to firefighters who enthusiastically embraced him the same positive reception happened and remote Construction Workers in midtown manhattan. And then you see for than a Public Perception terms of the trail three pulls out this week that showed trump leading bite 12 points nine points in cnn poll, Harvard Harris seven points he is leading on average in all the key swing states. If the election were held today donald trump wins the presidency. The only other question is, if he is not convicted what can joe biden run on . Its not his handling of the economy or inflation, energy prices, crime, the border or a world that seems increasing unstable that is for certain. Jon we just for the former president say there are a lot of places he would rather be then manhattan right now. But this trial does have him tied down. It has him tied down but thanks to social media those clips i just talked about as far as harlem and Construction Workers and meeting with firefighters or even a check of the late down in atlanta millions upon millions of views on social media, places like x. While he cannot campaign in places like pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, nevada, georgia he is still getting his message out. We see a lot more of trump on our tv screens and talking about the issues then we do the sitting president and joe biden as you mentioned back in delaware this week instead of campaigning while he is down right now there does not seem to be a sense of urgency among his campaign despite the fact he is trailing. Former president could walk out of the courtroom and on Current Events as he did yesterday, listen. He is a vicious and vicious radical left lunatic. He cannot do anything in the country the country is going to hell. They have no time, they have no anything because they are always under siege it is a terrible terrible thing happening in our country. The president they are talking about Campus Protests that have raised so much turmoil it really across the country. And i think a good Many Americans believe that perception. It feels like, i was not around for a been reading a lot about over the past couple weeks , 68 all over you were seeing a rioting. We are seeing chaos for these images are playing out on american tv screens every day and night. With social media is a mention before only accelerates faster in the minds of voters. And in august of this is still playing out on tv screens and Phone Screens as far as what youre looking at right there places like charlottesville the University Of Virginia at the convention the democratic National Convention in chicago that will show this administration and this president has lost control of the country. People what a change similar to what was sown 2020 all the rioting that happened during that summer before that election. Here is the irony. Joe biden ran from his basement in 2020 on the premise of returning the country to normalcy, uniting the country and saving everyone from the chaos around donald trump. Now donald trump is running on law and order, on campus and cities of the border to return from the chaos biden and his administration have created to restore order and it normalcy but this is 1968 all over again but we know how that election turned out. Richard nixon easily elected and the democrats basically in the hills for the next eight years until jimmy carter came long after nixons resignation. That is what were seeing right now if we were to preview the summer and the election coming up in november. Jon the right joe concha, good to talk to you thanks. Thank you take care. Still to come as you watch a video of some of the mayhem today on the campus of the University Of Virginia we will take a deep dive into reports of outside agitators stirring up a lot of this campus chaos. Our Law Enforcement agencies are investigating them or ignoring them . Former fbi special agent Nicole Parker shares her thoughts next. The University Of California is impounded on colonialism. It is inherently a violent institution. [background noises] [inaudible] [background noises] [inaudible] because ive never seen anything like it. It was like a glimpse into whats actually happened. We were attacked by the zionists. Fellow protesters with with severe allergies to bananas i have had banana start at me. Jon state of Higher Education to me places in this country is protesters and Police Continue to lock horns on campuses coasttocoast bridge authorities are sounding off about outside organizers and groups funding all this chaos. This is a global problem. Young people are being influenced by those who are professionals and radicalizing our children. I am not going to allow that to happen as the mayor of the city of new york. Or somebody behind this movement. The level of organization that we are seeing, they civil disobedience. Leaflets on how what to do when you are arrested leaflets to say which of the police and they ask you. Theres someone funding this way there someone radicalizing our students. Jon days ago New York City mayor Eric Adams Police leadership discuss the role outside agitators have been playing in these big apple protests. Universities around the countrys they have infiltrated their demonstrations as well. What does Law Enforcement need to do about all of it . Here to try to answer that question Nicole Parker is a former fbi special agent and a Fox News Contributor. So, even the police are saying there are outside agitators involved here. Who are they talking about . I absolute truth out. There are inside agitators of their College Students on College Campuses here in the nine states are absolutely involved in this. To think its just College Students is very naive and that is deafly not the case. There a many outside agitators involved. As a very orchestrated movement its obsolete nationwide. This is not happening on one or two campuses i think it is a combination of saved on these arrest Law Enforcement is realized many of the students are from the University Campuses in which they reside and go to school. But a lot of them are not even students i believe their foreign adversaries involved in the planning and probably the funding. This reminds me a lot, just like joe mentioned your previous guess this provides me a lot about us on December 2020 there is a common pattern here there is an election this year weve got another election coming up in november you notice there is absolute chaos in our country just like there is a lecturer in the summer 2020 there is absolute chaos. Very similarly i just seat some things in common. I was an fbi agent and 2020 the fbi did really little to no action to investigate those riots that were going on back then the cities were burning to the ground nationwide. I am seeing now im no longer at the fbi but in observing theres absolute Radio Silence that we have seen of the american with not heard from christopher wray. We have not heard from attorney general Merrick Garland we have barely heard from president joe biden. I find that extremely concerning but not shocking. And you see out cried agitators coming in and linking up with the locals and the students of the campuses, it is a group effort our foreign adversaries look to stir the pot and cause controversy and havoc in our country especially during the in the urbanelection. We have the graphic up there a minute ago we were speaking roughly one third of those arrested at Columbia University were not even students. Roughly two thirds of those arrested at the City College Of New York not even students. They are protesting on this College Campuses that many are not even College Students it. They see this as an opportunity. A lot of these people protesting if you have not realized they dont even know what theyre protesting for. They want to feel a part of something larger than themselves. Many are part of the left wing demographic. There were two Support Groups they believe are marginalized that are not being treated fairly. What i find very concerning as i have heard like i said nothing from the fbi. I have not heard of Merrick Garland coming fording thing this is unacceptable under College Campuses their potential hate crimes are potential civil rights violations. I have not heard that. And that to me is concerning because all americans deserve to feel safe. No one should have to be in fear of attending their school or university with violence. These students havent pushed out of their campuses. These protesters are saying they hate america. They are in alignment with hamas that is a Foreign Terrorist Organization group. My recommendation is to anyone who has witnessed this type of what they believe could be a potential crime or have been the victim of what they believe could be a potential crime civil rights related, hate crime related, i strongly recommend and suggest you call the fbi they like to help all american citizens is what they say. I recommend you call 1800 cal l fbi it if you believe you may be the witness or victim of a potential Crime Contact the fbi you report the information you let them make that determination but you let them to the investigation. It is not your job to determine if a crime has been committed to their job to determine but for anyone who has to live in fear, that is not right. That is not the american way and that is unacceptable. Jon means on these caudal protesters are putting out list of demands if you will for how they want to be treated. We got a sampling of some of them at the university of chicago. They needed a medical tent, bustling, tweezers, hiv tests, dental dams and plan b Birth Control pill. That is the kind of thing they are looking for. It boggles my mind they seem to think they have more rights than regular american citizens were there wreaking havoc and then they have rights when do we negotiate those in her inconvenience and causing violence thats not the american way. Jon former fbi special agent st Nicole Parker thank you. Thank you. Jon coming up a horrifying fuel Tanker Accident forces a shut down part of a major interstate. Debbie and roy w fox5 Reporter Richard is on the scene to tell us how long the delays might last. Jon, its going to be a little bit of a long time i should say. We are going to give you a look right now i95 northbound and southbound with some truckers passing by is going to be a while before this reopens. You. But who passed them to her . Those mom genes helped make her who she is. Show her with ancestrydna. This mothers day, she can see the traits she inherited, the places where they started, and the people she shares them with. Best of all, its on sale for mothers day. Get it now, before she has to remind you. Music unnecessary action hero unnecessary. Was that necessary . No. Neither is missing your daughters competition to do payroll. 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And for adults with Type 2 Diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. Serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and Genital Yeast or urinary tract infections. A rare, lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. You may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. Call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Jardiance is really swell the little pill with a big story to tell get in. Get in the car. Get in the carpet. Please god help her. Texas family lucky to be alive after a s storm chaser red them from a terrifyingly Close Encounter with a tornado. The twister hit holly, texas make a direct strike on the lambert residence of the family of four huddled in a closet trying to write up a storm. Storm chaser Freddie Mckinney was driving by broadcasting live in his youtube joes stop near the lambert property we saw the debris he sped them to a nearby hospital where they were treated for bumps, bruises, and even some broken bones. A stretch of i95 in connecticut is still close for a third day causing major headaches on one of the busiest highways in the united states. A fuel tanker crashed below an overpass in norwalk on thursday. Cleanup crews are working to clear debris and repair the damaged overpass state officials are telling drivers to avoid that area. Richard of ny w fox new york reporting live from the scene, richard. The good news is they have made a lot of progress in a very short number of hours. We are going to show you this cleanup. This was the overpass. It is come down now if you hours ago it was up i95 northbound looks pretty clean u its way to reopening on Monday Morning but will show some photos of what the chart overpass look like just moments after that Tanker Carrying Thousands of gallons of fuel crashed with two other cars on thursday morning under that bridge here in norwalk. And they crash, as you said to shutting down or the busiest interstates of the country, miles of it for days traffic, you betcha it lots of it but think about it like this about whether to 40000 vehicles across this section of 95 every day. Or negative two exits completely close causing massive backups on local roads a trip for many that is taken hours on the saturday three days a post that crash we spoke with the truckers to folks coming from todays a yankees game and a couple who decided to move into their new home in madison, connecticut driving a live from manhattan. What a day to pick to move. Traffic sucks a it Provokesa Onset taking from the bronx to get this far . All management be an hour and have to get over here. Just here. How much longer . Was to appear home another three hours probably but the game is worth it. We won. At least two more hours and expected for quick stream coming from . New york city theres no other way. We are stuck. Until he realized i was going to be going to three and half hours for 2 miles. Everybody just fighting each other. Webzine a couple people fighting each other. A lot of people leaving their cars and walking to work even on a saturday that is 95 here in Norwalk Connecticut the Demolition Crew has made a lot of progress but it looks like they are on track to reopen this section of interstate 95 by monday. Lets hope. Quick supporter richard from Debbie Ny W Fox the five norwalk, connecticut richard thank you. And it mexico authorities have found three bodies in a popular tourist area were an american into australian surfers vanished last week. The three surfers were on a camping trip in mexico Baja California state when they disappeared Authorities Say theres a high probability the bodies are those of the missing surfers. Christina coleman has the latest on this mystery. Reuters is reporting Baja California state attorney general now says the three bodies are highly likely to belong to the three missing tourists. During the search the families identified them as jack carter rode from san diego jake and Callum Robinson two brothers from australia. Today i had a chance to speak with bradley hess one of their good friends. Partner has a fiance. Obviously shes heartbroken and allen and carter are extremely close to their families. Its a huge part of their life theyre not confrontational though the friendliest people. Carter is fluent in spanish it is just shocking we want to know the truth and what actually happened and that is up to the governments to Work Together and make that happen. Mexican Authorities Say the Pick Up Truck belonging to the american server was found burned near a remote area along the coast. They believe it was set on fire. Two men and eight woman have been detained on suspicion of kidnapping the lead prosecutor in Baja California told the New York Times or team believes the three suspects tried to steal the victims vehicle when they resisted one of the suspects shocked them and tried to dispose of their bodies our Fox Affiliate in san diego is reporting after mexican authorities found the three bodies in a well they discovered a fourth body in the very same location for the deceased person was identified as a rancher who owned the property. He was reported missing several weeks ago. Hess says he will never visit this popular surfing area again. I will be honest i am never going to go back down there it is done for me and i know a lot of the folks that i have talked to in an hour network are done as well. We live close we are in san diego. So it is right here it has been our backyard for very long time we been going to mexico at least myself 15 years and that stop now. We may have had a false sense of security. Officials with the fbi u. S. State department d the Baja California Attorney Generals Office are all working this case. Jon of soap their families get some answers. Christina coleman, thanks. Coming up on the Fox Report A New Tiktok video from north korean dictator kim jong un is getting a whole lot of attention. Details on that we take you around the globe next. Your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. Its the years biggest selection of kubota tractors, zeroturn mowers and utility vehicles, including the 1 selling compact tractor in the usa. Plus, the years best deals, like 0 apr for 84 months, or up to 3,300 off select compact tractors. Orange goes all day; sales ending soon. Visit your local dealer today. Find your nearest dealer at kubotaorangedays. Com vo in two seconds, eric will realize theyre gonna need more space. man gotta sell the house. vo oh. Open houses. Or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. man wow. vo when lifes doors open, well handle the house. Jon there are other headlines from around the globe. In ukraine at four people were hurt, to buildings destroyed after russia attacked the city again overnight. In brazil at least 39 people are dead as a result of the worse of flooding the southern part of that country has seen in more than eight decades. In china i have a collapse left 48 people dead on wednesday. Local media is praising one driver for stopping more cars from tumbling down a mountain in the sight of the collapse. In the former soviet republic of georgia, Tens Of Thousands of protesters gathering to pose a controversial bill moving through parliament they are part it would require media and ngos to register pursuing the interest of a foreign power if they get more than 20 of their funding from abroad. In israel, Eastern Orthodox worshipers gathered at The Holy Fire ceremony in jerusalem the flame said to be taken from the Tomb Of Jesus lit candles those worshipers were holding. That is why i do not tiktok in north korea a Propaganda Song Praising dictator kim jong un as friendly father is going viral to the young people in tiktok that is look at some stories from around the globe. All right, organ meats, insects may be even sardines many of us cringe at the thought of eating such things but experts say they are bursting with nutrients. A list of gross foods that are really good for you, next. After advil lets dive in but. What about your back . 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So called Health Experts have listed eight foods that most people do not plan on eating for dinner tonight or any other night but may be should because of their Health Benefits fountain of youth popular in china despite having a slimy texture high in vitamin d with enzyme to improve moisture in the skin and nato japanese dish made from Fermented Soybeans but builds strong bones and heart health also on the list, organ meats like liver and kidneys yes, insects, increasingly popular around the world rich in vitamin b12. A noisy crowd is flocking to a San Francisco tourist attraction. Pier 39 is getting overrun with sea lions more than a thousand appeared near Fisherman War of alone thats most in 15 years. The Marine Mammals gathering for large numbers seafood buffet. Theyve arrived and the reason theyve arrived is theres a huge school of anchovy that was off the island on the bay right now so it is all about the seafood. It is all about the food. After filling up on anchovies theyll head south for mating season and nash Vim Zoo Staffers have celebrating the birth of its first litter of Red River Hog pig lets the four born on april 11th their names fig, peach, persimmon and clementine they work closely to make sure their mother truffles had a successful Pregnancy Congratulations truffles youre going to be busy. And thats how fox reports had Saturday May 4th 2024 im jon scott thanks for watching, the Big Weekend Show is next. Hello everyone im charlie along

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