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Protesters make hundreds of arrest for jewish students prepare for graduation. Quick speaker of the house calling for order despite from anti israel protesters at columbia. Quick c madness has to stop or bricks critics like johnson accusing the president of trying to play both sides. Cocci condemn those who dont understand what was going on with the palestinians for. President celebrates a major Foreign Policy win. Signing a massive aid bill into law sending a billions of dollars to israel, ukraine and taiwan. Criticized by conservative republicans for not including any new money to protect americas southern border. Quick you are a fan of Vladimir Putin if you dont like the ukraine policy but that is not good faith of the matrix will k with the public and senator jt advance a democratic senator then. If you do not have immunity youre not going to do anything. You will become a ceremonial president prevents the president s first of its kind Immunity Argument reaches the nations highest port remains tethered to a room in new york. Our sunday panel breaks down the legal hurdles facing donald trump and whether there will be a president ial debate. All right now on fox news sunday. Shannon hello from foxnews in washington. Severe storms tearing across parts of the midwest this weekend. Leaving behind devastation. The storm spawning tornadoes that ripped apart homes and businesses from oklahoma and kansas to nebraska and iowa. Some areas getting up to 8 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. Leading to dangerous Flash Flooding and millions of americans are faced with a massive cleanup. Some of them saying they have lost everything. Fox weather correspondent Nicole Bel Valdes is in elkhorn, nebraska with the latest. Cooks shannon, good morning. Horror across the heartland as several states are now reeling from devastating violent and in some cases deadly tornadoes. They have left lives ripped to shreds but some of the homes you see behind me and elkhorn, nebraska the bar just west of Downtown Omaha are tough to look at. Youll notice homes clearly at one point lifted off of their foundation, then sent it crashing down. Now it leaning on where they once stood. Meanwhile i will walk you over here you will notice one other home barely a shell of what it once was afraid that we think left to standing an American Flag in the distance. A reminder of not only the families who are now trying to pick up the pieces, but the army of volunteers that have spent their weekend here trying to help their loved ones, their neighbors, their friends move forward from such a disaster situation. And of course its not just here in nebraska. Officials here say the miracle is no inherent lost their life. Listen to this. We are hearing a lot of miracles out here. You look at this kind of devastation you expect to have a loss of life or severe injuries. As of now we are only hearing minor injuries. Other families now and states including iowa and oklahoma also facing much of the same devastation. Today at least one confirmed dead and the state of oklahoma. Shannon Nicole Valdes in nebraska, thank you so much. Biden guided you are a liar. Shannon back here in washington pro Palestinian Protesters showed up outside the dinner. Criticizing President Biden support of israel. The same week he signed a bill into law providing billions of foreign aid to our middle east ally. In a moment will bring an Ohio Republican senator jd vance to get his reaction. First fox news correspondent Lucas Tomlinson is live at the white house with response to the nations capitol and campuses across the country. Hite lucas. Lesson imprisoned by the time the annual white house Correspondents Dinner he was met by hundreds of angry protesters. Inside it was a night filled with jokes. Ages only thing we have in common. My Vice President endorses nick. Washington elite approve the dinner,. Shame on you per box outside protesters tried to disrupt it. In recent days of protests have erupted at major colleges and universities across the country. Beginning at columbia and spreading to the nations capitol at George Washington university five blocks from the white house. Response of the protest has buried. University of texas at Riot Police On Horseback arrived. University of florida threatened demonstrators with suspension for up to three years. That university of Southern California cancel its big commencement ceremony. The Republican House speaker visited columbia to support the jewish students. Aoc and omar along with their daughter was arrested in recent days for protesting for such of The Other Side. President biden signed the 95 billiondollar foreign aid bill for ukraine, taiwan, israel was just on the ire of the protesters. Mike member to israel what to make clear again is ironclad. Secretary of state Antony Blinken has wrapped up a trip to china. Next has to saudi arabia with gas prices at sixmonth highs the war in gaza region were over 100 hostages remain. Lucas tomlinson at light at the white house. Thank you very much for joining us in ohio senator jt advanced. Could you happy with us this morning. You have a vocal critic asking a lot of questions about whats going on in ukraine the American People are not getting the full story about what is actually possible there. I pieces got a lot of attention or you break down some of the mass on munitions, our ability to produce what they need over there. Senator Lindsey Graham was on the show last week and took issue with what some of you have written. Here is a look at that. With all due respect to senator vance he is wrong. We were told within four days it would fall pick what is he wrong about the math . Is he wrong about the production the capabilities . Lexi is wrong about the whole concept we cannot deal with multiple problems. Shannon of Senate Armed Services committee has a memo out thing is not just about the u. S. For 20 plus other countries contributing and the map does not add up. It is interesting Senate Armed Services memo i makes my argument for me. If the european Step Up Production by the end of 2024 and if the russians do not radically increase production from where they are right now than at russia will still have a three one advantage over the ukrainians. Again thats not now thats by the end of the thats almost a full year from now. I find when these guys try to rebut the argument they often end up making it for me. Its quite simple. If not we did not admire the courageous notice of it is america stretched too thin. We do not of the industrial capacity to support a war in ukraine. A war in israel, potentially a War In East Asia if the chinese invade taiwan. So america has to pick and choose. By the way some of the very people who shipped americas Manufacturing Base overseas to china and the first place, who weakened our ability to manufacture weapons are the same people who are saying we can get involved in three wars and at once. The map does not make sense. Were stretched too thin weve got to focus. The last one i will make on this if we focus on east agent. If we focus on contain the chinese the europeans can step up in europe. Germany still after donald trump demanded it, still does not spend 2 of gdp on defense. A lot of the nato countries have allowed their own industrial mind to atrophy. Why are americans subsidizing European Security . We should be focused on her own problems and thats mostly china. A couple of things they are paid the memo also cites the commander of the end of Pacific Region and says we can manage the munitions and away having multiple fronts going. We can do that the more dangerous situation is that putin feel he gets a win in ukraine and that embolden president xi and that region. I am a child of 2003 and i remember when general stepped up and said their war policy in 2003 was a joke. All of them had their careers ruined. I think we have to look at this honestly as policymakers and ask ourselves the tough question. Unfortunately have to ask yourself is china going to be more dissuaded by us thumping our chest and acting tough in europe art more dissuaded by us have in the weapons necessary to prevent them from invading taiwan. My argument is the chinese are focused on real power. Not focus on how tough people talk on tv or how strong our alleged result is. Their focus on how strong we actually are. To be Strong Enough to push back against the chinese weve got to focus their pit right now were stretched too thin. Shannon what about the argument as well that putin will go beyond ukraine if he doesnt touches on nato territory we are obligated and pulled in the argument is invest now, help ukraine now do not let our troops get pulled into an article five situation. Anderson this argument but unfortunately i dont think it really passes muster. People who want us to put limitless resources into ukraine they want us to believe two things at once. They want us to believe the ukrainians are on the verge of victory in the far eastern part of ukraine. On the other hand they want us to believe Vladimir Putin is about to march all the way to paris you cannot believe both of those things at the same time. The reality is the ukrainians have showed a pollutant is a lot weaker than people fear and importantly they have shown if the europeans are willing to step up and take more responsibility for their own defense they can handle putin, let us focus on china. To succeshe succeeded aid packau voted against we got a new video out the couple hostages what is and is rarely american. Do you feel this administration is doing that wisest, the best, the most it can to get all hostages released . No i dont. If you want to get hostages released youve got to first enable israel to actually finish the job. Second of all put americas diplomatic weight behind and on hamas. Pressure hamas to release these hostages. Do not use americas diplomatic leverage to effectively becausee the israelis to pull back here. I think it is really shameful and it shows a lot of folks do not respect the United States of america. We still have citizens being held hostage. Our president set up focusing on getting hostages back is focused on micromanaging one of our allies war efforts i guess that he can placate these crazy people are protesting on College Campuses. It is such a confused policy and it makes people recognize america, with joe bite at the helm is enforced a two week period. Shannon you reference and we will discuss more that was hundred murphy the other that conversation. You reference the candidates. Candidate spirit; for the National Guard for the president to activate that others are very much have the worry of what happened at kent state know americans want a repeat of that. How should this be respondent . I say dont do you need to call in the National Guard may be just call and the police but this is also framed as a freespeech debate. Everyone accepts theres a time, place, manner restrictions but these guys have a right to peacefully protest even if we criticize the message and pray they do not have the right to set up tent cities on our public spaces and turn our cities into garbage dumps. That is what we should not allow i think the police she will handle that pretty easily. Shannon will watch and see it doesnt look like its coming down anytime soon. Went to ask about a New York Times piece. A lengthy piece on you guess or talk about your relationship to the trumps. They talk about your evolution from calling him a loathsome is being floated as a vp pick to join his ticket. David eight trump Cred Trump Crr speech writer for george w. Bush who is no bush for years is known as an intelligent mouth exterminate life story has sunk to the depths of a political degradation but Washington Post says you are going to the same negative place she wants criticize trump for going for it he has not changed over the last three years. Hes a same guy weve known for a long time. What change for you that youre okay with the behavior and supporting him and may be joining the ticket . The simple fact is the policies and results were really there. We had a world those not on fire. It seems like a crisis in every single sector of the world. Of 2015 i was wrong. Lets looking at reality cap to make this point to a lot of americans including some who dont vote for donald trump in 2020 and the results were good. We could have a growing economy and Peaceful World if you just bring back donald trump for round two. Shannon you have questions about the ticket . Wycliffe spoken to President Trump a lot i would never talk that me being Vice President. He asked me think seriously about it its really important that he win. The world is on fire. I sort of seat donald trump is a bit of a fireman. Shannon think he said are good to see a break coming up billions of dollars in new aid for we just talked about including for israel Prime Minister netanyahu plans a Ground Invasion into rafah. Something many in the president s party are dead set against babel as democratic senator chris murphy about how the administration is handling our role in that conflict, next. Hamas is police video of two estimate 130 hostages it has been holding for more than 200 days. One of the men of the latest video is an Israeli American but meanwhile egypt attending highlevel delegation to israel for talks. Its effort to broker a ceasefire deal tried to avert is really offensive on the gazan city of rafah. Fox news correspondent jeff hope apaulis alive with more. Right now u. S. And military s building a temporary. Out in the Mediterranean Sea that could soon deliver much needed humanitarian aid to a war torn because of the civilians right now trying to shelter from all the fighting this it could not come at a more desperate time. This is reality for palestinians trying to shelter from the war. Moving from city to city digging holes and putting up tents to make yet another temporary home. This is the third time we are relocating from rafah. Theres no safety anywhere. They are the estimated 1. 3 million displaced by israels nearest seven Month Campaign against hamas. Some are fleeing to the town and a central gaza as israel signals it is getting close to a major Ground Operation and the Southern City of rafah. We are living in fear. Wherever we go there is a fear and is shelling and bombing pickwick smiles up the coast of gaza the u. S. Military started building a temporary. That will look similar to this one and could help deliver much needed humanitarian aid. Just this week the peers of future report came under a mortar attack. For any u. S. Forces have started moving anything therell be u. S. Forces on the ground. Tensions are also growing in israel. Demonstrations broke out in both of jerusalem and tel aviv after hamas released a Hostage Video of Israeli American. A second video followed featuring american keith sigel first time theyd been seen alive since they were abducted in the october 7 attacks. He was missing most of his lower left arm, his parents called the video overwhelming and push World Leaders to bring all 133 still missing back home. It be brave, lean end, sees this moment and get the deal done. We are learning u. S. Secretary of state Antony Blinken will be visiting saudi arabia on monday for a two day trip his visit is twofold he is trying to find a path forward to secure not only a ceasefire in gaza also figure out a way to get the hostages who are currently still being held by hamas back home. Shannon jeff a paul in israel force, thank you for jumping up connecticut senator chris murphy. Lets you heard what senator vance said he thanks this administration is wasting too much a diplomatic power and time on pressuring israel and not hamas. We know how mosses walked away from a number of potential deals with the ceasefire with hostage exchange. What is your word to the white house on this . Senator vance and knight share a goal to make sure hamas never again has the opportunity to launch an attack again like this against israel. I think my worry is the nature of this operation is ultimately going to make it more likely in the long run there is another Terrorist Attack on israel perhaps theres a Terrorist Attack on the United States. Listen, we have learned the hard lesson in iraq and afghanistan you cannot defeat a terrorist force simply with Military Force what is happening according to our own Intelligence Analyst we are essentially creating a Bulletin Board material, recruiting material for Terrorist Groups All Around The World he of 13000, 15000 children dying inside gaza. This is eight moment where israel needs to look to wrap up this campaign. I think it is important for the United States to play a role in helping to facilitate that transition. And in the end you have to understand a Military Campaign alone cannot do the job to try to defeat an ideology like hamas by. And those examples you mentioned we see the danger leaving behind a remnant of a terrorist organization as well. That is clearly the concern israel has. That is right. But weve also seen the terrorist organization simply get displaced. What happened and afghanistan is the talbot move to pakistan for what happened to isis it largely moved his base of operation into africa. What youd need to do simultaneous year Military Campaign is make sure you are attacking the foundation of the ideology which is why this is also a movement for the United States and israel to commit itself to a palestinian state. You are never going to eliminate the Terrorist Threats to israel. You can greatly decrease the motivation for young men and women to join those Extremist Groups if the palestinians have a home of their own. That has to be the end result of his conflicts. 316 of the Prime Minister and not just him others within the government for not allies of him and say that is rewarding Terrorist Behavior that is rewarded what happened on october 7. Listen, there are only two paths forward abortion for israel reviewing a jewish state in the middle east and that is something i desperately want it is in the interests of the United States. You either have to permanently treat palestinians as secondclass citizens or you have to give them a state of their own. I think you will see at the end of this a lot of israelis are going to stand up and say listen, it is time to get us back on a path i hope theyll be the outcome of the election went israelis go to the polls. Shannon it will do that. Meanwhile, we see the outflow of passion on both sides of this on College Campuses but we have seen people threatened. We have seen antisemitic statements and posters and people not listening to the College Administrators who are saying your violin and campus vs policy, you have to go. There are those who say it is time for the president to get involved or the National Guard to get involved as it had during immigration and it has during the riots gop senator ted cruz. A real president would say federal lawenforcement will be that you will not be subject to violence. But jo joe biden wont say that because he is terrified of ticking off the radical left of his own party. Shannon Washington Times at this mr. Biden and his team are trying to judge whether it is political better to support israel, the terrace, both, or neither cannot be traced back to Democratic Party politics and the great state of michigan because mr. Biden knows he needs the 15 electoral votes from their to win reelection. Why hasnt he been more forceful on this issue . What senator cruz has a selective memory about Protest Protestshe is out there raisingo get generate six protesters out of jail while telling young people on our College Campuses they dont have the right to peacefully protest. Shannon i dont think he speaking out against peaceful protest its the threats it. We should all speak out when protest crosses a line when it becomes a violent or when there is hate speech. But 95 of young people who are on these campuses are there because they believe there is a fundamental injustice being perpetrated in israel. We also have a history of overnight multi date protest in this country. I dont think theres anything wrong with protecting the ability of peaceful protests to last to be on a handful of hours for there is a point in which these protests are going to get in the way of the efficient operation of campus. I am not criminally offended by the Facsimiles Protest go on for multiple days. The threat issue is a real issue. Some of these Campus Protests there been legitimate threats to students on campus in those instances Campus Police and local police can and should handle those threats. Shannon i want to ask a president bided you are supporting him think h hes up o another four years. Voters are basically reminiscing the way they describe they saved many voters remember him as divisive and polarizing figure get a larger share voters 25 say the same about mr. Biden. Present bidens have been mostly bad for the country. Why should they support him . Whats he presided over an economy is growing at record rates O Unemployment at structurally low number. Crime is implementing 12 reduction in crime in our urban areas. There still a lot of progress to be made here. If donald trump wins is going to be the same trickle down econotrickledowneconomic polic. You will have a reckless, irresponsible administration that tries to seek to divide us from each other for joe biden bn still has work to do. This is a growing good economy. Our streets are safer i admit this is going to be very close election joe biden is going to have an incredible record to run on pickwick so want to ask you before you go, you are doing an effort along with the republican governor of utah spencer cox it. You want to bring people together for discussions they say youre too divide is there an appetite for that . Do people really want to sit down with someone who opposes them and try to find solutions . I hope so. I went to work for present biden, try to get him reelected this will be a fight in the upcoming election. But we have got to find a way to be able to talk to each other in a more functional way. Governor cox and i are specifically talking about the ways in which this country has devalued the common good. We become hyper individualistic country i love entrepreneurial ship i want people to succeed individually but i want to secure about our neighbors in a way i dont think we do like we did 30 or 40 years ago. Governor cox and i are going to try to come up with a set of ideas for the rigid fights the Leadvice Theleft and right have build a sense of common good in this contribute will see if we succeed we know sick a little countercultural expressions of bigotry across this country provokes will track those efforts that are good to see it. Busy Weekend Court for President Trump x Tabloid Publisher david pecker takes the stand is first trial. The Supreme Court hears a strong argument Jonathan Turley joins as an expert than our sunday panel to discuss the political impact of the cases, next. silence silence silence Phone Ringing boy please, just pick up the phone. Indistinct Radio Chatter man on radio yeah. Selfinflicted gunshot, 14yearold male. overlapping voices, Sirens Wailing woman hes not moving silence shannon Allegations From Payoffs And Pouring Star Through History Making Case of the u. S. Supreme court it has been a momentous week for the Trump Legal Team time to break down George Washington University Law professor Fox News Contributor Jonathan Turley and this weeks at bremen briefing. Glad to have it with us at. Let her they recap of what happened in new york. Weve heard about celebrities, stories and all kinds of things. But did we hear about a crime . And noaa. This seems to be a trial in search of a crime. What is interesting, after the first week i think there is a real chance reversible error has already occurred in this case it. This a trial may have been grounded. The federal election violations. Those are contested. There were election violations there are no such violations the Department Of Justice did not believe that. It imposes civil fine during the Campaign Deals with Harvey Weinstein and the what it could have on the trump Case A Truncag evidence of other cases of Uncharged Activity ample opportunity to push back his prosecution has been unfairly skewed by political zeal potentially drawn the trail into the thicket of legal questions that brought down weinsteins verdict power the somewhat related . I think they are related. I think part of the problem that many of us are seeing and how the court has handled this case is by allowing the government to bring in all of this extraneous stuff. The government started talking about the salacious affair with a Playboy Bunny that is not part of the indictment whatever pecker did with regard to federal election laws is not attributed to donald trump. The question then becomes how much of that Poison The Well . I think it likely did. The court was correct in reversing the weinstein conviction. The judge was way out of line in my view. The evidence it was introduced. This case it does appear to be a financial version of that type of testimony. Bringing an on charge conduct. Shannon is in the courtroom friday. Thursday is in the courtroom Supreme Court doing something momentous and you are asking us to write a rule for the ages about whether or not there is immunity for a former president. And how far it goes over talk my criminal liability. Heres what Justice Jackson said paid she is worried if they did something sweeping future president s will take advantage. Once we say no criminal liability, mr. President , you can do whatever you want. I. Shannon The Other Side of this just a setting where its been n incompetent using a heated race the victorious opponent decided theyre going to go after them. That winding up being a destabilizing force on democracy. What he think they land . There is a slippery slope on both sides. I was surprised with the three justices on the left they do not seem at all concerned about how extreme that argument would be. Most of the justices is how do we find a more balanced and nuanced approach here. The government made a major concession when he said there are things you cannot criminalize that a president does. Doesnt that sound a lot like immunity . Its a devastating moment. Which of these acts were part of an official function which we are not. To try trout before the election in washington d. C. Shannon we now await that decision from the nine justices. And that meantime justice Jonathan Turley were going to crony that, we appreciate your time. Appreciate the promotion. Shannon time enough of the Syndicate Chair of rest when the American Dream one oh williams, fox news senior political analyst, the federalist editor and sheep Mollie Hemingway and stef kight a political reporter. Welcome to all of you. Is it noticing pulling out from cnn on this for top part of them sang 44 of americans expressed confidence the jury chosen for this case were back to the new york Criminal Case will reach a fair verdict 56 more skeptical a fair outcome is in the cards. That seems to be across the political ideologies. Not surprisingly the whole reason why we are seeing a prosecution in democratic areas is to secure quick and easy convictions ahead of an election. But that brings up the bigger issue at which americans are clearly seeing that its whats going on but we can talk about the particular weaknesses of one case or another. But really, a lot of americans are very much concerned about using the courts and laffaire to go after political opponents. You are seeing that in every single case. That more reporting coming out your sink much more coordination of the democrats top political opponent. The Supreme Court oral argument people were very concerned about using the courts to go after political opponents. A rubicon has been crossed and americans are very worried about whether it will have a rule of law given democrats are engaged in the split side laffaire. More from cnn and a rising share of americans say charge is the ongoing trout me in the criminal Hush Money Trial are irrelevant to its fitness for the presidency even if true. People are saying they dont care about the hush money case. As far as it impact his ability to be president. You are overwhelmingly seen the indictments of help trump with his base. But the moment we are in and terms of the president ial races one away should trump is trying to persuade republicans to a been reluctant to come along. The nikki haley voter types as well as independence. Those are the swing voters. They will decide this election. What we saw this week, all the talk about how people are paid to Catch And Kill stories and Money Hoop Women you are having affairs with while you are married. Trump being caught in the courtroom unable to go out and campaign. All of this you can say oh my gosh, his opponents he makes the case at President Biden is orchestrating all of this. There is no such thing. Its another part of his fabricating something in order to try to make that people ignore the reality. The guy prosecuting his number three in Department Of Justice. This is a case with the real evidence, molly. Real evidence people testify, payments were made, checks were signed, everyone can see that but for his base it does not matter. Here is what matters. If he is found guilty i think it wont matter a little bit. But if he is found innocent, i think it is a win for trump. Shannon heres a thing there is some attrition of voters at least some percentage if he is found guilty on a Criminal Charge msnbc has a piece that says considering trumps tenuous political position and narrowness of the 2024 poles if just a small percentage of voters are swayed by a verdict it could be a seismic political impacts. Tiffany, the races that close. Democrats do not want to hear this, sorry juan. These trials are not going to move the neil in an election but i dont think. Its not going to help biden at all. The poll in march it showed 55 , just what you are saying, registered voters had a conviction of a big no difference in how they voted for the president ial race. What this tells me is over the last four years the American People are looking for a president who will deliver results but we have a failing economy. Have been open and border. We have unrest around the globe. So the voters are going to look for it theyre saying we dont want joe biden we went another option. And donald trump as he continues to check out the issues affecting the American People. These are not going to affect the election. Shannon Washington Examiner has an interesting question whether not President Biden should help President Trump winds at the Supreme Court on the Immunity Case Biden Sardi Set The Standard chief political rival is an acceptable course of action. It proceeds by November 2025 it simply be returning the favor. Steph, theyve been very careful to not comment on that case. Yes we do know trump is arty preparing for the idea of going after biden if he doesnt win in november we have reported they have already discussed what it would look like to use the Justice Department to turn this around and go after biden in a similar fashion. And to this point the Supreme Court decides on this case is going to be huge. Not for this particular case but president s moving forward. This is such a monumental moment. How this plays a politically it is true for every person i talked to m i talked to a legal strategist this is a baked in for trump. Most of already know how they feel about him for they know about the Hush Money Payments especially this case in particular suspected 2016. This case is well known already. This is unlikely to make a difference. Some of these other cases trump is facing some of the other issues that maybe it would be able to move the needle. Given where we are at the Supreme Court its unlikely those are going to move very far before november for. We are standing by it. Okay panel, do not go forward going to take a quick break up next they say it is on but will they actually go headtohead on the debate stage . Our panel makes predictions next. I dont think he will debatee he has a choice. I am summer, i dont know when im having to debate in bigger acts of money that come in tuesday night, wednesday night, friday night on national television. We are ready. Shannon president about a former President Donald Trump both say they are willing to take part in a president ial debate that we love to hear that from hpower back out the panel. We didnt resent fox news a poll question on this support if the president kennett skips the debate what is it say about them . 72 shows weakness, 19 strength. I get the sense these two really do want to do it. I think so pretty think were going to see a debate at this point. How this shapes out . Where this will take place, one of the rules around it . Thats what the biden team is looking at very closely. This is certainly going to be risky for both biden and trump apart you can imagine scenarios or either one of them comes off either too aggressive on trump side or a fumbling on bidens side. It will be very interesting to see who actually comes out on top. We know the biden team is probably not sure this is the right move. Theyve been very hesitant to commit to this so far. It was a notable biden himself kinda for the first time really committed to be willing to debate. The thing is you dont hear winning candidates calling early for debates for. Trump is winning in the polls for. Right now i think the numbers are clearly trending toward biden. The latest swing states. Shannon A Swin The Swing Statee know thats where its coming or its trending now because his trending positively. The point is that should debate lets see them in action. But the fact is a trump refused to debate in the republican primary he refused too. s lead was so high it was a calculated decision that was very smart he did not need to do that. Abiding to say the same thing. Is at the camper graces by republican efforts that say i wonder biden can do it . Remember theyre consciously questioning whether he is a doddering old fool. He is afraid of debates. The fact is if you look at this past week of what he did in negotiations with johnson on the hill to get money for ukraine for israel, for taiwan, to get rid of tiktok potentially, you have to say while. Look at the State Of The Union said this is someone who is doing the job, look at the American Economy which is booming, wall street is doing so well but you look at crime going down. You say it wait a second but look at infrastructure in this country but look at the growth. You say wait a minute how is that people are calling him an idiots when we are doing so well . Whats the state of the unit is a great example here. In washington d. C. People actually thought that stated the union went well for joe biden. And the rest of the country, they were horrified. Not just the content but the demeanor of what was happening there. Dont think its incredible to think joe biden will debate not donald trump. I think he might wish he could do it but people know how dangerous it is to have him in unscripted moments. There are so many gaffes on a weekly basis. Theres also the fact the policies while popular insight washington d. C. Are tremendously unpopular everywhere but washington. Three successive polling is showing us. People for them dont feel like its showing up in a good way in their lives as they felt their gas tanks, get the groceries in that kind of thing. I want to make sure that that is or was happening on campuses make sure we get you guys to weigh in on this. Senator hawley sent a letter of the white house he think the sign for federal action verb president Dwight Eisenhower deployed the national art one of First Airborne Division to ensure the safety of black student in little rock, arkansas. I urge you to simply mobilize the National Guard to protect Jewish American students on columbias campus. Any other campus for this is going on never again means never again. Tiffany, do you sense the administration will go there . They are inherent risks in doing that because i do not have the e National Guard is necessary. Antisemitism is sweeping our country brace being fed by the universe in the woke ideology. I believe they should bring in a Law And Order but they should bring in Law Enforcement to protect these students absolutely. I will say it is sickening to see President Biden said with aoc who applauds these actions. I think it is important to remember that under Donald Trumps administration he had the abraham accords. The most peace in the middle east our country has seen in 50 years. We would not be experiencing this right now. An absolute bring in Law And Order protect these students but allow them to go Back To School and in some regards maybe this is good maybe this is exposing what has happened and the last four years. Shannon the president has said is against antisemitism on campus but also he is against people who dont get whats going on with the palestinians. The Los Angeles Times says this is a terrible idea of deadly in the u. S. At the ohio National Guard killed four unarmed stupid ed at Kent State University in 1970. Clearly nobody wants a repeat of those objects or reality. No they dont for this a lot that could be done. First the campuses some cells could take better action here. Theres other taxpayer funding. Please have a right to protest most americans are thinking whats happening in gazas overdone production on the right to shut down. [inaudible] there are some threats. But come on. Okay this is mostly peaceful but. Shannon and got to leave their First Amendment is a key core part of our country i think we also agree on that but thatll panel thank you see you next sunday of former Supreme Court Justice Stephen breyer. Makes a case in his branded book i asked them to him about Campus Protests in pressure on justices to retire but hea here he thank, next. Shannon retired to rim Court Justice Stephen Breyer spent nearly decades in the high courts. The newest chapter of his life at a time of the country is focused on several highprofile arguments the retired justice is opening up about how he tackle some of the nations most divisive cases. In his latest book, Reading The Constitution Wide showed pragmatism not textualism he explains longtime outlook on the courts. The constitution and his opposition to originalist approach for he joins me for this weeks sunday special. What do you say to your colleagues, he hears on the bench i saw this there are many disagreements where they said we are only going with whats in the book. Nina scalia and i used to discuss this all of the time. Particularly with students. We went to lubbock, texas for example a football stadium. They mustve thought theres a Football Game but they had never seen a Supreme Court judge and we talked about it. And before you know it it was clear to them we liked each other. It was also clear we did not agree. I said look, this document written more than 200 years ago in 1788, 1789. I said things have changed. The values dont change. The Freedom Of Speech is stands for certain values. But what it is applying to changes. I said George Washington did not know about the internet. And he says i knew that. I dont want to the intent of the framers i dont care if they had some secret intent sprayed once again i look to the words of the constitution. But i ask, what did those words mean to the society that adopted them question what he said steven, the problem with you or approach looking at these Different Things it is too complicated. It is too complicated and you are the only one who can do it. Not everyone can. But i say to him if we follow your approach will have a constitution that no one would want. And so there you have the essence of the argument. Shannon we are sitting all over the country these explosive conversations. , protest on College Campuses. You were one of the eighth in the eight one decision which nearly everyone agrees is absolutely reprehensible what they say and what they do but that is where the First Amendment is important. How are College Administrators to navigate whats happening on College Campuses . We have the words the Freedom Of Speech. We know what they are intended to do pretty much. You and i can have discussions where we really disagree if we want. And we can have all kinds of ideas sometimes called the marketplace of ideas and now you ask me how does that apply to what . A situation where i am not present where i have no evidence that i dont know whats actually going on . I do not want to admit that because the news is covering everything else. I am not sure. That is the job. We got the evidence we try to find out there are real threats or two people . What is going on . Of course you cant go hurt other people of course you cannot advocate words make its real sum is going to be hurt. Of course not. But a right your Point Of View . Yes that so many constitutional issues. It is rarely comment really good versus bad. It is often good versus good. Youve got to figure out where does this fit . Shannon there are some who think it behooves them to pressure justices publicly when they think it is time for them to retire. You made your own choice and walked away. What were you make of these public calls for the come from academia oped pages so that any particuanyparticular justice wes an out is a good time too. Anyone can say what they want too. I was 83 years old when i retired. But Justice Sotomayor is not spread she is a Spring Chicken. Shannon she is a saw her and argument say she seems fully robust physically and mentally piglets what is plausible about the president assisting in creating a fraudulent state of electoral candidates . There is a difference she is a Spring Chicken i am an old rooster, there we are. People can say what they want. The decision about what to do is up to the judge. Shannon it is a Lifetime Appointment too. You can say you can get out when youre 50 years old if you want. But in my mind at least you come in time and 83, 84, 85 i dont know exactly how many 80s you want in there but its time for another person. Shannon thank you to Justice Breyer for dropping right quick note on my podcast drops to date this week i set out Doctor Nicole Sapphire Fox News Contributor and author we talked about her brandnew Fox News Book titled love mom Inspiring Stories to celebrating motherhood it is on sale wherever you like to get your books for a great gift for mom thats it for today thank you for joining us im Shannon Bream it. Have a great week we will see you next fox news sunday

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