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Tonight, more Vile Displaysgh of hatred and extremist morem far left protests all across the country. And meanwhile, more andassing more embarrassing moments for your president , joe. Plus, Adammomentyour P Schiff Ra in northern california. Well, now makingm him the lateh california democrat to become a victime of, his partys own o soft on crime policies. Hows that . No baicrimel, defund, dismantle, reimagine the police. They work it out. Not good for gine the the americanthe people at all. But we begin in new york. E president spends yet another day in court visiting his wife, melaniother daa, his birthday. Well, joe biden is shuffling around the city withoushufflinge in the world last night, attending a glitzy fundraiser, mixing it up, you know, mixing up a date that is near and dear to his heart, telling a the crowd, quote, we certainly nevend tr forget the dark days . Of june 6th. June 6th. Really . The biden eventually correct himself anyway. He apparently di apparend. Meanwhile, today, incredible news. Biden actually sat down for an interviee news witw, but sadly,t hitting questions were off the table. Io f thbiden joined former shock jk turn. Well, he said it himself, woke democrat howard stern on his Radi Proudo Show where biden dud off a lot of his favorite tall tales. We them lies. Now, first, he bragged lies, about his time as a civil rights icon and an arrest that actually never happened. Lets listen. You should join me. And remember he said true stori. I remember when they were desegregating linfield, the Neighborhood Hen they doing. S and and, you know, 70 homes built a white suburbia. And i told you and there is a black family moving. And there was people were down there protesting. I told you not to Gothere Prng N there. You went down, remember that . And you got arrestedr that stane on the porch with a black family. Right . I broughding on t you the polici said, yeah, my mom. Remembesaid, yer that . Well, first of all, the story isnt true, howard. Stor this supporting bumbling, bumbling, stumbling guy. But anyway, instead here is the truth. As a young senator,den wo Biden Workedrk with mentor and,t of course, his frienord, a segregationist and palled around with racist and the formerionist a robert kkk. Byrd. Why . Together they wantedlansman Rt O The Integration of Public Schools and bussing and he didnt want kids to go to schools in his words,his wo they would grow up in rda raciao jungle. Thats what joe biden said. That is the truth. But joe didnt stop there in this interview. Listen to this bizarre story about alrview lil of the women, according to biden, would hand him racy photograph ts. Take a listen. I got to put in the ten most eligible list. List. You were a United States senator. You worked. And so you were a sena, yeah, at of lovely women. But we seen very salaciousures pictures. And i just gave to the secre ant service. Now, again, that story is likely not true. In tha you see, biden didnt have Secret Service protectiont ,a senator. And thats not all. At one point during the Stern Interviesenator at duringw. Well, joe biden, well, he turned to violence, opened openly fantasizing about a physical confrontation with donald trump, whichne i hes done in the past. Listen, for examplee. And trump makes fun of me right . Hes the kind of guy that really wish you could have gotten beat head to head. Wow. Go head to head, Tough Guy Joe biden. He this guy has a hard enoughbie timen, with the stairs of air force one. He cant. G bo the Big Boy Stairs. You see him going up the back ramp. The little boy you hi stairs. So he might want to sit thist no fight out. Now, of course, he will have a chance to square off Againstw Oe Trump head to head in a debate. But remember, Tough Guy Joe, he fell three times, once going up the big boy stairfell ts. And then when he got up there, his spokespeople said i was very windy outsides spok. I felt the wind myself. Thats probably why joe was tripping and fallinghe win all r himself. Anyway, there are typicallyly t three debates in any president ial election. Im glad this came uhreep on the show. And he told howard stern that hes happy to debatw howae trump. Just doesnt know when. Well, well believe it when we see it. Leas williev st good thing did e of that interview. If that debate happensrv, but even bidens closest allies seem to think that the president iss just not capable of debating trump. Remember, he couldnt even doie the super bowl interview. It is no secret that joew itt dn biden is not doing well mentally or physically. And im sureor that if he doesl have a debate, theyll just jack them up with red bull or caffeine or whatever he took before the of the union. The thats what we saw jacked up,t joe. Nos only saww, the white house e to hide what is obvious. Axcording a report from axios, biden changed his Walking Routiniae from marine one quote, instead of walking across the south lawn to and from marine one by himself. Hes now often surrounded by age. They go on, quote, with Aidestw Walking between biden and journalists Camera Position outsidbie the white house. The visual effect is to draw less attention to the t 81 year olds halting and stiff gait. Ht now, right on cue thisthis afternoon, biden was seen walking back from marine one, surrounded by staffers who are trying to hide s his every step. Our very own jimmy fallon Wasn On The Sceneji today at the whie house covering the upcoming White House Correspondent dinner. Hell weigh in straight ahead tonight. He, just to keep track biden cant answer questions from reporters without his stafferst answer telling hio call on. He cant answer those questionan without statements written down by staffers on giant ntsno card. He cant give a speech g that wasnt writteivn by staffe and put into a giantwr a teleprompter with massive by his staffers. And by the way, even then, it a struggle. Remember this, folks . Imagine what we could do next. N fodo nexr more, heres four yeae. Are you ready for more years . Pause. But then, the white house transcript had an audibler for pause. They didnt want the truth to get outanpt had ie fo. He cant even walk without the help from his trusty staff. Why even have a president if hes incapable of doing anything . Look at gallups numberss. Approval rating now at a historic low. Hi38 . We showed you Swing State Numbers last night. Six trump winning six out of seven. Now, it could go even lower in the case of joe biden. If the disruptive antiobamae b arrogant, antiisrael protests disrinue to disrupt colleges and cities nationwide and he refuses to deal with i citiet. N at George Washington university in our nationn ous capital, one socalled Protester Carrying A Sign echoes adolf hitlers final solution. Thats how referred to the holocaust. And what is what is death hath toel and deat america mean anyway . And back in new york, a columbia universit an y protet leader now expressing Regret Callingtting caught for the murder of zionists. That means, oh, lets kill the,g jews again. When people tell you who they aren wi and, what they plan to do, believe them. Here with reaction, cochairtrum lara trump is with us. Thank you,p laura. Good to be with you. Ye the way, four more years. Pause. Arreactionany reaction . Well, first of all, it was the most staged ive ever seen. Clearly, they had the pause in there because they told the audiencey e pa, as soon as e says, four more years, you guys jump in. That s what they do at trumpcept a rallies except a trump rally, sean. Its authentics its we dont manufacture anything like this. When donald trump visits bodegam in harlem. Thats not manufacturedila either. Whenever he visits a chickfila in atlanta. Not manufactured in when joe bin tries to attempt the same thing at a sheetz and crickets around him, nobody excited and Theck Entireet staged. It is so phony. But thats the president of the United States. And i got to tell you, its great to run against likebe joe biden because he makes m the job for our campaignakes and the rnc much easier every single day. It is a sad state of affairs, t though, that that guy is theha leader of the free world, pee commander in chief and the person sitting at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Okay. Sors penci they have to change his Walking Routine to get on to marine one. He cants walkin g the big boy e longer to get on air force one. And yet, as he had said previously a while ago. O but i want to take donald trump behind the gym. Anwhil meanwhile, he goes up the Big Boy Stairs and They Sa Tynd Ble the wind blew him over thr three times on one trip up the stairs. S this, i guess you could just blow in the. And hed fall down. Could you, john . Could you imagine if there were actually a physical altercation between joe biden and donald trump . This guy knows what wouldpost happen. Its preposterous. Erouthis whole thing is crazy. I i am glad today we got tthe information, because ill tell you, the rnc in the campaign, weve asked every sengle dayd the bask, when are g to set up the debates . Im glad to knowhe debat, joe bn is ready to debate, as donald trump has said multiple times. And i thin onald trk he said today any time, anywhere, any way t hes ready, go. T donald trump would do it right now, today. So we want to send that messagno out there to the Biden Campaign. Thank you for accepting. Its ver nenk youy for america. We need these two men on an h stage on his polling, gallup, a new low, 38 . We had the bloomberg poll this week. Hes winning in wisconsin, pennsylvania, north carolina, georgia, arizona, nevada. Pe carolin this is while youri th law is literally sitting in a courtroom that has a judge that happened to Donateiden To Biden in 2020, who has Accusation Ands of family, lete say, ties that are inappropriate would create woconflict and a reason for recusal. We know that, in fact, these were misdemeanors. The statute of limitatio fact,ns run out and a judge is forcing him to be there every day and he cant be out on the campaign trail. And im pretty convinced that thethrett left their way they would keep your your fatherinlaw off the Campaign T Trail for the next hundred 90, 92 days, if they could, and not run any campaign. Your reaction . Yeah, and its whats amazing. youre exactly right. That is what this is designed to do. Its Designes Ctly whad give jon advantage to let Joe Biden Go Outde and campaign. Tha you got to put that in air quotes because its a sad showing wheneverotes bec he goet on the campaign trail. And, of course, keep donald trump stuck there aign trae in r manhattan courtroom. Why is it that theyre doing that . M wh ittheyre doing it, sean, a distraction, because the truth is, ton becauso hard for the bip to deal with. The truth is that they dont have any is single positive thing that they can point to from a Policy Perspective or otherwise that joe biden has been able to do for the people h of this country in the a three and a half years hes been in office. Everyonesyears the life has gs harder. Everyones life has gotten more expensive. We harder are less safe as a country. S the entire world issa destabilizeda. Thats not a heck of a Campaign Platform to tout out there. N o tothe best solution they cod come up with is keep donald trump off the campaign trail. The amazing thing, though, is, sean, its the Spectacletraig Tn clearly backfiring on them. We are Raisingfiring O Aroundfo 1,000,000 every day of the campaign that donald trump is sitting in tha that courtroom. At donald j. Trump rt. Com gop. Com if you wantco to contribute and we are encouraging people to get involvedcontribu you seeicsh the tactics theyre using right now against donald trump. They are Communistey U in naturt we cant leave anything to chance in this election. Leavt the vogue. Com ifo you want to come volunteer to be part of our election integritcoer t y team. Look these things are vital because look at where we are right now t and look at the date. Weve got six months to go in this campaignx mont cycle. T you know, theyre going to pull out all the stops. This is not the end of what als out of this clown out show. All right, lara trump, thank you for being with us. We appreciat othis clo e. Joining us now, fox newse jo contributor joe concha and our friend new, congressman jasonfr chaffetz. Jason, i start with you tonighit. You know your reaction to all of this. Theres a lot on the table here. F theres a lotn the tablyou kns are one thing, but we still have 192 dayhundres to go. Isse this issue about not having more in the war against radical terrorists. Boy, that really i scares me. Iti as bad as it is thatat hes letting in over 10 million unvetted Illegal Immigrants our geopolitical foes is bad enough as economy is bad. But no but now you cant even sayeven to your ally, are we support you winning your War On Terror after october 7th . Yeah, the left has lurched sos far out there to these radical progressives, People Whoused T believe that, you know, i used to believe Wheenn I First Wentwa To Congress that we were all fighting for the same thing and that wllg fosamee we just hd different ways of getting there. But i left there, and im more convincedtting there but e arent actually fighting for the same things. You have too many things people dont believe that america in american exceptionalism, that america is the greatest country f on the face of the planet. And the leader of that movementacet and is joe biden a kamala harris. They allow people by the Millionsbin Kamaharris to ci our country. They are locking down the safety and Securitnto Untry they dont properly support our troops and our veterans. Theyve put Illegallt Ouy Illegl Aliens ahead of them. And then we come on the world stagend. Volatil the world is more volatile. It was safe under donald trump. We werent worrieds about things. We were signing a peace accords in the middle eastpeace ac middn and under joe biden, theres war. So if people would Jusde Bidenti at how good it was under donald trump and compare it to thundee joe biden who cant even walk can to a helicopter without that staff running behind him to make sure he doesntelicoptef fall and tht doesnt look bad, then, you know, theres a contrastad e here its its truly a choice election. Yeah. Ejoe, the media in this countrm probably the biggest campaignen donors to the Biden Campaign of anybody , right . Yeah. The media. And that includes Fact Checkerse who have been on a basically a three year spring break since joe biden came int ao office. O and i got to talk about that h stern interview again, sean, Becausav Tale that was just somg to behold. I mean, of course, this kind of slobbering was, you know, we expected this from howard stern. Accept t, to lis a former by the way, who used to likeke him back to his crack days in the nineties. But he has become patently insufferable, utterly piou s. He and sometime around eight years ago when donald trump came into office, basically the date mail version of joy bejar, We Heardhe Howard today allow biden ton wi tell lie after lie after lie, all while Rhetoricallyll Droolig all over him. I mean, if i cringed any harder listening to thai crint, i migha have become a fossil. And my favorite three moments today, by the wa fosd myy bidene that tale that he was arrested alongside a black familyt he due the civil rights movement. That never happened. And an easy rule of biden is whentr happen ian en he starl a story and he says true story it the beginning of it, ita fami probably aint true. My second favorite wasst tr biden, who apparentluty the Davd Hasselhoff of his day. He said that he saved six people from drowning as a lifeguard at a communitysaved swimming pool. Yeah, Near Drownings at town pools are totally a common thing. Me fav but the the all Time Favorite part of this train wreck of an interview, as you shared earlieourain wrer, was biden ing that women used to send him salacious pictures back Ins A The 70s when he became a senator. I mean, was sexting was a very handsome guy in the seventies. Selfel ol, i mean, did these women take Polaroid Selfies and mail them Picturesm Pictur in envelopes . T that bidenno isnt you logical . Maybe youre underestimating. I mean, you know, he certainly wasnt the mental and physical messiest. But but you raise a good point. And i brought it a to the Secret Service. Oh, what did he walk over to the white house and, k just hand it to the Secret Service over there . Eight more. More likely. He probably forgot that he didnt have the secrety fo service while he was in the senate. Thats my guess. Yeah, it was 50 years later when he was Vice President. Yep. Finally he got the secretyear service. But the senators arent given Secret Service protection, so looktees vi, in the end,s do its interviews with jason bateman, howard stern, seth meyers, thesnthae kind of softf i mean, forget softball. Tee ball interviews are what we can expect this president now until election day, because if hes asked a real question un is record on inflation, gas prices, crime, the border, we all know what the answer is goingpror to sound like either angry or incoherent or both. Asn last word, jason. No way. Joe biden debates. He forgot to ask the puppeteers he could go out and debate. No way he does it. Oebat way t physicallyebat get through a debate. Theres no way theyre going to let him up there. And itsthere et a shame. S Deba Americans debate if He Doeste Debate will see jacked upe joe 2. 0. Willwhatever bull he drank or Caffeine Pills that he took or whatever or he might have taken texas promise shoot theyll give it to him again. Anyway, thank you both joe and ,jason, appreciate it. When we come back, while the Trump Witch Hunt in new yorke co continues, the House Judiciary Committee just released a report which allegesl that alvin Braggs Office allowed political motivationlegs to, quote, infect their prosecution of donald trump. Congressman jim jordan of ohio is straight ahead as we continue this program has been brought to you by the south dakota Governors Office of economic. South dakota has the blueprint for success. Recently, we led the nation in new home building, but were still growing so fast we need to hire more builders to keep up. So i am pitching in. South dakota is the freest in the nation. We have no State Income Tax and we offer Apprenticeship Training so you can get right to work. South dakota freedom here. Were going to call that a skylight. On the left, your mouthwash with the burning sensation. And on the right close is the alcohol free, Gentle Mouthwash that works without the burn. 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The pentagon, the 6 billion in additional military aid to ukraine, the biggest package to date and includes Patriot Missiles needed to fight back against russian air assaults. The aid comes from the 61 billion package passed by Congress Earlier this that measure also includes money for israel and taiwan. Im Charlie Painter. Now back to hannity for all your headlines, log on to foxnews. Com. All right. Trademarked eighth day of trumps quoteay. Oh, my gosh. He made a bookkeeping error. Documents trial in new york and a new House Judiciary Committee is saying what wevel been telling you all along. Radical manhattanalondical m. Alvin bragg has allowed his political motivationstions and his promises as a candidaten to drive the prosecution donal of donald trump in this report over 300 pages. P inthe highlights, the facte hi that bragg used a novel novel legatl theory. Weve weve been telling you to bootstrap these Allegationg Yosk A Felony in new york, theyd be a misdemeanor. And the statute of limitationsbe had already passed. Here was more chairman of the house Judiciar Chairmay jim jor. Mr. Chairman and congressman, welcome back. And anatomy of a ome backpolitical prosecution. The manhattan d. A. s Office Vendetta against president donaldda j. Trump. Well, usually in a report when you get to 300 plus pages, you got a lot of information. Gs lets go through some of o the fundamentals. Yeahf , sure. Well, first of all, alvin bragg bragged about it. L first i mean, bragged about te that he had sued President Trump and went after president trumouldp of times whn hes campaigning. But once he gets in office, He Realizee Wa S theres no real case here. He realizes what the Department Of Justice realized whenhere hht bring the case. What the federal Elections Commission realized when they didnt bring the caseederan even what his predecessor realized, cy vance, as the manhattan d. A. R , when he didnt bring the case. But he has a guy working for him who Volunteere Bd and assistant d. A. Mark pomerantz, who is pushing this case, saying was, we got to go after trump. He came to work for alvin bragg simply to go after. E on and hes the one who Persuades Alvin right to do it, no tsistan hes assistant d. A. , but only after he resigns, throwstemper a temper tantrum, does a media blitz and most importantly, Writesa A Book where he lays it all out, how he was out to get the president from the get go. Wt thats what Promptedd Alvin Bragg that franklyg he and donald trump announcing that he was going to run for president. Thats what prompted run fog to bring this ridiculous case. And pomeranz called it the zombie case because it was dead, gone and buried. And then the statuteause is of limitations passed anyway. You talkmitation about as well. How is it what do you consider the third highest ranking official by biden s to beto a pretty prestigious job . Woul d you it that would that be okay . Sure. Why did this guy move from that job . To giv from the opening argumens and work on this case in a d. A. s office in the state of new york . Why would you give up that biga . Job . Same reason. Pomeranz willing to work forr fe free. They had a vendetta. They had an agenda that go t after President Trump. Colangelo from the Department Of Justice goes to d. A. s office to go after President Trump. And excuse me, marffice tok pomz does the same thing. It was all about getting top in facl aboutrump,t, these u who said we can put Michael Cohen as our star witneshes. That was the one thingt that probably bothers me most about this case right noprobabw is fact that they put a gag p order on President Trump. Formerut gag president , current republican nominee for president of the United States, likelyte to be our next president. I certainly hope he is. Ho h to talk. Wed but Michael Cohen is, you know, a convicted perjurer, a guyin f who came in front of congress and lied six times and woncongrs congressional hearing. Hes allowed to say whatever he wants. But President Trump is allowesa order by this judge, this obviously partisander from judgr daughter worked for every democrat you can think of. This is thi fors what is so unfair. Its all driven by politics. The wholle plan here is to keepi biden in the basement because he cant talk about anythingn, can keep biden in the basement and trump on trial. Thats what the democrats are tryingsement a trul do. That is their whole plan because they know that president an becau trump isg to win if they if hes out there and able to campaign. Abcampaigngwhy theyre tryin to keep him tied up. All right. So we have a biden donor. Is the judge with family members, you know, an wit accused Family Financial conflict. Mie statute of limitations on what were misdemeanors passes evesdn. Weapon joes weaponized doj. Even they ha e thed passed on the federal charges this theyre theyre trying to use in this case, which i dont think they even legally have a right to doi k, but yette theyre throwing everything theyve got up against the waltl. And it really comes down to a doeping erg error, which would a misdemeanor. In other words, they filed what Wasr A Nondisclosure agreement and labeled it as a business expensea nond. Okay. Is that is that. And meanwhile, by the way, you beat up cops in times square. You get released from jail and probably squart rele not che same d. A. And even if it was. Yeah. And if it was a bookkeeping error, its a its a misdemeanor. R mits a two year statuteeyr of limitations, for goodness sake. But no, no, theyre going to use that. E g toand somehow say it dealt t with Campaign Finance and election lawh and the charge is really conspiracy to influence the 2016 election. Can spirited impact of 20. And its Funny Becausee Smith his charge is conspiracy to obstruct an official regarding the 2020 election. I actually think the truthg regi is this alvin bragg and jack smith are the ones who are in a conspiracybragth are and that ch to impact the 2024 president ial race. Thats whats going on here. Sed again, i think that i think the American People see it. Let me ask you, do we know and in all these cases, new york, d. C. , fani willis, and in fulton county, georgia, i dont know. Ad abo i have not heard anything badut about about florida. But when these d. A. Show up at the Biden White House, do wee know who theyre meeting with . Do we know if theres collusion goinknowg on. E to id like to know who theyre meeting with, who theyre whg withg to. Are they strategizing together . Are they getting advice from oir maybe theyre just sharing a cup of coffee . Well, we have subpoenaed information regarding fani willis, particularly , the number of trips l he made to d. C. When when he is it looks like he talked with the a january 6 committee,tee the white House Counsel and the biden doj. So wthe e e want to get all thatl of information. So, yeah, i thin that ink i thio is one big effort. The conspiracy did this this this the is just, i think, a kep point. Barack says its a conspirac jy about 2016. And President Trump, jack smith says 2020. But the real conspiracy is braga jack smith, fani willis all these Democrat Deconspiring to impact the 2024 race. Wha thats whats going on. Cleaagain, i think the americagn people see it plain and clear. The anatomy of political prosecution. The Manhattan District Attorneys Office vendetta against president donald j. Trump. All 300 plus pages of it are on hannity. Com. Ank he jim jordan, thank you. Appreciate your time. When we comeiate your time back, the Congenital Liar adam schiff, california congressman, the guy that wants to be a senator. Well, allegedly now robbedto brd in san francisco, forcing him to attend a Campaign Dinnert without a suit. Well check in with the great judge, Jeanine Pirro in straight ahead. Dad is my super hero, but hes gone now. And i dont know when hes coming. As global tensions rise, these long deployments, near distant war zones put a strain on the bonds that keep families together. Families like ferris. We told the kids that darrell was deploying was going to the great battle and he was going to fight the bad guys. Daddy being away has been really hard on my kids. The fear and anxiety that comes with Military Service are felt by every family member. So the deployments really hard on me as well. Im missing my husband missing ,my best friend. Im missing my partner. Theres no one there to hug you and love you and tell you its going to be okay. Service members risk their lives to keep safe, and this sacrifice takes an emotional toll on their spouses and children. 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Listen, get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius. Anytime, anywhere. Fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. Lawlessness in liberal cities. Blue states that are spiraling Out Of Control now. Cangressman and Senate Candidate adam schiff was reportedly robbed in Sanfrancisc Francisco Last Night on his way to a ritzy Campaign Dinner o, leaving him to attend the event anyway, reportedly without a suit anyway. Meanwhile, in a wild video, the mayor of san jose, a Security Guard was assaultedon ,an on camera interview. Take a look at this. This is amazin g. So were doing an interview. So how are you doing w . Oh, you know, i workeciate y right there. Im just. Im talking on point. Yeah, yeahou. Okay, cool. I appreciate you. Hey, you. Yeah, yeah. I urge everybody, please learn some situational selfdefense is so important. These are really violent times. Anyway, here with reactiontheset to this and President Trumps trial and the weaponization justice. In new york, the cohost of the t show the five, our friend judge Jeanine Pirro is with us. You know, im really getting o sick and tired of all of the violence that we see goingf on. And i dont like adam schiff. I dont i dont want anybodyf to be a victim of any crime, judge. Thats how i feel. E thwellat how, i have my my pon is this. I am so fed up with the crimee n going on in this country that would so easily be resolved if we went b back to good old fashionedconseq consequences and law and order. But it was the lef ordert thaa up with the idea that they were going to have this criminal Justice Reform werg to. But to me right now, sean,ht i dont care about that about right now. Turn around is fair playht about and the end. They dont care about us. They dont care about ordinaryya americans. They only care about themselves. Re about tand this this Progrese Nonsense has created a very dangerous situation for every american in this country. And if this is what it takes, then so be it. By the wayhe b, you know, he had his clothes or a suitcase taken ou out ot of his car. I think the same britons probably walking arounds pr with his clothing on. Remember him . You worked for the biden administration. Arouhehe was Stealing Suitcasest of peoples clothing, but they created a haven forn of l lawlessness. I forgot about that. Yeahawlessness sea, they did t about that part. Yeah, well, they created havente ,and its not going to change until it impacts them. And then youve got the mayor. His security detai havel is getting t beat up. All the guys trying to give an interview. If in we dont turn this countrycon around and theres only one man who can do itry nlt and you knod who im talking about, and that is donald trump. A and right now hes in a ridiculous trial in a courtroom in manhattan while joe biden is out there promoting himself as the as the candidate thats goingf to save this country. Joe biden is one of the reasons this kind thing is going on infh america today. Wele l, you know, you think about this. If you want the right and the ability to pursue happiness,ursu a prerequisite for that needs to be la w and order and safetyri and security or else you cant pursue your dreamsty o you you i pursue happiness. What is frustrating to me and i think we share the samfrustratmh frustration, is that okay, no Nobel Deferredat and dismantle,e reimagine the police, whatever you want to call it. I this is what the result of this is. But meanwhile, the guy in new i york that is the d. A. In manhattan albumda brag, who ran to go against one man, one family, one organization. This is the very same guyon thi that is s releasing or lowering 60 of felonies to misdemeanors. Percentthe only one ever tooked a misdemeanor to try to turn into a felony after the statutes ,limitations went away with aaw judge who donated to biden with obviousa family conflicts. It shouldnt be happening. They should. We have video tapes of peopled in timeswe square, new york,york beating the out of cops. There. Theyre left free in seconds. Just, you know, had flipped bir the bird to new york and head on out to california. New yowhat a great country. L of know what the sad part about all this is . An albumin. B brag is a soros funded prosecutor. And now were Finding Outs Behi that soros is behind a lot of whats going on on the College Campusesa Lot righ where theyre talking about, you know, i am hamas and all a that other intifada revolution. But lets lets stick with brag. This guy should be in charge aid of. Legal aid. He has no idea how to prosecute a case. N the no idea what hes doing. The only thing he is is a political operative. And this show trial thats going on in new york i is going to be reversed, just like the the trial of Harvey Weinsteit N was reversed. And ill tell you why, because t the evidence that theyre Admittinha Areg right now has ng to do with the crime. It has nothing to doa with donald trump. Whatever Michael Cohen may have done and whatevermpichael whos in there now . David pecker may have done. To theyre trying to attribute davids packers knowledgeinance of Campaign Finance violations to donald trump. There shouldn vdonaldt been a e instruction right then and there by the court there tht cannot assume that because david pecker knew something that donal that d trump knew its but this is this is the kind of case that an inexperienced political operative is trying ae in manhattan. And let me just say one more thing. Thisin m gag order. The gag order was to make sureti that the president did not make or direct others to make o a public statement. When donald trump repeats untruths. I so so what other people have said he is not Makinnot Makig Oe Directing Them to make public statements. And thats why he is not h holding him in contempt yet because it is so written. These people are so incensed, so full of hatl of hate that tho anything to keep this man down. And ye anyt he goes outside, he talks to construction workers, he goes to a bodega, they cheer him. He goes to Kentucky Fried Chicken or whichever, and they cheer him. This man is a hero. And what is happening in this country is a crime. And tha e people who are doing o have got to be punished for itat theyre doing because its a violation of all of his the titutional rightofs. Let me tell you what the answer is. You know what, Judge Victory would be the answer. We can stop thisuld and 192 da, i would say this is the biggestc Inflection Point for this country that weve ever Witnesseti Countd in our lifetir sure. All right. And you know what, shawn, if he gets elected, hes got to put the right people ine power to make sure that nonet of the nonsense that happened lastf th is going to happen thi time. And that involves people who are closaninvolvese to him thats relying on. Enough said. Judge, thank you. Com all right. Coming up, bad week for the Biden White House. G upn whitjimmy. Well, hes here to weigh in on bidens worst blunders of the week. Four more years. Pause. Another straight ahead. Our pharmacy been in business for nearly 100 years. My wife and i have run it for the last 30. American technology is making us more efficient and customer friendly. We use online tools to fill prescriptions process insurance claims and make deliveries. But some in washington want to undermine the Technology Tools we rely on. Their misguided agenda will empower our foreign adversaries and hurt Small Businesses like ours. Our leaders need to strengthen ,not weaken, american technology. Right now, someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. Anybody who owns property should worry about home titles out. Theres no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. 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Were moving forward with the houston dash. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. Lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. Were moving forward with the houston dash. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. Shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 . Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. You lose fat and get lean absolutely free. Thats b. O. 82 215215. All right. As we told you earlier, it appears that you wer president , joey, needs all the help he can get. Take a look at your screen. Joe ist take now surrounded by. Every time he walks to oro from marine one on the south lawn at the whit e house soy they can distract from his very awkward shufflinm his g gait, if you will. But in the long history of biden but, blunders, this wek will probably stand out as having some o af the very worst, especially this moment from bidensth speech to union workers. Take a look, folks. What w imagine what we can do next. More years, paul. Yeah. Ha ha. Are you ready . Four more years. Pause. That might be the worst blunde r the week, but it certainly wasnt the only one. Take a looksnt. Y that by the way, thats not hyperbole. Thats literally togethe r. A schumer leader and i today, folks on fox see shovels in the ground in these projects. Grouns is a big deal day. A are you ready to choose freedom read for democracy . Mes cu i still sometimes cut t the yart. The Secret Service doesnt let me do it anymore. Trump and his magic allies want to repeal the most significant in climate ever. The work that you like to doit d and lots of it. I dont know why you were surprised by trump how manyy times he had to prove we cant be trustede about that. Anyway, with reaction, jimmy fallon, who will be live tomorrow 9 p. M. For a special two hour edition. Fox news Saturday Night direct from the White House Correspondentsturdayfrom now, jimmy, you were actually on the south lawnn today when biden landed back from his trip to new york. You wereland tri that you saw t . Yeah. They were nice enougs. H, sean, e to invite us there for the landing because the way it toren helicopter lands, one one guy gets a hand, the other guy gets a foo at. M and then we kind of carried him into the white house. Thwas there. I thought i was there as a reporter. I was actually just there to catchr bu the guy. Its sad to watch sean, because treyre now, you know, traditionally the president would depart marinadthe prese on their own, walk acrossn the lawn, and youd go, wow, wow et mee leader of the fresa world. Dont mess with that guy. But now they literally have him but. Ndedss wit theyre bumper bolling him back into the white house. So he doesn it go the wrong way so he doesnt fall. It was theres like Nervous Energy when you watch it. And its sad because the reporters arent going its the president. The reporters are going, thsh, i think hes going the wrong way. Not good. Hes got to get guided, exi you know, to exit stage left off, stage right. By the wayftt, i am proud of myu record in all my years in radio ,my 28 years hers e at fox. I i have never been to one White House Correspondents dinner. Im proud of that. Im not breaking my record. Ill never go. And ill be honestmy neveran, it like them and i dont think they like me. So i thinkt thiney It Works Outt perfectly. But how did you like four more years . Pause that the best business to be in right now is selling liquorn next to the White House Press room . Because every time that mannp near a microphone, somebody winds up doing a shot t someth. Ng but god, you cant make it a present. L reenyeah, ill represent for t the dinner. They let me into these things because i dress likeoause a wai so its fine. Im by the way, im sure whene n you met with these people yesterday, im sure ehey were glad to se you anyway. All right. God, i like that guy ck o. Whos got the hit show now now on Saturday Night. All. According to reports, theres theres now a petty feudd betw between the Biden White House and the New York Times, of all places. Team n white e an biden is thinking w york times is too harsh on joe o and not harsh enough on trump. E anyou cant make that up. Tha New York Times, meanwhile, is apparently incensedat that biden will not sit down for an interview and constantl e avoids taking questions from the press. But he did go on. Howard sternste. Now, things are so bad that the entire Dispute Gotthat A pretty long write up in politico this week. Right uppublisher of the times p literally confronted Vice President harris. This is the New York Times over bidens refusal to takees questions. Reaction . Yeah, its amazing to think that the New York Timesllin is calling them out because, you know, they were fine with thiut bs at the beginningoe of this administration, but now theyre just bored, sean. Trationnothey have nothing to d. Covering this president is like covering the groundhog. T you dont get gea lot of action on the detail. Lot of the York Timesw Yo is desperate because a lot of their friends and their friends, Kid Iss Go To Columbias and theres only so much they can write about those protestsso much because they li terrible. So i just think they need the content at this poineyt. Yeah, its pretty amazing, actually. All right. Wellt. , one last story. Eaking it broke earlier today. This is fromea the hollywoodrli reporter. And apparently Steven Spielbergg is helping biden and his team plan, the dnc, the democratic conventionn and hi in chicago te summer. By the way, i am Predictinr Byge based on what were seeing on college campuses, this will bying ocampusese a absolutd show. But apparently him, you know, his specialty is helping biden tell his storyt hi and present his vision for a second term because he cant do it himself right. Yeah, well, what people need to know, Steven Spielbergstephe directed e. T. , but in the bidene version of e. Tcted. , the alien h a stimulus check and a free hotel room. A going to be a totallyffer different remake. But yes, thatent s thats real. That thats how glad we are, sean. Were bringing in Steven Spielberg to make our presidengt alive. I mean, really think about thaat. And its going to be, as you said, and show. Goine. E re but you know what will be in that show . Jimmy is the red. Its a red carpet. Sea well, thats what i want to ask you. So youre going the White House Correspondents dinner. All right. Fair enough. Youre working it. Count i dont im not going to count that as you actually attending. Have you ever been to one . Before yet . To be clear, sean, i have been to the is i like going because we are the away team at fox news, but were kicking everybodys in the bus. Un it so its kind of fun. Its like walking into Fenway Fenwdin a Yankee Jersey Anng i winning the game. But what if you get out alive . O you know, you got to be very. Yeah, you make a good point because i dont have you ghtingr let fighting skills. I dont train like you. But let me give you one thing. Okay. Me give g,t fiat first i thoughn honor that fox is letting me host the two hour show tomorrow night from the red carpet. One. Ow i realiz now i realize theyre just trying to keep me away from the open bar. Thats all. This mrom th is, baby. So they. They dont want. Next tthey dont want to sit nen to you. Lets be honest. They just go, oh, hey, humanitty. You used to be my guy. That was a low blow. Wellgu low blo, whatever you wau to drink, you know, its probably on joewant t, butu probably have to pay probably a cash bar, for crying out loud. Probablyr fobut, you know. Yeah, i cant afford as many drinks this year because of the biden inflation. So thats how im going to stay sobe r at party. Thats the. Okay. S tnt go to that party and see all those people that peop anddont like us for sure. And we probably dont like either and not have a lo nott to drink. I recommend and i dont recommend this oftenk mmend,. Nt you might want to drink a little more than the average ,but we got to roll that show on tomorrow. All right, jimmy, well be watching more. Hannity by the way, Coming Up Straight Ahea Sean wmore ha what is going on on american campuses . What do our enemies want to influence . They want to influence the thought processes of our kids. If you say someones pronoun the wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. The jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid to go to class. From the river to the sea, palestine must be free. That was allowed to be sat on campus. How did we get to this point . And can we stand up to it . 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