Welcome to hannity and tonight, former lawyer for Stormy Daniels and darling of the media mob, Michael Avenatti, will join us from prison. Now, apparently, Avenatti Hab J developed a new perspective as it relates to donald trump and americald trumps sysl of justice. Now, were going to hear from him straight ahead tonightl hea but first, anarchy at americast College Campuses. Students harassed, police assaulted, University Grounds littered with antisemitic signs. Chants of death to america, death to israel. And we are hamas. An ham out and far left. A agitators are now disrupting lifegi and spreading hatred all across the country. But your cowardly has little t to nothing to say. Infar away from all the chaos. Joe biden, well, talked about doing work and boots. He also repeated the debunked tall tale about driving a big rig, 18wheeler. And for the second time this week, he asked americans to, second te over democracy. Does he ever know what hes saying . W what hehe then accidentally e speaking cues, the teleprompter. You know, it says four more years an id then it says pause, meaning he should pause. Watcn sah what he does. Folks, imagine what we can4 next. Ten moremoears years. Oh, yeah. Ha oh. Presi are you ready. Oh. E you have to tell him to say four more years. And then you read pause when youre supposed to shush uy p. Anyway, of course, the official white house transcript made no mentiocial tran of the word pau, instead writing in audible. No, that was audible. Anyway, clearly, joe biden was even worse than usual today. Ll were going to have all the lowlights coming up. But it doesnt take a geniusight condemn the hateful, antiamerican, antisemitic Temper Tantrum now underway, sadly, at universities all across our country. Now, bidens Department Of Justice can knock downr the door of a peaceful prolife protester. Surelyof you would thinko sayi they would do something to protect americans from Maskedoect Amer Calling for actf of terrorism, pledging allegiance to the terrorist group hamas. But its 2024, and theaign Biden Campaign is desperately trying to squeeze every laste vote from the democratic partys radical base. Evere frthey dont want to himf so the president , hes trying his best to just look the other way. By the way, i think obamao colu to colombia. His silence has been deafening also. Ane wa the way, others nowg up cozying up to the most extreme members of his partyth, aoc, the squad leader whose members have repeatedly been accused of antisemitism. One jewish professor at Columbia University who was actually barred from campus who for his own safety,eaking is now speaking out. Take a listen. Aoc on this. Shes an agentocs of chaos she the name aoc is the agent of chaos. And im just looking forward to my kids and grandkids reading about this chapterd in history and the list of all the rabid antisemites. And her name. Pea there she is. This is not a peaceful protest and shes just shes lying to the people. She is lying to the people just like rashida tlaib. If this was targeting a race, if this was targeting a y, entation and identit the nypd would have found something to do because this is targeting the jews. Mayor eric adams speaks very highly about how much he cares and does nothing. Many of the same campuses a that if you use the wrong pronoun, you might expulsion or if you ever said anything or anti lbgtq community or racist, what would happen on those campuses. Sut we are hamas is okay supporting Radical Islamic Terrorism is oka y on College Campuses really. Meanwhile obama bidens Favorite Network amnesty and see the conspiracy channel. We are themsnbc th same Froma A Professor at nyu. Take a look. Prn tell you if i went into the nyu square with a White Hood On and said and lynched the blacks or burned the , my id would be shut by Thatt Off Night and i would never work in academia again. There would be no need for the words, context or nuance. I wouldnt be protectede by terms like First Amendment or free speech. I would be out of thehe ame world of academia. It seems like we have a double standard when it comes hate speech, as long as its against jews. And i thought the left, i thought they cared about womens rights and the i rights of the Lgbtq Community becaus lgbt e in a lot of these countries, a lot of these terrorist groups, if, they will murder you. If youre a woman and you dont cove ar, you might be beaten. Yu and yet the disruptive protestsu they continue. At the university of southern univ, socalledt demonstrators there clashing with police as a violence was unfolding on uscs campus. Watch thitheir cas. All at harvard. While things were also insane there. Look at this. Like as this cancer spreads. Aut look at austin, texas. A similar protest was quickliny dispersed by authorities in full riot gear, while students u. T. Austin chanted pigs, go home. Take a look. P hey,ig go, go, go, go. Go round in response, texas isse Governor Abbott issued the statement. Quote, he said Statementd A Being made right now and will continue until the crowd now continues. These protesters belong in jail. Antisemitism will not be tolerated in texas. Period. Governor ron desantis florida took similar action. But again, dont expect that kind of leadership outut of washington, d. C. John. Joe bide n, now he has an election to win and he does want to anger his base, which is chock full of now we can see violent back in New York City. Foe unlawful demonstrations continue now for the second straight week on and off an. Ege campusesr t week o one antiisrael mob even targeted Chuck Schumers in the city before the nypd dispersed that crowd. Another deranged individual Harassind Anrangedg mayor eric s on an airplane. Watch thi s. Adams yeah. You are the type of person who would take over big news body last night. I said, leave alec baldwin alone. Now im saying leaving the mayor of new york alone. Anyway, what did these deranged protesters even want . That brings us Trrains Po The Fs Quote when someone shows you who they are, believ se thet. When the protesters say they are hamas, believe them when they call for a Global Antifa to believe them when they chant death to israel, death to america, take thee thme at their word. These people dont wantirword a peaceful t two state solution. They want israel. They want america. Israel first wiped off the map. D israeli Prime Minister well, netanyahu, he put it this way. Take a listen. Colls happening, americans College Campuses is horrifirrificc at. Versit t semitic mobs have taken over leading universities. Callr the annihilation of israel. They attacked jewish students. They attackesd jewish faculty. This is reminiscent of what happened in germanyies in universities in the 1930s. Its unconscionable. It has to be stopped. It has to be condemned and condemned unequivocalld y. But thats not what happened. The response of several University President s was shameful. What part of what happenedat a few months ago, october the seventh, where israel the worst Terrorist Attack in their history. So many people murdered and d and beheaded and burned to deathra and so many others taken hostage, still held hamas in the United States around the world. Disgustingworld just hate filled protesters condemning israel, the victim of terrorismth praising the terrorists responsible for that attack on october aism prai seventh. Mo where is everybodys Moral Compass . In the wash, the swamp. Joe biden has turned his backae on israel, stuck a knifeer in their back and twisted itis all to capitulate to the radicalsted in his party as he h tries to play both sides in the lead u plap to an election. Meanwhile, nancy Pelosiel Trashing Netanyahu demanding he resign. Schumer calling for elections demande, a war. Top democrats have turned on americas closestats have, ay did It Without A Second thought. Politics trumps all. Its a pathetic attempt to pacify lunatics like the Squad Members like aoc and congresswoman to leaved an and omar and their Friends Chanting Death To America in the Streetstheir Dea Of Yory and elsewhere. This is all about appeasing their radical base to get votes, eves even in if it means abandoning the worlds war against radicaitl terrorism. This election is about so much more than 194 days then republican versus democrat or trump versus biden. This is about sanity and common sense versus insanity. Y this is about americans whoan want to make country a more Perfect Union versus americans who want tear the the country to the ground. Like the summer of 2020 that nobody wanted to investigate our very own. Harrigan, whos been monitoring a lo thet of the protests in New York City todaotests iy, he jois us with more. Steve . Sean, more than 200 protesters arrested overnight in new york. Again, this time, many of them e near senator schumers house. D s and House SpeakerJohnson Camen right in the lions den here to colombia, faced off with those demonstrators, said it wag th nstrators wrong for jewish students here at columbia to feel like have a targete also on their back. He also told the demonstrators that their movement has been endorsed by the terrorist group hamament wass. And he also criticized them directly, saying theyre wasting their parents t money, they should get back to class. Now, columbia had set a Deadlineo Columb of midnight for the tents to be cleared away from the campus. They pusheor id that deadline i back to 8 00 this morning and now theyve pushed it agaian another 48 hours. They say theyre going to take measures. Its nother 48 clear at this poe what those measures are going to be. But the speaker was a lotr more clear. He said he wouldnt rule out sending in the National Guard here. And he also said the demonstrators should be arrestealso sd. Sean, back to you. All right, steve harrigan, thank you. Joinin sean tg now with reactie have Fox News Contributor ari fleischer. Law professor Alan Dershowitz is with us. You know, Professoharvard Ofesst to ask you a tough question, and i know youre a democrat kua but you and i agree on this issue. We actually agree on a lot of issues. We dont we Bothgra Lot OfissuetDepartment Of Justice shouldnt be weaponized. Wee shouldn agree on antisemi. But as a democrat, joe biden has not stood by israel. He helped make the iranian mullahs rich so they can foment more terror and proxy wars. Chuck schumer in the middle of a war mor, their very survivl after the worst Terror Attackth in israelers history is calline for elections. And nancy pelosi is sayingctions to basically totally just disconnect from israel. They were a top ally. r professor, theyre not asking fm boots on the ground. Un they were asking for munitions that they would that theyre anlling to pay for an abandoned of israel did not abandon america after 911. Professor. Can you support this party can that is trying to appeal . Their silence is deafening because they the votes of these radicalsra . No, i cant support this party. And i have an open mino i candl who i will vote for. But let me tell you that i think a of people are missingt the point. This is a repetition of what happened thi in the 1970s. How do i know . I represented a lot of Theradics Radicals in the 1970 who were protesters. What happened to those b protesters . Some of them became actual terrorists. Ece the weather underground, people like cathy boudin and bernadette dorn, they blew up american institutio dn chain, they blew up Recruitment Centers and bill ayers and others b rs and and and i am afraid that in the groups that are now wes. Ng, we are hama they will become hamas when hamas comes to this country and it will as its coming to europe if israel is not allowed to defeat it in gaza, on they are coming to a theater near you and they will recruit some of these people who are standing outside of columbi a yelling, we love hamas rockets. And well say to them, you know, you know, a synagogue that maybe doesnt have good security a , do you know, an army base and these radical protesters will turn from advocates to insiders to actual terrorists. So this not only about israelis, this is nojusttr is only about american and israeli hostages. This is aboui t your children, your university, your synagogue. This is coming to america. And what terrifies Terrifi Me It were not thinking hard about this. People have to gt thiso back and study the 1970s. Its a very the easy jump frm advocating for hamas to joining hamas and becoming a fifth column in this country that will endanger every american. So this is not only about gaza, its about brooklyn. T its about chicago, its about los angeles, its about denver its about your family. And we have to stop it n nowee. Stop it in gaza and make sure that these people, students and nonstudents, mostly non students, arent allowed to move from advocates of hamas to supporters and people or coconspirators with hamas because otherwise we will bese w the victim of hamas right here in the United States with this fifth column helping and supporting hamas bring about terrorism. This the goal is the destruction of america. Thats the ultimate goal. Listen i would argue, professor, i pray youre wrong but i know youre right and im 100 certain i agree. On on 911, you were with president bush oh one. You were with in that at that time. And now since then, with over 10 million unvetted joe biden, illegal immigrants. Okay. Tens of thousands coming from Chingal ImmitsTennds Comia Andu the number one State Sponsor of terror, their satellites, syria, egypt all of the muslimaf brotherhood, afghanistanghan, the home of al qaeda and isis. Okay. There here. Ari, what the professor jeff said is goin gg to happen. Its not its not if it is when ,this is going to happen and whats going on here, erin the sympathy that theyre garnering should put a chillceli down the spine of any Peacnge Bc Loving American Becausaue 911 2t is here in the country. I have every belief that im pra right. I pray to god im wrong. You are right, john. You know, theres a very te whats happening on these campuses with the faculty, with the administration, and withe the Biden Administration on the southern border, they Refusuth Borde to do whatd right and enforce their rules to keep people out rules who, dt belong here. Why . Theyuse they think that this liberal notions that they have that there is something wrong, somethingsomethin autocr, something thats just police state. If you actually live by rules, if you are a nation of laws and so in the case of columbia, this is not hard. What they should have donet i and what the University Of Texas did today, and i believe also the University Of Minnesota univers was as Sooe First Tent went up, they took it awaooy. As soon as the second time they took it away. They arrest people and they threaten to expel people. If you dont want to turn columbiasf yoo turn into occupy wall street, which lasted for months , then youve got to crack down. You dont negotiate. You sadont ney youre on privae property. What youre doing is against the rules. Rein. Orce youre gone. Thats how you stop this and nip it in th saye. Ot but otherwise, these protesters, these disruptershets who dont believe in private property, they think that land t is theirs. They think they can occupy it because they havhee occupied ite and every dayad the administration looks the other wa s awayy. Associates it reinforces it reinforces their view that the land is theirs. So, no, youve got to be strong and youve got to mov se in and do the right moral thing and enforce your rules. Same thing on the southern border. Theyve got to do something about coming in here because we don the t enforce the rules. Les. Same thing on these kids. Dont cancel. You dont cancel classes. You take students to their classes with armed guards. You do what they did in theh. South when they integrated the south. You cancel classes , dont they close you down, make the Students Com E and protect sho them. Thats what columbia should have done. Welluldone said professor. Well said. Cont all right. Thank you both. All right. Now, as we continuinuee, joining us now is israels former special envoy for combating antisemitism, noah tisch, pe