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And this is fox friends. Brian yes, all rise. Opening arguments again today in former president trumps Hush Money Trial and who we expect to see today on the stand. First witness. Will plus anarchy on columbia universitys campus pushes Classes Online today. [chanting free, free palestine] will massive protests break out as students plan a walkout this first day of passover. Lawrence wild video of Good Samaritan saving drivers trapped in a burning car on the highway. Ainsley scary. Remember, your mornings are better with friends. Lawrence buckle up. Fox news alert. Opening statements in former president trumps new york Hush Money Trial are set to begin in a few hours. Former publisher of the National Inquirer david pecker will reportedly be the first one to take the witness stand this morning or today, some time today. Will we have team conch, Matt Whitaker is standing by but we will begin with Eric Shawn Outside the new york state Supreme Court. Good morning, eric. Good morning, guys, well, today it kicks off. The people of the state of new york vs. Donald j. Trump. Prosecutors will finally completely reveal their hand and the defense will push back against that in trial that will start in about three and a half hours or so from now. Manhattan District Attorney alvin braggs team will begin their Opening Statements and arguments by laying out their evidence behind the allegations that the former president tried to interfere with the 2016 president ial election. Doing that by paying off Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair. 34 counts involve filing false business records. Those checks from trump, to his lawyer, Michael Cohen that the former president says were Legal Expenses but prosecutors say were actually his reimbursing cohen to pay for daniels silence so voters wouldnt find out about the sex scandal. Well, the former president has continually slammed this case saying the payments to cohen were legit. I called a i was paying a lawyer and marked it down as a legal expense, some accountant, didnt know, marked it down as a legal expense. Thats exactly what it was. And you get indicted over that . But prosecutor josh stein glass told prospective jurors quote this case is about the rule of law and whether or not donald trump broke it. Reports say that first witness, yes, will be david pecker, the former publisher of the National Inquirer he says he paid playboy playmate Karen Macdougall for her silence. Lawyers for trump say prosecutors have it wrong. We believe the facts are absolutely on our side that theyre absolutely exxonner racism of the president. And as long as the jury focuses on the facts and see through all the media conch and sensationalism and the facts at issue in this case we believe we have a winning case they file these type of cases all the time. Difference with this it involves the former president and what bragg says is election interference. The opening arguments in morning back to you in the studio. Brian all right, eric, thank you so much. Bring in former acting u. S. Attorney general Matt Whitaker. Matt, the president saying the payments were to Michael Cohen or does he say the payments were to Michael Cohen to keep this to keep Stormy Daniels quiet because it was embarrassing to him personally as opposed to its hurting his election chances . Yeah. Thats a really good point, brian. What i know is that first of all, you know, Michael Cohen made this transaction with Stormy Daniels and it was typical nondisclosure agreement. Its a little unclear from what we know right now, whether the president knew or didnt know. But i will tell you Michael Cohen has said publicly and has filed with, i think, the fec a statement that is going to be inconsistent with his upcoming testimony. So the question that Michael Cohen is going to have to face you are a convicted purger. Were you lying now or lying then. You had a judge who should have confused and massive conflict with his daughters outside work. I think this whole case, ultimately, is going to crumble because it doesnt work under the law and especially under the facts. Will you know, matt, i think over the next couple weeks we will fall down the are a bit hole details arguing about the facts of the case. Thats important. Thats what a trial is for. One of the things i find fascinating that both the prosecution and the defense said yeah, well take two lawyers on the jury. Thats highly abnormal for either side to be comfortable with the attorneys in the jury box. In the end is the trumps Team Number One okay we have argued over the fax. Now your job is to apply them to the law and you two lawyers, you know, they are not going to say that but imply it. You better take the lead here in this room and show everyone this does not apply to the law. Its a really good point. I tried many cases a as prosecutor and defense lawyer. And rule number one is you dont want to seat a lawyer on the jury. Ultimately they become a super juror and dominate because everyone looks to them for, you know, sort of decisions and help them think through the law and the facts. With two, thats an interesting dynamic. But, you know, especially in this case, i think because the law is such ridiculous of the federal Campaign Finance laws together with this new york misdemeanor enhancement, i think it is probably a decision both sides made but especially the Trump Campaign two lawyers probably helping us in a convoluted factual case. Matt, one thing that is curious about is on two fronts, that the Court Allowed Donald Trumps former attorney to testify. There used to be Legal Protections for that on the same ground the trump legal team, there has been the idea floated of having Michael Avenatti testify as well, who is Stormy Daniels attorney as well. Do you have any idea why the Court Allowed that . Well, you know, you have the same thing in the florida case. You have seen these lawyers who have breached their ethical duties, spoken out against their clients and not kept confidences. Really the most basic confidence to your point. I would say, you know, michael avenue neat, if he testifies, could you know, undermine the entire governments case how this deal was negotiated with Michael Cohen. Make a really good point. Ainsley its not illegal if you are an outlet like the National Inquirer and decide later on you are not going to air it or run. It is it illegal for him to say to Stormy Daniels, okay, i dont want this story coming out, im going to give you money. I never talk about it. Ill never talk about it. This is important thing. Nondisclosure agreements are entered into all the time. They are suggesting it was only done in an tis pace of the 2016 elections. And, obviously, saying the story wasnt true in the first place. To suggest because it was right before the 2016 election that somehow thats a violation of federal Campaign Finance law. The fec and Southern District of new york looked at the same fact pattern and decided it wasnt a violation of the law. This is where alvin bragg gets too far over his skis and legal theory where the jury will be confused and then decide this is not a violation of the law. Will Matt Whitaker thank you so much for being here this morning. Ainsley Supreme Court set to discuss if trump has the president ial immunity. He says if you are president then you are immune to a criminal trial because it would effect president s decisions. If you know when you leave office youre going to be in trouble for something that you did while you were president. Will ainsley, i really liked your message to matt. It is confusing for everyone. Its not against the law to pay someone for their silence. But the way and thats the allegation, by the way, the trump team denies that was what was taking place. Even if that were what happened. Its not against the law. The allegation of lawbreak something that you didnt keep records correctly. That you mismarked. Ainsley charges a legal fee. Will even at that, thats a misdemeanor that had expired on the statute of limitations. Then he turns it into an Election Fraud thing, which he doesnt have jurisdiction on. The fec as Matt Points Out has passed on it and uses that to make it a felony that is still active. Thats why i asked my question. Its super weird to have two lawyers sitting on a jury. You kind of look at it and go i think the gamble is those two lawyers will go you dont see what everyone watching what the four of us see. Thats not appropriate use of the law. Brian not if one of those lawyers wants to be a contributor on msnbc. Will right. Brian i see a lot of these lawyers on these other channels actually think this case is good and strong. Which makes me think really wonder. People bike gavin newsom that came out over the weekend and said i dont like the way these cases are playing out in this election. And im not liking what these next six weeks could wring. Listen to this. Just had to focus again on him. When focusing on him i do worry electorally he has a slight advantage. Im a little concerned about the overindulgence around the daytoday. I get it. I totally get it. The consequential nature of a criminal trial is profound and outsized in some respect but not more outsized than democracy. More outsized than dobbs and the consequences of him prevailing in this election in november, less is more as it relates to our obsession and focus on putting any more Bright Lights on someone who seeks them no matter how ill conceived or how ill will and ill fated his current standing might be. Lawrence stephen a. Smith makes a similar point. He says that theres the appearance that you cant beat donald trump fairly and that you are using the criminal Justice System to go after him. And voters dont like that. They want a oneonone fight. The courts used to be a referee, right, to look at things from a legal standpoint, and will makes the case that, look, this stuff happens all the time. You even have defendants that pay people off in a sense in criminal prosecutions. That say hey, well just settle this civilly. That way you wont go to the stand to testify against me. It should be illegal but it happens all the time why is that okay. Brian going to kill the president to be in court for six weeks. Not do anything for eight hours a day four days a week and thats definitely i know its still april. But i remember in april is when barack obama painted mitt romney as a selfish white guy who like to fire people. Cut up companies and fire people. I remember thinking to myself why is mitt romney not doing anything . Putting together his team for the general election. There is a danger in the president letting joe biden tee off on him while is he in court. I hope they have a Counter Campaign strategy and a counter legal strategy. Ainsley the irony here is they are accusing donald trump of election interference, paying these people off before the election, yet, they are keeping him in court. The judge and the prosecutor. Its already in. We already know. Some of them ran on getting donald trump. They are interfering with the election while joe biden is flying on air force one. Going out there campaigning. President trump is sitting in a courtroom. Brian good news for trump is is he a terrible campaigner. President biden goes for 12 minutes and runs out of gas. Almost a half of it the closed caption cant figure out what he is saying. Thats advantage. He doesnt have barack obama that he is running against. Ainsley talk about the protest. Today is the beginning of passover. Propalestinian Student Workers at columbia university. Brian unbelievable. Ainsley planning to walk out today. Will schools president planning to announce his deescalation plan saying in part to deescalate the rancor and give us the chance to consider next steps. Im announcing august classes will be held virtually on monday. Lawrence comes as the massive antiisraeli protest continue on Ivy League Campuses on fifth straight day. Brian i cant figure it out. Go home and fire up the zoom. As jewish students free press celebrate Passover Rabbi at The School Go Home saying quote columbia universitys Public Safety and nypd cannot qcan guaranteestudent safety. When the columbia president goes up to capitol hill to say listen, we had a problem, we no longer had have a problem. I hear you. Lesko go back. No, you have a problem. We are proud of being semitic. Were going to have a sitin with pup tents in the middle of the square. They gave them 24 hours. So the real up goes outside and arrest 100 people. Instead of Backwards Step and being embarrassed now doubling and tripling down. Nyu going uptown. A college there. Yale is having their protest. Berkeley, mit. Theyre our mirroring this behavior. Ainsley Michael Rapaport who is that actor, one time liberal actor. He host dollars the oscars. He has been in israel, if you follow them on social media or watch anything about him he is so proisrael. He knows so much about what is going on. Basically a hero when he walks the streets in israel. So he has been adamant about against these propalestinian protests. But he says go ahead. Keep doing it. Because its only helping donald trump. Listen to this donald trump gets voted and i aint a voting for him but when he does win and he is going to win, the Scream Thawing are doing at jews, about free palestine, screaming you are doing zionists is going to be nothing compared to the screaming you are going to be doing come november when [bleep] trump wins presidency because of you. Lawrence he is right. And a lot of my liberal friends that were once democrats a lot of them are changing their mind just based on this issue just protesting standing with the children in gavmentz meanwhile seen the prohamas votes seen al kassem. Yesterday in a video a terrorist organization. And a sign saying this is your next target, pointing to the jewish people on the campus. And finally, you have democrats that are late to the party. When you have students that are being blocked to go class, i mean, it just makes no sense. And why are we allowing these people that call themselves protesters, proterrorist organization wear masks on campus. The pandemic is over. They are covering their faces. Brian why arent they proud of what they are doing. Why dont they show their face . Its funny when people come up, have to put their palestinian shawl over their mouth. Ainsley heard about that protester at yale a journalist. Runs the yale free press. And she was in the middle of this protest and just trying to cover it. She said she was recording it. They saw she was recording it. They started yelling antisemitic chants at her. Surrounded her. She felt very nervous. They waived a palestinian flag in front of her. One person the whole face was covered she didnt know his identity. He rams the palestinian flag into her left eye. She chases after him you just harassed me and hurt me. They surround her. All of his Friends Surround Herr so he can get away. Brian one of the professors at columbia came out and said you have to open up the gates and nypd come in and disperse this crowd and arrest everyone that refuses a Professor Jewish keep them in jail. If the nypd cant do this. Then we needed national guard. I hate the capitulation. I hate the fact that they are telling students they want to graduate in three weeks, maybe or just finish out their semester go home. I dont like the rabbi said to these jewish students go home. They have paid 70,000 a year. Will he said go home he didnt think the exist was safe for them. Its not safe you are here. This isnt just being tolerated. This isnt just being allowed. This is being subsidized. I want you to remember campaign or rather College Debt Forgiveness program, like these kids are all being subsidized by joe bidens attempts to continuously forgive student debt programs. This is what the plumbers of america are not just being forced to tolerate but to pay for. You are paying for the student debt of these people you seen see on your screen. Lawrence number one duty of government. If government cant keep kids safe on college campuses. Then why are you there. I mean, its not like nypd and the mayor released a statement yesterday saying said be careful. Its not that our guys dont want to support the people on campus. But we have to be invited onto the campus. So the question is, why hasnt nypd been given an open invitation to go enforce the law . Brian thats what this professor is calling for. Ainsley or release the hostages. Lawrence that, too. Ainsley then it will be over. Release the hostages. Brian it wont be over until hamas is wiped out. They cant stay. Ainsley then do that, too. Investigators are looking for the suspect accused of shooting and killing an offduty Police Officer in chicago as he was coming home from work early yesterday morning. Officer Louise Helsinki can a was shot found shot inn on the street near his home. Taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead the officers car was stolen and investigating where a Car Jack Cooking have led to the shooting. Tomorrow would have been his 31st birthday. The lapd arresting a suspect on Burglary Charges after he was accused of breaking into Los Angeles Mayor karen bass house. Look at that house. Officers say bass and her family were home when the suspect broke into the house. Added bass and her family are okay. No word if the targeted or random. Actor Michael Douglas is defending President Biden over concerns about his age and mental fitness. The people that ive talked to, and everybody that i have say hes as sharp as a tack. Hes fine. We all have an issue with memories as we get older. We forget names, something. He has overcome a stutter in his life and sometimes he might. Ainsley is he acting . Douglas also says most of bidens cabinet would work with him again. Look at this, a group in minnesota saying a driver trapped inside that burns car last week, the state Highway Patrol says the car crashed into the light pole before bursting into flames. That group says they heard the driver scream for help. They rushed to save him. Eventually a Highway Worker was able to shatter a window so they could pull him tout safety. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured. They saved his life that is incredible. Good for them. Tyler reddick took home the victory in yesterdays geico 500 at taggiktalladega. There he goes to switch highs move. The block and around goes the 34 and reddick steals one. Ainsley that is reddickens first win of the season and 23 racing in attendance. As the team was celebrating the victory there they are. The Washington Nationals president s race turning into an allout moss cut brawl. Several washington, d. C. And virginia based Sports Team Mascots came sprinting out toward the president. Can you see the moss scotts jump into the fray, knocking down the racing president , according to the paye announcer, Mascot Screech invited his friends to ruin the race and screech ended up winning, the nationals hold the president s race at every home game. Brian is that okay . Will i think this is very wwe. Brian i worry. You get that big head on you cant get out of the way. Next thing you know. Ainsley you cant see. Brian can you get hurt in that outfit . Lawrence have you seen fox friends on the weekend doing fox friends competitions he takes no prisoners. Lawrence supposed to all be for fun. Brian that is violent. Will sill that George Washington in the hat . Brian great example for the kids. Lawrence body slam. Ainsley look at the bear, is he ready. Will picks up George Washington joke style and throws him down. Who scripted that . Ainsley i want to know the back story there. Was that planned . Brian can you get on that, lawrence . Lawrence i would love to be a part of it. Can you imagine me . Brian you would be the big bird meanwhile. Dont forget to dvr the show you will not believe this took place just now. We had great a block. Always great looking back again. Turf takeover a High School Soccer game canceled after migrants, Illegal Immigrants refused to leave the field. The parents say its not safe. Kids say were going to leave. Aint no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you, baby remember, the day i set yours, free zeroturn mowers and utility vehicles, including the 1 selling compact tractor in the usa. Plus, the years best deals, like 0 apr for 84 months, or up to 3,300 off select compact tractors. Orange goes all day; sales ending soon. Visit your local dealer today. Find your nearest dealer at kubotaorangedays. Com lowes knows every color is the right color if its from the brands you trust. Whether you need paint or stain get our best deals of the season, like buy two get one free. 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Even after police were called. The field sits near two major illegal migrant shelters multiple reports of violence. New York City League soccer coach said the same thing happened to him and his teach. Nyc cofounder George La Niecey joins us now. When you read this story. You related to it, right . Yes, actually our youth football program. We could relate. We showed up early to set up the field. When we got to the field there was a full soccer game going on. You knew these players didnt belong out there, right . It was a pickup game. Exactly it was makeup game. The cofounder president of the walked up to the guy running it and told him that we had the field. The field showed him our permit. And he refused to get off the field pursued in article. Me and the other coach started lining up the cones along the field and they walked off. Brian this case they waited there. They told the kids to get off. The nypd told them to get off. They still didnt get off. They said where is your permit. No one really travels to the field with with their permit. The Assistant Coach got it. Came back and had the refuses. They did it and after all this the parents said think about how hard it is to get a field to get 40 kids together to play a Bunch Of Soccer Games in one day and kids have to go home because of this problem with it a lot of people dont have the perspective what it is like in new york city. If you live in the suburbs. All over the place. Hard to get a field in new york city. There is a permit system. When you are going out there and all of a sudden your game gets canceled because people wont get off the field that dont have a permit its heart breaking because the kids in new york city just went through all of this last to bring back sports. Round 2. Other people other than kids are being put first. What about Randles Island . Hey, i have great place to put a migrant center. How about the turf fields on Randles Island. How much does that hurt . That really hurts because the jets use randles field over the summer. We are concerned about bringing our team over there our young men and young boys over there because its not safe. You dont have enough police over there to control 500, 600 people walk onto the field. The probable we are seeing right now they are implementing policies without considering the impact it has on the community and the kids in that community how hard to keep kids off the streets. Keep kids involved in sports. Hard enough to do it. Two parents working. One parent. You finally get them together and you find out you are going blocked by people that dont even belong here real will he hard. Disurejing to the kids. Sports is the outlet in new york city. Its not like out in the suburbs. Where you can go out and play. Its not that safe. Kids need outlet. Outlet is organized sports. Sports are great for learning team benefits. Helping kids get in school and focus on a career. Losing that dynamic of not putting kids first and anywhere needs first. We are focusing too much on Adult Decision and opportunities. Brian i hear you. George lanese, thanks so much. Thanks so much for having me. Brian you got it. Go over to carley. Carley more news to get to here. Starting with this. Potentially troubling numbers in nbc poll of 1,000 voters nationally it. Finds trump is still favored over biden by two points in a headtohead matchup. Trump also beating biden in the same poll on several ceaferghts. Including handling a crisis. Dealing with inflation and mental acuity. Meanwhile when r. F. K. Jr. Is added to the mix, it ends up hurting former president trump. Joe biden leads polling with 39 followed by trump. R. F. K. Jr. At 13 . Fans of foot lose celebrated the hit movies 40th Anniversary over the weekend. Kid in town and the music is on his side. Lets dance foot loose. Actor kevin bacon returning to the Utah High School where the movie was filmed. Students celebrating last prom at the school before its demolished and. He passed you out 5,000 resource kits to help those in need. Nonprofit while visiting. Those your headlines. Dance on out of here. Brian will break in at the home of karen bass. What is going on in our cities . Inspire . Inspire is a Sleep Apnea Treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. Where are you going . Im going to get inspire. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com. Ooo, that looks complicated. Thats why visionworks organizes our frames by shape and price so its simple to find a pair youll love. There are the shapes, thats the price. Now you get it. Visionworks. See the difference. If youve ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. But did you know propane also Powers School buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores . Or that propane can cut your energy costs at home . 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We see the stats and can share them with the audience right now what is happening in los angeles. Everything is up. Robberies it actually im curious what prompted your move out of los angeles. It was watching los angeles deteriorate over the past two decades. As soon as my son was added to the equation. It just there was no usable parks no schools that were safe. There was no reason to continue to try to work so hard to give my son a great life in california when any other state not named california can provide that. Will just to be clear. You felt that at the parks. You felt that on the streets . Without question. We couldnt use parks. We had a gigantic park two blocks from our house that we could never step foot in because it was taken over by homeless people. It was taken over by junkies. Taken over by drug dealers. Thats the vast majority of parks in the cities in california. Will what do we make of this story . It illustrates the problem. If even the mayors house isnt safe. This is the second breakin that she has had. If even the mayor isnt safe, what does that say about l. A. . If you had a fire captains house constantly catching fire or went to mechanic to take your car and oil slicks and smoking cars everywhere, you wouldnt go there. Now you have a mayor who is constantly telling you crime is down well this is the second time your house has been broken into. You tell us homelessness is getting taken care of. We see the numbers. Its thousands of people dying. A couple hundred people took up your offer for housing and everyone else is just out on the streets while millions and billions of dollars just evaporate. Will we said it in your introduction here. Great analogy to The Fire Captain. But, you know, The Fire Captain would have the fire i were Department Fairly quickly to a fire at his house as you would expect the mayor would have the lapd responding fairly quickly to a problem at her house. Now, take out The Fire Captain and the mayor. What if you are just an average citizen of los angeles . Oh, try calling 911 for anything less than literally having a Knife Sticking out of your chest. And lapd is never going to show up. Its not their fault. They are so overwhelmed with Violent Crime that if your house is broken into, if its a property crime. Good luck with them showing up. But, you know they were there in seconds with the mayor. In fact, i dont even know how she didnt have security that were were already paying for ae house before lapd even arrived. She has so much special treatment. Its laughable. Will all right. Well, hope you are enjoying i had do who he, kevin. Thank you for getting up early with us on fox friends. Thank you very much. S it what the best decision i ever made leaving the state. Will all right. Carley, over to you. Carley i thought he was going to say the best decision he ever made to be on fox friends. Will second. Carley right underneath leaving california. More news to get to here. Starting with this a National Health expert is in effect for ground beef. Some ground beef made by Greater Omaha may contain e. Coli. The department of Food Safety Inspection Service says the warning impacts products made on march 28th with a use by date of april 22nd. Good to know. A new study finds that writing down thoughts and shredding them could help with peoples anger management. The japanese study says crumbling up the paper or tearing it helps eliminate participants stress. Whaty your weirdest or venting techniques. Email us at friends foxnews. Com. I eagerly awaited those responses, will. Will email those. In what do you do to vent . I would like some tips and therapy. Carley deep down inside. Will thanks, carley. Ainsley you are welcome. Will make sure the grass is always greener on your side of the fence. Skip bedell on keeping your yard looking lush Time On My Hands could be time spent with you laughing like Children Brian couple of Sports Stories i know you want to learn about. How about this . Dodgers star Shohei Ohtani Making History with this home run. Smashes this ball. Forget about it. Doesnt even move. Its gone. L. A. Brian i dont like that it was against the mets that blast was ohtanis 776 most all Time Japanese Born Player beating matsuy. Lets talk womens hoops. The Caitlin Clark deal showcase coming to an end with nike signing the Indiana Fever rookie according to the wall street journal. Clark beat nike over adidas, under armor and puma. Expected to sign a deal. Average salary 3 percent. The deal includes a Signature Shoe for clark that will supplement the subparcelry that she has. That is it for sports. Know its time to check in with janice dean who has got something important to say about the weather which happens outside. There you go sports and weather together. Take look at it. Because we have had some wet days across the northeast for pittsburgh 13 dies of rain. Close to 8 inches. Buffalo, scranton, new york city. The bottom line is they say April Showers bring may flowers and more rain in the forecast over the next couple of days as this cold front moves in not only bringing rain but below average temperatures through wednesday and thursday for some of these areas. Theres your forecast today. The good news is we dont have any Severe Weather to talk about. We could see the potential for showers and thunderstorms for Eastern Florida across the four corners. As we go through wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday. Thats when we potentially could have our next Severe Weather outbreak, including tornadoes, thats something were going to watch over the next few days. And oh my gosh, i mean, its allergy season. Look at this map lit up here with extreme allergies for the central u. S. Towards the midatlantic and the northeast, my son matthew is completely miserable right now. So dont forget to take your allergy pills with you. Outside right now is ainsley and lawrence. Youre going to be talking about spring and hopefully you guys are not feeling the allergies right now. I wish we could say we arent. [laughter] all right. Thank you so much. Janice. This Spring Season is the time to transform your lawn and garden into a blooming paradise. Lawrence here with the best Landscaping Product is your outdoor space and home contractor skip bedell. Skip whats up, guys . Thank you for having me back as always. Happy spring. Its earth day so talking about saving water and saving time and saving money on your yard and having the bestlooking grass you can have. Ainsley how do you do that . What do you have here. Demonstration for awesome system eero green. System we have at homework with u. Multiple heads over your yard. Overlap each other. The problem with that we waste a lot of water. All those overlapping areas overwatering those. You know how you water the sidewalk and driveway, your patios. So you want to just put the water where it needs to be when you need it. So, heres the answer right here. This is the worlds first and only Digital Smart Sprinkler System. Instead of having mechanical heads like a lawn like this might take four or six sprinkle heads one in the middle. What this does with the Software Built into this, it will actually map out your whole lawn. So, it operates with this Controller Look at this yard. Can you see different gardens here. We have a patio. But watch what happens. Its going to dial back the water when it hits the patio. Now what that does is basically keeping the water off the areas that you dont want it to be on and on the areas that you do. So water bill goes down. Cut your water bill in half with irrow green. Because it operates with an app. , you can actually go on your phone and reconfigure and is it easy to install the. Super easy to install. Most people who get this system will install it themselves. Rather than having hundreds and hundreds of feet of pipe and sprinkler heads you have to call on the sprinkler company. Install just one and do the job of all those different heads. So, basically, you are getting a greener lawn with half the water. Lawrence is there a Square Footage limit since you are just using one. No. Depending upon your size. You might need two. You might need three. Instead of 10 or 12. Right . So you are using a lot less. Up to 50 water. 80 less pipes and trenching. When you put these systems in you have to dig a trench. Now not digging 10 trench only digging one. Ainsley watering the rock. Dont you worry kid running to catch the bus all right, i cant go yet. Now make a run for it. You dont have to worry about it here. Walkways and driveways always wet. Goes along a straight area like that that Disk Sprinkler North to get the grass it goes over the driveway this will pull it back. Tell us about cost is it pretty affordable . Recommendation very affordable to put these. In only Sprinkler System available on the market that will give you a return on your investment. It takes only a few years. It will pay for yourself because you are cutting the water bill in half. Nothing else like this like irare a green. Ainsley there is discount. Because earth day springtime great day to get this. For the fox viewers. Go on to euro green they will get 600 descrownt on this set up right now. Great savings. Great ray to keep your lawn looking green and do it easy. Ainsley what if there is a brown spot . Not getting water where it needs to be. Close to the Sprinkler Head Brown spot spraying out over that bit of grass. Another thing cool about the irgreen the they minute minimum real rain. If you look at traditional Sprinkler System it looks like a mist. These are bigger heavier drops go down deep and covers the whole lawn. Greener grass with half the money half the water, half the money its unbelievable. Ainsley easy to install better grass. Lawrence better technology. All about the technology. It saves us time and money. This is a genius system. I actually wish i thought about it of the the folks at irry green they started out in the Printer Business and basically printing your lawn with water. Lawrence thank you skip with fox friends all morning long. Thanks, guys. Try killing bugs the worryfree way. Not the other way. Zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. They work continuously, so you dont have to. Zevo. Peoplefriendly. Bugdeadly. Innovation in Health Care Means nothing if no one can afford it. At evernorth, were helping to unlock barriers. Using our 35 plus years of pharmacy benefits Management Experience to save businesses billions while boosting medication adherence. Helping Plan Sponsors and their members be at their best. Thats wonder made possible. Evernorth health services. [coughing] copd isnt pretty. Im out of breath, and often out of the picture. But this is my story. and with oncedaily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. Because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flareups. Trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. Trelegy wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. What a Wonderful World [laughing] ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. Brian all right. Its 7 00 a. M. On the east coast. I just checked my

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