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Mark Hello America i am mark levin and this is life, Liberty Levin sunday. Two great guests we have brett former u. S. Attorney from utah, former federal prosecutor also rich former senior official National Security council under President Trump. The foundation for defense and democracy Senior Advisor. You know, ladies and gentlemen, im here to make the case joe biden has been awful for america. Since the day he stepped into the u. S. Senate and sided with the racist and racists and segrs oppose integrating our Public Schools he was a leader in that movement. He has been awful for america took the Senate Judiciary committee and turned inside out. Using it to character assassinate some of the greatest legal minds in American History to prevent them from going on circuit and the Supreme Court. 1994 he offered a bill the purpose of which was to round up as many people as possible for violating crack laws. Kit treatment between blacks and whites he was all in and all for it. This is a very nasty dangerous man in so many respects. Today he has our Borders Wide Open so anyone can walk in and they are walking in. You see what it is so with our country the death of tens of thousands of people with the communist chinese providing the material for fentanyl to the drug cartels that are making and raking in billions and billions he is the greatest slaver in American History whether during or before the civil war he is it its funny how we do not hear much about that from msnbc and cnn and the usual or reprobates. What he has done to our Economic System with the rampant inflation and he still wants to deficit spend even more future generations, how they are going to shoulder all of this i do not have the Foggiest Idea Bear Interest on the debt is bigger than our defensive budget hes frozen in place where our enemies are getting stronger and stronger and stronger. He turned our judicial system our Justice System into a joke. Into a stalinist style political Operation Re Reese trying to imprison the former president of the United States are Donald Trumps Free Speech Rights under the First Amendment equal protection rights under the fifth and 14th Amendment Due Process Rights of the fifth and 14th Amendments. Impartial jury under the Sixth Amendment and competent counsel on the Sixth Amendment. Four separate jurisdictions simultaneously and comply with the bill of rights to the United States it is not possible. It is simply not possible. And joe biden is behind all of it. I have explained it before. This is the diabolical person who occupies the white house. Who does not know ingress or egress does not know his wife from his sister peter does not knowit from hamas who does not know the president of egypt from the president of mexico. This is who the Democrat Party y is serving up a second time there fantastic nominee for president. This is who the ruling class, the media and the rest in washington d. C. And the Power Centers in new york and l. A. Are trying to impose on us. This is the man no matter how endangers the American People. How impoverished the American People, no matter how he endangers our allies and international arsonist turning peace into war in the middle east. It does not matter because it is all about power. I want to remind you of this mans record in another regard. We sit back and watch the iron dome in israel. I got to experience it personally as it members of my family as i was there last saturday. When the regime in iran brought to us by jimmy carter, another democrat shot 300 missiles at israel. So much praise for biden. So much praise for that system the strategic Defense System. It was magnificent. Look how fantastic it was. No thanks to joe biden. Note thanks to joe biden. No thanks to the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party opposed Ronald Reagan when he introduced the Strategic Defense Initiative almost 41 years to the day. March 1983 general graham that man who was behind promoting it in the first place. They opposed it. They tried to defund it. On one occasion to shut down the government in order to get it funded to some extent. Theres a piece written by Martin Anderson a close advisor for many, many years to Ronald Reagan. On june 9 , 86 the Christian Science monitor said president raggett announced sdi in 1983 Strategic Defense Initiative there is been strong and powerful opposition to the idea. Most of from the left side of the political spectrum. One aspect of this is that the scientists raise technical objections the Nuclear Weapons expert to detect flaws in the Military Strategy are the best of my knowledge virtually all democrats. When you can safely predict scientists Nuclear Weapons expert as opposed to our Missile Defense efforts, more than likely turn out to be a registered democrat. You can be pretty sure you are dealing with a political issue not a scientific one or military one. In fact much of the democrats recent opposition , 86 to the notion of Missile Defense can be explained as a Reflex Action to overwhelmingly political problem that they have. To prime policy issues have dominated the political debate in the nine states for the last 40 years again that would be the last 80 now. Defedefense of policy and econoc policy. Either of our Political Parties get crosswise with the American Voter on one of these issues, it is in severe political trouble. If it gets on the wrong side of both issues for long enough it can destroy itself. Democrats are on the wrong side of Economic Policy. Went raggett announced comprehensive Economic Program in the 1980 campaign they quickly denounced it. That includes biden. For the last five years they have been searching desperately for an alternative. Not yet found one. The reason they have not found what is nonexistent. Democrats made a fundamental political era by like mr. Reagan to stake his claim for the only viable solution to face us. They will use as a term to attack reagans policies. President bragg and propose a Missile Defense system for his country, this country 1983 he placed the democrats and a possible political situation. The Strategic Defense Initiative the defensive missiles was a radical fundamental change or Nuclear Defense strategy. A proposal to move from a policy mutually assured destruction which relies on the threat of the Revenge Killing of minna sent tons of innocent as a deterrent it always bothered raggett to a Missile Defense shield which relies on killing and coming Nuclear Weapons before they can kill anyone. Morally the policy of a Missile Defense shield is vastly superior to mutually assured destruction Swift Advances in rocket and Laser Beam Technology since we have been in our first efforts Missile Defense in the mid 70s have tremendously increased the practicality of Missile Defense. He goes on the democrat dilemma is now the democrats to succeed politically u. S. Missile Defense System must fail. For if we do begin to deploy ineffective Missile Shield the democrats would have only two choices per they could either admit they were wrong but elated lee embraced the idea where they could persist in their opposition which would become more irrelevant with each passing day. Either course is damaging particularly when taken together with their Economic Policy blunder in 1980. To a significant extent the political fortunes of the democrat in the years ahead will rise and fall on the failure or success of our attempts at Missile Defense. Where is he talking about . Power and politics first for biden and the democrats all the time theres a piece written a few years ago the Dallas Morning News by a member of the Hudson Institute i believe. 2021. Leading up to the 1986 summit president Ronald Reagan faced a strong pressure for Many Democrats in congress to put a Strategic Defense Initiative on the Bargaining Table with the soviets. They wanted him to bargain it away because they did not have anything close to the technical capabilities to build a strategic defense. This is one of the reasons we won the cold war raggett insisted on and he knew it would bankrupt them. Among the most vocal critics of the doctrine and a strong voice for putting it on the Bargaining Table was then senator joe biden who said the president s continued adherence to sti, such as one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft. Joe biden. An imbecile long before his official status today. Reagan stood fast in the face of that pressure refused to back office Missile Defense initiative. Democrats continued relentlessly to try to sabotage it. Cq almanac 1985. Arms control advocates failed in repeated efforts in 1985 to impose substantial restraints on reagans antimissile Research Program the Strategic Defense Initiative which critics call star wars. Anti Missile Defenses including razor armed space satellites. They were trying different techniques. And they finally found one. That they relied on. The Arms Controllers were again set the piece were against it. The Democrat Party it was uniformly against it. Joe biden was one of the leading opponents. That was 198384, 85, 86 reagan had to keep fighting for funding they tried to block even the efforts to test different systems in 19861 of the Reagan Administration do . They made a deal with the state of israel because they knew israel would want a system. We use or technological knowhow to help advance the system that would in fact try the system out on multiple fronts. And since 1986 the nicest in israel have built what is today the effective Missile Defense system in different levels. The Missile Defense system would not even exist but Fort Reagan N and the state of israel. A super advanced system. Involving lasers signed a secret you can read about it Laser Systems that would shoot missiles, jets out of the sky. With pinpoint accuracy. They are advancing in this research. All of this was a possible because 1983 in 1986. Can you imagine if joe biden had won the day . Could you imagine . This man is wrong in every respect and now he is a literally funding the regime to the tune of over 1 billion funding them telling israel take their foot off the gas pedal. They hit the brakes do not defeat hamas do not defeat hezbollah dont you dare respond to iran and elway that might expand the conflicts. Joe biden has blood on his hands. He and blinken these Crackpot Ideologues that are Iranian Special polluters who believe they can reengineer the middle east by Weakening Israel and empowering iran. They have no plan for stopping around from getting a nuclear weapon. None. And they are funding it as a matter of fact. Biden has blood on his hands in the middle east he has blood on his hands on the southern border. If he has his weight the iranians will get a nuke and then what are we going to do . I will be right back. They need their lawn back fast and you need Scotts Turf Builder Rapid Grass. It grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. Giving you a stronger lawn. Smell that freedom, eh . Get Scotts Turf Builder Rapid Grass today, its guaranteed. Feed your lawn. Feed it. When enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. But you can repair it with Pronamel Repair. It penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. I recommend Pronamel Repair. With new Pronamel Repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. They work great together. Sup . Who are you . Im your inner child. Get in. Listen, what you really need in life is some freakin torque. What . Horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. What happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance . How about you love and accept this . Pppppowershot when can i drive . You already are the dodge hornet r t. The totally torquedout crossover. Welcome back america. United states attorney, brett tolman im going to ask what i asked a seasoned litigator on this program. As a seasoned prosecutor and now Defense Counsel argue aware of any case that you can think of in your decades of practice were an individual was facing for criminal indictments and for separate jurisdictions on scores of separate statues simultaneously . Can you think of one person . Absently not. Even some of our worst criminals. And i had one of those cases the kidnapper of elizabeth smart. Multiple crimes in multiple jurisdictions pretty take it one at a time. We got a conviction. We put him away for the rest of his life. That was the end of it is preservation of resources that was efficiency. Nothing like we are seeing now this is a concerted effort thats not based in the rule of law. Its based in politics and is using a power that is unbridled with no transparency using that power to target a person they are more afraid of then we are concerned about any criminal activity. Khakis are all democrat prosecutors two of them are elected local das. And of course we have the Rogue Federal Prosecutor who was unconstitutionally appointed by that u. S. Attorney general of the United States who was appointed by joe biden. So lets go through some of this. We have this prosecutor in manhattan who is funded and part by soros who campaigned on getting donald trump. Dont we have basic rules of conduct and professional conduct, basic rules of ethics the American People should know . There prosecutor has limitations when it comes to targeting people campaigning against people for the purpose of upholding the Public Interest on the public trust, do they not . They do, mark, one thing ive been beating the drum for many years now is we have given power to prosecutors without an accompanying ability to hold them accountable when they abuse that power. The Ethics Violations are neutered by the position that he is in and the ability he has to control the narrative. We have expanded immunity so now we cannot hold them personally responsible when they do use their office as a weapon against someone that might not like or they have a vendetta against it. So until we start changes met Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court has agreed with us and said immunity needs to be narrowed. And it needs to be reined and so we can start to hold these individuals accountable who are willing to abuse their power. Mark the state gives itself Immunity Prett predicates its on prosecutors immunity, Expanse Oe Immunity At The Constitution has built the bill of rights to protect the individual certain key parts in the bill of rights are intended to protect the individual under circumstances like this. Plus take a look at this free speech in the First Amendment a gag order. This a gag order is sort of my belly with now. This is a clear violation. You have witnesses they can say whatever they want. They go on cnn. Michael cohen is an example part of this gag order President Trump is not free to respond to this. What you make on this gag order . Or some glad you hit on this. In my experience we are now pushing almost 30 years in the criminal Justice System, the only instances in which a gag order has been issued i spent what it is intended to protect the defendant in the case. And that is when you use the gag order. And that it applies to the government. It applies to witnesses it is a universal application. I have never seen anything like this where the defendant is actually given the gag order, cannot say anything about the case but others are free to say things. It is frustrating to those of us who watch this. This is not a common prosecution. Its not the use of facts, the adherence to law. This is not a judge of that is willing to set politics aside. As soon as that ruling came out i shook my head and thought to myself, this is the pitted me of using your position and your power to take down some and you dont like. Mark we will be right back. Hi, im david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. I noticed within a week that the Release Supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings. I didnt feel the need to go to the store for candy, or go through the drivethru after work. I feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that. 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Were small enough to listen, together big enough to deliver. Welcome to Fox News Live i am jon scott in new york. Opening stat statement set to bn tomorrow or hurt President Trumps historic Hush Money Trial Testimony from the first witness might also be given. Mr. Trump is accused of falsifying Business Records to hide an alleged affair with an adult film star. Will her argus and prosecutors with the former president repeatedly violated a gag order and prosecutors allege he did so with the social media posts. U. S. Service members in the middle east are on alert after lees five rockets were launched from my rock into Northern Syria near a u. S. Military base. No injuries or damage reported it is still unclear whether the base was the target it was the first report of an attack near or on u. S. Forces in the region since early february. I am jon scott now back to life, Liberty Levin welcome back america. We are here with brett tolman. Lets go through other aspects of the bill of rights. Lets talk about the Due Process Clause in the Fifth Amendment and 14th Amendment applies to new york. It applies to manhattan. Due process doubt lets see they dumped 30,000 pages of documents on the defendant three weeks before the trial but they, being the federal government. The judge is insisting on beating a quick timetable to pursue this case for no reason whatsoever. The judge decides the point of trial days on fridays rather than taking off fridays like many courts do. In my view to exclude the most conservative people in manhattan and the city of new york that be Orthodox Jews who tend to support donald trump. The judge decides he should not recuse himself despite the fact he made a de minimis donation as the ethics advice was does not matter it matters what is in your head why do you give 5 or 5000. His daughter is an Activist Raising Money on the trial for adam schiff and Chuck Schumer packed. Let me ask you this with all this swirling around what it have been the best idea for a judge to say im going to step aside another judge can handle this. And yet he doesnt and he comes under no criticism. What do you make of that when it comes to due process . Is a lot to impact there. I will tell you this. Im well aware of many judges and i would say the majority of judges that were in the same position, would have recuse themselves. They would have recuse themselves because there is an interest in fairness and the application of due process is very important. We have 200 plus years of history that is presumed an individual innocent. It does not always feel that way certainly for the accused. One way it does usually manifest itself is the judges will bend over backwards to accommodate a defendant. Weather is to allow in more evidence than the prosecution might like or give it leeway in terms of their theory of the defense. There is always a willingness by the judges to bend over backwards for the defendant. You talk about a speedy trial do you know who actually owns that right . It is the defendant. Its the only one that can say i need more time. The government cant. The government cant say it needs more time but the defendant can we have donald trump indicating needs more time to review documents. More time to prepare its defense and the judge theres not a case out there in the history of this country under these circumstances where the average White Collar Crime is over three years long from indictment to trial. Theres not a judge out there that would not grant the defendant additional time to make sure that case has the appearance of fairness. That is the same from when you talk about the recusal issue for this judge should have recuse himself. It was obvious and its obvious to Me And My Friends that are democrat or republican that should have happened given all that swirling around this judge. You touched on it but i want to focus on it like a laser. The Sixth Amendment the Impartial Jury and a right to accompany counsel. Tell me, how do you have competent counsel when you have counsel work and for cases at once . Relief five when you take the civil case. When you need the attention of your client to participate in his own defense hes bouncing around from courtroom to courtroom, appellate court, Supreme Court, trial courts. Four different states. Impartial jury, is that the reason these cases were brought in his heavily democratic areas . Is to prevent an Impartial Jury . They can go through that all they want. Its very difficult to get it Impartial Jury in the city thats 90 prov pro joe biden it an impartial biden jury its an Impartial Jury. Yet again this judge has the power to move the case to westchester which is more mixed even though it leans democratic these days or somewhere else just to say i do not want any criticism. Im going to move this case to a county outside of new york going to step down find it daughter who is not raising funds off the case provided by the judges never made a political contribution which is what they are supposed to do, make no contribution. Lets handle it that way. The Sixth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, the First Amendment are all under attack. What do you think . Two things mark. There is a presumption in the Department Of Justice policy. A presumption to allow the states to pursue any criminal matter before they pursue the federal matter. 99 of all cases out there the Department Of Justice would say we are going to wait until the states of georgia on its case, the alvin bragg case in new york until they have gone through indictment to trial and finalize. Then the Department Of Justice would step in pr process accordg to policy. Why were they ruling to violate the internal policies . They are willing to do it because it is not an effort about finding out the facts and applying the law. This is an effort to keep down a candidate that they do not want to come back into power. So i am watching and seeing this and im saying to myself they are violating all of our historical precedent in the criminal Justice System that this country is seen today. Mark alto is a former Chief Of Staff he would have intervened in manhattan and said wait a minute, its a federal matter. I dont know what this local d. A. Is doing in a federal manner hes interviewing the federal election. You dismiss this case on behalf of the United States Department Of Justice and the United States government. He would intervene the same reason in atlanta and set i dont know what she is doing with ricoh and all the rest of it. This is eight federal matter is not a state manner. She has no right to get involved with a civil rico case and a federal election. That is what it is about. Instead there was to clear the field so biden does not have a republican nominee and donald trump to run against. Brett tolman going to think of your past service as u. S. Attorney. On the thank you now as well. Ggod bless you my friend. Hello,. Its doug. Of doug and limu. We help people customize and Save Hundreds on Car Insurance with liberty mutual. Anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. Uhhuh. Uhhuh. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. Only pay for what you need. Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Ghostbusters frozen empire. In theaters now. At oofos, we dont make footwear. We make shock absorbers. Fatigue fighters. Mobility maximizers. This is the science of active recovery. Revolutionary Oofoam Technology absorbs impact and reduces pressure. Its the foundation of every pair of oofos, and the key to recovering faster. This is not a shoe. This is oofos active recovery. Activate your recovery with oofos. Oooh i cant wait for this Family Getaway shingles doesnt care. 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Mark welcome back america. We are with rafah or official National Security council under President Trump. Hes now a Senior Advisor with the feds and democracy. Rich goldberg it is my intention that not only our biden and blanket mostly unconcerned about iran acquiring a Nuclear Missile and they are on the precipice but that they are fun to get 100 billion directly and indirectly provided by the United States administration the biden regime. This is a traitorous as far as im concerned. Iran is going to have Nuclear Weapons . They will be able to blackmail any country they want to pray theyll be able to cut off the oil passing through the middle east. North korea, and china. My children and grandchildren everyone else in this country will suffer as a result of this. Why isnt this a top issue . Why is joe biden, why is Antony Blinken finding the irradiance . Turning the other cheek when iran is close to having Nuclear Weapons and telling israel dont go on offense, whatever you do youll expand the war in the middle east. Where am i wrong and was going on . Looks iran is a topic to the United States. Not just to israel. People forget about that. This is a State Sponsor of terrorism the Worlds Largest State Sponsor of terrorism thats a already responsible for killing hundreds of americans. With a chant death to america, death to israel and not the other way around. The missiles you saw a week ago ratings out on israel 120 Ballistic Missiles plus the crews missiles on the drones remember they are building a longer range missiles Intercontinental Ballistic Missile suit partner with their Nuclear Weapons program to threaten the United States for that is our ultimate goal here. The question is how did we get here . What is going on right now . Since joe biden left office are run his race and forward it is Nuclear Program for it all the acceleration of irans Nuclear Program did not come under donald trump on the maximum pressure campaign. It has come under joe biden in the deference campaign to iran. A waiver just renewed last month. For five hostages before that. The oil flowing to China Limited oil their runnings went to send to China The List goes on. Note working with the european allies to snap back the un sanctions. By the way the United Kingdom says this week they will not input the Revolutionary Guard Corps on their terror list. Biden says okay with me. What are we really doing here . The iranians are at the 1 yard line of the Nuclear Weapons capability. They just demonstrate the capability what are 20 Ballistic Missiles fired at israel. Our response is to keep the money flowing . Mark you are the expert on this. Wasnt there an occasion to reinstate sanctions or somehow prevent iran from continuing building its intercontinental Ballistic System . But the United States refused to enforce that. Refuse to target that. Arent we doing things like that along the way . Whether its the Steel Industry and so forth and so on. It is not appeasement it is intentional. And blinken it brings in a maui who was a Special Pleader he is eight marxist he is a Special Pleader for iran. It is as if they are doing Everything Possible to ensure our rawness getting a nuclear weapon. They only know one way of dealing with threats. Thats accommodation and appeasement. They do not how to actually deter our enemies. Weve seen that for more than three years and not just in the middle east. If multiple wars raging in The World Today with more complex breaking out other areas. We need to return to a peace through strength and mentality. It starts with the economic and political but also extends to Military Deterrence as well. Shut down all of the monies protect what the Missile Embargo the drone embargoed that existed at the un Security Council it expired in october or 10 days after the october 7 a massacre. It wouldve taken a letter to the Security Council to say we want this embargo to continue. Its owed to a iranians under the nuclear deal the Biden Administration still holds out hope of negotiating another nuclear deal so that that it expired 10 days after october 7 and now we see the result of an unprecedented Missile Attack on israel just last week. You always see their actions leading to terrible consequences. Appeasement invites terrible escalation. Weakness invites conflict. It is strength you have to project if you want stability and peace. They have sabotaged had they not building the relationship between saudi arabia and israel which was about to take place under the Trump Administration and the Abraham Accords were peace was breaking out everywhere. The arab countries the moderate arab countries do not have the capacity to take on iran. They need support with a new ally and that was israel. Backed up by the United States. This was the defense and Diplomatic Mission they were on. More countries were preparing to join and now divide and blinken step in and sabotage it. They sit saudi arabia you should agree to have diplomatic relations with israel. Only if israel is willing to accept a two state solution. Theyre actually sabotaging that to pick. Look at the Bigger Picture here youre right on that one absolutely. Political warfare against allies and partners and appeasement of enemies. Use our Political Warfare in saudi arabia. For u. S. Sabotaged the ability to the Abraham Accords to put into a truce with a runny push them into the arms of the chinese which is a terrible outcome for the United States. And then he wondered when war breaks out in ukraine why you cannot call the king in saudi arabia say can you help us out in the Energy Market . Now we see them leading into Political Warfare against israel for their objective is Regime Change in israel not and iran. While they continued to pump money into the iranians. What you think is going to happen to give regular Political Warfare against your allies and appease your enemies are going to see 120 Ballistic Missiles launched against israel the way we just did. Mark my objective is Regime Change in the United States of america and i hope we are able to do that. We will be right back. Im goin. What the heck. What you got larry . May the best bird win. Brick. You may be a legend on the court but youre an amateur up here. Heads up lar. So get allstate. Save money and be protected from mayhem. Like me. Now youre the bird stuck in the attic. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd, things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare ups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Dont take breztri more than prescribed. Breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Ask your doctor about breztri. Mark welcome back america. With the nation to understand what us on the line here for this is not some regional dispute. This is an international dispute that will affect the United States of america with these Sonic Hypersonic at some point missiles. There is nothing to stop a red aroundone different gettings Hypersonic Technology from one of the terrorist state. Or a marxist or fascist states. Once iran gets a nuclear weapon, saudi arabia stuck in a sit on their hands fo. Nobis went to sit on their hands will have a complete disaster in the middle east. This is what is up for election till weve gone from a trump policy that brought peace, iran was availing it was collapsing the plo was in a box. Hamas was in a box. Sharren haskel what you think youve israel to the complete opposite and the likelihood that up biden remains an office theyre going to have nukes if not before. Isnt this on the ballot too . And let me ask you this why arent the republicans pushing back harder on capitol hill . The last question is something really important. We had bills sitting in the senate for a while now passed by the House Of Representatives late last year to try to shut down the Appeasement Campaign towards iran. I hope Senate Republicans would do a better job of trying to push those bills through. But guess what, Speaker Of The House is gotten pretty creative. He has tied many of those sanctions bills to the supplemental that is moving right now. If that goes to the president s desk the president will be forced to threaten chinese ports with sanctions. And potentially even sanction on the Supreme Leader himself. Some think the Supreme Leader would not like to see happen pretty would ask the president to withdraw president bidens trump Executive Order of sanctions on the Supreme Leader they are still negotiating the Iran Nuclear Deal in the last couple of years. So yes we need to be pushing hard to force the president s hand. The president has been violating u. S. Law for three years in different ways. On the Iran Sanctions Affront he has been ignoring the law. Obviously if china is importing oil thats sanctionable it should be going after chinese firms. White congress has to pass additional legislation to force the president to obey the law is mindboggling. But that is where we are today. If we do not get serious on this threat combining economic pressure, political isolation, and eight Military Deterrent you are going to see the regent go from on fire 25 alarm fire because iran is presently waging a seven front war against israel. Its eyes are pointed toward the United States more than a state of israel. If you liked what you saw on Saturday Night with the 120 Ballistic Missiles rating down on israel get ready for when those missiles are inter tipped their inter cannot facing the United States of america. This is the moment to take on this threat. Before it missed has to sizes theyre more importantly there in bed with the chinese and the north koreans and the venezuelans this is a direct threat to the United States. Their agents, proxies operated in south america and Central America they partner with the Mexican Drug Cartel and by the way because joe biden has left our southern border wide open they can come in and out of our country to sabotage us to plan attacks against us will billing their weapons of mass destruction. Mark and when to add to all that the following. People saw the Missile Defense systems and israel. They cannot be perfect. The way to d you destroy the mie attack on to make another point about it. We talk about how fantastic it is we do not have a Missile Defense system protecting every corner of the United States. Israel does. We do not have a Missile Defense system covering the continental United States to protect us from Nuclear Weapons from iran or anybody else. Why isnt that being discussed . That is such an important point is lost on many today democrats have opposed Missile Defense for decades going back obviously to the reagan years but extending into east recent years as well all the controversy should be put to rest any democratic so it democd on Saturday Night should understand the United States needs to invest in our own continental ballistic Missile Defense as well. Not just on the west coast but we need to increase interceptors we have we have them in california and alaska. Note defense weve been pushing for this for years the iranians are showing their willingness to use Ballistic Missiles theyre using longerrange missiles how much longer are we going to leave our e east coast vulnerab . We need to fund this now pick they want americans to understand hundreds of millions of us have no protection whatsoever we rely on joe biden and Antony Blinken, that is frightening. Okay rich, i want to thank you for what you did before the Trump Administration and thank you for all youre doing today pray god bless you my friend. Uyou too, mark, thank you. Mark we will be right back. Were here with Chris Counahan of our local leaffilter. So chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. With leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. And we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. Its a permanent solution. Youll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. Thats amazing, chris. Tell me about the process. Simple and easy. Just give us a call, set up an appointment. Well come out and give you a free gutter inspection. If theyre sagging, well repair them. If theyre broken, well replace them. If theyre in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. Wow. And i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee . We do. Its actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. You know, thats Peace Of Mind and then some. So, how do people sign up . To schedule your free inspection. Call 833leaffilter today our agents are standing by. Or visit leaffilter. Com. Welcome back america, we can rely on this program as we did last night we go deep, very substantive so theres a lot of information flowing other braided is important. And on the sum of tonights program this week of our seven Borders Wide Open by design. A design, at all had become so that skies aerobic of a Nuclear Attack, by design. The very man who oppose the strategic Offense Initiative from day one, try to cripple it is have targeted altering the reagan years president of the United States and he points to it, it is real. Claiming victory take a victory lap. America is wide open to Nuclear Attack of them just be very clear, i shall be the only voice speaking about this. Youre going to wake up one day, roslyn else that it has and if you think about and missiles to deliver it had that what. And then what. I will see you next time, life, liberty in my

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