Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ ♪ i can see clearly now, the rain is gone ♪ ♪ i can see all obstacles -- joey: good morning and welcome to the second hour this morning of "fox & friends" weekend,ing the 7 a.m. hour. and what you see there is a bunny within a bunny. that is -- no matter what's going on, you've got to be happy inside yourself as brian would say, probably -- rachel: stay within yourself. joey: and you might as well jump around like an easter oneny. we can't confirm whether that's the easter bunny from the white house that tells the president what to do -- pete: we're going the can ask. if you would ask the white house today whether easter's a christian holiday, they probably couldn't confirm it for you. rachel: oh, no -- pete: based on recent events. rachel: it's trans-visibility day. pete: it was proclaimed by white house. we're waiting on the proclamation if for easter because he is risen. it is east ooher sunday. we're really glad that you're here with us. yes, we have the easter bunny, but we remember the reason why we're here. jesus rose from the dead 2,000 years ark changed the whole world. joey: it's an entire day of celebration, of proclaiming redemption and resurrection. we talked about it earlier this morning, and if you're going to stay with us all day long today which i think you should after you go to service, check out "the big weekend show," because i'm going to be on tonight with david webb, lisa boothe, alicia acuna, and their letting me -- they're letting me on there too. we're talking about all these thing, recap the day. happy easter. rachel: well, it's a very difficult weekend for some, for many, really for all of us who are mourn being along with the widow and the family of scwn than diller and and his -- jonathan diller and his widow, stephanie diller, gave just some heartbreaking remarks yesterday in massapequa, new york. let's listen to a little bit and come back on the other side is. in it's been two years and two months since detective rivera and and detective mora made the ultimate sacrifice. dominique rivera stood in front of the elected officials present today pleading for change. that change never came, and new my son will grow can up without his father, i will grow old without my husband, and his parents had to say good-bye to their child. how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start the protecting them? i don't wish this kind of pain on anyone. jonathan lived his life doing good for people, and it's now time for people to do good for all the officers he represents. i am so amazingly grateful for every single moment we had with you. rest in peace, jonathan, the man who captured my heart and now all of new york's. joey: all of the country's. pete: yeah, it was beautiful, it was motional, it was personal. if you listened to the entire speech, she talked a lot about their life together, their simple life, his commitment to law enforcement, how much i loved the cob. and then if you were watching the channel yesterday, you saw these images. just tens of thousands of uniformed police officers, family members there to honor one because that's -- they know that could be them. and, ultimately, a career criminal, 21 times arrested, a felon, allowed to be released again and again and again most recently without bail under policies that they have to fight against, and a beautiful young lady like stephanie takeses to the podium, doesn't get political, just simply says this has to change. this is a reality that too many police officers face. she spoke for a lot of people yesterday. rachel: she sure did s. and you wonder, will this be -- you see the crowd there. it's not just police officer ifses, there's also citizens of the area that came out to show their support, to show their love. but will this cause the politicians to change? will that happen? what poll decision -- one politician that showed up was cath third hochul, and there was some -- kathy hochul, and there was some controversy. we had brian kilmeade on yesterday, there's a lot of conversation -- pete: she showed up to the wake. rachel: not the funeral. but when she went to the wake, you know, was she told to leave? if she claims that she was invited, others say she wasn't. here's what she said, governor kathy hochul, about it. people -- can this is her response to the fact that she, people asked her about being asked to leave. she said, well, people will do what they're going to do for their own reasons, and i will remain convinced that it was the right thing to do, going to the wake. i would do it again, and that's my job. my job is to be there when people need me, if they need to talk to me, and they all needed to talk to me. my job is to listen. we were told the family is welcoming, we all a check. and they said to come and i went and no one told me to leave. seems to contradict what brian said is. pete: yeah. i mean, i tend to believe brian kilmeade on this -- rachel: me too. pete: and maybe she was formally told to leave, it was strongly suggested by the response she got from family members like that gentleman who told her to her face what they thought of her policies which many believe have led to the kind of environment that create the lawlessness that led to the death of this detective. joey: yeah. the way brian explained it to us yesterday with talking to the family9 and the people that were there was that he kind of forced her way into the wake in the sense they didn't want to close e the casket yet, but they didn't want anyone but the family to be there while it was open. it was a very intimate moment regardless of if it was on purpose or her detail presuming something that she doesn't even know, regardless, she's a leader. her job is to make sure that people that represent her show the respect and she says her job is to listen. did hay listen at all? and so regardless of what she thinks happened yesterday, when she starts it off with people will do what they're going to do, what does that even mean and why is that an important way to start a comment if reacting to potentially something so horrible? pete: it means she got confronted, and and she's frustrated by the fact that people are going to do what they're going to do mean being grieving citizens of her state are going to tell her off if they need to about the policies that led to this moment. rachel: probably one of the most shocking things she said is, by the way or brian said that letitia james actually asked if she could speak at this. pete: appears to be not a lot of self-awareness on that side of the aisle. talk about someone who did show leadership, who did hoe up, who was invited and who conducted himself in a way that did bring comfort to the family, and that's donald trump. father duffy, who was the priest who presided over diller's funeral, also married the couple, says he prayed with trump on thursday at the wake. here he is in a "fox & friends" if exclusive. watch. >> it was really beautiful. tiffany introduced me to the -- stephanie introduced me to the president as the priest that married them, and i was able to just say, mr. president, thank you for being here, thank you for your goodness to this family, would you be willing to pray if -- with us, and he said, of course, father duffy. and i said, ladies and gentlemen, let's all say an our father today, and the whole room including the president standing next to me said the our father, and then the i gave a blessing through our lady of sorrows, and the president so beautifully turned and kissed baby ryan on the forehead, and the baby clapped at the president, and it just broke the tension. the such a beautiful, human, simple moment that meant so much to the family ask and so much to the people in that room. rachel: wow. what a beautiful moment. pete: you know, he -- sorry, go ahead. rachel: no, you go ahead, pete. pete: you know, it's not even -- 9 a 5 concern 99% of how you're going to be perceived in that moment is how you are per we steveed before that moment. the people there believe donald trump supports them, so he's welcome. the people there feel like governor hochul has sided with criminals and radical d.a.s and so she's not -- i mean, that's what it is. he comports himself -- rachel: i was just going to say, you know, there's so much pr around joe biden being the comforter in chief. but if you really look at the moments where he is e trying to be the comforter in chief, he always makes it about himself. he always talks about his own situation or, in the case of the soldiers who were borough in from, you know, afghanistan -- brought in from afghanistan because he was really responsible for those deaths, he was genuinely uninterested in being there. in fact, he seemed to have disdain for the grieving families. he looked at a his watch -- joey: yeah. rachel: and then the families said they felt just with iterly -- utterly insulted. and in this case the families here felt totally supported and loved in that moment that that father duffy if described. joey: when you talk about the footballs joe biden fumbles, none worse or more egregious is than in these moments. check whiching his watch on the tarmac. think about the the state of the union address where he mispronounces laken rival eye -- riley's name and then made some comment where we're left to interpret what he even meant by that as some sort of call to action. andnow you move to this, and on the day they start the wake for this police officer, he comes to the exact same city and hosts, you know, a vip, elitist fund raise orer -- fund raiser. to my knowledge, i don't think he even mentions this police officer while he's -- he has the attention to have of his e biggest donor, of his most adherent supporters with two other presidents, and you can't take a moment to mention this and say we're going to make it better if he's reelected? he doesn't understand. rachel: the biggest thing that happened in the city was this wake, this funeral, and he missed that. pete: no doubt. you know, the last couple days have been -- elections are about contrasts, right? moments on one day where you can looked at two differences and if say that reflects my values or not. and you saw that with the wake9 and the fund raiser, and you're seeing it today with easter and the trans day of visibility. i can't tell you how many of my friends, many of which are nonpolitical, this can't be real, is this true? it is true. donald trump put out a message about easter saying our lord and savior is risen, a pretty standard the message of east aer, and the white house -- easter, and the white house has affirmed their proclamation for a trans day of visibility. now, march 31st has been that day for years, apparently -- joey: since 2010. pete: if it calls -- fought falls on march 31st, celebrate it on april 1st. whatever you want, don't do it on the highest holiday for christians and then celebrate that. again, another contrast. what do you want? if do you want easter celebrations in a standard way, or do you want the trans day of visibility? rachel: yeah. it's so interesting, the white house has been trying to defend themselves with this proclamation because i don't think they expected this kind of blowback. i think the combination of what happened with the wake, the funeral, the fund raiser and then this and then the coloring contest where they said jesus is not allowed in the easter coloring contest, all of this combined. and their response was, well, trans day of visibility has always been march 31st. i'm, like, trans day of visibility has been around for who minutes. the resurrection of christ has been around for 2,000 years, and this means something to the majority even of those who don't practice and go to church on this glorious sunday. it still means something in a lot of ways to americans and that they would try to change basically, it's a new liturgical calendar, a pagan liturgical calendar that they want to make us adhere to, and i think a lot of americans have just had enough of this. pete: no doubt. and that's another contrast. jee joe and we're going to talk about this with mike huckabee later on in the hour. so we're going to hash this out more. looking at the larger landscape of what's going on in our country, we do have an election coming up. it's hard to know who to vote for between the two most recent presidents as we rah look back at what they did. i want to bring in this video clip of bill maher talking about covid and how he handled covid. >> i get it that we didn't know exactly what was happening at the beginning of covid and some mistakes were inevitable. but four years on, i'm tired of hearing, well, we didn't know. no, or we didn't, but some people guessed better than others. [laughter] and the people who got it wrong don't seem to want to acknowledge that now. some people said closing schools for so long was pointless and would cause much worse collateral damage to kids, and they were right. yes, some very bad ideas were embraced as the conventional wisdom, ideas that haven't aged well. and and a lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be correct. maybe that's the -- why the powers that be never wanted a covid commission. why noting? we love commissions. the warren commission, the aids commission, the 9/11 commission. the nfl even had a is ramming your head into another guy's head bad for heads commission. [laughter] [applause] really if -- so where's the covid commission? rachel: well, after the january 6th commission, i don't have a lot of confidence in commissions. [laughter] but he's right. we can't just let this stand. they're trying to rewrite history. and the point is if you -- their excuse is, well, we didn't know at the time. that's what bill maher said they're saying, or and he's right. we didn't know it was happening. well, if you didn't know, why were you censoring people when maybe had a different opinion? some of them were renownedded scientists that you were censoring. why didn't you -- why did you inflict pain with so much glee on so many americans, locking up old people, making sure little kids couldn't even sing. remember? they wan us to forget that. they -- want us to forget that. you couldn't sing in school, you couldn't sit with your friends in school or you had to sit home for two years, you couldn't go to school. this whole thing was so insane. joey: i appreciate the fact that a far-left commentator, sometimes comedian is going to come out and say, hey, we handled covid wrongly. it's a very convenient moment for him to do that as someone on the left are, so i don't want to give him too much credit. he said some people guessed better than others. they weren't guessing. rachel: thank you. joey: just look at the work rand paul has done on dr. fauci. they weren't guessing, they were lying. they were lying and changing information. they were saying some parts and not saying others. just look at the mask, how they treated masks. a lot of what was done both under president trump and president biden was meant towards or at least geared towards controlling us, not keeping us healthy. and, you know, in my opinion, freedom's almost always worth the risk, and it would be nice to hear someone on the left say something more like that. rachel: like i'm sorry? joey: i don't want to expect sorry. pete: i appreciate what he said, but it's sort of the old school way of looking at it. the modern left would never do that in a larger way. they would never say, oh, our covid craziness, oh, our covid shame. by the way, bill maher was a covid shamer bigtime on his platform. rachel: 100%. pete: but i can appreciate the fact that now he's going, well, i lost my mind -- rachel: he didn't say that though, pete. pete: we have to believe there's going to be a fair commission, which we don't believe, and no one on the left is going to haul fauci out front and do that -- rachel: no, because they'll be liable. also he didn't say i was crazy, i was wrong. he said those people. he didn't acknowledge, i love that you brought that up because he didn't actually acknowledge that he was one of the sheep that was following along with what -- joey: and if you'll notice, he didn't call for the investigations done by the republicans especially in the senate to be supported and to happen. he called for a commission. so even with the efforts that are honest and true right now, that's not what he's looking for. he's looking for credibility in this very widening, centrist lane right now of people that are on the left but looking back at biden saying this ain't it. rachel: if no one's held accountable, it'll happen again. that's my fear. pete: that means it'll happen again. rachel: yeah. of oh, dear. well, we're going to turn now to some headlines. the arkansas river bridge in oklahoma is now open again after a barge hit it yesterday afternoon. no word on why the barge hit the bridge. but it caused traffic to back up for hours. thankfully, state police say that nobody was hurt. it comes less than a week after the francis scott key bridge in baltimore collapsed when it was hit by a cargo sip. -- ship. just in, king charles and queen camilla greeting the public at st. george's chapel at a windsor castle after easter mass this morning. this is the first public appearance the king has made since starting his cancer treatments nearly two months ago. pennsylvania lawmakers debating over naming hershey kisses the official state candy. well, yeah, i'm surprised that hasn't happened already. [laughter] yeah. but some say the state has too many options to choose from. a new study reveals the top easter candy in each state. classic hershey's milk chocolate is number one in my home state of arizona. folks in tennessee and indiana where pete and adam are from choose reese's peanut butter eggs. and in joey's home state of georgia, it's pee nut if butter cups -- peanut butter cups. joey: there we go. simple, classic and the best. [laughter] welcome all agree on it. my state just happened to pick it, so there you go. pete: i mean, i think you could -- hershey kisses, just go with the simplest, most straight forward -- rachel: do you like peeps? pete: do i like peeps? my dad loves peeps. joey: the texture -- pete: he would eat them all year. i don't know that they're available all year. i like them maybe one a year. rachel: yeah, i'm kind of like that. two bites -- joey: i'm not a peeps persons. reese's peanut butter cups, just hike the state said is. rachel: i bet there's some psychologist who's basically figured out what it means if you like peeps, you don't like peeps. we'll have to look that up. pete: it's probably funded by the candy industry. [laughter] rachel: here comes peter cottontail, our easter bunny is meeting some real fe easter bunnies -- [laughter] they're celebrating today a little differently. pete: meanwhile, at the white house they're celebrating a little differently, marking transgender day of visibility. joey: former arkansas governor mike huckabee on the controversy right here next. stay tuned. a month, each lasting 4 ho urs or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. i noticed within a week that the release supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings. i didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy, or go through the drive-thru after work. i feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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celebration -- [laughter] joey: yeah. >> now p you can saw have a transgender person flashing breasts which we had a year ago. that's okay, no problem there. you can have one of your transgender people taking luggage from the carousel at airports and and it takes several attempts at that in order to even get him fired. this is where we've gone to lala a land. i don't understand this at all. it would with the equivalent of joe biden on ramadan saying, okay, we're going to also declare this eat more pork and bacon day. how would that go over in. rachel: right. >> it's absurd. and joe biden should be ashamed of himself. and all tease people say, yeah, but this is the day we've always recognized transgender visibility in day. well, recognize it another day, not on easter sunday. it's an affront if to the bible and, quite frankly, to biology. there are two genders. people can't just go in and out of one like a reinvolving door, and it's time that we stand up and say, you know, we need to help people who are confused. we need to feel for them. we need to get them some assistance, but we don't need to somehow completely surrender to this nonsense and pretend that it's normal. it's not normal. joey: yeah, i think the argument that it's a coincidental falling on the same date, you can go back to 2021 to really dispel that argument. he didn't have to issue a proclamation, he made that choice. he chose to panner to that group, and in doing so, he painted himself into a corner. i talked about this yesterday, he put himself -- he came into office as this uncle joe, you know, i don't know what people thought he was going to be or but he's really been a very radical president. >> the most radical we've ever had. he makes obama look like ronald reagan. there's never been a president who has been so very partisan, harsh and insulting to at least half of america. he can't talk about the other half of america without calling them those maga republicans. he might as well say those maggot republicans, the way he talks about all of us who tend to support the idea that america should be first. we rah hike donald trump. we like donald trump. we think his policies were a lot better for us. economically, we were better. our border was secure, our cities weren't going crazy e on fire with crime and people getting hit in the back of the head with a brick on a city sidewalk or having to put national guard in subways in new york. i think a lot of us were much happier when perk was being put first -- men -- when america was being put first rather than a president who politicizes everything and brings no one together. rachel: governor, first of all, i think it's important to note the moment that we're in. and sometimes it's hard, there's so much stuff coming at us. i think there's a battle going with on. it's a spiritual battle. there are people who want to dechristianize this country and very actively so. i think this was a very intentional insult. they can say all all a today want, oh, it lands on if 1st, but just as -- if 31st, but april fool's day probably would have been a more appropriate day than easter sunday in the any case. but i sort of, i think this moment, this weekend, i think it might be a critical juncture or in this election on which so much things. hinges. whether it was the wake and the funeral and the choices made by the president there or easter sunday, the choices he's making here. and i think there's two paths. and i just want to the get your thoughts on that because i know you think deeply about these things. >> well, i do feel deeply about it in part because this country was built on the notion of a judeo-christian understanding that some things are always right, some things are always wrong, that there is a god. god created us. we didn't create him. and because he created us, he has the right to make the rules. we live by the rules, we win the game. we don't live by the rules, we can't win the game. it's not complicated. and that's the foundation upon which america was built, and it can all be summed up with one statement that jesus taught us, do unto other as you would have them do unto you. you don't want someone to hit you in the back of the head with a brick? don't do it to others. it's not complicated. and i wish on this easter sunday we might could just step back and recognize that all of this day is about one who overcame the ultimate of life, he overcame death. came out of the grave to give us hope. and the great s.m. lock ridge, preacher if from california, african-american pass torquer died in 2000 but he had the best easter sermon i ever harder in my life, and it was called it's friday but sunday's coming. it's all about how sometimes in the darkest moments of our lives we sometimes think that there's no hope, that there's no future. but even on the darkest day of human history when the savior was put on the cross, it's friday if, but sunday's coming. and that's a great message for us that kind of supersedes all of the nonthe sense of joe biden's -- nonsense of joe biden's white house and his anti-christian themes and don't bring any religious thought to easter. that's the only thought we've got on easter. [laughter] that's what it's about. it's not about bunnies. it's about hope. it's about a future. it's about overcoming death. rachel: yeah. on some level we bear a little bit of responsibility for in the doing a better job ourselves as christians, allowing -- no offense to the easter bunny out there -- but allowing the easter bunny and these sort of secular, meaningless things to take over what should be -- it's a holy day for us. the holiest of days. and that's probably where we should be. by the way, the white house responded to the pack lash. they said as a -- backlash. they said as a christian who celebrates easter with family, president biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every american. sadly, it's unsurprising that politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful, dishonest rhetoric are. president biden will never abuse his faith for political purpose -- [laughter] or for profit. and then the first lady's office added this, governor, about a the art a contest rules that said jesus was not allowed to be in the art contest, and this is what she said: pete: no, they're saying the guidance, governor. tell us, help us out if you believe this. this is what they're saying, that the art guidance that no religious spill blism has been the same for every add administration for 45 years. do you buy that? ronald reagan said, no, you can't about do anything about jesus at the easter egg hunt? >> no. [laughter] the fact that they're having to issue these kind of detailed statements is indication that they know the blowback is there. pete: correct. >> the reality of all of this is that they messed up. they messed up big. joey: you're absolutely right. >> they'd never admit it. they never own their errors because they don't have that much real estate that they can put them all on. pete: that's the best way to put it. governor mike huckabee, thank you for your clarity and your message this morning. happy easter or. rachel: happy easter, governor. >> happy easter. pete: more "fox & friends" in a moment. ♪ ♪ relax into a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800 sandals. it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, barbecue smoke, and air fry. weekends are better with life proof coolers that keep ice for days and have fridge-temperature drawers for dry foods, because everything is better without soggy sandwiches. it's better outside with ninja. hey you, with the small business... ...whoa... you've got all kinds of bright ideas, that your customers need to know about. constant contact makes it easy. with everything from managing your social posts, and events, to email and sms marketing. constant contact delivers all the tools you need to help your business grow. get started today at constant contact. helping the small stand tall. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. ♪ adam: it's easter morning, and we are out here celebrating on fox square. karen mccarthy brought some adorable bunnies and if chucks and your own kids, these are your children. >> yeah, those are my kids. adam: i know what a kit is, the little bunny ifs, right? the. >> yes. adam: a tell us a little bit about what you do. >> well, first, thank you for having doyle's farm today. we're so excited to have the baby chicks and bunnies ear. we're actually an educational farm, seven generations farming, and we have lots of schools come in and learn are all about the animals. we do hand feeding, they get a hands-on experience, see the eggs and the chicks and understand that, and also we do sheep shearing, and they learn how to melt goats. now we're open to the public so you can come with your family and come visit and learn all about the animals too. adam: can i pick one of these the up as i talk to you? >> yes. that's mama oreo and her seven baby kits. adam: can i just say i love that we're in such an urban environment and you get all these kids out here and be on a farm for the first time. okay, i'm losing this guy. i'm going to toss it over to the rest of my if anchors before i drop a bunny on tv. all right, guys telephone. [laughter] rachel: all right, thanks for not dropping the bun ifny. joey: adam says he knows what he's doing. rachel: from baby chicks who do excellent baby crafts -- pete: we have tips and tricks for egg dyeing and more. lenore, take the it away. >> all right. we're going to get a really cool marble effect, instead of shaving cream, used whipped cream. put only dots of food coloring, swirl with it around, put the eggs in there for about 30 minutes, and whipped cream is actually edible, to you can have really cool marbled deviled eggs. over here we're going to make disco eggs, really easy, really fun and all the kids actually made them this morning as well. yeah, you can do them with the eastser egg hunts as a well. hatch of imals alive, you just had watering it's just like real eggs, and over in the front is the spring basket, mini figures. rachel: what's in it in. >> there's a little character hike this. do you not know hatch-ima will ls? come on. they're really fun. there's, like, a chick, a lamb, a bunny and other spring characters. so this is great for your easter brunch table. so what you do, you put wonderful mandarins into little pouches to look like little bunnies. it's colorful, it's healthy, and these are great because they're, like, or they're sweet, they're seedless, they're easy to peel, just put a sticker face on top, googly eyes as a well. if you want a craft this morning, you can actually, if a lot of kids are coming over, a hack is to actually use q-tips instead of paint brushes. you can see we made little craft eggs -- joey: well, thank you for bringing all of this, a lot of good ideas. we're going to leave it here. i want to thank betty's bounces for our bouncing bunny house over here. more "fox & friends" ahead. rachel: aren't these cute? [laughter] pete: oh, they want us to read this -- still ahead -- which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. it starts with a grill. but it becomes so much more. an extension of your home. not just a weekend retreat, but an everyday getaway right in your backyard. newage makes it possible with beautiful all-weather cabinetry, grills and appliances that transform your backyard into a complete outdoor kitchen. visit to book a free design consultation and create the outdoor living space you've always wanted. we're carvana the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 percent online now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car whether it's a year old, or a few years old we want to buy your car so go to carvana enter your license plate answer a few questions and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds when you're ready we'll come to you pay you on the spot and pick up your car that's it so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way at carvana when your cat's hungry, you definitely know. when he wants your attention, he makes it clear. when he wants to be left alone, he makes it obvious. but if your cat has oa pain, also known as osteoarthritis pain, he may be saying “ow” in different ways. it's a long-lasting condition that makes it painful for your cat to move like they once did, like when walking or climbing. red flags are everywhere. but cats are really good at hiding their pain, so you just need to know what to look for. visit to learn about the signs of oa pain and how your vet can help. what's considered normal for your cat is interesting. but if your cat isn't their quirky self lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis. now, there's solensia. solensia is a once-monthly injection to control your cat's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering solensia who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding should take extreme care to avoid self-injection. self-injection could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. ask your vet about solensia and help get your cat back to their normal. ♪ [inaudible conversations] pete: i'm not going numb. i'll hold his hand if he'll hold mine. it's supposed to be relaxing? rachel: oh,ing dear. that ice bath hand holding is one of my favorite "fox & friends" moments. [laughter] last year pete and will tried the pop poplar cold running plunge, but a new study is claiming it might not actually have health benefits or at least all the ones we originally believed. so here to react is fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier. doctor, i know a lot of people who cold plunge. my husband, my sister, they all swear that they feel invigorated, more alert, more alive, and i think it's good for inflammation -- >> so, listen, you know, the cold plunge is definitely a fad. i try and stay away there if fads and friends, concern trends, but there are there is some scientific evidence to back cold plunges. we call it e a systematic review meaning they looked at all the data over the last ten years. and so they concluded, well, not really. here's the thing, it didn't actually say that, hey, there are some clear benefitses of cold plunging, but it didn't show there were not benefits. the reality is there haven't been any good designed studies. putting yourself into cold water whether it's a cold shower, cold bath, there can be -- if you look at at the physiology of the body, it causes those fight or flight responses to be released. they can lower inflammation, they can increase clarity. and if so there possibly are some health benefits. it constricts your blood vessels which is high we recommend after an injury that you do ice something, because it less temperatures inflammation and swelling. in neary, it -- theory, it probably does have some recovery, but we immediate better studies. rachel: people have been trying to get me into the cold plunge, or my sister, my husband, other people, it would have to be able to cure cancer for me to get into a cold plunge. [laughter] so this is not making me want to get on to this trend. >> i would say athletes, for sure, i bet it actually will get them prepared so they can work out again the next day. for me, i hate to be cold, and i actually love heat therapy. rachel: me too, a sauna. >> heat therapy's better for chronic conditions, so, you know, give me a heat sauna any day over this cold plunge. no thank you. rachel: yeah, i love it. okay. so let's talk about your special that's coming up. >> yeah. so something i'm really excited, we're almost two weeks out from the if release of love, mom, my new book. but this week we are going to be filming a live special. anyone can access it on fox nation. but if you want to actually attend it here in new york city, you actually can because we're going to have a live audience. i'm going to be there, carley shimkus, janice dean, martha maccallum, sandra smith, it's going to be a great time. scan that qr code, be a part of the special and, again, love, mop -- mom, it is an incredible story. you're in the book, so many of our favorite fox family and non-fox people are in the book as a welsh or perfect gift for mother's day. rachel: and we're going to do a live thing together, you and i. >> yes, we are. the day after the book release, you and i have doing the live signing. it's going to be a special moment. and i just love being able to interact with other people because that's that this book is all about, you know, showing gratitude and reminding people that we're all a kind of in this together. and i just love talking about all of the beautiful stories in the book. rachel: well, we love it, we love the book. we can't wait for it to get released. catch that special, by the way, love, mom. it's a live taping ott our new york studios, you can join with nicole saphier and a whole host of other moms from fox at a 9 a.m. this wednesday at 9 a.m. scan the qr code on your screen right now to register. thank you, dr. saphier. >> thank you. happy easter. rachel: heap easter to you -- happy easter to you too. all right, tim and demilee te bow are next. dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus together. try hallow for free today. hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you. ♪ ♪ ♪ pete: cincinnati-based -- manufacturing is all about second chances. the company taliban in 2009 with a mission to provide jobs to people with criminal quiks. and now they're -- convictions. and if now they're partnering with former nfl player tim tebow to continue helping others. tim and his wife joins us now. thank you both for being here. happy easter to you, thank you so much for joining us on fox and fends if weekend. i want to get -- "fox & friends" weekend. tim, let's go ladies first, here. >> perfect. pete: come on, that's the only way to do it. tell us about nehemiah manufacturing and why you support it so much. >> yeah, good morning ask and happy easter to everyone listening. we are so is grateful to be able to partner with this awesome company. their main focus is being with able to provide houses to people that have formerly received criminal records that haven't had the opportunity to get that comeback story. and so what they do is they have eight pillars that they use to work alongside all of their employees to come alongside them to help them, to be able to write that comeback story. they provide financial support, continue canned education, affordable housing to their employees which we love so much, you know? when you look at jesus' story, as believers when we see what he has done for us especially on a day like today, like easter sunday, how can we not but want to come alongside e people and support them the way that we are supported? pete: no doubt. and nehemiah a's really effective at a it. >> they are. they're one of the largest in the country, and it's led by an incredible family that we just love so much. and their heart for people is what shine, and the people are what shine. that's what it's all about. yes, it's a manufacturing company, and they do an incredible job with everyday products that all of us use in an incredible way, but what's special about it is the people and why we should believe in second chaps? because grace gave us all a second chance first. and if need to so believe in giving people a second and a third and a fifth and an eleventh chance because that's what grace is all about. it's incredible. when we had the opportunity to go to cincinnati to go and meet so many of the families and the individuals, you know, our heart e was broken. and hearing so many of the stories of how they, until nehemiah, had never been given a true seconds chance, and they'd never been looked at again with hope, with faith, with love, with things that we should be trying to live out every single day. that's what really broke our heart and and really convicted us to want to be a part of it. so we're so grateful for nehemiah manufacturing, for the difference they're making for the second chances, for the way they're showing love to individuals that so desperately need it. >> that's right. pete: that's pretty cool. tim, you mentioned the 11th try. we all need it. here we are in east, year of our lord -- easter, year are of our lord 2024, what's your message to our viewers? >> oh, man, to remember what it's really all about. and i hope every single person that is watching, pete, knows truly what easter is about. it's not just about a lot of the things that we see, it's not if about an easter bunny. it's not about an easter egg hunt. it is about the greatest love story, rescue mission in the history of the world. when jesus put on flesh and he came to the cross and he did for us what we could not do for ourselves. and if he loved us enough to do it. for god so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son that with whosoever believed in him would not perish, but have everlasting life. it's about good friday and great sunday. ed good friday, the greatest love of all time showed up in the person of jesus for all of us. and why is sunday so great, easter sunday so great? because the mission if was accomplished when jesus defeated what he started. and when jesus rose from the dead and how it counts for every single one of us so whosoever would believe would not perish, but have everlasting life. whoever's watching, know that you are so lovedded that god of this universe took your place on the cross and he took mine. he was the payment that satisfies for you and for me. it is the greatest love story, rescue mission of all time, and it counts for every single one of us. so is i hope today you know that it's not about just going to some building, it is not about just some ritual. it is about how loved you are. and i hope that you accept it, you know if it, because the god of this universe showed up for you over 2,000 years ago. pete: what a beautiful message. tim and demi-leigh, thank you so much. >> happy easter. pete: good to see you. we'll be right back. who will do your taxes from start to finish? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ ♪ i can see clearly now, the rain is gone ♪ ♪ i can see all obstacles -- joey: good morning and welcome to the second hour this morning of "fox & friends" weekend,ing the 7 a.m. hour. and what you see there is a bunny within a bunny. that is -- no matter what's going on, you've got to be happy inside yourself as brian would say, probably -- rachel: stay within yourself. joey: and you might as well jump around like an easter oneny. we can't confirm whether that's the easter bunny from the white house that tells the president what to do -- pete: we're going the can ask. if you would ask the white house today whether easter's a christian holiday, they probably couldn't confirm it for you. rachel: oh, no -- pete: based on recent events. rachel: it's trans-visibility day. pete: it was proclaimed by white house. we're waiting on the proclamation if for easter because he is risen. it is east ooher sunday. we're really glad that you're here with us. yes, we have the easter bunny, but we remember the reason why we're here. jesus rose from the dead 2,000 years ark changed the whole world. joey: it's an entire day of celebration, of proclaiming redemption and resurrection. we talked about it earlier this morning, and if you're going to stay with us all day long today which i think you should after you go to service, check out "the big weekend show," because i'm going to be on tonight with david webb, lisa boothe, alicia acuna, and their letting me -- they're letting me on there too. we're talking about all these thing, recap the day. happy easter. rachel: well, it's a very difficult weekend for some, for many, really for all of us who are mourn being along with the widow and the family of scwn than diller and and his -- jonathan diller and his widow, stephanie diller, gave just some heartbreaking remarks yesterday in massapequa, new york. let's listen to a little bit and come back on the other side is. in it's been two years and two months since detective rivera and and detective mora made the ultimate sacrifice. dominique rivera stood in front of the elected officials present today pleading for change. that change never came, and new my son will grow can up without his father, i will grow old without my husband, and his parents had to say good-bye to their child. how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start the protecting them? i don't wish this kind of pain on anyone. jonathan lived his life doing good for people, and it's now time for people to do good for all the officers he represents. i am so amazingly grateful for every single moment we had with you. rest in peace, jonathan, the man who captured my heart and now all of new york's. joey: all of the country's. pete: yeah, it was beautiful, it was motional, it was personal. if you listened to the entire speech, she talked a lot about their life together, their simple life, his commitment to law enforcement, how much i loved the cob. and then if you were watching the channel yesterday, you saw these images. just tens of thousands of uniformed police officers, family members there to honor one because that's -- they know that could be them. and, ultimately, a career criminal, 21 times arrested, a felon, allowed to be released again and again and again most recently without bail under policies that they have to fight against, and a beautiful young lady like stephanie takeses to the podium, doesn't get political, just simply says this has to change. this is a reality that too many police officers face. she spoke for a lot of people yesterday. rachel: she sure did s. and you wonder, will this be -- you see the crowd there. it's not just police officer ifses, there's also citizens of the area that came out to show their support, to show their love. but will this cause the politicians to change? will that happen? what poll decision -- one politician that showed up was cath third hochul, and there was some -- kathy hochul, and there was some controversy. we had brian kilmeade on yesterday, there's a lot of conversation -- pete: she showed up to the wake. rachel: not the funeral. but when she went to the wake, you know, was she told to leave? if she claims that she was invited, others say she wasn't. here's what she said, governor kathy hochul, about it. people -- can this is her response to the fact that she, people asked her about being asked to leave. she said, well, people will do what they're going to do for their own reasons, and i will remain convinced that it was the right thing to do, going to the wake. i would do it again, and that's my job. my job is to be there when people need me, if they need to talk to me, and they all needed to talk to me. my job is to listen. we were told the family is welcoming, we all a check. and they said to come and i went and no one told me to leave. seems to contradict what brian said is. pete: yeah. i mean, i tend to believe brian kilmeade on this -- rachel: me too. pete: and maybe she was formally told to leave, it was strongly suggested by the response she got from family members like that gentleman who told her to her face what they thought of her policies which many believe have led to the kind of environment that create the lawlessness that led to the death of this detective. joey: yeah. the way brian explained it to us yesterday with talking to the family9 and the people that were there was that he kind of forced her way into the wake in the sense they didn't want to close e the casket yet, but they didn't want anyone but the family to be there while it was open. it was a very intimate moment regardless of if it was on purpose or her detail presuming something that she doesn't even know, regardless, she's a leader. her job is to make sure that people that represent her show the respect and she says her job is to listen. did hay listen at all? and so regardless of what she thinks happened yesterday, when she starts it off with people will do what they're going to do, what does that even mean and why is that an important way to start a comment if reacting to potentially something so horrible? pete: it means she got confronted, and and she's frustrated by the fact that people are going to do what they're going to do mean being grieving citizens of her state are going to tell her off if they need to about the policies that led to this moment. rachel: probably one of the most shocking things she said is, by the way or brian said that letitia james actually asked if she could speak at this. pete: appears to be not a lot of self-awareness on that side of the aisle. talk about someone who did show leadership, who did hoe up, who was invited and who conducted himself in a way that did bring comfort to the family, and that's donald trump. father duffy, who was the priest who presided over diller's funeral, also married the couple, says he prayed with trump on thursday at the wake. here he is in a "fox & friends" if exclusive. watch. >> it was really beautiful. tiffany introduced me to the -- stephanie introduced me to the president as the priest that married them, and i was able to just say, mr. president, thank you for being here, thank you for your goodness to this family, would you be willing to pray if -- with us, and he said, of course, father duffy. and i said, ladies and gentlemen, let's all say an our father today, and the whole room including the president standing next to me said the our father, and then the i gave a blessing through our lady of sorrows, and the president so beautifully turned and kissed baby ryan on the forehead, and the baby clapped at the president, and it just broke the tension. the such a beautiful, human, simple moment that meant so much to the family ask and so much to the people in that room. rachel: wow. what a beautiful moment. pete: you know, he -- sorry, go ahead. rachel: no, you go ahead, pete. pete: you know, it's not even -- 9 a 5 concern 99% of how you're going to be perceived in that moment is how you are per we steveed before that moment. the people there believe donald trump supports them, so he's welcome. the people there feel like governor hochul has sided with criminals and radical d.a.s and so she's not -- i mean, that's what it is. he comports himself -- rachel: i was just going to say, you know, there's so much pr around joe biden being the comforter in chief. but if you really look at the moments where he is e trying to be the comforter in chief, he always makes it about himself. he always talks about his own situation or, in the case of the soldiers who were borough in from, you know, afghanistan -- brought in from afghanistan because he was really responsible for those deaths, he was genuinely uninterested in being there. in fact, he seemed to have disdain for the grieving families. he looked at a his watch -- joey: yeah. rachel: and then the families said they felt just with iterly -- utterly insulted. and in this case the families here felt totally supported and loved in that moment that that father duffy if described. joey: when you talk about the footballs joe biden fumbles, none worse or more egregious is than in these moments. check whiching his watch on the tarmac. think about the the state of the union address where he mispronounces laken rival eye -- riley's name and then made some comment where we're left to interpret what he even meant by that as some sort of call to action. andnow you move to this, and on the day they start the wake for this police officer, he comes to the exact same city and hosts, you know, a vip, elitist fund raise orer -- fund raiser. to my knowledge, i don't think he even mentions this police officer while he's -- he has the attention to have of his e biggest donor, of his most adherent supporters with two other presidents, and you can't take a moment to mention this and say we're going to make it better if he's reelected? he doesn't understand. rachel: the biggest thing that happened in the city was this wake, this funeral, and he missed that. pete: no doubt. you know, the last couple days have been -- elections are about contrasts, right? moments on one day where you can looked at two differences and if say that reflects my values or not. and you saw that with the wake9 and the fund raiser, and you're seeing it today with easter and the trans day of visibility. i can't tell you how many of my friends, many of which are nonpolitical, this can't be real, is this true? it is true. donald trump put out a message about easter saying our lord and savior is risen, a pretty standard the message of east aer, and the white house -- easter, and the white house has affirmed their proclamation for a trans day of visibility. now, march 31st has been that day for years, apparently -- joey: since 2010. pete: if it calls -- fought falls on march 31st, celebrate it on april 1st. whatever you want, don't do it on the highest holiday for christians and then celebrate that. again, another contrast. what do you want? if do you want easter celebrations in a standard way, or do you want the trans day of visibility? rachel: yeah. it's so interesting, the white house has been trying to defend themselves with this proclamation because i don't think they expected this kind of blowback. i think the combination of what happened with the wake, the funeral, the fund raiser and then this and then the coloring contest where they said jesus is not allowed in the easter coloring contest, all of this combined. and their response was, well, trans day of visibility has always been march 31st. i'm, like, trans day of visibility has been around for who minutes. the resurrection of christ has been around for 2,000 years, and this means something to the majority even of those who don't practice and go to church on this glorious sunday. it still means something in a lot of ways to americans and that they would try to change basically, it's a new liturgical calendar, a pagan liturgical calendar that they want to make us adhere to, and i think a lot of americans have just had enough of this. pete: no doubt. and that's another contrast. jee joe and we're going to talk about this with mike huckabee later on in the hour. so we're going to hash this out more. looking at the larger landscape of what's going on in our country, we do have an election coming up. it's hard to know who to vote for between the two most recent presidents as we rah look back at what they did. i want to bring in this video clip of bill maher talking about covid and how he handled covid. >> i get it that we didn't know exactly what was happening at the beginning of covid and some mistakes were inevitable. but four years on, i'm tired of hearing, well, we didn't know. no, or we didn't, but some people guessed better than others. [laughter] and the people who got it wrong don't seem to want to acknowledge that now. some people said closing schools for so long was pointless and would cause much worse collateral damage to kids, and they were right. yes, some very bad ideas were embraced as the conventional wisdom, ideas that haven't aged well. and and a lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be correct. maybe that's the -- why the powers that be never wanted a covid commission. why noting? we love commissions. the warren commission, the aids commission, the 9/11 commission. the nfl even had a is ramming your head into another guy's head bad for heads commission. [laughter] [applause] really if -- so where's the covid commission? rachel: well, after the january 6th commission, i don't have a lot of confidence in commissions. [laughter] but he's right. we can't just let this stand. they're trying to rewrite history. and the point is if you -- their excuse is, well, we didn't know at the time. that's what bill maher said they're saying, or and he's right. we didn't know it was happening. well, if you didn't know, why were you censoring people when maybe had a different opinion? some of them were renownedded scientists that you were censoring. why didn't you -- why did you inflict pain with so much glee on so many americans, locking up old people, making sure little kids couldn't even sing. remember? they wan us to forget that. they -- want us to forget that. you couldn't sing in school, you couldn't sit with your friends in school or you had to sit home for two years, you couldn't go to school. this whole thing was so insane. joey: i appreciate the fact that a far-left commentator, sometimes comedian is going to come out and say, hey, we handled covid wrongly. it's a very convenient moment for him to do that as someone on the left are, so i don't want to give him too much credit. he said some people guessed better than others. they weren't guessing. rachel: thank you. joey: just look at the work rand paul has done on dr. fauci. they weren't guessing, they were lying. they were lying and changing information. they were saying some parts and not saying others. just look at the mask, how they treated masks. a lot of what was done both under president trump and president biden was meant towards or at least geared towards controlling us, not keeping us healthy. and, you know, in my opinion, freedom's almost always worth the risk, and it would be nice to hear someone on the left say something more like that. rachel: like i'm sorry? joey: i don't want to expect sorry. pete: i appreciate what he said, but it's sort of the old school way of looking at it. the modern left would never do that in a larger way. they would never say, oh, our covid craziness, oh, our covid shame. by the way, bill maher was a covid shamer bigtime on his platform. rachel: 100%. pete: but i can appreciate the fact that now he's going, well, i lost my mind -- rachel: he didn't say that though, pete. pete: we have to believe there's going to be a fair commission, which we don't believe, and no one on the left is going to haul fauci out front and do that -- rachel: no, because they'll be liable. also he didn't say i was crazy, i was wrong. he said those people. he didn't acknowledge, i love that you brought that up because he didn't actually acknowledge that he was one of the sheep that was following along with what -- joey: and if you'll notice, he didn't call for the investigations done by the republicans especially in the senate to be supported and to happen. he called for a commission. so even with the efforts that are honest and true right now, that's not what he's looking for. he's looking for credibility in this very widening, centrist lane right now of people that are on the left but looking back at biden saying this ain't it. rachel: if no one's held accountable, it'll happen again. that's my fear. pete: that means it'll happen again. rachel: yeah. of oh, dear. well, we're going to turn now to some headlines. the arkansas river bridge in oklahoma is now open again after a barge hit it yesterday afternoon. no word on why the barge hit the bridge. but it caused traffic to back up for hours. thankfully, state police say that nobody was hurt. it comes less than a week after the francis scott key bridge in baltimore collapsed when it was hit by a cargo sip. -- ship. just in, king charles and queen camilla greeting the public at st. george's chapel at a windsor castle after easter mass this morning. this is the first public appearance the king has made since starting his cancer treatments nearly two months ago. pennsylvania lawmakers debating over naming hershey kisses the official state candy. well, yeah, i'm surprised that hasn't happened already. [laughter] yeah. but some say the state has too many options to choose from. a new study reveals the top easter candy in each state. classic hershey's milk chocolate is number one in my home state of arizona. folks in tennessee and indiana where pete and adam are from choose reese's peanut butter eggs. and in joey's home state of georgia, it's pee nut if butter cups -- peanut butter cups. joey: there we go. simple, classic and the best. [laughter] welcome all agree on it. my state just happened to pick it, so there you go. pete: i mean, i think you could -- hershey kisses, just go with the simplest, most straight forward -- rachel: do you like peeps? pete: do i like peeps? my dad loves peeps. joey: the texture -- pete: he would eat them all year. i don't know that they're available all year. i like them maybe one a year. rachel: yeah, i'm kind of like that. two bites -- joey: i'm not a peeps persons. reese's peanut butter cups, just hike the state said is. rachel: i bet there's some psychologist who's basically figured out what it means if you like peeps, you don't like peeps. we'll have to look that up. pete: it's probably funded by the candy industry. [laughter] rachel: here comes peter cottontail, our easter bunny is meeting some real fe easter bunnies -- [laughter] they're celebrating today a little differently. pete: meanwhile, at the white house they're celebrating a little differently, marking transgender day of visibility. joey: former arkansas governor mike huckabee on the controversy right here next. stay tuned. a month, each lasting 4 ho urs or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. i noticed within a week that the release supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings. i didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy, or go through the drive-thru after work. i feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. rachel: the white house facing backlash as it marks transgender visibility day where fell if on easter sunday this year. joey: it's been observed annually since 2010, but biden became first president to ever issue an official problem la a mission if back in 2021. pete: of course he did. very important. meanwhile, the white house is responding to the outrage that the easter egg art contest will prohibit children from turning in designs with religious themes on easter. former governor of arkansas mike huckabee joins us now to react. governor, end help us out here -- help us out here. of so easter's been proclaimed the trans day of visibility, and if you want to be a part of the easter egg hunt, don't put a cross on it. got it. >> it's the most bizarre thing i've ever heard. first of all, to say no religious themes at the white house easter celebration -- [laughter] joey: yeah. >> now p you can saw have a transgender person flashing breasts which we had a year ago. that's okay, no problem there. you can have one of your transgender people taking luggage from the carousel at airports and and it takes several attempts at that in order to even get him fired. this is where we've gone to lala a land. i don't understand this at all. it would with the equivalent of joe biden on ramadan saying, okay, we're going to also declare this eat more pork and bacon day. how would that go over in. rachel: right. >> it's absurd. and joe biden should be ashamed of himself. and all tease people say, yeah, but this is the day we've always recognized transgender visibility in day. well, recognize it another day, not on easter sunday. it's an affront if to the bible and, quite frankly, to biology. there are two genders. people can't just go in and out of one like a reinvolving door, and it's time that we stand up and say, you know, we need to help people who are confused. we need to feel for them. we need to get them some assistance, but we don't need to somehow completely surrender to this nonsense and pretend that it's normal. it's not normal. joey: yeah, i think the argument that it's a coincidental falling on the same date, you can go back to 2021 to really dispel that argument. he didn't have to issue a proclamation, he made that choice. he chose to panner to that group, and in doing so, he painted himself into a corner. i talked about this yesterday, he put himself -- he came into office as this uncle joe, you know, i don't know what people thought he was going to be or but he's really been a very radical president. >> the most radical we've ever had. he makes obama look like ronald reagan. there's never been a president who has been so very partisan, harsh and insulting to at least half of america. he can't talk about the other half of america without calling them those maga republicans. he might as well say those maggot republicans, the way he talks about all of us who tend to support the idea that america should be first. we rah hike donald trump. we like donald trump. we think his policies were a lot better for us. economically, we were better. our border was secure, our cities weren't going crazy e on fire with crime and people getting hit in the back of the head with a brick on a city sidewalk or having to put national guard in subways in new york. i think a lot of us were much happier when perk was being put first -- men -- when america was being put first rather than a president who politicizes everything and brings no one together. rachel: governor, first of all, i think it's important to note the moment that we're in. and sometimes it's hard, there's so much stuff coming at us. i think there's a battle going with on. it's a spiritual battle. there are people who want to dechristianize this country and very actively so. i think this was a very intentional insult. they can say all all a today want, oh, it lands on if 1st, but just as -- if 31st, but april fool's day probably would have been a more appropriate day than easter sunday in the any case. but i sort of, i think this moment, this weekend, i think it might be a critical juncture or in this election on which so much things. hinges. whether it was the wake and the funeral and the choices made by the president there or easter sunday, the choices he's making here. and i think there's two paths. and i just want to the get your thoughts on that because i know you think deeply about these things. >> well, i do feel deeply about it in part because this country was built on the notion of a judeo-christian understanding that some things are always right, some things are always wrong, that there is a god. god created us. we didn't create him. and because he created us, he has the right to make the rules. we live by the rules, we win the game. we don't live by the rules, we can't win the game. it's not complicated. and that's the foundation upon which america was built, and it can all be summed up with one statement that jesus taught us, do unto other as you would have them do unto you. you don't want someone to hit you in the back of the head with a brick? don't do it to others. it's not complicated. and i wish on this easter sunday we might could just step back and recognize that all of this day is about one who overcame the ultimate of life, he overcame death. came out of the grave to give us hope. and the great s.m. lock ridge, preacher if from california, african-american pass torquer died in 2000 but he had the best easter sermon i ever harder in my life, and it was called it's friday but sunday's coming. it's all about how sometimes in the darkest moments of our lives we sometimes think that there's no hope, that there's no future. but even on the darkest day of human history when the savior was put on the cross, it's friday if, but sunday's coming. and that's a great message for us that kind of supersedes all of the nonthe sense of joe biden's -- nonsense of joe biden's white house and his anti-christian themes and don't bring any religious thought to easter. that's the only thought we've got on easter. [laughter] that's what it's about. it's not about bunnies. it's about hope. it's about a future. it's about overcoming death. rachel: yeah. on some level we bear a little bit of responsibility for in the doing a better job ourselves as christians, allowing -- no offense to the easter bunny out there -- but allowing the easter bunny and these sort of secular, meaningless things to take over what should be -- it's a holy day for us. the holiest of days. and that's probably where we should be. by the way, the white house responded to the pack lash. they said as a -- backlash. they said as a christian who celebrates easter with family, president biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every american. sadly, it's unsurprising that politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful, dishonest rhetoric are. president biden will never abuse his faith for political purpose -- [laughter] or for profit. and then the first lady's office added this, governor, about a the art a contest rules that said jesus was not allowed to be in the art contest, and this is what she said: pete: no, they're saying the guidance, governor. tell us, help us out if you believe this. this is what they're saying, that the art guidance that no religious spill blism has been the same for every add administration for 45 years. do you buy that? ronald reagan said, no, you can't about do anything about jesus at the easter egg hunt? >> no. [laughter] the fact that they're having to issue these kind of detailed statements is indication that they know the blowback is there. pete: correct. >> the reality of all of this is that they messed up. they messed up big. joey: you're absolutely right. >> they'd never admit it. they never own their errors because they don't have that much real estate that they can put them all on. pete: that's the best way to put it. governor mike huckabee, thank you for your clarity and your message this morning. happy easter or. rachel: happy easter, governor. >> happy easter. pete: more "fox & friends" in a moment. ♪ ♪ relax into a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800 sandals. it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, barbecue smoke, and air fry. weekends are better with life proof coolers that keep ice for days and have fridge-temperature drawers for dry foods, because everything is better without soggy sandwiches. it's better outside with ninja. hey you, with the small business... ...whoa... you've got all kinds of bright ideas, that your customers need to know about. constant contact makes it easy. with everything from managing your social posts, and events, to email and sms marketing. constant contact delivers all the tools you need to help your business grow. get started today at constant contact. helping the small stand tall. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. ♪ adam: it's easter morning, and we are out here celebrating on fox square. karen mccarthy brought some adorable bunnies and if chucks and your own kids, these are your children. >> yeah, those are my kids. adam: i know what a kit is, the little bunny ifs, right? the. >> yes. adam: a tell us a little bit about what you do. >> well, first, thank you for having doyle's farm today. we're so excited to have the baby chicks and bunnies ear. we're actually an educational farm, seven generations farming, and we have lots of schools come in and learn are all about the animals. we do hand feeding, they get a hands-on experience, see the eggs and the chicks and understand that, and also we do sheep shearing, and they learn how to melt goats. now we're open to the public so you can come with your family and come visit and learn all about the animals too. adam: can i pick one of these the up as i talk to you? >> yes. that's mama oreo and her seven baby kits. adam: can i just say i love that we're in such an urban environment and you get all these kids out here and be on a farm for the first time. okay, i'm losing this guy. i'm going to toss it over to the rest of my if anchors before i drop a bunny on tv. all right, guys telephone. [laughter] rachel: all right, thanks for not dropping the bun ifny. joey: adam says he knows what he's doing. rachel: from baby chicks who do excellent baby crafts -- pete: we have tips and tricks for egg dyeing and more. lenore, take the it away. >> all right. we're going to get a really cool marble effect, instead of shaving cream, used whipped cream. put only dots of food coloring, swirl with it around, put the eggs in there for about 30 minutes, and whipped cream is actually edible, to you can have really cool marbled deviled eggs. over here we're going to make disco eggs, really easy, really fun and all the kids actually made them this morning as well. yeah, you can do them with the eastser egg hunts as a well. hatch of imals alive, you just had watering it's just like real eggs, and over in the front is the spring basket, mini figures. rachel: what's in it in. >> there's a little character hike this. do you not know hatch-ima will ls? come on. they're really fun. there's, like, a chick, a lamb, a bunny and other spring characters. so this is great for your easter brunch table. so what you do, you put wonderful mandarins into little pouches to look like little bunnies. it's colorful, it's healthy, and these are great because they're, like, or they're sweet, they're seedless, they're easy to peel, just put a sticker face on top, googly eyes as a well. if you want a craft this morning, you can actually, if a lot of kids are coming over, a hack is to actually use q-tips instead of paint brushes. you can see we made little craft eggs -- joey: well, thank you for bringing all of this, a lot of good ideas. we're going to leave it here. i want to thank betty's bounces for our bouncing bunny house over here. more "fox & friends" ahead. rachel: aren't these cute? [laughter] pete: oh, they want us to read this -- still ahead -- which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. it starts with a grill. but it becomes so much more. an extension of your home. not just a weekend retreat, but an everyday getaway right in your backyard. newage makes it possible with beautiful all-weather cabinetry, grills and appliances that transform your backyard into a complete outdoor kitchen. visit to book a free design consultation and create the outdoor living space you've always wanted. we're carvana the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 percent online now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car whether it's a year old, or a few years old we want to buy your car so go to carvana enter your license plate answer a few questions and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds when you're ready we'll come to you pay you on the spot and pick up your car that's it so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way at carvana when your cat's hungry, you definitely know. when he wants your attention, he makes it clear. when he wants to be left alone, he makes it obvious. but if your cat has oa pain, also known as osteoarthritis pain, he may be saying “ow” in different ways. it's a long-lasting condition that makes it painful for your cat to move like they once did, like when walking or climbing. red flags are everywhere. but cats are really good at hiding their pain, so you just need to know what to look for. visit to learn about the signs of oa pain and how your vet can help. what's considered normal for your cat is interesting. but if your cat isn't their quirky self lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis. now, there's solensia. solensia is a once-monthly injection to control your cat's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering solensia who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding should take extreme care to avoid self-injection. self-injection could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. ask your vet about solensia and help get your cat back to their normal. ♪ [inaudible conversations] pete: i'm not going numb. i'll hold his hand if he'll hold mine. it's supposed to be relaxing? rachel: oh,ing dear. that ice bath hand holding is one of my favorite "fox & friends" moments. [laughter] last year pete and will tried the pop poplar cold running plunge, but a new study is claiming it might not actually have health benefits or at least all the ones we originally believed. so here to react is fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier. doctor, i know a lot of people who cold plunge. my husband, my sister, they all swear that they feel invigorated, more alert, more alive, and i think it's good for inflammation -- >> so, listen, you know, the cold plunge is definitely a fad. i try and stay away there if fads and friends, concern trends, but there are there is some scientific evidence to back cold plunges. we call it e a systematic review meaning they looked at all the data over the last ten years. and so they concluded, well, not really. here's the thing, it didn't actually say that, hey, there are some clear benefitses of cold plunging, but it didn't show there were not benefits. the reality is there haven't been any good designed studies. putting yourself into cold water whether it's a cold shower, cold bath, there can be -- if you look at at the physiology of the body, it causes those fight or flight responses to be released. they can lower inflammation, they can increase clarity. and if so there possibly are some health benefits. it constricts your blood vessels which is high we recommend after an injury that you do ice something, because it less temperatures inflammation and swelling. in neary, it -- theory, it probably does have some recovery, but we immediate better studies. rachel: people have been trying to get me into the cold plunge, or my sister, my husband, other people, it would have to be able to cure cancer for me to get into a cold plunge. [laughter] so this is not making me want to get on to this trend. >> i would say athletes, for sure, i bet it actually will get them prepared so they can work out again the next day. for me, i hate to be cold, and i actually love heat therapy. rachel: me too, a sauna. >> heat therapy's better for chronic conditions, so, you know, give me a heat sauna any day over this cold plunge. no thank you. rachel: yeah, i love it. okay. so let's talk about your special that's coming up. >> yeah. so something i'm really excited, we're almost two weeks out from the if release of love, mom, my new book. but this week we are going to be filming a live special. anyone can access it on fox nation. but if you want to actually attend it here in new york city, you actually can because we're going to have a live audience. i'm going to be there, carley shimkus, janice dean, martha maccallum, sandra smith, it's going to be a great time. scan that qr code, be a part of the special and, again, love, mop -- mom, it is an incredible story. you're in the book, so many of our favorite fox family and non-fox people are in the book as a welsh or perfect gift for mother's day. rachel: and we're going to do a live thing together, you and i. >> yes, we are. the day after the book release, you and i have doing the live signing. it's going to be a special moment. and i just love being able to interact with other people because that's that this book is all about, you know, showing gratitude and reminding people that we're all a kind of in this together. and i just love talking about all of the beautiful stories in the book. rachel: well, we love it, we love the book. we can't wait for it to get released. catch that special, by the way, love, mom. it's a live taping ott our new york studios, you can join with nicole saphier and a whole host of other moms from fox at a 9 a.m. this wednesday at 9 a.m. scan the qr code on your screen right now to register. thank you, dr. saphier. >> thank you. happy easter. rachel: heap easter to you -- happy easter to you too. all right, tim and demilee te bow are next. dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus together. try hallow for free today. hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you. ♪ ♪ ♪ pete: cincinnati-based -- manufacturing is all about second chances. the company taliban in 2009 with a mission to provide jobs to people with criminal quiks. and now they're -- convictions. and if now they're partnering with former nfl player tim tebow to continue helping others. tim and his wife joins us now. thank you both for being here. happy easter to you, thank you so much for joining us on fox and fends if weekend. i want to get -- "fox & friends" weekend. tim, let's go ladies first, here. >> perfect. pete: come on, that's the only way to do it. tell us about nehemiah manufacturing and why you support it so much. >> yeah, good morning ask and happy easter to everyone listening. we are so is grateful to be able to partner with this awesome company. their main focus is being with able to provide houses to people that have formerly received criminal records that haven't had the opportunity to get that comeback story. and so what they do is they have eight pillars that they use to work alongside all of their employees to come alongside them to help them, to be able to write that comeback story. they provide financial support, continue canned education, affordable housing to their employees which we love so much, you know? when you look at jesus' story, as believers when we see what he has done for us especially on a day like today, like easter sunday, how can we not but want to come alongside e people and support them the way that we are supported? pete: no doubt. and nehemiah a's really effective at a it. >> they are. they're one of the largest in the country, and it's led by an incredible family that we just love so much. and their heart for people is what shine, and the people are what shine. that's what it's all about. yes, it's a manufacturing company, and they do an incredible job with everyday products that all of us use in an incredible way, but what's special about it is the people and why we should believe in second chaps? because grace gave us all a second chance first. and if need to so believe in giving people a second and a third and a fifth and an eleventh chance because that's what grace is all about. it's incredible. when we had the opportunity to go to cincinnati to go and meet so many of the families and the individuals, you know, our heart e was broken. and hearing so many of the stories of how they, until nehemiah, had never been given a true seconds chance, and they'd never been looked at again with hope, with faith, with love, with things that we should be trying to live out every single day. that's what really broke our heart and and really convicted us to want to be a part of it. so we're so grateful for nehemiah manufacturing, for the difference they're making for the second chances, for the way they're showing love to individuals that so desperately need it. >> that's right. pete: that's pretty cool. tim, you mentioned the 11th try. we all need it. here we are in east, year of our lord -- easter, year are of our lord 2024, what's your message to our viewers? >> oh, man, to remember what it's really all about. and i hope every single person that is watching, pete, knows truly what easter is about. it's not just about a lot of the things that we see, it's not if about an easter bunny. it's not about an easter egg hunt. it is about the greatest love story, rescue mission in the history of the world. when jesus put on flesh and he came to the cross and he did for us what we could not do for ourselves. and if he loved us enough to do it. for god so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son that with whosoever believed in him would not perish, but have everlasting life. it's about good friday and great sunday. ed good friday, the greatest love of all time showed up in the person of jesus for all of us. and why is sunday so great, easter sunday so great? because the mission if was accomplished when jesus defeated what he started. and when jesus rose from the dead and how it counts for every single one of us so whosoever would believe would not perish, but have everlasting life. whoever's watching, know that you are so lovedded that god of this universe took your place on the cross and he took mine. he was the payment that satisfies for you and for me. it is the greatest love story, rescue mission of all time, and it counts for every single one of us. so is i hope today you know that it's not about just going to some building, it is not about just some ritual. it is about how loved you are. and i hope that you accept it, you know if it, because the god of this universe showed up for you over 2,000 years ago. pete: what a beautiful message. tim and demi-leigh, thank you so much. >> happy easter. pete: good to see you. we'll be right back. who will do your taxes from start to finish? 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Offense , Level , Holiest , Secular , Freedoms , Lash , Dignity , Hateful , Faith , Rhetoric , Art A Contest , First Lady , Profit , Art Contest , Guidance , Anything , Art Guidance , Add , Administration , Spill Blism , 45 , Statements , Indication , Real Estate , Errors , Clarity , Morning , Sandals , Master , State Of Mind , Char , Barbecue Smoke , Cookouts , Visit Sandals Com , Ninja , Air Fry , Ice , Sandwiches , Coolers , Proof , Drawers , Dry Foods , Kinds , Small Business , Contact , Customers , Posts , Sms Marketing , The One And Only Sotyktu , Feeling , Finding Psoriasis , Constantcontact Com Constant Contact , Tools , Chance , Pill , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Close Up , Moderate , Infections , Cancers , Ability , Tb , Background , Better , Infection , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Lymphoma , Jak Family , Changes , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Risks , Liver , Vaccine , Labs , Triglycerides , Jak Inhibitors , Find , Hiding , One Sotyktu , Kit , Chucks , Fox Square , Bunny Ifs , 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