Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

anyone joining us at 8:00 a.m., president biden briefed on this tr tragic bridge collapse, francis scott key bridge outside baltimore port. >> brian: it collapsad after a cargo ship crashed into it. >> lawrence: seven people in the water. >> steve: griff jenkins joins us live from the scene. we were just talking to ckurt curt the cyber guy about this. any car that went up, they will know who went into the water at the time of the crash and are undoubtedly looking up plate numbers. >> griff: that is for sure, steve. we are six hours into this, two press frns cans one by baltimore city officials and the one here. we are north of the collapsed bridge. you can see more of the damage there. it is a very camera-easy pass cover area because this is a major passage in the northeast corridor for traffic. the traffic is being redirected. there are three ways to pass through baltimore and through the harbor, it has been shut down. it is all hands on deck to the search and rescue to find out what may have been on the bridge and what vehicles may be in the water and the race against time and element. the water believed to be just over 50 degrees. maryland transportation secretary saying until further notice all vessels have been halted in and out of the harbor. here is more of what the transportation secretary, take a listen here. >> this is an active search and rescue mission. we are thankful for first responders carrying out their efforts and they are doing this all through the night and today. >> griff: in the search and rescue, responders combine for local fire department and baltimore officials, as well as coast guard, three boats, a cutter and helicopter trying to find anyone they can. two pulled from the one, one not injured and one critical and there may be seven unaccounted for. what appears to be maryland transportation workers on the bridge doing concrete repair. the press conference from brandon scott, here is what he said. >> what you would see the bridge tumble down like that. it looked like something out of an action movie. think about nothing but those families and people impacted and those people risking their lives from baltimore city and baltimore county and all over the state to save lives. thal is our focus, preservation of life. >> griff: out of both press conferences, no answers as to how this account have happened. i asked the transportation secretary if anything like this had happened. he said not in baltimore. we are waiting for an update and may hear from governor wes moore. search and krescue officials ar trying to connect people that are believed to be related to those in the middle of this tragic turn of events that happened around 1 t:30 this morning. >> lawrence: we have now a live shot, it looks like a boat closer to the water right now. i'm curious and steve pointed to this earlier, you saw cones on the bridge from the construction workers on the ramps doing work. has there been any statement from their union or anything about those construction workers? >> no, we haven't heard from them and the effort here was a j joint press conference between coast guard and transportation officials and transportation secretary. in terms of the workers, maryland state and city authority, which is buildings behind me at north end of this bridge, they were the ones involved in it and haven't got know a word on it. going down this end of the bridge, you continue to watch it here. what is interesting, i asked officials here if we might begin to learn or release communications between this ship and the harbor authorities that is going to tell us a lot. don't know details just yet. >> ainsley: maryland state senator salling is impacted and he worked as a steel worker. johnny, as we look at this live picture of the horrific crash near community seems like everyone is coming together, we heard from pete buttigieg, glenn youngkin. how are you doing there? i imagine this is a nightmare to wake up to. >> this is devastating to let alone not just maryland, my district of baltimore county. we depend on port of baltimore, in the east part of this country, in our area. it is dependent on transportation, truck, rail, barge and ship come in here constantly, now the patapsco river is an asset to us and losing this bridge will be devastating to not just the port, but the area. >> brian: do you know of close calls that have happened before? is there something in the community where people thought, we have to adjust this or is this really an anomaly? >> this is something that you would say, you would think would never happen. we have the queen victoria, one of the most massive ships that went through there and they were well prepared for this. knowing this happened 1:30 in the morning and i've been briefed by part of the governor's staff, president of the senate called me. it is brand new director that came from miami, new director at port of baltimore now. i had opportunity to speak with him. it is going to change the whole area of baltimore as we speak, let alone routes people go from port of baltimore and old bethlehem steel plant i worked 26 years. >> steve: port of baltimore, largest port in the united states. stuff like coal and petroleum products, there will be supply chain problems, but that is least of our worries today, we have to worry about finding people on that bridge. that bridge has stood there for close to 50 years. it is as iconic an image as you will find in the baltimore harbor area. when you see how that thing folded like a deck of cards, did you ever think i wonder how solid this thing is? it looked pretty fragile when it went down. >> it did. when that hit that support, one of the main supports to the bridge, only one thing was going to happen. it was going to collapse. how can we prepare in the future working with federal, state and local partners, we have to work together. this is a catastrophic event. we need a solution to work this out. we have trade atlantic as a partner. this is a deport and a lot of people don't understand deport, we have 50 feet depth, we have more opportunity to bring in more and bring it out. now we have a partner at old bethlehem trade point atlantic, good people that work together and we need to do that now, we are at point of a catastrophic event that has happened and we need to move forward and work together. >> lawrence: you're a senator by day, your actual profession is steel worker. what does this mean for the industry there? >> just to let you know, worked at bethlehem steel for 26 years and lafar for 25 years along with people where bethlehem steel workers. being in union for 25 years and knowing what they did throughout america for steel there. so many bridges. now we need to find out can we get this steel to repair and replace this iconic bridge that -- >> lawrence: how does something like this happen, i didn't mean to cut you off. as someone in the industry, when you see this happen and you see the bridge fold so quickly, what about -- >> steve: scary, terrifying. >> lawrence: it makes some people think twice before they travel a bridge looking at something so traumatic. >> it is. how can you prepare for this? this is something they need to look into. reinforcement and how we go need to make sure we're better prepared for this devastation, something you wouldn't think would happen has happened. >> senator, in the wake of last time this happened innen 92 80, they took a hard look at the bridge. they raised the bridge higher and were obsessive how to p prevent something like this. we need that conversation in wake of this. our viewers are looking at an image and you see cars going by as the ship hits. in the seat of the driver, a few seconds earlier or later, you missed this. those workers, you are a steel worker, what do you think when you hear state contract workers were there? >> it breaks my heart, i think about those affected by this. you think about the vehicles going across there, workers that were working on there. people that depend upon it and their families right now. my heart and my prayers go out to these families. i pray there were two people rescued, many are not answered for right now, prayers with them and their family s and everybody pray for them and we could get a resolution in there. it will be investigated for a long period of time. i think you said it right, let's find a way and solution where we can make sure this never happens again. >> brian: state senator johnny salling. lite find out about the drug by talking to john pastorino. you are a structural engineer, were you surprised that a hit to one beam would take a bridge down? >> depending upon the span this re reminds me of sunshine state bridge, i was involved in. when it says one beam. that is described as a beam or column and type of beam it is. one beam like that, in a critical spot could be without double safety stairndard safety. i'm surprised a container ship like that, which is so large, would be able to back over in tampa, we have some means un underwater so if ship does get out of it own direction that it can be diverted and be diverted from critical parts of the bridge, underwater structure the ship would come across before the bridge got to the critical part itself, that is something they would think of. >> steve: the container ship hits that support column and it was catastrophic. if we could put the video up of moment of impact, i'm surprised the bridge fell apart at the other support column, it snapped off. i think the average looking at this figure, okay, this bridge is so super dooper safe, nothing like that would ever happen. there are going to be million people who think about this 100 t times today when they drive over a big bridge. >> the structure itself tries to redi redistribute the load. if you lose critical part of one column, the structure tries to redistribute the load and goes to the other and overloaded that column, that is main of the structure. >> steve: we are about to see that happen. >> forgive my ignorance. >> steve: right here. >> lawrence: why not give a bridge more support, if a beam is hit, you have some type of backup. >> redundancy is what you are talking about, that is one c complaint of the fiu bridge collapse in miami, it was a smaller bridge, but six killed there, it was on design of the bridge. >> lawrence: is it a money thing, john? >> redundancy. >> lawrence: reason they don't do it. >> it could be a money thing, i think really the design, the redundancy is something that always should be considered. >> kayleigh: you refer to the sun o sunshine skyway collapse in 1980. you had a freighter hit a support beam, 35 people lost their life, there was a big conversation after. i am from the local community. they raised height of the bridge. you mentioned underwater structure that could divert ships from the bridge. tell me about that. >> i was involved in the repair or replacement of the new bridge. that was a main consideration. the bridge can only span so far and so therefore you have un underwater structures, take a ship out of control for one reason or another, wind or maybe the ship loses -- if it gets to a bridge, a diverter railing would divert the ship more toward center of the bridge or away from critical support. >> kayleigh: we have images of tampa bay, florida in 1980's, you can see and compare the two crashes there. >> steve: john, when you do as structural engineer, do the calculation as you design a bridge, you got to take into consideration worst case scenario, is this something they ultimately do in the back of their head, think let's say there is out of control container ship, what is going to happen? >> yeah, that is what i say that there is normally would be some kind of diversion type of structure that would keep it away from critical parts of the bridge. i don't know what happened here or why that would be the case, suspension bridge eliminate columns for the most part, but on the other hand, columns themselves should be on something that actual ly ship could not get to potentially. >> steve: all right. >> lawrence: thank you for joining the program, a lot of insight and knowledge. we have to talk about the search and rescue, figure out what happened and to his point, the structural aspect, figure out what to do if a ship does hit, how do you prevent it. >> kayleigh: commercial jet liners and thank god we have not had one crash in so long. last was 40 years ago, how do you make sure this never happens again. >> brian: pilots are there, captain, step aside, you have them take over so this doesn't happen. >> steve: to john's point, out of control safety ship. this wassin sdoo designed 50 years ago. this is older than that, gr grandfathered in. >> lawrence: bring in madeleine rivera with details on the bridge and how big it is on global impact. what can you tell us? >> madeleine: this will have a major impact in the region, the main concern is trying to find seven people who are missing right now. as you have been mentioning all morning, this is a main thoroughfare in and out of baltimore, 11 million vehicles went over the bridge last year, major transportation artery in the region gone. talk about what this impact or impact this incident could have on the global economy. we'll see how it unfolds over next days, weeks months. this is ninth largest port in the country for international cargo, carries 53 million tons of cargo, some valued at 80 billion dollars. think about products affected, top commodities by weight from the state. in 2022, coal, liquified natural gas, waste paper, automobiles like truck, salt, paper, gypsome. it is not just commodities that go through here, this is major lane for cruise ships, those operated by royal caribbean, carnival and norwegian and 400,000 passengers left from the port last year. this could have so many ripple effects throughout the country and the world. one big question here is how long it attacks for pieces of this bridge to be cleaned up and recovered from the river. we heard griff mention, as of now, no ships coming in or out of the harbor. >> kayleigh: faa said flight restrictions are in place around the francis scott key bridge as not to interfere with rescue efforts. >> steve: faa warning people, don't bring your drone and expect to fly over that. >> brian: staying on top of the bridge collapse, an active search and rescue is happening now, so don't move. don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. >> are you satisfied with the results you get from expensive nutritional supplements that don't 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the singapore-flagged dali ship. you see the remnants there, we are north of it. one of three major ways through ba baltimore. we learned from maryland transportation secretary all vessels have been stopped going in and out of the port authority. maryland governor wes moore has gone and seen the damage. we expect we may see him in the next hour or so for an update. we're learning maritime port authority of singapore is cooperating with u.s. officials and coast guard. there were 22 asboard that ship. their condition and location not kn known. immediate concern is the search and rescue that will continue throughout the morning in very difficult elements and conditions. we know there are vehicles in the patapsco river, that is the waterway this bridge crossed from chesapeake bay to baltimore harbor. it is about 50 feet deep. i asked authorities what is process to get the vehicles out. there are dive teams trying to rescue anyone in cars. it will take significant equipment to remove them from the water. not only vehicles on the bridge at the time of the collapse, some of the individuals are believed to be construction workers doing one kreet repair. unclear how many we are looking for, the number is seven, that could change. two came out, one okay, one in serious condition, taking to a trauma center for treatment. aside from acute search and rescue mission, they don't navigate very easily. it takes quite a bit of time to maneuver and turn ships around. communication between the ship in baltimore harbor may tell us a lot in terms of answering what went wrong and how this happened. important question was can you rule out there was foul play or this was intentional. so far nothing intentional suspected. it looks like this is a maritime accident. what is one of the busiest shipping commerce routes in the nation baltimore dealing with billions upon billions of commerce. >> steve: look at the container ship, we don't see any tug boats, according to lucas tomlinson, our colleague who drove big ships for the u.s. navy, he said regarding tugs, they would not be that far from the pier. b brian mentioned earlier, you could see black smoke, could be sign of a fire aboard the ship which could have caused it to lose power. the lights are out, they come on, something went hay wire. >> kayleigh: check in with janice dean on conditions for the dive team and anyone in the water. retired captain tsaid we can rue out weather conditions. >> janice: weather conditions were perfect, visibility 10 miles, temperatures were cold. we have a storm system that will move in over next 24 hours, i am concerned over the next couple days that storm will impact the area. weather conditions at 1:00 a.m., francis scott key bridge, temperature 39, we had calm winds three mile per hour, that will not be a factor and v visibility was really good. they will look at weather and say this was not a factor. water temperature 48 degrees. for people in the water, this is a concern. when you reach 40 to 50-degree water and submersed for 30 to 60 minutes, you only have one to three hours, this is what happens with hypothermia. i am concerned with rescue crews and the people in the water. conditions are good, we are watching that storm system from west that will move in within the next 24 to 48 hours. good news is weather was not affecting this, we will see potential for impact of weather conditions going downhill in next 24 to 48 hours. >> brian: thank you. 26 now before top of the hour. active search and rescue, don't move, we'll bring you the latest. anthony: this making you uncomfortable? good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death. rsv can severely affect the lungs and 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>> a ship should not be impinging on structural support of a bridge. navigation and control of the ship was erroneous and could be combination of factors or individual factor, could be human error on navigation by the crew or combination of loss of control or navigational system failure. back in the 1990, royal majesty had a bad gps signal connection and navigation showed they were in one place and they were in another and that resulted in the cruise ship grounding and that could have occurred. they could have lost control of their rudder and steering and not been able to avoid impact. variety of factors could come into play. ntsb and coast guard will get to work to determine that. should be a recorder onboard which records data, like a flight data recorder and crew communication voices up on the bridge of the vessel. hope ntsb will get that data by end of today. >> lawrence: charlie, if our producers can go to the video, you see it approaching. when you look at video of the ship and power on and then off. then it goes back on. so tell us what does that moment speak to when you have the power go going out and suddenly back on before the crash? >> brian: does black smoke tell you he's trying to go in reverse. >> that is a possibility, one thing they should have done with power loss would have been on the maritime world, come to a stop. if you lose power, they also could have lost control of engine and thrust if that were to have occurred. number of issue ntsb and coast guard would look into. they need to do something about providing collision warnings for vehicles that are transiting, they should be able to put radar detectors on the bridge structure to detect if there is ship collision and bring down cross bucks like they do on railroad trains. it is time for ntsb to call for industry to look into developing those type of systems. >> they wouldn't have permanently manned situation like that. idea i had was that, engineering idea i had like many others that i had while at the board. in this case, we have the technology nowadays to put radar detector on bridges that are fulling aware of geo metry of the bridge. to go ahead and clear the bridge and not allow traffic on the bridge until the warning sense condition is eshg eliminated. >> kayleigh: great idea. >> steve: thank you for joining us live. >> lawrence: we are staying on top of the bridge collapse, active search and rescue, stay with us. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. this looks like an actual farm. it looked cute on the app. ( ♪ ) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you'll know what you get. here you go. is there anyway to get a better price on this? 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behind a wife and 1-year-old child. the suspected shooter is a career criminal with 21 prior arrests including gun and assault charges. charges related to last night's deadly shooting have not yet been announced. to another alert. a new york city man is dead after being hit by a subway train yesterday in harlem. the victim hasn't been identified but was pushed onto the tracks and the train was unable to stop in time. this comes after governor hochul deployed the national guard and state police to patrol the subways. officials say the victim was shoved by a mentally disturbed person who was already out on bond on an assault charge. the suspect was taken into custody and charges are pending. he has a prior assault arrest from october 2023. the sources tell the "new york post" he was free on bond. a moscow city court once again extending the pre-trial detention of evan gershkovitch it is one year since he was first detained accused of trying to obtain defense secrets while working in moscow, an allegation that the united states, gershkovitch and "wall street journal" all deny facing up to 20 years in prison if convicted. the u.s. ambassador to russia says the case shows american citizens are being used as pawns by the kremlin. former president trump set to pay a much smaller bond in his new york city civil fraud case after an appeals court judge cut it by more than half. that original $454 million judgment being slashed to $175 million as trump challenges the judgment. he must pay that amount in ten days. meanwhile another new york judge has set an april 15th trail date for the president's hush money case rejecting his request for an even larger delay. federal agents raiding two homes belonging to rapper sean diddy combs as part of a sex trafficking investigation. two of his sons, justin and king can be seen in handcuffs. it is still unclear if they've been taken into custody. this video shows a diddy at the miami airport hours after the raid. a flight data shows his private jet touching down in the caribbean yesterday morning. he denies all of the allegations against him. right now protestors are gathering outside the supreme court at 10:00 a.m. the justices will hear arguments over the pill mifepristone and 2016 the fda made the pill easier to obtain. medical associations who oppose abortion say they are unlawfully relaxing rules around the pill's use. the high court will decide whether the pill will be available nationwide. and those are your headlines, guys. back over to you. >> brian: all the other stories happening we were covering this mammoth story in baltimore. >> steve: back to that story. active search is currently on for at least seven people at the collapse of the key bridge outside baltimore. we expect an update in 45 minutes. >> greg payne joins us now from the scene. greg. >> right now everybody is kind of moving a little bit closer because they are expecting the governor of maryland to be holding a press conference in a little bit. the first thing that i want to mention is the the good news that we heard out of the two press conferences this morning. two people have been rescued. we'll talk about their conditions later. give you a look right here and looks like the press conference, they're trying to get ready for that. i want to show you the cargo ship that's there. that's the cargo ship we've been talking about. you can see off to the left the amount of damage that it has caused. take a look at this video showing the moment the ship hit the bridge causing it to collapse. this was around 1:30 in the morning leading to multiple vehicles falling into the water and authorities trying to rescue at least seven people. that two people we talked about who were rescued, one was uninjured, the other at a trauma center in serious condition. they're reporting there were multiple vehicles at the bridge including one the size of a tractor trailer. sonar has detepidityed multiple vehicles in the water and relying on the divers to determine if the situation is unsurvivable. the focus is still a search and rescue. we're told along with drivers on the bridge, construction crews were doing concrete work on the bridge. officials are talking with the crew members from the ship. right now water traffic through the area is suspended. the f.b.i. is here which they say this is standard for situations like this to determine if there was any active terrorism in this situation. as i mentioned during the press conferences the main thing they kept mentioning over and over is this is still a search and rescue at this point in time. >> steve: greg, thank you very much for the live report. great job. >> mike, a retired pilot and aviation expert helping to investigate the cargo ship caught in the suez canall in 2021. the faa suspended air traffic to allow for the search and rescue operation. >> i think some other things you have to look at. condolences from our team and we've worked extensively globally with the ntsb and here in the united states and internationally. one thing that will happen is jurisdiction issues between the state and federal government. technically owns the operation this morning. they have what's called go teams on stand by around the united states of experts and from the ntsb and put on u.s. aircraft and brought to baltimore. the ones not in the washington metroaire. the go team is already on the scene and they will be having a fight with the f.b.i. and with the local authorities but they are all concentrating on saving lives and rescuing folks and then creating an environment where this never happens again. >> brian: is it standard for tug boats to do things like that, the pilots were doing themselves bringing ships like this in and out? >> absolutely. so what happens is these harbor pilots, they go through just like aviation pilots, they go through rigorous annual simulator instruction and simulator emergencies and also live in the ships. so there would have been a harbor pilot or two this morning, especially in the middle of the night. it is very narrow through there. the length of time it takes for a ship of this length and weight to stop. and move in a different direction. those harbor pilots would have been on board. not unusual to not have a tug boat as they exit out of the harbor into the streams to head out into the atlanta. and these harbor pilots probably have not spoken with the authorities. it would be my guess the union has advised them to come, the union interrogates them first and with the attorneys and then sets up the protocol for the conversation between the harbor pilots and the agencies of jurisdiction. >> steve: captain, thank you very much. interesting. they probably haven't spoken to the investigators yet, the people at the wheel when it happened. >> brian: what if they lawyer up? >> lawrence: the accident happened at about 1:30 a.m. >> this is an unthinkable

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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anyone joining us at 8:00 a.m., president biden briefed on this tr tragic bridge collapse, francis scott key bridge outside baltimore port. >> brian: it collapsad after a cargo ship crashed into it. >> lawrence: seven people in the water. >> steve: griff jenkins joins us live from the scene. we were just talking to ckurt curt the cyber guy about this. any car that went up, they will know who went into the water at the time of the crash and are undoubtedly looking up plate numbers. >> griff: that is for sure, steve. we are six hours into this, two press frns cans one by baltimore city officials and the one here. we are north of the collapsed bridge. you can see more of the damage there. it is a very camera-easy pass cover area because this is a major passage in the northeast corridor for traffic. the traffic is being redirected. there are three ways to pass through baltimore and through the harbor, it has been shut down. it is all hands on deck to the search and rescue to find out what may have been on the bridge and what vehicles may be in the water and the race against time and element. the water believed to be just over 50 degrees. maryland transportation secretary saying until further notice all vessels have been halted in and out of the harbor. here is more of what the transportation secretary, take a listen here. >> this is an active search and rescue mission. we are thankful for first responders carrying out their efforts and they are doing this all through the night and today. >> griff: in the search and rescue, responders combine for local fire department and baltimore officials, as well as coast guard, three boats, a cutter and helicopter trying to find anyone they can. two pulled from the one, one not injured and one critical and there may be seven unaccounted for. what appears to be maryland transportation workers on the bridge doing concrete repair. the press conference from brandon scott, here is what he said. >> what you would see the bridge tumble down like that. it looked like something out of an action movie. think about nothing but those families and people impacted and those people risking their lives from baltimore city and baltimore county and all over the state to save lives. thal is our focus, preservation of life. >> griff: out of both press conferences, no answers as to how this account have happened. i asked the transportation secretary if anything like this had happened. he said not in baltimore. we are waiting for an update and may hear from governor wes moore. search and krescue officials ar trying to connect people that are believed to be related to those in the middle of this tragic turn of events that happened around 1 t:30 this morning. >> lawrence: we have now a live shot, it looks like a boat closer to the water right now. i'm curious and steve pointed to this earlier, you saw cones on the bridge from the construction workers on the ramps doing work. has there been any statement from their union or anything about those construction workers? >> no, we haven't heard from them and the effort here was a j joint press conference between coast guard and transportation officials and transportation secretary. in terms of the workers, maryland state and city authority, which is buildings behind me at north end of this bridge, they were the ones involved in it and haven't got know a word on it. going down this end of the bridge, you continue to watch it here. what is interesting, i asked officials here if we might begin to learn or release communications between this ship and the harbor authorities that is going to tell us a lot. don't know details just yet. >> ainsley: maryland state senator salling is impacted and he worked as a steel worker. johnny, as we look at this live picture of the horrific crash near community seems like everyone is coming together, we heard from pete buttigieg, glenn youngkin. how are you doing there? i imagine this is a nightmare to wake up to. >> this is devastating to let alone not just maryland, my district of baltimore county. we depend on port of baltimore, in the east part of this country, in our area. it is dependent on transportation, truck, rail, barge and ship come in here constantly, now the patapsco river is an asset to us and losing this bridge will be devastating to not just the port, but the area. >> brian: do you know of close calls that have happened before? is there something in the community where people thought, we have to adjust this or is this really an anomaly? >> this is something that you would say, you would think would never happen. we have the queen victoria, one of the most massive ships that went through there and they were well prepared for this. knowing this happened 1:30 in the morning and i've been briefed by part of the governor's staff, president of the senate called me. it is brand new director that came from miami, new director at port of baltimore now. i had opportunity to speak with him. it is going to change the whole area of baltimore as we speak, let alone routes people go from port of baltimore and old bethlehem steel plant i worked 26 years. >> steve: port of baltimore, largest port in the united states. stuff like coal and petroleum products, there will be supply chain problems, but that is least of our worries today, we have to worry about finding people on that bridge. that bridge has stood there for close to 50 years. it is as iconic an image as you will find in the baltimore harbor area. when you see how that thing folded like a deck of cards, did you ever think i wonder how solid this thing is? it looked pretty fragile when it went down. >> it did. when that hit that support, one of the main supports to the bridge, only one thing was going to happen. it was going to collapse. how can we prepare in the future working with federal, state and local partners, we have to work together. this is a catastrophic event. we need a solution to work this out. we have trade atlantic as a partner. this is a deport and a lot of people don't understand deport, we have 50 feet depth, we have more opportunity to bring in more and bring it out. now we have a partner at old bethlehem trade point atlantic, good people that work together and we need to do that now, we are at point of a catastrophic event that has happened and we need to move forward and work together. >> lawrence: you're a senator by day, your actual profession is steel worker. what does this mean for the industry there? >> just to let you know, worked at bethlehem steel for 26 years and lafar for 25 years along with people where bethlehem steel workers. being in union for 25 years and knowing what they did throughout america for steel there. so many bridges. now we need to find out can we get this steel to repair and replace this iconic bridge that -- >> lawrence: how does something like this happen, i didn't mean to cut you off. as someone in the industry, when you see this happen and you see the bridge fold so quickly, what about -- >> steve: scary, terrifying. >> lawrence: it makes some people think twice before they travel a bridge looking at something so traumatic. >> it is. how can you prepare for this? this is something they need to look into. reinforcement and how we go need to make sure we're better prepared for this devastation, something you wouldn't think would happen has happened. >> senator, in the wake of last time this happened innen 92 80, they took a hard look at the bridge. they raised the bridge higher and were obsessive how to p prevent something like this. we need that conversation in wake of this. our viewers are looking at an image and you see cars going by as the ship hits. in the seat of the driver, a few seconds earlier or later, you missed this. those workers, you are a steel worker, what do you think when you hear state contract workers were there? >> it breaks my heart, i think about those affected by this. you think about the vehicles going across there, workers that were working on there. people that depend upon it and their families right now. my heart and my prayers go out to these families. i pray there were two people rescued, many are not answered for right now, prayers with them and their family s and everybody pray for them and we could get a resolution in there. it will be investigated for a long period of time. i think you said it right, let's find a way and solution where we can make sure this never happens again. >> brian: state senator johnny salling. lite find out about the drug by talking to john pastorino. you are a structural engineer, were you surprised that a hit to one beam would take a bridge down? >> depending upon the span this re reminds me of sunshine state bridge, i was involved in. when it says one beam. that is described as a beam or column and type of beam it is. one beam like that, in a critical spot could be without double safety stairndard safety. i'm surprised a container ship like that, which is so large, would be able to back over in tampa, we have some means un underwater so if ship does get out of it own direction that it can be diverted and be diverted from critical parts of the bridge, underwater structure the ship would come across before the bridge got to the critical part itself, that is something they would think of. >> steve: the container ship hits that support column and it was catastrophic. if we could put the video up of moment of impact, i'm surprised the bridge fell apart at the other support column, it snapped off. i think the average looking at this figure, okay, this bridge is so super dooper safe, nothing like that would ever happen. there are going to be million people who think about this 100 t times today when they drive over a big bridge. >> the structure itself tries to redi redistribute the load. if you lose critical part of one column, the structure tries to redistribute the load and goes to the other and overloaded that column, that is main of the structure. >> steve: we are about to see that happen. >> forgive my ignorance. >> steve: right here. >> lawrence: why not give a bridge more support, if a beam is hit, you have some type of backup. >> redundancy is what you are talking about, that is one c complaint of the fiu bridge collapse in miami, it was a smaller bridge, but six killed there, it was on design of the bridge. >> lawrence: is it a money thing, john? >> redundancy. >> lawrence: reason they don't do it. >> it could be a money thing, i think really the design, the redundancy is something that always should be considered. >> kayleigh: you refer to the sun o sunshine skyway collapse in 1980. you had a freighter hit a support beam, 35 people lost their life, there was a big conversation after. i am from the local community. they raised height of the bridge. you mentioned underwater structure that could divert ships from the bridge. tell me about that. >> i was involved in the repair or replacement of the new bridge. that was a main consideration. the bridge can only span so far and so therefore you have un underwater structures, take a ship out of control for one reason or another, wind or maybe the ship loses -- if it gets to a bridge, a diverter railing would divert the ship more toward center of the bridge or away from critical support. >> kayleigh: we have images of tampa bay, florida in 1980's, you can see and compare the two crashes there. >> steve: john, when you do as structural engineer, do the calculation as you design a bridge, you got to take into consideration worst case scenario, is this something they ultimately do in the back of their head, think let's say there is out of control container ship, what is going to happen? >> yeah, that is what i say that there is normally would be some kind of diversion type of structure that would keep it away from critical parts of the bridge. i don't know what happened here or why that would be the case, suspension bridge eliminate columns for the most part, but on the other hand, columns themselves should be on something that actual ly ship could not get to potentially. >> steve: all right. >> lawrence: thank you for joining the program, a lot of insight and knowledge. we have to talk about the search and rescue, figure out what happened and to his point, the structural aspect, figure out what to do if a ship does hit, how do you prevent it. >> kayleigh: commercial jet liners and thank god we have not had one crash in so long. last was 40 years ago, how do you make sure this never happens again. >> brian: pilots are there, captain, step aside, you have them take over so this doesn't happen. >> steve: to john's point, out of control safety ship. this wassin sdoo designed 50 years ago. this is older than that, gr grandfathered in. >> lawrence: bring in madeleine rivera with details on the bridge and how big it is on global impact. what can you tell us? >> madeleine: this will have a major impact in the region, the main concern is trying to find seven people who are missing right now. as you have been mentioning all morning, this is a main thoroughfare in and out of baltimore, 11 million vehicles went over the bridge last year, major transportation artery in the region gone. talk about what this impact or impact this incident could have on the global economy. we'll see how it unfolds over next days, weeks months. this is ninth largest port in the country for international cargo, carries 53 million tons of cargo, some valued at 80 billion dollars. think about products affected, top commodities by weight from the state. in 2022, coal, liquified natural gas, waste paper, automobiles like truck, salt, paper, gypsome. it is not just commodities that go through here, this is major lane for cruise ships, those operated by royal caribbean, carnival and norwegian and 400,000 passengers left from the port last year. this could have so many ripple effects throughout the country and the world. one big question here is how long it attacks for pieces of this bridge to be cleaned up and recovered from the river. we heard griff mention, as of now, no ships coming in or out of the harbor. >> kayleigh: faa said flight restrictions are in place around the francis scott key bridge as not to interfere with rescue efforts. >> steve: faa warning people, don't bring your drone and expect to fly over that. >> brian: staying on top of the bridge collapse, an active search and rescue is happening now, so don't move. don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. >> are you satisfied with the results you get from expensive nutritional supplements that don't 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order now. fox news is proud to bring you this she■s a hero moment. i knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it. if you can see her, you can be her. >> kayleigh: fox news alert. for anyone just joining us, an active search on on for seven peopler more, after the collapse of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore. we are expecting an update in the next hour. >> steve: griff jenkins live from the scene. great coverage so far. so little is be ing meter the ot by the authorities except one bit of good news, they were able to fish two people out of the water. >> steve: that is right, steve. seven hours now since this happened at 1:30 when the singapore-flagged dali ship. you see the remnants there, we are north of it. one of three major ways through ba baltimore. we learned from maryland transportation secretary all vessels have been stopped going in and out of the port authority. maryland governor wes moore has gone and seen the damage. we expect we may see him in the next hour or so for an update. we're learning maritime port authority of singapore is cooperating with u.s. officials and coast guard. there were 22 asboard that ship. their condition and location not kn known. immediate concern is the search and rescue that will continue throughout the morning in very difficult elements and conditions. we know there are vehicles in the patapsco river, that is the waterway this bridge crossed from chesapeake bay to baltimore harbor. it is about 50 feet deep. i asked authorities what is process to get the vehicles out. there are dive teams trying to rescue anyone in cars. it will take significant equipment to remove them from the water. not only vehicles on the bridge at the time of the collapse, some of the individuals are believed to be construction workers doing one kreet repair. unclear how many we are looking for, the number is seven, that could change. two came out, one okay, one in serious condition, taking to a trauma center for treatment. aside from acute search and rescue mission, they don't navigate very easily. it takes quite a bit of time to maneuver and turn ships around. communication between the ship in baltimore harbor may tell us a lot in terms of answering what went wrong and how this happened. important question was can you rule out there was foul play or this was intentional. so far nothing intentional suspected. it looks like this is a maritime accident. what is one of the busiest shipping commerce routes in the nation baltimore dealing with billions upon billions of commerce. >> steve: look at the container ship, we don't see any tug boats, according to lucas tomlinson, our colleague who drove big ships for the u.s. navy, he said regarding tugs, they would not be that far from the pier. b brian mentioned earlier, you could see black smoke, could be sign of a fire aboard the ship which could have caused it to lose power. the lights are out, they come on, something went hay wire. >> kayleigh: check in with janice dean on conditions for the dive team and anyone in the water. retired captain tsaid we can rue out weather conditions. >> janice: weather conditions were perfect, visibility 10 miles, temperatures were cold. we have a storm system that will move in over next 24 hours, i am concerned over the next couple days that storm will impact the area. weather conditions at 1:00 a.m., francis scott key bridge, temperature 39, we had calm winds three mile per hour, that will not be a factor and v visibility was really good. they will look at weather and say this was not a factor. water temperature 48 degrees. for people in the water, this is a concern. when you reach 40 to 50-degree water and submersed for 30 to 60 minutes, you only have one to three hours, this is what happens with hypothermia. i am concerned with rescue crews and the people in the water. conditions are good, we are watching that storm system from west that will move in within the next 24 to 48 hours. good news is weather was not affecting this, we will see potential for impact of weather conditions going downhill in next 24 to 48 hours. >> brian: thank you. 26 now before top of the hour. active search and rescue, don't move, we'll bring you the latest. anthony: this making you uncomfortable? good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death. rsv can severely affect the lungs and 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>> a ship should not be impinging on structural support of a bridge. navigation and control of the ship was erroneous and could be combination of factors or individual factor, could be human error on navigation by the crew or combination of loss of control or navigational system failure. back in the 1990, royal majesty had a bad gps signal connection and navigation showed they were in one place and they were in another and that resulted in the cruise ship grounding and that could have occurred. they could have lost control of their rudder and steering and not been able to avoid impact. variety of factors could come into play. ntsb and coast guard will get to work to determine that. should be a recorder onboard which records data, like a flight data recorder and crew communication voices up on the bridge of the vessel. hope ntsb will get that data by end of today. >> lawrence: charlie, if our producers can go to the video, you see it approaching. when you look at video of the ship and power on and then off. then it goes back on. so tell us what does that moment speak to when you have the power go going out and suddenly back on before the crash? >> brian: does black smoke tell you he's trying to go in reverse. >> that is a possibility, one thing they should have done with power loss would have been on the maritime world, come to a stop. if you lose power, they also could have lost control of engine and thrust if that were to have occurred. number of issue ntsb and coast guard would look into. they need to do something about providing collision warnings for vehicles that are transiting, they should be able to put radar detectors on the bridge structure to detect if there is ship collision and bring down cross bucks like they do on railroad trains. it is time for ntsb to call for industry to look into developing those type of systems. >> they wouldn't have permanently manned situation like that. idea i had was that, engineering idea i had like many others that i had while at the board. in this case, we have the technology nowadays to put radar detector on bridges that are fulling aware of geo metry of the bridge. to go ahead and clear the bridge and not allow traffic on the bridge until the warning sense condition is eshg eliminated. >> kayleigh: great idea. >> steve: thank you for joining us live. >> lawrence: we are staying on top of the bridge collapse, active search and rescue, stay with us. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. this looks like an actual farm. it looked cute on the app. ( ♪ ) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you'll know what you get. here you go. is there anyway to get a better price on this? 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behind a wife and 1-year-old child. the suspected shooter is a career criminal with 21 prior arrests including gun and assault charges. charges related to last night's deadly shooting have not yet been announced. to another alert. a new york city man is dead after being hit by a subway train yesterday in harlem. the victim hasn't been identified but was pushed onto the tracks and the train was unable to stop in time. this comes after governor hochul deployed the national guard and state police to patrol the subways. officials say the victim was shoved by a mentally disturbed person who was already out on bond on an assault charge. the suspect was taken into custody and charges are pending. he has a prior assault arrest from october 2023. the sources tell the "new york post" he was free on bond. a moscow city court once again extending the pre-trial detention of evan gershkovitch it is one year since he was first detained accused of trying to obtain defense secrets while working in moscow, an allegation that the united states, gershkovitch and "wall street journal" all deny facing up to 20 years in prison if convicted. the u.s. ambassador to russia says the case shows american citizens are being used as pawns by the kremlin. former president trump set to pay a much smaller bond in his new york city civil fraud case after an appeals court judge cut it by more than half. that original $454 million judgment being slashed to $175 million as trump challenges the judgment. he must pay that amount in ten days. meanwhile another new york judge has set an april 15th trail date for the president's hush money case rejecting his request for an even larger delay. federal agents raiding two homes belonging to rapper sean diddy combs as part of a sex trafficking investigation. two of his sons, justin and king can be seen in handcuffs. it is still unclear if they've been taken into custody. this video shows a diddy at the miami airport hours after the raid. a flight data shows his private jet touching down in the caribbean yesterday morning. he denies all of the allegations against him. right now protestors are gathering outside the supreme court at 10:00 a.m. the justices will hear arguments over the pill mifepristone and 2016 the fda made the pill easier to obtain. medical associations who oppose abortion say they are unlawfully relaxing rules around the pill's use. the high court will decide whether the pill will be available nationwide. and those are your headlines, guys. back over to you. >> brian: all the other stories happening we were covering this mammoth story in baltimore. >> steve: back to that story. active search is currently on for at least seven people at the collapse of the key bridge outside baltimore. we expect an update in 45 minutes. >> greg payne joins us now from the scene. greg. >> right now everybody is kind of moving a little bit closer because they are expecting the governor of maryland to be holding a press conference in a little bit. the first thing that i want to mention is the the good news that we heard out of the two press conferences this morning. two people have been rescued. we'll talk about their conditions later. give you a look right here and looks like the press conference, they're trying to get ready for that. i want to show you the cargo ship that's there. that's the cargo ship we've been talking about. you can see off to the left the amount of damage that it has caused. take a look at this video showing the moment the ship hit the bridge causing it to collapse. this was around 1:30 in the morning leading to multiple vehicles falling into the water and authorities trying to rescue at least seven people. that two people we talked about who were rescued, one was uninjured, the other at a trauma center in serious condition. they're reporting there were multiple vehicles at the bridge including one the size of a tractor trailer. sonar has detepidityed multiple vehicles in the water and relying on the divers to determine if the situation is unsurvivable. the focus is still a search and rescue. we're told along with drivers on the bridge, construction crews were doing concrete work on the bridge. officials are talking with the crew members from the ship. right now water traffic through the area is suspended. the f.b.i. is here which they say this is standard for situations like this to determine if there was any active terrorism in this situation. as i mentioned during the press conferences the main thing they kept mentioning over and over is this is still a search and rescue at this point in time. >> steve: greg, thank you very much for the live report. great job. >> mike, a retired pilot and aviation expert helping to investigate the cargo ship caught in the suez canall in 2021. the faa suspended air traffic to allow for the search and rescue operation. >> i think some other things you have to look at. condolences from our team and we've worked extensively globally with the ntsb and here in the united states and internationally. one thing that will happen is jurisdiction issues between the state and federal government. technically owns the operation this morning. they have what's called go teams on stand by around the united states of experts and from the ntsb and put on u.s. aircraft and brought to baltimore. the ones not in the washington metroaire. the go team is already on the scene and they will be having a fight with the f.b.i. and with the local authorities but they are all concentrating on saving lives and rescuing folks and then creating an environment where this never happens again. >> brian: is it standard for tug boats to do things like that, the pilots were doing themselves bringing ships like this in and out? >> absolutely. so what happens is these harbor pilots, they go through just like aviation pilots, they go through rigorous annual simulator instruction and simulator emergencies and also live in the ships. so there would have been a harbor pilot or two this morning, especially in the middle of the night. it is very narrow through there. the length of time it takes for a ship of this length and weight to stop. and move in a different direction. those harbor pilots would have been on board. not unusual to not have a tug boat as they exit out of the harbor into the streams to head out into the atlanta. and these harbor pilots probably have not spoken with the authorities. it would be my guess the union has advised them to come, the union interrogates them first and with the attorneys and then sets up the protocol for the conversation between the harbor pilots and the agencies of jurisdiction. >> steve: captain, thank you very much. interesting. they probably haven't spoken to the investigators yet, the people at the wheel when it happened. >> brian: what if they lawyer up? >> lawrence: the accident happened at about 1:30 a.m. >> this is an unthinkable

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