Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

"fox and friends." former president trump has until 11:59 tonight to pay a whopping $454 million bond. greg jarrett on the way it could pay out. >> carley: and well wishes pouring in after kate kate middleton's announcement about cancer. >> lawrence: and a star is born. >> lawrence: we talked to 17-year-old fan who had the night of his life playing with zach briyan. >> steve: that is great. remember mornings are better with friends. >> carley: fox news alert, today is the deadline for former president trump to pay his $454 million bond in his new york civil case. >> lawrence: if he doesn't, the state could seize his assets. >> brian: gregg, as much as i like you, i want to go to eric, where the former president is also set to appear. >> i like gregg, too. three things, hush money trial, hearing at the criminal court and that $454 million and it could make 3 billion on the market today. manhattan criminal court hearing in the stormer daniels hush money case. the trump lawyers want the case to be thrown out or delayed. the judge was supposed to start jury selection today, he delayed it for april 15th, we'll see if that will be delayed. some legal experts think this is not the strongest one to start that others are stronger, not this one. let's listen. >> if something is going to happen before the election, this is case it will happen on. this is by far the weakest case in my opinion. it is ironic this is what they are pushing forward and the one that will be heard. >> then there is deadline tonight for florida $454 million bond the president has to come up with stemming from the real estate fraud trial. he was found liable of falsely inflating the value of his properties. will leticia james start seeking properties today? she could freeze the former president bank and brokerage account and initiate proceedings to seize new york properties. the former president has his own legal avenues, he has appellate court appeal deal in that bond. he could see financial support or sell his truth social stock. that is big news today because truth social will go public on wall street and that could net the president 3 billion. you would think he could pay that to pay his $454 million. he is not able to sell that stock for six months tlchl is way for a lender to advance it to him using the stock as collateral. we expect the former president to arrive here for the hearing on the hush money case. back to you. >> steve: eric, where is your other glove? saw one. okay, good, crisis averted. >> carley: warm hand, warm heart. >> steve: let's bring in gregg jarret it. he has to come up with half a billion dollars by midnight unless they hear from the appeals court. they don't meet today, they meet tomorrow. something happens at midnight because they will not have met and he is due as of midnight. >> steve, he's got a lot more time than everybody thinks, seizing his real estate is a long, cumbersome process. i would expect weeks of petitions, court hearing, testimony from experts and banks could intervene because they have a superior financial interest. in terms of bank accounts, leticia james can try to freeze them, that is fraught with obstacles, i suspect his cash may be tied up in corporate and family accounts. ownership is not straight-forward as you would think. >> lawrence: i get the sense this is political. it is what aoc is saying right now, watch. >> i think what we're dealing with is much larger and much more grave and serious pressure of having this judgement against donald trump and him being in this degree of debt and financial pressure he is under and what he's subject to do in order to obtain assets. i think there is risk in not seizing the assets and the open window that exist in him trying to secure these funds through other means. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> i have no idea what she was saying, i don't think she does. trying to make sense of aoc is washington parlor game. she can talk inscessantly while saying nothing. she is hopelessly uninformed, obtuse and plain ignorant, this is same person that said rico or racketeering is not a crime. no sane person takes aoc seriously, which is why she is always featured on cnn. >> carley: leticia james says she is going after former president trump because he is too pale and too stale -- when donald trump does appeal this ruling could his lawyer use her past political comments to their favor? >> they absolutely could. she campaigned for office on the promise to get trump, she literally said that, by hook or by crook and looks like it was by crook because this was incredibly weak case. only thing going for her was an anti-trump judge who wore his bias on his sleeve. he intentional ly rendered astr nom calnom dagainst trump. and try to ruin him financially. i still have faith in the higher court, they'll look at this and say it is utterly ludicrous and measure of damage bears no r resemblance to any harm in the case, as everybody testified, there was no harm. >> brian: as home, it gets confusing, president waiting to find out if a judge will allow him to pay less money, we're waiting on that and court convenes on tuesday. we are also waiting because he is challenging that decision. he has two appeals and they want to take all his stuff. if they take his stuff and sell it and he wins it, he is out of luck. unbelievable. the hush money case, 10:00, the judge will decide if this case goes forward. alvin bragg says despite me saying last week i don't mind a delay because of the 170,000 documents, this week is like, i got to get started and get this done, what do you think will happen? >> when you withhold 170,000 f from the defense, they have a due process to review the r relevant documents. alvin bragg's office says only 300 relevant pages. who would take his word for it and why alvin bragg didn't push the feds to turn over the documents for one year is prejudice of the accused in this case. as everybody has pointed out, this is a weak case. if you look at the indictment, alvin bragg has not identified the underlying crime, which the defendant is entitled to know before he goes to trial. this case has a whole host of problems defense will try to exploit. >> lawrence: you have all these d.a.s that don't want to target non nonviolent crime, but have gotten wind in their sails to go after the former president, i don't understand the hypocrisy there. >> the hi ypocrisy should be evident to everybody. they all seem to be mrith cally motivated, designed to damage trump and timed to damage trump during an election. that is classic election interference. what they didn't appreciate is the many -- of course fani willis seems to have self-destructed before our very eyes and now the alvin bragg case has a problem, as well. their best laid plans seem to have been undermined by their own akctions. >> steve: the former president will be in lower manhattan today. thank you. >> brian: go back to the law books to refresh your memory on all the court cases and extensive things happening. >> lawrence: to a pair of squatter stories, a 77-year-old homeowner spent a night in jail after police were unable to remove the squatters in his property. brooke singman has the story. >> brooke: the 77-year-old awas arre arrested after a person showed up with fake papers showing the house was theirs. the correct couple refused to leave and were arrested. in new york, one of the teen squatters accused of killing an older woman gave police a fake identity after crashing the victim's car. the driver claimed she did not have her license. both suspects now face extradition back to new york on murder charges. >> steve: regarding that murder of that woman by alleged by those two squatters, people in the building said we have never seen those people before. what it comes down to, how they could have gotten into her apartment. they had a key where you get into the elevator and turn a key and opens up as front door to that. they can't figure out how they got the key and wound up in the arm. >> carley: georgia squatter case, the man is 77-year-old and a veteran and he and his wife have been living in this house for -- years. something strange, they keep getting notices they are being foreclosed on and they said they didn't have a mortgage. this guy shows up and says he bought their house from the bank. he called the marshals and they refused to leave. they were arrested there stuff thrown out of the house. she had to sleep in her car. he's in jail, he had to take medication and didn't get his medication. this squatter control is thing is out of control. >> brian: right and paul mauro talked about that earlier, certain states like georgia and new york seem to be prime targets and said, as we talk about terrorists, this is where they would go and what they would do and how they would hide. watch. >> paul: somebody is there for 30 days under new york law, which is lenient, they have tenant rights and it can be a battle royal, the perps know this. they work with corrupt real estate agents, they get in there and get mail there and you have a real headache. like everything else, you made it too easy exploited by bad actors. some point, we'll realize we have people here we didn't know were here and under the radar, off the grid, it account happen again. >> lawrence: we need new laws and there is potential terrorism suspects that could live there, you have to give cops authority. there is resistance and criminals could settle this. >> carley: they know when it is a fake lease, it is written on a napkin. >> steve: paul said if you are in place for 30 days, you are regarded as a tenant, that law was to protect tenantings and now they have figured this out. >> brian: no winners here, only losers. >> carley: and illegal immigrants know how to do it, too. and there are instructions on tiktok. >> lawrence: they were paying their mortgage and you got to deal with the squatters. >> steve: and it can be violent, too. >> brian: this just in. >> carley: boeing announcing major company changes. the ceo will step down and the chairman of the board is resigning and the president of ceo of boeing commercial airline is leaving the company effective immediately. the staff shakeups come as regulators have been calling for changes after several mishaps, including a door plug flying out of a flight in mid-january. in south carolina today, embattled county clerk of court involved in the murdaugh case, becky hill, has been focus of ethi ethics after she was the clerk in the trial. she was accused of murdaugh's attorneys of jury tampering. excuse me, had to clear my throat. today border czar and vice president kamala harris will meet with the president of guatemala. >> very clear and i think most americans are clear we have a broken immigration system and we need to fix it. members of united states senate, those considered conservative, with others, came to a bipartisan resolution, they are refusing to put it up for a vote. >> carley: she said executive action is being considered. wild video out of the caribbean. carnival kafrpi catching fire f second time in two years. this was saturday and carnival said eyewitnessed reported possibility of a lightning strike. today los angeles dodger star pitcher shohei ohtani will speak to the media for the first time since his interpreter was accused of stealing money in a sports betting scandal. officials say he wired funds from the baseball star's account to a bookie. there is an investigation. >> carley: we asked you what you thought, james says mississippi and louisiana are the most laid back states, i agree, james. paula adds washington state, residents need two jobs to pay for gas and three to pay rent. christy knows minnesota is least stressed state because it is so cold and makes everyone chill. >> steve: good one, christy. >> carley: i agree, the south is laid back, slower pace. >> lawrence: where are my texas people at? i defend you on the program and none of you write in? >> carley: more than just those three wrote in. >> steve: are you suggesting texas is less stressed or more? >> >> lawrence: less stressed. they don't pay taxes, state taxes. >> brian: most disasppointed by your sports team and you want to win everything. >> lawrence: everything is bigger and better in texas. >> brian: i've heard you say that. >> carley: texas pie. >> brian: a little stress is good in of well, sense of purpose. >> lawrence: nice spin. >> steve: who wants more stres? >> brian: a little stress is good. a little traffic. >> carley: if you are never stressed and can have wine and cheese -- you can't enjoy those. >> steve: start with wine first thing in the morning. >> lawrence: carley wants a reason to drink wine. >> brian: meanwhile, how do we get off track. well wishes pouring in for princess kate after her cancer announcement. >> steve: alex hogan coming up next and piers morgan is how this story may simmer royal tensions. but i got jesus here, and we were wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation. or an unbearable itch. this painful blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family. shingles could also lead to long—term, debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 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>> not a chance, i think the debts of ill feeling from harry and kate over way they behaved, trashing them in the book "spare," which i renamed spare me, the endless interviews and attacking and attacking and making the royal family so insensed many of them will have nothing to do with harry and meghan. william doesn't want to speak to his brother. think how bad that is. think what william had to go through, he lost his mother, as did harry, in a horrible crash. lost his two grandparents who were incredible advisors to him and now his father and wife, both have cancer and yet despite this enormous pressure, william has been performing public duties. he was doing a thing for the homeless last tuesday and what must he have been thinking. t tremendous admiration for william and kate. for harry and meghan to pop up trying to make themselves part of the story, really? >> carley: kate middleton in this video, she was the picture of class and strength in the video she posted revealing cancer diagnosis. i'm sure on the other side of this, she will do a lot of great work turning this negative on its head. thank you for joining us and sharing what people in the u.k. think. >> i know it has been well received by people of palace and british people. americans love the royal family and we appreciate the support. >> carley: thank you so much. fox news alert, vladamir putin blaming ukraine for deadly isis-k terror attack. benjamin hall has a live report coming up next. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. 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>> benjamin: no way these people could get back to ukraine, they look to be headed toward nancy pelosi belarus. this is a big pr push for vladamir putin to try to shift the blame and consider major national media network. look, they may not believe it, might well use in his favor. >> brian: thank you. appreciate it. blizzard warning in place for parts of the plains and upper midwest. how do i know that? janice dean told me. she has the fox weather forecast. >> janice: take a look at it, blizzard and severe weather today, including tornados, over foot of snow already in parts of wisconsin and blowing snow that is going to cause travel delays and be impossible to travel today in areas. winter weather alert including blizzard warnings. winds gusting will continue throughout the day today and make travel difficult. there is snow still to come and also we were talking about northern lights, could get a brief look at the aurora, if you take pictures, please send to us. what is your name? >> quinn. >> where are you from? >> connor. >> from arizona. >> what is your name? >> lisa? >> where you from? >> germany. >> michael from germany. >> janice: nice, get on camera and say hi to brian kilmeade. wonderful spring breakers. >> brian: i took german in high school, i am the one and can speak it, i don't have time. amazing what i can retain from high school. f fox news alert, deadline for trump. will impact new york real e estate. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> steve: fox news alert. live look at the trump tower area where former president will soon depart for his hush money hearing in lower manhattan as deadline for former president trump to secure his bond approaches at midnight tonight. if he doesn't make it, could put ies his iconic properties up for sale. >> steve: grant, good morning. we were talking about this topic a couple weeks ago and you said something amazing. you have half a billion to invest in real estate and you were thinking about new york until this trump thing that happened. >> that is correct. i thought it was going to be a great opportunity, i felt new york had recovered from covid and vaccine mandates and every piece of real estate has its price. i thought we could invest and take advantage. when the judgement came down against trump, it became clear in new york city i don't own my pro property, any government o overreach or out of control government could seize my property. i see this as sanction against trump and seizure of his proper. we placed that money in florida. >> steve: comes down to property valuation. i talked to someone in your business and they said essentially companies like yours do assessments to figure out what their stuff is worth. if they gave him the money, they did not have a problem with this, right? >> 1000 percent, they would have done multiple assessments on income of the property or comps of the neighborhood. many properties don't have comps. i know he has little debt on the properties. only way to seize somebody's property, do something like they are doing. otherwise it would be a debt call, he had too much debt. he has less than 10% debt on his properties. >> steve: see if more real estate guys say enough with new york because of what they do with valuations as we just saw adjudicated. >> this could take decades to fix and will cost and reek financial havoc on the city. >> steve: because people will leave and tax base will go down? >> exactly. property tax collection between 8 to 10 billion has been lost to tax collection in new york city. as soon as possible, yes, sir. mean meanwhile, a star is born, 17-year-old fan who played with country great zach bryan, can you imagine? bill hemmer and dana perino would love to get on stage with zach? >> bill: dana thinks that guy was legit, i think he was a plant. >> dana: everyday we have this conversation. >> bill: just jams on, some guy out of the blue? judgement day, new york legal system trying to squeeze the former president, big day, watching both cases. >> dana: horrendous terror attack in moscow. >> bill: and does major league baseball have a scandal. >> dana: we have a big day and a big week, it starts shortly, see you soon. s on our heart s. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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[cheers and applause] >> lawrence: lucas, if i have this correct you have been playing guitar for five years and only singing for three years and you completely wowed the crowd. how did that moment feel? >> it felt awesome being up there with my idol and the crowd seemed to love it. the greatest moment of my life. >> lawrence: did you know he was going to bring you up or had you been plotting this for a little bit? >> i knew it in my heart. i was trying to plot it. i had a side and when they took away my sign i put it on my shirt and held it out and got the crowd around me to help out and helped me get his attention and it worked out. >> lawrence: you took advantage of the moment, wowed the crowd. what's next for you, man? >> i've been writing my own stuff and hoping to get that out soon. work with some people. it's get my music out and see if i have some fans, too. >> lawrence: how did this moment feel for your career? you have been flooded on social media, tiktok, instagram. >> everything has been blowing up. it has been awesome. i had tons of positive feedback. rarely negative feedback at all and grateful to all who supported me. he told me to act like myself. keep playing and then after he gave me the guitar i will use that guitar to write music. that's the one he was playing in the show. it was awesome. >> lawrence: we're proud of you and all your success. quickly i have five seconds. give us your instagram or twitter how to find you. >> my instagram is lucas mason music. tiktok lucas thanks so much. >> bill: a star is born. good morning, everybody. deadline day for donald trump.

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East Coast , March 25 , 8 , Monday March 25 , 25 , 00 , President , Way , Bond , Fox And Friends , Greg , Former , 11 , 54 Million , 454 Million , 59 , Cancer , Kate Middleton , Announcement , Carley , Lawrence , Fan , Night , A Star Is Born , Life Playing With Zach Briyan , 17 , Steve , Mornings , Friends , Fox News Alert , Hush Money Case , New York , Assets , Trump , Estate , He Doesn T , Brian Kilmeade , Gregg Jarret , Things , Court , Hearing , Hush Money Trial , Gregg , Three , Stormer Daniels Hush Money Case , Trump Lawyers , Manhattan Criminal Court , Market , 3 Billion , Judge , Experts , Jury Selection , 15 , April 15th , One , Something , Case , Election , Others , Opinion , Florida , Properties , Value , Real Estate Fraud Trial , President Bank , Brokerage Account , Proceedings , Will Leticia , Stock , Support , News , Truth , Avenues , Appellate Court Appeal Deal , Truth Social Will Go Public On Wall Street , Lender , Six , Collateral , Glove , Eric , Saw One , Crisis , Hand , Warm Heart , They Don T Meet Today , It , Appeals Court , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Everybody , Real Estate , Process , Court Hearing , Banks , Testimony , Petitions , Leticia James , Cash , Terms , Bank Accounts , Interest , Obstacles , Family , Aoc , Sense , Accounts , Ownership , Pressure , Donald Trump , Debt , Judgement , Grave , Degree , Risk , Subject , Order , Idea , Funds , Window , Means , Saying , Parlor Game , Inscessantly , Washington , Nothing , Crime , Person , Racketeering , Rico , Cnn , Comments , Office , Favor , Ruling , Lawyer Use , Thing , By Hook Or Crook , Looks , Promise , He Intentional Ly , Sleeve , Bias , Astr , Calnom Dagainst Trump , Faith , Harm , Damage , R , Measure , Resemblance , Money , Home , Stuff , Appeals , Decision , Two , Alvin Bragg , Luck , Unbelievable , 10 , Documents , Delay , 170000 , Done , Defense , Due Process , Word , Pages , 300 , Prejudice , Alvin Bragg Didn T Push The Feds , Defendant , Indictment , D A S , Problems Defense , Host , Wind , Hypocrisy , Sails , Hi Ypocrisy , Damage Trump , Election Interference , Mrith Cally , Course , Many , Fani Willis , Problem , Plans , Alvin Bragg Case , Eyes , Lower Manhattan , Law Books , Akctions , Memory , Cases , Homeowner , Squatter Stories , Jail , Pair , 77 , Story , Property , Squatters , Police , Brooke Singman , Awas Arre , House , Couple , Papers , Woman , Car , Victim , Identity , Driver , Suspects , Murder Charges , Extradition , License , People , Murder , Building , Key , Apartment , Door , Elevator , Figure , Wife , Man , Georgia Squatter Case , Arm , Veteran , Notices , Mortgage , Guy , Marshals , Bank , Medication , Squatter , Terrorists , States , Control , Paul Mauro , Targets , Georgia , Somebody , Law , Watch , 30 , Real Estate Agents , Perps , Mail , Headache , Tenant Rights , Battle Royal , Actors , Radar , Point , Everything Else , Terrorism , Grid , Laws , Cops Authority , Criminals , Resistance , Lease , A Napkin , Place , Tenant , Tenantings , Immigrants , Instructions , Losers , Winners , Tiktok , Ceo , Company , Company Changes , Boeing , Boeing Commercial Airline , Chairman Of The Board , Shakeups , Changes , Staff , Mishaps , Regulators , Becky Hill , Murdaugh Case , County Clerk , Flight , Focus , South Carolina , Trial , Clerk , Jury Tampering , Attorneys , Murdaugh , Ethi Ethics , Kamala Harris , Of Guatemala , Border Czar , Throat , Americans , Members , Immigration System , Conservative , United States Senate , Video , Vote , Resolution , Executive Action , Carnival Kafrpi Catching Fire F , The Caribbean , Carnival , Eyewitnessed , Shohei Ohtani , Possibility , Interpreter , Time , Media , Lightning Strike , Stealing , Star Pitcher , Los Angeles Dodger , Bookie , Account , Sports Betting Scandal , Baseball Star , Officials , Investigation , Most , Louisiana , Washington State , Paula , Laid Back , Mississippi , Everyone , Minnesota , Residents , Gas , Rent , Jobs , Christy , Back , South , Pace , Program , Texas , None , More , Taxes , State Taxes , Pay , Everything , Sports , Disasppointed , Stress , Purpose , In , Well , Spin , Stres , Texas Pie , Cheese , Traffic , Track , Reason , Princess , Cancer Announcement , Tensions , Piers Morgan , Alex Hogan , Jesus , Us , Shingles , Help , Prayer , Lent On Hallow , Burning Sensation , Lent , Nerve Pain , Work , Virus , Itch , Rash , 50 , Doctor , Pharmacist , Increases , Don T Wait , Emergen C , Crystals Pop , Music , Doesn T , Throwback , Crystals , Book , App , Somewhere , Hotels Com , Boat , Buzz Baits Bobbers , Baitcasters , Fish Tales , Sounds , Stories , Boating , Fishing , Trophy , Drag Screaming , Spring Fishing Classic , Rod Bending , Bass Pro Shops , Cabela S , Price , Sale , Singlecare , Meds , Adventure , Boat Brands , Model Year Clearance Event , World , Gift Card , Purchase , 000 , 5000 , 2000 , Customers , Prince , Diagnosis , Outpouring , Response , Wales , Kenosington Palace , Statements , Love , World Leaders , Prime Minister , British , Sumak , Trudea , Royal Family , Thoughts , Courageous Ly Shared , Surgery , Hope , Disease , Children , Kids , Privacy , Difficulty , School , Break , Kenston Palace , Charles , Ferg Uson , Sarah , Malignant Melanoma , Lot , King , Concern , Sarah Fergusson , Public , Top , Action , Ex Husband , Admiration , Anger , Functions , Mockery , Friday Night , Stephen Colbert , Husband , Receiving , Allegations , John Oliver , Harry , M Meghan , Peace , Illnesses , Four , Prayers , Chance , Debts , Feeling , Them , Spare , Interviews , William Doesn T , Brother , Crash , Mother , William And Kate , Grandparents , Advisors , Father , Thinking , Duties , Last Tuesday , Side , Strength , Cancer Diagnosis , Class , Picture , Palace , Head , Negative , Isis K Vladamir Putin , Ukraine , Terror Attack , Isis K , Benjamin Hall , Service , Mortgage Company , Report , Veterans , Loan , Ones , Families , Some , Duty , Lives , Freedoms , Country , Opportunity , Newday , Labor Of Love , Symptoms , Relief , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Cosentyx , Reactions , Journey , Vaccine , Infections , Infection , Skin Reactions , Have , Fatal , Eczema , Rheumatologist , Snoring , Inspire , Safety Information , Inspiresleep Com Hi , Cpap , Honey , Sleep Apnea Innovation , Life , Friend , Food , Trauma , Comfort , Teenager , Outside , Holding , Golo , 172 , Rush , Pain , Gain , Mirror , Be Ego , Benjamin , Brand , Power , Dealers , Charge , Cut , Blades , Ace , Lowe S , Cut Mower , Care , Thanks , Singers , Schedule Today At Safelite Com , Windshield , Insurance Claim , Safelite , Tech , My Pleasure , Safelite Repair , Term , Policy , Goldmine , Bills , Life Insurance Policy , Part , Call Coventry , 100000 , 00000 , Number , Screen , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Attack , Terror Attack Suspects , Russians , Moscow , Lots , Details , Evidence , Isis , Exclups Cluesively , Precaution , Allah , Dealing , Citizens , Involvement , Zelenskyy , Russ Ian , Revenge , Led , Chechnya , Apartment Buildings , 1999 , Weekend , Attacks , Meeting , Increase , Law Enforcement , Whether , Credit , Russian , Pr Push For Vladamir Putin , Nancy Pelosi , Belarus , Blizzard Warning , Blame , National Media Network , Janice , Janice Dean , Parts , Take A Look , Plains , Fox , Upper Midwest , Weather Forecast , Snow , Foot , Weather , Winter Weather , Travel Delays , Areas , Tornados , Wisconsin , Warnings , Winds Gusting , Make Travel Difficult , Northern Lights , Look , Name , Pictures , Aurora , Quinn , Connor , Arizona , High School , Spring Breakers , Camera , Germany , Lisa , Michael , Nice , I Don T Have Time , Real E , Wall , Cidp , Voices , Shiningthroughcidp Com , Cidp Disrupts , Cidp Doesn T Have To , Cidp Derails , Inspiration , Patient Stories , Information , Helpful Tips , Finding Hope , Little , Bad News , Norman , Line , Deal , Gig , Med School , Xfinity Mobile , The Go , Wifi , Doc , Calling , Savings , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , 20 , 0 , Hush Money Hearing , Area , Trump Tower , Topic , Ies , Grant , Piece , Covid , Advantage , Pro Property , Government O Overreach , Out Of Control , Government , Sanction , Seizure , Property Valuation , Assessments , Business , Companies , Someone , Comps , Neighborhood , Income , Have Comps , 1000 , Debt Call , Valuations , Guys , City , Tax Base , Havoc , Adjudicated , Collection , Sir , Property Tax , Yes , 10 Billion , Zach Bryan , Stage , Dana Perino , Bill Hemmer , Bill , Out Of The Blue , Zach , Plant , Conversation , Big Day , Judgement Day , Horrendous Terror Attack In Moscow , Scandal , Major League Baseball , Good , Bad , On Our Heart S You , Hallow , Stay , Saved Slider Sunday , Tastes , King S Hawaiian Slider , King S Hawaiian Slider Sunday , Reality , Dream , Ai , Godaddy Airo , Footlong Sidekick , Subway Series Footlong , Sidekick , Event , Philly , Epic Footlong , Footlong Churro , , 2 , Skin , Skyrizi , Plaque Psoriasis , Supplement , Nature , Moderate , Vitamin , 1 , Starter Doses , 90 , 3 , 4 , 5 , Plan , Hand In , Ability , Biologic , Number One , Concert Music , Star , Cheers , Applause , Lucas Mason , Crowd , Guitar , Singing , Five , Idol , Heart , Sign , Bit , Shirt , Attention , Feedback , Career , Instagram , Tons , Fans , Social Media , Playing , Lucas Mason Music , Show , Success , Tiktok Lucas Mason Music ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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"fox and friends." former president trump has until 11:59 tonight to pay a whopping $454 million bond. greg jarrett on the way it could pay out. >> carley: and well wishes pouring in after kate kate middleton's announcement about cancer. >> lawrence: and a star is born. >> lawrence: we talked to 17-year-old fan who had the night of his life playing with zach briyan. >> steve: that is great. remember mornings are better with friends. >> carley: fox news alert, today is the deadline for former president trump to pay his $454 million bond in his new york civil case. >> lawrence: if he doesn't, the state could seize his assets. >> brian: gregg, as much as i like you, i want to go to eric, where the former president is also set to appear. >> i like gregg, too. three things, hush money trial, hearing at the criminal court and that $454 million and it could make 3 billion on the market today. manhattan criminal court hearing in the stormer daniels hush money case. the trump lawyers want the case to be thrown out or delayed. the judge was supposed to start jury selection today, he delayed it for april 15th, we'll see if that will be delayed. some legal experts think this is not the strongest one to start that others are stronger, not this one. let's listen. >> if something is going to happen before the election, this is case it will happen on. this is by far the weakest case in my opinion. it is ironic this is what they are pushing forward and the one that will be heard. >> then there is deadline tonight for florida $454 million bond the president has to come up with stemming from the real estate fraud trial. he was found liable of falsely inflating the value of his properties. will leticia james start seeking properties today? she could freeze the former president bank and brokerage account and initiate proceedings to seize new york properties. the former president has his own legal avenues, he has appellate court appeal deal in that bond. he could see financial support or sell his truth social stock. that is big news today because truth social will go public on wall street and that could net the president 3 billion. you would think he could pay that to pay his $454 million. he is not able to sell that stock for six months tlchl is way for a lender to advance it to him using the stock as collateral. we expect the former president to arrive here for the hearing on the hush money case. back to you. >> steve: eric, where is your other glove? saw one. okay, good, crisis averted. >> carley: warm hand, warm heart. >> steve: let's bring in gregg jarret it. he has to come up with half a billion dollars by midnight unless they hear from the appeals court. they don't meet today, they meet tomorrow. something happens at midnight because they will not have met and he is due as of midnight. >> steve, he's got a lot more time than everybody thinks, seizing his real estate is a long, cumbersome process. i would expect weeks of petitions, court hearing, testimony from experts and banks could intervene because they have a superior financial interest. in terms of bank accounts, leticia james can try to freeze them, that is fraught with obstacles, i suspect his cash may be tied up in corporate and family accounts. ownership is not straight-forward as you would think. >> lawrence: i get the sense this is political. it is what aoc is saying right now, watch. >> i think what we're dealing with is much larger and much more grave and serious pressure of having this judgement against donald trump and him being in this degree of debt and financial pressure he is under and what he's subject to do in order to obtain assets. i think there is risk in not seizing the assets and the open window that exist in him trying to secure these funds through other means. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> i have no idea what she was saying, i don't think she does. trying to make sense of aoc is washington parlor game. she can talk inscessantly while saying nothing. she is hopelessly uninformed, obtuse and plain ignorant, this is same person that said rico or racketeering is not a crime. no sane person takes aoc seriously, which is why she is always featured on cnn. >> carley: leticia james says she is going after former president trump because he is too pale and too stale -- when donald trump does appeal this ruling could his lawyer use her past political comments to their favor? >> they absolutely could. she campaigned for office on the promise to get trump, she literally said that, by hook or by crook and looks like it was by crook because this was incredibly weak case. only thing going for her was an anti-trump judge who wore his bias on his sleeve. he intentional ly rendered astr nom calnom dagainst trump. and try to ruin him financially. i still have faith in the higher court, they'll look at this and say it is utterly ludicrous and measure of damage bears no r resemblance to any harm in the case, as everybody testified, there was no harm. >> brian: as home, it gets confusing, president waiting to find out if a judge will allow him to pay less money, we're waiting on that and court convenes on tuesday. we are also waiting because he is challenging that decision. he has two appeals and they want to take all his stuff. if they take his stuff and sell it and he wins it, he is out of luck. unbelievable. the hush money case, 10:00, the judge will decide if this case goes forward. alvin bragg says despite me saying last week i don't mind a delay because of the 170,000 documents, this week is like, i got to get started and get this done, what do you think will happen? >> when you withhold 170,000 f from the defense, they have a due process to review the r relevant documents. alvin bragg's office says only 300 relevant pages. who would take his word for it and why alvin bragg didn't push the feds to turn over the documents for one year is prejudice of the accused in this case. as everybody has pointed out, this is a weak case. if you look at the indictment, alvin bragg has not identified the underlying crime, which the defendant is entitled to know before he goes to trial. this case has a whole host of problems defense will try to exploit. >> lawrence: you have all these d.a.s that don't want to target non nonviolent crime, but have gotten wind in their sails to go after the former president, i don't understand the hypocrisy there. >> the hi ypocrisy should be evident to everybody. they all seem to be mrith cally motivated, designed to damage trump and timed to damage trump during an election. that is classic election interference. what they didn't appreciate is the many -- of course fani willis seems to have self-destructed before our very eyes and now the alvin bragg case has a problem, as well. their best laid plans seem to have been undermined by their own akctions. >> steve: the former president will be in lower manhattan today. thank you. >> brian: go back to the law books to refresh your memory on all the court cases and extensive things happening. >> lawrence: to a pair of squatter stories, a 77-year-old homeowner spent a night in jail after police were unable to remove the squatters in his property. brooke singman has the story. >> brooke: the 77-year-old awas arre arrested after a person showed up with fake papers showing the house was theirs. the correct couple refused to leave and were arrested. in new york, one of the teen squatters accused of killing an older woman gave police a fake identity after crashing the victim's car. the driver claimed she did not have her license. both suspects now face extradition back to new york on murder charges. >> steve: regarding that murder of that woman by alleged by those two squatters, people in the building said we have never seen those people before. what it comes down to, how they could have gotten into her apartment. they had a key where you get into the elevator and turn a key and opens up as front door to that. they can't figure out how they got the key and wound up in the arm. >> carley: georgia squatter case, the man is 77-year-old and a veteran and he and his wife have been living in this house for -- years. something strange, they keep getting notices they are being foreclosed on and they said they didn't have a mortgage. this guy shows up and says he bought their house from the bank. he called the marshals and they refused to leave. they were arrested there stuff thrown out of the house. she had to sleep in her car. he's in jail, he had to take medication and didn't get his medication. this squatter control is thing is out of control. >> brian: right and paul mauro talked about that earlier, certain states like georgia and new york seem to be prime targets and said, as we talk about terrorists, this is where they would go and what they would do and how they would hide. watch. >> paul: somebody is there for 30 days under new york law, which is lenient, they have tenant rights and it can be a battle royal, the perps know this. they work with corrupt real estate agents, they get in there and get mail there and you have a real headache. like everything else, you made it too easy exploited by bad actors. some point, we'll realize we have people here we didn't know were here and under the radar, off the grid, it account happen again. >> lawrence: we need new laws and there is potential terrorism suspects that could live there, you have to give cops authority. there is resistance and criminals could settle this. >> carley: they know when it is a fake lease, it is written on a napkin. >> steve: paul said if you are in place for 30 days, you are regarded as a tenant, that law was to protect tenantings and now they have figured this out. >> brian: no winners here, only losers. >> carley: and illegal immigrants know how to do it, too. and there are instructions on tiktok. >> lawrence: they were paying their mortgage and you got to deal with the squatters. >> steve: and it can be violent, too. >> brian: this just in. >> carley: boeing announcing major company changes. the ceo will step down and the chairman of the board is resigning and the president of ceo of boeing commercial airline is leaving the company effective immediately. the staff shakeups come as regulators have been calling for changes after several mishaps, including a door plug flying out of a flight in mid-january. in south carolina today, embattled county clerk of court involved in the murdaugh case, becky hill, has been focus of ethi ethics after she was the clerk in the trial. she was accused of murdaugh's attorneys of jury tampering. excuse me, had to clear my throat. today border czar and vice president kamala harris will meet with the president of guatemala. >> very clear and i think most americans are clear we have a broken immigration system and we need to fix it. members of united states senate, those considered conservative, with others, came to a bipartisan resolution, they are refusing to put it up for a vote. >> carley: she said executive action is being considered. wild video out of the caribbean. carnival kafrpi catching fire f second time in two years. this was saturday and carnival said eyewitnessed reported possibility of a lightning strike. today los angeles dodger star pitcher shohei ohtani will speak to the media for the first time since his interpreter was accused of stealing money in a sports betting scandal. officials say he wired funds from the baseball star's account to a bookie. there is an investigation. >> carley: we asked you what you thought, james says mississippi and louisiana are the most laid back states, i agree, james. paula adds washington state, residents need two jobs to pay for gas and three to pay rent. christy knows minnesota is least stressed state because it is so cold and makes everyone chill. >> steve: good one, christy. >> carley: i agree, the south is laid back, slower pace. >> lawrence: where are my texas people at? i defend you on the program and none of you write in? >> carley: more than just those three wrote in. >> steve: are you suggesting texas is less stressed or more? >> >> lawrence: less stressed. they don't pay taxes, state taxes. >> brian: most disasppointed by your sports team and you want to win everything. >> lawrence: everything is bigger and better in texas. >> brian: i've heard you say that. >> carley: texas pie. >> brian: a little stress is good in of well, sense of purpose. >> lawrence: nice spin. >> steve: who wants more stres? >> brian: a little stress is good. a little traffic. >> carley: if you are never stressed and can have wine and cheese -- you can't enjoy those. >> steve: start with wine first thing in the morning. >> lawrence: carley wants a reason to drink wine. >> brian: meanwhile, how do we get off track. well wishes pouring in for princess kate after her cancer announcement. >> steve: alex hogan coming up next and piers morgan is how this story may simmer royal tensions. but i got jesus here, and we were wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation. or an unbearable itch. this painful blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family. shingles could also lead to long—term, debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 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>> not a chance, i think the debts of ill feeling from harry and kate over way they behaved, trashing them in the book "spare," which i renamed spare me, the endless interviews and attacking and attacking and making the royal family so insensed many of them will have nothing to do with harry and meghan. william doesn't want to speak to his brother. think how bad that is. think what william had to go through, he lost his mother, as did harry, in a horrible crash. lost his two grandparents who were incredible advisors to him and now his father and wife, both have cancer and yet despite this enormous pressure, william has been performing public duties. he was doing a thing for the homeless last tuesday and what must he have been thinking. t tremendous admiration for william and kate. for harry and meghan to pop up trying to make themselves part of the story, really? >> carley: kate middleton in this video, she was the picture of class and strength in the video she posted revealing cancer diagnosis. i'm sure on the other side of this, she will do a lot of great work turning this negative on its head. thank you for joining us and sharing what people in the u.k. think. >> i know it has been well received by people of palace and british people. americans love the royal family and we appreciate the support. >> carley: thank you so much. fox news alert, vladamir putin blaming ukraine for deadly isis-k terror attack. benjamin hall has a live report coming up next. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. 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>> benjamin: no way these people could get back to ukraine, they look to be headed toward nancy pelosi belarus. this is a big pr push for vladamir putin to try to shift the blame and consider major national media network. look, they may not believe it, might well use in his favor. >> brian: thank you. appreciate it. blizzard warning in place for parts of the plains and upper midwest. how do i know that? janice dean told me. she has the fox weather forecast. >> janice: take a look at it, blizzard and severe weather today, including tornados, over foot of snow already in parts of wisconsin and blowing snow that is going to cause travel delays and be impossible to travel today in areas. winter weather alert including blizzard warnings. winds gusting will continue throughout the day today and make travel difficult. there is snow still to come and also we were talking about northern lights, could get a brief look at the aurora, if you take pictures, please send to us. what is your name? >> quinn. >> where are you from? >> connor. >> from arizona. >> what is your name? >> lisa? >> where you from? >> germany. >> michael from germany. >> janice: nice, get on camera and say hi to brian kilmeade. wonderful spring breakers. >> brian: i took german in high school, i am the one and can speak it, i don't have time. amazing what i can retain from high school. f fox news alert, deadline for trump. will impact new york real e estate. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> steve: fox news alert. live look at the trump tower area where former president will soon depart for his hush money hearing in lower manhattan as deadline for former president trump to secure his bond approaches at midnight tonight. if he doesn't make it, could put ies his iconic properties up for sale. >> steve: grant, good morning. we were talking about this topic a couple weeks ago and you said something amazing. you have half a billion to invest in real estate and you were thinking about new york until this trump thing that happened. >> that is correct. i thought it was going to be a great opportunity, i felt new york had recovered from covid and vaccine mandates and every piece of real estate has its price. i thought we could invest and take advantage. when the judgement came down against trump, it became clear in new york city i don't own my pro property, any government o overreach or out of control government could seize my property. i see this as sanction against trump and seizure of his proper. we placed that money in florida. >> steve: comes down to property valuation. i talked to someone in your business and they said essentially companies like yours do assessments to figure out what their stuff is worth. if they gave him the money, they did not have a problem with this, right? >> 1000 percent, they would have done multiple assessments on income of the property or comps of the neighborhood. many properties don't have comps. i know he has little debt on the properties. only way to seize somebody's property, do something like they are doing. otherwise it would be a debt call, he had too much debt. he has less than 10% debt on his properties. >> steve: see if more real estate guys say enough with new york because of what they do with valuations as we just saw adjudicated. >> this could take decades to fix and will cost and reek financial havoc on the city. >> steve: because people will leave and tax base will go down? >> exactly. property tax collection between 8 to 10 billion has been lost to tax collection in new york city. as soon as possible, yes, sir. mean meanwhile, a star is born, 17-year-old fan who played with country great zach bryan, can you imagine? bill hemmer and dana perino would love to get on stage with zach? >> bill: dana thinks that guy was legit, i think he was a plant. >> dana: everyday we have this conversation. >> bill: just jams on, some guy out of the blue? judgement day, new york legal system trying to squeeze the former president, big day, watching both cases. >> dana: horrendous terror attack in moscow. >> bill: and does major league baseball have a scandal. >> dana: we have a big day and a big week, it starts shortly, see you soon. s on our heart s. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add an all new footlong sidekick. like the philly with a new $2 footlong churro. sometimes the sidekick is the main event. you would say that. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ( ♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions... ...and an increased risk of infections... ...or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,... ...had a vaccine, or plan to. ♪ nothing and me go hand-in-hand, ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ now's the time,... ...ask your doctor about skyrizi,... ...the number one... ...dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> lawrence: concert music may have a new star. lucas mason going viral after being invited to sing on stage with zach bryan. [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: lucas, if i have this correct you have been playing guitar for five years and only singing for three years and you completely wowed the crowd. how did that moment feel? >> it felt awesome being up there with my idol and the crowd seemed to love it. the greatest moment of my life. >> lawrence: did you know he was going to bring you up or had you been plotting this for a little bit? >> i knew it in my heart. i was trying to plot it. i had a side and when they took away my sign i put it on my shirt and held it out and got the crowd around me to help out and helped me get his attention and it worked out. >> lawrence: you took advantage of the moment, wowed the crowd. what's next for you, man? >> i've been writing my own stuff and hoping to get that out soon. work with some people. it's get my music out and see if i have some fans, too. >> lawrence: how did this moment feel for your career? you have been flooded on social media, tiktok, instagram. >> everything has been blowing up. it has been awesome. i had tons of positive feedback. rarely negative feedback at all and grateful to all who supported me. he told me to act like myself. keep playing and then after he gave me the guitar i will use that guitar to write music. that's the one he was playing in the show. it was awesome. >> lawrence: we're proud of you and all your success. quickly i have five seconds. give us your instagram or twitter how to find you. >> my instagram is lucas mason music. tiktok lucas thanks so much. >> bill: a star is born. good morning, everybody. deadline day for donald trump.

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Prime Minister , British , Sumak , Trudea , Royal Family , Thoughts , Courageous Ly Shared , Surgery , Hope , Disease , Children , Kids , Privacy , Difficulty , School , Break , Kenston Palace , Charles , Ferg Uson , Sarah , Malignant Melanoma , Lot , King , Concern , Sarah Fergusson , Public , Top , Action , Ex Husband , Admiration , Anger , Functions , Mockery , Friday Night , Stephen Colbert , Husband , Receiving , Allegations , John Oliver , Harry , M Meghan , Peace , Illnesses , Four , Prayers , Chance , Debts , Feeling , Them , Spare , Interviews , William Doesn T , Brother , Crash , Mother , William And Kate , Grandparents , Advisors , Father , Thinking , Duties , Last Tuesday , Side , Strength , Cancer Diagnosis , Class , Picture , Palace , Head , Negative , Isis K Vladamir Putin , Ukraine , Terror Attack , Isis K , Benjamin Hall , Service , Mortgage Company , Report , Veterans , Loan , Ones , Families , Some , Duty , Lives , Freedoms , Country , Opportunity , Newday , Labor Of Love , Symptoms , Relief , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Cosentyx , Reactions , Journey , Vaccine , Infections , Infection , Skin Reactions , Have , Fatal , Eczema , Rheumatologist , Snoring , Inspire , Safety Information , Inspiresleep Com Hi , Cpap , Honey , Sleep Apnea Innovation , Life , Friend , Food , Trauma , Comfort , Teenager , Outside , Holding , Golo , 172 , Rush , Pain , Gain , Mirror , Be Ego , Benjamin , Brand , Power , Dealers , Charge , Cut , Blades , Ace , Lowe S , Cut Mower , Care , Thanks , Singers , Schedule Today At Safelite Com , Windshield , Insurance Claim , Safelite , Tech , My Pleasure , Safelite Repair , Term , Policy , Goldmine , Bills , Life Insurance Policy , Part , Call Coventry , 100000 , 00000 , Number , Screen , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Attack , Terror Attack Suspects , Russians , Moscow , Lots , Details , Evidence , Isis , Exclups Cluesively , Precaution , Allah , Dealing , Citizens , Involvement , Zelenskyy , Russ Ian , Revenge , Led , Chechnya , Apartment Buildings , 1999 , Weekend , Attacks , Meeting , Increase , Law Enforcement , Whether , Credit , Russian , Pr Push For Vladamir Putin , Nancy Pelosi , Belarus , Blizzard Warning , Blame , National Media Network , Janice , Janice Dean , Parts , Take A Look , Plains , Fox , Upper Midwest , Weather Forecast , Snow , Foot , Weather , Winter Weather , Travel Delays , Areas , Tornados , Wisconsin , Warnings , Winds Gusting , Make Travel Difficult , Northern Lights , Look , Name , Pictures , Aurora , Quinn , Connor , Arizona , High School , Spring Breakers , Camera , Germany , Lisa , Michael , Nice , I Don T Have Time , Real E , Wall , Cidp , Voices , Shiningthroughcidp Com , Cidp Disrupts , Cidp Doesn T Have To , Cidp Derails , Inspiration , Patient Stories , Information , Helpful Tips , Finding Hope , Little , Bad News , Norman , Line , Deal , Gig , Med School , Xfinity Mobile , The Go , Wifi , Doc , Calling , Savings , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , 20 , 0 , Hush Money Hearing , Area , Trump Tower , Topic , Ies , Grant , Piece , Covid , Advantage , Pro Property , Government O Overreach , Out Of Control , Government , Sanction , Seizure , Property Valuation , Assessments , Business , Companies , Someone , Comps , Neighborhood , Income , Have Comps , 1000 , Debt Call , Valuations , Guys , City , Tax Base , Havoc , Adjudicated , Collection , Sir , Property Tax , Yes , 10 Billion , Zach Bryan , Stage , Dana Perino , Bill Hemmer , Bill , Out Of The Blue , Zach , Plant , Conversation , Big Day , Judgement Day , Horrendous Terror Attack In Moscow , Scandal , Major League Baseball , Good , Bad , On Our Heart S You , Hallow , Stay , Saved Slider Sunday , Tastes , King S Hawaiian Slider , King S Hawaiian Slider Sunday , Reality , Dream , Ai , Godaddy Airo , Footlong Sidekick , Subway Series Footlong , Sidekick , Event , Philly , Epic Footlong , Footlong Churro , , 2 , Skin , Skyrizi , Plaque Psoriasis , Supplement , Nature , Moderate , Vitamin , 1 , Starter Doses , 90 , 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