Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

afternoon i'm marth maccallum. this is a story breaking right now." possible first step in the seizure of former president trumps assets and his new york civil fraud case. reporting now the attorney general has filed a process in trumps -- a look at the property here he is on for civil years. 4 days remain for the former president to secure the judgement imposed by the judge against him in the real estate evaluation case. at this moment, what options is he exploring? their reports he is hitting up high dollar donors. could bankruptcy potentially be a on the table? he may be forced to sell his properties at fire sale prices and here is his attorney yesterday on the story watch. >> you can't reverse selling off trump tower on discounted price. we can't fix that if we win on appeal. only a handful of the sureties are approved by the united states department of treasury to even underrate bonds of this size. the ask of the judge is completely ridiculous. >> first to cb cotton with the latest. >> while we wait to see his next steps it appears in new york attorney general has laid some groundwork for asset seizure should he not come up with the bond for nearly half a billion dollars. earlier this month james formally register the staggering judgement against trump in westchester -- westchester county new york which is home to the golf club. the trump organizations seven springs estate. right knowledge registration doesn't mean too much but it's a procedural step that would allow james to secure a lien against property is there any future. but business law experts tell us his first steps will likely be through trumps bank accounts, stocks and investment holdings because real estate is far more challenging. >> you would not want to shut down operations by kicking out employees in such. the property we'll be most valuable if it continues to operate. i think it would be more like placing a lien against the property so that if he ever tried to sell the property back state would get it's money before he got his money. >> charms legal team told the court more than 30 insurance companies have refused to accept real estate as collateral to underrate a bond for the eye-popping total. in response, the attorney general's office provided a series of suggestions to secure the money to include a firesale. the trump team has pushed back on all of those ideas. trump asked the appeals court to accept a smaller bond while he appeals the 454 million-dollar judgement are allow him to not post a bond at all. martha. >> martha: alright thank you very much cb. let's bring in fox senior business correspondent charlie cass perino. could to have you charlie. he always have your ear to the ground or wears is going? >> there at what was stories here. the scary public policy and locations of attorney general essentially trying to bankrupt a guy trying to running for presidency because he is a different party over a noncrime. let's face it he got alone and donald trump is a blowhard let's face it. but the bank did its own due diligence on the property in question and didn't have a problem. he paid all the money back or at least as good on the loan. so, victimless crime. it's really scary thing for every business in new york that they could be subject to that and they can under something known as the martin act which she enforces as a new york attorney general. then there's the question of how this will unravel in 3 days. it is scary because you really don't know. you know, he owns a lot of signature properties in the city, westchester county and florida. you know, here's the thing, it gets back to 8 years ago he said he was worth $10 billion. he is clearly not worth $10 billion. he doesn't have the cash to do this. is properties, who knows what they're worth. they are not worth much on a fire sale. so if she really wants to come in and shut this stuff down, theoretically she can. and now 1 of the cards trump could play and it's something i broke on your world the other day, she could come in, they could say okay here are the keys. take trump tower and took the golf courses in westchester and figure them out. because there are so many leases and subleases and figure out which part is mine and which part is joe blows and good luck because you don't have half of the staff to do that. and while you do that we will appeal this stupid rule and we will get, you know, at least a lesser judgement hopefully from a judge that is not totally in the tank berlin t-shirt james. so, there we'll be a kabuki dance on this thing. this is not played out. it's interesting that the 1 case , these numerous cases, some could put him in jail. it's kind of blowing up for different reasons. the 1 case that can't put him in show by be the most dangerous for him because it really aims an arrow or, you know, the bull's-eye is on trump inc. it kind of exposes this sort of weak foundation that's trump inc. it's a lot of real estate. all of stuff. he could make a lot of money off of this truth social which could become public. >> martha: right but he can't get his hands on it for 6 months. >> right. and by the way to stop in 6 months might not be worth a $46 it's worth today. people don't make a lot of money on social media to give him would cut half of his staff at x. so, i think he is in a pickle. 1 thing i will give him and i tell you i will -- i discover this car for 30 years, he is houdini. he is figured out how to get out of this and the other thing is, i say this with the most respect back he has you know what's of steal. he will play this to the end. disguise a tough customer. >> anyone would have about -- anyone else would've folded years ago under all this pressure. it's extraordinary. you know, have to wonder what they're going to do because now even joe scarborough who has come at him with guns blazing is looking at this deal and saying while, you know, it is over-the-top. watch this... >> i actually talked to a billionaire and as i can you come up with this money and he said no. it doesn't matter how much money you have your not going to be able to come up with $500 million cash. >> it's unrealistic to ask for that amount of cash in that small amount of time. >> wow listen billionaires i know have cash. mike bloomberg will have the cash for this. >> martha: 454 million in a few days? >> yes. listen 10 billion yes, you should have the money ready. in some ways. the bigger question is, you know, is a justified. this is a kangaroo court. a judge that's in the bag. no jury. for ada is said elect me to go after donald trump and she finds something so ridiculous that's a nonissue. an application that said basically he overestimated some stuff. the bank did it's thing and said no problem and everyone's happy. she thinks its capital crime. >> martha: it's adjusting. the other side of the equation the bank did it's assessment as well and agree to a. but they are not subjected to any judgement right. >> yes, i know. >> martha: it's kind of like only 1 side we'll be blamed for not assessing the property even though deutsche bank had their own assessors and response abilities to their shareholders. >> heavy rosol the house? you sell your house your house is worth ask. it's the greatest house. someone says i love this house. that's a market. >> martha: charlie think you very much that's charlie gasparino with the latest of the trump situation we will follow all the new diplomats on it. senator paul demanding dhs secretary explain how the illegal immigrant from venezuela accused of killing nursing student lake and riley wasn't taken into custody when he committed a crime here. he could have been deported before this ever happened. -- laken reilly. >> if you are -- but your fame has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home. it's time 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emergency. this group of military chaplains asking the supreme court to do something to stop what it calls retaliatory actions by the department of defence regarding the covid-19 vaccine mandate and also arguing they should not have to take the vaccine because of religious objections. the group are asking the justices for a stay, better known as a pause to policy they claim punish people on filed religious objections to the mandate. the group argues there using outdated guidance and is retaliating and reads in part dod's numerous retaliatory adverse actions against these chaplains violate the law reading contempt for law and inviting every man to become a law unto insult. that invitation has no place in the department of defense. the court should grant relief restoring the rule of law and protecting chaplains right of conscience. the justice will have the option to stay or pause some of these policies that are controversial. in the past the court has heard from other members of the military who have raised similar issues citing religious objections based on the geography of this complaint file that goes directly to chief justice roberts who can decide alone or referred to the full court in the next few days he is expected to as the department of justice to file some sort of response to this before the court issues some sort of formal order. martha. >> martha: david thank you. so we are waiting for yet another ruling on whether texas can start enforcing its new immigration law. it's gone back-and-forth in the courts this week. the justice department is challenging the law that lets the state are asked people suspected of crossing into their state illegally. correspondent nate foy live at the border at eagle pass texas with the latest. hello nate. >> reporter: hey martha it's a waiting game that could end at any moment when those 3 judges and the pills core issue a decision about whether or not texas can enforce senate bill 4 over the next 2 weeks. then they will hear arguments about whether or not the bow is unconstitutional coming up in april 3rd. take a live look at our fox news drone. texas would be able to arrest and deport migrants who cross the border illegally. texas argued in court has a right to defend itself and as before mirrors federal law. divide administration says it oversteps its federal authority over our borders but texas isn't the only state doing is no. and newbill in arizona closely resembles sd for. it's been considered as illegal crossings skyrocket in america's west with arizona's tucson sector leading the way. migrants are turned over the border control and given notices to appear in immigration court. however, martha according to a new report from the nonpartisan group track since president joe biden took office 200,000 -- deportation cases have been thrown out because dhs didn't file the notices to appear on time for the courts. take a look at what happened moments ago as 150 more migrants across the board are illegally. this is in california. this group consists mostly of colombians who are being processed right now by border patrol but according to this new report dhs's scheduling immigration hearings before the agency is even capable of filing those fta's. >> it shows you how it dhs operates under this administration. they are still not taking precautions to protect the american people. on top of that, they are failing in the easiest part which is the paperwork department. >> reporter: dhs has the ability to restart the process when they learn of their mistake by refiling those nta's however according to this report it only happens 25% of the time. back to you martha. >> martha: unbelievable. nate, thank you. senate republicans calling for a vote on the lakin riley -- laken reilly, the student who is killed when she went for a run last month. the feds say the suspect is in the country illegally. bill laken reilly act would have required the government to detain him a few months before before her murder. the american people need to know who stands in the side of preventing tragedies and who will continue to sadly enable them. >> we know how fun and healthily people in this country who went through the entire immigration process and have not been renewed by joe biden. so we are seeing laken reilly's story played out day after day. >> martha: okay let's bring in kentucky senator graham paul the asking for the more information on the suspect from the suspect are welcome senator good to have you with us today. i would like to begin our conversation by listening to jason riley who is laken reilly's dad's. >> i stand before you heartbroken men. god gave me a beautiful daughter to father, protect, provide for and nurture. and man with an able heart stole her life. my vision for every senator in this chamber is that you protect citizens on this illegal invasion. please recognize over 1 million illegal aliens are in this state and making families nervous. >> martha: senator, why is this even an issue? if sohn is here illegally and they break the law do we really need a new law to authorize removing them? >> you know, you wouldn't think so. the fact people are the normal is we are releasing people who are here illegally committing a crime. we capture them than we purposely let them know. i mean the people who are in favour of this policy, the biden administration that allows this to happen frankly should apologize to the family. instead we hear biden apologizing to the illegal folks in our country who don't like to be called illegal. he apologized to people for using the term illegal but is not lynn to apologize to the riley family for allowing these people to be in the country who ended up murdering this man's daughter. it's so sad at every level. >> martha: it so stunning. it is just absolutely tragic. we'll the senate passes bill so that we can get back to if you break the law, you will be removed immediately. >> you would think so. i think it will have unanimous republican support but we are 1 vote short. i thank the democrats we'll be either unanimous are nearly unanimously against this. they voted in the past that they don't care. we talked about deporting people or keeping people in jail there is been no concern on the other side about trying to tackle people with criminal records or people are actively engaged in crime. >> martha: it's hard to believe given the impairment of the country right now i'm looking at the polls that there aren't at least a few democrat senators who look at their own prospects and say you bet i'm on board. >> they care more about spending money we don't have. it's really important to them to keep the trains running on time and to keep all the money being spent even though we are going to borrow $1.5 trillion on the spending bill. that's what the spending will add up to. they are more concerned with shoveling the money out the door then they are with the death of this young woman and trying to prevent this from happening to other people. >> this paperwork story is atrocious, you know, the amount of money people pay and there tax dollars to run the federal government, they lose track of 200,000 forms they are supposed to be filling out in order to get people accounted for in this process. now you've got this squatter situation going on where this tick-tock influencer is telling other, you know, people who come here illegally what you need to do is find an empty house and squat in it and it will be yours. watch this... >> my people, i've thought about invading a house in the united states because i've learned there there is a law that says if the houses not inhabited we can't expropriate it. i think that would be right next business. invade abandoned houses. >> martha: unbelievable. now you believe he should be fired and has been through the impeachment process already i don't know if they will get anywhere on that but why? >> the thing is, there is other -- utter incompetence but also malfeasance not applying the law. but the president says he may admit these people he doesn't say he should but they are letting millions of people are just like your story earlier said, hundreds of thousands of people are getting out because they didn't get the proper notice. there just dropping the cases. but literally nobody believes you have to come back. you cross the border, once you have a foot and you will get a traffic ticket and you'll be dismissed. you'll probably be given food, clothing etiquette occurred to go somewhere in the interior of our country but no 1's ever coming back for a trial. >> it's unreal. if you are out of your house for the third -- 30 days on the 31st day someone can literally invade your home. this man has figure that out. he is telling people he knows some people who have 7 houses already. it's just like like a you wake up in an upside down horrible situation. senator, i hope you will return i like to talk about your stance on tiktok next time you have a moment. we will pick that up next time. senator paul joining us this afternoon. the immigration issue not helping the polling numbers for president joe biden as he faces new trouble and battleground states that could decide the election. brand-new poles in 2 battleground states wealth-changing question -- are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? high taxes can erode returns quickly, so you need a tax-optimized portfolio. at creative planning, our money managers and specialists work together to make sure your portfolio and wealth are managed in a tax-efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters. why not give your wealth a second look? book your free meeting today at creative planning -- a richer way to wealth. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful 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in georgia compared to 2020. dropping by 30 points and north carolina. great there, you see what's going on with these numbers. let's bring in kelly and conway. i want to get through a whole bunch of topics with you. i'm glad to have you both. let's firsgo quick a reaction to this move by the attorney general she may be in the process of starting to seize trump properties. >> it's part of why trump support is consolidated. people see this as political not legal. we almost a facts. the facts are you don't see a bond of this size for an individual or private company. you sometimes see them occasionally. no fraud found and no victim identified. just a lot of political than denied. lite james is making good on the promise to get trump. people are very concerned. you see reflected in the poles biden is losing constituencies of the very tenuous coalition is count voltage together in 2020. but i think lee taoiseach james sent what's happening in georgia practices helping double trump its hurting in so many ways but it's helping him politically. i will tell you story after story and anecdote after anecdote people who don't particularly care for him are have voted for him are supporting him in 2024 because they see this prosecution as persecution. >> a quick call in north carolina and georgia philippe and the impact of this seems to be moving voters especially black and hispanic voters away from the current president. >> first, i'm always entertained by the idea that these trials and convictions and accusations and crimes are good for donald trump. if they are said -- so good, why doesn't he just confess or say, please do it more. they are not good friend. i don't mean that among democrats. their people in the republican party, somewhere between 25 and 40% have said if he's convicted of a crime including this crime in new york that they would have to thank twice about voting for him. maybe they would or maybe they wouldn't. but these things are not good for him. when he raises money off of them itching's afterwards. i think it's a good way to rationalize it but it's probably not cramped in fact. in terms of what's going on in the battleground states his team had to take the numbers seriously. north carolina is the state he won in 2016 and 2020. so if joe biden doesn't win in 2024 that is a matter. georgia, separate out the demographics of who's footing and why. it is too tight for comfort for people like me who want biden to be reelected. thankfully the biden team knows it's a problem. they know they have time. on the african-american vote but the polling. >> martha: swings philippe. >> it's significant. i don't know and i won't pretend it doesn't insist because it clearly does. except when you look at the last 2 elections the polling has not lined up with the votes. 2016 hillary got over 90% in 2020 biden got over 90%. i hope it holds true. it doesn't mean everyone should take it for granted. >> martha: absolutely not. >> but the poles aren't entirely matched up. >> martha: and if the shifts are real there's a changing dynamic in the country in terms of how voters aligned and it will be a huge story in this election. on to squeeze in a quick question on the possible trump vice presidential candidates. there are reports he will announce in june a month before the election. we have a bunch of people on the board here whose names have been thrown into the mix. we don't know how real any of them are. marco rubio basically said i saw the reports but haven't spoken to anyone about it. but he's got a big problem if he is near the top of the list. you lives in the same state as president trump. so which 1 will move somewhere else do you think we if it came to that. >> senator rubio we hope could go to wisconsin or michigan. dyck cheney moved from houston texas where he was running halliburton in 2000 to return to wyoming and be the vv running mate for george w. bush. but luck i think if you are called to be on the ticket you do think long and hard about that. it's a bit different you would have to give up the senate seat. but the excitement about donald trump and his pick is the lack of excitement for his actual pp. if you think biden is unpopular struggling, look at camilla harris. house joe biden struggling and he served as black president has black women as pp. >> i keep hearing google say i love to hear that present debate with her. that would be interesting to watch. >> i would love for -- to debater but sonos can be pp martha. >> hold on martha. in terms of actual vice presidents, donald trump actual bike -- vice president challenged him. like pentz wanted to beat in the 2024. he did but now you sing he will endorse them. so i don't think we should compare the effectiveness shall be any voters in either direction i kind of doubt but we will see. both of you, always good to see you. philippe and kelly and. >> thank you martha. >> martha: ahead as our journalist met tybee who just got a huge company and the former bush policy advisor dan seymour on the break obligated relationship between the present back is reallyly prime minister says total victory over hamas is not possible without going into rafah where more than a million palestinians are taking shelter. house republicans invite benjamin netanyahu to congress to adjust the body. minority leader schumer has signalled he would approve. my next guest just returned from israel. dan seymour a formal policy advisor to president george w. bush administration and host of the call me back podcast. always good to have you down thank you for being here. >> hello martha. >> martha: you spoke with ron term or in your new podcast called me back and here is a soundbite from the secretary of state antony blinken and touches on the news that he made with you in your podcast. watch this... >> the podcast said israel will take control of rafa -- rafah even if it leads to a breach with the u.s. how will we convince an ally that knows there won't be any serious consequences even if it ignores u.s. warnings repeatedly? >> president biden has been clear that a major ground operation in rafah would be a mistake. something we cannot support. hamas can be effectively dealt with without a major ground operation in rafah. >> very interesting. so the former ambassador ron term or still has a position in the israeli leadership. basically saying we are going in and don't they care what the president says. >> and the thing is it's not just drawn durham or it was interesting in the conversation in the podcast what he said when i was travelling around the country in the last couple days the position of the government is reflected of where the country is -- reflected a the population right to up ideologically and politically and religiously everyone in the country seems pretty committed and hardheaded that israel we'll be a fraction of itself if it does not remove hamas. you cannot remove how moscow's going into rafah. it's where the main battalion still are, they are still intact there. there are speculation that some of the leadership is in rafah. you have to deal with rafah. minister wants who is a first political opponent of prime minister benjamin netanyahu's and there's a personal relationship there but he is also in the emergency ward cabinet. he said last week telling israel they can go into rafah is like telling the fire to permit to put out a fire but stop at 80% and leave 20% of it burning. then just leave. with the hope you won't have to deal with it again. has enough 27 of the fire still burning it will come back and we'll come back bad. the fire to promote will need to return. israel is saying we will do what hamas without hamas once in this war and were not leaving 20% to remain intact and continue to pose a threat to israel. that is their position and they are saying the u.s. has been supportive of israel to this point but at some point they may have to part ways. >> so is that question cracked when they basically say the reason our close ally israel feels they can go forward with this despite the fact the white house is pushing back against it are at least wanted to be done in a strategic and precise way if that's even possible. it's because they don't thank the white house want have any ramifications going forward. >> i think what they see with the frontal assault in the press at the biden demonstration and senator schumer have launched against prime minister benjamin netanyahu is a sign they know they cannot stop israel. they know hamas cannot remain intact and israel probably has to go into rafah. they know it will be controversial with the progressive base of the u.s. so they are looking for a way to have a covered -- confrontation separate from the policy they are having this public fight with benjamin netanyahu and using him as a foil when recognizing at the end of the day israel has to go into rafah. the u.s. will stop them and that's where this thing will end. i think they get the fight personally with benjamin netanyahu it serves domestic politics and israel will still go into rafah. >> martha: fascinating. dan thank you very much. dan seymour joining us today with a very volatile situation and i think you're absolutely right a lot of politics and showmanship in some ways going on right now. so thank you dan always good to have a hair. >> good to be with you. >> martha: podcast joe broke and blasting the media for what he called twisting former president trump remark. encouraging listeners to turn to real journalists he says like met tybee. >> trust and corporate medias of an all-time low so this has led to a rise and true independent journalists. the real ones out there. be met tybee bees, glenn greenwald's the people who are just trying to say what's really going on. >> what he says about that coming up next. the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the 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to do that because it's not, you know, clean, precise ownership. there are different leases and all sorts of arrangements within these that's not surprising. the office has filed these judgements in westchester county home to the seven springs estate of donald trump and golf course. we will keep you posted if we get any more movement on the case on fridays relayed to go in the time period he has to produce $454 million and the judge and koran judgement. we going to put a 100% tariffs on every single car that comes across the line. you're not going to be able to sell those. if i get elected! if i don't get elected it's going to be a bloodbath that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the country that we'll be the least of it. but they're not going to sell those cars. >> martha: former president trumps use of the word bloodbath in the speech triggered backlash. he said he was talking about the damage of biden's policies and what they're doing to the auto and his tree and it's extensive. if you look across the industry. that's not how it was received are perhaps used by many of his critics. watch for yourself. >> he's even predicting a bloodbath. what does that mean? he will exact a bloodbath? there is something wrong here. >> it's just bull -- he knew it he was doing, we are not stupid. americans aren't stupid. he was talking about a bloodbath. >> we've seen generally 6, we are not taking it out of context because the context is his history and his life. >> joe broken pushing back, with -- listen to this. >> it's important to highlight not just inaccurate but it's deceptive the media was in their depiction of what he said. it's so disturbing. first of all they think they could get away with it in this day and age with all the scrutiny with social media and independent journalists that excess nap or trust and corporate media is at an all-time low. this has led to arise and true independent journalists. the real ones out there, the matt taibbi's and. >> voice of interpreter: -- glenn greenwald. the people who are saying what's really going on. >> martha: mentioning the investigative journalist matt taibbi joining me, is work includes reporting on the twitter files. thank you for being here matt. obviously complement to your work from a very powerful podcast are. i am curious to ask you what you think about this bloodbath, use of the the word by president trump and everything that came flooding in after it. >> first of all i'm grateful to joe broken for saying that but he is absolutely right. this is sort of a double insult because not only did they misplace the context and deceive their audiences about what trump actually said, they also ignored the root issue which is the hollowing out of middle america," loss of manufacturing jobs to people who work in the automotive sector. people who live in those places know exactly what's happening. so when the media chance to say he was talking about something else and there aren't problems in that part of the world, they get angry twice at the media. that's why you see this loss of audience. >> i think that is so important because there is a lot of laziness right? it comes down to vote trump said what bath so that becomes the lead on several places and people click on that. can they click on nancy lucy and they said to do here he said bloodbath and joe scarborough said it was clear what he really meant. and all of this garbage there is no actual discussion about what's happened to the u.s. auto industry and i think that's why you see voters so turned off as joe rogan says to a lot of media because they are not telling them substance. and also character get turned off to the president really because they see what's going on with these atvs and they probably, the bar president is onto something with places like michigan fisher. >> absolutely. and i remember this from covering his first presidential campaign in 2016 when we followed him around the midwest i could feel on the crowds whenever he talked about nafta or the loss of the manufacturing sector and how he was going to get the job back, sometimes his prescriptions for how he would get those jobs back word always convincing but you could tell the theme was resonating with audiences. then you would watch television and the coverage of his campaign would be about something else entirely. they would pick out some little thing he said and make a deal -- big deal about it. audiences get very upset about that. voters get very bad because they feel like their problems are being ignored. that's what trump is capitalizing on. it's 1 of the biggest secrets to his success politically i think in the last 8 years. >> martha: why cake there was a saint take what he says seriously but not literally. i think you see it again here but then people who are critics of his seo we don't need to look any further january january 6th. that was literal. a quick thought before let you go if you can. >> sure. i mean if you're really stretching it you could name he kind of imply that with the use of the word lead bath he was implying something but there is no factual thing to rest on their. he wasn't being literal. literally he didn't mean that that there would be a bloodbath. >> thank you matt. looking forward to talk to you soon. that is matt taibbi joining us. you can check on his podcast great stuff as well. another exclusive sneak peek of my interview with mark judge. you might member this name because you heard it a lot. he was the high school friend of justice cavanaugh who christine said was in the room when she was so salted. he has never spoken on camera about this until now. [ ♪♪ ] >> martha: update now it does expect cut interest rates this year, try to slow down inflation but they're leaving them where they are for now. for the first time since the supreme court justice cavanaugh's confirmation battle which we watched closely more than 5 years ago we are now hearing from 1 of his former classmates on camera for the first time in my new fox nation special. christine ford said mark judge was in the room when cavanagh sexually assaulted her at a party when they were in high school. cavanaugh the humanly denied it and obviously was confirmed to the court. mark judge said he has no memory of this ever happening or any attack that christine ford described. i asked him about some of what she said as she promotes her new book. >> she talks about how hard all of this was for her, that it really rocked her world per years afterwards and she is just now started to get back to a normal life. what was the impact on your life? >> i don't want to go opera but, you know, i began experiencing suicidal ideation which i never experienced before. and, you know, i think mn does not recognize as much but when i ran into some mental issues and i began thinking okay that is high enough, that subway stop is high enough. that's terrifying. when you experience something like that it's hellish. >> martha: we will hear more from him on the fox news special. that's the story for today i'll see you back here tomorrow. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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afternoon i'm marth maccallum. this is a story breaking right now." possible first step in the seizure of former president trumps assets and his new york civil fraud case. reporting now the attorney general has filed a process in trumps -- a look at the property here he is on for civil years. 4 days remain for the former president to secure the judgement imposed by the judge against him in the real estate evaluation case. at this moment, what options is he exploring? their reports he is hitting up high dollar donors. could bankruptcy potentially be a on the table? he may be forced to sell his properties at fire sale prices and here is his attorney yesterday on the story watch. >> you can't reverse selling off trump tower on discounted price. we can't fix that if we win on appeal. only a handful of the sureties are approved by the united states department of treasury to even underrate bonds of this size. the ask of the judge is completely ridiculous. >> first to cb cotton with the latest. >> while we wait to see his next steps it appears in new york attorney general has laid some groundwork for asset seizure should he not come up with the bond for nearly half a billion dollars. earlier this month james formally register the staggering judgement against trump in westchester -- westchester county new york which is home to the golf club. the trump organizations seven springs estate. right knowledge registration doesn't mean too much but it's a procedural step that would allow james to secure a lien against property is there any future. but business law experts tell us his first steps will likely be through trumps bank accounts, stocks and investment holdings because real estate is far more challenging. >> you would not want to shut down operations by kicking out employees in such. the property we'll be most valuable if it continues to operate. i think it would be more like placing a lien against the property so that if he ever tried to sell the property back state would get it's money before he got his money. >> charms legal team told the court more than 30 insurance companies have refused to accept real estate as collateral to underrate a bond for the eye-popping total. in response, the attorney general's office provided a series of suggestions to secure the money to include a firesale. the trump team has pushed back on all of those ideas. trump asked the appeals court to accept a smaller bond while he appeals the 454 million-dollar judgement are allow him to not post a bond at all. martha. >> martha: alright thank you very much cb. let's bring in fox senior business correspondent charlie cass perino. could to have you charlie. he always have your ear to the ground or wears is going? >> there at what was stories here. the scary public policy and locations of attorney general essentially trying to bankrupt a guy trying to running for presidency because he is a different party over a noncrime. let's face it he got alone and donald trump is a blowhard let's face it. but the bank did its own due diligence on the property in question and didn't have a problem. he paid all the money back or at least as good on the loan. so, victimless crime. it's really scary thing for every business in new york that they could be subject to that and they can under something known as the martin act which she enforces as a new york attorney general. then there's the question of how this will unravel in 3 days. it is scary because you really don't know. you know, he owns a lot of signature properties in the city, westchester county and florida. you know, here's the thing, it gets back to 8 years ago he said he was worth $10 billion. he is clearly not worth $10 billion. he doesn't have the cash to do this. is properties, who knows what they're worth. they are not worth much on a fire sale. so if she really wants to come in and shut this stuff down, theoretically she can. and now 1 of the cards trump could play and it's something i broke on your world the other day, she could come in, they could say okay here are the keys. take trump tower and took the golf courses in westchester and figure them out. because there are so many leases and subleases and figure out which part is mine and which part is joe blows and good luck because you don't have half of the staff to do that. and while you do that we will appeal this stupid rule and we will get, you know, at least a lesser judgement hopefully from a judge that is not totally in the tank berlin t-shirt james. so, there we'll be a kabuki dance on this thing. this is not played out. it's interesting that the 1 case , these numerous cases, some could put him in jail. it's kind of blowing up for different reasons. the 1 case that can't put him in show by be the most dangerous for him because it really aims an arrow or, you know, the bull's-eye is on trump inc. it kind of exposes this sort of weak foundation that's trump inc. it's a lot of real estate. all of stuff. he could make a lot of money off of this truth social which could become public. >> martha: right but he can't get his hands on it for 6 months. >> right. and by the way to stop in 6 months might not be worth a $46 it's worth today. people don't make a lot of money on social media to give him would cut half of his staff at x. so, i think he is in a pickle. 1 thing i will give him and i tell you i will -- i discover this car for 30 years, he is houdini. he is figured out how to get out of this and the other thing is, i say this with the most respect back he has you know what's of steal. he will play this to the end. disguise a tough customer. >> anyone would have about -- anyone else would've folded years ago under all this pressure. it's extraordinary. you know, have to wonder what they're going to do because now even joe scarborough who has come at him with guns blazing is looking at this deal and saying while, you know, it is over-the-top. watch this... >> i actually talked to a billionaire and as i can you come up with this money and he said no. it doesn't matter how much money you have your not going to be able to come up with $500 million cash. >> it's unrealistic to ask for that amount of cash in that small amount of time. >> wow listen billionaires i know have cash. mike bloomberg will have the cash for this. >> martha: 454 million in a few days? >> yes. listen 10 billion yes, you should have the money ready. in some ways. the bigger question is, you know, is a justified. this is a kangaroo court. a judge that's in the bag. no jury. for ada is said elect me to go after donald trump and she finds something so ridiculous that's a nonissue. an application that said basically he overestimated some stuff. the bank did it's thing and said no problem and everyone's happy. she thinks its capital crime. >> martha: it's adjusting. the other side of the equation the bank did it's assessment as well and agree to a. but they are not subjected to any judgement right. >> yes, i know. >> martha: it's kind of like only 1 side we'll be blamed for not assessing the property even though deutsche bank had their own assessors and response abilities to their shareholders. >> heavy rosol the house? you sell your house your house is worth ask. it's the greatest house. someone says i love this house. that's a market. >> martha: charlie think you very much that's charlie gasparino with the latest of the trump situation we will follow all the new diplomats on it. senator paul demanding dhs secretary explain how the illegal immigrant from venezuela accused of killing nursing student lake and riley wasn't taken into custody when he committed a crime here. he could have been deported before this ever happened. -- laken reilly. >> if you are -- but your fame has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home. it's time 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emergency. this group of military chaplains asking the supreme court to do something to stop what it calls retaliatory actions by the department of defence regarding the covid-19 vaccine mandate and also arguing they should not have to take the vaccine because of religious objections. the group are asking the justices for a stay, better known as a pause to policy they claim punish people on filed religious objections to the mandate. the group argues there using outdated guidance and is retaliating and reads in part dod's numerous retaliatory adverse actions against these chaplains violate the law reading contempt for law and inviting every man to become a law unto insult. that invitation has no place in the department of defense. the court should grant relief restoring the rule of law and protecting chaplains right of conscience. the justice will have the option to stay or pause some of these policies that are controversial. in the past the court has heard from other members of the military who have raised similar issues citing religious objections based on the geography of this complaint file that goes directly to chief justice roberts who can decide alone or referred to the full court in the next few days he is expected to as the department of justice to file some sort of response to this before the court issues some sort of formal order. martha. >> martha: david thank you. so we are waiting for yet another ruling on whether texas can start enforcing its new immigration law. it's gone back-and-forth in the courts this week. the justice department is challenging the law that lets the state are asked people suspected of crossing into their state illegally. correspondent nate foy live at the border at eagle pass texas with the latest. hello nate. >> reporter: hey martha it's a waiting game that could end at any moment when those 3 judges and the pills core issue a decision about whether or not texas can enforce senate bill 4 over the next 2 weeks. then they will hear arguments about whether or not the bow is unconstitutional coming up in april 3rd. take a live look at our fox news drone. texas would be able to arrest and deport migrants who cross the border illegally. texas argued in court has a right to defend itself and as before mirrors federal law. divide administration says it oversteps its federal authority over our borders but texas isn't the only state doing is no. and newbill in arizona closely resembles sd for. it's been considered as illegal crossings skyrocket in america's west with arizona's tucson sector leading the way. migrants are turned over the border control and given notices to appear in immigration court. however, martha according to a new report from the nonpartisan group track since president joe biden took office 200,000 -- deportation cases have been thrown out because dhs didn't file the notices to appear on time for the courts. take a look at what happened moments ago as 150 more migrants across the board are illegally. this is in california. this group consists mostly of colombians who are being processed right now by border patrol but according to this new report dhs's scheduling immigration hearings before the agency is even capable of filing those fta's. >> it shows you how it dhs operates under this administration. they are still not taking precautions to protect the american people. on top of that, they are failing in the easiest part which is the paperwork department. >> reporter: dhs has the ability to restart the process when they learn of their mistake by refiling those nta's however according to this report it only happens 25% of the time. back to you martha. >> martha: unbelievable. nate, thank you. senate republicans calling for a vote on the lakin riley -- laken reilly, the student who is killed when she went for a run last month. the feds say the suspect is in the country illegally. bill laken reilly act would have required the government to detain him a few months before before her murder. the american people need to know who stands in the side of preventing tragedies and who will continue to sadly enable them. >> we know how fun and healthily people in this country who went through the entire immigration process and have not been renewed by joe biden. so we are seeing laken reilly's story played out day after day. >> martha: okay let's bring in kentucky senator graham paul the asking for the more information on the suspect from the suspect are welcome senator good to have you with us today. i would like to begin our conversation by listening to jason riley who is laken reilly's dad's. >> i stand before you heartbroken men. god gave me a beautiful daughter to father, protect, provide for and nurture. and man with an able heart stole her life. my vision for every senator in this chamber is that you protect citizens on this illegal invasion. please recognize over 1 million illegal aliens are in this state and making families nervous. >> martha: senator, why is this even an issue? if sohn is here illegally and they break the law do we really need a new law to authorize removing them? >> you know, you wouldn't think so. the fact people are the normal is we are releasing people who are here illegally committing a crime. we capture them than we purposely let them know. i mean the people who are in favour of this policy, the biden administration that allows this to happen frankly should apologize to the family. instead we hear biden apologizing to the illegal folks in our country who don't like to be called illegal. he apologized to people for using the term illegal but is not lynn to apologize to the riley family for allowing these people to be in the country who ended up murdering this man's daughter. it's so sad at every level. >> martha: it so stunning. it is just absolutely tragic. we'll the senate passes bill so that we can get back to if you break the law, you will be removed immediately. >> you would think so. i think it will have unanimous republican support but we are 1 vote short. i thank the democrats we'll be either unanimous are nearly unanimously against this. they voted in the past that they don't care. we talked about deporting people or keeping people in jail there is been no concern on the other side about trying to tackle people with criminal records or people are actively engaged in crime. >> martha: it's hard to believe given the impairment of the country right now i'm looking at the polls that there aren't at least a few democrat senators who look at their own prospects and say you bet i'm on board. >> they care more about spending money we don't have. it's really important to them to keep the trains running on time and to keep all the money being spent even though we are going to borrow $1.5 trillion on the spending bill. that's what the spending will add up to. they are more concerned with shoveling the money out the door then they are with the death of this young woman and trying to prevent this from happening to other people. >> this paperwork story is atrocious, you know, the amount of money people pay and there tax dollars to run the federal government, they lose track of 200,000 forms they are supposed to be filling out in order to get people accounted for in this process. now you've got this squatter situation going on where this tick-tock influencer is telling other, you know, people who come here illegally what you need to do is find an empty house and squat in it and it will be yours. watch this... >> my people, i've thought about invading a house in the united states because i've learned there there is a law that says if the houses not inhabited we can't expropriate it. i think that would be right next business. invade abandoned houses. >> martha: unbelievable. now you believe he should be fired and has been through the impeachment process already i don't know if they will get anywhere on that but why? >> the thing is, there is other -- utter incompetence but also malfeasance not applying the law. but the president says he may admit these people he doesn't say he should but they are letting millions of people are just like your story earlier said, hundreds of thousands of people are getting out because they didn't get the proper notice. there just dropping the cases. but literally nobody believes you have to come back. you cross the border, once you have a foot and you will get a traffic ticket and you'll be dismissed. you'll probably be given food, clothing etiquette occurred to go somewhere in the interior of our country but no 1's ever coming back for a trial. >> it's unreal. if you are out of your house for the third -- 30 days on the 31st day someone can literally invade your home. this man has figure that out. he is telling people he knows some people who have 7 houses already. it's just like like a you wake up in an upside down horrible situation. senator, i hope you will return i like to talk about your stance on tiktok next time you have a moment. we will pick that up next time. senator paul joining us this afternoon. the immigration issue not helping the polling numbers for president joe biden as he faces new trouble and battleground states that could decide the election. brand-new poles in 2 battleground states wealth-changing question -- are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? high taxes can erode returns quickly, so you need a tax-optimized portfolio. at creative planning, our money managers and specialists work together to make sure your portfolio and wealth are managed in a tax-efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters. why not give your wealth a second look? book your free meeting today at creative planning -- a richer way to wealth. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful 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in georgia compared to 2020. dropping by 30 points and north carolina. great there, you see what's going on with these numbers. let's bring in kelly and conway. i want to get through a whole bunch of topics with you. i'm glad to have you both. let's firsgo quick a reaction to this move by the attorney general she may be in the process of starting to seize trump properties. >> it's part of why trump support is consolidated. people see this as political not legal. we almost a facts. the facts are you don't see a bond of this size for an individual or private company. you sometimes see them occasionally. no fraud found and no victim identified. just a lot of political than denied. lite james is making good on the promise to get trump. people are very concerned. you see reflected in the poles biden is losing constituencies of the very tenuous coalition is count voltage together in 2020. but i think lee taoiseach james sent what's happening in georgia practices helping double trump its hurting in so many ways but it's helping him politically. i will tell you story after story and anecdote after anecdote people who don't particularly care for him are have voted for him are supporting him in 2024 because they see this prosecution as persecution. >> a quick call in north carolina and georgia philippe and the impact of this seems to be moving voters especially black and hispanic voters away from the current president. >> first, i'm always entertained by the idea that these trials and convictions and accusations and crimes are good for donald trump. if they are said -- so good, why doesn't he just confess or say, please do it more. they are not good friend. i don't mean that among democrats. their people in the republican party, somewhere between 25 and 40% have said if he's convicted of a crime including this crime in new york that they would have to thank twice about voting for him. maybe they would or maybe they wouldn't. but these things are not good for him. when he raises money off of them itching's afterwards. i think it's a good way to rationalize it but it's probably not cramped in fact. in terms of what's going on in the battleground states his team had to take the numbers seriously. north carolina is the state he won in 2016 and 2020. so if joe biden doesn't win in 2024 that is a matter. georgia, separate out the demographics of who's footing and why. it is too tight for comfort for people like me who want biden to be reelected. thankfully the biden team knows it's a problem. they know they have time. on the african-american vote but the polling. >> martha: swings philippe. >> it's significant. i don't know and i won't pretend it doesn't insist because it clearly does. except when you look at the last 2 elections the polling has not lined up with the votes. 2016 hillary got over 90% in 2020 biden got over 90%. i hope it holds true. it doesn't mean everyone should take it for granted. >> martha: absolutely not. >> but the poles aren't entirely matched up. >> martha: and if the shifts are real there's a changing dynamic in the country in terms of how voters aligned and it will be a huge story in this election. on to squeeze in a quick question on the possible trump vice presidential candidates. there are reports he will announce in june a month before the election. we have a bunch of people on the board here whose names have been thrown into the mix. we don't know how real any of them are. marco rubio basically said i saw the reports but haven't spoken to anyone about it. but he's got a big problem if he is near the top of the list. you lives in the same state as president trump. so which 1 will move somewhere else do you think we if it came to that. >> senator rubio we hope could go to wisconsin or michigan. dyck cheney moved from houston texas where he was running halliburton in 2000 to return to wyoming and be the vv running mate for george w. bush. but luck i think if you are called to be on the ticket you do think long and hard about that. it's a bit different you would have to give up the senate seat. but the excitement about donald trump and his pick is the lack of excitement for his actual pp. if you think biden is unpopular struggling, look at camilla harris. house joe biden struggling and he served as black president has black women as pp. >> i keep hearing google say i love to hear that present debate with her. that would be interesting to watch. >> i would love for -- to debater but sonos can be pp martha. >> hold on martha. in terms of actual vice presidents, donald trump actual bike -- vice president challenged him. like pentz wanted to beat in the 2024. he did but now you sing he will endorse them. so i don't think we should compare the effectiveness shall be any voters in either direction i kind of doubt but we will see. both of you, always good to see you. philippe and kelly and. >> thank you martha. >> martha: ahead as our journalist met tybee who just got a huge company and the former bush policy advisor dan seymour on the break obligated relationship between the present back is reallyly prime minister says total victory over hamas is not possible without going into rafah where more than a million palestinians are taking shelter. house republicans invite benjamin netanyahu to congress to adjust the body. minority leader schumer has signalled he would approve. my next guest just returned from israel. dan seymour a formal policy advisor to president george w. bush administration and host of the call me back podcast. always good to have you down thank you for being here. >> hello martha. >> martha: you spoke with ron term or in your new podcast called me back and here is a soundbite from the secretary of state antony blinken and touches on the news that he made with you in your podcast. watch this... >> the podcast said israel will take control of rafa -- rafah even if it leads to a breach with the u.s. how will we convince an ally that knows there won't be any serious consequences even if it ignores u.s. warnings repeatedly? >> president biden has been clear that a major ground operation in rafah would be a mistake. something we cannot support. hamas can be effectively dealt with without a major ground operation in rafah. >> very interesting. so the former ambassador ron term or still has a position in the israeli leadership. basically saying we are going in and don't they care what the president says. >> and the thing is it's not just drawn durham or it was interesting in the conversation in the podcast what he said when i was travelling around the country in the last couple days the position of the government is reflected of where the country is -- reflected a the population right to up ideologically and politically and religiously everyone in the country seems pretty committed and hardheaded that israel we'll be a fraction of itself if it does not remove hamas. you cannot remove how moscow's going into rafah. it's where the main battalion still are, they are still intact there. there are speculation that some of the leadership is in rafah. you have to deal with rafah. minister wants who is a first political opponent of prime minister benjamin netanyahu's and there's a personal relationship there but he is also in the emergency ward cabinet. he said last week telling israel they can go into rafah is like telling the fire to permit to put out a fire but stop at 80% and leave 20% of it burning. then just leave. with the hope you won't have to deal with it again. has enough 27 of the fire still burning it will come back and we'll come back bad. the fire to promote will need to return. israel is saying we will do what hamas without hamas once in this war and were not leaving 20% to remain intact and continue to pose a threat to israel. that is their position and they are saying the u.s. has been supportive of israel to this point but at some point they may have to part ways. >> so is that question cracked when they basically say the reason our close ally israel feels they can go forward with this despite the fact the white house is pushing back against it are at least wanted to be done in a strategic and precise way if that's even possible. it's because they don't thank the white house want have any ramifications going forward. >> i think what they see with the frontal assault in the press at the biden demonstration and senator schumer have launched against prime minister benjamin netanyahu is a sign they know they cannot stop israel. they know hamas cannot remain intact and israel probably has to go into rafah. they know it will be controversial with the progressive base of the u.s. so they are looking for a way to have a covered -- confrontation separate from the policy they are having this public fight with benjamin netanyahu and using him as a foil when recognizing at the end of the day israel has to go into rafah. the u.s. will stop them and that's where this thing will end. i think they get the fight personally with benjamin netanyahu it serves domestic politics and israel will still go into rafah. >> martha: fascinating. dan thank you very much. dan seymour joining us today with a very volatile situation and i think you're absolutely right a lot of politics and showmanship in some ways going on right now. so thank you dan always good to have a hair. >> good to be with you. >> martha: podcast joe broke and blasting the media for what he called twisting former president trump remark. encouraging listeners to turn to real journalists he says like met tybee. >> trust and corporate medias of an all-time low so this has led to a rise and true independent journalists. the real ones out there. be met tybee bees, glenn greenwald's the people who are just trying to say what's really going on. >> what he says about that coming up next. the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the 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to do that because it's not, you know, clean, precise ownership. there are different leases and all sorts of arrangements within these that's not surprising. the office has filed these judgements in westchester county home to the seven springs estate of donald trump and golf course. we will keep you posted if we get any more movement on the case on fridays relayed to go in the time period he has to produce $454 million and the judge and koran judgement. we going to put a 100% tariffs on every single car that comes across the line. you're not going to be able to sell those. if i get elected! if i don't get elected it's going to be a bloodbath that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the country that we'll be the least of it. but they're not going to sell those cars. >> martha: former president trumps use of the word bloodbath in the speech triggered backlash. he said he was talking about the damage of biden's policies and what they're doing to the auto and his tree and it's extensive. if you look across the industry. that's not how it was received are perhaps used by many of his critics. watch for yourself. >> he's even predicting a bloodbath. what does that mean? he will exact a bloodbath? there is something wrong here. >> it's just bull -- he knew it he was doing, we are not stupid. americans aren't stupid. he was talking about a bloodbath. >> we've seen generally 6, we are not taking it out of context because the context is his history and his life. >> joe broken pushing back, with -- listen to this. >> it's important to highlight not just inaccurate but it's deceptive the media was in their depiction of what he said. it's so disturbing. first of all they think they could get away with it in this day and age with all the scrutiny with social media and independent journalists that excess nap or trust and corporate media is at an all-time low. this has led to arise and true independent journalists. the real ones out there, the matt taibbi's and. >> voice of interpreter: -- glenn greenwald. the people who are saying what's really going on. >> martha: mentioning the investigative journalist matt taibbi joining me, is work includes reporting on the twitter files. thank you for being here matt. obviously complement to your work from a very powerful podcast are. i am curious to ask you what you think about this bloodbath, use of the the word by president trump and everything that came flooding in after it. >> first of all i'm grateful to joe broken for saying that but he is absolutely right. this is sort of a double insult because not only did they misplace the context and deceive their audiences about what trump actually said, they also ignored the root issue which is the hollowing out of middle america," loss of manufacturing jobs to people who work in the automotive sector. people who live in those places know exactly what's happening. so when the media chance to say he was talking about something else and there aren't problems in that part of the world, they get angry twice at the media. that's why you see this loss of audience. >> i think that is so important because there is a lot of laziness right? it comes down to vote trump said what bath so that becomes the lead on several places and people click on that. can they click on nancy lucy and they said to do here he said bloodbath and joe scarborough said it was clear what he really meant. and all of this garbage there is no actual discussion about what's happened to the u.s. auto industry and i think that's why you see voters so turned off as joe rogan says to a lot of media because they are not telling them substance. and also character get turned off to the president really because they see what's going on with these atvs and they probably, the bar president is onto something with places like michigan fisher. >> absolutely. and i remember this from covering his first presidential campaign in 2016 when we followed him around the midwest i could feel on the crowds whenever he talked about nafta or the loss of the manufacturing sector and how he was going to get the job back, sometimes his prescriptions for how he would get those jobs back word always convincing but you could tell the theme was resonating with audiences. then you would watch television and the coverage of his campaign would be about something else entirely. they would pick out some little thing he said and make a deal -- big deal about it. audiences get very upset about that. voters get very bad because they feel like their problems are being ignored. that's what trump is capitalizing on. it's 1 of the biggest secrets to his success politically i think in the last 8 years. >> martha: why cake there was a saint take what he says seriously but not literally. i think you see it again here but then people who are critics of his seo we don't need to look any further january january 6th. that was literal. a quick thought before let you go if you can. >> sure. i mean if you're really stretching it you could name he kind of imply that with the use of the word lead bath he was implying something but there is no factual thing to rest on their. he wasn't being literal. literally he didn't mean that that there would be a bloodbath. >> thank you matt. looking forward to talk to you soon. that is matt taibbi joining us. you can check on his podcast great stuff as well. another exclusive sneak peek of my interview with mark judge. you might member this name because you heard it a lot. he was the high school friend of justice cavanaugh who christine said was in the room when she was so salted. he has never spoken on camera about this until now. [ ♪♪ ] >> martha: update now it does expect cut interest rates this year, try to slow down inflation but they're leaving them where they are for now. for the first time since the supreme court justice cavanaugh's confirmation battle which we watched closely more than 5 years ago we are now hearing from 1 of his former classmates on camera for the first time in my new fox nation special. christine ford said mark judge was in the room when cavanagh sexually assaulted her at a party when they were in high school. cavanaugh the humanly denied it and obviously was confirmed to the court. mark judge said he has no memory of this ever happening or any attack that christine ford described. i asked him about some of what she said as she promotes her new book. >> she talks about how hard all of this was for her, that it really rocked her world per years afterwards and she is just now started to get back to a normal life. what was the impact on your life? >> i don't want to go opera but, you know, i began experiencing suicidal ideation which i never experienced before. and, you know, i think mn does not recognize as much but when i ran into some mental issues and i began thinking okay that is high enough, that subway stop is high enough. that's terrifying. when you experience something like that it's hellish. >> martha: we will hear more from him on the fox news special. that's the story for today i'll see you back here tomorrow. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪

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