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Welcome to hannity. And tonight we have all the highlights from todays expo hearing on capitol hill, featuring several former biden family associates. But first, in just 229 days, you will decide the fate of our country. Anything can happen. But the big guy, he big problems tonight. New york times cnn poll. Look at this. It hast. President Trump Upby 6p by six points among hispanicoi American Voters, a massive swing. Now, look, in 2020, a whopping 66 of all hispanic voters, they think joe biden, that iso f a 22 point shift in Donald Trumps favor. Now, no democrat has pulled this low nationwide amon. G Hispanic Americans in modern american history. And thats not all bidenssuppor among African American voters is also at an all low look at this poll. It found t that just 66 of africanamericans are supporting joe biden. In 2020, he wo0 n a whopping 93 of the African American vote. Bidens base has bottoming out. He will not win in november. If these numberst he the same,go they even go going half, he will not win. Thats whyin wil joe biden took a very rare trip west this week, all in a Districk Tripten desperate bid. As weve been telling you, to bring back his base, try to win back latino voters. Unfortunately, the big guy also has a bibug problems upstairsaii in his brain in arizona. He aimlesslyn n in just wanderef the stage. Apparently there was a baby in the crowd. He just couldnt resist. Take a lootcouldntk. We have made so much m progress together, but we know that is still work to be done, which is why we are goinge Wh To Organizic Ae like never befoe and ensure we are turning out the voted ensure and we know tho you know, theres so muchso at stake and that donald trump continues to pose a threat in so many ways for folks. L yo i have to tell you straight upte ,i like you all, but i couldnt resist that baby. Oh, theres always an upside he didnt go in for a sniff, as he usually does, at least nor ht this time. Meanwhile, during another speech, this one in phoenix, all the interviews he hasntly j almost lacking paralleled jacked up joe depletedacof all f his vigor during the State Of The Union speech. Takes a look at this. And thank you, representative stan, for you repyour dedication to the people of the Fourth District and to a passport. Anyway, get in. Ile he well, we couldnt be her ce tode because the road to washington, our will, the business roundtable, please have a seat. By the way, are you all saying im sorry, i didnt realize youre still senate. Lize you ilt i apologize. May god blesangizes. Everybody has a right to organize a man to have her labor rights Protectedore T its good to expand the engineering to over 10,000o1 additional student0,s, 10,000 additional jews to us now, you know, his campaign is desperate. When they actually rolled Biden Ou Whe T In Public for two consecutive days. Amazing. In fact, himself soundedring desperate during a stop at a mexican restauranta stop. Whinin well, kind of whwhining to latio voters, quote, i needneed you badly, kamala and i desperately need your help. I have bad news for joe. No amount of pandering that is going to bringt of back intoheye the fold. They see what he has done to the bordee wh tr, feel the bt economy and biden inflation. They suffehey r from bidens, you know, lets see, defund, dismantlsuffe, no bail laws. They see the violent crime. They who is to blame. They see chaos and alle as w the globe. They know who to blame there as well. All right. Part two of my monologuen th on todays hearing is straight ahead. But first, here was reaction he president ial candidate himself. Vivek ramaswamy is with us. So ive said this after the State Of The Union address, and ive been pointing this out and its becoming more evident every day. Joe biden needof union as to shp his base. That is not a problem that donald trump seems to be having. Theyre coming out in droves for donalde. Trump. Now that also in my mind. Opll, thats opportunity for donald trump, because now he has an opportunity to saypo okay, this is what i did in thes four years i was president. W how are things working out under joe biden . Are you better off Tha Out Undng you were four years ago . Dont listen to the demagoguery of the left. Y how are your families doing . Do you feel safe and securoue . Are your schools doing you know, how are things when you go to the grocery storings c basic things. Your thoughts . Well, look, this is the first time in over a century that American Voters have hadth this opportunity to compare to 40 year back to back records. Opportunreyeah, four years bide, four years of trump. Vote accordinglyu years. Which one actually served you better . And that should spell a landslide. Elec i think thats possible this year, sean, in a way we havent seen since Ronaltid Reagan in 1980 and in 1984. Thats the opportunity that donald has and i believes will deliver this year, which belis country. Th and, you know, you talkedd hi about the black and hispanic voters swinging in trumpsspan h direction. That makes a lot of sense because just like voters of aniy skin color, People Understand over four years of biden pricesd up. But wages have remained flat over four years of biden. We have an open border policiese that dont please Hispanic Americans or black americans. Rt theyre every bit as badly affected by that Open Southern Borders Badl as every Otherhe American as well. So this is the opportunity, i think, of a generationericans and for the Republican Party to stand for our shared national valuegenera repubs. And thats the opportunity that i think donald trump is going to deliver on this ues and and, dare i say it, reunite this country. And thats what im rooting foer. Isnt that why they have. To take out of context,t Something Like the blood bath comment, it was clear thhee president was talking about the automobile industry. There is no ambiguit hy at if anybody has an ounce of intellectual honesty in them, seriously. But thats what the thats what they want to talk about. They demagogue abortion. Ts thats what they want to talk about. Theyll theylwhatey want tol j, the country to death, democracy in peril while they themselves try to allow allowls t democratic officials to kick people off the ballot for something theyve never been accused of, let alone convicted of. G so to me, the one thingont they dont want to talk about is are you better off than you were four years ago . Because theres no good answerod for that. Well, its up to us to talk t about it instead then, sean. But ill tell you this about th e mainstream media. People in this country understand that they have been lied pe s to back in 2016 and in 2020 was a different story. 202but you know what . O fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shamyoe twice on me. Thats what most americans know. And i think now more than ever, theres an opportunityand now e those in the mainstream leftwing media, if justma one u them had the courage to look their audience in the eye and just telratheir aul them ate lied to you, were sorry about it. We are sor how were going t to change that, about the truth of what really happened about the Russia Collusion hoax that never was the origin of covid 19, that we lie beyond 100 biden laptop. On the eve of the last election, we systematically lied to you and we apologize for it. Yet no nt one of them has done it. And if they do, i think that whether its the New York Times or an msnbc ors any other institution, it will rebuild o trust in thisouny country. But im not holding my breath for that, sean. And so b not yes, its up to us to speak the truth, speak it unapologetically. Cros people across this country, black or white, man or womans tk and even democrat or republican, are starving for that. Thats blican astarvi what donald trum. And our America First movement is going to deliver. And i think thats how were going to unite this country and get our country back. Ifill delid theres one advanta, i would argue that democrats heading into this election and i give a lot of credit to laura trump and what she has said on this program and what her where she is going focus a lot of her energy. Its going to be on partisan, especially in key swing preci states in every precinct watching, voting all day, but wont counting all nightncw theyre focusing their efforts on getting republicans and conservatives over the reluctance, the Resistance Esistancto vote early and vote. And theyre also finally going to start an effort of legal Ballot Harvesting that the Democratic Party i mean, theyve run rings around the Republican Party on this one issue alone, which i think gives them a huge Advantagi Thi it comes down to another year where Maybeyear W Six Orpl seven states and a couple of hundred thousand votes will make all the difference,bi that is a big deal. Do you have confidence that theyll be able to pullf in that off in the short time they havthe she . I have confidence that whatever is necessary is possibl . E and it is indeed necessary. And every conservative whos at home, im with you. I want and we will get to single day voting w a on election day as a National Holiday with paper ballots, governmentpe id. English as the sole language that appears on a ballot. The age ont. But in order to get there, we have to win elections first. And that means nee w within then that are given to the fullest extent possible. Thats we need to do. And so weve got to separate those two questions. Sean, we know what the true destinatio n is, true electionstinat integrity, true Actual National unity with election daiotiony, g a single voting day. But until we get there, We Day Et Theresby the rule as exist to compete and win. And lets be honest, thn a little while since we as a Republican Party have managed to do that. I think the new leadership is so far doing a great job and i think we need to go further in that direction to compete and win to get to the promised land. And i think were goinet to thgh of those things this time around. I think if i to offer one piece of advice to just objectively to biden, i woulofecd say get ot of the race. Youre not ready to go anothergo four years. Advice id give to donald trump. I would say look at thesviceld l numbers. Look at the demographics of the Democratic Party. Their base is eroding. That is an opportunity. And i go out of my way to go into areas, the country where maybe republicans have kind of Given Ud Ofp On and say, we have please take a look at us. We please look at what our planwhats are. Hings will you please look at how bad things are under joe biden and we can do so much better. Whw what would you what would you tell both Candidatesl Bo . Look, i think that that second piece of advice is outstanding. This would be a multiethnic, working Class Coalition that completely remixemulties what the pundits think that republican versus Democrat Party reallyf thpublican is. I can tell you first personally, sean, i plan to spend time in inner cities in swington states fore the remainder of this year, and i think many other republicans will and should joinder of t me in doing so. And i have full confidence that donald trump, above all,m u will be reaching those people from Rural Communities to the inner citieraities tos. Now, as a couple to the your advice for joe biden, my my concern is h concerne migt actually just follow your advice and it may not be even joe biden that weredvice anighs actually running against. But regardless of which puppet the democrats put up, if stand for our own values, say this is who we are as s is is whrepublicans as conser, as americans, these are the values that unite us. An areshow up in the inner city to form communities across this country. Then ifat matter who they put u. We still have an ability to win decisive lead in a landslide, and i think thats what its going to take to get this countrity back. Ter co and i have full confidencenf that donald trump will be the man to deliver that this Novembere Thn to. And im going to do everythingi i can to make sure traveling this country and whatever it takethiss, as everyican republican leader should. This is our moment to do it. Its our leaould itmoment t 17 country. And just as our founding Fatherthe Countrs made that sac years ago, we dont want to seeg Alexander Hamilton and georgegee washington. They ask us, what did you do for your country . We washis better have a darnrn good answer. And this is our year to and. R it goo all right, Vivek Ramaswamy inspiring message. Thank you, sir. All right. Not long ago, hunter t long ate a Public Hearing before congress. Now the president s Esunscrupulous Adult Son Saidwad that he wanted to clear his good name in fronts good ofb bright light of capitol hill. But today, hunter was a no shouw. I the invitation to testify publicly before the housnvitat e oversight committee. Well, in his place, an empty chair, along with his former Business Associates, tony bobulinski, who putg focused squarely on the big guy himself. Take a loo a look. K. Joe biden was more Thanas A Participant In and a beneficiarory of his familys business. He was an active, aware enabler who met with Business Associates such as myself to further the busines s associs. Despite being buffeted by a complex scheme to maintain plausible deniability. Mr. Bobulinski, whos the big gu wy . So are you sure about that . Because when doing a joe biden,. Youre sure . Im 1,000 sure. Because when percent hunter biden did his deposition under oath, he said, i dont know who it h he was copied on an email that said h hold will hold 10 for the big guy. You sure its the big guy . Is joe10e bi biden. En a thousand percent. And theres other Text Messages that back that up. Now, of course, Congresswoman Alexanden r or to Castillo Cortez rushed to bidens defense, but as it turns oubie but, hes not exacty a legal scholar or well versed on the issues. Decide for yourself. Did you witnesweversed s the pd commit a crime . Is it your testimony today t . Yes. And what crime do you have . O go witness. How much time do i have to go through it . It is simple. You name itou nam the crime. U watc did you watch him steal something . Corruption statutes, rico. Uld be and what is it . What is. What i cs . The crime, sir. You. You more specifically, you keepe up. You ask me to answer the question. I answered the question, notd t go. Youre obviously not familiar with corruption. Scares me, sir. Excuseuption, sir. Me, excuse me, sir. Rico is not a crime. It is a category. What is the category of crimesde that youre then charge . You have charges lonr. G 100. You have charges, sir, please. The name sack statute. Tute rico . Ricos. Rico is not a crime. All right. That case out in fulton, georgia, against trump is bogus. Thank you, congresswoman. We appreciate the insight. Maybe congresswoman ocasiocortez should spendfor t a little less time breathlessly defending joe biden. You see those images ime brea there. Maybe she should spend more time in her Home District where the streets are lined with garbage while and illegalli immigrants. Well, post up on every blockgrae and despite what you just heard from aoc, according to bobulinski and other keyccori witnesses, biden was the centerpiece of the familyns international influence peddling. He was the brand. And yeional int, far as we know, the House Of Representatives is the only group seriouslw the investigating joe biden. Nothing from the doj, Nothing Frombithin the fbi, nothing from the irs. You know, its perfectly normalg a Vice President to leveragen 1,000,000,000 to give a Country Likes give ukraine 6 s to fire a prosecutor. Son of a. They do it. T an and the result is his son continues to get paid fort e what he said on good morning america. He had no experience in ukrain e or energy at aat time he lateree admits that he was addicted to drugss. S th apparently, the three Letter Agencies of our federal governmentes of saved all of their scrutiny for donald trump. Trump now faces dozens of charges, including an unprecedented, bizarre case oute of new york, the case brought by theew yor new york attorneyen general, who proudly campaigned on Gettingeralcampaign Trump St Professor Dershowitz says once elected, she accused the formert president of fraud, charged him with inflating the value of fr S Real Estate portfolio in order to obtain loans and betterestate insurance rates. Now, of course, the far left judge agreea d and has now ordered President Trump to pay what is an unprecedented half 1,000,000,000 bond just for the right to appeal the case. Keep in mind, no bank lost any money on these loans. Even nobody even complained. The payments were all made in full. Now, the banks and Insurance Companies, they owe a lot of fiduciary responsibility to do their own valuations and tod top that off, the Trump Organization had in ever oy single deal they made a disclaimer that was given to all banks and all Insurance Companies not to use the Trump Organizations valuations. And as it turns out, the only person who took exceptioe person these valuatie the far left judge, the guy without any Real Estate Experience who actually valued maralago at a mere 18 million. Then you hava meree small lots. Its 22 plus acres there. Its on the ocea 2n and on the edge of coastal. You have, you know, oceanfront lotsn. , two acres selling for one 200 million, one in one case. I dont know if they sold it yet another one, an acre and a half, 150 million. And thats not even right on the ocean. You extrapolatt one it out just the 22 acres of mar a lago, and it would be worth note 18 m the 18 million the judge claimed, but closer to a billion. Ildge claibut closbut the new yy general, the judge, they didnt care. They dont care. Remember, the a. G. Promised to get trump and now she is reportedly planning to seize trump tower. If the 45th president fails to produce the 500 million in cash by monday for right toio appeal this verdict. Joining us now with Reactionin Fox News contributor, former speaker of the house newt gingrich. I dont know t know what to sayhere i about this. Theres a part of this that is Extremelf Thisy chilling to me. W and i would imagine you have the same reaction when you just th at the basic facts here. Well, i think you have to back up a minute and take a long view. You have a totally corruptte new york system thats corrupt from the governo ther to the ste legislature to the judges, to the prosecutors. It is basically its the sop sopranos running the government. Its totallyrarunnin corrupt. We were first really given wr a brilliant and an insight in this by tom wolfe in a novelw called Bonfire Of Theae Vanities 40 years ago, where he outlined the depth of corruption between the prosecutor and the judge. Seo nothings changed. Its just got worse. And i start with thisg notion. New york now is a corrupt state. Wi new yornew york city is a cot city. Any business that does business in new york is stupid because you are at risk of a corrupt prosecutor and a chorus of Attorney General ripping you off. Now, trumps a unique because he is the most powerful anti establishment politician since andrew jackson. So he is an enormous threat to every corrupt politiciannterb the country. From joe and Hunter Biden Downid throug forh new york and on to california. And thats what were witnessing. Thats w arenessinbut we have te larger historical picture. This is a deeply corrupted state which has been driving people out of the state. I think the latest number0 taxp is 600,000 taxpaying New Yorkers Have Lefayt and youll see it in the size of the state governments budgete deficit. Same thing is happening in california. Ned forniathe corruption of saco is driving people out of the astate and their Budget Deficie i believe this year will be 51 billion. These states are totally outapps of control. Donald trump happens to be tothe example paul, but hes an example of a deeply, deeply corrupt system. Let me ask you, as you look. At the the way im seeing things is joe bidens losingba his base a mass of numbers. That, to me is an opportunity. Your thoughts . N opporthow would you how wouldn you seize on that opportunity . How would you takeit advantage of that opportunity . You well, this may surprise you. I think that the country Wantsth Ideae s than anger. I think that the country wants ito See A Presideial candidate in the big cities. I hope the trump will plan for seven or eight or nine speeches from Philadelphi Fora to baltimn to new york to boston to chicago, to san francisco. You know, the voters of san franciscters oo just by 2 to 1 o to require r drug testing if youre going to go welfare. Now, that is a big shift. E is a and i think theres a country out there that would love to a president ial candidate who is a unifying visionary. G i mean, he ought to allyhoul himself, for example, with elon musk and lay out a Space Program for the next decadeade h that would inspire every Young American to believe they hadat great, dynamic future. If trump will be positiverywher and aggressive and go everywhere, i, African Americans, latino americans, asianamericans native americans, young people, you know, young people, the biggest drop in bidense a support because all of a sudden they discovered being woke. Re not youre not going to get a job. Youre not going to buy a ca gyi youre going to have to live with your parents. You have no future rent and then suddenly figure out, you know, that in a very good deal. And of course, today the bidenbe administration announced a plan to force every american to buy an electric vehicle, whether they wany y t to or not. A position, by the way, whichg h about two thirds of the country is totally opposedir to and. That just gives you one more example. You have a left, which is crazy. And a president who is suffering from cognitive problems and his family is totally. Hows the border doing under joe biden . N ho how is safety and securitysafe where you live . How you schools where you livets hows the economy working out for you . Th. Le questions the last thing the Media Ore The biden people want to talkldl about, the only thing conservatives should talk about. All right, mr. Speakerk, you we appreciate your time. When we come back, one senator is getting Death Threats over his stance on tick tock. Overtancwait until you hear the. And governor kristi noem will respond. Thats next. So when you get to nashville, hot tenders and three Mandarin Orange tenders. I would want you three classic tenders for Butterfly Shrimp for. A baby. I win. Oh, is it always a competition . I the shrimp buck. Hey, guys. Feeling tired. Getting soft, growing old. Wake up and grab ageless mail, max. With a nonprescription ingredient to help boost your total testosterone. Be the man you want to be. This is our last chance to help Save Thousands of Holocaust Survivorsthe Needyy are suffering in the former ha needs that these forgotten jewvl have are something beyond have are something beyond anything you can imaginef y. Have you eaten this morning . Yeah, i ate a carrot top of it yesterday. And this is what she ate in two days. Days. These people are starving. These people are starving. Thes fellowship. Christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. 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Pray that theyll know their final months. That theyre not alone. Tomorrow. Legalize all drugs in the face of a growing crisis in america. Why . One group says decriminalization is the way to go. Jesse getse slash, try and get two months free. Now, earlier today, Southh Dakota governor kristi noem, she traveled to washington to testify about Theor Chris Dat of chinese land ownership. Th chineseese nati nationals in the united states. Heres some of what she ha unid to say. Most of our Processing Facilities are owned by, the Communist Party or chinese government. Now they are coming fop. R land. O reports now show that china owns about 3000 384,000 acres of u. S. Ag land valued at over 2 billion. This should be alarming to all of us. Usda admits that this may nos ml even account for all of the land that they own. The Chinese Communist party is not typ our. Theyre not our partner and theyre not our ally. Theyre ou re notr enemy. And theyre a rapidly expanding National Security threat that cant be ignore d. So let me be clear. They are buying up our entire food suppl clear ty chain. And when america cant feed itself and we rely on other memberin and ws of another couny to feed us, it becomes a National Security issue, a huge National Security issue. Look at these recenter reports. Chinese investors and chinese nationalthreports now own 384,0s of land in the u. S. Thousands, s thousands of acres of farmland, thousands of acres of ranc h and land near Military Installations. One Chinese Company bought 370 acres in grant forks, north dakota, for a corn mill just 12 miles from an Air Force Base that houses some of our top and surveillance and reconnaissance of capabilities. That is a major National Security threa t. Urself heres a question. Ask yourself, do you think china would allo du thw any any american to buy their farmland or their ranch land or any land near any of chinas Militaryurse Installations . Of course not. Meanwhile, as lawmakers push to ban tiktok in the u. S. , the company, theyre urging Usern Tiktoks to call their representatives. Thats leading to some very disturbing messages. Like this one North Carolina senator thom tillis received. Take a listen. Okay. Listen, if you talk, i will find you issue. You. Thats peoples job. And thats my only entertainment. And people make money outng there, too. You know, im trying to get rich liko e that anyway. T. Ill shoot you and find you and cut you into piecewills. All right, lets first be clear. Theres nothing funny at all about threatening Violencee Clen against any elected official. And i hope they find whoever left that message and bringrson that person to justice. Now, tiktok or to e. A replied on twitter condemning the threat, callin g it unacceptable. Anyway, here with reaction, south dakota governor kristi noemo self with us. All right. Can you explain to me why great america, why our great country would allow the chinese nationals or the peoplele that have connections to the co to buy party in china our ranch, land, farmland and land near our military t . Can you explain that to me . Because im having a hard time understanding why. Well, first of all, sean, that tweet and that tiktokessa message, it was left agete the senators voicemail is exactly the kind of actions you can expect when tiktok is involved, and that is owned e by the Chinese Communist party. Their number one desire is to destroy america. So that is whericy we shoulda be alarmed at the amount of influence that they have in this country. They unleashedtofluence t a pane virus on the world at the exact same timt the they released tike to make it proliferate and go out there and influenceratee our youth and people to make them think that threats like that are funny. So that ish to make absolutelyt that those kinds of things are happening or that tik waswht doing that. But thats what we can expect from china. So i this Marke Ca S My 30th year that i have been working on policy. Aghave policy. Im a lifelong farmer and rancher. Ive watched china come in and buy up our fertilizer companies. They bought up our crop care our companicompanies like our cheml companies. They bought or stole our genetics. T up theyve bought up our Processing Facilities and now theyre coming after thr land. And when they do that, john,l co they will control our Food Supplynt and country that cant feed ourselves. We are no longer in control of our destinyuntrt feed. Pande so if we take a pandemic was scary, imagine what happens when they control our foodmy. Were only three meals away from a crisis in this country. People will break down 3 i cad panic if they cant put food on the table and theres nothing at the Grocery Store fot foode tablr their. R so wake up, america. China is not just doing one thing. Theyre doing 12 Different Things and theyre spying on our Military Installations, n building up their military, manipulating their currency, stealing our intellectual property. We have spies in south dakota this summer. They were spie s. They came into our states. They wanted to tour our facilities and stealte t our genetics and acted like they were good actors. And just days later, the State Department Us and said, dided you meet with these people because they were spies and they were there to steal all of your information and your companys private information. Meet w and if you did meet with them, then we need to debrief you and thankfully, we had refused all their meetings. But thats what theyre doing. All tm every angle. Are and theyre crossing the southern border on purpose because their government th borere is sending them here to spy on us. So im an on us that theericn American People havent woken up to this yet. People h get ready to do a litt. It can be a littlet inconvenienced and give up. Tiktokbl, for gods sakes. I mean, they literally are using it to change our mind s and to manipulate our thoughts and our ideals and our values. And our countrvaluy is important for that. You know, when i hear fromd s people like you and and josh hawley and marco rubio, People Thaet Have Access Acc to information i dont have nor my m y, my sophisticated,dd technologically speaking enough that i would knoed enow this myt so im listening to Prominentha Conservativeve Voices warning us about that. But back to the Land Issuethat back to military installation, land or land near Military Installations or farmland or ranchland. China would never allow any american to buy their land, at i ever. Why would we be that stupid . Why are we allowind. G that to happen . Why is that not a no brainer that both parties woul not d agree on that . Thats what i dont understand. They wouldnt even allowo ow their own people to own landchin in china. So the fact that we would allow them to comea so the all here ao purchase up our land and put an enemy right next to our greatest n enem National Defense security platforms that will defend this country is is crazan. We had t a law on the books in south dakota for years, but it had n southa Foo Reportig Requirement and no consequences if china bought land. T the so we fix that. I brought the bill forward and our Legislature Passed it. Its a law the. Every state should pass that law. We need to know they may own more land that we th e even knowt no about. Its just that nobodys reporting it. Prettysreport chilling scenario i hope people wake up better pay attention. Hoe wake way, America Needs to buy that land back. You want to give themhave t their market value . Well take it from market value. Take it back. Thank you,o but back sean. E top its just it should be top priority. Just like our Open Borders Clo Being Closed should be a top priority. Governor thank you. When we come back, another governor, ron desantis, florida, he may send haitianille Illegal Immigrants to marthas vineyardga. D well check in with senator katy brad of alabama straight ahead exclusively on fox nation. The evidence thats come out is very compelling. The only thing worse than being accused of a crime is knowing your guilt. They were as unlikable a pair of defendants as youll ever see. None of you guys are 21, right . Im not drinking lot. Im drinking a lot. All part of fox justice. Sign up. Get your first year of fox nation for 2999. America is streaming. The first to document covids origin exposing human on the border and plenty more from its source for daring to tell the truth. Weve been Censored Demonetized and attacked. Weve been jailed in china. In hong kong, youve been tortured. Atlanta. We were tied to a chair and bloodied in print and online. 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And today House Judiciary Committee chairman jim jordana announced a new investigation into the Haitian Illegaln accused of raping a disabled 15yearold girl at a Massachusetts Motel being paid15 at house Illegal Immigrants. Now foxnews. Com is reporting that this alleged haitian was flown here directly by the Biden Administration as part of their program designede an provide an Alternative Path for all illegals to enter this. Pascal, dont collect, dont pass. Go collect 200. T dont even bother going to the border. Just get a frerdere pass. Free transportation to any one of 43 us locations, whichever one you want. Also tonight, Florida Governor ron desantis, he is taking the exactso opposite approach with the complete societal breakdown continuing in haitproach wi whio the governor of florida is now warning that he will flyarning y illegals fleeing that country right out of his state to Sanctuary Jurisdictions like marthas vineyard. Ary jurikethis as 200,000 deporn cases were just dismissed. A federal judge after the Biden Administration failed to file routine paperwork in time. Here with reaction, alabama senator britt. Is this not the single biggestri ,clear and present danger, National Security risk that this Countrt K Thy is now facing . And the idea that they now importing people using foerican tax dollars, sending planes to foreign countries, bringing people ins bringi, thay dont even have to go through the trouble of being spotted at the border anymorthble. How do you react to that . Its absolutely disgustlutely and despicable when we see the e using American Taxpayer Dollarss to fly these people in and thent we see the result of what is happening. You wonders, joe biden is going to wake up and realize enough is enough. Wake up andhis disastrous polii are tearing america apart. He i mean, you look at this, the cia and the program that is simply a choice of him. I know that when president getsl back in office, he will stop that on day one. Stopyou at this and President Biden has paroled about on average, a Million People around that a year and making so happen with this nation this disabled young woman. And massachusetts is unfortunately more of the same. And my question to President Biden is thiately mohis how manp people have to diele, be , be victimized, innocent americans before he stops us . He can do it today. But the truts thulh is, he doest want to he continues to want to facilitate this mass migrationo wa. What were seeing with these cases is, unfortunately, more o these if the same and is expected from this disastrous administration. You know, youre saying thiss and were watching, for examplae ,i was recently down to the border. Ive been down to the border over the years, 15 times, Th All The Way from the rio grande to san diego. Ive bee riondn in drug warehou, horseback, all terrain vehicle. Ive been on foot. Ve bee ive been there when m gang members are arrested. Ive been on boats and helicopter as with border patrol. So ive seen it firsthand before it was ever this bad. Ad n biden is not only not doing his job in enforcing the law, hes been Aiding And Abetting in the lawbreakingorcing. And then if a state like texaslx and Governor Abbott steps up and to try and do the governments jo b, what does the Biden Administration do . They sue texas. Ok you know, look at this late night decision. You know, afteisr the Court Decision earlier in the day yesterday. I mean, theyre preventingco inh texas from protecting their border. That should joes job. How is that allowed to happen . Wa . Titution it shouldnt be. And thats the point. Sr abbott is doing, what were seeing in florida, thats what we need more of. The trutis whah is we need to me sure that these sanctuary cities, thes sancte people who o joe bidens policies, actually have to live with the results. Texas has every right to defend her border. That is exactly what she should be doing. When were out of place in thiet nation where maternal deaths are at an all time high between the ages of 18 and 45, when wed5 are looking at things that happened in georgia with Lincoln Rileys murder, when we were looking at what happened in there in massachusettsssachuse with yt woman. This is too much. It is more. And more of the same. And it is all on joe bidens hands. Son jo i commend, obviously,or o the governor of texas and florida. And f texasi say keep doing it. Make these blue cities, theseo a states who want these policiesnt actually have to live with them. It is time that this administration put America First. I look forward to getting President Trump back in the white so that we can secur actually secure our border and keep americans safe bordere new york city, the statew of californiyorka. Marthas vineyard. Im you know, they believe in sanctuary status. Anyone that send them over there thats that then becomes their problem although its really americas problem. Every city every town now is becoming a border town. Hey, senator, thank you fork yo being with us. Appreciate it. When we come back, another joe biden mandate for somethin r the average american doesnt want. What do i mean . Ill explainicant, d Straight A Fox is proud to bring you this cheesy hero moment, and he wasal interested in working with students who were easily for ea. I r ea. Is responding to looks. An have to look out for each other. We have to take care of each other. Dance was my safr own spacee sp. I am autistic and i am a performer and im really good at it. Once were in our own space and we get to create that space,ou s its really fun. I am here because i have seen i am here because i have seen women do i i willt. If you can see her, you can be her. I will bless those who bless you. Its almost passover here its almost passover here in israel and across former soviet union, but were Finding Thousands of destitute Elderlyuv Jews who are alone in need of basic food. It is in the ramzi. It is holocaust survivor, you know. She keeps saying, my refrigerator is empty. Wow. Shes embarrassed to ask for help. It is. Their need, as you can see, is extremely urgent right now. You can give a gift of life of 25. The International Fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to romsey and thousands life, to romsey and thousands life, of others from The V Jr Had Such A Hard Life and to see to smile at them. You can say the life of the lord, just like ramzi at your special holiday gift, will provide everything will provide everything they nee season of passover. Ramsey i saw this, martha that the fellowship brought her for passover. Brought her for passover. It brings Upnati Memories Of Fah and family from her childhood. Im partneringistry with the International Fellowship of christians and jews. This trusted ministry is giving this trusted ministry is giving christians like me to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the world. Send a volunteer that urgentlyl needed Survival Food Bombsblessr less than 1 a day. Less than 1 a day. You can say i will bless is i will save a life today. Please, paula, go online now and say i will bless these people. Israel Jesse Watters on outnumbered speaking out on pe a bottle of nugenix. Thermo x, our newest, most powerful fat incinerator ever. Absolutely free. All right. Why are they doing this . The administration moving forward with their gas powered vehicle ban and theyre finding any way they can, they can to trick you, the American People, into supporting something that Many Americans dont want. This morning, the white house and the Environmental Mo Agency unveiled strict new rules on Vehicle Emissions that would force the Auto Industry to turn to Electric Vehicles soonerot rather than later. Did they not see the report a week and a half agreport wo about Electric Vehicles being bigger Polluters Abo . Anyway, these new rules will require Auto Manufacturers slash emissions of Greenhouse Gases from new vehicles. Officials say that the aggressive regulations ensure that nearly percent of all new car sales will be electric within just a few years. St the Trump Campaign was quick yea to respondrs to theond to new regulation, saying that it forces americans to buy Expensiv Tationse Electric Vehis and vowed to reverse the mandate on dayd to one of his presidency. It was more. Cohost of the big moneygmone show on fox business network, brian bromberg, along with foxy news contributor ari fleischer. Ari, im not against Electric Vehicles. As a matter of fact, im willing to take it a step further. I actually hope that elon musk is successful and creates jobs high paying career jobs fofor haople and that the American Public has freedom and has the choice of the vehicle they want. S e of the but ford did lose 5 Billion Dollars on their ev linese year. They cant afford to keep hiring people if theyre losinga money like that on an annual basis. Your reactionnn . Well, your point is exactly right, sean. I thin k all of us want to do Abo Something about carbon emissions. A. Ceterut but the best way to do it is not through command and contro it isl mandates thatl not work. And thats the problem not whatn have here. If the markets move in that direction and peoples Voluntar Thaty Choices of consus nudge them in that direction, absolutelyrs nudge more power t. Lets see if the electric Vehicle Manufacturers beat the gas powered manufacturers. T but foo r the government to compel it, i thought the democrats weret thought prw and now theyre taking away our choice as consumerays. And politically speaking, if the Biden Administration wants to hand michigan over to donald trump, this is probably the best, fastest way to do it. Donald trumps already making inroads with Aut Trump Io Worke this is going to accelerate those inroads ths. You know, brian, we could eliminate some of the Greenhouse Gases. A lot of liberals would just be be quiet and maybe shut up every once in a whil jut ue. Y n just kidding. But certainly john kerry will no longer k be Inimat The Climate Czar and his private jet. That will help. Pr the problem. And r is 100 right. Pejust believe in freedo arem. And if people want an electric vehicle. C veclim 100 on board with it. But make it your choice. Idea you know the idea and therere are issues involving, okay you need the manganese and the nickel and you neeg d these minerals that you have to pillage from mother earth to build the big batteries om mothe. E puttin its a heavier vehicle that puts more wear and tear on the road. And Alsowearnd Tea has its own n issues. Issuo im so sure that theyre going to achieve the goals that theyre setting out to achievey ar, but theyre goie to force it on us, like take it away or gas those Refrigerat Tae it as an air conditioners. Mall, i dont think the goal actually to make the environment cleaner. Thats all guesswork on their part. And wenvironmeleanerthats gsswc vehicles are plenty dirty. But i do think what they want wn is buyers of cars to be istendent on the governmen you see, nobody can afford these cars. Middle class americans cante afford these cars unless theyre getting, what, a subsidy fromm y ar the govern. Right. So what are they going to do over these next eight years whent theyre forcing you to by evs, theyre going to shovel out trillionvehicless of dollars to consumers to buy them. Auto Companies Make them,to s dealerships to try to sell them. And everyones going to be hooked on the government, which means that progressive of the leftists are going to have even more power over our economy shot, if you understand that. Thatsf derstand their, then yok its a joke to talk about the environment. This about a Big Government a Leftist Socialist Playbo and bidens new epa rules. Everyones pedaling them as they got softer. Softer theyre not softer. Are60 of ev sales by 2032. Omen come on. That is the that is the fast too track to socialism. All right. So this to me is an opportunity for republicans, republicanspe believe in free markets. Republicans believe in choice. Agai n, i actually want to see elon musk succeed. I want tesla wan to, but i wantf ford, gm and everyor other car company that has career high paying jobs for, americans, i want them to all succeed as well. Ari, did you ever shun Jeremy Corbyn . We were all to follow the science. The science . Well, theres also something called the science of economics. And the science of economics means consumers get to make choices in a free marketplaceths for how their dollars can go further and support the things they want to buy by Shoving Subsidies down Moe Throats Of Taking Money from one citizen so another citizenen can use 70 500 to buy an Electric Vehiclecience is antiscience. It cannot sustain. M this is the problem with Government Subsidies create greater Socia Governmbsin the definition of good being. The democrats definition of it a is is antiscience, and the science of Economics Ntwill always prevail. Thats why people will lose their jobs. People wont buyple will these n theyll hold on to their gas powered cars longetheir r and te rules will get waved as soon as a republican gets into officedn as. So this is a move by by joe biden to shore up his Fragile Coalition of young people who believe Climate Change is an existential crisis. And you have to do something. T thats what hes tried to do. Thats also why he pushed offhe ofthe deadlines to be on 2030,0t this classic biden move. Se wants to have it both ways and hes going to get it neither way. And hes going along. I the radicals in his party, the Climate Alarmists or religious cultish. Brian, last word. Yeah, by the way, the reason theyre trying to get this done so soon is because also theyre trying to avoid Trump Repealintrg these regulations. He did it in 2017. Congress, the congressional did inreview act. They learned the lesson. Theyre pushing it now so they can beae pusht the deadlinr that to happen. Becablicans better act d stall things because thats got to be a day. One job for the next president. Repealo be all this junk. Yeah, thats true. Brian, thank e think you. Ari, thank you. Good to see you both. The new work law in california actually prohibits Law Enforcement officials from posting pictures of criminal suspects. But wait until you see how one 1 Police Department is getting around the mandate. Straight ahead partment. So would you get two national hot tenders and three Mandarin Orange tenders . What about you . Three classic tenders for Big Butterfly shrimp. Forbes. Com. Baby, i win. Is it always a competition . You cant handle the shrimp. See about that . Yes, we will. This is going to be the social media merge. The evidence thats come out is very compelling to this. Brian colbert, mark fuhrman, host three exclusive specials you can only find on fox nation. 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We have breaking news as stories develop across the world, a lot of fast moving action on capitol hill. Get smart insight on the top headlines. Well be covering all of it. The story with Martha Maccallum weekdays at three on fox news channel. America is watching. All right. Youll love this. A new law went into effectin cal in california this year which r whicprohibits Law Enforcement agencies frog suspect photos ent and mug shots of nonviolent crimes. But that isnt problem for depam the well. La area police departmenentt. Theyve been photoshopping lego faces onto suspects pictures for years. And guess what . And theyll continue to do so. Its so good to know that california has its prioritiesia has right on the mt protecting the identities of accused criminalsecti acc. All right. We do believe in innocent and the presumption of innocenceweo beli theon. All right. Thats all the time we have left this evening. Please say dvr so you neveran ever, ever miss an episodenity of hannity. In the meantime, i have great news i. S let nolet your hearts be troubld by Reagan Standing by to put a smile on your face. Have a great nightn fac

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