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A federal Appeals Court puts a texas Border Security law on hold again only hours after the u. S. Supreme Court Allowed it to go into effect. Now we go back to square one with oral arguments in a Court Hearing beginning two hours from now. Much more on that coming up momentarily. First, however, there is this right now. If he does not show up, then it is not going to end well for the bidens. They will be multiple criminal referrals. Bill is Hunter Biden Bluffing . The first son says he wont show up for a public hearing on his overseas Business Dealings but he has surprised us in the past. Good morning, everybody. Bill hemmer live in new york. The hearing begins in an hour. Hello. Dana ready for it . These hearings happening at a good time in our hour. Im dana perino and this is americas newsroom. Less than an hour from now is when the House Oversight committee will hold the public hearing on the bidens alleged Influence Peddling. Two of Hunter Bidens Business Associates will appear and one will be appearing remotely from prison. The president s son says he will be a no show. Bill remember, hunter repeatedly called for a public hearing. Republicans insisted fir on a closeddoor deposition. Hunter resisted that but eventually sat down for the interview. Thats done and complete. Well see what he does today. Dana the Cherry Blossoms are gorgeous in washington. Jason smith is on deck. First to david spunt to lay it out for us on capitol hill. Good morning. Republicans say today is a serious hearing, legitimate. Supposed to go over the problem of Influence Peddling which they say is a serious issue in washington, d. C. Democrats would argue today is an opportunity for republicans to show an empty chair with the name plate hunter biden who is not expected to show. Hunter bidens attorney abbe lowell wrote a scathing letter to james comer last week. If youre serious about pursuing this oversight purpose in a legitimate and bipartisan fashion you would hold a hearing with relatives of former President Trump whom you indicated you would ask. If you do mr. Biden would consider an invitation for that event. Hunter spent the day testifying underoath before the Committee Last month. Not expected to show, he has made surprise visits in the past two times to capitol hill since december. Anything is possible. Of course, were waiting for that possibility. Two physical witnesses in the room. The first is former Hunter Business associate Tony Bobulinski and talk what about he perceives as Influence Peddling with the biden family. Lev parnas went to prison for a brief time and do the same but focus on the trump family and trump administration. He is a democratic witness. Devon archer a former biden Business Associate and close friend wont be there due to a scheduling conflict. Former Hunter Business associate Jason Galanis served a 14 year sentence for Securities Fraud will attend via zoom or virtually and answering questions live. The bottom line, this is a proxy war between team biden and team trump with democrats saying that donald trump is the most corrupt person and republicans saying joe biden is the most corrupt person. Back to you. Dana thank you, david. Bill jason smith is with us, a republican out of missouri, chairman of the house ways and means committee. Good morning. Committee hopping today, right . You are on a Different Committee but they have adopted for you and your research today. Here are the witnesses in the status. Hunter biden declined. Devon archer declined. Tony bobulinski will be there. Jason galanis will appear from jail. He has been in jail for seven years. Lev parnas is a democratic witness. What are viewers and americans going to take away from this hearing today, sir . I think americans will see the evidence that has been presented by both of those witnesses but also from other witnesses over the period of this investigation that show that President Joe Biden knew about his familys Business Peddling Scheme where they received millions of dollars selling access to joe biden, which is the brand for millions dollars to the russians, chinese, romanians, ukrainians. On and on. But also to highlight all the different official activities that joe biden had with those Business Associates and with those phone calls, with over 327 different emails to hunter biden and Hunter Bidens Business Associates. Dana a question i have is what david just said, which is a lot of people watching if they arent tuned into this every single day, it is almost as if every three weeks another one of these hearings pops up. It feels like the same ground is plowed over and over again. Jamie raskin is a democrat. He says that the democrats will have lev parnas there and he says who better than lev parnas himself, Rudy Giulianis right hand man to smear joe biden to tell the story how this campaign of lies and slander works. What about what david suggested about this hearing being really a proxy war between the trump and biden campaigns . This hearing was an opportunity for hunter biden to come before this hearing with Tony Bobulinski, devon archer and mr. Galanis and how they had inconsistent statements sworn under oath. Of course, the biden family are the only ones saying opposite of what the i. R. S. Whistleblower said and what devon archer said, what Tony Bobulinski said. This would have given hunter the opportunity he asked for a public hearing. He apparently is refusing to be there. We dont really know. He loves to do a circus. We saw him do a Press Conference whenever we subpoenaed him the last time. Maybe he will do another Press Conference. Bill well find out momentarily. Question for you. The allegation is that the biden family took millions of dollars from the chinese and millions from the ukrainians and kazakhstan and wherever else. What did the chinese or kazakhstan, if it is them or ukrainians, what did they get for the services that were provided . I think every situation is different. A lot of it in regards to the chinese, we dont know the answers to. Jim jordan has been very specific about ukraine and when you talk about burisma. You have president biden, when he was Vice President , said that they were going to withhold over A Billion Dollars unless this prosecutor that was investigating burisma, a company that hunter biden paid millions of dollars for setting on was fired. He was fired, money was released. We have numerous examples from the i. R. S. Whistleblowers and witnesses here of where there was, in fact, joe bidens Government Action along with some very suspicious actions with Hunter Bidens Business Associates. Dana are you driving toward a vote on impeachment . I think were following the facts like weve always done all along. I think its pretty pretty up front that someone is lying. Hunter biden, james biden or is it all the other witnesses . If you are lying before congress, you need to be held accountable. This is what theyve been doing, protecting the family brand for decades. Thats how they received millions of dollars of selling access to joe biden, who is the family brand. Bill sir, thank you. Jason smith, i imagine will be at the heart of this coming up momentarily at 10 00 eastern time. Thank you, sir. A couple things here. Hunter biden popped into our ears two months ago. He is on capitol hill. Were like what . They took the live shot and he was. Maybe it happens today maybe it doesnt. Abbe lowell calls it a carnival side show. Republicans are trying to show there were no Services Rendered for the money that came in and a big part of where this hearing is intended to do. Dana at the end of the Week Congress will go in recess in two weeks. It feels like they keep doing the same hearing over and over again. At some point do you fish or cut bait and do something about a vote or not and move on to the general election . Bill more on that coming up this hour. Stand by. I built a great company, one of the greatest companies anywhere in the country. It was a rigged trial by a crooked judge and crooked Attorney General and were fighting it out. We have a lot of cash. Election interference. ll see how the courts rule on it. Dana former President Trump has just five days to pay off the 454 million bond in his civil fraud case or face the prospect of having his new York Properties seized by a. G. Letitia james. Lydia hu is here with more. According to lawyers for donald trump, the reason the former president was turned away from about 30 Insurance Companies for an appeal bond is collateral. Lawyers say the Insurance Companies will not accept real estate. Appeal bond expert say there is a possible second headwind. The chance that issuing the bond will create a negative reaction for this Insurance Company. That played out recently when Insurance Company chubb posted a 92 million appeal bond for donald trump in another case. The federal matter filed by carroll. Last week can chubb ceo had to defend the move writing this. I fully realize how polarizing this case and defendant are and how easy it is for chubb to just say no. We support the rule of law and our role in it. We considered this the right thing to do and frankly left our own personal feelings aside. One bond expert called the letter surprising and says it could illustrate the Headline Risk other companies now seek to avoid. Watch. If there is already backlash supporting another bond or having that much of a credit risk for one individual is something theyll take into consideration. You know, its not helping the case. It is not a positive. Tis a clock ticks down there are a couple of developments were watching. Trump could raise capital for a bond. Also possible the court could agree to a lesser amount for the bond. His lawyers have asked for that. We are watching for that possibility. Dana thank you so much. Bill texas Border Security law is on again and off again. Man, it is pingpong back and forth between the courts shifting court rulings, adding to the chaos. Talking to the sheriff of a Border County in texas on the challenges that he faces. You saw that live shot in eagle pass yet again today. Plus this coming up. 30 . 30 they went up. [shouting] dana the gold star father that was arrested at the state of the union address. The Attorney General is dropping charges. Ice deportation officers tracking down convicted felons, fox news as the arrests went down. Detainers arent being honored. Do you guys have any presence at the jail whatsoever . No. Our clients love these. You have got to read the testimonials. Listen. 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He was arrested for disrupting congress during president bidens state of the union address. His son was one of 13 American Service members killed during that chaotic exit out of afghanistan in 2021. He interechted bidens Speech Shouting Abby gait and removed from the chamber. As of yesterday he said the charges still stand as he told reporters on the hill. Dana a good outcome. Bill the right outcome. Dana let him be a grieving father and support him in what he needs. Good decision there. A showdown between texas is turning into a seesaw. A law is put on hold hours after the supreme Court Allowed it to be enforced. What happened here . Nate foye is live in eagle pass, texas. What do you have, nate . Back and forth we go. Almost immediately just hours after the supreme Court Allowed sb4 to go into effect a federal Appeals Court reversed that and right now it is still in limbo pending additional litigation. The fifth Circuit Court of appeals is set to hear oral arguments on this at 11 00 eastern. Within the next two hours. The Biden Administration argues that the law interferes with federal authority over the border. Congressman Tony Gonzalez tells fox the Biden Administration doesnt use the authority it already has. If the Biden Administration spent as much time trying to fix the border as they are trying to block things from happening, americans would be a whole lot safer for that. Im tired of the back and forth. So sb4 would make illegal Border Crossings a state crime. That means migrants found crossing the border illegally like you are watching right now on your screen could be arrested and sent back to mexico. The Mexican Government says it wont comply if the law does go into effect. Ministry of Foreign Affairs says mexico categorically rejects any measure that allows state or local authorities to exercise Immigration Control and return nationals or foreigners to mexican territory. It will not accept migrants expelled by texas under any circumstances. The white house says the law will create more chaos at the border and pointing the finger at Texas Governor greg abbott. Another example of what we have seen from the governor of texas, Governor Abbott attempting to politicize what is happening at the border and whats happening with the immigration system. As for what comes next, the case could go back to the Supreme Court but the federal Appeals Court will go first and determine whether or not the law is constitutional. Send it back to you. Dana keep us posted. Hard to follow. Bill if you are confounded you arent alone. A sheriff from texas is here. Going back to middecember the governor of texas signed sb4 into law. Then early january the d. O. J. Challenged it. Late february District Court stopped it from going into effect. Yesterday the supreme Court Allowed it to go into effect and last night when everybody was sleeping a federal Appeals Court stepped in and said well hear arguments on that today. So sir, here is the question. The accusation is that you will racial profile people in your state. How what was the plan to figure out who was illegal in texas if this law were enacted . More specifically ive seen a lot of rhetoric that will be targeting people from mexico and mexicans. Your viewers need to know the u. S. mexico border is no longer that. It is the u. S. World border. People from all over the world are exploiting the border here to make entry into the United States illegally. Having been a Border Patrol agent and having that training it is something that local and state Law Enforcement can be trained on and working with the federal government. Not this administration. They refuse to work with Governor Abbott and local Law Enforcement on this issue. They can be trained and work as partners. Bill if i told you the law was legal right now, do you know where to go in your county to find illegals who have crossed that border . 100 . We just hit another busy streak. Yesterday we had five active groups. We had two Texas Department of Public Safety helicopters working with us in the county. As i mentioned to you before, bill, you know, the first year this administration took over we saw a 289 increase from fiscal year 2020. Second year when compared to 2020 was a 418 increase in illegal alien apprehensions. Gotaways mirror that as well. Last year we saw a down trend still 188 increase more than we saw back in fiscal year 2020. Bill i dont know what you will get this year. You heard the reporting that mexico wont take them even if you ship them. What about that . You know, what we have is the delegated authority from immigration and nationality act. All local Law Enforcement would sign onto that. However, in order for them to sign on to it this administration has to allow it. They have completely abandoned 287 delegated authority to local Law Enforcement. That gives us local Law Enforcement. We can turn them over to ice and put a detainer. I will do that with my local Border Patrol station and we do that often. I will tell you again it will take a new administration to change the policies that were taken away before we see some sort of change with that. Bill i will give you a chance to respond directly to this administration. Here is the the statement from Karine Jeanpierre late last night. Sb4 will not only make communities in texas less safe and burden Law Enforcement and sew chaos and confusion at our southern border, sb4 is another example of republican officials politicizing the border while blocking real solutions. The chaos and confusion stuck out at me. Youve been dealing with a measure of chaos so far. Your response to the white house. First that chaos and confusion was created by this administration. Back in 20 we ended the year with after the Biden Administration came over is when we saw the dismantling of the border within six months. They wiped out the trump policies that actually made this border more safe and secure. Not just with President Trump but also the prior four administrations as i have mentioned many times. I will tell you what we need more texas sheriffs to get involved as well. There was a quote by the sheriff out of high dal go county. He doesnt speak for me. Im no longer part of that. Texas sheriffs arent doing enough. We have some doing some stuff but not enough. So we need to be more involved as sheriffs and need to support our governor and support Michael Banks our texas border czar and encourage the governor to keep his foot on the gas. Bill you cant see our screen now but we are watching more cross the river now as they face the con sir the wire. Dana more with texas Lieutenant Governor dan patrick next hour. No doubt he has thoughts on all those changes. A former marine charged with killing a homeless man on the New York Subway is about to appear in court. Well monitor that for news. Plus this. I was called a liar so many times. Every stage of the process i was vindicated because everything was proven in court and all of the sources of my information were finally verified. Dana the attorney who blew the whistle on fani willis talking about her decision to come forward. Where the case goes from here with Jonathan Turley. And if youve made the deployments and youve been the wife at home, or youve been the spouse at home, you understand what im talking about. Your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. The newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100 of your homes value. So if youre in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. She runs and plays like a puppy again. His 2s are perfect hes a brand new dog, all in less than a year. 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Our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason weve been the brand leader for over 75 years. When i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. Call miracleear at 18002347090 and schedule your free hearing evaluation today. Dana check it out. Live look right here at capitol hill awaiting the arrival of Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Bidens former business partner. He will testify at todays Oversight Hearing on the biden familys alleged Influence Peddling. Hunter biden has said he will not attend today despite demanding a public hearing from republican lawmakers back in january. Well bring you developments as we get them. Bill did you know there is a primary still going on . Dana i forgot it was voting today. Bill former President Trump and former first lady who havent been seen in some time after the death of her mother, both voting in palm beach yesterday. Florida is one of the five states to hold primaries. Well tell you what were talking about here. Some of the big states. At one time battlegrounds. Not so much now in the trump era. You are talking about ohio down here with 79 delegates, florida 125, arizona 43. How did the vote go . How did it break down . Well start in florida where the former president s home state right now more than 81 . Nikki haley chipping in just shy of 14 there in florida. Talk about arizona flying out to the southwest. Another critical battleground now with arizona. Donald trump decent showing about 78 . Nikki haley at 18. Well see how this factors in over the next seven or eight months and counting. The Home State Of Ohio is the buckeye state. This has been trump territory now going back to 2016. Last night no disappointment for him. Just shy of 80 . Nikki haley 14 . A lot of Establishment Republicans were going for a senator in this race the primary race that ill show you in a moment. In that senate race matt dolan was considering running well about moreno. Moreno is an immigrant and got the backing of donald trump and j. D. Vance. Moreno won every county in ohio last night. That sets us up for a good matchup between moreno in november against Sherrod Brown the democrat who has held the seat for many cycles. The balance of the power in the u. S. Senate. Democrats hold it 5149. Watch ohio, watch West Virginia and montana to see whether or not republicans can flip those seats and gain control of the Upper Chamber as we say. Dana, did you know there was a primary yesterday. Dana there was and there shall be more. Really good roundup there. Oaf owe is one to watch and you are the one to watch on ohio. Bill confirmed. I definitely think she could be disqualified. The new commission in georgia looking into this and they could disqualify her. Facing reelection. Two opponents now. Other checks and balances and more information can come forward and we continue to investigate. Dana the attorney is leading an Emergency Appeal of the judges ruling to keep willis on the Georgia Election interference case. Defense argues wades resignation is not enough. Constitutional law attorney and Fox News Contributor Jonathan Turley joins me now. One other part of her fox friends interview that was interesting. It was about the money. There is a lot of different funds that the District Attorney gets. They get federal and state funds. What you were asking about the forfeiture funds. When the government takes someones funds or money. The District Attorney is able to use them. The law has very specific requirements for how you can use those and so she is getting federal for tour money and tracked payments to him just from those funds. Dana Jonathan Turley, what do you think will happen next . Does her point about the money focus the mind . A lot of these stories we have to remind ourselves follow the money. When you do, you get to a different conclusion. Right, dana. The difference is, of course, the federal government doesnt operate entirely on a cash basis the way willis and wade did. There is a record that you can follow and there are limits on how you use the funding coming from forfeiture and other sources. That may cause a problem for the office. But i also felt that the fox interview with merchant was quite interesting. She was treated shabby and unfair ways by williss office. They attacked her and said she was unethical and had violated professional standards by raising this. The court ultimately vindicated her and found that wade had to go. If he didnt the whole office would go. So she prevailed and showed that she had a good faith basis as an attorney in raising these issues in her motion. It was an incredibly disgraceful attack by this office. What was disturbing is that willis had her office really resisting every effort to disclose evidence that would ultimately lead the court to disqualify one of the two. Now the question is, how can you do that and not disqualify them both . Essentially willis ratified and incorporated the testimony of wade. If he was lying, so was she. Dana it is interesting to watch this because i imagine also that wade and fani probably dont talk that much anymore i would imagine. We dont know for sure. We can find out. Want to ask you about this. The Supreme Court had a pretty big week of hearing a lot of cases. The ones that you care about a lot. Free speech and you talk about it a lot. This is today Texas Councilwoman Gonzalez was charged with violating a texas law and she says that wasnt right. Listen to her here from yesterday. Freedom of speech is a very important thing that we have in our country and we should be able to use it. Dana if you look across the board today, there was mirthy versus missouri, the censorship case. Can the government tell them to there are several others. What do you think the court is getting at here . There are indeed important First Amendment cases here. Someone associated with the free speech community. Were all on edge. It was chilling in the social media case to hear justices like jackson repeatedly say whats the problem with the government coerceing speech . Why shouldnt they when there are troubling period that the government acting in the pandemic . Many of us were agape at that because, you know, much of what the government did on censorship was wrong. As many things they were censoring by scientists who were fired and disciplined and barred from social media in some cases. They were vindicated ultimately on things like the origin of the virus, showing that it is not just a possibility, many consider it the leading possibility. Closing of schools. There were vindicated on many of those things. You had jackson saying i dont see why the government cant coerce social media. Were all very concerned where the government will land there. Gonzalez, her case is hugely important because people are being targeted by a weaponized system these days and that case could put that front and center. Dana will these cases most likely get answers by the end of june . Yes. One case you have to consider with gonzalez. What the new york government was doing was attacking the Revenue Sources of organizations like the nra that they didnt like telling them you better not be doing business with the nra. Weve seen that out of the Biden Administration and funding grants to create black lists targeting conservative libertarian sites that try to squeeze them and deny them funding. These cases have sweeping implication for our system political and legal system. Dana thank you. We appreciate it. Have a good day. Bill you might remember the story of daniel penny, a u. S. Marine who is accused in the choke hold death of a black homeless man on a new york city subway. He is back in court as of this moment for what they call a conference today. Thats video of him entering the court. Earlier this year a judge denied his request to dismiss the charges against him. He got a secondary manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide in may of 2023. This is the video. Went on for several minutes. Daniel penny was on board the subway car and the other individual apparently was having one of his fits, which is not at all uncommon in new york these days. Penny tried to subside things and stepped in and there was a tragic outcome and daniel penny is now before a judge yet again to see where this case goes. Wanted to share that with you. Okay. Florida Governor Ron Desantis vowing to send haitian migrants to Marthas Vineyard as the nation spirals more into crisis. There is such a blurred line between tenant and squatter rights. The family just went on vacation and came home and there is someone there claiming they have a lease. Bill you arent going to believe this story. The Squatter Hunter Going viral for helping californians reclaim their homes. In new york, squatters change the locks on the house. You wont believe who was arrested in this case. Taylor rigs and brian brenbe will take us through it. Whats happening . Good morning, guys. voya there are some things that work better together. Like your Workplace Benefits and retirement savings. Voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. So you can reach todays financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. Voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. start your day with nature made. The 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. Ive struggled with generalized Myasthenia Gravis. But the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. Vyvgart is for adults with generalized Myasthenia Gravis who are antiachr antibody positive. In a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. Most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. And your Vyvgart Treatment Schedule is designed just for you. In a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. Vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. Tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. Vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. Available as vyvgart for iv infusion and also as Vyvgart Hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. Additional side effects for Vyvgart Hytrulo may include injection site reactions. Talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. Bill serious deal now. Daniel penny back inside of the courthouse in new york to settle some of the remain Search Warrants in the face facing charges of Second Degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide going back to last may. So well see what moves in that case inside the courtroom right now. It is underway. 9 46 in new york. Some tenants will claim they dont have a lease in writing but they still have a legal right. There should be fines, penalties, jail time. Restitution. These homeowners should be able to recover money to repair their homes. Dana that man is a pro as removing squatters from homes. An epidemic across america including this house in new york city. The woman who owned the home reported squatters. She ended up in handcuffs. The hosts of the Big Money Show on fox business are here to explain. Taylor, to evict a squatter in new york city owners have to do all sorts of things. File a 10day notice, wait for all this paperwork both parties have to attend a hearing. The actual homeowner who did the work, who put up the capital and wrote the checks are the ones on their back foot. We discussed this as a case study in the landlord law class last night. The professor came out and said the law as it stands. Bill you were in law class last night . Yeah. That shows what a big deal this is that were having these conversations outside this newsroom, right . The law thats currently written says a homeowner has to Peaceably Reenter your home. They want to discourage homeowners from taking the law into their own hands. You dont change the locks or call the police or a camera crew. That was the way that she broke the law. I think this leads to a broader question that we need to change the law, brian. So we dont end up hurting the people who have the rights to begin with. Bill the burden is on the homeowner. This is nuts. We talked to a person in florida who got a bill passed bipartisan support that says you have to have a notarized lease or receipt of rent paid if you are a skwart and want to stay in the homes. If you dont have those things in florida the police can arrest you and take you out of the home. Now youve clarified the law and the process. That wont happen in florida. It is still happening in new york. Dana last month Lawrence Jones was in atlanta. How many squatters were in one area. How did you get in the house . They told the house, they gave us the key. You think you were scammed as well . They told us we were scammed. This is the problem where you want laws written we dont want to take the law into our own hands. It encourages us to go through the Justice System and do the right thing and do the process. That process takes so long you have laws that encourage that when people really just want to get what i would maybe go out on a limb. The professional squatters learning how to play the law against you, you want to make it harder for them to be there but the laws as they are right now are making the burden on the homeowner. Bill do you think your professor is watching this right now . I dont know. I hope i got it right. Dana thank you. She goes to law school so we dont have to. Im not doing that. Bill i get it now. A story about ben and jerrys getting the boot. This is juicy. Ben and jerrys is owned by a big conglomerate. As part of being owned by unilever. They are active and we wont sell ice cream on the west bank. They have a very Activist Investor saying we shouldnt do that trying to go after disney now. They are going to shrink their business and sell the Ice Cream Business including ben and jerrys in order one, to get rid of a business not making them a lot of money but two, i suspect they would like to get rid of a business they dont want the Reputational Risk around. Im also thinking from an Economic Cycle where you have Conglomerates Trading as a discount. Uni leaver have dove soap, ice cream, mayonnaise, they are all over the Board Versus Slimming Down and having individual businesses that are very in sync and tight. Its more the sum of the parts versus the big conglomerate that people want to start breaking up some of those big ones. Bill might be smart. You can kill two birds with one stone. Slim your business, get rid of the risk, a win for the company. Bill the star witness in d. C. Is missing for the moment. Will hunter biden show up for the House Hearing . Well find out and put these questions to Jason Chaffetz on what we might expect coming up. For veteran homeowners, its easy as 123. One call newday and apply. Two take out an average of 70,000. Three pay off your credit cards hey. You seein this . Wait. Wheres the dish . There aint one. Youre tellin me you can get directv The Good Stuff and you dont need a Satellite Dish . Oh, i used to love doin my business on those things youre one sick pigeon. Them dishes kept the rain off our beaks we just have different priorities is all. Satellitefree directv. Never thought id see the day. Well, our lifespans are quite short. Stream directv without a Satellite Dish. Im going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. Sara federico at st. Jude, we dont care who cures cancer. We just need to advance the cure. Its a Bold Initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. It is our commitment. We need to do this. The future is not just going to happen. You have to make it. And if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. The all new godaddy airo. Put your Business Online in minutes with the power of ai. We feel that we need to extra resources to come in and help us as we try to get more organized for our family and see if we cant bring some more clues to light. Bill they are going through a tough time. Two weeks since riley strain vanished in a trip to nashville. His family is reaching out to an Unusual Group in help in finding the missing College Student. Madison is live in atlanta. Good morning. That new group joining the search for strain is the cajun navy. Best known for Volunteering Search And Rescue efforts during natural disasters. Strains parents hope the extra help will bring their son home. He is my best friend. He is everything. We were contacted by rileys family and asked to step up and provide some more resources to this search activity. We have had people involved Behind The Scenes and following this and understanding what has been happening here. Multiple videos paint a picture of strains last moments before he disappeared. Here is what we know. The 65 College Student was being kicked out of a bar for being too intoxicated. Around 9 45 that night video from a local business caught Strain Running down the street and falling. He then gets up and walks away. A few minutes later Surveillance Video shows strain crossing another street in nashville. You can see other people around him as he stumbles down the street. Police say the last video they have of strain is caught on body cam. This is near a bridge in nashville at 10 52 p. M. Strain has a short interaction with the cop who is responding to an unrelated burglary call. Strain appears to have a pretty calm demeanor. How are you doing, sir . Good, how are you . Good. Strains Fraternity Brothers filed a Missing Persons report the next morning. We have Emergency Responders and volunteers all searching for strain on the ground, in the river and in the skies. Police say no sign of foul play at this point. Still a Missing Persons investigation. There was people from social media searching for strain on sunday and they found his bank card by a riverbank. So far thats the only clue, bill. Bill tough stuff. Madison, thank you. Well stay on it in the southeast. Dana reads sports. Dana bill, two Cincinnati Bengals player become girl dads on the same day at the same hospital. The wives of Linebacker Logan Wilson and Evan Mcphearson giving birth to baby girls. They are each players first child. The families sharing photos on social media. You did research. Bill doing a little

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