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Hello, everyone. This is outnumbered. Im Emily Compagno with Kayleigh Mcenany and joining us today, Fox News Contributor molly line, former state Department Spokesperson and founder of Polaris National security, morgan ortagus, an American Enterprise Institute Senior fellow Fox News Contributor and former speechwriter for president george w. Bush, Marc Thiessen. Wewe with former President Trump setting the record straight, slamming democrats and the media from manufacturing outrage over these remarks at a rally this weekend. Let me tell you something, to china. If you are listening, president xi, and you and i are friends, but he understands the way i deal, those big monster Car Manufacturing Plants you are building in mexico right now, you think you are going to get that, youre going to not hire americans, and youre going to sell the cars to us. No, we will put it 100 tariff on every single car that comes across the line. And youre not going to be able to sell those cars. If i get elected. If i dont get elected, its going to be a bloodbath. Thats going to be the least of it. Its going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But theyre not going to sell those cars. Emily President Biden was quick to react, accusing trump of wanting another january 6th on social media. It didnt take long for fellow democrats in the media to fall in line and echo bidens attack. I heard a continuation of the same rhetoric and continuation of Political Violence we have seen from donald trump for years. He goes farther back. We are all desensitized and a to the threatening things the former president is saying. We cant look at what hes saying and think we are going to be accurate for this. We will say he was referring to the auto industry. We have to enact this election, because hes even predicting a bloodbath. What does that mean . Is going to exact a bloodbath . There is something wrong here. We did not miss the full context. This is not some meandering offmessage comment. This is his message. Obviously hes thinking about a bloodbath for america. Its laid out in the terms of it. And these idiots on twitter, these idiots on cable news, these idiots on sunday shows, he was talking only about the Audio Industry its just [bleep]. Let me say that at 6 15 a. M. It is just [bleep]. He knew what he was doing. We are not stupid. Americans arent stupid. He was talking about a bloo bloodbath. Emily with such uproar over trumps remarks, you would think his critics would have never used a term like bloodbath in the past. Think again. As politico. Com reports tonight on the bloodbath at the rnc as part of the maga drive to take over maricopa county, the headline refers to it as an impending bloodbath. They were saying this would effectively be a bloodbath. Not only would it be a bloodbath, but on her home turf. That is really tough. Midterm elections may not be the bloodbath for democrats that has been predicted. Joe biden was talking the other day about his concerns about a negative bloodbath. This is probably going to be a bloodbath a bloodbath. Its going to be a bloodbath in november. It wod be a bloodbath. They could see a bloodbath, too. The Republican Party will be destroyed. A bloodbath at the ballot box. That led beth tastes like raspberry sweet jam, Marc Thiessen thats a lot of hypocrisy we just saw. Marc is a bloodbath for the medias credibility. He is the problem. When everything is not rage, nothing is not rage. He was clearly talking about the economy and saying this would be an economic bloodbath for american workers. The big problem he said is that he would violate his own Free Trade Agreement in order to stop this. But they keep doing this. He goes and makes a joke saying, ill be a dictator for one day, and they say, aha, he admitted hes a dictator, hes going to round up the migrants or that hes admitted that he is going to round up millions of latinos. No, he didnt pay it he said he would round up the illegal migrants. By the way, just in the state of union, Biden Asked Congress for money for what cannot detention beds. He wants to detain them, too, supposedly. Its like the boy who cried wolf. Everything trump says is an outrage, they tune you out and people dont listen. They wonder why no one cares when they call these things out and why people are still supporting him despite these things. We heard that, apparently, if there was context associated with the term bloodbath, that you would be an idiot, that you are not in the full context, but lets put out what President Trump said on truth social, describing the context, saying the Fake News Media and their democrat partners, in the destruction of our nation, pretended to be shocked at the use of the word bloodbath, even though they fully understood he was simply referring to imports allowed by Crooked Joe Biden which are killing the automobile industry. So they are the subject of their ire, explain for the millionth time, this was the context, and yet theres still a huge vitriol or at least manufactured vitriol. Kayleigh that you would expect biden and team biden to take the comments and capitalize on it. Thats what campaigns do. You would expect pelosi to do it. Hillary got in on the action doing the same this morning. You would expect democratic operatives to do that. The problem is when the bidenharris headquarters, their Rapid Response team can take a clip of Joe Scarborough, put it out this morning, and its the media doing the bidding of the left. Its as if the media is the Rapid Response team for the democrats. There needs to be a real reckoning among the media. Because theres a crisis of confidence in this institution. How do you report the story . Put out trumps comment, put it in full context, allow him to expound upon it, and put out the Biden Campaign statement and allow viewers to see for themselves what actually happened. But you dont see that. Instead you see them jumping to the less Rapid Response organization. This is why i must say we have to have president ial debates. America deserves to see trumps statements in full, joe biden, his statements in full, and make a decision paid right now you got the Media Interpretation and americans deserve better. Emily but, morgan, lets see what americans have been subjected to visually. Heres a small sample of some of the headlines by the liberal media. Politico, trump says country faces bloodbath. Nbc, trump says there will be a bloodbath. How many times can he put in face a certain line, to kayleighs point, and not have the full context or explanation, not have anything else whatsoever except for calling other people idiots and swearing on live tv . Morgan the headlines are part of the media falling prey to clickbait because they need asensational headline to get clicks. There was such a fascinating generational divide between the older ap and Washington Post reporters who have been covering this State Department for two plus decades. Didnt ask me sensational questions, reported the facts. Then the young ones came in that wanted to get clicks on social media, on twitter, that wanted headlines, and the way they ask questions was made for tv. Compared to the older state Department Reporters who had been around and actually wanted the facts. I think there is a very worrying trend from my perspective on what younger journalists are being taught by their editors, that its a clickbait headline and its no longer just social Media Influencers that are doing clickbait headlines. Its the Mainstream Media. Finally, i was at the Gridiron Gala on saturday night, and President Bidens speech was very interesting. It is supposed to be funny, it wasnt funny at all. At the end he was admonishing the media saying democracy is on the line, you have to do your job, you have to do whats right. Washington post reported his speech, and its bizarre to me. They were getting their Marching Orders from the president and i found him very unseemly. Emily molly, what are your thoughts . Molly everyone has made great points. You talked about the setting for the day. 615 in the morning, Joe Scarborough is screaming about this. Marc [laughs] molly then we go into the rest of the day. I think what strikes me about this one is the lack of subtlety. It would be very clear that former President Trump was talking about the auto industry. It wasnt remotely mysterious. Its a tough spin. So when you say the quiet part out loud but youre actually screaming it in peoples faces, and it is so obvious thats not what President Trump was talking about. Then it becomes more clear that even the Mainstream Media and not when pelosi is saying these things come up when you see the headlines like we just showed, some of the real people are like, i can trust this source, and you see the headline, very concerning. It has crossed a bar now. Like you said, you see the headline, you click on something, and it all gets explained. Emily President Biden serious concerns about his reelection efforts. I brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. Ugh. Here, ill take that. Woo hoo ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. And a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. [ tense music ] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. Just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. Aleve. Who do you take it for . And for fast topical pain relief, try alevex. Hey. You seein this . Wait. Wheres the dish . There aint one. 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Save hundreds a month, thousands a year. s bt we are getting a new report of shouting, swearing, and flaring tensions within President Bidens Reelection Campaign over his plummeting poll numbers. Nbc out with his headline. Behind the scenes, biden has grown angry and anxious about the reelection effort. He goes on to say, President Joe Biden was seething in a private meetin the white house in january. Allies of the president had just told him that his poll numbers in michigan and georgia had dropped over his handling of the war between israel and hamas. He began to shout and swear, a lawmaker familiar with the meeting said. So much for that day one promise of not deriding those around you marc, understandable to be seething. These poll numbers which nbc sites, This Is Gallup March of 2020. This is dismal. Biden had 38 , trurump 48 at te same time. George age w bush at 39 . Carter at 43. Didnt go quite well for the others. Marc he said, im going to fire you on the spot, so he should be fired i understand hes upset because his own staff doesnt trust him to go out and deliver the administration message. That is pretty damning. It is not a communications problem, its a policy problem. If you look at the average of all of thoses, he is underwater on every single issue Americans Care about. 43 of americans, a plurality, saying his policies have personally made their lives worse. Only 18 say they made it better. So thats not a problem with communications that he can fix out to mike by stumbling around on a stage somewhere in wisconsin or michigan or wherever hes in trouble. Hes got to change his policies. Kayleigh some advisors had told him he should walk faster out of concern that his gait feeds impressions that hes too old. And yet the white house is sufficiently worried about him tripping. Which is why he takes that middle staircase out of Air Force One. He has these hokas. Designed for maximum comfort and support while watching o hiking. But i guess the solution is to walk faster, they say. I dont know. The worst thing i think he could do is walk faster. If you are unstable with your gait, if you are at all unsure, he would say slow down, take it easy. Remember when Ari Fleischer described to us what Air Force One look like on the inside, and that by rerouting the president through that middle staircase what an incredible amount of added steps it is for him to all to get the impression, apparently, that hes actually just fine. I loved your point so much, marc. Seek god first, the blessings will follow. If he would just focus on his policies and actually doing the job, maybe the poll numbers would follow. Just do your job, man. Everyone will respond. Try that for once. No amount of showing him in a protective cage or protective shoes or protective guidance will ameliorate or erase the fact that americans are in a worse position now than they were before he started. Kayleigh morgan, there is also a fascinating report about his attention with barack obama. That he doesnt speak frequently with barack obama, but Behind Closed Doors he talks about him a lot. He often measures himself against the men he served as Vice President , current and former aides say. Its a complex relationship in which there is a rivalry, particularly on bidens side. Obama would be jealous, biden sometimes says, when speaking of a perceived a compliment. But they said that it has affected his Policy Decisions, like to withdraw from afghanistan, which was devastating. So i hope this isnt driving bad decisionmaking. Morgan i like president to say things like the buck stops here. The American People didnt elect your staff, they elected you. The trouble with walking its not the speechwriters fault when you double the sentences. Americans that feel hes too old for the job, thats his fault, not the staff. Kayleigh and you can comment on the age if you like. Washington post, they dont often get headlines like this. That Kamala Harris should step aside, this was kathleen parker. I want to read what she said. Washington post, pretty big deal. The conundrum comes onto this, she was picked because she was black and female, a combo tantamount to job security. Now that shes become a burden on the ticket, he cant fire her. Theres no reason to think her banking would spike when she suddenly promoted to the oval. Instead, most signs point to disaster. Thats what i propose, with all due respect, she stepped away from the ticket. Wow. Molly we have seen a number of headlines like this, including President Biden stepping down and that someone else should take over. In this targeting of her, as well. I think the democrats have found a good niche for her, going out and talking about abortion on the campaign trail, a major issue, potentially one that many believe stopped the red wave at the midterm. I dont think they are giving her much of an opportunity to move from outside of that. If they feel like theyve found the sweet spot for her. As for the shoes, i feel like its a star wars moment. Its a trap where the comfortable shoes, locket your your own pace, its fine. I went to New Hampshire and covered the president s most recent visit there, and it was politely put by a local station, a small intimate event. We talk about these raftershaking rallies trump has, you look at the numbers and what you see out on the campaign trail. That might be a major concern, as well, for President Biden, creating anxious and anger and whatnot. Kayleigh im not sure you want small intimate event. This isnt a bookathon. Argument on whether the Biden Administration crossed a First Amendment line when it pressured Social Media Platforms to take down content it didnt like. The historic case on free speech, next. Our Financial Planning tools and advice can help you prepare for todays longer retirement. Hi mom. Thats the value of ownership. Tired muscles and joints were keeping me from my family. Now i can be myself again. Blueemu supports healthy muscles and joints. Shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. It changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. It changes your smile and how others smile at you. Clearchoice Network Doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. Because a clearchoice day changes every day. Schedule a free consultation. Kayleigh this up in Court Hearing arguments on whether the biden and administration went too far by pressuring social media sites to censor certain content. The case has major implications for freedom of speech. David spunt is live outside the emily court. When it comes to Health Policy and Election Security going into 2024, also national security. As Technology Expands and as more people use social media, Supreme Court justices continue to get called into cases. They see more and more of the social media cases come before them. To prevent free speech, talking about large tech firms, to moderate content or fight digital disinformation. Collaborating to take candace information, for example relating to the covid vaccine. Another big issue, Election Security and the fallout from the 202020 president ial election. And people posting about the race. Several states and private parties sued the administration, kayleigh, arguing their free speech was being stifled. He was just a samuel alito, skeptical about the governments role. Watch this. The only reason this is taking place is because the antitrust in its pocket, and to mix my metaphors, available to it. It is treating facebook and these other platforms like their subordinates. Justice alito talking about section 230 of the Communications Decency act, which moderates some of the content seen online, and it has for several years. As for the overall read out of this, it seems that justices overall are little skeptical of the arguments made by louisiana and missouri. Its not clear how they will rule, but we know they will ruled by the end of the term, june, early july. Baback to you. Kayleigh david, thank you. Marc, i want to bring up some of the emails so viewers understand what we are talking about. Heres the first one. This was at the time the digital director the white house, three days after biden takes office. This was a priority. If we can get moving on the process for having this post removed asap, keep an eye on similar tweets that fall in the same genre, i want you to lolook on that highlight. What are they flagging for misinformation . It happens to be Robert Kennedy jr. , who happens to be a political opponent of the president at the time. Not at that time, but currently. Marc absolutely. The problem with the government coercion the Supreme Court is listening to is very important, but its not the whole story. The problem is they have willing coconspirators in the social media companies. Ask yourself the question, why didnt this happen when trump was president . Remember the days when he would snap his fingers and Jeff Zuckerberg would do whatever he did . It doesnt work that way. Theres liberal bias, taking over the government, conspiring with liberals in the social Media Company to Police Speech they dont like. We have always had liberal bias in the media. What we are now seeing is going from liberal bias to i illiberal bias, favoring one side to trying to suppress the other side. We saw that in the covid story, trying to suppress, with the hunter biden laptop, and what they ended up doing in both of those cases was suppressing stories that were right and providing information that was wrong. Its not only helpful to the American People, its a big problem. Kayleigh h here is what the keyboard warriors were empty. They were emailing about a Parody Account for finnegan biden. Cannot stress the degree to which this needs to be resolved media. I have ccd the Senior Advisor who also happens to be the subject of the report of the allegations we talked to last week. Molly you question the governments greater good theory, that we want to get rid of disinformation. It looks more like targeting. He raised a great point, that raises the question of t if this is coercion or collaboration. And when we talk about the future and what this could all mean in the ramifications of this in the digital age, we are at a point where we talk about disinformation in the Mainstream Media, and leading a lot of young people in particular to head to social media and get their news from there. So there is a backandforth about how to control this, what should be allowed and what shouldnt, how much power the government should have. In this case, there is this lack of irony they use to argue that it is almost like they say its the Government Free speech and not coercion without any irony. Speech, not bullying. Kayleigh i also want to note the white house denied the accusations for sexual misconduct, so i want to get that in there. But this was the one i thought to ask you about, this was to facebook. Hi, rob. I totally understand how frustrating that is. This is facebook acknowledging the white house frustration. Are you guys serious . I want an answer on what happen here. I want it today. The next email is, hi. From what we understand, it was an internal technical issue that we cant get into, but it is now resolved. So it seems like a threat and resolution after a threat, which seems so contrary to the First Amendment and suppressing speech. Emily if you took that email out of context for a moment and a loved one said that this is what you just got from your boss, or an email i just got from a coworker, your hackles would raise. Your protective instincts would raise. He would say immediately its inappropriate and a clear threat. Not even veiled, but a straight up threat. That is what the government was sending to private companies. So it begs the argument and the question before the court, was the full power of the federal government being used to suppress dissent to silence americans . Who is it protecting . Who defined disinformation . How is it some companies are able to push back and say it was fine, didnt go against policies . Lies the government coming out, ask yourself, and doing this to some companies for some content, for some users . Who are they protecting . Themselves. What message are they protecting . There is. It has nothing to do with protecting americans and its all about protecting biden. Kayleigh and this wasnt just the white house digital department. They say its the fbi, and this is going to make people very uncomfortable. Finally the fbi, and the buildup to the midterm elections, they set up Command Posts that would flag concerning content and target domestically sourced disinformation. Apparently thats across the board, leading to posts being taken down, 50 of the time. People are understandably concerned when they read a passage like that. Morgan i wish we knew we could do this when we were spokespersons. It wouldve made my job a lot easier if i could just tell everyone to take it down and with a appreciate that if it happened in a trump term . They lose their minds. On a serious note, this also has consequences for the elections. As we know, The Hunter Laptop Story was suppressed by social media, and voters said they would have changed their mind had they had access to that story. So this is the point. The point is for election interference. Marc if this is happening in the u. S. Government, imagine whats happening between the chinese, his party and tiktok. Kayleigh great point. Coming up, new calls to five members of the Reparations Panel over social media posts about white people, the police, and even senator tim scott. Veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. Get a newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan at lower Mortgage Rates to pay off those high rate car loans. We come from a long line of cowboys. When i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. Nice to meet ya. My name is david. Ive been a pharmacist for 44 years. When i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. 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Emily critics are ripping into two members of New York State Reparations Panel over their history of extreme public statements. Panel member and longtime reparations activist, ron daniels, condemned israel just days after hamas october 7th terror attack. In october of 2021, he said this about Climate Change and race. White folks messed up the weather, black folks saved the planet. And before that, he took aim at senator tim scott. Uncle tim scott, the picked cotton on the plantation, is still on the plantation, picked to be the black face to suppress black power and Black Freedom under the premise of whites premise and white power. Another member previously called for defunding the police, saying thisis. Police all across the country are literally proving daily why defundthepolice is necessary. Im old enough to remember that some of you were claiming activists go too far. Those comments are going too far. Molly i think this comes down to, all politics is local. When you elect people, they have the power to do things like create panels and put people like this on two panels. You have to be careful about that sort of thing. And then sometimes these panels make recommendations, and the lawmakers are the people you have elected feel some obligation to then act on that, and its like this big selfcreating problem. And it gives people that maybe shouldnt have so much influence more influence than they need. And they have created similar efforts, panels, programs, efforts to address antisemitism on campus. A rabbi resigned from the effort in december. They just had another professor step down, fearing they wouldnt be implanting changes. It is not so much about these people making these controversial comments, the who put them there and whats going to happen after recommendations are ultimately made. Morgan and who pays for it. Im not for my tax dollars paying for extreme rhetoric and racist rhetoric and viewpoints such as that. Morgan i think youve got a couple things going on here. One is a vast instance of entitlement combined with victimhood. I think that is a very dangerous culmination. I remember when president and his country talked about what we could do, how we could get back, how we can serve. And if theres people that believe they are systematically and, through lack of Family Structure, that they dont have the same opportunities, i have always said a rising tide lifts all boats. Lets find a way to get everybody opportunity. But the anger, the victimhood, and combining it with the sense of entitlement, does nothing to move our country forward. I would like to see people get back to a place of service where you want to serve in the military, you want to serve in the soup kitchen, or you want to serve at your church. It gets back down to the micro local level. We dont have Family Structure and people going to religious institutions, we dont have people volunteering, charities around town. When we have lost the sense of family at our local community, we have also lost it nationally, as well. Emily im not quite sure, kayleigh, why recently it seems like we have devolved into a place where people who hold certain Policy Decisions have to apparently be racist and that extreme. Theres no such thing as exporting policy or discourse about certain programs without having it cropped up that you hate israel and you hate white people, too. I am so appalled by the Tim Scott One in particular. You malign him and call him uncle tim remember, this turned it on twitter, and even leftist twitter, after 11 hours of that trending, took it down. It was after he gave a successful State Of The Union response. Then you go on to accuse tim scott of suppressing black power, Black Freedom, on behalf of White Supremacy . So now senator tim scott is apparently furthering White Supremacy, just because he happens to think differently than you . And he happens to be one of the most effective voices in the Republican Party. It is appalling. I have to ask, the state Assembly Speaker who appointed this guy, did you not that him . Or did you receive this, not care, and then give him this position . Where are the consequences . Is he going to be removed . I want to know the answer to that. Marc and tim scott is the embodiment of the american dream. Abject poverty, raised by single mother, a grandfather who quit school in third grade to pick cotton, and he rose to the greatest deliberative body in the united states. In his claim to fame is that he served for the peace and freedom party, and has the nerve to question him and his loyalty to our country . Its absurd. And the other point is, look at new york and all the problems we have. Crime is out of control. Some but he just got shot on the subway. Homelessness everywhere. Billions of dollars being spent to house migrants were flooding into the city. And outmigration of brainpower and talent and money going to other states. And this is the priority theyve come up with . Genius. Emily i think its only going to get worse. It is interesting we saw deadspin got bought out, fired everyone. They were accused of posting a lot of these extreme viewpoints. I wonder if there might be an accountability, but it looks like there isnt, at least in the government sector. At least in this hideous state. Coming up, the business temporarily closing during the Republican National convention. Get why so it doesnt have to serve Trump Supporters. Thats next. Tech at safelite, well take care of fixing your windshield. But did you know we can take care of your Insurance Claim . That means less stress for you. Woman thanks. Tech my pleasure. Have a good one. Woman you too. Tech schedule today at safelite. Com. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Hi, im jason and ive lost 202 pounds on golo. So when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. With golo and release, youre gonna lose the weight. We are awaiting the First White House briefing from press secretary Karine Jeanpierre after President Biden amplifies and out of context claim that former President Trump will carry out a blood bath if he loses between 24 election. Plus, florida bracing for a possible surge of haitian migrants, and one florida sheriff says they are bracing for the worstcase scenario. That shift, rick ramsey, will join us live in moments with an update. And, is wednesday about to find a solution to the squatting crisis happening in this country . Will ask a professional Squatter Remover coming up. Join john roberts and me live as america reports, top of the hour. Kayleigh the 2024 convention is coming to milwaukee, and as much as 200 million in revenue. One bar is getting attention for already planning to close its doors, so that it doesnt have to serve Trump Supporters. The owner of the Mothership Bar announced its plan to shut down in midjuly during the rnc, posting on instagram, as everything gets amplified with the rnc bleep show coming to town, we are shutting the bar down during the week of, because f that noise. This is so hard for me to read im not going to actively be involved or read the space out to that tomfoolery. It is hard for me to read that with cadence. Morgan spell check is friend. It is free. There is ai, a lot of them out the. Hes a business owner, so he has every right to keep his Business Open or closed, like we believe in letting the private sector do that sort of thing. If he doesnt want to make mo money, profit, the last time i checked, revenue, those are things that are essential to being a bar owner any business owner. Im sure there will be plenty of other bars in milwaukee. In fact, i will be hosting an event at a bar in milwaukee with a mechanical bull. Marc invitations are in the mail, right . [laughs] morgan this is my life, Foreign Policy and mechanical bulls. [laughter] kayleigh it is his decision, he can do whatever he wants, but there are 50,000 people coming to town, 200 million. You would think you would want to take advantage of that. See three yes, theyll be in a great mood, ready to spend money. It blows my mind. And there is a hashtag that says veryseriousbar. So he has a sense of humor about the whole thing even though hes doing what hes doing. I feel very confident that Trump Supporters and republicans everyone traveling to that city will have no Problem Finding someone else to get some drinks, see some amazing people, maybe reqride a mechanical bull. Kayleigh there are 36. 7 bars per resident. Emily the midwest loves their beer the problem i have with this, yes, its funny, and he is like sup, idiots . But they had of the day, he is saying i refers to see review because you will the certain viewpoint. I remember a case that went to the Supreme Court because someone refused to serve someone they didnt agree with on religious grounds. And your political affiliation is in fact a protected class. So i wonder, is political affiliation a protected class . Should someone sue him . If he is making it known why, i think it will come back to bite him. He will lose a lot of income. And i hope on the other side People Choose to allocate their money to a bar that would serve everyone, any time, regardless of who they want in office. Kayleigh and where did we lose the ability to commit to kate regardless of Party Connect one of my best Friends Choate To Vote chose to vote for Hillary Clinton and her husband voted for donald trump. We can choose to be commcommunicate andbe civil. Marc i think the big problem will be at the Democratic Convention in chicago. We have thousands of prohamas protesters descending on that city. It looks anything like chicago in 1968, there will be the national guard, fires, so i think they need to be less worried about lawabiding republicans wanting to buy a beer and more with angry leftists. Kayleigh fewer disagreements, more beer. Thats the solution . Maybe not. A study on woke attitudes and happiness, next. If youre a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, youre the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. But your familys service has earned you a big advantage. The va home loan benefit. With the lower rate newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. Thats real money you can use to take care of your family and home. You always got your mind on the green. Not you. You your Business Bank account with Quickbooks Money now earns 5 apy. Thats how you business differently. Intuit quickbooks. 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The kit shows you how to get you the cash you need using your homes equity with a Reverse Mortgage. Find out how your home can start taking care of you. Call the number on your screen. The worry every single month to make that payment was gone. Our customers homes are taking care of them, maybe your home could do the same for you. [narrator] call aag, the countrys numberone reverse Mortgage Lender and get your free info kit. Call the number on your screen. Emily last but not least, a recent Study Suggests that going woke may be linked to being unhappy. Researchers in finland developed a socalled critical social justice attitude scale. It included several trueisms that woke are likely to believe. One, for example, if white people have on average a higher level of income than black people, its because of racism. Another, University Reading lists should include fewer white or european authors. The study found a higher agreement with this scale correlated with increased reports of anxiety and depression, probably, kayleigh, because if you view the world so horribly all the time, of course you are going to be my ring in a scale of depression. Speedy common sense. If you see a microaggression around every corner, a perceived slight around every corner because of your gender or race, its not going to make you very happy. Likewise, if you are looking around prowling to find someone to cancel who has a width of conservatism about them, probably not going to make you happy. With that, i cede the rest of my time to Marc Thiessen. Marc [laughs] what happened to my taylor swift segment . Emily apparently the majority of women were the ones who held these trueisms and those who worked in education and humanities and the like. The only one in seven men agree with these trueisms, and if the women or the men worked in stem, sciences and researchers, they said they had no time for that woke nonsense. [laughter] marc its true. We have an outbreak of depression in this country, and anxiety. It is primarily with young girls and women. But heres the thing that is so difficult about this. You are right, if you feed people this woke ideology and everybody thinks they are living in a racist hellhole in the world will end because of Climate Change, theyll be anxious and depressed. But the opposite is true. We are living in the most free, wealthy, and prosperous country in History Of The World, and at the best time in the History Of The World to be alive. Theres less poverty, more help, more cures for diseases. Everything is better in the world today than at any time in history, and yet this generation is so depressed and anxious. Why is that . Theres a number of reasons for it, but one of them is they are being injected with this woke brain virus telling them everything is bad, that the countrys racist comment of planet is ending. And its turning them into fragile people filled with selfpity. And thats more of a threat to our country on Climate Change. Molly the only thing i will say, this was a finnish study, so im wondering if Finnish Wokeism is the same as american wokeism. Morgan i just hope we fix it by the time i three and halfyearold is a teenager marc is talking about the problems of teenage girls, hopefully we figure out before then. I think it comes down to it, young girls get so many mixed messages about who they can and should be, from the Kardashians All The Way to Kamala Harris. Just be you. Emily i was interested by the one that said microaggressions should be challenged often and actively. No wonder they live in a cloud of anxiety and depression take it easy. Everythings going to be cool. Kayleigh have a beer, if youre over 21. Emily thanks for watching today. Dont this is a

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