Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

day because my baby brother was born. >> it was a wonderful day. happy birthday trenton graham earhardt. this is "fox & friends." angry or anxious? biden going west. that's his temper head south. >> brian: i love that. >> ainsley: reports is he frustrated. >> ainsley: i made it up myself. thank you, producers. behind the scene. >> brian: plus, fox news alert, the battle over big tech censorship hits the court, the high court. justices hear the opening arguments today. >> lawrence: and adam schiff concerned trump's court delays could evade justice. >> he could evade justice by delaying justice. this is a tried and true tactic of trump throughout his career. >> lawrence: unbelievable. gregg jarrett has something to say about that. >> steve: ladies and gentlemen, the second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now. and, remember, mornings are better with ainsley's brother. >> ainsley: that's true. today. ♪ steve steve here's some campaign news biden hitting nevada, texas well. >> ainsley: coming as nbc news is reporting that the president has become angry and anxious about his re-election bid. >> brian: can you believe this? hitch edson has the details. >> good morning, guys. maybe a good reason to get out of the white house for a few days. he is headed out west. is he headed to nevada and arizona tomorrow and then on to texas. the biden campaign did say that after the state of the union that we would see the president on the road in the battleground states. that's what he is doing. he spent part of this month campaigning in wink, michigan, pennsylvania and georgia. new hampshire. august states he won minus new hampshire by less than 3 percentage points in 2020. he won new hampshire by more. this weekend. biden spoke at the annual gridiron dinner here in washington knocked his opponent one candidate too old mentally unfit to be president. the other is me. recent polling has biden's approval rating biden harris campaign did announce over the weekend it raised more than $53 million in february and has 155 million in cash on hand. that's an amount they say is the highest total from a democratic candidate in the cycle. associated press reports by the end of january, former president trump's two major committees had about $36.6 million in cash on hand trump spent the weekend getting involved in the republican senate in ohio backing cleveland businessman bernie moreno. >> they know i'm going to win tomorrow. i'm the threat. i'm the outsider. never been in office compared to the contrast with somebody who has been running for political office since richard nixon was president. so, the contrast is pretty sharp between me and sherrod brown and that's what we're going to highlight today and tomorrow. >> now the primary is tomorrow. he faces offff against secretary of state frank la rose in ohio and also state senator matt dolan. back to you guys. >> steve: rich, the nbc argue you just quoted talked about a little bit how in january joe biden was upset that his poll numbers in the swing states of michigan and also georgia were heading south i'm doing the right stuff. why are the people turning on me, right? >> right. that was the quote that nbc had gotten from the white house. essentially saying that the president doesn't look at poll numbers. he makes decisions on national security that are best for the american people not according to what is going to work on the campaign trail when you look at the poll numbers and erosion there. much of that looks to be connected to a lot of the support that the administration has given to israel. >> ainsley: rich, i heard that he has new shoes. these lifestyle sneakers. and some are speculating they are designed to prevent him from falling. >> steve: they're called hokas. my wife has been wearing them for 15 years. and they are great. >> ainsley: a lot of people wear hoka. >> max sole types. good for distance running. give them a shot. i have run in them a little bit. they are not terrible. you definitely can tell when you got them on. next time on the south lawn check him out. >> steve: know something about running. iowa caucuses rich was on one side and doug luzader was on the other side i was walking. how far did you run on that treadmill that day. >> i think i did 6 or 7 miles. given what it was in iowa that day was a lot better indoors. >> ainsley: that's amazing. >> steve: you know shoes that's my point. >> brian: also on the report they talked about how he is being stifled, suffocated put in a cocoon. they won't let him do more. you are 80-something years old. you are taking commands from a 25-year-old or doesn't even matter last race i will ever run. let me do it my way. how could you be frustrated. >> ainsley: he asks if he can take questions. asks 25-year-old staffers if he can take questions. >> brian: like in michigan. got to be kidding me. asked a question and he had to walk away. >> lawrence: apparently concerned about the black vote. donald trump is going after the black vote, especially black men. but what they got to understand and i understand the frustration. but who is going to put them first whether it comes to gun violence and he talked about the pandemic. although we lost more people under him and he had a vaccine as well and liberal policies happy birthday hurting the community. again, alarms are going all over the white house right now when it comes to their support of their coalition. >> brian: do you know what the game plan is? don't let joe talk. go after donald trump and try to point out something that trump is saying that is controversial. over the weekend they got what they wanted. they got this term "blood bath" okay that's the headline blood bath. what did the speech say? first off, when the president used the word blood bath and we are about to show you specifically. but he was referring to what is going on with the car industry. clear for anyone watching the speech. >> lawrence: they cut it out. >> brian: this what the headlines were as you looked at the media covering his speech the night before. >> steve: right. nbc trump says there will be a blood bath if he loses the election. trump says there will be blood bath if biden wins in november. and trump says there will be a blood bath and elections will end if he isn't reelected. >> steve: here is more about the mainstream media's reaction to that. >> what i heard was a citizen united nations of the same rhetoric, the same endorsement of political violence that we have seen from donald trump for years as you pointed out. it goes even farther back. >> we are all desensitized and enured to the extraordinary, remarkable and very, at times, unamerican and threatening things that the former president is saying. >> we can't take him, you know, look at what he is saying and think oh well, we are going to be accurate for this. we are going do say he was referring to the auto industry. >> lawrence: this is crazy. we are still months out from the election and they're already starting to disinformation campaign early. this is what the president actually said. watch. >> let me tell you something to china, if you're listening president xi and you and i are friends. he understands the way i deal. those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in mexico right now, and you think you're gonna get that and you're not going to hire americans and you're going to sell the cars to us, know? we will put 100 percent tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you're not going to be able to sell those cars. if i get elected -- now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a blood bath. that's going the least of it it's going to a blood bath for the country that will be the least of it. they are not going to sell those cars. they are building massive factories. >> ainsley: he was talking about the cars and if i get elected there will be tariffs. if i don't get elected that will be a blood bath meaning for the car industry and started talking more about the car industry. that whole paragraph was about the car industry. that would be like us interviewing someone cutting it out and clipping it all together and changing the meaning of what he said and we would be considered frauds. lawrence: 100 percent. right there for them to be able to see. every single republican on a sunday show was asked what is your comment on this? donald trump is asking for another insurrection. he is calling for another civil war? meanwhile you play the full footage and there has been no -- really no correction on this either from the press. >> steve: trump team said. >> lawrence: pushed back. >> steve: look at the context. that's why we played the entire soundbite. there were plenty of sound bites that came out of the interview with howie kurtz. >> brian: one more thing on this? >> mike turner, bill cassidy, aren't big time trumpers all said put it in context. that's not the way i talk but what he was talking about was the car industry. bill cassidy same thing who voted for impeachment, look at the context. then you have mike turner who came out and said thank you for playing the whole clip because you put it in context. so i think that e republicans are reeling -- instead of f going along with it i can't believe he said that they're finally after, what six years now or seven years, taking a step back and what did he mean? we know who donald trump is he is ad-libbing off the prompter to talk about in extreme way talking about what is going on with foreign imports of cars. don't jump on the word. >> steve: trump team said look at the context. that's why we played that. he also yesterday appeared in the tape video that he did with howie kurtz on media buzz. and one of the things that donald trump says is he says i think i'm requesting to wind up winning ultimately because, you know, i have got a lot of support from democrats who don't like to announce that i'm a democrat and i'm going to support trump. because they say there is a reason that they are not supporting joe biden. and here is that soundbite with context. >> what fundamental thing would you say the media don't understand about your appeal? >> well, there must be an appeal because you ride down the streets of florida, the streets of alabama, the streets -- and they have trump signs all over the place. they are looking for hope. they want hope. there is no hope with biden. he is a dead head. >> but that's not how democrats view it. >> i think the democrats vote for me a lot more than you think. in fact i saw where at least 10 or 12% of the democrats are voting for me. they have never seen a number like that. see, i have a theory. people in beverly hills vote for me but they don't talk about it. a lot of people vote for me. do you know when the exit polls in 2016 when they came out, everybody said oh, this is sad day. this is sad for trump. he's not going to make it. not going to make it. everybody saying it. do you remember that? >> lawrence: cy see it with people who say i'm a supporter of the president. i can't say it out loud because it's not the sexy thing to say in today's society. i would add on to what the former president said. there's no hope and there is no prosperity. there were people of all different background that flourished under a trump economy that felt safely on the streets that felt like the border was being secured. and now obviously that's not happening. but you can't go out there publicly -- some people don't feel comfortable doing. this especially in liberal cities, because they will demonize you as a racist and say hey, you are advocating what the former president called a blood bath without giving you the proper context. >> ainsley: liberal thinks you are right. black churches they don't want to admit they are voting for donald trump but they will pull the lever for him when the election rolls around. i think in southern cities, bowers you either have donald trump or you have joe biden, think people realize how bad it is when it comes to inflation and border. other leaders will be more afraid of us. when you add all that up, you say yeah, i don't like everything he says. i don't like everything he does, but is he a much better leader than joe biden is. >> brian: about to find out up by 4 in arizona. election mess there trying to come up with trumped up charges. up by 4 in georgia. remember the mess there they have come up with charges. i think people like nancy pelosi and others and cnn and msnbc's network say wait a second, we demeaned you. we impeached him fries. we told you how bad he was. we did that "primetime" january 6th reveal all led by liz cheney and adam kinzinger. and yet you have him run away with a very formidable repuican field and beating joe biden in almost every battle ground state. they feel powerless. and frustrated. and you saw that there on some of these panels over the weekend. >> steve: that was part of the frustration from the nbc story that we started this segment with because he said, you know, regarding his support for israel in the war with hamas, he said i'm doing the right thing. and joe biden ultimately angry that he is not getting credit for doing the right thing. is he angry because he is not getting credit for creating 15 million jobs. and he is constantly asking his aides. when i go in public, wearing my new shoes, which part should i push so i get credit? because the president right now is frustrated that he is behind in the polls. >> lawrence: maybe he should start listening to americans. they continue to talk about their economic conditions, they talk about. >> ainsley: the border. >> lawrence: credit card debt and talk about the border. >> steve: is he listenerring to his staff. >> lawrence: continues to say things are better with him than the past administration he won't pivot either. >> ainsley: talking about electric cars. the letters ceo is resigning because they bought too many evs and no one wants to rentnt those. >> lawrence: taking them off the market and trying to sell them as used cars now for people to buy. >> steve: man o man. more on this and 2024 throughout the program and throughout the day but now another fox news alert. because, later this morning >> steve: the u.s. supreme court on capitol hill is going to hear arguments on whether the biden administration crossed a line by pressuring social media sites to censor certain content. >> ainsley: madeleine rivera has more. >> madeleine: this lawsuit stems from state brought by missouri's attorneys general. expressed information on social media about the covid-19 pandemic and the last presidential election amount to censorship. some of this concept included posts suggesting covid-19 might have been made in a wuhan lab. posts on masks and vaccine efficiency and posts regarding the hunter biden laptop story. the biden administration says its efforts with companies like facebook and x is a cooperative effort to fight misinformation and improve public health. but, missouri senator eric schmitt says the administration went beyond that. >> the most important free speech case in tour lifetime because it involves some of the highest ranking government officials in our country colluding and coercing with some of the biggest social media companies in the world to suppress millions of posts. some of them wanted to kind of take some of these down, but there were instances where they were actually pushing back and the government said do i it or wells. >> last year a federal judge barred a ride range of federal government agencies from meeting with tech companies about moderating content, finding they likely violated the first amendment. the supreme court paused that ban until it could hear arguments on th matter. some believe it could impact the 2024 election. they see a collaboration between the government and social media companies as key in fighting for interference. a ruling is expected in late june. guys, back to you. >> steve: just in time for the campaign to continue. madeleine, thank you very much. >> you got it, of course. thanks, guys. >> ainsley: carley is over there with headlines. >> carley: good morning, guys. we are going to start with a fox news alert. israeli defense forces are conducting a high precision operation in the area of rafah hospital. a shifa hospital, rather, in gaza. the idf says it's arrested over 80 people so far. believing these operations are, vital to taking down hamas. >> following intelligence that demanded immediate action would he see know senior hamas terrorists have regrouped inside the shifa hospital and are using it to command attacks against israel. >> so far the idf says it's taken out several hamas terrorists. 47 american citizens are home safe this morning after escaping the mass chaos and gang violence that is sweeping haiti right now. they made it out on the state department's first charter flight out of the island. touching down in miami overnight. the state department is urging u.s. citizens still in haiti to leave as soon as possible prime beach is cracking down on spring breakers even implementing a curfew midnight to 6:00 a.m. over the weekend. despite that curfew, miami beach political science arrested more than 250 party goers since the beginning of the month. the curfew is expected to be lifted today but large crowds are expected throughout the weekend a public hearing in the biden impeachment inquiry is set for this week and house oversight committee chairman james comer says it will happen with or without hunter biden. >> if he does not show up, then it's not i don't know that end well for the bidens because we have three witnesses that are -- that have already testified under oath to significantly different stories as to what exactly the biden influence peddling schemes were. this is very serious because we are tell point now of criminal referrals. >> the first son is threatening to skip after previously demanding a public hearing. washington, d.c. cherry blossoms officially reached peak bloom four days earlier than expected. a warm winter is partially why. the national cherry blossom festival dicks off in the city in two days. in the meantime anyone can admire the trees at the titled basin. check in with janice dean for our fox forecast. the cherry blossoms are in bloom. >> janice: have you seen them in person. >> no only in picture. >> we went with easter time with my family. >> carley: beautiful. >> janice: colder air and temperatures are actually going to help those cherry blossoms stay in bloom. take a look that's the silver lining because we have got cold air that came in from canada. 44 right now in new york city. and, you know, we were into the 70s over the weekend or last week. average is 50. we are going to kind of hover the next week or. so there are the current temps for the northern plains and midwest. cold enough for snow my friends and over the next couple days see flurries in the forecast for some of those big cities, frost and freeze alerts for the south and the southeast across the mississippi river valley. feels more like january for narnl and paducah. with temperatures stay not guilty 40's. here is your forecast today. we have some rain along the gulf coast. we could see some severe weather for florida. and then the northwest, that's the only area that we are going to see those warmer than average temperatures kind of a flip flop. last week the cold air for snow in the rockies across the west and then it was warm across the east. it's going to be very different this week and can you see the snow in the forecast for the great lakes parts of the northeast, and the northern plains and midwest, including chicago and minneapolis. this isn't the latest they have seen snow but we are getting there. because easter is just around the corner. yeah, there is the last snow for midwest chicago in minneapolis in may. and where i'm from in canada, you can see snow on mother's day. it happens a lot. >> steve: is that right. janice, some people go to the beach for spring break others go skiing. some of the ski resorts had to close because they have so much snow. >> janice: absolutely. the season is going to continue well into springtime and maybe early summer in some cases. >> steve: spring break. >> ainsley: people are hitting the is slopes. >> lawrence: thanks, janice. >> steve: it could be noon and you saw janice dean giving that report if you dvr "fox & friends." go ahead and set it 6:00 a.m. eastern every darn day of the week and the weekends as well and then can you watch us throughout the day. >> brian: 20 minutes now after the hour. congressman adam schiff expressing concern over delays in trump's legal cases. >> could evade justice by delaying justice. this is a tried and true tactic of trump throughout his career. >> lawrence: gregg jarrett on what's next for the former president. >> ainsley: making fun of brian. >> brian: how dare you. ♪ shine on me ♪ shine on me ♪ ♪hma' nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you. wow. i am so good at saving us money on things we need. you do have a talent. i do have the mylowe's rewards credit card, so we get 5% off every day. 5% off! 5% off! 5% off? -5% off. you're not gonna believe it... -5% off. and as loyalty members, we also earn points toward mylowe's money to save on our next project. patio update? the mylowe's rewards credit card helps you save 5% every day. apply today. there are many ways to do things. at old 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from california is not too happy about the delay. >> there is a chance that he could evade justice by delaying justice. this is a tried and true tactic of trump throughout his career. >> brian: fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett joins us now. i will tell you most democrats over the weekend flabbergasted what is taking place with the myriad of court cases with president trump. why are they so concerned about speed, gregg? >> well, because they want it to interfere in the presidential election benefiting joe biden and damaging donald trump. it doesn't seem to be working so far. you know, the georgia case is illustrative. the judge found that willis and wade engaged in the same wrongful unethical conduct. only one gets removed? that's self-contradictory. it's illogical and makes no sense. and the judge said the appearance of impropriety remains yet he hasn't fully resolved t the ethical problem that violates trump's due process right. you know, every defendant has a legal right to challenge the charges pre-trial. schiff is wrong. that's not evading justice. it's exercising justice. >> brian: so, let's talk about the georgia case. now they are going to challenge the decision by the judge. that could delay things more for willis. now she is going to be -- if she stays on the case, which i imagine she would, she is going to have to keep a lower profile. but my sense is her ego won't allow it. >> yeah. it's a great question, brian. you know, the defense is going to file for a certificate of review. the judge, mcafee, has 10 days to grant it or deny it. so, you know, this may not be over for fani willis. she is also facing at least three other investigations in the misconduct and surely there is going to be a bar review as to whether she should be suspended or lose her license. and the other investigation she could actually be removed from office. i mean, i will make a prediction here. with all of this coming at her, she may decide oh, look, i'm going to give to another prosecutor in n the office. i won't actually try the case. not that she really has the chops to do that. if she thinks that's going to diffuse it, i doubt it will. >> brian: right. they say trump's lawyer said first option is to ask the court to permit a pre-trial appeal under gawfings disqualify order. go to new york. thousands of pages dropped off from the southern district of new york. and alvin bragg came out and said all right, if you guys want 30 more days to look at it, as i understand they got it recently. gregg, what are the chances of a lot of that material working for the defense and against the prosecution being that this case was not brought forward prior to bragg coming forward? >> well, you are absolutely right. this has the stench of partisanship. and a alvin bragg, the d.a., actually joined donald trump in asking for a delay, which was caused by federal prosecutors who withheld i think the number is roughly 73,000 pages of relevant documents withheld for a full year. i'm betting that within those thousands of pages there is some exculpatory evidence because, remember, bragg's predecessor refused to bring charges. federal prosecutors looked at this and said, there are no crimes here. and even the federal election commission looked at it and said, you know, hush money is not a crime in exchange for a nondisclosure agreement and it is absolutely net illegal campaign contribution, which bragg now claims. >> brian: what you told me last time is the statute of limitations should have been up and they extended and should have been charged as a misdemeanor and made it a felony. good luck with that. that's how you want to take down the first former president ever to be indicted. and that was the first one to actually file charges. so, best of luck with your great witness michael cohen. who is known for one thing. and he admits it, to lying. and then takes back what he actually admitted to. thanks so much, gregg. appreciate it. >> my pleasure, brian. >> brian: all right, straight ahead. the pause on allowing texas law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants could end today. texas lt. governor dan pack trick on the state's next steps, next. ♪ ♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i'm taking control like millions of others. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to 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lawrence, we have been in this showdown now for years since biden became president, seems like every day. so what the supreme court did last week was put a pause, a hold on the law going into effect. and what they will decide today is whether or not the law can go into effect, while it's being resolved in the courts, which will take time. or is it on the hold still? so, it's not a decision whether it's constitutional or not today, it's can it go into effect, which we hope it can. and to the supreme court justices who are watching fox, i'm sure this morning as they get up early, look, we're being attacked, lawrence, by landing, by sea, by air. literally. millions coming across the border, many armed, many criminals. terrorists. by sea because boats have been going into florida with drugs and illegal immigrants for years and now air, a thousand drones a month according to the u.s. military and we have been seeing them for a while. over our texas border. spying on us to help send drugs and illegal immigrants across the border. so by land, by sea, by air. i call that an invasion. >> lawrence: lt. governor, it's so interesting because the outrage now from the media, the democrats, they are trying to influence the court in this way. is against texas and not the people that are legally coming across the border. what would the bill do? >> well, lawrence, thank you for asking. i wrote the bill, with senator charles perry and we passed it late november or december. at the end of many special session. it basically says we can arrest. we can detain, and we can either put you in jail or send you back. we can do that. and we should have that right. you know, everybody in the lengths lay temperature now 17 years. years and years ago i was in the texas senate. and i had this concept of it's illegal to cross into texas illegally. it's illegal to be illegal. back then it wasn't the crisis it was today. and people said you could never do that it is a crisis. it is an invasion. by every definition of the constitution it's clear to me that this is an invasion. it's a hostile group. it's an organized militia in essence. the cartels. they are here to plunder texas. and americans. they are doing it all over the country. we have people dying from fentanyl. we have people like laken riley being murdered by illegal immigrant. you see a story like that every day this supreme court has to understand that our founding fathers, lawrence, never ever imagined we would have a president so weak to open our border and let millions cross in those millions, in essence, is an organized operation that the cartels are running. >> lawrence: you know, lt. governor it's the perfect segway. react to this. we are learning more about this illegal migrant corey alvarez that was allowed into the country. he raped this 15-year-old girl. he was allowed in the u.s. through a parole program that allows up to 30,000 migrants per month into the country. what's your reaction? >> look, president joe biden has sold this country out. and every american citizen who dies at the hands of someone here illegally, whether it's a drunk driver, we see that all the time or a crime like laken riley or these children being attacked and raped, go down the list. every week we see these crimes happen at the hands of illegals. you would think any ordinary human being, any ordinary human being who cared about american lives would say we have got to put a stop to this. this is out of control. what are they focused on, the administration? fixing soft serve ice cream machines at mcdonald's. that seems to be their focus. any rational human being, lawrence, in the white house would say i don't know what we have been doing, but this has to stop now. but he didn't even know laken riley's first name and he never called the family after it happened in those early days when he should have. he doesn't care. he does not care. >> lawrence: how does this impact the election? i'm just not talking about the presidency. i saw that there was several members of the texas house and our legislature in texas that weren't strong on the border. texas gave them the boot. but, on the federal level, how is it going to impact the people that are in congress, that may be alter path the other party, the democratic party? do you see some sort of impact back in home texas? >> well, i do lawrence. and, look, the other news of the hezbollah illegal immigrant, we captured about a week and a half ago. said he was coming here to new york to build a bomb. and, you know he rent can ad and came back. look, we have arrested nearly 300 people on terrorists watch lists. again, we are being slided i think what will happen in november, lawrence, this country is going to pick a side. that's what this election is about. pick a side you are either for a secure border, for a constitution, lower inflation, stronger military, can i go through every list that joe biden has disrupted this country. anything good for this country he has done just the opposite. and america is going to react. and let me tell you what. many people in the inner cities of america in these blue cities in these blue states are going to react to the illegal immigrants all over their town that we wisely put them on a bus and sent them there to make this a national story. will it be a 49 state to one? no, but will it be an overwhelming one by donald trump? yes, because americans will pick a side. make america great again. make america secure again and make american cities great again. >> lawrence: such a good point. i can canning kids out of schools in chicago. saying there is no funding for them for the health centers in harlem. you got the senior housing there that they are finding housing for the migrants there. but, you can't take care of the american citizens. they don't put them in downtown, they put them in the door neighborhoods. lt. governor we have got to leave it there. thank you so much for joining the program. >> thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: you got it, brother. instead of port pirates swiping packages off your front steps. skip bedell is here with the tech to keep your home safe. estate next. he's next. ♪ ready or not ♪ here i come- by ♪ - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. ♪ >> carley: we are back and let's get social. in college basketball yale beating brown at the buzzer of the ivy league championship game sending the bulldogs to the ncaa tournament and during the a 10 championship a confetti shower went off early. that's not supposed to happen. officials quickly stopped the game to get the court cleaned off. do you drain went on to earn spot in the big dance for the first time in 47 years. for those who didn't make make the cut petino squad most notable. the top seed in the men's bracket, purdue, north carolina, houston and uconn. iowa hawkeyes led by caitlin clark land the first number one seed in the tournament 32 years. south carolina, texas, and usc are the other top teams in the women's tournament. there is also this mark wahlberg left las vegas for vegas two years ago and he says he does not regret that move. the actor told "people" magazine he want at fresh start for four kids. vegas place where my kids can life and do their thing and pursue their interest. wahlberg also says he has little time for california's woke culture. >> and those your headlines, steve, ainsley, outside to you to show us something cool. >> steve: cold because it's a little chilly out here. last year porch pirates stole 119 million packages across the country, could have been from your front yard and the united states and 38% of victims believe their doorbell cam has. do you have one? it did not deter thieves. >> ainsley: how can you upgrade your home security system this year? home contractor skip bedell joins us with the latest. so cool. >> skip: super cool. you are right. the basic camera systems, the regular doorbell camera systems not cutting it anymore. it's deep sentinel. highest tech camera system that's available out there on the market. it combines 24/7 security guard built into this. so the camera system can be mounted anywhere because totally wireless. hub whole set. runs on recharge being battery. so can you mount ton a tree, on a fence, anywhere. you can put it on the side of your house. the idea is you want to get a perimeter around your property. if someone approaches your property, they are greeted with a live 24/7 security guard so you never have to turn this on. they are going to be, you know, sent away by the security guard. >> steve: difference is there are a lot of different brands of security cameras. they might just send an alert to your phone. this has somebody laying eyes on. >> you in the black jacket. stop drop the package. security and your image is being recorded and police are being notified. >> you are going to see what it sounds like. if someone walks up to your house, they are going to get that southbound. they are going to get an alarm. >> ainsley: that's a live person. >> it's a live person. getting 24/7 security guard. they are going to say you in the black jacket why are you here? what are you doing on the property. [immediately contact the police. >> steve: that's great. response times right now are 20 to 30 minutes to an hour with this they are going to tell the police it's an active situation. it's the fastest response time available. >> steve: can you use the solar panel my son did a couple of cameras like that. completely doable. what else the website? >> available at deep sentinel and skip this is genius. look at this pile of boxes over here. this is everyone's front porch right now. >> >> steve: sure. >> my house looks like never day. and the thing is, remember the all state commercials with mayhem drive around the neighborhood you? want to keep mayhem off your porch. you want to keep the thieves away from your door. thi.this genius. a box gobbler. 100 percent made in the u.s.a. this is what is great. you give the postal worker or the fed x good night code. when you set up the delivery, they put in the code. they can now open this door. passing that box watch this. >> now i'm going to do it. >> delivery, boom. you cut this into the side of your house or garage. plush hunt version. best part now is now you have a safe for your packages. they are off the positive. think about the thieves controlling around the neighborhood it't' sharks radio. when they see that package and pile of packages. luring them to the porch. number one, now you don't have to be home now if you are going to receive or deliver boxes. >> steve: that's in the wall. looks like a stand alone. >> go to box, find they have free standing models. >> tons of different signs and disguise sizes. it could be mounted on the porch out tend of your driveway road if you are on a rural property. everybody gets chewy. if you get pets, giant chewy packages. this going to receive both giant packages and mail as well. >> steve: look at that. >> access this from the back. what is really nice this company mb sentinel, make them out of stainless steel, aluminum. have different sizes and options. depending upon your application where you are going to put it. whole major thing is we want to keep the packages off the porch. now that's going to bring the criminals to your door. >> steve: not just something can you cart off. >> when the criminals see the packages, like blood in the water to the shark. now they come to your door. they look around. they ring the doorbell and see no one is home and now it's time to break in. you want to keep things like that off your porch because that's going to deter crime to come to your house. >> this is fascinating stuff. >> ainsley: steve has one at his house and we will sit on the curvey couch oh, look. >> steve: thrption my wife. hi, honey we will talk to her. >> now get a security guard hey steve what time do you get home? >> hey mr. doocy get off the porch now. skip bedell all this stuff. >> skip: all this stuff. thanks, guys. >> ainsley: look who is going to join us next, sean hannity, stick around. ♪ got good vibration ♪er? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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day because my baby brother was born. >> it was a wonderful day. happy birthday trenton graham earhardt. this is "fox & friends." angry or anxious? biden going west. that's his temper head south. >> brian: i love that. >> ainsley: reports is he frustrated. >> ainsley: i made it up myself. thank you, producers. behind the scene. >> brian: plus, fox news alert, the battle over big tech censorship hits the court, the high court. justices hear the opening arguments today. >> lawrence: and adam schiff concerned trump's court delays could evade justice. >> he could evade justice by delaying justice. this is a tried and true tactic of trump throughout his career. >> lawrence: unbelievable. gregg jarrett has something to say about that. >> steve: ladies and gentlemen, the second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now. and, remember, mornings are better with ainsley's brother. >> ainsley: that's true. today. ♪ steve steve here's some campaign news biden hitting nevada, texas well. >> ainsley: coming as nbc news is reporting that the president has become angry and anxious about his re-election bid. >> brian: can you believe this? hitch edson has the details. >> good morning, guys. maybe a good reason to get out of the white house for a few days. he is headed out west. is he headed to nevada and arizona tomorrow and then on to texas. the biden campaign did say that after the state of the union that we would see the president on the road in the battleground states. that's what he is doing. he spent part of this month campaigning in wink, michigan, pennsylvania and georgia. new hampshire. august states he won minus new hampshire by less than 3 percentage points in 2020. he won new hampshire by more. this weekend. biden spoke at the annual gridiron dinner here in washington knocked his opponent one candidate too old mentally unfit to be president. the other is me. recent polling has biden's approval rating biden harris campaign did announce over the weekend it raised more than $53 million in february and has 155 million in cash on hand. that's an amount they say is the highest total from a democratic candidate in the cycle. associated press reports by the end of january, former president trump's two major committees had about $36.6 million in cash on hand trump spent the weekend getting involved in the republican senate in ohio backing cleveland businessman bernie moreno. >> they know i'm going to win tomorrow. i'm the threat. i'm the outsider. never been in office compared to the contrast with somebody who has been running for political office since richard nixon was president. so, the contrast is pretty sharp between me and sherrod brown and that's what we're going to highlight today and tomorrow. >> now the primary is tomorrow. he faces offff against secretary of state frank la rose in ohio and also state senator matt dolan. back to you guys. >> steve: rich, the nbc argue you just quoted talked about a little bit how in january joe biden was upset that his poll numbers in the swing states of michigan and also georgia were heading south i'm doing the right stuff. why are the people turning on me, right? >> right. that was the quote that nbc had gotten from the white house. essentially saying that the president doesn't look at poll numbers. he makes decisions on national security that are best for the american people not according to what is going to work on the campaign trail when you look at the poll numbers and erosion there. much of that looks to be connected to a lot of the support that the administration has given to israel. >> ainsley: rich, i heard that he has new shoes. these lifestyle sneakers. and some are speculating they are designed to prevent him from falling. >> steve: they're called hokas. my wife has been wearing them for 15 years. and they are great. >> ainsley: a lot of people wear hoka. >> max sole types. good for distance running. give them a shot. i have run in them a little bit. they are not terrible. you definitely can tell when you got them on. next time on the south lawn check him out. >> steve: know something about running. iowa caucuses rich was on one side and doug luzader was on the other side i was walking. how far did you run on that treadmill that day. >> i think i did 6 or 7 miles. given what it was in iowa that day was a lot better indoors. >> ainsley: that's amazing. >> steve: you know shoes that's my point. >> brian: also on the report they talked about how he is being stifled, suffocated put in a cocoon. they won't let him do more. you are 80-something years old. you are taking commands from a 25-year-old or doesn't even matter last race i will ever run. let me do it my way. how could you be frustrated. >> ainsley: he asks if he can take questions. asks 25-year-old staffers if he can take questions. >> brian: like in michigan. got to be kidding me. asked a question and he had to walk away. >> lawrence: apparently concerned about the black vote. donald trump is going after the black vote, especially black men. but what they got to understand and i understand the frustration. but who is going to put them first whether it comes to gun violence and he talked about the pandemic. although we lost more people under him and he had a vaccine as well and liberal policies happy birthday hurting the community. again, alarms are going all over the white house right now when it comes to their support of their coalition. >> brian: do you know what the game plan is? don't let joe talk. go after donald trump and try to point out something that trump is saying that is controversial. over the weekend they got what they wanted. they got this term "blood bath" okay that's the headline blood bath. what did the speech say? first off, when the president used the word blood bath and we are about to show you specifically. but he was referring to what is going on with the car industry. clear for anyone watching the speech. >> lawrence: they cut it out. >> brian: this what the headlines were as you looked at the media covering his speech the night before. >> steve: right. nbc trump says there will be a blood bath if he loses the election. trump says there will be blood bath if biden wins in november. and trump says there will be a blood bath and elections will end if he isn't reelected. >> steve: here is more about the mainstream media's reaction to that. >> what i heard was a citizen united nations of the same rhetoric, the same endorsement of political violence that we have seen from donald trump for years as you pointed out. it goes even farther back. >> we are all desensitized and enured to the extraordinary, remarkable and very, at times, unamerican and threatening things that the former president is saying. >> we can't take him, you know, look at what he is saying and think oh well, we are going to be accurate for this. we are going do say he was referring to the auto industry. >> lawrence: this is crazy. we are still months out from the election and they're already starting to disinformation campaign early. this is what the president actually said. watch. >> let me tell you something to china, if you're listening president xi and you and i are friends. he understands the way i deal. those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in mexico right now, and you think you're gonna get that and you're not going to hire americans and you're going to sell the cars to us, know? we will put 100 percent tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you're not going to be able to sell those cars. if i get elected -- now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a blood bath. that's going the least of it it's going to a blood bath for the country that will be the least of it. they are not going to sell those cars. they are building massive factories. >> ainsley: he was talking about the cars and if i get elected there will be tariffs. if i don't get elected that will be a blood bath meaning for the car industry and started talking more about the car industry. that whole paragraph was about the car industry. that would be like us interviewing someone cutting it out and clipping it all together and changing the meaning of what he said and we would be considered frauds. lawrence: 100 percent. right there for them to be able to see. every single republican on a sunday show was asked what is your comment on this? donald trump is asking for another insurrection. he is calling for another civil war? meanwhile you play the full footage and there has been no -- really no correction on this either from the press. >> steve: trump team said. >> lawrence: pushed back. >> steve: look at the context. that's why we played the entire soundbite. there were plenty of sound bites that came out of the interview with howie kurtz. >> brian: one more thing on this? >> mike turner, bill cassidy, aren't big time trumpers all said put it in context. that's not the way i talk but what he was talking about was the car industry. bill cassidy same thing who voted for impeachment, look at the context. then you have mike turner who came out and said thank you for playing the whole clip because you put it in context. so i think that e republicans are reeling -- instead of f going along with it i can't believe he said that they're finally after, what six years now or seven years, taking a step back and what did he mean? we know who donald trump is he is ad-libbing off the prompter to talk about in extreme way talking about what is going on with foreign imports of cars. don't jump on the word. >> steve: trump team said look at the context. that's why we played that. he also yesterday appeared in the tape video that he did with howie kurtz on media buzz. and one of the things that donald trump says is he says i think i'm requesting to wind up winning ultimately because, you know, i have got a lot of support from democrats who don't like to announce that i'm a democrat and i'm going to support trump. because they say there is a reason that they are not supporting joe biden. and here is that soundbite with context. >> what fundamental thing would you say the media don't understand about your appeal? >> well, there must be an appeal because you ride down the streets of florida, the streets of alabama, the streets -- and they have trump signs all over the place. they are looking for hope. they want hope. there is no hope with biden. he is a dead head. >> but that's not how democrats view it. >> i think the democrats vote for me a lot more than you think. in fact i saw where at least 10 or 12% of the democrats are voting for me. they have never seen a number like that. see, i have a theory. people in beverly hills vote for me but they don't talk about it. a lot of people vote for me. do you know when the exit polls in 2016 when they came out, everybody said oh, this is sad day. this is sad for trump. he's not going to make it. not going to make it. everybody saying it. do you remember that? >> lawrence: cy see it with people who say i'm a supporter of the president. i can't say it out loud because it's not the sexy thing to say in today's society. i would add on to what the former president said. there's no hope and there is no prosperity. there were people of all different background that flourished under a trump economy that felt safely on the streets that felt like the border was being secured. and now obviously that's not happening. but you can't go out there publicly -- some people don't feel comfortable doing. this especially in liberal cities, because they will demonize you as a racist and say hey, you are advocating what the former president called a blood bath without giving you the proper context. >> ainsley: liberal thinks you are right. black churches they don't want to admit they are voting for donald trump but they will pull the lever for him when the election rolls around. i think in southern cities, bowers you either have donald trump or you have joe biden, think people realize how bad it is when it comes to inflation and border. other leaders will be more afraid of us. when you add all that up, you say yeah, i don't like everything he says. i don't like everything he does, but is he a much better leader than joe biden is. >> brian: about to find out up by 4 in arizona. election mess there trying to come up with trumped up charges. up by 4 in georgia. remember the mess there they have come up with charges. i think people like nancy pelosi and others and cnn and msnbc's network say wait a second, we demeaned you. we impeached him fries. we told you how bad he was. we did that "primetime" january 6th reveal all led by liz cheney and adam kinzinger. and yet you have him run away with a very formidable repuican field and beating joe biden in almost every battle ground state. they feel powerless. and frustrated. and you saw that there on some of these panels over the weekend. >> steve: that was part of the frustration from the nbc story that we started this segment with because he said, you know, regarding his support for israel in the war with hamas, he said i'm doing the right thing. and joe biden ultimately angry that he is not getting credit for doing the right thing. is he angry because he is not getting credit for creating 15 million jobs. and he is constantly asking his aides. when i go in public, wearing my new shoes, which part should i push so i get credit? because the president right now is frustrated that he is behind in the polls. >> lawrence: maybe he should start listening to americans. they continue to talk about their economic conditions, they talk about. >> ainsley: the border. >> lawrence: credit card debt and talk about the border. >> steve: is he listenerring to his staff. >> lawrence: continues to say things are better with him than the past administration he won't pivot either. >> ainsley: talking about electric cars. the letters ceo is resigning because they bought too many evs and no one wants to rentnt those. >> lawrence: taking them off the market and trying to sell them as used cars now for people to buy. >> steve: man o man. more on this and 2024 throughout the program and throughout the day but now another fox news alert. because, later this morning >> steve: the u.s. supreme court on capitol hill is going to hear arguments on whether the biden administration crossed a line by pressuring social media sites to censor certain content. >> ainsley: madeleine rivera has more. >> madeleine: this lawsuit stems from state brought by missouri's attorneys general. expressed information on social media about the covid-19 pandemic and the last presidential election amount to censorship. some of this concept included posts suggesting covid-19 might have been made in a wuhan lab. posts on masks and vaccine efficiency and posts regarding the hunter biden laptop story. the biden administration says its efforts with companies like facebook and x is a cooperative effort to fight misinformation and improve public health. but, missouri senator eric schmitt says the administration went beyond that. >> the most important free speech case in tour lifetime because it involves some of the highest ranking government officials in our country colluding and coercing with some of the biggest social media companies in the world to suppress millions of posts. some of them wanted to kind of take some of these down, but there were instances where they were actually pushing back and the government said do i it or wells. >> last year a federal judge barred a ride range of federal government agencies from meeting with tech companies about moderating content, finding they likely violated the first amendment. the supreme court paused that ban until it could hear arguments on th matter. some believe it could impact the 2024 election. they see a collaboration between the government and social media companies as key in fighting for interference. a ruling is expected in late june. guys, back to you. >> steve: just in time for the campaign to continue. madeleine, thank you very much. >> you got it, of course. thanks, guys. >> ainsley: carley is over there with headlines. >> carley: good morning, guys. we are going to start with a fox news alert. israeli defense forces are conducting a high precision operation in the area of rafah hospital. a shifa hospital, rather, in gaza. the idf says it's arrested over 80 people so far. believing these operations are, vital to taking down hamas. >> following intelligence that demanded immediate action would he see know senior hamas terrorists have regrouped inside the shifa hospital and are using it to command attacks against israel. >> so far the idf says it's taken out several hamas terrorists. 47 american citizens are home safe this morning after escaping the mass chaos and gang violence that is sweeping haiti right now. they made it out on the state department's first charter flight out of the island. touching down in miami overnight. the state department is urging u.s. citizens still in haiti to leave as soon as possible prime beach is cracking down on spring breakers even implementing a curfew midnight to 6:00 a.m. over the weekend. despite that curfew, miami beach political science arrested more than 250 party goers since the beginning of the month. the curfew is expected to be lifted today but large crowds are expected throughout the weekend a public hearing in the biden impeachment inquiry is set for this week and house oversight committee chairman james comer says it will happen with or without hunter biden. >> if he does not show up, then it's not i don't know that end well for the bidens because we have three witnesses that are -- that have already testified under oath to significantly different stories as to what exactly the biden influence peddling schemes were. this is very serious because we are tell point now of criminal referrals. >> the first son is threatening to skip after previously demanding a public hearing. washington, d.c. cherry blossoms officially reached peak bloom four days earlier than expected. a warm winter is partially why. the national cherry blossom festival dicks off in the city in two days. in the meantime anyone can admire the trees at the titled basin. check in with janice dean for our fox forecast. the cherry blossoms are in bloom. >> janice: have you seen them in person. >> no only in picture. >> we went with easter time with my family. >> carley: beautiful. >> janice: colder air and temperatures are actually going to help those cherry blossoms stay in bloom. take a look that's the silver lining because we have got cold air that came in from canada. 44 right now in new york city. and, you know, we were into the 70s over the weekend or last week. average is 50. we are going to kind of hover the next week or. so there are the current temps for the northern plains and midwest. cold enough for snow my friends and over the next couple days see flurries in the forecast for some of those big cities, frost and freeze alerts for the south and the southeast across the mississippi river valley. feels more like january for narnl and paducah. with temperatures stay not guilty 40's. here is your forecast today. we have some rain along the gulf coast. we could see some severe weather for florida. and then the northwest, that's the only area that we are going to see those warmer than average temperatures kind of a flip flop. last week the cold air for snow in the rockies across the west and then it was warm across the east. it's going to be very different this week and can you see the snow in the forecast for the great lakes parts of the northeast, and the northern plains and midwest, including chicago and minneapolis. this isn't the latest they have seen snow but we are getting there. because easter is just around the corner. yeah, there is the last snow for midwest chicago in minneapolis in may. and where i'm from in canada, you can see snow on mother's day. it happens a lot. >> steve: is that right. janice, some people go to the beach for spring break others go skiing. some of the ski resorts had to close because they have so much snow. >> janice: absolutely. the season is going to continue well into springtime and maybe early summer in some cases. >> steve: spring break. >> ainsley: people are hitting the is slopes. >> lawrence: thanks, janice. >> steve: it could be noon and you saw janice dean giving that report if you dvr "fox & friends." go ahead and set it 6:00 a.m. eastern every darn day of the week and the weekends as well and then can you watch us throughout the day. >> brian: 20 minutes now after the hour. congressman adam schiff expressing concern over delays in trump's legal cases. >> could evade justice by delaying justice. this is a tried and true tactic of trump throughout his career. >> lawrence: gregg jarrett on what's next for the former president. >> ainsley: making fun of brian. >> brian: how dare you. ♪ shine on me ♪ shine on me ♪ ♪hma' nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you. wow. i am so good at saving us money on things we need. you do have a talent. i do have the mylowe's rewards credit card, so we get 5% off every day. 5% off! 5% off! 5% off? -5% off. you're not gonna believe it... -5% off. and as loyalty members, we also earn points toward mylowe's money to save on our next project. patio update? the mylowe's rewards credit card helps you save 5% every day. apply today. there are many ways to do things. at old 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from california is not too happy about the delay. >> there is a chance that he could evade justice by delaying justice. this is a tried and true tactic of trump throughout his career. >> brian: fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett joins us now. i will tell you most democrats over the weekend flabbergasted what is taking place with the myriad of court cases with president trump. why are they so concerned about speed, gregg? >> well, because they want it to interfere in the presidential election benefiting joe biden and damaging donald trump. it doesn't seem to be working so far. you know, the georgia case is illustrative. the judge found that willis and wade engaged in the same wrongful unethical conduct. only one gets removed? that's self-contradictory. it's illogical and makes no sense. and the judge said the appearance of impropriety remains yet he hasn't fully resolved t the ethical problem that violates trump's due process right. you know, every defendant has a legal right to challenge the charges pre-trial. schiff is wrong. that's not evading justice. it's exercising justice. >> brian: so, let's talk about the georgia case. now they are going to challenge the decision by the judge. that could delay things more for willis. now she is going to be -- if she stays on the case, which i imagine she would, she is going to have to keep a lower profile. but my sense is her ego won't allow it. >> yeah. it's a great question, brian. you know, the defense is going to file for a certificate of review. the judge, mcafee, has 10 days to grant it or deny it. so, you know, this may not be over for fani willis. she is also facing at least three other investigations in the misconduct and surely there is going to be a bar review as to whether she should be suspended or lose her license. and the other investigation she could actually be removed from office. i mean, i will make a prediction here. with all of this coming at her, she may decide oh, look, i'm going to give to another prosecutor in n the office. i won't actually try the case. not that she really has the chops to do that. if she thinks that's going to diffuse it, i doubt it will. >> brian: right. they say trump's lawyer said first option is to ask the court to permit a pre-trial appeal under gawfings disqualify order. go to new york. thousands of pages dropped off from the southern district of new york. and alvin bragg came out and said all right, if you guys want 30 more days to look at it, as i understand they got it recently. gregg, what are the chances of a lot of that material working for the defense and against the prosecution being that this case was not brought forward prior to bragg coming forward? >> well, you are absolutely right. this has the stench of partisanship. and a alvin bragg, the d.a., actually joined donald trump in asking for a delay, which was caused by federal prosecutors who withheld i think the number is roughly 73,000 pages of relevant documents withheld for a full year. i'm betting that within those thousands of pages there is some exculpatory evidence because, remember, bragg's predecessor refused to bring charges. federal prosecutors looked at this and said, there are no crimes here. and even the federal election commission looked at it and said, you know, hush money is not a crime in exchange for a nondisclosure agreement and it is absolutely net illegal campaign contribution, which bragg now claims. >> brian: what you told me last time is the statute of limitations should have been up and they extended and should have been charged as a misdemeanor and made it a felony. good luck with that. that's how you want to take down the first former president ever to be indicted. and that was the first one to actually file charges. so, best of luck with your great witness michael cohen. who is known for one thing. and he admits it, to lying. and then takes back what he actually admitted to. thanks so much, gregg. appreciate it. >> my pleasure, brian. >> brian: all right, straight ahead. the pause on allowing texas law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants could end today. texas lt. governor dan pack trick on the state's next steps, next. ♪ ♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i'm taking control like millions of others. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to 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lawrence, we have been in this showdown now for years since biden became president, seems like every day. so what the supreme court did last week was put a pause, a hold on the law going into effect. and what they will decide today is whether or not the law can go into effect, while it's being resolved in the courts, which will take time. or is it on the hold still? so, it's not a decision whether it's constitutional or not today, it's can it go into effect, which we hope it can. and to the supreme court justices who are watching fox, i'm sure this morning as they get up early, look, we're being attacked, lawrence, by landing, by sea, by air. literally. millions coming across the border, many armed, many criminals. terrorists. by sea because boats have been going into florida with drugs and illegal immigrants for years and now air, a thousand drones a month according to the u.s. military and we have been seeing them for a while. over our texas border. spying on us to help send drugs and illegal immigrants across the border. so by land, by sea, by air. i call that an invasion. >> lawrence: lt. governor, it's so interesting because the outrage now from the media, the democrats, they are trying to influence the court in this way. is against texas and not the people that are legally coming across the border. what would the bill do? >> well, lawrence, thank you for asking. i wrote the bill, with senator charles perry and we passed it late november or december. at the end of many special session. it basically says we can arrest. we can detain, and we can either put you in jail or send you back. we can do that. and we should have that right. you know, everybody in the lengths lay temperature now 17 years. years and years ago i was in the texas senate. and i had this concept of it's illegal to cross into texas illegally. it's illegal to be illegal. back then it wasn't the crisis it was today. and people said you could never do that it is a crisis. it is an invasion. by every definition of the constitution it's clear to me that this is an invasion. it's a hostile group. it's an organized militia in essence. the cartels. they are here to plunder texas. and americans. they are doing it all over the country. we have people dying from fentanyl. we have people like laken riley being murdered by illegal immigrant. you see a story like that every day this supreme court has to understand that our founding fathers, lawrence, never ever imagined we would have a president so weak to open our border and let millions cross in those millions, in essence, is an organized operation that the cartels are running. >> lawrence: you know, lt. governor it's the perfect segway. react to this. we are learning more about this illegal migrant corey alvarez that was allowed into the country. he raped this 15-year-old girl. he was allowed in the u.s. through a parole program that allows up to 30,000 migrants per month into the country. what's your reaction? >> look, president joe biden has sold this country out. and every american citizen who dies at the hands of someone here illegally, whether it's a drunk driver, we see that all the time or a crime like laken riley or these children being attacked and raped, go down the list. every week we see these crimes happen at the hands of illegals. you would think any ordinary human being, any ordinary human being who cared about american lives would say we have got to put a stop to this. this is out of control. what are they focused on, the administration? fixing soft serve ice cream machines at mcdonald's. that seems to be their focus. any rational human being, lawrence, in the white house would say i don't know what we have been doing, but this has to stop now. but he didn't even know laken riley's first name and he never called the family after it happened in those early days when he should have. he doesn't care. he does not care. >> lawrence: how does this impact the election? i'm just not talking about the presidency. i saw that there was several members of the texas house and our legislature in texas that weren't strong on the border. texas gave them the boot. but, on the federal level, how is it going to impact the people that are in congress, that may be alter path the other party, the democratic party? do you see some sort of impact back in home texas? >> well, i do lawrence. and, look, the other news of the hezbollah illegal immigrant, we captured about a week and a half ago. said he was coming here to new york to build a bomb. and, you know he rent can ad and came back. look, we have arrested nearly 300 people on terrorists watch lists. again, we are being slided i think what will happen in november, lawrence, this country is going to pick a side. that's what this election is about. pick a side you are either for a secure border, for a constitution, lower inflation, stronger military, can i go through every list that joe biden has disrupted this country. anything good for this country he has done just the opposite. and america is going to react. and let me tell you what. many people in the inner cities of america in these blue cities in these blue states are going to react to the illegal immigrants all over their town that we wisely put them on a bus and sent them there to make this a national story. will it be a 49 state to one? no, but will it be an overwhelming one by donald trump? yes, because americans will pick a side. make america great again. make america secure again and make american cities great again. >> lawrence: such a good point. i can canning kids out of schools in chicago. saying there is no funding for them for the health centers in harlem. you got the senior housing there that they are finding housing for the migrants there. but, you can't take care of the american citizens. they don't put them in downtown, they put them in the door neighborhoods. lt. governor we have got to leave it there. thank you so much for joining the program. >> thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: you got it, brother. instead of port pirates swiping packages off your front steps. skip bedell is here with the tech to keep your home safe. estate next. he's next. ♪ ready or not ♪ here i come- by ♪ - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. ♪ >> carley: we are back and let's get social. in college basketball yale beating brown at the buzzer of the ivy league championship game sending the bulldogs to the ncaa tournament and during the a 10 championship a confetti shower went off early. that's not supposed to happen. officials quickly stopped the game to get the court cleaned off. do you drain went on to earn spot in the big dance for the first time in 47 years. for those who didn't make make the cut petino squad most notable. the top seed in the men's bracket, purdue, north carolina, houston and uconn. iowa hawkeyes led by caitlin clark land the first number one seed in the tournament 32 years. south carolina, texas, and usc are the other top teams in the women's tournament. there is also this mark wahlberg left las vegas for vegas two years ago and he says he does not regret that move. the actor told "people" magazine he want at fresh start for four kids. vegas place where my kids can life and do their thing and pursue their interest. wahlberg also says he has little time for california's woke culture. >> and those your headlines, steve, ainsley, outside to you to show us something cool. >> steve: cold because it's a little chilly out here. last year porch pirates stole 119 million packages across the country, could have been from your front yard and the united states and 38% of victims believe their doorbell cam has. do you have one? it did not deter thieves. >> ainsley: how can you upgrade your home security system this year? home contractor skip bedell joins us with the latest. so cool. >> skip: super cool. you are right. the basic camera systems, the regular doorbell camera systems not cutting it anymore. it's deep sentinel. highest tech camera system that's available out there on the market. it combines 24/7 security guard built into this. so the camera system can be mounted anywhere because totally wireless. hub whole set. runs on recharge being battery. so can you mount ton a tree, on a fence, anywhere. you can put it on the side of your house. the idea is you want to get a perimeter around your property. if someone approaches your property, they are greeted with a live 24/7 security guard so you never have to turn this on. they are going to be, you know, sent away by the security guard. >> steve: difference is there are a lot of different brands of security cameras. they might just send an alert to your phone. this has somebody laying eyes on. >> you in the black jacket. stop drop the package. security and your image is being recorded and police are being notified. >> you are going to see what it sounds like. if someone walks up to your house, they are going to get that southbound. they are going to get an alarm. >> ainsley: that's a live person. >> it's a live person. getting 24/7 security guard. they are going to say you in the black jacket why are you here? what are you doing on the property. [immediately contact the police. >> steve: that's great. response times right now are 20 to 30 minutes to an hour with this they are going to tell the police it's an active situation. it's the fastest response time available. >> steve: can you use the solar panel my son did a couple of cameras like that. completely doable. what else the website? >> available at deep sentinel and skip this is genius. look at this pile of boxes over here. this is everyone's front porch right now. >> >> steve: sure. >> my house looks like never day. and the thing is, remember the all state commercials with mayhem drive around the neighborhood you? want to keep mayhem off your porch. you want to keep the thieves away from your door. thi.this genius. a box gobbler. 100 percent made in the u.s.a. this is what is great. you give the postal worker or the fed x good night code. when you set up the delivery, they put in the code. they can now open this door. passing that box watch this. >> now i'm going to do it. >> delivery, boom. you cut this into the side of your house or garage. plush hunt version. best part now is now you have a safe for your packages. they are off the positive. think about the thieves controlling around the neighborhood it't' sharks radio. when they see that package and pile of packages. luring them to the porch. number one, now you don't have to be home now if you are going to receive or deliver boxes. >> steve: that's in the wall. looks like a stand alone. >> go to box, find they have free standing models. >> tons of different signs and disguise sizes. it could be mounted on the porch out tend of your driveway road if you are on a rural property. everybody gets chewy. if you get pets, giant chewy packages. this going to receive both giant packages and mail as well. >> steve: look at that. >> access this from the back. what is really nice this company mb sentinel, make them out of stainless steel, aluminum. have different sizes and options. depending upon your application where you are going to put it. whole major thing is we want to keep the packages off the porch. now that's going to bring the criminals to your door. >> steve: not just something can you cart off. >> when the criminals see the packages, like blood in the water to the shark. now they come to your door. they look around. they ring the doorbell and see no one is home and now it's time to break in. you want to keep things like that off your porch because that's going to deter crime to come to your house. >> this is fascinating stuff. >> ainsley: steve has one at his house and we will sit on the curvey couch oh, look. >> steve: thrption my wife. hi, honey we will talk to her. >> now get a security guard hey steve what time do you get home? >> hey mr. doocy get off the porch now. skip bedell all this stuff. >> skip: all this stuff. thanks, guys. >> ainsley: look who is going to join us next, sean hannity, stick around. ♪ got good vibration ♪er? 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