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Hello america i am marcus levin and this is life, Liberty Levin sunday. A welcome. Last Nights Program i began what i call a twopart argument by the Democrat Party is a Totalitarian Party. A party we have never really seen in the United States of america. Not a typical American Party that imported their ideas of marxism, because i fascism, economic socialism, mostly from newark and from newark from germany but thats received biden and schumer and hakeem jeffries. That is we saw nancy pelosi, barack obama thats we see with media. It is not a normal Political Party in a democratic environment. Its an Autocratic Party in fact it is a Totalitarian Party and as i said last night their goal is to Imprison Donald Trump you do not bring 91 felonies in four different jurisdictions by democrat prosecutors and mostly democrat cities with obama judges, biden judges are democrat elected judges if you dont mean to put someone in prison i dont mean just indict them. You want to put that person in prison and they want to do it fast, why question what they want to clear the field, what are you talking about, mark . They want joe biden to run without a republican opponents but this is a sitter if donald trump were convicted in sentence and put in jail in november, god forbid, what with the republicans do . How they have a nominee theres no convention there is no process. Understand america, this is what is going on. This is the logical procession of what they are trying to do. Clear at the field. Eliminate the republican nominee. That is what they have been doing now for over a year. That is why they have used the most pathetic, or rogue, robe, reprobate in new york, and newark in washington they could possibly come up with and dont tell me its not coordinated its happenstance. We know it is coordinated. Joe biden his white house were involved in passing this on to the Justice Department at the federal level. Fani willis and her lover, one or both a bit in communication with the white house. The judge in the manhattan case was in communication with the judge in the washington case but they dont actually have to have their dna and fingerprints all over the place they watch the news it. They do with the mission is. Joe biden tells them. Donald trump is hitler. If he gets elected, by god, we will lose our country. We will lose our democracy. He will imprison people must be stopped at all costs. Message received. So our Justice System has been destroyed effectively. We have constitutional issues being litigated because the edge of the envelope is being pushed. Whether its immunity, Attorney Client privilege is whether its those are trying to bank abrupt trump. This is the second half the evidence the Democrat Party is a totalitarian part i could do a 10 part series but im only going to do too. Chuck schumer goes to the floor of the senate this week youve heard about it. Im going to respond to this this is more evidence of what i am talking about lets take a listen, go. The fourth major obstacle to peace is israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. As a lifelong supporter of israel it has become clear to me the Netanyahu Coalition no longer fits the needs of israel after october 7. The world has changed radically since then. And the israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past. Five months into this conflict it is clear israeli seem to take stock of the situation and ask, must we change course . At this critical juncture i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decisionmaking process about the future of israel. Mark he says a lot more but were not going to play at all. He tells the israelis if they dont have a form of coup or new election to rid themselves of the current government, which they elected, once this war is over the United States will take over and will reengineer the middle east and determine what the middle east will look like. What he means by that as we will oppose a two State Solution as a speaker must 80 of the israelis oppose a two State Solution for obvious reasons at all the snow. You have eight uranian clients that you have access to missiles, access to jet fighters, without access to whatever they want. Nobody will stop them certainly not biden, schumer, blinken here you have on the floor of the senate i must say jewish senator who represents the largest population of jews in the United States. What is going on . We have Secretary Of State who was born jewish. What is going on . You have one of the most obsessed Israel Haters at the New York Times, Thomas Freedman born a jew. And of course you have the ownership of the New York Times, which was a jewish and i think through intermarriage is lutheran or Something Like that of course its not just them plenty of gentiles involved. But i want to read something to you very quickly. America and the Holocaust By David S Whiteman was a christian who was appalled at what he saw at the New York Times. It had the guts to call them out. The New York Times of the time was owned by the shoals burger family, still is. These are people whose ancestry german and jewish but they are in the tank for Franklin Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt did not want a lot of reporting about the holocaust because he might have to do something about it. Worse, his State Department Put caps on the amount of jews who would be brought into the United States or could escape to the United States who were facing extermination. That cap was way below the legal cap that congress had set. Only about 200,000 jews came to the United States in the course of the holocaust. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands more were authorized by congress. The State Department the same State Department that blinken runs, with islamists and others in their that State Department was loaded with antisemites and Franklin Roosevelt knew it. Yet Franklin Roosevelt was the hero of the Democrat Party he is Chuck Schumers hero he has bidens hero. Everyone wants to be Franklin Roosevelt. Very interesting, isnt it . Here is what he says in the beginning of his book parts of this book are critical of the American Jewish leadership in the holocaust. The policies of leaders are questioned in part because they held the greatest potential for effective jewish action. The criticism is made reluctantly yet it must be included if the report is to be honest and objective several of those leaders have since criticized their own failures in the face of the catastrophe. What im doing tonight could be controversial and provocative but is not intended to be, just honest. Each of you have your own faith or not. Some of you are catholic and you shake your head over what biden does. He is the most aggressive, pro abortion, antilife president and our history. And he is catholic, same with nancy pelosi, what is that about . And we can go down the list, right . My theory is this. You can be born a catholic but it does not mean you are faithful practicing catholic. You can be born a jew and therefore ethnically a jew but you are not a religious jew and by that i do not mean you have to be an orthodox jew. You dont really practice the faith or maybe a show up at the high holidays and get a sugar cookie and some grape juice. But you are not really into the religion. And so you have these conflicts weathers the Catholic Church, other religions in fai and faitd judaism. You cant paint it with a broader brush you have what i called the ethnic jews, the schumer security of reprobates, marxists like Bernie Sanders who undermines judaism in the state of israel. You have jews who are both ethnic born jews and are practicing jews. The ethnic jews like Thomas Freedman at the New York Times like antony blank at the State Department despise the religious jews. They despise the Orthodox Jews the more conservative juice. Just like in catholicism and im not picking on any faith in him usiandusing it as an example. Pro abortion, and tight Life Radicals who are catholic despise the preachings of the Catholic Church when it comes to abortion. That in my view is what is going on. Abandonment of the jews is what you heard when Chuck Schumer took the floor of the United States senate. He did not say a word to biden and his party that we should not be funding iran. They just sent them another 10 billion in directly but sent it to them the same date Chuck Schumer gets to the floor and trashes the Israeli Government. Thomas freedman has written so many articles trashing the Israeli Government, trashing Benjamin Netanyahu he is obsessed as he is with other israelis so those who were represent their people. But this is the New York Times the holocaust denying, the holocaust covering of New York Times. They did it for politics as it is doing today. Biden is no support of israel. Biden supports israel and Prime Ministers when they is seated to his demands it. When he can get them to come to him on bended knees. He did the same thing that is doing to Bibi Netanyahu yet he coattails to the leaders of iran. Blood thirsty murderers who are trying to build a Nuclear Weapon and they are going to build it and they are going to have it thanks to biden and blinken and austin and the rest of this administration because we are funding it. Iran has gotten more money directly and indirectly as a result of this administrations policies then ukraine. Then ukraine. We fight over 14 or 17 billion of military aid to israel. He has given over 100 billion of aid to iran, where they dealt with that question it built up their military and their armaments they funded hamas, the houthis, the hezbollah. Biden is finding terrorism. He is finding a regime built a Nuclear Weapons will he is putting his foot on the throat of the israeli people in the Israeli Government i dont care what he says in public. Israel is running out of bombs and ammunition. They are trying to husband them now in case they have to go to war with hezbollah. What is that all about . That is slime with this country with this administration is doing to israel and the israeli people. And when schumer goes to the floor of the senate and he is telling the israelite people i am directing you as a biden has come as harris has as blinken has to overthrow your government. To dislodge your Commander In Chief in the middle of a war they are waiting. Im telling you, you do this you accept a two State Solution for the like it or not or we will impose it from afar. Were going to organize the arab countries they are going to organize the european countries, they are against you israel little tiny israel the only forcforces defending the world r my ron and the terrorists. That is exactly what they are doing this is not about bv netanyahu. Anyone can be Prime Minister who stands up to this tyranny they will still try to undermine them. That is the history abandonment of the jews. Hitlers American Friends right here in the third reich, The Ivory Tower whats going on in the colleges and universities. Buried by the times mr. Freedman that is you. Beyond belief a biden, schumer and the rest of you. That is who you are. Never again jewish people used to say with people like schumer and blinken and freedman never again it is to again today and the energy and enemy is not Benjamin Netanyahu its not the state of israel. The israeli people are not our enemies they are our friends, our allies for they have supported us every way as we have supported them. Iran is the enemy. Hamas is the enemy, trent eight, hezbollah, the terrorist are the enemy. The Democrat Party is the enemy two. The enemy within here in the United States. They are trying to Imprison Donald Trump and theyre trying to push a coup in israel. The Democrat Party does not believe in honest differences. The Democrat Party does not believe in real elections. The Democrat Party does not believe in the democratic system. The Democrat Party has turned autocratic, totalitarian, that is what it is and so now their mission is to take out the two World Leaders and would be World Leaders who they opposed. Not to try to defeat them honorably through an election but destroy them. Anin trumps case, bankrupt them 91 phony charges hing to put them in prison so biden has a clear field and cannot loose because the American People are turning on him and Phoebe Netanyahu has the massive support of israel trying to protect itself while it is surrounded. They are not interested in taking out their Prime Minister at the direction of Chuck Schumer. Chuck schumer was elected a senator from new york. A democrat state. He is worried about aoc in his left wing flank he will sell at the state of israel for power. He will sell at the United States for power for the Democrat Party is about the Democrat Party. Its about power, power, power. The Democrat Party is more in common with various communist and fascist parties all over the world that is the model for threatening appearance, threatening prolifers. Threatening the Catholic Church. Open bordedeo change the citizenry. For their own State Run Media at cnn, msnbc the New York Times and the washington post. This is tyranny. And so did joe biden has done to the United States they are now trying to do to the state of israel. One friend of mine said to me the other day it pays to be an enemy of joe biden, not an ally when it comes to Foreign Policy and they could not be more accurate. Chuck schumer, you are a disgrace is an american. I want the israeli people to know and every survey has shown the vast majority of the American People support you. Not the Democrat Party, not biden and not schumer. They are trying to undermine you because they fund and empower the terrorist. The terroris. Mark Welcome Back America. I want to move onto another toon to anothertopic now with hd jim a trustee at one of my favorite legal analyst who is a d. O. J. Prosecutor former President Trump attorney as well and the documents case a. I smell a rat in manhattan at the 11th hour and it changed from u. S. Attorneys office as we have thousand, 31000 pages of documents the d. A. Says okay by the way we have more to deliver next week the d. A. Says okay we agree the defense should have another 30 days. The defense of President Trumps lawyers said we need 90 days this is a lot of stuff and by the way just because you give us the stuff does not mean ends that we may have to go back on witnesses. We may have to collect other information we have to do our job not just respond to you. And might wrong about smelling something fishy here . No i think you are dead on. At the eve of there are usually discovovery obligations for the government turns over some material to the defense its usually referred to under couple of cases and it basically means a witness statements as well as negative information things that cut against the credibility of those witnesses. I think theres something really interesting here probably a Document Dump or a lot of it is garbage but somewhere in that is probably even more information about Michael Cohen the star witness in this new york case. Remember, he has a failed prosecutor to the u. S. Attorneys office in manhattan. They walked away from the steaming pile of a case. They basically did not give him credit for cooperating because he lied so much of the time. I suspect there are some real gems in there they may cause a need for followup. They may cause need for additional Discovery Requests too. Its not going to be all good news for alvin braggs a prosecution in this 31000 pages that again should have been turned over realistically along time ago this is been a long time coming. Not much transparency on these incredibly important public Corruption Cases that are going to make history. But i think we take a wait and see print that was something that comes out of the trump team in the coming days and weeks that might be pretty devastating in terms of what is going on. Quickly suggest something that has not been suggested but an old Chief Of Staff and Attorney General. I could envision my former Attorney General sitting here watching this and saying we are going to intervene in this case. What do you mean . This is interfering with the federal election. This case is bogus now we have this lastminute Document Dump i want us, the feds interfere in this case to make the argument at a Federal Court level that should handle this case is nothing more than election interference. I could see him saying i am not going to put up with this, the stuff going on at a local level with the democrat judge, with the d. A. He was obviously a partisan d. A. With my own if i were him u. S. Attorneys office dumping 31000 pages. Honestly, i would sit mark, mr. Chief of staff lets have a conversation with the Public Integrity section, we went to intervene this is outrageous. We need to deal with this case, what you think . What you are really talking about is the necessity to have character. People of character in our highest Law Enforcement purchase and that is what is missing that you have an Attorney General who hides behind jack smith although he supervises all of these federal cases. You go back to new york in the intervention idea there has been an intervention in the wrong direction. Alvin bragg, even alvin Braggs Office announced they were not going to pursue this ridiculous kind of creative prosecution against President Trump. Threading in a federal offense is intrastate Charging Document to avoid a statute of limitation problem. D. O. J. Then sent a highlevel official to go work is alvin braggs right hand. As a Senior Advisor and lo and behold there office takes a change of course and decides to proceed on this case that relies on us entirely on the credibility of one Michael Cohen. There is a lot of probes about d. O. J. Acting you do not have that character in the front office right now you have got a guy who o s behind jack smith. Who appreciates very creative and i use that a pejorative term a prosecution against a sitting president or a former president and someone who is the number one contender against this administration. Mark and with the public to understand and Attorney General couldncould seek Intervention Oy Grounds including we dont agree with this local prosecutors interpretation of the federal fl election act. We do not agree with the actions that are being taken by our own u. S. Attorneys office so we are going to take over this case in washington d. C. We do not agree with the dumping of documents at the last Second Period we dont agree to the intervention in an election like this our policy has been that is not to be done we are not going to love it abuse and misuse of federal law to do that. I am telling you on how my Attorney General would act which underscores your point these people are corrupt and i dont mean theyre taking money i mean they are corrupt they are political partisan hacks they have lit a fire to our Justice System in four different jurisdictions with three different government democrat prosecutors within 91 ridiculous charges against a man who was the sitting president who is running for president. It is just so obvious what is taking place here. When we come back jim trusty lets move to georgia we have new information about georgia. A little bizarre in my view and quite frankly but at least a partial win i think for the good guys. Fox news is proud to bring you this sheâ– s a hero moment. 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Mark Welcome Back America. Jim trusty, you know i watch a lot of the goings on in atlanta. As im sure you did and most of the country did. Seemed like a slam dunk to me, misleading under oath about when the affair started, when mr. Wade was appointed, the Cash Transactions in order to conceal what they had in fact been doing. And it appears the judge did what . He kind of cut the baby in half what did the judge doing your interpretation . A little bit of split the baby. If you are waiting for really aggressive language in the opinion, you dont get it. He could have basically said we have an elected official came into my courtroom and perjured herself. He instead refers to an odor of mendacity. Kind of a Softball Approach split the baby approached ray what he basically said was i dont think the defense has proven an actual Conflict Of Interest. But they have a proven theres an appearance of impropriety and because of that bad appearance it affects the process shes going to keep her office involved because no one else would pick up this thing and run. Mark is not clear to me at all what did the judge accomplish here . Not a whole lot its shuffling the deck a little bit in terms of which people are on the prosecution team. To be really interesting to see if the defense goes after a st stay. If they go to this judge and say you recognize this is a close call on the actual conflicts, lets get it to a higher court and give it a new look its pretty uncharted territory this judge focus very heavily on the fact for actual Conflict Of Interest he would want to see some sort of intentional delay on behalf of the prosecution so the money would keep rolling in for mr. Wade and benefiting directly at ms. Willis. I think he sugar coats their relationship a little bit in terms of how much she benefited ask yourself what any other Special Prosecutor be taking her to aruba . The pretty answers pretty obvious the focus should have but not can we show delay thats income pouring in but did she benefits from his appointment and she clearly did. Thats the type of thing if i am on the other side on the defense team i am thinking about asking for a stay. Im thinking about an appeal trying to push this down not waiting for trial and see if a higher court takes a different look. Not just at the facts but whether or not disqualification cant run from the bad appearance as well. There is nothing politically id say its a bad day for fatty will as she does not come out of this looking like anything but the disrespectful, dishonest official that she was. But in terms of the case itself it continues to chug along perhaps with some delay which is not a terrible thing for President Trump and the other defendants. Mark she is still subject to Ethics Investigation she is subject to potential criminal investigations if there is a belief all of this cash was moving around to conceal the misappropriation of taxpayer dollars. Yes but you are talking about a little bit of self policing. I do not have a lot of faith in state bars in terms of going after her for the ethical violations. There are times where they will be pretty harsh on prosecutors i just dont think this is going to be one of those times. There should be consequences that could be pretty devastating for her career. There could be something that comes out of the Fulton County commission which basically ignored and was wronged by this appointments. I am just not holding my breath know what i expected independent prosecutor to go after fanny for perjury and the like. She clearly misled the court between the lines it is clear he knows that. But he was not inclined to tie directly to the indictment and that was always the issue i thought there would be is what is the remedy . If you prove the affair approve it was bad judgment in a Conflict Of Interest on some level or in appearance does not necessarily affect the indictment directly . That is the question may be an Appellate Court could take a look at. Mark this is my concern up and down the judicial chain to be honest with you the Immunity Case in front of the Supreme Court if they ruled in my view, the right way the cases go away. If they ruled the right way on the Obstruction Issue which i think they might but they should than the Obstruction Issues go away. The judge in florida it rules the right way on the Espionage Act and the rest of it it goes away if the judge in a manhattan case ruled properly that case would have gone away. And here, my view is this judge did not do the right thing. Splitting the baby in half when a District Attorney lies to the courts, Misleads The Court and conducts yourself this way and she was very abusive even on the stand to cut the baby in half i think was exactly the wrong thing to do. But that is just me. Jim trusty you want to thank you so much. God bless you my friend. Ask thanks for having me. Mark do you shop for vitamins at walgreens . Force factor products powerfully improve your health, but theyre also delicious, easy to use and affordable. Thats why force factor is now the number one best selling Superfoods Brand in america. Unleash your potential with force factor at walgreens. Mark Welcome Back America. The next guest i have is very intriguing and very, very important. He wrote a piece called the have the house at Ministry Of Health fakes Casualty Numbers for those numbers have been used throughout our media, throughout the administration is the use those numbers to push policy in israel and in the middle east. I keep saying those numbers keep coming from a terrorist organization. Why do you keep using these numbers . They used to qualify they never spicing it came from hamas for they dont do that anymore. Professor wyner Wharton School director of Undergraduate Program and statistics and data science, among other things you know this business. You wrote this piece. What is in this piece and why did you write it . Okay, ill begin by telling you why i wrote it. That has to go will back a little bit in time. There is a war going on that War Involves A Battle Between Israel and its forces against the terrorist organization that is embedded inside an urban environment. There is no way hamas the terrorist organization is going to be able to defeat israel in a battle their only hope is to convince the public this actually is not a battle against its fighters but instead it is a wrecking indiscriminate bombing attack that is essentially killing almost entirely civilians. So, that argument the statistical argument the number based argument is part of the political strategy. The Hamas Ministry of health since the beginning of the war has been releasing data which explains or tries to give the impression that almost all of the people getting killed are civilians. In fact the number they continuously recall and put out is 70 of the casualties are women and children. So, i had heard that and i also heard about the hospital but have been bombed in the ministry claimed a 500 Palestinian Civilians were killed and that had to be retracted or described its not correct by both israel and the United States. The authenticity of the numbers have been swirling around greatly and i wanted to look at the numbers to see whether or not there was evidence of the numbers themselves of problems. One of the big problems was before i even looked at the numbers is where are the fighters . If the fighters arent there how can we have 70 civilians that are women and children, where are the men . There are two problems in the data set before even looked at it i was trying to ascertain how could that come about . There are no fighters theres not enough of them israel claims many, many of the people dying are actual fighters, Hamas Terrorists and they dont report it. They overwhelmingly report large numbers of civilians, mainly children and women and their daily updates of the figures in the battles. So what i was able to do was go and find a section of daily reported Casualty Numbers. Broke it up into children and women and totals i was able to drive the mail total from that. And see whether or not there is evidence in this data that something was not right about it. I already knew there was something not right about it because theres just too many theres not enough men dying. They had to be there somewhere. I was looking in the data to find something that did not make any sense of that is what i did i was able to find a number of attributes in the data that just did not look right in so that is what i wrote about in the article pray. Very persuasively ill give some examples and you can elaborate. You point out the statistics dont really weigh very much its like every battle, same number of women, same number of children. Even when israel is not fighting in areas where there are apartment buildings, or schoolos or so forth like that. Hamas keeps the same basic percentage of women and children who are dying, 70 . A minute what battle has taken place on the ground. No matter what is taking place. Is that correct . Correct. The battle has been going on for months theres a short period of time where the Hamas Ministry releases and breakdowns particularly into children and women and totals thats a very short. Its only 16 days. If you look over that period of time theres very little variability in the total number of deaths over this. It does not fluctuate very much. And, as you point out that is not make sense given the battle plans the way the war is actually fought in an urban area there has got to be consider about a variation on a daytoday basis. Yet over this period of time the total Casualty Counts are very, very what we call under dispersant statistics. Very small variations that are variations on a day to day basis but not very many the percentage of women and children almost every day it hovers right around the same number around 66 72 or so and then theres other fluctuations as well thats unaccounted for. When you look at the data as a whole you see theres not much variation thats a very puzzling observation. Taken that with a bunch of other observations you come to the conclusion something is not right here. Mark i want to break o down the numbers a little bit more in your article is very compelling because they are still using them. 30,000 civilians in gaza have been killed by the israelis. An overwhelming majority are women and children. Over and over again i heard on cnn, i heard on the floor by schumer the other day i hear its regurgitated they dont even use hamas name anymore for this and number of other pertinent points in your article that i want to get i got this 1,000 camera for only 41 on dealdash. Dealdash. Com, online auctions since 2009. This Playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. This ipad pro sold for less than 34. And this nintendo switch, sold for less than 20. I got this Kitchenaid Stand Mixer for only 56. I got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. 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Right now they are reporting over 30,000 deaths in total the immediate large is just repeating the statements that Ministry Of Health is saying that over 70 of these casualties are women and children read that of course leads us with an incredible problem. A 70 of our women and children, the 30 have to either be the men the civilian men therefore there are no hamas fighters you are left with either theres no hamas fighters dying are all the men in gaza are hamas and neither of the sinks make any sense. The reason why it is so critical is hamas is making the argument that overwhelmingly the number of deaths are innocent civilians but israel is claiming something complete different. Israel sang 13000 approximately are hamas fighters. And if that is true it cannot possibly be 72 civilians of the deaths are women and children because the women and children arent hamas fighters unless of course some of the children are fighters and are being categorized as children which is in major concern. We look at this data theres crazy relationships between the number of chilled children, the number of women and men on a daytoday basis. Something does not seem right theres a Miss Categorization on the daily numbers that has to have an explanation. And i can say the problem with statistics as you can only identify concerns you cannot prove one way or the other whats actually happening we are looking for something thats were not going to find in the data we have to look at problems that arise and say what can account for those concerns . When you put the whole thing together all the different pieces of information together it is something that just does not make any sense. If i were to review the data, i would have to say 13000 or so of the total casualties, 30,000 if thats decently correct number that sugges suggests theres a 4 1. 421 civilians dying per hamas a Terrorist Civilian Dying is a terrible thing i do not want to make anyone walk away from that fact. Israel i believe is trying desperately to keep the civilian population death as low as possible. They encourage people to leave it. Theyd knock on the buildings they are indiscriminately. So, what we are looking for is a ratio very different than what hamas is trying to tell us. Its not 20 one civilians to fighters is probably somewhere between one one and 1. 5 one. I cannot say for sure its not unreasonable within the confines of an urban war and actually quite a bit better than what the United States has been able to do when it has been fighting urban warfare. Mark to put this all together put a ribbon around it, you know this, you have written about it. Theres other statisticians in the world certainly some of them work in the federal government. They have every sort of employee over the federal government. If you are the president of the United States the Secretary Of State you are the democrat leader in the senate why do you keep using these numbers even if there are questions about and you dont know if they are accurate unless you are trying to push an agenda. Unless you are trying to push a policy. Why do you keep using these bogus numbers . I cannot get into peoples head and speak for what drives them to do things. There is an incredible amount. Mark i cannot tell you why they are doing it theyre doing it purposefully because its undermining israel. Its helping their position. That is the position of the State Department in the white house with eight of these numbers are bogus. Cnn knows these numbers are bogus but you know these numbers are bogus. I know these numbers are bogus but they keep doing it because it serves their purposes. That is my view, final word . Final word i am hoping some of these observations come out in the public and people recognize israel is trying to kill hamas. Theyre not trying to kill civilians. If you actually look at the day that you will relay such action was going on. Ask him to thank you note to thank you for writing your piece and went to thank you for coming on the program. I pray to god you have tenure and i want to wish you all the be my friend. Quick than Welcome Back America will the Democrat Party started overthrowing governments, democracies, the trying to put former president in prison, where it is funding the terrace enters regimes like a run hamas, schumer said something of a growth it is time for Course Correction right here in america come under construction his in time to impeach joe biden for his multiple high crimes against the American People including finding our enemy Irans Nuclear program and terrorist operations intentionally open up our bordeo killers and terrace and brazenly defining two Supreme Court decisions, federal Immigration Law committing multiple criminal acts in violation of the Espionage Act, when he was our president silly Classified Information in exchange for any Million Dollar bucket mans and filling to take care that was repealed can enforce the security of our country is in tort is the constitution compels. Course correction, theres one for you to and her what you say trey

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