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Hello america i am mark levin and this is life, liberty levins saturday. Im glad youre here a big show as far as im concerned. Its really a twopart show for this evenings show im going to focus on the totalitarianism that is the Democrat Party and im going to prove it to you. Im going to do the same thing on tomorrow nights show, sundays show. This show is going to focus on donald trump and tournaments show will focus on Benjamin Netanyahu for purposes of my monologue so very, very important. The premise is the Democrat Party is a party at thierry the practices totalitarianism. Despite talking about democracy path this Statement Regime and talking about democracy. All the biggest thugs, dictators, genocidal maniacs use the word democracy or the act on behalf of the people for the Democrat Party is learned from them. Let me make the points, all of these lawsuits against donald trump, 91 felony charges, this is not a coincidence it. This is not an accident. They are all talking to one another, they all read the tea leaves and watch the news it. These bombs they have dropped on trump left and right to try to bankrupt him and make it impossible to run a campaign to try to get him convicted of some ridiculous felony. Every one of these charges i am the real legal analyst every one of these charges is bogus, all 91 of them not one of them shouldve ever been brought not one of them. My point to you is this. What is it that they want . They want donald trump and present you do not bring 91 felonies for the fun of it. Not just to get a conviction they want donald trump in prison. What happens if they get a conviction here a conviction they are come convictions and gets in front of the democrat judges. What happens if hes convicted youre going to send them to jail . If they sen sending send them tt happens then . Well, joe biden might be the only candidates running for president of than few thirdparty candidates can you run for president from prison . I suppose so. But you kind of have your hands are tied behind your back so the goal of the Democrat Party the goal of joe biden who is behind it all he is aware that his people are out there they are communicated with the number of these different prosecutorial offices. They dont put a stop to it is all bogus it is all totalitarianism. What is the goal . One candidate race. One party rule. You didnt think it could happen . Its happening right in front of your eyes. Lets take a look at with the totalitarian Democrat Party has been up too. Impeachment number one when the house was controlled by nancy pelosi and the democrats. They tried to impeach him on Russian Collusion Parade they tried they had hearings and all the rest. Then they see this phone call that trump himself released, leaks coming out of the white house. They take a sentence completely out of context and they impeach him. With a barely any hearings. They impeach him on a sentence that was not criminal in nature, nothing. The ghost of the senate where he is found not guilty and then they impeach him again, for what . After january 6 he is leaving office. He did not call in the military. He did not calling anybody to prevent a peaceful transfer of power. They impeach and was getting ready to leave the office and while he is a private citizen of maralago, they vote to impeach him and they hold a trial in the senate. Never done before in American History ever. Based on what . Insurrection. Wheres the evidence . They did not hold a hearing that did not have facts they did not ask a question. They just said he did it. They ran him through this impeachment. They ram it through the senate because why . They are trying to destroy him its not on behalf of the country. It is not on behalf of a socalled insurrection. That his impeachment number two. We have number three the whole Russia Collusion issue. We launch a criminal investigation, schumer and the others are pressured the Department Of Justice to appoint a Special Prosecutor and they buckled over there. Because they knew it would bog down in President Trump for years the drop of a Special Prosecutor is to focus like a laser on one person and one issue. Is unlike a typical u. S. Attorneys office that has 1000 issues. It was based on fabricated information created by the Hilary Clinton or paid for by the Hilary Clinton campaign, supported and promoted by the fbi in the Intelligence Agency with the knowledge of we now know of a barack obama and joe biden and others in the obama administration. We have never seen anything like this the result was no charges, why . Because he didnt do Anything Wrong that is why. Criminal investigations, depositions, subpoenas, warrants, nothing. We have this new York Attorney general she is a radical reprobate who runs for office think shes going to get trump. That should be enough to disbar her. The problem as it is in new york and who controls the bar in new york . Thats right her party at likeminded radicals purchase should have been disbarred. And what it should do . Shes doing everything she can to bankrupt trump u. S. Attorneys office said there is no case here. Her predecessor, another radical but said there is no case here she said i will make a case here. The case is a Consumer Fraud statute that does not require fraud that is absolutely nothing to do with anything donald trump did. Donald trump not only did not commit fraud he made money for the banks he paid all of his taxes everything not only on time sometimes before time. And she digs this up. Since weve got something a phony law with a Crummy Radical Elected democrat nitwit of a judge. And now he is online for half a billion dollars. Trying to break him. They tried to take his businesses away so an Appellate Judge said not so fast i will put that on state. Why . Why are they trying to do this . Why do you think . And then we have source manhattan d. A. Bragg complete moron in my view. What does he do . Takes two laws, ma maybe three tries to work them over to create a federal felony which then creates a state felony for what . For nothing. For a bookkeeping issue. What happens there . We have another elected democrat judge so rather than saying this is crab lets throw it out, even the democrat legal analyst on cnn say it is crab but know were going to go forward we just eat one conviction is collect 40 kilts. It is not hush money its a Nondisclosure Agreement. Every Media Outlet Reporting on this has ascended to Nondisclosure Agreement is not hush money . That is not hush money every corporation in america has every business has. Married couples that divorce do the same thing know, its hush money you have to make it sound devious. He did not break any law nor did his businesses as it relates to this. So now they are bog down in manhattan then we go to atlanta rico has nothing to do with challenging election. But they had eight separate electorate we will call them fake collectors no we will call them a separate slate of electors the same thing they did in 1876. The same thing they didnt think it was 1960 in hawaii. If you are challenging the Election Results in a state and if that goes all the way to the archivist of the United States who collects the electoral votes and presents them to congress when it meets to count them, if you dont have an alternative slate you have no challenge. There is nothing to replace them. This is history. So what do they do . They criminalize the entire process of challenging the election. He called x, y, z and set are you sure we dont have the votes are you sure we cant find the votes . He did not say create votes he did not say manufacturer votes. He said dont we have any vote somewhere . Are we sure he checked everywhere that is a crime. Note it is not the issue of whether a local d. A. It was corrupt to his unethical and all of the rest has the authority to bring charges that affect the federal election a judge already ruled swrote she does but she d. Lets continue washington d. C. Garland appoints a hack, a prosecutor who was humiliated by Supreme Court eight zero decision. Targets goes up the former governor of virginia. Now that should have been a warning that you dont appoint somebody like that with a major sensitive case like this but for garland it was a resume enhancer, why . I did made it clear to the New York Times that he was sick and tired of Merrick Garland a former judge acting like a judge for a curious judge rather than a prosecutor. Garland got the message he hires dhec they go full bore january 6 so it mustve been very, very terrible. It mustve been really horrific what trump did. Im sure he charged them with insurrection, no sedition . Note the media keep saying it was an Insurrection Trump committed sedition but he didnt. Then client act to help us 1871 we just figured out that exists we had the enron act that is nothing to do with it but it will use it. That we have a federal contractor law thats really intended to prosecute federal contractors to break the law we will use the mulligan strong. Really . That is how serious your cases . They keep going with insurrection and sedition and hit that he incited violence heisnot charged with any of it. They keep saying insurrection. It is amazing. Those charges are completely concocted. Completely concocted but lets move on to the documents case that is the real case awaiting e thats throw case . Erase another constitutional issue i started let me continue. The president presents unfettereo declassify anything. He is the executive branch. Not the secretary of state, not anybody at the national archives, not at the cia, none of them are in the constitution. The president is the executive branch. He can delegate power by his own actions. He could take the power back up there is no president there is no Cabinet Officers a officer as the do not exist in the constitution. He did not declassify we do not have a record of it. He took the document with him. So effectively, certain apply he classified the document and sam taken the document so they could charge me with a crime. How stupid is that. But even more Hilary Clinton was in charge she was never president by joe biden on your center private citizen when he was Vice President . You met when he met with the ghost writer gave the ghost writer Classified Information to know what that was . Joe biden sold it effectively not to the ghost writer but to the publisher. They gave him an 8 milliondollar advance he had to come up with something. I have got information and they dont know it. That is what he did he essentially sold Classified Information for 8 million. That is what he did. We cant charge him he is an imbecile and imbecile, while but he can be president we can have imbeciles as president thats perfectly fine. The Espionage Act has never been used against a president. Passed in 1917. Never been used against ex president never been used against the next secretary of state. Never been used against the next Vice President mad but was not d against bill clinton when he was hiding Classified Information on videos in his sock drawer again not used against Hilary Clinton and the 30,000 times she violated the act or mark she didnt will quibble over the numbers, right . The score is of times biden violate a law since 1976 he stole Classified Information out of the senate skiff. They have cameras so do you know what they had to do he literally had to do this or put it down his pants or whatever he did that is what he did. He violate the Espionage Act every time you move the records put it in his briefcase. Went from this house, the rental home, when here, went there, kept them open. That is a slamdunk case. Slam dunk case. But trump, they say the difference is obstruction. But we have here is a set up. You do not get a warrant to senate fbi swat team to a former president told him to grab a document. How do i know that . I am the only person on this network almost any networks Chief Of Staff tone Attorney General i know youve had bill barr say things i mean an Attorney General to know he would have done . He would have said you want me to send my guys into a federal court to get a criminal warrant . Against a former president over documents . You know what kind of constitutional issues that will raise . General kind of impact that will have a future election question mike i am not going to set fires all over the place. Let me give him a call. That is what he would have done. I used to sit next to the man if that did not work he still would have been something else. Gone civilly with the matter there is no way he would have done what biden obviously was encouraging his Attorney General to do or the rogue Attorney General did. What else has a totalitarian Democratic Party done . Their surrogates try to take trump off the ballot. With some cockamamie interpretation of section iii of the 14th Amendment which was always bizarre. But hey, anything that can work so they tried to do that. So what else have they done . My first guess a congressman leading the investigation the generally Six Committee the generate Six Committee destroyed massive amounts of information. Censorship only put out information they wanted. Covered up exculpatory information they did not want to provide. Took the most important piece of evidence donald trump had with any violence any sedition, any insurrection which would completely destroy the Democrat Party. He did in fact offere offer 10,0 members generate six call the Acting Secretary Of Defense and say again you guys have enough resources Melissa Cheney and that committee has continued to say it never happened. They are lying. The whole argument has been going on and on, repetition of the big lie we dont have a syllable of evidence to support it not a thing. Their goal is to Imprison Donald Trump so biden has a clear feel thats where you charge somebody after advil lets dive in but. What about your back . Its fineeeeeeee [splash] before advil Advil Dual Action fights pain two ways. Advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. Advil dual action. Las vegas grand prix choose tmobile for business for 5g solutions. Because tmobile is helping Power Operations and experiences for hundreds of thousands of fans with reliable 5g connectivity. Nows the time to accelerate your business. Lets welcome back america. The first well i went to correct something you know ive been thinking about it. U. S. Attorney in the former d. A. Of manhattan took a pass on the bragg case. What you make that abundantly clear we heard congressman barry l. Congressman subcommittee chairman congressman you put out a report the generally Six Committee youre finding things that are extraordinarily troubling to you and your other members that is among other things this Mass Destruction of evidence. Whether it is a video, deposition, texts, emails, the movement of certain information behind firewalls encrypted so you folks have been unable so far even with Forensic Experts to break through and get the information. Most of this occurred a week before the republicans took over the house so it was done in a very aggressive way and in a purposeful way. You also found a number of substantive things involving whether or not President Trump did in fact offer the National Guard liz cheney running around thing that false to the report she keeps doubling down also you have information from a witness who did in fact testify that was not included in the public pronouncements of january 6. At deputy Chief Of Staff to the presidepresident and on and on. So lets begin. In terms of this Committee Destroying have you made any progress . Works we made progress to getting the documents they moved to the executive branch. In my opinion which was to keep it from public view and keep it from us. Documents went to the white house, eight department went to the department, and security. Which we included in our report. And through pressuring the white house they never gave us unredacted copies. They allowed us to come to the white house and review the unredacted copies. After looking at it we realize there is enough that is unredacted in the copies they sent us that showed a different story than what the select committee wasnt presenting. At dhs, four months went silent on us. We have not finished our review of these documents. It has been well over a year. As of last week for some reason they sent us the key document we were looking for trump would tre steering well from. So trying to break passwords. The violation of public trust and house rules was the destruction or the hiding of the videotapes of all of the depositions. Those, are clearly and they admitted to getting rid of those. And sale of everything they have done i think that is the biggest violation. Cook does dig in a little bit further the National Guard issue. I had the acting defense secretary Christopher Miller on my radio show about a year ago. He said everything youre reading in the media is not true in hearing from the democrats is being spotted in fact donald trump did offer the National Guard pete offered i in front of him. He offered it to him that his he told him to be ready in case they are called up. Cash patel Chief Of Staff said the same thing. Theyre twisting what they said. And in fact Mark Meadows Testifiittestified National Guat specifically positioned at Andrews Air Force base should it be necessary. The former Secretary Of Defense also told me he believed it was january 5, the day before that he got a call from President Trump he wanted reinsurance President Trump in fact we were in a position to help and everybody had everything they need. You also came in touch with a witness in the witness information i believe it was deputy Chief Of Staff which she heard most of this and actually heard the mayor of d. C. Turned out any help, is that right . That is correct it. That is one of the supposedly missing a documents that was tony was a deputy Chief Of Staff to market meado mark meadows ov. He had been the head of secret Service Detail until President Trump promoted him to the deputy Chief Of Staff of operations. We knew he had done a multiple transcribed interviews with the committee there is one commonly referred to missing interview. And our team through a lot of diligence and digging we were able to find that and exactly what you just said was in there. He had testified to the committee he heard the conversation with Mark Meadows Offering up to 10000 troops. And even in early january not long after the attack on the capitol vanity fair of all publications had ran an article trump had offered National Guard told Secretary Miller you have full authorization to get the guard ready. That was in january by a liberal publication. There is much more evidence. We even have evidence from the white house transcribed interviews we receive from the white house employees were one of them said responded to a question by the select committee which was when President Trump first heard of the attack on the capitol what was his response . This white house employee who was physically with the president that day said his Immediate Response was get pelosi and millie on the phone and see what help they need. There are several instances where he had offered and was trying to get people to take the National Guard. It was pelosi. It turned on the offer. It was crucial to destroy the truth. It was crucial they cover it up. It was crucial that witnesses that corroborate the president s position that people who have evidence, that would demonstrate the president did what he said he did it was crucial that those people be silenced. That they not be heard their information be killed. They not have public testimony and so this whole argument about donald trump leading an insurrection and preached on an insurrection. Charged with the clan act and the rest but still the environment created about insurrection. Donald trump was it never ever ever involved in her promoted an insurrection and as a rational matter, congressman if you are supporting an insurrection wouldnt there be an email, a text, a sentence, a Witness Anywhere who said i heard trump say were going to take the building. I heard him call soandso and say were going to do these things, not one word. When we come back Cassidy Hud Section was eight key witness wrote her own book was taken under the wing of the list cheney. He found out information about that too. Israel said the proposal is based on unrealistic demands for im Christie Coleman and now back to life, liberty levin. It. Mark Wil Welcome Back america. Congressman what about Cassidy Hutchinson hit liz cheney took under her wing and got an enormous amount of publicity. Who wrote a book, what about her . What she is very interesting because she was interviewed probably more than anyone else for the first three interviews by the committee find up with everyone else that they had invited in to testify. But what is interesting some of this we have derived from her book and liz cheneys book is after a third transcribed interview she had a meeting with liz cheney. After that meeting she fired her existing attorney. Alyssa cheney arrange for her to get a different attorney and then they held a fourth transcribed interview. But unlike the others this was just her at liz cheney in her Hideaway Office in the capitol the only other presence was a court reporter. After words, liz cheney showed the videotape of her testimony and the committee moved to have an Emergency Hearing at that moment to parade her in front of america that she could tell the sensational stories they never tried to corroborate her story at all. In fact, Going Forward i told our team as we started looking at the transcribed interviews dont just look at the way people answer questions look at the questions that were asked and more importantly the questions that were not asked to. Many times they would not ask first hand my people had a firsthand account of these instances they would not ask these questions because they did not want anyone to give a Testimony Counter to it cassidyt Cassidy Hutchinson had testified. Mark that includes the beast, the president ial limousine she conveys a story or donald trump is struggling with the secret Service Agent driving the car for grabs him by the neck which is so preposterous. She wasnt there. It is all hearsay, if worse. They put her in front of the lights theres headlines everywhere but they did not bring in the people who were action ball that included the driver the secret Service Driver and the others who i understand from you in your report said none of that ever happen, correct . Quickset is correct but he had to interject that. She made these accusations in june they did not call the driver until september this is Arctic National news and they are pushing the narrative that trump is this irate guy whos crazy to try to choke a secret Service Officer tried to grab the Steering Wheel from the sky. You would think when they bring this guy in that is one thing they would ask him. They did not even ask him if that incident was true. He add to interj had to interjes own. That right there tells me they did not want to get to the truth they had the predetermined narrative theyre going to suppress anything that countered the sensational stories that she came up with. And again hers was third party y she said she heard tony called her over after the speech and said did you hear what happened in the beast . Tony testified in the same transcribed interview that we release, that never happened. He never told her anything like that and had never heard of that story at all until she testified to it in june. Im so again, they suppress anything goes contrary to what ms. Hutchinson said because her story played right into the narrative they want to sell to the American People. Mark you have to assume all this material that was destroyed the interviews and all the rest cut against their narrative otherwise why would they destroy it . That is a perfectly legitimate inference. You have to assume it was intentional, someone ordered it. And you have to assume there are witnesses to this. Liz cheney has made yourself the face of th and the voice of this committee. She has doubled down. Shes been all over the Internet Trashing anyone who disagrees with her. Keep referencing them to page whatever it is of the report which of course is not the final say. My question to you is this, are we going to be able to to the bottom of this the destruction of the information, the use of this committee and our tax dollars to advance another horrendous hit job on the former president and his staff . On behalf of the Democrat Party are we going to be able to get to the bottom of this . In other words at some points before the next election because god only hopes that you may not. Are we going to have testimony under oath under penalty of perjury by liz cheney and others so we can get to the bottom of this have them straighten it out, turn to the pages of the report they want you to show then show them the other information and ask him how that information did not get into this report and so forth and so on. Quickset is our plan we have a lot more investigation to go. We are going to build upon what we laid out in this report. We are already working overtime now on the next phase of information. And once we compile all of that together, at some point we are going to need people who were on that committee. We are going to call them in and ask them some difficult questions for them. Because we are going to have to make sure the American People not only know the truth of what happened but Something Like this never happens again this country. Amen. Congressman i want to thank you for what youre doing. Keep it up. Will definitely want to help have you back god bless you my friend. Ask god bless buzz baits bobbers. Baitcasters, and boat wakes. Rod bending , drag screaming, trophy dreaming the fish tales that lured you to go and the stories youll tell after. If that sounds like where you want to be. Then checkout Bass Pro Shops and cabelas Spring Fishing Classic for the biggest fishing boating sale of the year save up to an additional 5,000 on the worlds leading boat brands during the model year clearance event. Plus receive a free gift card up to 2000 with purchase. Your adventure starts here. You know that thing your family does . Yeah, that thing. Someone made it a thing, way back in the day. But where did it come from . And how did it get all the way to you . Curious . Ancestry can help you find out. Because that thing has a story, and its still being written. What are you waiting for, a sale . Well, lucky you. Welcome back up. I get request to interview authors. But it only went to interview authors who are interesting, compelling and who have written very, very good books i get this Book Written By Jesse Watters and i start to read it and i said this is a good book. What is this book about . Its called get it together its coming out tuesday get anywhere on amazon. Com. Outside what its about its about america who really in many respects the underside of america the radical elements, people who have taken a wrong turn. Something and jesse has really been interested in relate most of his career. This book is fascinating for each one of these stories theres like 20 of them in the book and he says get it together what he is saying is get your act together why are you a radical kook . Why are you doing it to yourself are you doing this to your life . Jesse watters its a pleasure to have you my friend why did you write this mike it is a fantastic book why did you write this book . What you always some in the streets during a Man On The Street interviews. I was always fascinated with radical people but i was only able to interview them for two or three minutes. Until i had back surgery. I started to kind of see the pain other people were in and it made me of all people empathetic. I started looking around, why are people the way they are . Why do they believe what they believe question were considered to minutes i talked to them for two hours and i found the common theme was that these people had lived totally dysfunctional childhoods. Their mothers were nympho maniacs their fathers were barstool dads, they grew up in abusive families and they did not know how to process their childhood. So, instead of what Healthy People do is to pick themselves up and say my moms crazy, my dads crazy i am fine, im going to make good decisions these people blamed america. They said i dont have issues, america has issues. And seven they get out in society and society tells them to knock it off they feel persecuted. They feel victimized by america on the way they solve that is by destroying everything around them. Destroying everything that has made america great. The pillars of western civilization, gender, family, sobriety. So we are witnessing and dysfunctional people that have been destroyed by their parents act out their revenge fantasies their daddy issues their Sibling Rivalries on the rest of america. Their problems have now become our problems. So i learned this am just trying to tell everybody they need to get it together my mom told me jesse when i was acting crazy, jesse, get it together. And i knew what that meant and if you have a majority of americans not accepting personal responsibility for themselves and making america the problem instead of fixing their own lives, you are not on the edge of a cliff it. You are on the precipice of potential violence in this country. So, if we dont get our act together, everybody we are in deep trouble. And we come back with her two or three stories in particular that really drew your attention that are illustrative of what you came across and the people he came across . You interviewed a person from you interviewed someone who was a prostitute youve entered interviewed people at this this takes guts too. [laughter] and what you folks to grab a copy of the book get it together, troubling tales from the liberal friend go to amazon. Com any major bookstore in america i encourage you to read it it really is a great book by a great guy. We will be right why choose a sleep number smart bed . Can it keep me warm when im cold . Wait. No im always hot. Sleep number does that. Now, save up to 1,000 on select sleep number smart beds. Plus, special financing. Shop now at sleepnumber. Com why are force factor vitamins so popular at walmart . Force factor uses the highest Quality Ingredients to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. Thats why Friends And Family Recommend Force factor. Rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. I was on a work trip when the Pulmonary Embolism happened. But because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. That saved my life. Mark welcome back america we are here with our friend Jesse Watters for the book is get it together, troubling tales from the liberal friends. You are going to find this book very intriguing and compelling. Lets jump in a little but you have a number story 20 or more. Tell me about blm supporter who you interviewed we tell the audience. This was a woman a white woman from the upper class in washington d. C. Now she is being sued by every member of her family. She grew up with both parents psychologists they over medicated her, her whole life they sent her to one of the crazy Boarding Schools in utah where they beat the discipline into you. She ended up marrying a finance guy who proposed to her with a ring pop just to satisfy her father. Ended up going through a vicious divorce and in order to get back at her dad, fell completely lost and joined a black lives matter. Started marching because she did not feel like she belonged anywhere and she thought it would be great revenge to her father who did not believe in any of that and wound up dating an africanamerican guy. Told me the best thing that could happen to her was this a gentleman is africanamerican gets her pregnant and she could show her father this baby. She had lost all control of her children. Now her exhusband has remarried and all of her family going to the wedding with her exhusband. And i asked her do you understand what you are protesting . Shes protesting against white people she does not understand a majority of the nypd are minorities she did not understand anything that she was up against and at the end she has this epiphany and said maybe white people arent that bad. We talked to a number people like this beneath the surface there is no logic to this Ideology Beat one gentleman went to Yale Divinity School in the became an atheist, it got divorced merit a feminist professor. Move to canada is now advocating for open borders. After a while you realize why he is doing this is because at a very young age he was sexually assaulted in a catholic church. And wants to destroy institutions that werent able to protect him as a child. That is why he wants to flood the United States with third world people and if you look into all of these stories people that want to legalize prostitution, legalize drugs, empty the prisons, something has happened to them psychologically that they are now projecting on the rest of america. And it makes no sense these are irrational things. We are now having to confront their problems and what my point is, you are problems are our problems get it together. Get together a lot of families can unfortunately identify this. They get calls all the time from people saying i raise my kids are properly a sent them to school and now theyve turned into some kind of a monster. It could be a Family Situation it also could be where you send your kid you really have to Pay Attention even people who want to be as responsible as possible about what you exposure children too. Parents are injuring their children some wittingly and some unwittingly the children take this injury and they selfdestruct. They are selfdestructing all over the country. We are collateral damage. And so they need to get it together because the rest of us are now being victimized by their problems. And so that Society Needs to learn how to say no, no one says no anymore dads dont say it, courts dont say it, teachers dont say it. We need to say no comment knock it off, get it together or else this country is going off a cliff. Whats only criticism of this book is a jessicas knot in it but thats okay. She is a very fine young lady there on the five to get it together troubling tales from the liberal friends you can get it at amazon. Com, any major bookstore i strongly encourage you to do it. Youre going to find this book absently a killer. Youre also going to see really heavy duty substance from her dear friend Jesse Watters on how he approaches these issues seriously and how he analyzes them its a really great but jesse well done my friend. Lexmark thanks so much im just glad im not going up against your book this time. That was very troubling. [laughter] im going against the pope thats the only person im going up against. Im counting on you. Thank you, thank you very much. You are the best when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. But you can repair it with Pronamel Repair. It penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. I recommend Pronamel Repair. With new Pronamel Repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. They work great together. Fox news is proud to bring you this sheâ– s a hero moment. I knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. Part of my journey is responding to looks. We have to look out for each other. We have to take care of each other. Dance is my safe space. I am autistic and i am a performer. And im really good at it. Once were in our own space and we get to create that space, its really fun. I am here because i have seen women do it. If you can see her, you can be her. Welcome back, america. Totalitarian democrat will discuss further tomorrow night and sunday life, liberty and levin. Ill focus in on chuck schumer, biden, sanders and the other reprobates calling for a Course Correction in israel. I guess is not aware they have elections, its and hypocrisy. I remember a time when democrats used to be upset about imperialist regimes and colonialist regime, they want to Imprison Donald Trump and they want acute against Benjamin Netanyahu. Its one thing to disagree with them but its one thing they disagree with you but they want to destroy you. They want to take your money from you, they want to take your freedom and they want you in prison and if youre overseas and dont believe in a two State Solution and you represent your people in israel and dont agree with joe biden and chuck schumer, need to be destroyed, to. Im going to address t more tomorrow night. Ill see you then on life, liberty and levin

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